
Console Reference

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Red Hat JBoss Fuse

Quick access to the Apache Karaf shell commands packaged under JBoss Fuse.

Red Hat

26 Oct 2020


The primary interface for managing a container is the command console. This reference provides an easy way to see the commands, their syntax, and options.

Chapter 1. Using the Command Console


The Red Hat JBoss Fuse command console is the central tool for both managing the JBoss Fuse environment and interacting with Fuse Fabric. When you start JBoss Fuse the console starts automatically.
The console provides commands that you can use to perform basic management of your JBoss Fuse environment, including deploying and configuring applications.
The console uses prefixes to group commands relating to the same functionality. For example, commands related to configuration are prefixed config:, and logging-related commands are prefixed log:.

Starting the command console

To start JBoss Fuse open a command prompt in the installation directory and enter:
Windows bin\fuse
*NIX bin/fuse
JBoss Fuse starts and the console is ready. You should see a prompt similar to this:
 _ ____ ______ | | _ \ | ____| | | |_) | ___ ___ ___ | |__ _ _ ___ ___ _ | | _ < / _ \/ __/ __| | __| | | / __|/ _ \ | |__| | |_) | (_) \__ \__ \ | | | |_| \__ \ __/ \____/|____/ \___/|___/___/ |_| \__,_|___/\___| JBoss Fuse (6.0.0.redhat-xxx) Hit '<tab>' for a list of available commands and '[cmd] --help' for help on a specific command. Hit '<ctrl-d>' or 'osgi:shutdown' to shutdown JBoss Fuse. JBossFuse:karaf@root

Getting help

The console provides two levels of help:
  • console help—lists all of the commands along with a brief summary of the commands function
  • command help—provides a detailed description of a command and its arguments
To access the console help, enter the help command from the console prompt. It displays a grouped list of all the commands available in the console. Each command in the list is followed by a description, as shown in Example 1.1, “Console Help”.

Example 1.1. Console Help

JBossFuse:karaf@root> help
COMMANDS activemq:browse activemq:bstat activemq:create-broker Creates a broker instance. activemq:destroy-broker Destory a broker instance. activemq:list activemq:purge activemq:query admin:change-opts Changes the Java options of an existing container instance. admin:change-rmi-registry-port Changes the RMI registry port (used by management layer) of an existing container instance.
The help for each command includes the definition, the syntax, and the arguments and any options. To display the help for a command, type the command with the --help option. As shown in Example 1.2, “Help for a Command”, entering admin:start --help displays the help for that command.

Example 1.2. Help for a Command

JBossFuse:karaf@root> admin:start --help
DESCRIPTION admin:start Starts an existing container instance. SYNTAX admin:start [options] name ARGUMENTS name The name of the container instance OPTIONS --help Display this help message -o, --java-opts Java options when launching the instance 

Command completion

Pressing Tab at anytime provides you with a list of commands that can complete what you have already entered at the prompt. For example, if you enter active followed by Tab, a list similar to Example 1.3, “Console Commands” is shown.

Example 1.3. Console Commands

activemq:browse activemq:bstat activemq:create-broker activemq:destroy-broker activemq:list activemq:purge activemq:query JBossA-MQ:karaf@root>
If you press Tab without entering anything at the prompt, the console lists all of the available commands.

Command groups

Commands are grouped under prefixes according to functionality. Table 1.1, “Apache ActiveMQ Command Groups” summarizes the command groups available in the console. Click on a command group name for more information.
Table 1.1. Apache ActiveMQ Command Groups
Command GroupDescription
activemq Views and manages brokers and messages.
admin Creates, manages, and destroys containers.
camel Manages Apache Camel contexts and routes
config Manages configuration.
cxf Manages Apache CXF buses and endpoints.
dev Utilities that are useful for a developer while testing bundles in the container.
fab Manages the dependency resolution mechanism used by Fuse Application Bundles.
fabric Performs provisioning and configuration using Fuse Fabric.
features Performs provisioning based on Apache Karaf feature specs.
jaas Manages the console's security settings.
jbi Manage deployed JBI artifacts.
log Displays and configures logging.
nmr Lists NMR endpoints.
obr Accesses the OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR).
osgi Manages OSGi bundles.
packages Lists imported and exported packages.
patch Manages patches.
shell Performs basic console functions
ssh Creates and connects to a remote SSH server
web Lists the WARs deployed in the container.
zk Accesses and modifies entries in the Zookeeper registry.

Short version

Many of the console commands allow you to omit the group prefix.
If the command is only in one command groups, you can omit the group prefix. For example, you can enter bstat in place of activemq:bstat because it only exists in the activemq command group.
If the command exists in multiple command groups, you can still drop the prefix and the console will default to using the version of the command from one of the following command groups:
  • shell
  • osgi
  • admin
For example, info is equivalent to shell:info. If you wanted to use osgi:info, you need to enter the full command.

About console input

In console input, the Karaf shell drops leading zeros when the input appears to be a number. For example:
FuseMQ:karaf@root> echo 0123
FuseMQ:karaf@root> echo 00.123
This is a problem if you define a numeric username with a leading zero. The shell drops the leading zero and login attempts fail. To avoid this, do not use a zero as the first character in a numeric username. Alternatively, include at least one alphabetic character in a username.

Chapter 2. Shell Console Commands

The shell command group provides a number of commands that provide basic console functions such as displaying system information and showing the contents of files.
Type shell: then press Tab at the prompt to view the commands in this group.

2.1. shell:cat, cat


displays the contents of a file or URL


shell:cat [ -n ] [ --help ] {[ path ] | [ URL ]}


Table 2.1, “shell:cat Arguments” describes the arguments for this command.
Table 2.1. shell:cat Arguments
-n Display line numbers.
--help Displays the online help for this command
path The path(s) of the file to display, separated by whitespace (separated by - for STDIN)
URL The URL(s) to display, separated by whitespace (separated by - for STDIN)

2.2. shell:clear, clear


clears the console buffer


shell:clear [ --help ]


Table 2.2, “shell:clear Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 2.2. shell:clear Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command

2.3. shell:each, each


execute a closure on a list of arguments


shell:each [ --help ] { values } { function }


Table 2.3, “shell:each Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 2.3. shell:each Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
values The collection of arguments to iterate over.
functionThe function to execute.

2.4. shell:echo, echo


prints arguments to the standard output


shell:echo [ --help ] [ -n ] { argument ...}


Table 2.4, “shell:echo Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 2.4. shell:echo Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
-n Do not print the trailing newline character.
argument Specifies a space delimited list of arguments to print.

2.5. shell:exec, exec


Executes system processes. Do not use this command with interactive processes. For example, do not invoke: exec more /path/to/fuse.log. Doing this can lead to performance degradation.


shell:exec [ --help ] { command }


Table 2.5, “shell:exec Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 2.5. shell:exec Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
commandSpecifies the command, with arguments, to execute.

2.6. shell:grep, grep


displays lines matching a regular expression


shell:grep [ --help ] [[ -i ] | [ --ignore-case ]] [[ -w ] | [ --word-regexp ]] [[ -n ] | [ --line-number ]] [[ -x ] | [ --line-regexp ]] [[ -v ] | [ --invert-match ]] { regex }


Table 2.6, “shell:grep Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 2.6. shell:grep Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
-i, --ignore-case Ignore case distinctions in both the regex and the input files.
-w, --word-regexp
Select only lines containing matches that form whole words.
A match qualifies if it meets one of the following conditions:
  • The matching string is at the beginning of the line.
  • The matching string is preceded by a non-word constituent character.
  • The matching string is at the end of the line.
  • The matching string is followed by a non-word constituent character.
-n, --line-numberDisplay the line number of the match within its input file.
-x, --line-regexp Selects only those matches that exactly match the whole line.
-v, --invert-match Select non-matching lines.
regex Specifies the regular expression to match.

2.7. shell:head, head


displays the first lines of a file


shell:head [ --help ] [ -n numLines ] {[ path ] | [ URL ]}


Table 2.7, “shell:head Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 2.7. shell:head Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
-n Specifies the number of lines to display. Default is 1.
path The path(s) of the file to display, separated by whitespace (separated by - for STDIN)
URL Specifies the URL(s) to display, separated by whitespace (separated by - for STDIN)

2.8. shell:history, history


prints the command history


shell:history [ --help ]


Table 2.8, “shell:history Arguments” describes the arguments for this command.
Table 2.8. shell:history Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command

2.9. shell:if, if


executes an if/then/else block


shell:if [ --help ] { condition } { ifTrue } [ ifFalse ]


Table 2.9, “shell:if Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 2.9. shell:if Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
conditionBoolean condition.
ifTrueFunction to evaluate, if condition is true.
ifFalseFunction to evaluate, if condition is false.

2.10. shell:info, info


displays system information and statistics about the container


shell:info [ --help ]


Table 2.10, “shell:info Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 2.10. shell:info Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this utility

2.11. shell:java, java


execute a Java application


shell:java [ --help ] [[ -m ] | [ --method ] methodName] { className } [ arguments ]


Table 2.11, “shell:java Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 2.11. shell:java Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-m, --methodSpecifies the name of a method to invoke. The default is main().
className Specifies the name of the class to invoke.
arguments Specifies the arguments to pass to the method of the given className.

2.12. shell:logout, logout


disconnects the shell from the current session


shell:logout [ --help ]


Table 2.12, “shell:logout Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 2.12. shell:logout Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command

2.13. shell:more, more


displays output as pages of a specified length


shell:more [ --help ] [ --lines numLines ]


Table 2.13, “shell:more Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 2.13. shell:more Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
--lines Specifies the number of lines to display before pausing.

2.14. shell:new, new


creates a new Java object of the specified class


shell:new [ --help ] { class } [ arg ...]


Table 2.14, “shell:new Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 2.14. shell:new Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
classThe class of the object to create.
argsThe constructor arguments.

2.15. shell:printf, printf


formats and prints the specified output


shell:printf [ --help ] { format } { arguments }


Table 2.15, “shell:printf Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 2.15. shell:printf Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
format The output format pattern to use
arguments The arguments for the given format pattern

2.16. shell:sleep, sleep


sleeps for a specified time, then wakes up


shell:sleep [ --help ] [[ -s ] | [ --second ]] { duration }


Table 2.16, “shell:sleep Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 2.16. shell:sleep Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-s, --second Specify the duration in seconds (instead of milliseconds).
duration The time to sleep in milliseconds (default) or in seconds (with the -s option).

2.17. shell:sort, sort


writes a sorted concatenation of the specified files to standard output


shell:sort [ --help ] [[ -t ] | [ --field-separator ] sep] [[ -b ] | [ --ignore-leading-blanks ]] [[ -f ] | [ --ignore-case ]] [[ -r ] | [ --reverse ]] [[ -k ] | [ --key ] keys] [[ -n ] | [ --numeric-sort ]] [[ -u ] | [ --unique ]] { file ...}


Table 2.17, “shell:sort Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 2.17. shell:sort Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-t, --field-separator Specifies a character to use as a field separator. The default is whitespace.
-b, --igonore-leading-blanks Igonores leading blanks.
-f, --ignore-case Ignores case when sorting.
-r, --reverse Reverses the result of the sort.
-k, --key Specifies a space delimited list of fields to use for sorting.
-n, --numeric-set Compares according to string numerical value.
-u, --unique Outputs only the first of an equal run.
files Specifies a space delimited list of files to sort.

2.18. shell:source, source


run a shell script


shell:source [ --help ] { script } [ arguments ]


Table 2.18, “shell:source Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 2.18. shell:source Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
script A URI pointing to the script
arguments Arguments to pass to the script

2.19. shell:tac, tac


captures the STDIN and returns it as a string and optionally writes the content to a file


shell:tac [ --help ] [ -f fileName ]


Table 2.19, “shell:tac Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 2.19. shell:tac Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-f Specifies the name of the file into which the output is written.

2.20. shell:tail, tail


displays the last lines of a file


shell:head [ --help ] [ -n lineNum ] [ -s seconds ] [ -f ] {[ path ] | [ URL ]...}


Table 2.20, “shell:tail Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 2.20. shell:tail Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
-n Specifies the number of lines to display. The default is 1.
-s Specifies the interval, in seconds, to sleep before checking for changes to display.
-f Follow file changes.
path A space delimited list of file paths to display.
URL A space delimited list of file URLs to display.

2.21. shell:watch, watch


watches and refreshes the output of a command


shell:watch [ --help ] [[ -n ] | [ --interval ] seconds] { command }


Table 2.21, “shell:watch Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 2.21. shell:watch Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-n,--intervalSpecifies the interval, in seconds, between executions of the command. The default is 1.
command Specifies the command to watch and refresh.

Chapter 3. ActiveMQ Console Commands

The activemq commands allow you to view and manage the brokers and messages.
Type activemq: then press Tab at the prompt to view the available commands.

3.1. activemq:browse, browse


displays messages on a specified destination


activemq:browse { --amqurl brokerURL } [ --msgsel { msgsel ...} ] [ --factory className ] [ --passwordFactory className ] [ --user username ] [ --password password ] [ --view { attr ...} ] [[ -Vheader ] | [ -Vcustom ] | [ -Vbody ]] [ --version ] [[ --help ] | [ -h ] | [ -? ]] destName


Table 3.1, “activemq:browse Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 3.1. activemq:browse Arguments
--amqurl brokerURL Specifies the URL of the broker to which you are connecting.
--msgsel msgsel1,msgsel2,...Displays messages matched by the message selector.
--factory classNameLoad className as the javax.jms.ConnectionFactory to use for creating connections.
--passwordFactory classNameLoad className as the org.apache.activemq.console.command.PasswordFactory for retrieving the password from a keystore.
--user usernameUsername to use for JMS connections.
--password passwordPassword to use for JMS connections.
-Vheader Shows all the standard JMS message headers.
-VcustomShows all the custom fields added to each JMS message.
-VbodyShows the body of the message.
--view attr1,attr1,... Selects the specific attribute of the message to view.
--versionDisplays the version information.
-h, -?, --helpDisplays the online help for this command.

Message filters

Message filters specified using the --msgsel option take the form header=value. Table 3.2, “Message Headers for Filtering” lists the headers you can use to filter messages.
Table 3.2. Message Headers for Filtering
JMSDeliveryMode1-Non-Persistent, 2-Persistent
JMSRedelivered boolean


The following command prints the JMS message header, custom message header, and message body of all the messages in the queue TEST.FOO on a broker:
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root>activemq:browse --amqurl tcp://localhost:61616 TEST.FOO
The following command displays the attributes from the body of the messages in the TEST.FOO queue:
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root>activemq:browse --amqurl tcp://localhost:61616 -Vbody TEST.FOO
The following command displays any messages with an ID ending in 10:
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root>activemq:browse --amqurl tcp://localhost:61616 --msgsel JMSMessaageID='*:10' TEST.FOO
The following command displays messages with a priority of 3, enter:
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root>activemq:browse --amqurl tcp://localhost:61616 --msgsel JMSPriority=3 TEST.FOO
The message selectors from the preceding two examples can be combined as follows:
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root>activemq:browse --amqurl tcp://localhost:61616 --msgsel JMSMessaageID='*:10',JMSPriority=3 TEST.FOO

3.2. activemq:bstat, bstat


summarizes the statistics for a broker


activemq:bstat [ --jmxurl JMXUrl ] [ --pid PID ] [ -jmxuser userName ] [ -jmxpassword password ] [ -jmxlocal ] [ --version ] [[ --help ] | [ -h ] | [ -? ]] { brokerName }


Table 3.3, “activemq:bstat Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 3.3. activemq:bstat Arguments
--jmxurl URL Sets the JMX URL used to locate brokers.
--pid PID Set the pid to connect to (only on Sun JVM).
--jmxuser user Sets the JMX user, used for authentication.
--jmxpassword password Sets the JMX password, used for authentication.
--jmxlocal Use the local JMX server instead of a remote server.
--version Displays the version information.
-h, -?, --help Displays the online help for this command.
brokerNameThe name of the broker

3.3. activemq:list


lists all available brokers in the specified JMX context


activemq:list [ --jmxurl JMXUrl ] [ --pid PID ] [ -jmxuser userName ] [ -jmxpassword password ] [ -jmxlocal ] [ --version ] [[ --help ] | [ -h ] | [ -? ]]


Table 3.4, “activemq:list Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 3.4. activemq:list Arguments
--jmxurl URL Sets the JMX URL to connect to
--pid PID Set the pid to connect to (only on Sun JVM).
--jmxuser user Sets the JMX user, used for authentication
--jmxpassword password Sets the JMX password, used for authentication
--jmxlocal Specifies to use the local JMX server instead of a remote server
--version Displays the version information
-h, -?, --help Displays the online help for this command

3.4. activemq:purge, purge


purges messages from a destination


activemq:purge [ --msgsel { msgsel ...} ] [ --pid PID ] [ --jmxurl JMXUrl ] [ -jmxuser userName ] [ -jmxpassword password ] [ -jmxlocal ] [ --version ] [[ --help ] | [ -h ] | [ -? ]] { destName }


Table 3.5, “activemq:purge Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 3.5. activemq:purge Arguments
--msgsel msgsel1,msgsel2,...Purges messages matched by the message selector. See the section called “Message filters”.
--jmxurl URL Sets the JMX URL used to locate the broker.
--pid PID Set the pid to connect to (only on Sun JVM).
--jmxuser user Sets the JMX user, used for authentication.
--jmxpassword password Sets the JMX password, used for authentication.
--jmxlocal Specifies to use the local JMX server instead of a remote server
--version Displays the version information
-h, -?, --help Displays the online help for this command
destName The specified message destination(s)


The following command purges all the messages in the queue TEST.FOO on a broker:
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root>activemq:purge TEST.FOO
The following command purges any messages with an ID ending in 10:
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root>activemq:purge --msgsel JMSMessaageID='*:10' TEST.FOO
The following command purges messages with a priority of 3, enter:
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root>activemq:purge --msgsel JMSPriority=3 TEST.FOO
The message selectors from the preceding two examples can be combined as follows:
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root>activemq:purge --msgsel JMSMessaageID='*:10',JMSPriority=3 TEST.FOO

3.5. activemq:query, query


queries the for broker information on specific objects


activemq:query [ -QMBeanType=name ] [ -xQMBeanType=name ] [ --objname query ] [ --xobjname query ] [ --view { attr ...} ] [ --jmxurl JMXUrl ] [ --pid PID ] [ -jmxuser userName ] [ -jmxpassword password ] [ -jmxlocal ] [ --version ] [[ --help ] | [ -h ] | [ -? ]]


Table 3.6, “activemq:query Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 3.6. activemq:query Arguments
-Q type=nameAdds to the search list the specific object type matched by the defined object identifier.
-xQ type=nameRemoves from the search list the specific object type matched by the object identifier.
--objname queryAdds to the search list objects matched by the query similar.
--xobjname queryRemoves from the search list objects matched by the query.
--view attr1,attr2,...Selects the specific attribute of the object to view. By default, all attributes are displayed.
--jmxurl URLSets the JMX URL to connect to.
--pid PID Set the pid to connect to (only on Sun JVM).
--jmxuser user Sets the JMX user, used for authentication
--jmxpassword password Sets the JMX password, used for authentication
--jmxlocal Specifies to use the local JMX server instead of a remote server
--version Displays the version information
-h, -?, --help Displays the online help for this command


The following command displays all attributes and object name information for all registered MBeans in the default JMX context:
The following command displays all attributes and object name information of the destination topic TEST.FOO:
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root>activemq:query -QTopic=TEST.FOO
The following command displays all the brokers in a context whose name ends in host:
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root>activemq:query -QBroker=*host
the Following command displays all attributes and object name information for all registered queues:
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root>activemq:query -QQueue=*
The following command displays all attributes and object name information for all topics ending with .FOO except those that also begin with ActiveMQ.Advisory.:
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root>activemq:query -QTopic=*.FOO -xQTopic=ActiveMQ.Advisory.*

Chapter 4. Admin Console Commands

The admin commands allow you to create, manage and destroy container instances.
Type admin: then press Tab at the FuseMQkaraf:karaf@root> prompt to view the available commands.

