
Troubleshooting OpenShift Data Foundation

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Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation 4.10

Instructions on troubleshooting OpenShift Data Foundation

Red Hat Storage Documentation Team


Read this document for instructions on troubleshooting Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation.

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  4. Click Submit Bug.

Chapter 1. Overview

Troubleshooting OpenShift Data Foundation is written to help administrators understand how to troubleshoot and fix their Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation cluster.

Most troubleshooting tasks focus on either a fix or a workaround. This document is divided into chapters based on the errors that an administrator may encounter:


Red Hat does not support running Ceph commands in OpenShift Data Foundation clusters (unless indicated by Red Hat support or Red Hat documentation) as it can cause data loss if you run the wrong commands. In that case, the Red Hat support team is only able to provide commercially reasonable effort and may not be able to restore all the data in case of any data loss.

Chapter 2. Downloading log files and diagnostic information using must-gather

If Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation is unable to automatically resolve a problem, use the must-gather tool to collect log files and diagnostic information so that you or Red Hat support can review the problem and determine a solution.


When Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation is deployed in external mode, must-gather only collects logs from the OpenShift Data Foundation cluster and does not collect debug data and logs from the external Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster. To collect debug logs from the external Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster, see Red Hat Ceph Storage Troubleshooting guide and contact your Red Hat Ceph Storage Administrator.


  • Optional: If OpenShift Data Foundation is deployed in a disconnected environment, ensure that you mirror the individual must-gather image to the mirror registry available from the disconnected environment.

    $ oc image mirror <local-registry>/odf4/ocs-must-gather-rhel8:v4.10 [--registry-config=<path-to-the-registry-config>] [--insecure=true]
    Is the local image mirror registry available for a disconnected OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
    Is the path to your registry credentials, by default it is ~/.docker/config.json.
    Add this flag only if the mirror registry is insecure.

    For more information, see the Red Hat Knowledgebase solutions:


  • Run the must-gather command from the client connected to the OpenShift Data Foundation cluster:

    $ oc adm must-gather --dest-dir=<directory-name>

    Is the name of the directory where you want to write the data to.


    For a disconnected environment deployment, replace the image in --image parameter with the mirrored must-gather image.

    $ oc adm must-gather --image=<local-registry>/odf4/ocs-must-gather-rhel8:v4.10 --dest-dir=<directory-name>
    Is the local image mirror registry available for a disconnected OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

    This collects the following information in the specified directory:

    • All Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation cluster related Custom Resources (CRs) with their namespaces.
    • Pod logs of all the Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation related pods.
    • Output of some standard Ceph commands like Status, Cluster health, and others.

Command variations

  • If one or more master nodes are not in the Ready state, use --node-name to provide a master node that is Ready so that the must-gather pod can be safely scheduled.

    $ oc adm must-gather --dest-dir=_<directory-name>_ --node-name=_<node-name>_
  • If you want to gather information from a specific time:

    • To specify a relative time period for logs gathered, such as within 5 seconds or 2 days, add /usr/bin/gather since=<duration>:

      $ oc adm must-gather --dest-dir=_<directory-name>_ /usr/bin/gather since=<duration>
    • To specify a specific time to gather logs after, add /usr/bin/gather since-time=<rfc3339-timestamp>:

      $ oc adm must-gather --dest-dir=_<directory-name>_ /usr/bin/gather since-time=<rfc3339-timestamp>

    Replace the example values in these commands as follows:

    If one or more master nodes are not in the Ready state, use this parameter to provide the name of a master node that is still in the Ready state. This avoids scheduling errors by ensuring that the must-gather pod is not scheduled on a master node that is not ready.
    The directory to store information collected by must-gather.
    Specify the period of time to collect information from as a relative duration, for example, 5h (starting from 5 hours ago).
    Specify the period of time to collect information from as an RFC 3339 timestamp, for example, 2020-11-10T04:00:00+00:00 (starting from 4am UTC on 11 Nov 2020).

Chapter 3. Commonly required logs for troubleshooting

Some of the commonly used logs for troubleshooting OpenShift Data Foundation are listed, along with the commands to generate them.

  • Generating logs for a specific pod:

     $ oc logs <pod-name> -n <namespace>
  • Generating logs for Ceph or OpenShift Data Foundation cluster:

    $ oc logs rook-ceph-operator-<ID> -n openshift-storage

    Currently, the rook-ceph-operator logs do not provide any information about the failure and this acts as a limitation in troubleshooting issues, see Enabling and disabling debug logs for rook-ceph-operator.

