
Chapter 2. Deploy OpenShift Container Storage using local storage devices

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Use this section to deploy OpenShift Container Storage on IBM Power Systems infrastructure where OpenShift Container Platform is already installed.

Follow the below steps in the order given:

2.1. Installing Local Storage Operator

Use this procedure to install the Local Storage Operator from the Operator Hub before creating OpenShift Container Storage clusters on local storage devices.


  1. Log in to the OpenShift Web Console.
  2. Click Operators OperatorHub.
  3. Type local storage in the Filter by keyword…​ box to search for Local Storage operator from the list of operators and click on it.
  4. Click Install.
  5. Set the following options on the Install Operator page:

    1. Update Channel as stable-4.8.
    2. Installation Mode as A specific namespace on the cluster.
    3. Installed Namespace as Operator recommended namespace openshift-local-storage.
    4. Approval Strategy as Automatic.
  6. Click Install.
  7. Verify that the Local Storage Operator shows the Status as Succeeded.

2.2. Installing Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage Operator

You can install Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage Operator using the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Operator Hub.

For information about the hardware and software requirements, see Planning your deployment.


  • Access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster using an account with cluster-admin and Operator installation permissions.
  • You must have at least three worker nodes in the RHOCP cluster.
  • When you need to override the cluster-wide default node selector for OpenShift Container Storage, you can use the following command in command line interface to specify a blank node selector for the openshift-storage namespace (create openshift-storage namespace in this case):
$ oc annotate namespace openshift-storage


  1. Navigate in the left pane of the OpenShift Web Console to click Operators OperatorHub.
  2. Scroll or type a keyword into the Filter by keyword box to search for OpenShift Container Storage Operator.
  3. Click Install on the OpenShift Container Storage operator page.
  4. On the Install Operator page, the following required options are selected by default:

    1. Update Channel as stable-4.8.
    2. Installation Mode as A specific namespace on the cluster.
    3. Installed Namespace as Operator recommended namespace openshift-storage. If Namespace openshift-storage does not exist, it will be created during the operator installation.
    4. Select Approval Strategy as Automatic or Manual.
    5. Click Install.

      If you selected Automatic updates, then the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) automatically upgrades the running instance of your Operator without any intervention.

      If you selected Manual updates, then the OLM creates an update request. As a cluster administrator, you must then manually approve that update request to have the Operator updated to the new version.

Verification steps

Verify that OpenShift Container Storage Operator shows a green tick indicating successful installation.

2.3. Finding available storage devices

Use this procedure to identify the device names for each of the three or more worker nodes that you have labeled with the OpenShift Container Storage label'' before creating PVs for IBM Power Systems.


  1. List and verify the name of the worker nodes with the OpenShift Container Storage label.

    $ oc get nodes -l

    Example output:

    worker-0   Ready    worker   2d11h   v1.21.1+f36aa36
    worker-1   Ready    worker   2d11h   v1.21.1+f36aa36
    worker-2   Ready    worker   2d11h   v1.21.1+f36aa36
  2. Log in to each worker node that is used for OpenShift Container Storage resources and find the name of the additional disk that you have attached while deploying Openshift Container Platform.

    $ oc debug node/<node name>

    Example output:

    $ oc debug node/worker-0
    Starting pod/worker-0-debug ...
    To use host binaries, run `chroot /host`
    Pod IP:
    If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
    sh-4.4# chroot /host
    sh-4.4# lsblk
    loop1    7:1    0   500G  0 loop
    sda      8:0    0   500G  0 disk
    sdb      8:16   0   120G  0 disk
    |-sdb1   8:17   0     4M  0 part
    |-sdb3   8:19   0   384M  0 part
    `-sdb4   8:20   0 119.6G  0 part
    sdc      8:32   0   500G  0 disk
    sdd      8:48   0   120G  0 disk
    |-sdd1   8:49   0     4M  0 part
    |-sdd3   8:51   0   384M  0 part
    `-sdd4   8:52   0 119.6G  0 part
    sde      8:64   0   500G  0 disk
    sdf      8:80   0   120G  0 disk
    |-sdf1   8:81   0     4M  0 part
    |-sdf3   8:83   0   384M  0 part
    `-sdf4   8:84   0 119.6G  0 part
    sdg      8:96   0   500G  0 disk
    sdh      8:112  0   120G  0 disk
    |-sdh1   8:113  0     4M  0 part
    |-sdh3   8:115  0   384M  0 part
    `-sdh4   8:116  0 119.6G  0 part
    sdi      8:128  0   500G  0 disk
    sdj      8:144  0   120G  0 disk
    |-sdj1   8:145  0     4M  0 part
    |-sdj3   8:147  0   384M  0 part
    `-sdj4   8:148  0 119.6G  0 part
    sdk      8:160  0   500G  0 disk
    sdl      8:176  0   120G  0 disk
    |-sdl1   8:177  0     4M  0 part
    |-sdl3   8:179  0   384M  0 part
    `-sdl4   8:180  0 119.6G  0 part /sysroot
    sdm      8:192  0   500G  0 disk
    sdn      8:208  0   120G  0 disk
    |-sdn1   8:209  0     4M  0 part
    |-sdn3   8:211  0   384M  0 part /boot
    `-sdn4   8:212  0 119.6G  0 part
    sdo      8:224  0   500G  0 disk
    sdp      8:240  0   120G  0 disk
    |-sdp1   8:241  0     4M  0 part
    |-sdp3   8:243  0   384M  0 part
    `-sdp4   8:244  0 119.6G  0 part

    In this example, for worker-0, the available local devices of 500G are sda, sdc, sde,sdg, sdi, sdk, sdm,sdo.