4.1. admin:change-opts, change-opts


changes the Java options of an existing container


admin:change-opts [ --help ] { name } { opts }


Table 4.1, “admin:change-opts Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 4.1. admin:change-opts Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
name The name of the container for which you want to change the Java options
opts The Java options to change

4.2. admin:change-rmi-registry-port, change-rmi-registry-port


changes the RMI registry port used by the management layer of a container


admin:change-rmi-registry-port [ --help ] { name } { port }


Table 4.2. admin:change-rmi-registry-port Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
name The name of the container instance for which you want to change the port
port The new RMI registry port

4.3. admin:change-rmi-server-port, change-rmi-server-port


changes the RMI server port used by the management layer of a container


admin:change-rmi-server-port [ --help ] { name } { port }


Table 4.3. admin:change-rmi-server-port Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
name The name of the container instance for which you want to change the port
port The new RMI server port

4.4. admin:change-ssh-port, changessh-port


changes the secure shell port of a container


admin:change-ssh-port [ --help ] { name } { port }


Table 4.4, “admin:change-ssh-port Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 4.4. admin:change-ssh-port Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
name The name of the container instance for which you want to change the port
port The new secure shell port

4.5. admin:clone, clone


clones an existing container instance


admin:clone [ --help ] [[ -l ] | [ --location ]fileName] [[ -o ] | [ --java-opts ]JVMOpts] [[ -s ] | [ --ssh-port ]port] [[ -rs ] | [ --rmi-server-port ]port] [[ -r ] | [ -rr ] | [ --rmi-port ] | [ --rmi-registry-port ]port] [[ -v ] | [ --verbose ]] { name } { cloneName }


Table 4.5, “admin:clone Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 4.5. admin:clone Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-l, --location Location of the cloned container instance in the file system.
-o, --java-opts JVM options to use when launching the cloned instance.
-s, --ssh-port Port number for remote secure shell connection.
-rs, --rmi-server-port Port number for RMI server connection.
-r, -rr, --rmi-port, --rmi-registry-port Port number for RMI registry connection.
-v, --verbose Display actions performed by the command (disabled by default).
name Name of the original container instance.
cloneName Name of the cloned container instance.

4.6. admin:connect, connect


connects to an existing container


admin:connect [ --help ] [[ -u ] | [ --username ] userName] [[ -p ] | [ --password ] password] { container } [ command ]


Table 4.6, “admin:connect Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 4.6. admin:connect Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-u, --username The remote user name; the default is karaf
-p, --password The remote user password; the default is karaf
container The container to connect to
command Command to execute on connecting

4.7. admin:create, create


creates a new child container


admin:create [ --help ] [[ -l ] | [ --location ] filePath] [[ -furl ] | [ --featureURL ] URL...] [[ -f ] | [ --feature ] feature...] [[ -s ] | [ --ssh-port ] SSHPort] [[ -rs ] | [ --rmi-server-port ] RMIServPort] [[ -r ] | [ -rr ] | [ --rmi-registry-port ] | [ --rmi-port ] RMIRegPort] [[ -o ] | [ --java-opts ] javaOpts] { name }


Table 4.7, “admin:create Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 4.7. admin:create Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-l, --location The location of the child's data folders on the file system. By default, the child's data is added to the InstallDir/instances/name directory
-furl, --featureURLRegisters additional feature URLs with the child.
-f, --featureSpecifies additional features loaded by the child.
-s, --ssh-port The port number for remote secure shell connection
-rs, --rmi-server-port The port number for RMI server connection
-r, -rr, --rmi-registry-port, --rmi-port The port number for RMI registry connection
-o, --java-optsJVM options to use when launching the child
name The name of the child

4.8. admin:destroy, destroy


destroys a child container


admin:destroy [ --help ] { name }


Table 4.8, “admin:destroy Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 4.8. admin:destroy Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
name The name of the container to destroy

4.9. admin:list


list all of the child containers on the current host


admin:list [ --help ] [[ -l ] | [ --location ] filePath] [[ -o ] | [ --java-opts ] javaOpts]


Table 4.9, “admin:list Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 4.9. admin:list Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-l, --location Displays the location of the container instances
-o, --java-opts Displays the options used when launching the container's JVM

4.10. admin:rename, rename


renames a child container


admin:rename [ --help ] { name } { new-name }


Table 4.10, “admin:rename Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 4.10. admin:rename Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
name Current name of the container
new-name The new name for the container

4.11. admin:start


starts a child container


admin:start [ --help ] [[ -o ] | [ --java-opts ] javaOpts] { name }


Table 4.11, “admin:start Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 4.11. admin:start Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-o, --java-opts The Java options used when launching the container
name The name of the container to start

4.12. admin:stop


stops a child container


admin:stop [ --help ] { name }


Table 4.12, “admin:stop Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 4.12. admin:stop Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
name The name of the container to start

Chapter 5. Camel Console Commands

The camel commands are used for managing Camel contexts and routes.
Camel Karaf commands about routes no longer need the context as a second parameter. It is now an optional parameter. However, if you do not provide the context, the command is then considered as a bulk operation for all the camel contexts.

5.1. camel:context-info


display detailed information about the specified Camel context


camel:context-info [ --help ] { contextName }


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 5.1. camel:context-info Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
contextName The name of the Camel context.

5.2. camel:context-list


list all active Camel contexts


camel:context-list [ --help ]


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 5.2. camel:context-list Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command

5.3. camel:context-start


start up the specified Camel context


camel:context-start [ --help ] { contextName }


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 5.3. camel:context-start Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
contextName The name of the Camel context.

5.4. camel:context-stop


stop the specified Camel context


camel:context-stop [ --help ] { contextName }


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 5.4. camel:context-stop Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
contextName The name of the Camel context.

5.5. camel:endpoint-list


lists all deployed Camel endpoints


camel:endpoint-list [ --help ]


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 5.5. camel:endpoint-list Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command

5.6. camel:route-info


display detailed information about the specified Camel route


camel:route-info [ --help ] { route } [ contextName ]


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 5.6. camel:route-info Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
route The Camel route ID.
contextName (Optional) The Camel context name.

5.7. camel:route-list


list the Camel routes


camel:route-list [ --help ] [ contextName ]


You can optionally restrict the listing to show only the routes belonging to the specified Camel context.


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 5.7. camel:route-list Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
contextName (Optional) The Camel context name.

5.8. camel:route-resume


resume the specified Camel route (which was previously suspended)


camel:route-resume [ --help ] { route } [ contextName ]


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 5.8. camel:route-resume Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
route The Camel route ID.
contextName (Optional) The Camel context name.

5.9. camel:route-show


display the Camel route definition in XML format


camel:route-show [ --help ] { route } [ contextName ]


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 5.9. camel:route-show Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
route The Camel route ID.
contextName (Optional) The Camel context name.

5.10. camel:route-start


start the specified Camel route


camel:route-start [ --help ] { route } [ contextName ]


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 5.10. camel:route-start Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
route The Camel route ID.

5.11. camel:route-stop


stop the specified Camel route


camel:route-stop [ --help ] { route } [ contextName ]


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 5.11. camel:route-stop Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
route The Camel route ID.
contextName (Optional) The Camel context name.

5.12. camel:route-suspend


suspend the specified Camel route


camel:route-suspend [ --help ] { route } [ contextName ]


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 5.12. camel:route-suspend Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
route The Camel route ID.
contextName (Optional) The Camel context name.

5.13. camel:context-inflight


Displays the list of inflight exchanges.


camel:context-inflight [ --help ] { contextName }


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 5.13. camel:context-inflight Arguments
name The name of the Camel context.


It provides the following options.
Table 5.14. camel:context-inflight Options
--help Displays the online help for this command. 
--list To limit the number of exchanges shown. 
--sort When the value is true, sort by longest duration and when the value is false, sort by exchange id. 

5.14. camel:component-list


Lists all Camel components that are in use in Karaf.


camel:component-list [ --help ] { contextName }


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 5.15. camel:component-list Arguments
name The name of the Camel context.


It provides the following options.
Table 5.16. camel:component-list Options
--help Displays the online help for this command. 

5.15.  camel:route-profile


Displays the profile information about Camel route(s).


camel:route-profile [ --help ] { contextName } { route }


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 5.17. camel:route-profile Arguments
name The name of the Camel context.
route The Camel route ID.


It provides the following options.
Table 5.18. camel:route-profile Options
--help Displays the online help for this command. 

5.16. camel:rest-registry-list


Lists all the Camel REST services enlisted in the Rest Registry from a CamelContext.


camel:rest-registry-list [ --help ] { contextName }


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 5.19. camel:rest-registry-list Arguments
name The name of the Camel context where to look for the REST services.


It provides the following options.
Table 5.20. camel:rest-registry-list Options
--help Displays the online help for this command. 

5.17. camel:route-reset-stats


Reset route performance stats from a CamelContext


camel:route-reset-stats [ --help ] { contextName }


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 5.21. camel:route-reset-stats Arguments
name The Camel context name.


It provides the following options.
Table 5.22. camel:route-reset-stats Options
--help Displays the online help for this command. 

5.18. camel:context-suspend


Suspends a Camel context.


camel:context-suspend [ --help ] { contextName }


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 5.23. camel:context-suspend Arguments
name The Camel context name.


It provides the following options.
Table 5.24. camel:context-suspend Options
--help Displays the online help for this command. 

5.19. camel:rest-show


Displays the Camel REST definition in XML.


camel:rest-show [ --help ] { contextName }


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 5.25. camel:rest-show Arguments
name The Camel context name.


It provides the following options.
Table 5.26. camel:rest-show Options
--help Displays the online help for this command. 

5.20. camel:eip-explain


Displays about the EIP in the CamelContext.


camel:eip-explain [ --help ] { contextName } { nameOrId }


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 5.27. camel:eip-explain Arguments
name The Camel context name.
nameOrId The name of the EIP or a node id


It provides the following options.
Table 5.28. camel:eip-explain Options
--help Displays the online help for this command. 

5.21. camel:context-resume


Resumes a Camel context.


camel:context-resume [ --help ] { contextName }


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 5.29. camel:context-resume Arguments
name The Camel context name.


It provides the following options.
Table 5.30. camel:context-resume Options
--help Displays the online help for this command. 

5.22. camel:endpoint-explain


Explain all Camel endpoints available in the CamelContext.


camel:endpoint-explain [ --help ] [ --filter ] { contextName }


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 5.31. camel:endpoint-explain Arguments
name The Camel context name.


It provides the following options.
Table 5.32. camel:endpoint-explain Options
--help Displays the online help for this command. 
--filter To filter endpoints by pattern. 

Chapter 6. Config Console Commands

The config commands are used for managing container configuration. The configuration data is edited in two stages. First the changes are queued until they are dynamically loaded into the container by executing the config:update command. A copy of the configuration is persisted to the file system in the container's etc folder.
When editing a configuration the commands are used as follows:
  1. Start the editing session for the specified configuration.
  2. Edits, or creates, a configuration.
    • config:proplist
      Lists the properties in the configuration.
    • config:propappend
      Append a new property to the configuration.
    • config:propset
      Sets the value for a configuration property.
    • config:propdel
      Deletes a property from the configuration.
  3. config:update
    Saves the changes and updates the containers using the configuration.
You can abandon an editing session using config:cancel.
Type config: then press Tab at the prompt to view the available commands.

6.1. config:cancel


cancels the changes to the configuration being edited


config:cancel [ --help ]


When editing a configuration, the changes are buffered until the editing session is closed. The config:cancel command clears the buffer without saving the changes and closes the editing session.
You can see a list of the buffered changes using the jaas:pending command.


Table 6.1, “config:cancel Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 6.1. config:cancel Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command

6.2. config:delete, delete


deletes a configuration from the container


config:delte [ --help ] [[ -f ] | [ --use-file ]] [ --no-delete-cfg-file ] { pid }


When you delete a configuration, the change is made directly on the running container. Any properties set in the configuration are reverted to their default values and the behavior of the container will be immediate.
If you use the --no-delete-cfg-file argument, the original settings can be reloaded from the configuration file.


Table 6.2, “config:delete Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 6.2. config:delete Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
-f, --use-fileUse a filename instead of the PID to locate the configuration.
--no-delete-cfg-fileDoes not delete the associated configuration file from the container's etc folder.
pid Specifies the configuration's persistent identifier.

6.3. config:edit, edit


begins an editing session for a configuration. If the configuration does not exist a new configuration is created.


config:edit [ --help ] [ --force ] [[ -f ] | [ --use-file ]] { pid }


The config:edit command is the first step in editing a container configuration. It opens the configuration so that calls to the config:* editing commands will update the selected configuration. The edits made by the config:* editing commands are placed in a buffer associated with the selected configuration and not propagated to the container, or the file system, until the editing session is ended by the config:update command.
If you use the config:edit command before saving the changes to a configuration that is open for editing, the changes to the previously open configuration are abandoned. The pending edits cleared without being saved.


Table 6.3, “config:edit Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 6.3. config:edit Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
--force Forces the editing of this configuration, even if another configuration was being edited
-f, --use-fileUse a filename instead of the PID to locate the configuration
pid The persistent identifier of the configuration

6.4. config:list


lists the existing configurations for the container


config:list [ --help ] [ query ]


Table 6.4, “config:list Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 6.4. config:list Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
query An LDAP query

6.5. config:propappend, propappend


appends the given value to an existing property or creates the property with the specified name and value


config:propappend [ --help ] [[ -b ] | [ --bypass-storage ]] [[ -p PID ] | [ --pid PID ]] { name } { value }


When you append a value to a property using the config:propappend command, the change is stored in the buffer and not propagated to the container until the editing session is closed.
If you use the -p argument to specify a PID, however, the change is made immediately.


Table 6.5, “config:propappend Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 6.5. config:propappend Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
-b, --bypass-storageDoe not write the change to the local file.
-p, --pidSpecifies the PID of the configuration in which to make the change. The default is to change the configuration currently open for editing.
name Specifies the name of the property to change.
value Specifies the value to append to the property.

6.6. config:propdel, propdel


deletes a property from the configuration being edited


config:propdel [ --help ] [[ -b ] | [ --bypass-storage ]] [[ -p PID ] | [ --pid PID ]] { name }


When you delete a property using the config:propdel command, the change is stored in the buffer and not propagated to the container until the editing session is closed.
If you use the -p argument to specify a PID, however, the change is made immediately.


Table 6.6, “config:propdel Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 6.6. config:propdel Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
-b, --bypass-storageDoes not write the change to the local file.
-p, --pidSpecifies the PID of the configuration in which to make the change. The default is to change the configuration currently open for editing.
name Specifies the name of the property to delete.

6.7. config:proplist, proplist


lists the properties in the configuration being edited


config:proplist [ --help ] [[ -p PID ] | [ --pid PID ]]


Table 6.7, “config:proplist Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 6.7. config:proplist Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-p, --pidThe PID of the configuration in which to make the change

6.8. config:propset, propset


sets a property in the configuration being edited


config:propset [ --help ] [[ -b ] | [ --bypass-storage ]] [[ -p PID ] | [ --pid PID ]] { name } { value }


When you set a property using the config:propset command, the change is stored in the buffer and not propagated to the container until the editing session is closed.
If you use the -p argument to specify a PID, however, the change is made immediately.


Table 6.8, “config:propset Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 6.8. config:propset Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.
-b, --bypass-storageDoes not write the change to the local file.
-p, --pidSpecifies the PID of the configuration in which to make the change. The default is to change the configuration currently open for editing.
name Specifies the name of the property to set.
value Specifies the value to set for the property.

6.9. config:update


saves the changes made to the configuration being edited and propagates then to the container


config:propset [ --help ] [[ -b ] | [ --bypass-storage ]]


Table 6.9, “config:update Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 6.9. config:update Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-b, --bypass-storageDo not update the copy of the configuration on the file system

Chapter 7. CXF Console Commands

The cxf commands are used for managing Apache CXF buses and endpoints. If these commands are not already loaded into the console, you can load them using the following console command:
JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:install cxf-commands

7.1. cxf:list-busses


lists all Apache CXF buses


cxf:list-busses [ --help ]


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 7.1. cxf:list-busses Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command

7.2. cxf:list-endpoints


list all active endpoints belonging to the specified Apache CXF bus


cxf:list-endpoints [ --help ] { busID }


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 7.2. cxf:list-endpoints Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
busID The Apache CXF bus ID.

7.3. cxf:start-endpoint


start the specified Apache CXF endpoint belonging to the specified bus


cxf:start-endpoint [ --help ] { busID } { endpointName }


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 7.3. cxf:start-endpoint Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
busID The Apache CXF bus ID.
endpointName The name of the Apache CXF endpoint.

7.4. cxf:stop-endpoint


stop the specified Apache CXF endpoint belonging to the specified bus


cxf:stop-endpoint [ --help ] { busID } { endpointName }


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 7.4. cxf:stop-endpoint Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
busID The Apache CXF bus ID.
endpointName The name of the Apache CXF endpoint.

Chapter 8. Dev Console Commands

The dev commands are a collection of utilities that are useful testing bundles in the container.
Type dev: then press Tab at the prompt to view the available commands.

8.1. dev:classloaders, classloaders


displays a list of leaking bundle classloaders


dev:classloaders [ --help ]


Table 8.1, “dev:classloader Arguments” describes the commands arguments.
Table 8.1. dev:classloader Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command

8.2. dev:create-dump, create-dump


creates a ZIP file containing diagnostic information


dev:create-dump [ --help ] [[ -d dumpFolder ] | [ --directory dumpFolder ]] { dumpName }


Table 8.2, “dev:create-dump Arguments” describes the commands arguments.
Table 8.2. dev:create-dump Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command
-d, --directorySpecifies the folder into which to store the dump
dumpNameSpecifies the name for the dump file

8.3. dev:dynamic-import, dynamic-import


enables/disables dynamic imports for a bundle


dev:dynamic-import [ --help ] { bundleID }


Table 8.3, “dev:dynamic-import Arguments” describes the commands arguments.
Table 8.3. dev:dynamic-import Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
bundleIDA bundle ID.

8.4. dev:framework, framework


enables/disables debugging for an OSGi framework


dev:framework [ --help ] {[[ -debug ] | [ --enable-debug ]] [[ -nodebug ] | [ --disable-debug ]]} { framework }


Table 8.4, “dev:framework Arguments” describes the commands arguments.
Table 8.4. dev:framework Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command
-nodebug, --disable-debugDisable debugging for the OSGi framework.
-debug, --enable-debugEnable debugging for the OSGi framework.
framework Name of the OSGi framework

8.5. dev:print-stack-traces, print-stack-traces


enables/disables printing of full stack traces in the console when the execution of a command throws an exception


dev:print-stack-traces [ --help ] [ false ]


Table 8.5, “dev:print-stack-traces Arguments” describes the commands arguments.
Table 8.5. dev:print-stack-traces Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
falseDisables stack traces

8.6. dev:restart


restart the container


dev:restart [ --help ] [[ -c ] | [ --clean ]]


Table 8.6, “dev:restart Arguments” describes the commands arguments.
Table 8.6. dev:restart Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-c, --cleanForce a clean (cold) restart by deleting the container's data directory.

8.7. dev:show-tree, show-tree


shows the tree of bundles based on the wiring information


dev:show-tree [ --help ] { bundleID }


Table 8.7, “dev:show-tree Arguments” describes the commands arguments.
Table 8.7. dev:show-tree Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command
bundleIDA bundle ID.

