7.5. Starting the Agent
By default, when the agent is installed using an RPM, it is configured as a system service. This means that it is started using the service command:
[root@@server ~]# service jon-agent start
The agent can also be started and runs using a script in the agent's
If the agent is installed with a JBoss ON server or a storage node, then it is managed using the rhqctl script in the server's
Any agent installed through an RPM cannot be managed with the rhqctl script.
The agent command prompt is useful for passing certain agent commands and changing agent configuration. Using the rhq-agent.sh command opens the command prompt.
/opt/rhq-agent/bin/rhq-agent.sh RHQ 3.3.0-SNAPSHOT [cda7569] (Tue Apr 13 13:39:16 EDT 2017) >