  • Generating logs for plugin pods like cephfs or rbd to detect any problem in the PVC mount of the app-pod:

    $ oc logs csi-cephfsplugin-<ID> -n openshift-storage -c csi-cephfsplugin
    $ oc logs csi-rbdplugin-<ID> -n openshift-storage -c csi-rbdplugin
    • To generate logs for all the containers in the CSI pod:

      $ oc logs csi-cephfsplugin-<ID> -n openshift-storage --all-containers
      $ oc logs csi-rbdplugin-<ID> -n openshift-storage --all-containers
  • Generating logs for cephfs or rbd provisioner pods to detect problems if PVC is not in BOUND state:

    $ oc logs csi-cephfsplugin-provisioner-<ID> -n openshift-storage -c csi-cephfsplugin
    $ oc logs csi-rbdplugin-provisioner-<ID> -n openshift-storage -c csi-rbdplugin
    • To generate logs for all the containers in the CSI pod:

      $ oc logs csi-cephfsplugin-provisioner-<ID> -n openshift-storage --all-containers
      $ oc logs csi-rbdplugin-provisioner-<ID> -n openshift-storage --all-containers
  • Generating OpenShift Data Foundation logs using cluster-info command:

    $ oc cluster-info dump -n openshift-storage --output-directory=<directory-name>
  • When using Local Storage Operator, generating logs can be done using cluster-info command:

    $ oc cluster-info dump -n openshift-local-storage --output-directory=<directory-name>
  • Check the OpenShift Data Foundation operator logs and events.

    • To check the operator logs :

      # oc logs <ocs-operator> -n openshift-storage
      # oc get pods -n openshift-storage | grep -i "ocs-operator" | awk '{print $1}'
    • To check the operator events :

      # oc get events --sort-by=metadata.creationTimestamp -n openshift-storage
  • Get the OpenShift Data Foundation operator version and channel.

    # oc get csv -n openshift-storage

    Example output :

    NNAME                             DISPLAY                       VERSION   REPLACES   PHASE
    mcg-operator.v4.10.0              NooBaa Operator               4.10.0               Succeeded
    ocs-operator.v4.10.0              OpenShift Container Storage   4.10.0               Succeeded
    odf-csi-addons-operator.v4.10.0   CSI Addons                    4.10.0               Succeeded
    odf-operator.v4.10.0              OpenShift Data Foundation     4.10.0               Succeeded
    # oc get subs -n openshift-storage

    Example output :

    NAME                                                              PACKAGE                   SOURCE             CHANNEL
    mcg-operator-stable-4.10-redhat-operators-openshift-marketplace   mcg-operator              redhat-operators   stable-4.10
    ocs-operator-stable-4.10-redhat-operators-openshift-marketplace   ocs-operator              redhat-operators   stable-4.10
    odf-csi-addons-operator                                           odf-csi-addons-operator   redhat-operators   stable-4.10
    odf-operator                                                      odf-operator              redhat-operators   stable-4.10
  • Confirm that the installplan is created.

    # oc get installplan -n openshift-storage
  • Verify the image of the components post updating OpenShift Data Foundation.

    • Check the node on which the pod of the component you want to verify the image is running.

      # oc get pods -o wide | grep <component-name>

      For Example :

      # oc get pods -o wide | grep rook-ceph-operator

      Example output:

      rook-ceph-operator-566cc677fd-bjqnb 1/1 Running 20 4h6m rook-ceph-operator-566cc677fd-bjqnb 1/1 Running 20 4h6m <none> <none>
      <none> <none> is the node-name.

    • Check the image ID.

      # oc debug node/<node name>


      Is the name of the node on which the pod of the component you want to verify the image is running.

      # chroot /host
      # crictl images | grep <component>

      For Example :

      # crictl images | grep rook-ceph

      Take a note of the IMAGEID and map it to the Digest ID on the Rook Ceph Operator page.

Additional resources

Chapter 4. Overriding the cluster-wide default node selector for OpenShift Data Foundation post deployment

When a cluster-wide default node selector is used for OpenShift Data Foundation, the pods generated by CSI daemonsets are able to start only on the nodes that match the selector. To be able to use OpenShift Data Foundation from nodes which do not match the selector, override the cluster-wide default node selector by performing the following steps in the command line interface :


  1. Specify a blank node selector for the openshift-storage namespace.

    $ oc annotate namespace openshift-storage
  2. Delete the original pods generated by the DaemonSets.

    oc delete pod -l app=csi-cephfsplugin -n openshift-storage
    oc delete pod -l app=csi-rbdplugin -n openshift-storage

Chapter 5. Encryption token is deleted or expired

Use this procedure to update the token if the encryption token for your key management system gets deleted or expires.


  • Ensure that you have a new token with the same policy as the deleted or expired token


  1. Log in to OpenShift Container Platform Web Console.
  2. Click WorkloadsSecrets
  3. To update the ocs-kms-token used for cluster wide encryption:

    1. Set the Project to openshift-storage.
    2. Click ocs-kms-tokenActionsEdit Secret.
    3. Drag and drop or upload your encryption token file in the Value field. The token can either be a file or text that can be copied and pasted.
    4. Click Save.
  4. To update the ceph-csi-kms-token for a given project or namespace with encrypted persistent volumes:

    1. Select the required Project.
    2. Click ceph-csi-kms-tokenActionsEdit Secret.
    3. Drag and drop or upload your encryption token file in the Value field. The token can either be a file or text that can be copied and pasted.
    4. Click Save.