8.8. dev:threads, threads


shows the threads in the JVM


dev:threads [ --help ] [[ -f ] | [ --flat ]]


Table 8.8, “dev:threads Arguments” describes the commands arguments.
Table 8.8. dev:threads Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command
-f, --flatDo not show the threads in a tree

8.9. dev:wait-for-service, wait-for-service


wait for the specified OSGi service


dev:wait-for-service [ --help ] [[ -t ] | [ --timeout ]timeout] [[ -e ] | [ --exception ]] { serviceClassOrFilter }


This command is useful when you are developing a console script and you want to wait for a specific OSGi service to start up, before proceeding with the execution of the script.
For example, the various command sets installed in the console (shell:*, admin:*, features:*, and so on) are represented by OSGi services of type, If you want to check that a sub-shell service is available, you could enter the following console command:
karaf@root> dev:wait-for-service -t 1000
This form of the command is not very useful in this case, because there are many different instances of the SubShell service installed in the container. To be more specific, you can define an LDAP filter, which specifies one or more service property values. For example, you can wait specifically for the osgi sub-shell service by entering a command like the following:
karaf@root> dev:wait-for-service -t 1000 &(


Table 8.9, “dev:wait-for-service Arguments” describes the commands arguments.
Table 8.9. dev:wait-for-service Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command
-t, --timeoutTimeout (specified in milliseconds: negative to not wait at all, zero to wait forever). Default is forever.
-e, --exceptionThrow an exception if the wait command times out (the service is not found). Default is false.
serviceClassOrFilterSpecifies the OSGi service either by the service's class name or by an LDAP-style filter (which is applied to the OSGi service's properties).

8.10. dev:watch, watch


watches and automatically updates bundles


dev:watch [ --help ] [[ --start ] | [ --stop ]] [ -i interval ] [ --list ] [ --remove ] { bundles ...}


Table 8.10, “dev:watch Arguments” describes the commands arguments.
Table 8.10. dev:watch Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command
--stopStop watching the specified bundles
--startStart watching the specified bundles
-iSpecifies the interval, in milliseconds, to check the bundles.
--listList the bundles being watched.
--removeRemove the specified bundles from the watch list.
bundles...Specifies a whitespace delimited list of bundle URLs or bundle IDs.
Only Maven URLs and Maven snapshots will be updated automatically. So, if you run
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root> dev:watch *
You are monitoring all bundles that have a location matching mvn:* that have -SNAPSHOT in their URL.

Chapter 9. Fabric Console Commands

This chapter describes fabric console commands.

9.1. fabric:cluster-list


lists the members of a cluster


fabric:cluster-list [ --help ] [ Path ]


This command lists the members of the specified cluster, where the cluster can be a cluster of message brokers, a cluster of servlets, or a cluster of Web applications.
For example, to list all of the servlet services in the Fabric, enter the following console command:
fabric:cluster-list servlets
To list all of the Web application services in the Fabric, enter the following console command:
fabric:cluster-list webapps


Table 9.1, “fabric:cluster-list Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.1. fabric:cluster-list Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command
PathPath of the fabric registry node (Zookeeper registry node) to list. Relative paths are evaluated relative to the base node, /fabric/registry/clusters. If not specified, all clusters are listed

Related topics

Section 9.35, “fabric:mq-create”

9.2. fabric:cloud-firewall-edit


manage a cloud container's firewall


fabric:cloud-firewall-edit [ --help ] [ --owner owner ] [ --option key=value ]


Table 9.2, “fabric:cloud-firewall-edit Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.2. fabric:cloud-firewall-edit Arguments
--port The target IP port. To specify multiple ports, specify this flag multiple times on the command line—for example, --port 1234 --port 5678.
--flushFlush all rules.
--revoke Revoke the rule for the specified port. This blocks access to the specified IP port.
--target-containerThe target container name.
--source-containerThe source container, which has access granted or revoked.
--target-node-idThe target node ID.
--source-cidrThe source CIDR, which has access granted or revoked.
--providerThe cloud provider name.
--help Displays the online help for this command.

9.3. fabric:cloud-service-add


initialize a cloud provider (which can be used for provisioning containers in the cloud)


fabric:cloud-service-add [ --help ] [ --provider providerName ] [ --name name ] [ --api APIName ] [ --endpoint URL ] [ --identity accessKeyID ] [ --credential secretAccessKey ] [ --owner owner ] [ --option key=value ] [ --async-registration ]


This command runs asynchronously. That is, although the command returns immediately, it runs a thread in the background, which completes the initialization of the cloud provider. You can use fabric:cloud-service-list to discover when the initialization has completed.
There are two different styles of usage for this command:
  • Commercial cloud provider—if you are using a commercial cloud provider, JClouds provides prepackaged modules that encapsulate the basic connection details for the provider. The prepackaged modules are available to install as Karaf features (named jclouds-ProviderName) and encapsulate such details as the endpoint URI, cloud API, and so on.
    For example, to install an Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 cloud provider, you can perform the following steps (assuming you are working in a standalone container):
    1. Install the basic set of fabric cloud commands:
      karaf@root> features:install fabric-jclouds
    2. Install the JClouds module specifically for AWS EC2:
      karaf@root> features:install jclouds-aws-ec2
    3. Add the AWS EC2 provider, specifying the login credentials for your EC2 account:
      karaf@root> fabric:cloud-service-add --provider aws-ec2 --identity AccessKeyID
      --credential SecretAccessKey
    4. You are now ready to start creating compute instances on the aws-ec2 cloud service, using the fabric:container-create-cloud command.
  • Private cloud service—if you are hosting your compute instances on a private cloud service, you must specify the connection details more explicitly, by supplying the --api and --endpoint options. In this case, you must also define a name for the cloud service, by supplying the --name option.
    For example, to define a connection to a private cloud service that uses the openstack-nova API through the endpoint,, you can perform the following steps (assuming you are working in a standalone container):
    1. Install the basic set of fabric cloud commands:
      karaf@root> features:install fabric-jclouds
    2. Install the JClouds module for the openstack-nova API:
      karaf@root> features:install jclouds-api-openstack-nova
    3. Add the private cloud service, specifying the login credentials, API, and endpoint URL:
      karaf@root> fabric:cloud-service-add --name myOpenStack --api openstack-nova
      --endpoint --identity AccessKeyID --credential SecretAccessKey
      You can provide additional customisation of the connection by setting options through the --option flag (which can appear multiple times in the command).
    4. You are now ready to start creating compute instances on the myOpenStack cloud service, using the fabric:container-create-cloud command.

Installing the command in a fabric

To access this command from a fabric container, you must have installed the fabric-jclouds feature. To install the fabric-jclouds feature, deploy the cloud profile into the current container, using the fabric:container-change-profile command.
For example, if the console is currently logged on to the root container of the Fabric, you could add the cloud profile as follows:
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root> fabric:container-list
[id]                           [version] [alive] [profiles]                     [provision status]
root*                          1.0       true    fabric, fabric-ensemble-0000-1 success
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root> fabric:container-change-profile root fabric fabric-ensemble-0000-1 cloud
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root> fabric:container-list
[id]                           [version] [alive] [profiles]                     [provision status]
root*                          1.0       true    fabric, fabric-ensemble-0000-1, cloud success


Table 9.3, “fabric:cloud-service-add Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.3. fabric:cloud-service-add Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
--provider The name of a commercial cloud provider (for example, aws-ec2 or rackspace).
--nameThe JClouds service context name, which identifies the cloud service uniquely. Defaults to the provider name (as specified by the --provider option).
--apiSpecifies the cloud API (for example, ec2, openstack-nova, or cloudstack).
--endpointSpecifies the cloud service's endpoint URL.
--identityThe identity used to access the cloud service.
--credentialThe credential used to access the cloud service.
--owner Specifies the EC2 AMI owner, which enables you to use private images (AWS EC2 only).
--optionProvider-specific properties. For example: --option jclouds.regions=us-east-1. If you want to specify more than one option, specify this option multiple times.
--async-registration Do not wait for the provider registration (that is, complete the registration in a background thread).

9.4. fabric:cloud-service-list


list the configured cloud providers


fabric:cloud-service-list [ --help ]


For each configured cloud provider, displays the provider name, type (compute or blobstore), and registration (local, for a standalone container, or fabric, for a Fabric Container).
To access this command, the current container must belong to a Fabric and you must have installed the fabric-jclouds feature. To install the fabric-jclouds feature, deploy the cloud profile into the current container, using the fabric:container-change-profile command.
For example, if the console is currently logged on to the root container of the Fabric, you could add the cloud profile as follows:
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root> fabric:container-list
[id] [version] [alive] [profiles] [provision status] root* 1.0 true fabric, fabric-ensemble-0000-1 success
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root> fabric:container-change-profile root fabric fabric-ensemble-0000-1 cloud
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root> fabric:container-list
[id] [version] [alive] [profiles] [provision status] root* 1.0 true fabric, fabric-ensemble-0000-1, cloud success


Table 9.4, “fabric:cloud-service-list Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.4. fabric:cloud-service-list Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.

9.5. fabric:cloud-service-remove


removes the specified cloud provider


fabric:cloud-service-remove [ --help ] { Name }


To access this command, the current container must belong to a Fabric and you must have installed the fabric-jclouds feature. To install the fabric-jclouds feature, deploy the cloud profile into the current container, using the fabric:container-change-profile command.
For example, if the console is currently logged on to the root container of the Fabric, you could add the cloud profile as follows:
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root> fabric:container-list
[id]                           [version] [alive] [profiles]                     [provision status]
root*                          1.0       true    fabric, fabric-ensemble-0000-1 success
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root> fabric:container-change-profile root fabric fabric-ensemble-0000-1 cloud
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root> fabric:container-list
[id]                           [version] [alive] [profiles]                     [provision status]
root*                          1.0       true    fabric, fabric-ensemble-0000-1, cloud success


Table 9.5, “fabric:cloud-service-remove Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.5. fabric:cloud-service-remove Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
Name The JClouds service context name, which represents the cloud provider.

9.6. fabric:container-add-profile, container-add-profile


Adds the specified list of profiles to a container


fabric:container-add-profile [ --help ] { Name } { Profiles }


Table 9.6. fabric:container-add-profile Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command
NameSpecifies the name of the container.
ProfilesSpecifies the list of profiles to add to the container.

9.7. fabric:container-change-profile, container-change-profile


replaces a fuse container's profiles with the specified list of profiles


fabric:container-change-profile [ --help ] { Name } { Profiles }


Table 9.7. fabric:container-change-profile Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command
NameSpecifies the name of the container.
ProfilesSpecifies the list of profiles to deploy into the container.

9.8. fabric:container-connect, container-connect


connects to a remote Fabric Container and execute the specified command


fabric:container-connect [ --help ] [[ -u ] | [ --username ]User] [[ -p ] | [ --password ]Password] { ContainerName } [ Command ]


This command allows you to connect to any container in the current fabric and execute a command. For example, to execute the osgi:list command on the root2 container, you could enter a console command like Example 9.1, “Executing a Command in a Remote Container”.

Example 9.1. Executing a Command in a Remote Container

JBossA-MQ:karaf@root> fabric:container-connect -u YourName -p YourPass root2 osgi:list
This command uses fabric JAAS security to log into the container, so the username and password are managed by the container's JAAS realm.


Table 9.8, “fabric:container-connect Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.8. fabric:container-connect Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command
-u, --usernameSpecifies the username for logging on to the remote container. The default is admin.
-p, --passwordSPecifies the password for logging on to the remote container. The default is admin.
ContainerNameSpecifies the name of the remote container.
CommandSpecifies the console command to execute on the remote container.

9.9. fabric:container-create-child


create one or more child containers


fabric:container-create-child [ --help ] [ --ensemble-server ] [ --profile profileID ] [ --version version ] [ --jmx-user jmxUser ] [ --jmx-password jmxPass ] [ -b, --bind-address bindAddr ] [ --datastore-type storeType ] [ --datastore-option storeOption ] [ --zookeeper-password zooPass ] [ --jvm-opts jvmOpts ] [ --resolver policy ] [ -m, --manual-ip IPAddr ] { parent } { name } [ number ]


Child containers have the following characteristics:
  • Each child container has a parent, so that the child containers form a hierarchy, with the root container as the ultimate ancestor.
  • The child starts in a new JVM instance (JVM options can be passed to the new JVM through the --jvm-opts command option).
  • A complete set of data directories are created for the child instance, under the ESBInstallDir/instances/ChildName directory. The ESBInstallDir/system directory is shared with the root container.
For example, if you have already created a new fabric (for example, by invoking fabric:create), you could add some child containers to the root container by entering the following command:
karaf@root> fabric:container-create-child root child 3
This command creates three new children under the root container. To check that the containers have been successfully created, invoke the fabric:container-list command, as follows:
karaf@root> fabric:container-list
[id]                           [version] [alive] [profiles]                     [provision status]
root                           1.0       true    fabric, fabric-ensemble-0000-1 
  child1                       1.0       true    default                        success
  child2                       1.0       true    default                        success
  child3                       1.0       true    default                        success
As you can see, the command creates three new child containers, child1, child2, and child3, with the default profile. This containers are ordinary (non-ensemble) containers, running fabric agents (ZooKeeper clients).
If you do not explicitly specify any profile (or profiles) for the new child containers, each of the child containers is created with the OSGi bundles required for a minimal Apache Karaf container and all of the profiles and bundles specified by the default profile.
To associate multiple profiles with a new child container, you can specify the --profile option multiple times. For example, if you want to deploy your own application profile, myApp, together with the esb profile, you would use a command like the following:
fabric:container-create-child --profile esb --profile myApp root childMyApp

Shutting down child containers

After you create new child containers, the children run as separate processes, independently of the parent. Consequently, when you shut down the parent container, the child processes continue to run in the background. If you want to shut down the children, you must explicitly invoke the fabric:container-stop command. For example, if a root container has three children—child1, child2, and child3—you can issue the following commands in the root container console to shut down all of the containers:
karaf@root> fabric:container-stop child1
karaf@root> fabric:container-stop child2
karaf@root> fabric:container-stop child3
karaf@root> shutdown -f


Table 9.9. fabric:container-create-child Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
--jmx-userThe JMX username of the parent container.
--jmx-passwordThe JMX password of the parent container.
--ensemble-serverWhether the new container should be a Fabric Server.
--profileA profile ID to associate with the new container. To associate multiple profiles with the container, specify this flag multiple times on the command line—for example, --profile foo --profile bar. If no profile is specified, the container is associated with the default profile.
--resolverSpecifies how the container will report its address to other containers. Valid values are localip, localhostname, publicip, publichostname, manualip. For more information see Section 9.20, “fabric:container-resolver-set”.
-m, --manual-ipThe IP address to use, when using the manualip resolver. Used in combination with the --resolver option.
-b, --bind-addressSpecifies the default bind address.
--datastore-typeSpecifies the datastore type.
--datastore-optionOptions to pass to the container's datastore. To specify multiple options, use this flag multiple times.
--zookeeper-passwordUsed in combination with the --ensemble-server option. If creating an ensemble server, specifies the Zookeeper password to use (if not specified, a password is generated automatically).
--versionSpecifies the version of the new container (the version must be created in advance using fabric:version-create). Defaults to the current default version (use version-list to find the current default).
--jvm-optsSpecify options to pass to the container's JVM.
Parent (Required) The parent container ID.
Name(Required) The name of the container to create. When creating multiple containers, it serves as a prefix
NumberThe number of containers that should be created.

Related topics

For more details about resolver policies, see:

9.10. fabric:container-create-cloud


creates one or more new containers on the cloud


fabric:container-create-cloud [ --help ] [ --name contextName ] [ --provider cloudProvider ] [ --api cloudAPI ] [ --identity cloudIdentity ] [ --credential loginCredential ] [ --imageId imageID ] [ --os-family osFamily ] [ --os-version osVersion ] [ --hardwareId hardwareID ] [ --instanceType instanceType ] [ --locationId location ] [ --user userAcc ] [ --password userPass ] [ --public-key-file file ] [ --owner owner ] [ --group group ] [ --proxy-uri URI ] [ --ensemble-server ] [ --new-user jaasUser ] [ --new-user-password jaasUserPass ] [ --new-user-role jaasUserRole ] [ -b, --bind-address bindAddress ] [ --datastore-type storeType ] [ --datastore-option storeOption ] [ --zookeeper-password zooPass ] [ --resolver policy ] [ -m, --manual-ip IPAddr ] [ --env key=value ] [ --min-port minPort ] [ --max-port maxPort ] [ --profile profileID ] [ --version version ] [ --jvm-opts jvmOpts ] [ --add-option key=value ] [ --no-admin-access ] [ --path installPath ] { Name } [ Number ]


To access this command, you must have installed the fabric-jclouds feature. To install the fabric-jclouds feature, enter the following console command:
features:install fabric-jclouds
The fabric:container-create-cloud command provisions the container as follows:
  1. Creates a new node on the cloud provider. The node is created using a JClouds compute service: either by lookup in the service registry (using the provider ID as a property) or by instantiating a new node, by specifying the identity and credential of the provider.
  2. Connects to the created node, using the authentication metadata returned upon the node creation (this is usually a username and private key, where the username can be overridden by the --user option). After it connects to the node, it executes a script, which downloads the fabric distribution from the Maven proxy and untars the distribution.
    By default, the script uses the oldest Maven proxy server in the current ensemble (every ensemble server has a Maven proxy server deployed in it). You can optionally override the default Maven proxy by specifying the --proxy-uri option. The script would then use the specified Maven proxy server to download the container runtime.
    The ability to override the Maven proxy is important in certain cases (for example, in a cloud deployment) where the remote host might not be able to access the default Maven proxy server.
  3. Starts up the newly installed container (or containers) and installs the specified fabric profile (or profiles).
  4. When creating multiple containers using this command (by adding the Number argument), multiple nodes will be created and a root container will be installed on each node.
By default, the newly created cloud containers belong to the current fabric (that is, the same fabric as the container from which you invoked the command). It is possible, however, to create a container on the compute instance that acts as the seed for a completely new fabric, separate from the current one. To create a new fabric on the compute instance, invoke the fabric:container-create-cloud command with the --ensemble-server flag, which makes the newly created container (or containers) an ensemble server, with its own fabric registry agent. The newly created ensemble server on the cloud does not join the current ensemble: it belongs to an independent ensemble (a new fabric).