  3. Repeat the above step for all the other worker nodes that have the storage devices to be used by OpenShift Container Storage. See this Knowledge Base article for more details.

2.4. Creating OpenShift Container Storage cluster on IBM Power Systems


  • Ensure that all the requirements in the Requirements for installing OpenShift Container Storage using local storage devices section are met.
  • You must have a minimum of three worker nodes with the same storage type and size attached to each node (for example, 200 GB SSD) to use local storage devices on IBM Power Systems.
  • Verify your OpenShift Container Platform worker nodes are labeled for OpenShift Container Storage:

    oc get nodes -l -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{"\n"}'

To identify storage devices on each node, refer to Finding available storage devices.


  1. Log into the OpenShift Web Console.
  2. In openshift-local-storage namespace Click Operators Installed Operators to view the installed operators.
  3. Click the Local Storage installed operator.
  4. On the Operator Details page, click the Local Volume link.
  5. Click Create Local Volume.
  6. Click on YAML view for configuring Local Volume.
  7. Define a LocalVolume custom resource for block PVs using the following YAML.

    kind: LocalVolume
      name: localblock
      namespace: openshift-local-storage
      logLevel: Normal
      managementState: Managed
          - matchExpressions:
              - key:
                operator: In
                  - worker-0
                  - worker-1
                  - worker-2
        - devicePaths:
            - /dev/sda
          storageClassName: localblock
          volumeMode: Block

    The above definition selects sda local device from the worker-0, worker-1 and worker-2 nodes. The localblock storage class is created and persistent volumes are provisioned from sda.


    Specify appropriate values of nodeSelector as per your environment. The device name should be same on all the worker nodes. You can also specify more than one devicePaths.

  8. Click Create.
  9. Confirm whether diskmaker-manager pods and Persistent Volumes are created.

    1. For Pods

      1. Click Workloads Pods from the left pane of the OpenShift Web Console.
      2. Select openshift-local-storage from the Project drop down list.
      3. Check if there are diskmaker-manager pods for each of the worker node that you used while creating LocalVolume CR.
    2. For Persistent Volumes

      1. Click Storage PersistentVolumes from the left pane of the OpenShift Web Console.
      2. Check the Persistent Volumes with the name local-pv-*. Number of Persistent Volumes will be equivalent to the product of number of worker nodes and number of storage devices provisioned while creating localVolume CR.


        The flexible scaling feature gets enabled on creating a storage cluster with 3 or more nodes spread across fewer than the minimum requirement of 3 availability zones. This feature is available only for the new deployments of OpenShift Container Storage 4.7 clusters and does not support the upgraded clusters. For information about flexible scaling, see Scaling Storage Guide

  10. Click Operators Installed Operators from the left pane of the OpenShift Web Console to view the installed operators.
  11. Select openshift-storage from the Project drop down list.
  12. Click the OpenShift Container Storage installed operator.
  13. On the Operator Details page, click the Storage Cluster link.
  14. Click Create Storage Cluster.

    1. Select Internal-Attached devices for the Select Mode.
    2. Click on Storage and Nodes.
    3. Select the required storage class.
    4. The nodes corresponding to the storage class are displayed based on the storage class that you selected from the drop down.
    5. Click Next.
    6. (Optional) Set Security and network configuration

      1. Select the Enable encryption checkbox to encrypt block and file storage.
      2. Choose any one or both Encryption level:

        • Cluster-wide encryption to encrypt the entire cluster (block and file).
        • Storage class encryption to create encrypted persistent volume (block only) using encryption enabled storage class.
      3. Select the Connect to an external key management service checkbox. This is optional for cluster-wide encryption.

        1. Key Management Service Provider is set to Vault by default.
        2. Enter Vault Service Name, host Address of Vault server ('https://<hostname or ip>'), Port number and Token.
      4. Expand Advanced Settings to enter additional settings and certificate details:

        1. Enter the Key Value secret path in Backend Path that is dedicated and unique to OpenShift Container Storage.
        2. Enter TLS Server Name and Vault Enterprise Namespace.
        3. Provide CA Certificate, Client Certificate and Client Private Key by uploading the respective PEM encoded certificate file.
        4. Click Save.
    7. Click Next.
    8. Review the configurations details. To modify any configuration settings, click Back to go back to the previous configuration page.
    9. Click Create.

Verification steps

  • Verify that the final Status of the installed storage cluster shows as Phase: Ready with a green tick mark.

    • Click Operators Installed Operators Storage Cluster link to view the storage cluster installation status.
    • Alternatively, when you are on the Operator Details tab, you can click on the Storage Cluster tab to view the status.
  • To verify if flexible scaling is enabled on your storage cluster, perform the following steps:

    1. Click ocs-storagecluster in Storage Cluster tab.
    2. In the YAML tab, search for the keys flexibleScaling in spec section and failureDomain in status section. If flexible scaling is true and failureDomain is set to host, flexible scaling feature is enabled.

      flexibleScaling: true
      failureDomain: host
  • To verify that all components for OpenShift Container Storage are successfully installed, see Verifying your OpenShift Container Storage installation.

Additional resources

  • To expand the capacity of the initial cluster, see the Scaling Storage guide.
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