
G.2. Front-Ends

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Table G.2, “Inbound JAX-WS interceptors” lists the interceptors added to a JAX-WS endpoint's inbound message chain.
Table G.2. Inbound JAX-WS interceptors
HolderInInterceptorPRE_INVOKECreates holder objects for any out or in/out parameters in the message.
WrapperClassInInterceptorPOST_LOGICALUnwraps the parts of a wrapped doc/literal message into the appropriate array of objects.
LogicalHandlerInInterceptorPRE_PROTOCOLPasses message processing to the JAX-WS logical handlers used by the endpoint. When the JAX-WS handlers complete, the message is passed along to the next interceptor on the inbound chain.
SOAPHandlerInterceptorPRE_PROTOCOLPasses message processing to the JAX-WS SOAP handlers used by the endpoint. When the SOAP handlers finish with the message, the message is passed along to the next interceptor in the chain.
Table G.3, “Outbound JAX-WS interceptors” lists the interceptors added to a JAX-WS endpoint's outbound message chain.
Table G.3. Outbound JAX-WS interceptors
HolderOutInterceptorPRE_LOGICALRemoves the values of any out and in/out parameters from their holder objects and adds the values to the message's parameter list.
WebFaultOutInterceptorPRE_PROTOCOLProcesses outbound fault messages.
WrapperClassOutInterceptorPRE_LOGICALMakes sure that wrapped doc/literal messages and rpc/literal messages are properly wrapped before being added to the message.
LogicalHandlerOutInterceptorPRE_MARSHALPasses message processing to the JAX-WS logical handlers used by the endpoint. When the JAX-WS handlers complete, the message is passed along to the next interceptor on the outbound chain.
SOAPHandlerInterceptorPRE_PROTOCOLPasses message processing to the JAX-WS SOAP handlers used by the endpoint. When the SOAP handlers finish processing the message, it is passed along to the next interceptor in the chain.
MessageSenderInterceptorPREPARE_SENDCalls back to the Destination object to have it setup the output streams, headers, etc. to prepare the outgoing transport.


Table G.4, “Inbound JAX-RS interceptors” lists the interceptors added to a JAX-RS endpoint's inbound message chain.
Table G.4. Inbound JAX-RS interceptors
JAXRSInInterceptorPRE_STREAMSelects the root resource class, invokes any configured JAX-RS request filters, and determines the method to invoke on the root resource.
The inbound chain for a JAX-RS endpoint skips straight to the ServiceInvokerInInterceptor interceptor. No other interceptors will be invoked after the JAXRSInInterceptor.
Table G.5, “Outbound JAX-RS interceptors” lists the interceptors added to a JAX-RS endpoint's outbound message chain.
Table G.5. Outbound JAX-RS interceptors
JAXRSOutInterceptorMARSHALMarshals the response into the proper format for transmission.
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