Table 9.10. fabric:container-create-cloud Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
--name (Required) JClouds service context name.
--provider JClouds provider name.
--apiThe cloud API name.
--identity The identity used to access the cloud service.
--credential The credential used to access the cloud service.
--imageId The image ID to use for the new node(s). Alternatively, the image can be specified indirectly using the --os-family and --os-version options. Defaults to an instance of the latest version of Ubuntu.
--os-familySpecify the image by requesting a particular kind of operating system—for example, ubuntu or redhat. To see which O/S families are available, type Tab while entering this option. Defaults to ubuntu.
--os-versionSpecifies the version of the O/S family. The version number need not be exact (it will be rounded up to the latest available patch version). Defaults to the latest version available.
--hardwareIdKind of hardware to use.
--instanceType Type of instance required.
--locationId The location used to create the new node(s).
--user Specifies the O/S user account to run on the new nodes. If the user account does not already exist on the new nodes, it will automatically be created. Defaults to the username that matches the current user.
--passwordSpecifies the password associated with the O/S user account defined by the --user option.
--public-key-fileAn option to specify a public key file to copy to the created node. Copying a public key file to a node can be used for SSH access using public key authentication. If no key file is specified, Fabric attempts to auto-detect the user's public key and, if found, this key will be used by default.
--owner Optional owner of images; only really used for EC2, and will be deprecated in future.
--group Group tag to use on the new node(s). Defaults to fabric.
--proxy-uri URL of the Maven proxy server used to download the container runtime.
--ensemble-serverWhether the new container should be a Fabric Server (effectively creates a new fabric).
Used in combination with the --ensemble-server option to ensure that at least one user exists in the JAAS realm of the Zookeeper login module for the new fabric (otherwise it would be impossible to connect to the newly created Fabric Server).
When using this option, you must also specify a password using the --new-user-password option.
--new-user-password Used in combination with the --new-user option and the --ensemble-server option to specify the new user's password. No default value.
--new-user-role Used in combination with the --new-user option and the --ensemble-server to specify the new user's role. Default is admin.
-b, --bind-addressSpecifies the default bind address.
--datastore-typeSpecifies the datastore type.
--datastore-optionOptions to pass to the container's datastore. To specify multiple options, use this flag multiple times.
Used in combination with the --ensemble-server option. Specifies the Zookeeper password, which is used to access the Zookeeper nodes under the /fabric/ path. Defaults to the password of the current session user.
If you subsequently try to join the current container to the newly-created Fabric Server (ensemble server) using the fabric:join command, you will be prompted to enter the Zookeeper password.
--resolverSpecifies how the container will report its address to other containers. Valid values are localip, localhostname, publicip, publichostname, manualip. For more information see Section 9.20, “fabric:container-resolver-set”.
-m, --manual-ipThe IP address to use, when using the manualip resolver. Used in combination with the --resolver option.
--envSets an environment variable. To specify multiple environment variables, use this flag multiple times.
--min-port Specifies the minimum port number of the allowed IP port range. Default is 0.
--max-port Specifies the maximum port number of the allowed IP port range. Default is 65535.
--profileA list of profile IDs to associate with the new container.
--versionSpecifies the version of the new container (the version must be created in advance using fabric:version-create). Defaults to the current default version (use version-list to find the current default).
--jvm-optsSpecify options to pass to the container's JVM.
--add-optionSpecifies generic JCloud properties or provider-specify properties. For example, when using Amazon with Amazon VPC to create a container inside a VPN, you can specify --option subnetId=yoursubnetId to define the VPC subnet where you want the node to be created. If you want to specify more than one option, specify this option multiple times.
--no-admin-accessDisables admin access, as it might not be feasible on all images.
--path Path on the remote filesystem where the container is to be installed.
Name(Required) The name of the container to create. When creating multiple containers, it serves as a prefix.
NumberThe number of containers that should be created.

Related topics

See the other Fabric cloud commands:
For more details about resolver policies, see:

9.11. fabric:container-create-ssh


creates one or more new containers through SSH


fabric:container-create-ssh [ --help ] [ --host host ] [ --port port ] [ --min-port minPort ] [ --max-port maxPort ] [ --path path ] [ --user user ] [ --password password ] [ --new-user newUser ] [ --new-user-password newPassword ] [ --new-user-role newRole ] [ --private-key keyPath ] [ --pass-phrase passPhrase ] [ --ssh-retries retries ] [ --proxy-uri URI ] [ --ensemble-server ] [ --profile profileID ] [ --version version ] [ -b, --bind-address bindAddress ] [ --datastore-type storeType ] [ --datastore-option storeOption ] [ --zookeeper-password zooPass ] [ --jvm-optsjvmOpts ] [ --resolver policy ] [ -m, --manual-ip IPAddr ] [ --env key=value ] [ --with-admin-access ] [ --disable-distribution-upload ] { Name } [ Number ]


Specifically, this command provisions the container as follows:
  1. Logs into the specified SSH host, using either the provided username and password or using the provided username and private key.
  2. Runs a script on the remote host that that downloads the container runtime to the remote host. The runtime files are downloaded through a Maven proxy server. By default, the script uses the oldest Maven proxy server in the current ensemble (every Fabric Server has a Maven proxy server deployed in it). You can optionally override the default Maven proxy by specifying the --proxy-uri option. The script would then use the specified Maven proxy server to download the container runtime.
    The ability to override the Maven proxy is important in certain cases (for example, in a cloud deployment) where the remote host might not be able to access the default Maven proxy server.
  3. Starts up the newly installed container (or containers) and installs the specified fabric profile (or profiles).
By default, the newly created containers belong to the current fabric (that is, the same fabric as the container from which you invoked the command). It is possible, however, to create a container on the remote host that acts as the seed for a completely new fabric, separate from the current one. To create a new fabric on the remote host, invoke the fabric:container-create-ssh command with the --ensemble-server flag, which makes the newly created container (or containers) a Fuse Server. The newly created Fuse Server on the remote host does not join the current ensemble: it belongs to an independent ensemble (a new fabric).


Table 9.11. fabric:container-create-ssh Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
--host (Required) Host name to SSH into.
--port The IP port number for the SSH connection. Default is 22.
--min-portThe minimum port number of the allowed IP port range. Default is 0.
--max-portThe maximum port number of the aollowed IP port range. Default is 65535.
--path Path on the remote filesystem where the container is to be installed.
--user (Required) User name for login.
--password Password for login. If the password is omitted, private key authentication is used instead.
Used in combination with the --ensemble-server option to ensure that at least one user exists in the JAAS realm of the Zookeeper login module for the new fabric (otherwise it would be impossible to connect to the newly created Fabric Server).
When using this option, you must also specify a password using the --new-user-password option.
--new-user-password Used in combination with the --new-user option and the --ensemble-server option to specify the new user's password. No default value.
--new-user-role Used in combination with the --new-user option and the --ensemble-server to specify the new user's role. Default is admin.
--private-key Specifies the path to the private key on the local file system. The default is ~/.ssh/id_rsa on *NIX platforms or C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\.ssh\id_rsa on Windows.
--pass-phraseThe pass phrase of the key, if private key authentication is used and the private key is encrypted.
--ssh-retries Maximum number or times to retry SSH connection.
--proxy-uri URL of the Maven proxy server used to download the container runtime.
--ensemble-serverCreates a container on the remote host that acts as the seed for a completely new fabric, separate from the container that invokes the command. The newly created container is a Fuse server on the remote host and does not join the current ensemble. The new container belongs to an independent ensemble (a new fabric).
--profileA list of profile IDs to associate with the new container.
--versionSpecifies the version of the new container (the version must be created in advance using fabric:version-create). Defaults to the current default version (use version-list to find the current default).
-b, --bind-addressSpecifies the default bind address.
--datastore-typeSpecifies the datastore type.
--datastore-optionOptions to pass to the container's datastore. To specify multiple options, use this flag multiple times.
--zookeeper-passwordUsed in combination with the --ensemble-server option. If creating an ensemble server, specifies the Zookeeper password to use (if not specified, a password is generated automatically).
--jvm-optsSpecify options to pass to the container's JVM.
--resolverSpecifies how the container will report its address to other containers. Valid values are localip, localhostname, publicip, publichostname, manualip. For more information see Section 9.20, “fabric:container-resolver-set”.
-m, --manual-ipThe IP address to use, when using the manualip resolver. Used in combination with the --resolver option.
--envSets an environment variable. To specify multiple environment variables, use this flag multiple times.
--with-admin-accessIndicates that the target user has administrative access (password-less sudo). When this option is specified, Fabric will attempt to install any missing dependencies on the target host.
--disable-distribution-uploadFlag to disable uploading the JBoss Fuse distribution. When used, the target host downloads the distribution through Maven instead.
Name(Required) The name of the container to create. When creating multiple containers, it serves as a prefix.
NumberThe number of containers that should be created.

Related topics

For more details about resolver policies, see:

9.12. fabric:container-default-jvm-options, container-default-jvm-options


get or set the default JVM options to use when creating a new container


fabric:container-default-jvm-options [ --help ] [ JVMOptions ]


Table 9.12. fabric:container-default-jvm-options Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command
JVMOptionsSets the default JVM options for this container. If this argument is omitted, get the current default JVM options.

9.13. fabric:container-delete


stops and deletes a Fuse Container


fabric:container-delete [ --help ] [ --user user ] [ --password password ] [ -f, --force ] [[ -r ] | [ --recursive ]] { GlobList }


Deleting a Fuse Container deletes all of the files associated with the container from the host.
If the container has children, the default behavior of the command is to leave the children in place. You can force the deletion of the children using the -r option.
If the container to be deleted is a Fabric Server, you must first remove it from the ensemble using fabric:ensemble-remove.


Table 9.13, “fabric:container-delete Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.13. fabric:container-delete Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
--user Specifies the username of the user performing this action.
--password Specifies the password of the user performing this action.
-f, --force Forces execution of the command, regardless of the known state of the container.
-r, --recursive Recursively stops and deletes all child containers.
GlobList(Required) Specifies the list of containers to delete, separated by spaces. Globbing is supported as follows: ?, matches zero or one characters; *, matches zero or more characters.

Using alternative credentials

Each time a container is created Fabric stores the credentials used to create the container and will reuse them for all life cycle operations (start, stop, delete). If the credentials have changed, the updated credentials need to be specified as options. Each container type (child, ssh, jclouds) uses different kind of credentials, as follows:
  • Child containers: Use the JMX credentials of the parent container.
  • SSH containers: Use the SSH credentials of the target host.
  • JClouds containers: Use the ssh credentials of the instance.
For example:
fabric:container-delete --user NewJmxUserOfParent --password NewJmxPasswordOfParent child1
fabric:container-delete --password NewSshPasswordOfTargetHost ssh1
fabric:container-delete --password NewSshPasswordOfTargetHost cloud1

9.14. fabric:container-edit-jvm-options


Replace the JVM options used to launch a container


fabric:container-edit-jvm-options [ --help ] [ -u, --username user ] [ -p, --password password ] { Container } [ JVMOptions ]


Enables you to set the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) options that are passed to the Java runtime when launching the container. Note that this command replaces all of the existing JVM options for the container. Hence, when you invoke this command, you must specify all of the container's JVM options, not just the ones you want to add.
For example, suppose you have a container named ssh2 and you want to add the following JVM options: -Xms2048M -Xmx8192M. Proceed as follows:
  1. Invoke the container-edit-jvm-options command to discover the current JVM options used by the ssh2 container, as follows:
    JBossFuse:karaf@root> container-edit-jvm-options ssh2
    -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+UnsyncloadClass -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/usr/lib/jvm/jre/jre/lib/endorsed:/usr/lib/jvm/jre/lib/endorsed:/home/fuse/containers/ssh2/fabric8-karaf-1.2.0.redhat-133/lib/endorsed -Djava.ext.dirs=/usr/lib/jvm/jre/jre/lib/ext:/usr/lib/jvm/jre/lib/ext:/home/fuse/containers/ssh2/fabric8-karaf-1.2.0.redhat-133/lib/ext -Dkaraf.instances=/home/fuse/containers/ssh2/fabric8-karaf-1.2.0.redhat-133/instances -Dkaraf.home=/home/fuse/containers/ssh2/fabric8-karaf-1.2.0.redhat-133 -Dkaraf.base=/home/fuse/containers/ssh2/fabric8-karaf-1.2.0.redhat-133 -Dkaraf.etc=/home/fuse/containers/ssh2/fabric8-karaf-1.2.0.redhat-133/etc -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/home/fuse/containers/ssh2/fabric8-karaf-1.2.0.redhat-133/etc/ -Dkaraf.startLocalConsole=false -Dkaraf.startRemoteShell=true
  2. Invoke the container-edit-jvm-options command, passing all of new JVM options as the second argument to the command (enclosed in single or double quotes). That is, to construct the second argument, copy the JVM options output from the previous step, append your additional JVM arguments, and enclose all of these JVM options in quotes. For example:
    JBossFuse:karaf@root> container-edit-jvm-options ssh2 '-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+UnsyncloadClass -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/usr/lib/jvm/jre/jre/lib/endorsed:/usr/lib/jvm/jre/lib/endorsed:/home/fuse/containers/ssh2/fabric8-karaf-1.2.0.redhat-133/lib/endorsed -Djava.ext.dirs=/usr/lib/jvm/jre/jre/lib/ext:/usr/lib/jvm/jre/lib/ext:/home/fuse/containers/ssh2/fabric8-karaf-1.2.0.redhat-133/lib/ext -Dkaraf.instances=/home/fuse/containers/ssh2/fabric8-karaf-1.2.0.redhat-133/instances -Dkaraf.home=/home/fuse/containers/ssh2/fabric8-karaf-1.2.0.redhat-133 -Dkaraf.base=/home/fuse/containers/ssh2/fabric8-karaf-1.2.0.redhat-133 -Dkaraf.etc=/home/fuse/containers/ssh2/fabric8-karaf-1.2.0.redhat-133/etc -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/home/fuse/containers/ssh2/fabric8-karaf-1.2.0.redhat-133/etc/ -Dkaraf.startLocalConsole=false -Dkaraf.startRemoteShell=true -Xms2048M -Xmx8192M'
  3. In order for these new JVM options to take effect, you need to restart the ssh2 container, as follows:
    JBossFuse:karaf@root> container-stop ssh2
    JBossFuse:karaf@root> container-start ssh2
  4. Verify that the current JVM settings have the new values, as follows:
    JBossFuse:karaf@root> container-edit-jvm-options ssh2


Table 9.14. fabric:container-edit-jvm-options Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
-u, --username Specifies the username to log on to a remote container.
-p, --password Specifies the password to log on to a remote container.
ContainerThe name of the container.
JVMOptionsSpecifies the container's new JVM options, which completely replace the old JVM options. If this argument is omitted, the command shows the existing JVM options for the specified container.

9.15. fabric:container-domains, container-domains


lists a container's JMX domains


fabric:container-domains [ --help ] { Name }


Table 9.15, “fabric:container-domains Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.15. fabric:container-domains Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.
NameSpecifies the name of the container.

9.16. fabric:container-info, container-info


displays information about the specified container


fabric:container-info [ --help ] [ ContainerName ]


Table 9.16, “fabric:container-info Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.16. fabric:container-info Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
ContainerName Specifies the name of the container for which information is provided. If not specified, the container name defaults to root.

9.17. fabric:container-list, container-list


lists the containers in a fabric


fabric:container-list [ --help ] [ --version Version ] [[ -v ] | [ --verbose ]] [[ ID ] | [ profile ]]


Table 9.17, “fabric:container-list Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.17. fabric:container-list Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
--version Specifies a profile version to use as filter.
-v, --verbose Display verbose output.
ID Specifies a container ID to use in filtering the output.
profile Specifies a profile to use in filtering the output. When a profile is specified only the containers with the profile are listed.

9.18. fabric:container-remove-profile, container-remove-profile


removes the specified list of profiles from the container


fabric:container-remove-profile [ --help ] { Name } { Profiles }


Table 9.18. fabric:container-remove-profile Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command
NameSpecifies the name of the container.
ProfilesSpecifies the list of profiles to remove from the container.

9.19. fabric:container-resolver-list


show the resolver policies for the specified containers


fabric:container-resolver-list [ --help ] [ containers ]


For all containers in the fabric, list the resolver policy and the following variants of the host address: local IP address, local hostname, public IP address, public hostname, and manually specified IP address.
The host addresses are found by looking them up in the Fabric Registry for each container. This information is stored in the Fabric Registry at the time when the container is created. In most cases, only the local IP address and the local hostname are known. The public IP address and public hostname are generally available only for cloud containers.


Table 9.19. fabric:container-resolver-list Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
containers List of containers for which the resolver policy is displayed. Shows all containers by default.

Related topics

9.20. fabric:container-resolver-set


specifies how the container reports its address to other containers


fabric:container-resolver-set [ --help ] [ --container name ] [ --all ] { Resolver }


Apply the specified resolver policy to the specified container or containers, where the resolver policy can take one of the following values:
The localip and localhostname resolver policies are suitable for accessing a container in a LAN. The publicip and publichostname resolver policies are suitable for accessing a container in a WAN (Internet), but they are typically only available for cloud containers. In the case of a the cloud, localip and localhostname can be used for container-to-container connections within the cloud, but for container-to-container connections from outside the cloud, you must use publicip or publichostname.
Fabric manages host addresses as follows:
  • When you create a new container, fabric tries to discover as much as it can about the container's host address and stores this information in the following fields in the fabric registry: localip (local IP address); localhostname (local hostname); publicip (public IP address); publichostname (public hostname).
    For example, if you create a new container using the fabric:container-create-ssh command and specify the local IP address to the --host option, fabric attempts to perform a reverse lookup to obtain the corresponding local hostname and then stores both the local IP address and the local hostname in the Fabric Registry.
    If you create a new container in the cloud, the metadata sent by the cloud provider typically includes a complete set of host addresses: localip, localhostname, publicip, and publichostname.
  • Every container in the fabric has its own resolver policy, which determines what kind of host address is returned to another container that wants to connect to it. The container's resolver policy is set in one of the following ways:
    • (Default) By inheriting the resolver policy from the global resolver policy (specified at the time the fabric is created)
    • By specifying the resolver policy explicitly at the time the container is created (through the --resolver option).
    • By invoking the fabric:container-resolver-set command.
  • The container's resolver policy is applied whenever fabric looks up the container's host address, irrespective of what protocol is involved. In particular, the resolver policy determines the form of the host address used in the following URLs:
    • Fabric Ensemble URL,
    • SSH URL (console client port),
    • Maven proxy URL,
    • JMX URL.
For example, if your fabric includes a container called SSH1 (originally created using the fabric:container-create-ssh command) and the SSH1 container is configured with the localip resolver policy, any container that tries to connect to SSH1 will automatically receive the local IP address of SSH1 when it looks up the Fabric Registry.
A container's resolver policy only affects the host address returned when other containers want to connect to it. The container's own policy has no effect on how the container resolves the host addresses of the other containers. In other words, if containers X, Y, and Z want to connect to container SSH1, the form of host address they get is determined by SSH1's resolver policy. But if SSH1 wants to connect to container X, it is container X's resolver policy that is used.

Manual IP resolver policy

The manualip resolver policy is a special case. If none of the standard resolver policies are suitable for your network set-up, you can manually specify a container's host address by setting the following key in the Fabric Registry:


Table 9.20. fabric:container-resolver-set Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
--container Apply the resolver policy to the specified container. To specify multiple containers, specify this flag multiple times on the command line—for example, --container foo --container bar.
--all Apply the resolver policy to all containers in the fabric.
Resolver (Required) The resolver policy to set on the specified container(s). Possible values are: localip, localhostname, publicip, publichostname, manualip.

9.21. fabric:container-rollback


roll back the specified containers to an older version


fabric:container-rollback [ --help ] [ --all ] { Version } [ ContainerList ]


For an example of how this command is used, see fabric:container-upgrade.


Table 9.21, “fabric:container-rollback Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.21. fabric:container-rollback Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
--all Roll back all containers.
Version(Required) The version to roll back to.
ContainerList The list of containers to roll back. An empty list implies the current container.

9.22. fabric:container-start


Start the specified container


fabric:container-start [ --help ] [ --user user ] [ --password password ] [ -f, --force ] { GlobList }


Table 9.22, “fabric:container-start Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.22. fabric:container-start Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
--user Specifies the username of the user performing this action.
--password Specifies the password of the user performing this action.
-f, --force Forces execution of the command, regardless of the known state of the container.
GlobList(Required) Specifies the list of containers to start, separated by spaces. Globbing is supported as follows: ?, matches zero or one characters; *, matches zero or more characters.

Using alternative credentials

Each time a container is created Fabric stores the credentials used to create the container and will reuse them for all life cycle operations (start, stop, delete). If the credentials have changed, the updated credentials need to be specified as options. Each container type (child, ssh, jclouds) uses different kind of credentials, as follows:
  • Child containers: Use the JMX credentials of the parent container.
  • SSH containers: Use the SSH credentials of the target host.
  • JClouds containers: Use the ssh credentials of the instance.
For example:
fabric:container-start --user NewJmxUserOfParent --password NewJmxPasswordOfParent child1
fabric:container-start --password NewSshPasswordOfTargetHost ssh1
fabric:container-start --password NewSshPasswordOfTargetHost cloud1

9.23. fabric:container-stop


Shuts down the specified container


fabric:container-stop [ --help ] [ --user user ] [ --password password ] [ -f, --force ] { GlobList }


Table 9.23, “fabric:container-stop Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.23. fabric:container-stop Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
--user Specifies the username of the user performing this action.
--password Specifies the password of the user performing this action.
-f, --force Forces execution of the command, regardless of the known state of the container.
GlobList(Required) Specifies the list of containers to stop, separated by spaces. Globbing is supported as follows: ?, matches zero or one characters; *, matches zero or more characters.

