2.4. XML Schema simple types
If a message part is going to be of a simple type it is not necessary to create a type definition for it. However, the complex types used by the interfaces defined in the contract are defined using simple types.
Entering simple types
XML Schema simple types are mainly placed in the
elements used in the types section of your contract. They are also used in the base
attribute of restriction
elements and extension
Simple types are always entered using the
prefix. For example, to specify that an element is of type int, you would enter xsd:int in its type
attribute as shown in Example 2.2, “Defining an element with a simple type”.
Example 2.2. Defining an element with a simple type
<element name="simpleInt" type="xsd:int" />
Supported XSD simple types
Apache CXF supports the following XML Schema simple types:
- xsd:string
- xsd:normalizedString
- xsd:int
- xsd:unsignedInt
- xsd:long
- xsd:unsignedLong
- xsd:short
- xsd:unsignedShort
- xsd:float
- xsd:double
- xsd:boolean
- xsd:byte
- xsd:unsignedByte
- xsd:integer
- xsd:positiveInteger
- xsd:negativeInteger
- xsd:nonPositiveInteger
- xsd:nonNegativeInteger
- xsd:decimal
- xsd:dateTime
- xsd:time
- xsd:date
- xsd:QName
- xsd:base64Binary
- xsd:hexBinary
- xsd:ID
- xsd:token
- xsd:language
- xsd:Name
- xsd:NCName
- xsd:anySimpleType
- xsd:anyURI
- xsd:gYear
- xsd:gMonth
- xsd:gDay
- xsd:gYearMonth
- xsd:gMonthDay