Using alternative credentials

Each time a container is created Fabric stores the credentials used to create the container and will reuse them for all life cycle operations (start, stop, delete). If the credentials have changed, the updated credentials need to be specified as options. Each container type (child, ssh, jclouds) uses different kind of credentials, as follows:
  • Child containers: Use the JMX credentials of the parent container.
  • SSH containers: Use the SSH credentials of the target host.
  • JClouds containers: Use the ssh credentials of the instance.
For example:
fabric:container-stop --user NewJmxUserOfParent --password NewJmxPasswordOfParent child1
fabric:container-stop --password NewSshPasswordOfTargetHost ssh1
fabric:container-stop --password NewSshPasswordOfTargetHost cloud1

9.24. fabric:container-update-ssh


Update the SSH credentials for a specified container.


fabric:container-update-ssh-credentials [ --help ] { --user } { --password } { Container }


This command is used to update the credentials of a remote SSH container. The credentials are held in ZooKeeper in binary format, so they cannot be edited manually.


The table below contains the arguments for the fabric:container-update-ssh command.
Table 9.24. fabric:container-update-ssh-credentials Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
--user (Required) The user ID of the user performing the operation.
--password(Required) The password of the user performing the operation.
Container (Required) The name of the container on which to perform the operation.

9.25. fabric:container-upgrade


upgrade the specified containers to a new version


fabric:container-upgrade [ --help ] [ --all ] { Version } [ ContainerList ]


This command is typically used in combination with the fabric:profile-edit command to guarantee atomicity of profile modifications. That is, if multiple edits need to be made to a profile, you can use fabric:container-upgrade to roll out all of the changes in one step.
For example, consider the container, child1, which is currently assigned to version 1.0 and has the sample profile deployed inside it. If you need to make multiple changes to the sample profile, you can roll out these changes atomically, as follows:
  1. Create a new version, 1.1, to hold the pending changes, as follows:
    karaf@root> fabric:version-create
    Created version: 1.1 as copy of: 1.0
  2. Now start editing the new version of the sample profile, remembering to specify 1.1, so that the modifications are applied to version 1.1 of sample. For example, to add the camel-quartz feature to the sample profile, enter the following command:
    fabric:profile-edit --feature camel-quartz sample 1.1
    Instead of adding the option 1.1 to every edit command, you could change the default version to 1.1 by entering the command, fabric:version-set-default 1.1.
  3. When you have finished editing the sample profile and you are ready to let the changes take effect on the container, child1, you can roll out the changes by upgrading the child1 container to version 1.1, as follows:
    fabric:container-upgrade 1.1 child1
  4. If you are not happy with the changes you made, you can easily roll back to the old version of the sample profile, using the fabric:container-rollback command, as follows:
    fabric:container-rollback 1.0 child1


Table 9.25, “fabric:container-upgrade Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.25. fabric:container-upgrade Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
--all Upgrade all containers.
Version(Required) The version to upgrade to.
ContainerList The list of containers to upgrade. An empty list implies the current container.

9.26. fabric:create


creates a new fabric and imports fabric profiles


fabric:create [ --help ] [ --clean ] [ --no-import ] [ --import-dir dir ] [[ -v ] | [ --verbose ]] [[ -t ] | [ --time ]millis] [[ -n ] | [ --non-managed ]] [[ -p ] | [ --profile ]profile] [[ -b ] | [ --bind-address ]bindAddr] [ --new-user username ] [ --new-user-password password ] [ --new-user-role role ] [ --zookeeper-password zooPassword ] [ --generate-zookeeper-password ] [ --zookeeper-data-dir dataDir ] [ --zookeeper-init-limit ticks ] [ --zookeeper-sync-limit ticks ] [ --zookeeper-ticktime millis ] [ --zookeeper-server-port zkport ] [ --wait-for-provisioning ] [[ -t ] | [ --time ]millis] [[ -g ] | [ --global-resolver ]policy] [[ -r ] | [ --resolver ]policy] [[ -m ] | [ --manual-ip ]ipAddress] [ --min-port port ] [ --max-port port ] [ --external-git-url gitURL ] [ --external-git-user gitUser ] [ --external-git-password gitPass ] [ --bootstrap-timeout ] [ ContainerList ] [ --zookeeper-purge-interval hours ] [ --zookeeper-snap-retain-count number ]


This command is used to create a new fabric. It can also be used to change the Fabric Servers in an existing fabric. Converting the current container into a fabric has two important side effects:
  • The contents of a container should now be managed using fabric profiles. Do not try to deploy bundles and features directly in a fabric container.
  • The default JAAS realm is superseded by the Zookeeper login module, which stores user data in the Zookeeper registry. As the fabric is created it initializes the user data by importing all of the user data that it finds in the etc/ file. If the file is empty, you can specify a new user explicitly using the --new-user and --new-user-password options (at least one user must be defined).


Table 9.26, “fabric:create Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.26. fabric:create Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
--clean Clean local zookeeper cluster and configurations.
--no-import Disable the import of the sample registry data.
--import-dir Directory of files to import into the newly created ensemble.
-v, --verbose Flag to enable verbose output of files being imported.
-t, --time How long to wait (milliseconds) for the ensemble to start up, before trying to import the default data.
-n, --non-managedSpecifies that the container remains unmanaged.
-p, --profile Specifies the profile (or profiles) to use for the ensemble containers in the new fabric. To specify multiple profiles, specify this flag multiple times on the command line—for example, --profile foo --profile bar.
-b, --bind-addressSpecifies the IP address of the embedded Zookeeper server. For example, this can be a useful option to specify if the container is deployed on a multi-homed host.
Create a new user in the new fabric's JAAS realm. Because the fabric:create command automatically imports user data from the etc/ file, you would only need to specify this option, if the etc/ file contains no valid user entries.
When using this option, you must also specify a password using the --new-user-password option.
--new-user-password Used in combination with the --new-user option to specify the new user's password. No default value.
--new-user-role Used in combination with the --new-user option to specify the new user's role. Default is admin.
Specifies the Zookeeper password, which is used to access the Zookeeper nodes under the /fabric/ path. Defaults to the password of the current session user.
Subsequently, because the Zookeeper password is cached in the current session, you normally do not need to provide it when executing fabric commands. You can display the Zookeeper password at any time using the fabric:ensemble-password command.
--generate-zookeeper-password Directs Fabric to generate a random Zookeeper password. Subsequently, you can display the Zookeeper password using the fabric:ensemble-password command.
--zookeeper-data-dirThe location where ZooKeeper stores the in-memory database snapshots and, unless specified otherwise, the transaction log of updates to the database. Defaults to data/zookeeper.
--zookeeper-init-limitThe amount of time, in ticks, to allow followers to connect and sync to a leader. Defaults to 10.
--zookeeper-sync-limitThe amount of time, in ticks, to allow followers to sync with ZooKeeper. Defaults to 5.
--zookeeper-ticktimeThe length of a single tick, which is the basic time unit used by ZooKeeper, as measured in milliseconds. It is used to regulate heartbeats and timeouts. For example, the minimum session timeout is two ticks. Defaults to 2000.
--zookeeper-server-portSpecifies the IP port number of the ZooKeeper server, on which ZooKeeper listens for incoming connections. Default is 2181.
--zookeeper-purge-intervalSet the interval in hours between triggers of the autopurge task. Must be set to a positive integer (1 and above). The default is 0.
--zookeeper-snap-retain-countDefine the number of recent Snapshots and corresponding transaction logs in the dataDir and dataLogDir to retain on autopurge. The minimum number is 3.
--wait-for-provisioningFlag to wait for the initial container provisioning.
-g, --global-resolver Specifies the global resolver policy, which becomes the default resolver policy applied to all new containers created in this fabric. Possible values are: localip, localhostname, publicip, publichostname, manualip. The default is localhostname.
-r, --resolver Specifies the local resolver policy. Possible values are: localip, localhostname, publicip, publichostname, manualip. The default is localhostname.
-m, --manual-ip If you select the manualip resolver policy (using either the --resolver or --global-resolver options), specifies the IP address to use for the resolver.
--min-port Specifies the minimum port number of the allowed IP port range. Default is 0.
--max-port Specifies the maximum port number of the allowed IP port range. Default is 65535.
--external-git-urlSpecifies an external git url.
--external-git-userSpecifies an external git user.
--external-git-passwordSpecifies an external git password.
--bootstrap-timeoutHow long to wait (in milliseconds) for the initial fabric bootstrap. Default is 120000.
ContainerList The list of containers to include in the ensemble. An empty list implies the current container.


Create a fabric and import sample profiles from the ESBInstallDir/fabric/import directory, as follows:
fabric:create --clean
Create a fabric without imported profiles, as follows:
fabric:create --clean --no-import
Create a fabric and import profiles from the custom import directory, CustomImportDir, as follows:
fabric:create --clean --import-dir CustomImportDir
Re-create a fabric such that the containers, reg1, reg2, and reg3, are now included in the registry ensemble (an ensemble must consist of an odd number of containers):
fabric:create reg1 reg2 reg3
In this case, the contents of the Zookeeper registry are preserved and the ensemble is expanded to include the specified containers.

Related topics

For more details about resolver policies, see:

9.27. fabric:ensemble-add


extend the current Fabric Ensemble by converting the specified containers into Fuse Servers


fabric:ensemble-add [ --help ] { ContainerList }


Because the total number of containers in an ensemble must always be odd, you should add an even number of containers.
For example, consider a fabric consisting of three containers—root1, root2, and root3—where root1 is an Fuse Server and root2 and root3 are ordinary Fabric Containers. You can now add root2 and root3 to the current ensemble by entering the following console command:
fabric:ensemble-add root2 root3
Normally, it makes sense to have at most one Fabric Server running on each host, so that the specified containers are actually running on remote hosts (hence, it usually does not make sense to add child containers to an ensemble). You do not need to provide any information about where the containers are running, however, because fabric already knows the location of the containers in the fabric.
Because the Fabric Ensemble is the key component of Fuse Fabric, changing the ensemble is a critical operation. All data will be preserved and copied to the new Fuse Servers before switching.


Table 9.27, “fabric:ensemble-add Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.27. fabric:ensemble-add Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
ContainerList The list of containers to add.

9.28. fabric:ensemble-list


lists the Fuse Servers in the current Fabric Ensemble


fabric:ensemble-list [ --help ]


For a complete listing of all the containers in the fabric, use fabric:container-list instead.


Table 9.28, “fabric:ensemble-list Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.28. fabric:ensemble-list Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command

9.29. fabric:ensemble-password


Displays or modifies the ensemble password


fabric:ensemble-password [ --help ] [ --commit ] [ NewPassword ]


The ensemble password protects access to the Zookeeper nodes under the /fabric/ path, which contains critical configuration data for the fabric. This command can be used either to display the current ensemble password or to change the ensemble password to a new value.
To display the current ensemble password, invoke the command without any arguments:
JBossFuse:karaf@root> fabric:ensemble-password
To change the ensemble password requires a two-step process. First, specify the new password as follows:
JBossFuse:karaf@root> fabric:ensemble-password mysecret
Updating the password...
Password updated. Please wait a little while for the new password to
get delivered as a config update to all the fabric nodes. Once, the 
nodes all updated (nodes must be online), please run: 

  fabric:ensemble-password --commit 

JBossFuse:karaf@root> fabric:ensemble-password --commit
Only the current password is allowed access to fabric now.

After the new password has propagated to all of the ensemble nodes, commit the change as follows:
JBossFuse:karaf@root> fabric:ensemble-password --commit


Table 9.29, “fabric:ensemble-password Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.29. fabric:ensemble-password Arguments
NewPassword Specifies the new ZooKeeper password for the ensemble.
--help Displays the online help for this command
--commit Displays the online help for this command

9.30. fabric:ensemble-remove


remove the specified containers from the current ensemble


fabric:ensemble-remove [ --help ] { ContainerList }


Re-create the current ensemble, excluding the specified containers from the ensemble. All containers are switched to this new ensemble.
Because the Fabric Ensemble is the key component of Fuse Fabric, changing the ensemble is a critical operation. All data will be preserved and copied to the new ensemble before switching.


Table 9.30, “fabric:ensemble-remove Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.30. fabric:ensemble-remove Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
ContainerList The list of containers to remove. Must be an even number of containers.

9.31. fabric:git-gc


instructs containers to perform git-gc command on fabric repository


fabric:git-gc [ options ] [ container ]


This command instructs containers to perform a git-gc command on their \$FUSE_HOME/data/git/local/fabric repository.
This command is only available from R13 and later.
For example, to perform git-gc on all of the containers, enter the following console command:
fabric:git-gc --all
To perform the git-gc command on a specific container, enter the following console command:
fabric:git-gc {containerName}


Table 9.31, “fabric:git-gc Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.31. fabric:git-gc Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.
--allSends the command to all containers.
--timeoutSpecifies the timeout when waiting for responses. The default is 10000 milliseconds.
--aggressiveSets the --aggressive option for the git-gc command.

9.32. fabric:git-master


checks and/or changes the container that is the git master in the cluster


fabric:git-master [ options ] [ container ]


This command checks and/or changes the container that is the git master in the cluster.
This command is only available from R13 and later.
If you use the fabric:git-master command without any options, it displays the name of the current git master container.
Current Git master is: child3
If you specify a container using the fabric:git-master command, it assigns that container as the master.
fabric:git-master root
Changing Git master to new cluster member: root


Table 9.32, “fabric:git-master Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.32. fabric:git-master Arguments
containerSpecifies the new master container
--helpDisplays the online help for this command

9.33. fabric:join


join a container to an existing fabric


fabric:join [ --help ] [[ -f ] | [ --force ]] [[ -p ] | [ --profile ]Profile] [[ -n ] | [ --non-managed ]] [ --zookeeper-password zooPassword ] [[ -r ] | [ --resolver ]policy] [[ -m ] | [ --manual-ip ]ipAddress] [ --min-port port ] [ --max-port port ] [[ -b ] | [ --bind-address ]BindAddress] [[ -v ] | [ --version ]Version] URL [ ContainerName ]


The fabric:join command can be used to join a standalone container to fabric.


Table 9.33, “fabric:join Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.33. fabric:join Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
-f, --forceForces the provided container name to be used.
-p, --profileSpecifies the profile to associate with the container after it joins the fabric. The fabric profile, which installs the Fabric Agent, is automatically assigned to all managed containers.
-n, --non-managedRegisters the container with the fabric's ensemble, but does not install a Fabric Agent into the container. The container's configuration is not managed by the fabric and continues to behave like a standalone container except that it can be discovered through the fabric's ensemble.
--zookeeper-password The ensemble password for the fabric that you are trying to join. If you do not specify this option, you will be prompted to enter the password.
-r, --resolver Specifies the local resolver policy. Possible values are: localip, localhostname, publicip, publichostname, manualip. The default is localhostname.
-m, --manual-ip If you select the manualip resolver policy (using the --resolver option), specifies the IP address to use for the resolver.
--min-port Specifies the minimum port number of the allowed IP port range. Default is 0.
--max-port Specifies the maximum port number of the allowed IP port range. Default is 65535.
-b, --bind-addressSpecifies the IP address of the embedded Zookeeper server (if there is one). For example, this can be a useful option to specify if the container is deployed on a multi-homed host. Note that it only makes sense to specify this option if the current container deploys a Zookeeper server (for example, if the current container is an ensemble container).
-v, --versionSpecifies the version of the container after joining the fabric. Default is 1.0.
URL Specifies the URL of one of the Fabric Servers, specified in the format Host[:Port]. The Port value defaults to 2181.
ContainerNameSpecifies a unique name for the container to use when joining the fabric. By default, the value of the property from the etc/ file is used.


The following command will add a standalone container to a fabric as a managed container:
fabric:join myhostA ishmael
Where myhostA is the hostname of a Fabric Server (you must connect to a Fabric Server, not an ordinary fabric container) and the container is assigned the name ishmael. You will be prompted to enter the fabric's Zookeeper password.
If the container being added to a fabric is assigned the same name as a container that is already a part of the fabric, the original container will be reset to have the same settings as the new container.
If no container name is specified as part of the command, the command will use the value of the property from the etc/ file. The default setting for this property is root. To avoid conflicts, you should either specify a container name or change the value of the property.
The container where you run the fabric:join command must be a standalone container. It is an error to invoke fabric:join in a container that is already part of a fabric.
To make sure that the container starts up with a specific profile, you use the -p argument as follows:
fabric:join -p whaler myhostA ishmael
The container ishmael is assigned the profile, whaler, when it joins the fabric.
If you want to be able to configure the container manually, but take advantage of the fabric's discovery features, you can add the container as a non-managed container using the following command:
fabric:join -n myhostA ishmael

9.34. fabric:leave


disconnects a container from a fabric


fabric:leave [ options ] [ containerName ]


This command disconnects a container from a fabric and cleans related data.
This command is only available from R13 and later.
If you use the leave command without any options, it attempts to disconnect the current container from the fabric.
Container joined will be disconnected from Fabric. This operation is not reversible.
    Do you want to proceed? (yes/no): yes
    Container joined will leave Fabric and restart - cleanup will be done asynchronously.
If you specify the container using the leave command, the specified container leaves the fabric.
fabric:leave containerName


Table 9.34, “fabric:leave Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.34. fabric:leave Arguments
containerNameSpecifies the name of container to remove from the fabric.
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.
--fForces the execution of the command regardless of the known state of the container.

9.35. fabric:mq-create


create a new broker profile


fabric:mq-create [ --help ] [ --group groupName ] [ --network brokerGroup ] [ --networks-username user ] [ --networks-password password ] [ --create-container containerID, ... ] [ --assign-container containerID, ... ] [ --config configFile ] [ --data dataDir ] [ --kind brokerKind ] [ --replicas num ] [ --port port ] [ --profile profile ] [ --parent-profile parentProfile ] [ --client-profile clientProfile ] [ --client-parent-profile clientParentProfile ] [ --minimum-instances num ] [[ --property ] | [ -D ]prop] [ --jmx-user jmxUser ] [ --jmx-password jmxPassword ] [ --jvm-opts jvmOpts ] [ --version version ] { name }


Table 9.35, “fabric:mq-create Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.35. fabric:mq-create Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.
--group groupNameSpecifies the name of the group to which brokers using this profile are assigned. By default brokers are assigned to the default group.
--network brokerGroupSpecifies a broker group to which brokers using this profile will establish network connections to form a network of brokers. To specify multiple broker groups, specify this flag multiple times on the command line—for example, --network GroupA --network GroupB.
--networks brokerGroupDeprecated.
--networks-usernameSpecifies the username part of the credentials that are used to connect to the broker networks specified by the --network option.
--networks-passwordSpecifies the password part of the credentials that are used to connect to the broker networks specified by the --network option.
--create-container containerID,...Specifies a comma separated list of child containers to create using the new profile. The new containers will be children of the container from which the command is executed.
--assign-container containerID,...Specifies a comma separated list of containers to which the new profile will be deployed.
--config configFileSpecifies the ensemble path of the XML configuration template used by the profile. The path will have the syntax /fabric/configs/versions/version/profiles/profile/config.xml.
--data dataDirSpecifies the path, relative to the container, for storing the persistence data for a broker using the profile.
--kind brokerKindSpecifies the kind of broker which determines to the number of broker instances to be created. Possible values are: StandAlone (one instance); MasterSlave (two instances); Replicated (three instances). The default value is MasterSlave.
--replicas numNumber of replicas required for replicated brokers (which typically use a parent-profile of mq-replicated profile).
--port portPort number for a transport connector, specified using the syntax --port transportConnectorName=port, where transportConnectorName is the value of the name attribute from a transportConnector element in the configuration template. To specify multiple ports, specify this flag multiple times on the command line—for example, --port openwire=11111 --port mqtt-ssl=4321.
--ports portDeprecated.
--no-sslDisables support for SSL/TLS protocol.
--profile profileThe profile name to create or update, if defining N+1 broker groups. Defaults to mq-broker-$GROUP.$NAME.
--parent-profile parentProfileThe parent profile to extend.
--client-profile clientProfileThe profile name for clients to use to connect to the broker group. Defaults to mq-client-$GROUP.
--client-parent-profile clientParentProfileThe parent profile used for the client-profile for clients connecting to the broker group. Defaults to default.
--minimum-instances numMinimum number of containers required of this broker's profile.
--property, -DAdditional properties to define in the profile. To specify multiple properties, specify this flag multiple times on the command line—for example, --property keyA=valA --property keyB=valB.
--jmx-userThe JMX username for logging on to the parent's JMX port.
--jmx-passwordThe JMX password for logging on to the parent's JMX port.
--jvm-optsSpecify options to pass to the container's JVM.
--version versionSpecifies the version into which the profile is stored. Defaults to the current default version.
nameSpecifies the name of the new broker profile.


To create a new broker profile with the name myBrokerProfile that uses the XML template file myConfigTemplate.xml use the command:
fabric:mq-create --config /fabric/configs/versions/1.0/profiles/mq-base/myConfigTemplate.xml myBrokerProfile
To create a new broker profile and create a new container using the new profile use the command:
fabric:mq-create --config /fabric/configs/versions/1.0/profiles/mq-base/myConfigTemplate.xml --create-container broker1 myBrokerProfile
To create a new broker profile and associate it with an existing container use the command:
fabric:mq-create --config /fabric/configs/versions/1.0/profiles/mq-base/myConfigTemplate.xml --assign-container container1 myBrokerProfile

SSL/TLS support

For SSL/TLS support, the Java command-line utility, keytool, must be available on your PATH. To disable SSL/TLS support, specify the --no-ssl option.

9.36. fabric:patch-apply


Apply a patch to the specified version or versions.


fabric:patch-apply [ --help ] [[ -u ] | [ --username ]User] [[ -p ] | [ --password ]Password] [ --version Version ] [ --all-versions ] { URL }


Table 9.36, “fabric:patch-apply Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.36. fabric:patch-apply Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.
-u, --usernameRemote user name.
-p, --passwordRemote user password.
--versionApplies the patch to the specified version. Defaults to the current default version.
--all-versionsApplies the patch to all versions.
URLSpecifies the URL from which the patch is downloaded.

9.37. fabric:profile-change-parents


replace the profile's parents with the specified list of parents (where the parents are specified as a space-separated list)


fabric:profile-change-parents [ --help ] [ --version version ] { Name } { ParentList }


Table 9.37. fabric:profile-change-parents Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
--version The profile version. Defaults to the current default version (use version-list to find the current default).
Name (Required) Name of the profile.
ParentList (Required) The list of new parent profiles.

9.38. fabric:profile-copy, profile-copy


copies the specified version of the source profile (where the version defaults to the current default version)


fabric:profile-copy [ --help ] [ --version Version ] [ -f ] [ --force ] { SourceProfile } { TargetProfile }


Table 9.38, “fabric:profile-copy Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.38. fabric:profile-copy Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.
--versionThe profile version to copy. Defaults to the current default version.
-f, --forceFlag to allow overwriting the target profile (if it already exists).
SourceProfileThe name of the profile to copy.
TargetProfileThe name of the newly created copy.

9.39. fabric:profile-create


create a new profile with the specified name and version


fabric:profile-create [ --help ] [ --version version ] [ --parent parent ] { Name }


The new profile is created only for the version you specify (or the current default version). If you want to create a profile for every version, you must invoke fabric:profile-create separately for each version (use fabric:version-list to list all versions).
The newly created profile is initially empty, apart from the settings inherited from the parent profiles. To add settings to the new profile, use the fabric:profile-edit command.
For example, to add the new profile, test, which has the current default version and inherits from the parent profiles, mq and camel, enter the following console command:
fabric:profile-create --parent mq --parent camel test


Table 9.39, “fabric:profile-create Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.39. fabric:profile-create Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
--version The profile version. Defaults to the current default version (use version-list to find the current default).
--parent Optionally specifies one or multiple parent profiles. To specify multiple parent profiles, specify this flag multiple times on the command line—for example, --parent foo --parent bar.
--parents Deprecated.
Name (Required) Name of the new profile.

9.40. fabric:profile-delete


delete the specified version of the specified profile (where the version defaults to the current default version)


fabric:profile-delete [ --help ] [ --version version ] { Profile }


Table 9.40, “fabric:profile-delete Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.40. fabric:profile-delete Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
--version The profile version to delete. Defaults to the current default version (use version-list to find the current default).
Profile (Required) Name of the profile to delete.

9.41. fabric:profile-display


displays information about the specified version of the specified profile (where the version defaults to the current default version)


fabric:profile-display [ --help ] [ --version version ] [[ -o ] | [ --overlay ]] { Profile }


Table 9.41, “fabric:profile-display Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.41. fabric:profile-display Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
--version Select a specific profile version. Defaults to the current default version (use version-list to find the current default).
-o, --overlay Enable overlay. Shows the effective profile settings, taking into account the settings inherited from parent profiles.
Profile (Required) The name of the profile.

9.42. fabric:profile-edit


edits the specified version of the specified profile (where the version defaults to the current default version)


fabric:profile-edit [ --help ] [[ -p ] | [ --pid ]PID] [[ -r ] | [ --repository ] | [ -f ] | [ --feature ] | [ -b ] | [ --bundle ] | [ -c ] | [ --config ] | [ -s ] | [ --system ] | [ -o ] | [ --overrides ] | [ -l ] | [ --lib ] | [ -n ] | [ --endorsed ] | [ -x ] | [ --extension ]] [[ --set ] | [ --delete ]] [[ --append ] | [ --remove ]] [ --import-pid ] [[ --delimiter ]delim] [[ --resource ]ResourceName] { Profile } [ Version ]


In the specified profile, you can edit different kinds of settings, as follows:
  • Feature repository locations—to add a feature repository to the profile, enter a command in the following format:
    fabric:profile-edit --repository RepoURL Profile [Version]
    For example, to add the fuse-fabric feature repository to the profile, enter a command like the following:
    fabric:profile-edit --repository mvn:io.fabric8/fuse-fabric/6.3.0.redhat-xxx/xml/features Profile [Version]
    To delete repositories, enter a command of the following form:
    fabric:profile-edit --delete --repository RepoURL Profile [Version]
    To edit repository locations directly, using a visual text editor, enter the following command:
    fabric:profile-edit Profile [Version]
    The visual editor opens, showing the contents of the specified profile's agent properties. To edit the repository settings, add, modify, or delete lines of the following form:
    Where ID is an arbitrary unique identifier and URL gives the location of a single feature repository. Only one repository URL can be specified on each line.
  • Features to install—to add features to the profile, enter a command in the following format:
    fabric:profile-edit --feature FeatureName Profile [Version]
    To add multiple features, you can specify the --feature flag multiple times in this command. For example, to add the camel-jetty and the camel-quartz features to the default version of the sample profile, enter a command like the following:
    fabric:profile-edit --feature camel-jetty --feature camel-quartz sample
    To delete features, enter a command of the following form:
    fabric:profile-edit --delete --feature FeatureName Profile [Version]
    To edit features directly, using the visual text editor, enter the following command:
    fabric:profile-edit Profile [Version]
    The visual editor opens, showing the contents of the specified profile's agent properties. To edit the features, add, modify, or delete lines of the following form:
    Where ID is an arbitrary unique identifier and FeatureName is the name of a feature.
  • Bundles to install—to add bundles to the profile, enter a command in the following format:
    The fabric:profile-edit command supports two flag variations for specifying bundles—--bundle and --bundles. The --bundles flag is included for backwards compatibility. Regardless of which variation you use, to specify multiple bundles on the same command line, you must include the flag with each bundle specification.
    fabric:profile-edit --bundle BundleURL Profile [Version]
    For example, to add camel-quartz bundle to the sample profile, enter a command like the following:
    fabric:profile-edit --bundle mvn:org.apache.camel/camel-quartz/2.17.0.redhat-630xxx sample
    To delete bundles, enter a command of the following form:
    fabric:profile-edit --delete --bundle BundleURL Profile [Version]
    To edit bundles directly, using the visual text editor, enter the following command:
    fabric:profile-edit Profile [Version]
    The visual editor opens, showing the contents of the specified profile's agent properties. To edit the bundles, add, modify, or delete lines of the following form:
    Where ID is an arbitrary unique identifier and URL specifies the bundle's location.
  • Configuration settings for the OSGi Config Admin service—to modify or create a configuration setting from the OSGi Config Admin service, enter a command in the following format:
    fabric:profile-edit --pid PID/Property=Value Profile [Version]
    Where PID is a persistent ID, which is used in the context of the OSGi Config Admin service to identify a collection of related properties. For example, to change the value of the secure HTTPS port used by the Jetty server in the sample profile, you could edit the property from the org.ops4j.pax.web PID using a command like the following:
    fabric:profile-edit --pid org.ops4j.pax.web/ sample
    To delete a property, enter a command of the following form:
    fabric:profile-edit --delete --pid PID/Property Profile [Version]
    If the value of the PID property has the form of a comma-separated list, you can use the --append option and the --remove option to manipulate the list value. For example:
    fabric:profile-edit --pid Profile [Version]
    fabric:profile-edit --append --pid Profile [Version]
    fabric:profile-edit --append --pid Profile [Version]
    fabric:display Profile
      my.prop a,b,c
    To edit OSGi Config Admin settings directly, using the visual text editor, enter the following command:
    fabric:profile-edit --pid PID Profile [Version]
    The visual editor opens, showing the contents of the specified profile's file (which is actually stored in the ZooKeeper registry). To edit the properties, add, modify, or delete lines of the following form:
  • Property settings from etc/—to modify or create a Java system property in the container's etc/ file (which affects the container), enter a command in the following format:
    fabric:profile-edit --config Property=Value Profile [Version]
    For example, to change the value of the karaf.startlevel.bundle Java system property in, you would enter a command like the following:
    fabric:profile-edit --config karaf.startlevel.bundle=80 Profile [Version]
    To delete a Java system property from, enter a command of the following form:
    fabric:profile-edit --delete --config Property Profile [Version]
    If the value of the configuration property has the form of a comma-separated list, you can use the --append option and the --remove option to manipulate the list value. For example:
    fabric:profile-edit --config my.prop=a Profile [Version]
    fabric:profile-edit --append --config my.prop=b Profile [Version]
    fabric:profile-edit --append --config my.prop=c Profile [Version]
    fabric:display Profile
    Config Properties :
              my.prop =     a,
    To edit the Java system properties directly, using the visual text editor, enter the following command:
    fabric:profile-edit Profile [Version]
    The visual editor opens, showing the contents of the specified profile's agent properties. To edit the Java system properties (analogous to etc/, add, modify, or delete lines of the following form:
  • Property settings from etc/—to modify or create a Java system property in the container's etc/ file (which affects bundles deployed in the container), enter a command in the following format:
    fabric:profile-edit --system Property=Value Profile [Version]
    For example, to change the default port for the OSGi HTTP service, you would enter a command like the following:
    fabric:profile-edit --system org.osgi.service.http.port=8181 Profile [Version]
    If the system property, Property, is already set at the JVM level (for example, through the --jvm-opts option to the fabric:container-create command), the preceding fabric:profile-edit command will not override the JVM level setting. If you want to override the JVM level setting, you must indicate this explicitly by adding the karaf.override prefix to the property name, Property—for example:
    fabric:profile-edit --system karaf.override.Property=Value Profile [Version]
    To delete a Java system property from, enter a command of the following form:
    fabric:profile-edit --delete --system Property Profile [Version]
    If the value of the system property has the form of a comma-separated list, you can use the --append option and the --remove option to manipulate the list value. For example:
    fabric:profile-edit --system my.prop=a Profile [Version]
    fabric:profile-edit --append --system my.prop=b Profile [Version]
    fabric:profile-edit --append --system my.prop=c Profile [Version]
    fabric:display Profile
    System Properties :
              my.prop =     a,
    To edit the Java system properties directly, using the visual text editor, enter the following command:
    fabric:profile-edit Profile [Version]
    The visual editor opens, showing the contents of the specified profile's agent properties. To edit the Java system properties (analogous to etc/, add, modify, or delete lines of the following form:
    If you want to ensure that this setting overrides any JVM level setting, set the system property as follows:
Any modifications you make to a profile using fabric:profile-edit are immediately propagated to the containers that use that profile. This is not the recommended way to edit profiles, however: if you change multiple settings in the profile, you could potentially put the affected containers into an inconsistent state. To guarantee atomicity, it is better to use the fabric:profile-edit command in combination with the fabric:container-upgrade command—see fabric:container-upgrade.

Enclosing an Option Value in Quotes

The Karaf shell strips double quotes from an option by default. Hence, to enclose an option value in double quotes, it is necessary to enclose the whole setting in double quotes and to escape the quotes around the option value. For example, to define the system property setting, http.nonProxyHosts="myserver1|myserver2", on the default profile, you would use the following command:
fabric:profile-edit --system "karaf.override.http.nonProxyHosts=\"myserver1|myserver2\"" default
Where the karaf.override prefix is prepended to the property name, because http.nonProxyHosts is already set at the JVM level and needs to be overridden.


Table 9.42, “fabric:profile-edit Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.42. fabric:profile-edit Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-p, --pidEdit an OSGi configuration property, specified in the format PID/Property. To specify multiple values, specify this flag multiple times on the command line—for example, --pid PID/Property=Value --pid PID/Property=Value.
-r, --repositoryAdd (or delete) a feature repository. To specify multiple values, specify this flag multiple times on the command line—for example, --repository foo --repository bar.
-f, --featureAdd (or delete) a feature. To specify multiple values, specify this flag multiple times on the command line—for example, --feature foo --feature bar.
-b, --bundleAdd (or delete) a bundle. To specify multiple values, specify this flag multiple times on the command line—for example, --bundle foo --bundle bar.
-c, --configEdit the Java system properties that affect the container (analogous to editing etc/ in a root container). To edit multiple configuration properties, specify this flag multiple times on the command line—for example, --config Property=Value --config Property=Value.
-s, --systemEdit the Java system properties that affect installed bundles (analogous to editing etc/ in a root container). To edit multiple system properties, specify this flag multiple times on the command line—for example, --system Property=Value --system Property=Value.
-o, --overridesAdd (or delete) a bundle override. A bundle override can be used to override the bundle version installed by a feature. For example, if a feature installs version 1.0.0 of a particular bundle, you could use a bundle override to install version 1.0.1 of the bundle instead. To specify multiple values, specify this flag multiple times on the command line—for example, --overrides BundleURL --overrides BundleURL.
-l, --libAdd (or delete) a library. To specify multiple values, specify this flag multiple times on the command line—for example, --lib LibURL --lib LibURL.
-n, --endorsedAdd (or delete) an endorsed library. To specify multiple values, specify this flag multiple times on the command line—for example, --endorsed LibURL --endorsed LibURL.
-x, --extensionAdd (or delete) an extension library. To specify multiple values, specify this flag multiple times on the command line—for example, --extension LibURL --extension LibURL.
--setSet or create values (selected by default).
--deleteDelete values.
--appendWhen editing list values, append the specified value to the list. Can only be used in combination with the --config, --system, and --pid options.
--removeWhen editing list values, remove the specified value from the list. Can only be used in combination with the --config, --system, and --pid options.
--delimiterSpecifies the delimiter to use in combination with the --append and --remove options. Default is , (comma).
--resourceWhen editing with the visual text editor, specifies the name of the resource to edit.
-i, --import-pidImports the PIDs that are edited, from local OSGi Config Admin.
Profile (Required) Name of the profile to edit.
Version Version of the profile to edit. Defaults to the current default version (use version-list to find the current default).

9.43. fabric:profile-export


exports a profile to the specified location


fabric:profile-export { ProfileDestination }


The fabric:profile-export command allows you to export profiles to files.
The default export location is the fabric/export folder under the karaf home directory. To change the default location, specify the path as an argument:
fabric:profile-export /path/to/profile/location


Table 9.43, “fabric:profile-export Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.43. fabric:profile-export Arguments
ProfileDestinationThe location to which the profile will be exported.

9.44. fabric:profile-import


imports a profile from the specified location


fabric:profile-import { ProfileSource }


The fabric:profile-import command allows you to import profiles stored in the form of ZIP files.
The ZIP files can be accessed using a URL:
fabric:profile-import /path/to/profile/location/
Or you can use maven coordinates instead of a URL:


Table 9.44, “fabric:profile-import Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.44. fabric:profile-import Arguments
ProfileSourceThe location of the profile to be imported.

9.45. fabric:profile-list


lists all profiles that belong to the specified version (where the version defaults to the current default version)


fabric:profile-list [ --help ] [ --version version ] [ --hidden ]



Table 9.45, “fabric:profile-list Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.45. fabric:profile-list Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
--version Specifies the version of the profiles to list. Defaults to the current default version (use version-list to find the current default).
--hiddenShows hidden profiles.

9.46. fabric:profile-refresh, profile-refresh


performs a change to the profile, that triggers the deployment agent. It's intended to be used for scanning for snapshot changes


fabric:profile-refresh [ --help ] { Profile } [ Version ]


Table 9.46, “fabric:profile-refresh Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.46. fabric:profile-refresh Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.
ProfileThe profile to refresh.
VersionThe profile version to refresh. Defaults to the current default version.

9.47. fabric:profile-rename, profile-rename


rename the specified version of the source profile (where the version defaults to the current default version)


fabric:profile-rename [ --help ] [ --version Version ] [ -f ] [ --force ] { OldName } { NewName }


Table 9.47, “fabric:profile-rename Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.47. fabric:profile-rename Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.
--versionThe profile version to rename. Defaults to the current default version.
-f, --forceFlag to allow replacing the target profile (if it already exists).
OldNameThe current name of the profile.
NewNameThe new name of the profile.

9.48. fabric:require-profile-delete


deletes requirements on the specified profile


fabric:require-profile-delete [ --help ] { Profile }


Table 9.48. fabric:require-profile-delete Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
Profile A profile ID.

9.49. fabric:require-profile-list


lists all profile requirements in the current fabric


fabric:require-profile-list [ --help ]


For example, if both the example-camel profile and the example-cxf profile have requirements set, you could see output like the following:
karaf@root> fabric:require-profile-list
[profile]                                [# minimum]    [# maximum]    [depends on]
example-camel                            2              4              
example-cxf                              2              4


Table 9.49. fabric:require-profile-list Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command

9.50. fabric:require-profile-set


associates requirements with the specified profile


fabric:require-profile-set [ --help ] [ --minimum MinInstance ] [ --maximum MaxInstance ] [ --dependsOn Dependency ] { Profile }


Requirements associated with a profile are used to assess the health of the current fabric. Profile requirements are entirely passive. For example, if the number of running instances of a profile is less than the minimum or greater than the maximum, monitoring tools can be configured to indicate a problem or to trigger an alert. Otherwise, the requirements have no effect on the fabric.
In Fuse IDE a green/red bar indicates what proportion of the required profile instances are currently running in the fabric.
For example, to require a range of 2 to 4 running instances of the example-camel profile, you would enter the following command:
karaf@root> require-profile-set --minimum 2 --maximum 4 example-camel


Table 9.50, “fabric:require-profile-set Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.50. fabric:require-profile-set Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
--minimum The minimum number of instances of this profile expected to be running in the fabric.
--maximum The maximum number of instances of this profile expected to be running in the fabric.
--dependsOn The profile IDs that must be provisioned before this profile. To specify multiple profile IDs, specify this flag multiple times on the command line—for example, --dependsOn foo --dependsOn bar.
Profile A profile ID.

9.51. fabric:status


displays the current status of the fabric, based on the configured profile requirements


fabric:status [ --help ]


This command summarizes the health of the fabric, based on requirements previously configured by the fabric:require-profile-set command. For example, if you configured the example-camel profile to require a minimum of two instances and a maximum of four instances, and there is currently only one instance running, the example-camel profile would get a health rating of 50%.
The fabric:status command produces output like the following:
karaf@root> fabric:status
[profile]                                [instances]    [health]
cloud                                    1              100%
example-camel                            0              0%
example-cxf                              0              0%
fabric                                   1              100%
fabric-ensemble-0000-1                   1              100%


Table 9.51, “fabric:status Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.51. fabric:status Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command

Related topics

For more details, see:

9.52. fabric:version-create


create a new version


fabric:version-create [ --help ] [ --parent parentVersion ] { Version }


Create a new version, by default copying all of the profiles from the current latest version into the new version. You can specify which version to copy the profiles from using the --parent option. Using the --description option, you can add a note to describe the new version. If no version is specified, the command creates a new minor version by default. For example:
karaf@root> fabric:version-list
[version]       [default] [# containers]
1.0             true      1             
karaf@root> fabric:version-create --description "Test version"
Created version: 1.1 as copy of: 1.0
karaf@root> fabric:version-list
[version]       [default] [# containers]  [description]
1.0             true      1             
1.1             false     0               Test version
Be aware that Fabric8 Karaf does not handle leading and trailing zeros in version numbers. Numbers such as 1.10, 01.1, 1.1 will all be interpreted as 1.1. When specifying version numbers, any numbers with leading or trailing zeros must be enclosed in double quotes. For example, "1.10". This will force the number to be interpreted as presented.


Table 9.52, “fabric:version-create Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.52. fabric:version-create Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
--default Set the created version to be the new default version.
--description Add a description of the newly created version. Enclose the text within double quotes.
--parent The parent version. By default, uses the latest version as the parent.
Version The new version to create. If not specified, defaults to the next minor version.

9.53. fabric:version-delete


delete the specified version


fabric:version-delete [ --help ] { Version }


Delete the specified version.
This command also deletes all of the profile data associated with the deleted version.
Be aware that Karaf does not handle leading and trailing zeros in version numbers. Numbers such as 1.10, 01.1, 1.1 will all be interpreted as 1.1. When specifying version numbers, any numbers with leading or trailing zeros must be enclosed in double quotes. For example, "1.10". This will force the number to be interpreted as presented.


Table 9.53, “fabric:version-delete Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.53. fabric:version-delete Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
Version (Required) The version to delete.

9.54. fabric:version-list


lists the existing versions


fabric:version-list [ --help ]


For example:
karaf@root> fabric:version-list
[version]       [default] [# containers]
1.0             true      1             
1.1             false     0


Table 9.54, “fabric:version-list Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.54. fabric:version-list Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command

9.55. fabric:version-set-default


set the new default version (must be one of the existing versions)


fabric:version-set-default [ --help ] { Version }


Many of the fabric console commands work with a default version. For example, when you create a new profile with fabric:profile-create, the new profile is created in the default version by default. The fabric:version-set-default changes the default version that is used by these commands.


Table 9.55, “fabric:version-set-default Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.55. fabric:version-set-default Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
Version (Required) Version number to use as the new default version.

9.56. fabric:watch


Watches and automatically updates bundles


fabric:watch [ --help ] [ --no-upload ] [[ --start ] | [ --stop ]] [ -i interval ] [ --list ] [ --remove ] { bundles ...}


Table 9.56, “fabric:watch Arguments” describes the commands arguments.
Table 9.56. fabric:watch Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command
--no-uploadIf specified, updated bundles are not uploaded to the fabric's Maven proxy repository.
--stopStop watching the specified bundles
--startStart watching the specified bundles
-iSpecifies the interval, in milliseconds, to check the bundles.
--listList the bundles being watched.
--removeRemove the specified bundles from the watch list.
bundles...Specifies a whitespace delimited list of bundle URLs or bundle IDs.
Only Maven URLs and Maven snapshots are updated automatically. So, if you enter the command, fabric:watch *, Fabric monitors all bundles whose location matches mvn:* and that have -SNAPSHOT in their URL.

Chapter 10. Features Console Commands

The features commands allow you to provision entire applications using the Apache Karaf features facility. Features allow you to provision a collection of bundles using a single name.
Type features: then press Tab at the karaf> prompt to view the available commands.

10.1. features:addurl, addurl


registers one or more URLs to feature repositories with the container


features:addurl [ --help ] [[ -i ] | [ --install-all ]] { urls }


Each feature repository defines one or more features, and each feature is made up of a collection of bundles that work together to provide some functionality. When a feature is loaded, the container loads any required bundles that are not already present into the container and activates them.


Table 10.1, “features:addurl Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 10.1. features:addurl Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-i, --install-all Install all of the features in the specified feature repository URLs.
urls One or more repository URLs separated by whitespaces.

10.2. features:chooseurl, chooseurl


registers the feature repository URL for a well known project


features:chooseurl [ --help ] { project } { version }


Red Hat JBoss Fuse uses a number of features implemented by well-known projects. To simplify the process of adding their feature repositories, the chooseurl command allows you to add a feature repository without knowing its Maven URL. The list of projects supported by chooseurl is configured by the org.apache.karaf.features.repos PID.


Table 10.2, “features:chooseurl Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 10.2. features:chooseurl Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
feature Specifies the project name for the feature repository to add.
version Specifies the version of the project's feature repository to add.

10.3. features:info


show information about the specified feature with the optionally specified version


features:info [ --help ] [[ -c ] | [ --configuration ]] [[ -b ] | [ --bundle ]] [[ -t ] | [ --tree ]] [[ -d ] | [ --dependency ]] { featureName } { version }


Table 10.3, “features:info Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 10.3. features:info Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-c, --configuration Display configuration information.
-b, --bundleDisplay bundle information.
-t, --treeDisplay feature tree.
-d, --dependencyDisplay dependency information.

10.4. features:install


installs a feature


features:install [ --help ] { name } [ version ]


Table 10.4, “features:install Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 10.4. features:install Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
name The name of the feature to install
version The version of the feature

10.5. features:list


Lists all existing features available from the defined repositories


features:list [ --help ] [[ -i ] | [ --installed ]]


Table 10.5, “features:list Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 10.5. features:list Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-i, --installed Displays the list of all installed features

10.6. features:listurl


lists the features repository URLs


features:listurl [ --help ] [[ -v ] | [ --validate ]] [[ -vo ] | [ --verbose ]]


Table 10.6, “features:listurl Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 10.6. features:listurl Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-v,--validateValidate current version of descriptors.
-vo,--verboseShows validation output.

10.7. features:listVersions, listVersions


lists all versions of a feature available from the current feature repositories


features:listVersions [ --help ] { feature }


Table 10.7, “features:listVersions Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 10.7. features:listVersions Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
feature Name of a feature.

10.8. features:refreshUrl


reloads the list of available features from the repositories


features:refreshUrl [ --help ] { urls }


Table 10.8, “features:refreshUrl Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 10.8. features:refreshUrl Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
urls The repository URLs to reload (leave empty for all).

10.9. features:removeUrl


removes the specified list of repository URLs from the features service


features:removeUrl [ --help ] { urls }


Table 10.9, “features:removeUrl Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 10.9. features:removeUrl Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
urls One or more repository URLs separated by whitespace.

10.10. features:removeRepository


removes the specified repository from the features service


features:removeRepository [ --help ] { repository }


Table 10.10, “features:removeRepository Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 10.10. features:removeRepository Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
repository The name of a features repository.

10.11. features:uninstall


uninstalls a feature with the specified name and version


features:uninstall [ --help ] { features }


Table 10.11, “features:uninstall Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 10.11. features:uninstall Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
features A space-separated list of features to uninstall, where each feature is specified in the format feature[/version] (that is, the version is optional).

Chapter 11. JAAS Console Commands

The jaas commands are used for editing JAAS realm and user data. Editing a JAAS realm is done in two stages. The changes are placed in a queue until they are applied by executing the jaas:update.
When editing JAAS settings the commands are used as follows:
  1. Start the editing session.
  2. Edit the realm's user data.
    • jaas:users
      Lists all of the users.
    • jaas:useradd
      Add a new user.
    • jaas:userdel
      Delete a user.
    • jaas:roleadd
      Add a new role to a user.
    • jaas:roledel
      Delete a role from a user.
    • jaas:pending
      Lists all of the pending changes that have been made to the realms, but have not been applied to the container.
  3. Apply the changes to the JAAS realm and ends the editing session.
You can abandon an editing session using jaas:cancel before the changes applied to the JAAS settings.
Type jaas: then press Tab at the prompt to view the available commands.

11.1. jaas:cancel, cancel


cancels a JAAS editing session without applying the pending changes


jaas:cancel [ --help ]


When editing a JAAS realm, the changes are buffered until the editing session is closed. The jaas:cancel command clears the buffer without saving the changes and closes the editing session.
You can see a list of the buffered changes using the jaas:pending command.


Table 11.1, “jaas:cancel Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 11.1. jaas:cancel Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command

11.2. jaas:groupadd


Add a user to a group.


jaas:groupadd [ --help ] { username } { group }


When editing a JAAS realm, add the username user to the group group in the current realm.


Table 11.2, “jaas:groupadd Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 11.2. jaas:groupadd Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
usernameThe user to add to the group.
groupThe name of the group to which the user is added.

11.3. jaas:groupcreate


Create a new group in the current realm.


jaas:groupcreate [ --help ] { group }


When editing a JAAS realm, creates a new user group with the specified name, group.


Table 11.3, “jaas:groupcreate Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 11.3. jaas:groupcreate Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
groupName of the group to create.

11.4. jaas:groupdel


Remove a user from a group.


jaas:groupdel [ --help ] { username } { group }


When editing a JAAS realm, remove the username user from the group group in the current realm.


Table 11.4, “jaas:groupdel Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 11.4. jaas:groupdel Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
usernameThe user to remove from the group.
groupThe name of the group from which the user is removed.

11.5. jaas:grouproleadd


Add a role to a group.


jaas:grouproleadd [ --help ] { groupname } { role }


When editing a JAAS realm, add the role role to the groupname group in the current realm.


Table 11.5, “jaas:grouproleadd Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 11.5. jaas:grouproleadd Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
groupnameThe name of the group to which you are adding a role.
roleThe name of the role to add to the group.

11.6. jaas:grouproledel


Remove a role from a group.


jaas:grouproledel [ --help ] { groupname } { role }


When editing a JAAS realm, remove the role role from the groupname group.


Table 11.6, “jaas:grouproledel Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 11.6. jaas:grouproledel Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
groupnameThe name of the group from which you are removing a role.
roleThe name of the role to remove from the group.

11.7. jaas:groups


List groups in a realm.


jaas:groups [ --help ]


When editing a JAAS realm, lists the available groups in the current realm.


Table 11.7, “jaas:groups Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 11.7. jaas:groups Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command

11.8. jaas:manage, manage


opens a JAAS realm for editing


jaas:manage [ --help ] {[ --realm realm ] | [ --index index ]} [ --module module ] [ --force ]


The jaas:manage command is the first step in editing a JAAS realm. It opens the realm so that calls to the jaas:* editing commands will update the selected realm. The edits made by the jaas:* editing commands are placed in a buffer associated with the selected realm and not written to the realm until the editing session is ended by the jaas:update command.
If you use the jaas:manage command before saving the changes to a realm that is open for editing, the changes to the previously open realm are abandoned. The pending edits for the previous realm are cleared without being saved.
While editing a realm you can get a list of the pending changes using the jaas:pending command.


Table 11.8, “jaas:manage Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 11.8. jaas:manage Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.
--realmSelect the realm to edit by specifying its realm name.
--indexSelect the realm to edit by specifying its index.
--moduleSpecify which of the realm's login modules are to be edited.
--forceForce the switch to the specified realm. If a different realm was already opened for editing its changes are abandoned without being applied.


You can select the realm to manage either by specifying its realm name or by specifying its index.
If the installed realm names are all distinct (which you can check using jaas:realms), you can identify the realm to manage by specifying the --realm option. For example, if the container is a standalone instance (no fabric installed), you can start to edit the karaf realm as follows:
jaas:manage --realm karaf
If the container belongs to a fabric, however, the fabric-jaas feature automatically installs another realm named karaf at a higher priority, so that it overrides the default karaf realm. For example, in a fabric, the jaas:realms command returns a list similar to the following:
Index Realm Module Class 1 karaf 2 karaf io.fabric8.jaas.ZookeeperLoginModule
In this case, you must identify the realm to manage using the --index option, specifying one of the index values from the list. The current active karaf realm is the ZookeeperLoginModule, which is selected by the index value, 2, as follows:
jaas:manage --index 2

11.9. jaas:pending, pending


lists the changes waiting to be applied to the realm being edited


jaas:pending [ --help ]


When editing a JAAS realm, the changes are stored in a buffer until the editing session is closed. The jaas:pending command shows a list of the changes buffered during the currently open editing session.
The jaas:update command saves the changes and closes the editing session.
The jaas:cancel command clears the buffer without saving the changes and closes the editing session.


Table 11.9, “jaas:pending Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 11.9. jaas:pending Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.

11.10. jaas:realms, realms


lists the JAAS realms know to the container


jaas:realms [ --help ]


Table 11.10, “jaas:realms Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 11.10. jaas:realms Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.

11.11. jaas:roleadd, roleadd


adds a role to a user


jaas:roleadd [ --help ] { username } { role }


When editing a JAAS realm, the changes are buffered until the editing session is closed. When you add a new role using the jaas:roleadd command, the change is stored in the buffer and does not take effect until the editing session is closed.
The jaas:update command saves the changes and closes the editing session.
The jaas:cancel command clears the buffer without saving the changes and closes the editing session.


Table 11.11, “jaas:roleadd Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 11.11. jaas:roleadd Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
usernameSpecifies the name of the user to modify.
roleSpecifies the role which is appended to the user data.

11.12. jaas:roledel, roledel


deletes a role from a user


jaas:roledel [ --help ] { username } { role }


When editing a JAAS realm, the changes are buffered until the editing session is closed. When you delete a role using the jaas:roledel command, the change is stored in the buffer and does not take effect until the editing session is closed.
The jaas:update command saves the changes and closes the editing session.
The jaas:cancel command clears the buffer without saving the changes and closes the editing session.


Table 11.12, “jaas:roledel Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 11.12. jaas:roledel Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.
usernameSpecifies the name of the user to modify.
roleSpecifies the role which is removed from the user data.

11.13. jaas:update


applies all pending changes to the JAAS realm and closes the editing session


jaas:update [ --help ]


When editing a JAAS realm, the changes are buffered until the editing session is closed. The jaas:update command saves the buffered changes to the realm and closes the editing session.
You can see a list of the buffered changes using the jaas:pending command.


Table 11.13, “jaas:update Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 11.13. jaas:update Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.

11.14. jaas:useradd, useradd


adds a user to the JAAS realm being edited


jaas:useradd [ --help ] { username } { password }


When editing a JAAS realm, the changes are buffered until the editing session is closed. When you add a new user using the jaas:useradd command, the change is stored in the buffer and does not take effect until the editing session is closed.
The jaas:update command saves the changes and closes the editing session.
The jaas:cancel command clears the buffer without saving the changes and closes the editing session.


Table 11.14, “jaas:useradd Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 11.14. jaas:useradd Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.
usernameSpecifies the name of the user to add.
passwordSpecifies the password used to authenticate the user.

11.15. jaas:userdel, userdel


deletes a user from the JAAS realm being edited


jaas:userdel [ --help ] { username }


When editing a JAAS realm, the changes are buffered until the editing session is closed. When you delete a user using the jaas:useradd command, the change is stored in the buffer and does not take effect until the editing session is closed.
The jaas:update command saves the changes and closes the editing session.
The jaas:cancel command clears the buffer without saving the changes and closes the editing session.


Table 11.15, “jaas:userdel Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 11.15. jaas:userdel Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.
--without-group-deletion or -wIf the user is the last one of this group, the group will not be deleted.
usernameSpecifies the name of the user to add.

11.16. jaas:users, users


lists the users in the JAAS realm being edited


jaas:users [ --help ]


Table 11.16, “jaas:users Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 11.16. jaas:users Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.

Chapter 12. Jasypt encryption

You can use a command to use Jasypt to encrypt passwords in the console.

12.1. jasypt:encrypt


Encrypts a password


jasypt:encrypt [ password ] [ --help ]


Use this command to encrypt a plain text password
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root> jasypt:encrypt passwordsample


The command's arguments are as follows:
Table 12.1. jasypt:encrypt Arguments
password Enter the password to be encrypted in plain text
--help Displays the online help for this command

Chapter 13. Log Console Commands

The log commands allow you to display and change log levels.
Type log: then press Tab at the prompt to view the available commands.

13.1. log:clear


clears the log


log:clear [ --help ]


Table 13.1, “log:clear Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 13.1. log:clear Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command

13.2. log:display, display, ld


displays log entries


log:display [ --help ] [ -p pattern ] [ -n numLines ] [ --no-color ]


Table 13.2, “log:display Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 13.2. log:display Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-p The pattern for formatting the output
-n The number of entries to display
--no-color Do not use syntax highlighting when displaying the log.

13.3. log:display-exception, display-exception, lde


displays the last thrown exception from the log


log:display-exception [ --help ]


Table 13.3, “log:display-exception Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 13.3. log:display-exception Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command

13.4. log:get, get


shows the log level


log:get [ --help ] { logger }


Table 13.4, “log:get Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 13.4. log:get Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
logger Specifies the logger name, ALL, or ROOT. The default is ROOT.

13.5. log:set, set


sets the log level


log:set [ --help ] {[ DEFAULT ] | [ TRACE ] | [ DEBUG ] | [ INFO ] | [ WARN ] | [ ERROR ]} { logger }


Table 13.5, “log:set Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 13.5. log:set Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
level Specifies the logging level.
logger Specifies the logger name. The default is ROOT.

13.6. log:tail


continually displays log entries


log:tail [ --help ] [ -p pattern ] [ -n numLines ] [ --no-color ]


Table 13.6, “log:tail Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 13.6. log:tail Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-p The pattern for formatting the output
-n The number of entries to display
--no-color Do not use syntax highlighting when displaying the log.

Chapter 14. OBR Console Commands

The obr commands allow you to access the OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR) Service API.
This feature is not installed by default. To install the obr shell, run the following command:
JBossFuse:karaf@root:> features:install obr
Type obr: then press Tab at the JBossFuse:karaf@root> prompt to view the available commands.

14.1. obr:addUrl


adds a list of repository URLs to the OBR service


obr:addUrl [ --help ] { urls }


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 14.1. obr:addUrl Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
urls The repository URLs to add to the OBR service, separated by whitespaces

14.2. obr:deploy


deploys a list of bundles using the OBR service


obr:deploy [ --help ] { bundles }


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 14.2. obr:deploy Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
bundles A list of bundle names to deploy, separated by whitespaces

14.3. obr:info


prints information about OBR bundles


obr:info [ --help ] { bundles }


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 14.3. obr:info Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
bundles Specifies the bundles to query for information, separated by whitespaces

14.4. obr:list


lists OBR bundles


obr:list [ --help ] { args }


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 14.4. obr:list Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
args The arguments

14.5. obr:listUrl


displays the repository URLs currently associated with the OBR service


obr:listUrl [ --help ]


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 14.5. obr:listUrl Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command

14.6. obr:refreshUrl


reloads the repositories to obtain a fresh list of bundles


obr:refreshUrl [ --help ] { urls }


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 14.6. obr:refreshUrl Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
urls The repository URLs to refresh (leave empty for all)

14.7. obr:removeUrl


removes a list of repository URLs from the OBR service


obr:removeUrl [ --help ] { urls }


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 14.7. obr:removeUrl Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
urls The repository URLs to remove from the OBR service, separated by whitespace

14.8. obr:source


downloads the sources for an OBR bundle


obr:source [ --help ] [ -x ] { folder } { bundles }


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 14.8. obr:source Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-x Extracts the archive
folder The local directory or folder for storing sources
bundles A list of bundles to download the sources for

14.9. obr:start


deploys and starts a list of bundles using OBR


obr:start [ --help ] { bundles }


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 14.9. obr:start Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
bundles List of bundle names to deploy, separated by whitespaces

Chapter 15. OSGi Console Commands

The osgi commands provide for managing the OSGi runtime. It includes commands for listing OSGi bundles and services and managing bundle lifecycles.
Type osgi: then press Tab at the prompt to view the available commands.

15.1. osgi:bundle-level, bundle-level


gets or sets the start level of a given bundle


osgi:bundle-level [ --help ] [ --force ] { id } [ startLevel ]


Table 15.1, “osgi:bundle-level Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 15.1. osgi:bundle-level Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
--force Forces the command to execute.
idSpecifies the id for the bundle.
startLevel Specifies the new start level for the bundle.

15.2. osgi:bundle-services, bundle-services


lists the OSGi services provided by a bundle


osgi:bundle-services [ -u ] [ -p ] [ -a ] [ --help ] [ --force ] { id }


Table 15.2, “osgi:bundle-services Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 15.2. osgi:bundle-services Arguments
-u Displays the services used by the bundle.
-p Displays the properties for each service.
-a Displays all of the services provided by the bundle including the Apache Karaf commands which are hidden by default.
--help Displays the online help for this command.
--force Forces the command to execute.
idSpecifies the id for the bundle.

15.3. osgi:classes, classes


lists all of the classes in the specified bundle or bundles


osgi:classes [ --help ] [ --force ] [[ -a ] | [ --display-all-files ]] { ids }


Table 15.3, “osgi:classes Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 15.3. osgi:classes Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
--force Forces the command to execute.
-a, --display-all-files Also lists the files contained in the bundles.
idsSpace-separated list of bundle IDs.

15.4. osgi:find-class, find-class


locates a specified class in any deployed bundle


osgi:find-class [ --help ] { className }


Table 15.4, “osgi:find-class Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 15.4. osgi:find-class Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
classNameClass name or partial class name to find.

15.5. osgi:headers, headers


displays the headers of a specified OSGi bundle


osgi:headers [ --help ] { id ...}


Table 15.5, “osgi:headers Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 15.5. osgi:headers Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
id Specifies a space delimited list of bundle IDs.

15.6. osgi:info


displays detailed information about OSGi bundles


osgi:info [ --help ] { id ...}


Table 15.6, “osgi:info Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 15.6. osgi:info Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
id Specifies a space delimited list of bundle IDs.

15.7. osgi:install, install


installs one or more OSGi bundles


osgi:install [ --help ] [[ -s ] | [ --start ]] { url ...}


Table 15.7, “osgi:install Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 15.7. osgi:install Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-s, --start Starts the bundles after installation
url Specifies a space delimited list of bundle URLs.

15.8. osgi:list, list


lists the installed bundles whose start level equals or exceeds the specified threshold


osgi:list [ --help ] [ -u ] [ -t threshold ] [ -l ] [ -s ]


Table 15.8, “osgi:list Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 15.8. osgi:list Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-u Shows the update locations
-tSpecifies the start level threshold. The default is the value of the karaf.systemBundlesStartLevel property whose default value is 50.
-l Shows the locations of the bundles
-s Shows the symbolic names of the bundles

15.9. osgi:ls, ls


lists OSGi services


osgi:ls [ --help ] [ -a ] [ -u ] [ --force ] [ id ...]


Table 15.9, “osgi:ls Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 15.9. osgi:ls Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-a Lists all services
-u Lists the services in use
--force Forces the command to execute
id Specifies a space separated list of bundle IDs.

15.10. osgi:refresh, refresh


refreshes an OSGi bundle


osgi:refresh [ --help ] [ --force ] { id ...}


Table 15.10, “osgi:refresh Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 15.10. osgi:refresh Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
--force Forces the command to execute.
id Specifies a space delimited list of bundle IDs.

15.11. osgi:resolve, resolve


resolves an OSGi bundle's dependencies


osgi:resolve [ --help ] [ --force ] { id ...}


Table 15.11, “osgi:resolve Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 15.11. osgi:resolve Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
--force Forces the command to execute.
id Specifies a space delimited list of bundle IDs.

15.12. osgi:restart, restart


stops and restarts an OSGi bundle


osgi:restart [ --help ] [ --force ] { id ...}


Table 15.12, “osgi:restart Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 15.12. osgi:restart Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
--force Forces the command to execute.
id Specifies a space delimited list of bundle IDs.

15.13. osgi:shutdown, shutdown


stops the OSGi framework


osgi:shutdown [ --help ] [[ -f ] | [ --force ]] [[ hh:mm ] | [ +m ]]


Table 15.13, “osgi:shutdown Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 15.13. osgi:shutdown Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
-f, --forceForces the command to execute.
hh:mmSpecifies the time to shut down the broker in hours and minutes. The time is specified in 24 hour time. For example, 13:30 specifies that the container will shutdown at 1:30pm.
+m Specifies the time, in minutes, to pause before shutting down the OSGi framework. For example, +30 specifies that the container will wait thirty minutes before shutting down the OSGi framework.

15.14. osgi:start, start


starts an OSGi bundle


osgi:start [ --help ] [ --force ] { id ...}


Table 15.14, “osgi:start Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 15.14. osgi:start Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
--force Forces the command to execute.
id Specifies a space delimited list of bundle IDs.

15.15. osgi:start-level, start-level


gets or sets the OSGi framework's active start level


osgi:start [ --help ] [ level ]


Table 15.15, “osgi:start-level Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 15.15. osgi:start-level Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
levelSpecifies the new start level to set.

15.16. osgi:stop, stop


stops an OSGi bundle


osgi:stop [ --help ] [ --force ] { id ...}


Table 15.16, “osgi:stop Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 15.16. osgi:stop Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
--force Forces the command to execute.
id Specifies a space delimited list of bundle IDs.

15.17. osgi:uninstall, uninstall


uninstalls an OSGi bundle


osgi:uninstall [ --help ] [ --force ] { id ...}


Table 15.17, “osgi:uninstall Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 15.17. osgi:uninstall Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
--force Forces the command to execute.
id Specifies a space delimited list of bundle IDs.

15.18. osgi:update, update


updates an OSGi bundle


osgi:update [ --help ] [ --force ] { id } [ location ]


Table 15.18, “osgi:update Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 15.18. osgi:update Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command.
--force Forces the command to execute.
idSpecifies ID of the bundle.
locationSpecifies the location from which the update is loaded. If no location is specified the container will use either the bundle's Bundle-UpdateLocation property or the bundle's original location.

Chapter 16. Packages Console Commands

The packages commands are used for showing all packages imported and exported by the OSGi bundles currently installed.
Type packages: then press Tab at the prompt to view the available commands.

16.1. packages:exports, exports


displays the packages exported OSGi bundles


packages:export [ --help ] [[ -d ] | [ --details ]] [ -s ] [[ -i ] | [ --imports ]] [ id ...]


Table 16.1, “package:exports Arguments” describes the commands arguments.
Table 16.1. package:exports Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-d, --detailsReformat the output in master/detail layout, which makes it easier to see how related details are grouped together.
-sShow the Symbolic name column, which shows the symbolic name of the bundle to which the exported package belongs.
-i, --imports Show the Imported by column, which lists all of the bundles that import the exported package.
id Specifies a whitespace separated list of bundle IDs to check.

16.2. packages:imports, imports


displays the packages imported by OSGi bundles


packages:imports [ --help ] [[ -i ] | [ --show-importer ]] [ id ...]


Table 16.2, “package:imports Arguments” describes the commands arguments.
Table 16.2. package:imports Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-i, --show-importer Show the bundle(s) that import a package.
id Specifies a whitespace separated list of bundle IDs to check.

Chapter 17. Patch Console Commands

The patch commands allow you to download, install, and manage patches.
Patches contain a discreet set of bundles intended to update a standalone container. Each patch includes the following metadata:
  • the patch name
  • a description of the patch
  • the list of bundles included in the patch
The basic procedure applying a patch is:
  1. You receive a notice from customer support that a patch is available.
  2. Using the URL provided by customer support, you download the patch using the patch:add command.
    This command downloads an archive file, unzips the archive, and puts the relevant JAR files under the container's system/ directory. The patch does not overwrite any of the existing JAR files and the patch is not actually installed until you run the patch:install command.
  3. You install the patch using the patch:install command.
  4. If you notice that the patch is causing issues, you can remove it using the patch:rollback command.
These commands are not suitable for use with containers that are part of a fabric. They are only for use in applying patches to standalone containers.
Type patch: then press Tab at the prompt to view the available commands.

17.1. patch:add, download


download a patch file from a remote location and places the relevant JAR files in the container's system directory


patch:add [ --help ] [ --bundles ] { URL }


Table 17.1, “patch:add Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 17.1. patch:add Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.
--bundlesList the bundles included in the patch.
URLSpecifies the URL from which the patch is downloaded.

17.2. patch:fabric-install


Installs a rollup patch in a Fabric system.


patch:fabric-install [ --help ] { Patch }


Table 17.2, “patch:fabric-install Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 17.2. patch:fabric-install Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.
--uploadUpload the patch artifacts to a Maven repository.
-s, --simulationSimulates patch installation.
--merge-prefer-newWhen patching a resource file in a profile, if there is a merge conflict in a property setting, prefer the value from the patch (new).
--merge-keep-oldWhen patching a resource file in a profile, if there is a merge conflict in a property setting, prefer the existing value (old).
--merge-overwriteWhen patching a resource file in a profile, replace the entire resource file with the patched one.
-u, --usernameRemote user name.
-p, --passwordRemote user password.
--versionProfile version to which the patch is applied.
PatchThe name of the patch to install.

17.3. patch:fabric-synchronize


Synchronize patch information from the current container to the Fabric ensemble's git server, to make sure that patched profile data are made accessible to all containers in the fabric.


patch:fabric-synchronize [ --help ]


Table 17.3, “patch:fabric-synchronize Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 17.3. patch:fabric-synchronize Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.

17.4. patch:install


installs a patch that was previously downloaded


patch:install [ --help ] { patch }


Table 17.4, “patch:install Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 17.4. patch:install Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.
patchSpecifies the name of the patch to install.

17.5. patch:list


lists all known patches, showing the patch name and status (installed or not)


patch:list [ --help ] [ --bundles ]


Table 17.5, “patch:list Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 17.5. patch:list Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.
--bundlesList the bundles for each patch.

17.6. patch:rollback


reverses a patch installation


patch:rollback [ --help ] { patch }


Table 17.6, “patch:rollback Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 17.6. patch:rollback Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.
patchSpecifies the name of the patch to roll back.

17.7. patch:simulate, simulate


logs all of the actions that would be performed during a patch install, without actually performing the install


patch:simulate [ --help ] { patch }


Table 17.7, “patch:simulate Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 17.7. patch:simulate Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.
patchSpecifies the name of the patch to simulate installing.

Chapter 18. Service Component Runtime (SCR) Console Commands

The scr commands are used for managing components declared using the OSGi Declarative Services specification.

18.1. scr:activate


activate the specified SCR component


scr:activate [ --help ] { ComponentName }


Table 18.1, “scr:activate Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 18.1. scr:activate Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.
ComponentNameThe SCR component name (which can be found from the listing produced by the scr:list command).

18.2. scr:deactivate


deactivate the specified SCR component


scr:deactivate [ --help ] { ComponentName }


Table 18.2, “scr:deactivate Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 18.2. scr:deactivate Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.
ComponentNameThe SCR component name (which can be found from the listing produced by the scr:list command).

18.3. scr:details


show details for the specified SCR component


scr:details [ --help ] [[ -s ] | [ --show-hidden ]] { ComponentName }


Table 18.3, “scr:details Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 18.3. scr:details Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.
-s, --show-hiddenShow all installed components, including the system components (which are hidden by default).
ComponentNameThe SCR component name (which can be found from the listing produced by the scr:list command).

18.4. scr:list


list all of the components defined using the OSGi Declarative Services framework


scr:list [ --help ] [[ -s ] | [ --show-hidden ]]


Table 18.4, “scr:list Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 18.4. scr:list Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.
-s, --show-hiddenShow all installed components, including the system components (which are hidden by default).

Chapter 19. SSH Console Commands

The ssh commands allow you to connect to or create a secure shell (SSH) server.
Type ssh: then press Tab at the prompt to view the available commands.

19.1. ssh:ssh, ssh


connects to a remote SSH server


ssh:ssh [ --help ] [[ -l username ] | [ --username username ]] [[ -P password ] | [ --password password ]] [[ -p port ] | [ --port port ]] { hostname } [ command ]


Table 19.1, “ssh:ssh Arguments” describes the commands arguments.
Table 19.1. ssh:ssh Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-l, --username The username for remote login
-P, --password The password for remote login
-p, --port The port to use for the SSH connection
hostname The hostname to connect to via SSH
command Specifies a command to execute upon connecting.

19.2. ssh:sshd, sshd


creates an SSH server


ssh:sshd [ --help ] [[ -b ] | [ --background ]] [[ -p port ] | [ --port port ]]


Table 19.2, “ssh:sshd Arguments” describes the commands arguments.
Table 19.2. ssh:sshd Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command
-b, --background Specifies that the service will run in the background.
-p, --port Specifies the port to setup for the SSH server. The default is 8101.

Chapter 20. Web Console Commands

The web command group is used to get information about WARs deployed in the container.
Type web: then press Tab at the prompt to view the commands in this group.

20.1. web:list


lists the WARs deployed in the container


web:list [ --help ]


Table 20.1, “web:list Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 20.1. web:list Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command

Chapter 21. The wrapper:install Command

The wrapper:install command installs Red Hat JBoss Fuse as a system service.
The wrapper:install Karaf console command—for installing JBoss Fuse as a service—is deprecated since JBoss Fuse 6.3 and will be removed in a future release of JBoss Fuse. To install the Apache Karaf container as a service, it is recommended that you use the new karaf-service-*.sh scripts from the bin/contrib directory instead.
This feature is not installed by default. To install the wrapper shell, run the following command:
JBossFuse:karaf@root:> features:install wrapper

21.1. wrapper:install


installs the container as a system service in the operating system


wrapper:install [ --help ] [[ -s ] | [ --start-type ] mode] [[ -n ] | [ --name ] serviceName] [[ -d ] | [ --display ] displayName] [[ -D ] | [ --description ] description]


This command takes the following arguments.
Table 21.1. wrapper:install Arguments
--help Displays the online help for this command
-s, --start-type The mode in which the service is installed, either AUTO_START or DEMAND_START; the default is AUTO_START
-n, --name The service name used when installing the service; the default is karaf
-d, --display The display name of the service
-D, --description The description of the service

Chapter 22. ZooKeeper Console Commands

By default, the ZooKeeper commands are not installed in a Fabric Container. To make the ZooKeeper commands available, install the fabric-zookeeper-commands feature, as follows:
features:install fabric-zookeeper-commands

22.1. zk:create


create a znode


zk:create [ --help ] [ -r|--recursive ] [ -i|--import ] [ -e|--ephemeral ] [ -s|--sequential ] [ -a|--acl ListOfACLs ] [ -o|--overwrite ] { path } { data }


Using this command, you can create the following different types of znode:
The new znode is permanently stored in the ZooKeeper registry. This is the default.
Persistent sequential
The new znode is permanently stored in the ZooKeeper registry and a 10-digit sequence number is appended to the specified znode name. Selected by the --sequential option.
The new znode exists only for the duration of the current client session. When the session is over, the znode is removed. Selected by the --ephemeral option.
Ephemeral sequential
The new znode exists only for the duration of the current client session and a 10-digit sequence number is appended to the specified znode name. When the session is over, the znode is removed. Selected by combining the --ephemeral option with the --sequential option.
You can optionally specify a list of ACLs to apply to the newly created znode. The ACL is specified as a comma-separated list, where each entry in the list has the following format:
ZooKeeper supports the following built-in schemes:
The permissions apply to all users.
The permissions apply to all authenticated users, irrespective of their identity (the ID field is left empty).
The permissions apply to the user whose username and password generate the specified MD5 hash value, MD5Hash.
The permissions apply to the ZooKeeper client with the specified IP address.
The Permissions string consists of one or more of the following characters: r (read), w (write), c (create), d (delete), and a (admin). For example, to create a new znode that explicitly grants all permissions to all users (which is, in fact, the default), you could use a command like the following:
karaf@root> zk:create --acl world:anyone:rwcda /path/to/the/new/znode
To avoid corruption of the fabric registry, you should not create any znodes under the /fabric/ path using the zk:create command. These registry nodes should only be created through the fabric console commands—see Chapter 9, Fabric Console Commands.
Fuse Fabric does not use the ACL security features of ZooKeeper. Currently, all znodes in the fabric registry are created without any ACL restrictions (equivalent to the world:anyone:rwcda ACL setting).


Table 22.1, “zk:create Arguments” describes the commands arguments.
Table 22.1. zk:create Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command
-r,--recursiveAutomatically create any missing parent nodes in the specified path.
-i,--importInterpret the data argument as a URL that locates a resource containing the initial data for the new znode.
-e,--ephemeralMake the new znode epehemeral, so that it is automatically deleted after the current ZooKeeper client session closes.
-s,--sequentialMake the new znode sequential, which implies that a unique 10-digit suffix is appended to the znode name.
-a,--aclSpecifies the znode's ACL as a comma-separated list, where each entry in the list has the format, Scheme:ID:Permissions. The Permissions string consists of the following characters, concatenated in any order: r (read), w (write), c (create), d (delete), and a (admin).
-o,--overwriteOverwrite the existing znode at this location, if there is one.
path(Required) Path of the znode to create.
dataInitial data for the node or, if --import is specified, a URL pointing at a location that contains the initial data.

22.2. zk:delete


delete the specified znode


zk:delete [ --help ] [ -v|--version version ] [ -r|--recursive ] { path }


Table 22.2, “zk:delete Arguments” describes the commands arguments.
Table 22.2. zk:delete Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command
-v,--versionThe ZooKeeper znode version to delete. Defaults to -1 (all versions).
-r,--recursiveRecursively delete children. Defaults to false.
pathPath of the znode to delete.

22.3. zk:get


get a znode's data


zk:get [ --help ] { path }


Table 22.3, “zk:get Arguments” describes the commands arguments.
Table 22.3. zk:get Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command
path(Required) Path of the znode to get.

22.4. zk:list


list a znode's children


zk:list [ --help ] [ -r|--recursive ] [ -d|--display ] { path }


Table 22.4, “zk:list Arguments” describes the commands arguments.
Table 22.4. zk:list Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command
-r, --recursiveList children recursively.
-d, --displayDisplay a znode's value, if set.
pathPath of the znode to list. Defaults to /.

22.5. zk:set


set a znode's data


zk:set [ --help ] [ -i|--import ] { path } { data }


The data stored in a znode should not be too large. ZooKeeper imposes an absolute limit of 1 MB, but in practice a data item should normally be much smaller than that.
To avoid corruption of the Fabric Registry, you should not modify any znodes under the /fabric/ path using the zk:set command. These registry values should only be changed through the fabric console commands—see Chapter 9, Fabric Console Commands.


Table 22.5, “zk:set Arguments” describes the commands arguments.
Table 22.5. zk:set Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command
-i,--importImport data from a URL.
path(Required) Path of the znode to set.
data(Required) The new data or URL to import.

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