      The token can be deleted only after all the encrypted PVCs using the ceph-csi-kms-token have been deleted.

Chapter 6. Troubleshooting alerts and errors in OpenShift Data Foundation

6.1. Resolving alerts and errors

Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation can detect and automatically resolve a number of common failure scenarios. However, some problems require administrator intervention.

To know the errors currently firing, check one of the following locations:

  • ObserveAlertingFiring option
  • HomeOverviewCluster tab
  • StorageData FoundationStorage Systemstorage system link in the pop up → OverviewBlock and File tab
  • StorageData FoundationStorage Systemstorage system link in the pop up → OverviewObject tab

Copy the error displayed and search it in the following section to know its severity and resolution:

Name: CephMonVersionMismatch

Message: There are multiple versions of storage services running.

Description: There are {{ $value }} different versions of Ceph Mon components running.

Severity: Warning

Resolution: Fix

Procedure: Inspect the user interface and log, and verify if an update is in progress.

  • If an update in progress, this alert is temporary.
  • If an update is not in progress, restart the upgrade process.

Name: CephOSDVersionMismatch

Message: There are multiple versions of storage services running.

Description: There are {{ $value }} different versions of Ceph OSD components running.

Severity: Warning

Resolution: Fix

Procedure: Inspect the user interface and log, and verify if an update is in progress.

  • If an update in progress, this alert is temporary.
  • If an update is not in progress, restart the upgrade process.

Name: CephClusterCriticallyFull

Message: Storage cluster is critically full and needs immediate expansion

Description: Storage cluster utilization has crossed 85%.

Severity: Crtical

Resolution: Fix

Procedure: Remove unnecessary data or expand the cluster.

Name: CephClusterNearFull

Fixed: Storage cluster is nearing full. Expansion is required.

Description: Storage cluster utilization has crossed 75%.

Severity: Warning

Resolution: Fix

Procedure: Remove unnecessary data or expand the cluster.

Name: NooBaaBucketErrorState

Message: A NooBaa Bucket Is In Error State

Description: A NooBaa bucket {{ $labels.bucket_name }} is in error state for more than 6m

Severity: Warning

Resolution: Workaround

Procedure: Resolving NooBaa Bucket Error State

Name: NooBaaNamespaceResourceErrorState

Message: A NooBaa Namespace Resource Is In Error State

Description: A NooBaa namespace resource {{ $labels.namespace_resource_name }} is in error state for more than 5m

Severity: Warning

Resolution: Fix

Procedure: Resolving NooBaa Bucket Error State

Name: NooBaaNamespaceBucketErrorState

Message: A NooBaa Namespace Bucket Is In Error State

Description: A NooBaa namespace bucket {{ $labels.bucket_name }} is in error state for more than 5m

Severity: Warning

Resolution: Fix

Procedure: Resolving NooBaa Bucket Error State

Name: NooBaaBucketExceedingQuotaState

Message: A NooBaa Bucket Is In Exceeding Quota State

Description: A NooBaa bucket {{ $labels.bucket_name }} is exceeding its quota - {{ printf "%0.0f" $value }}% used message: A NooBaa Bucket Is In Exceeding Quota State

Severity: Warning

Resolution: Fix

Procedure: Resolving NooBaa Bucket Exceeding Quota State

Name: NooBaaBucketLowCapacityState

Message: A NooBaa Bucket Is In Low Capacity State

Description: A NooBaa bucket {{ $labels.bucket_name }} is using {{ printf "%0.0f" $value }}% of its capacity

Severity: Warning

Resolution: Fix

Procedure: Resolving NooBaa Bucket Capacity or Quota State

Name: NooBaaBucketNoCapacityState

Message: A NooBaa Bucket Is In No Capacity State

Description: A NooBaa bucket {{ $labels.bucket_name }} is using all of its capacity

Severity: Warning

Resolution: Fix

Procedure: Resolving NooBaa Bucket Capacity or Quota State

Name: NooBaaBucketReachingQuotaState

Message: A NooBaa Bucket Is In Reaching Quota State

Description: A NooBaa bucket {{ $labels.bucket_name }} is using {{ printf "%0.0f" $value }}% of its quota

Severity: Warning

Resolution: Fix

Procedure: Resolving NooBaa Bucket Capacity or Quota State

Name: NooBaaResourceErrorState

Message: A NooBaa Resource Is In Error State

Description: A NooBaa resource {{ $labels.resource_name }} is in error state for more than 6m

Severity: Warning

Resolution: Workaround

Procedure: Resolving NooBaa Bucket Error State

Name: NooBaaSystemCapacityWarning100

Message: A NooBaa System Approached Its Capacity

Description: A NooBaa system approached its capacity, usage is at 100%

Severity: Warning

Resolution: Fix

Procedure: Resolving NooBaa Bucket Capacity or Quota State

Name: NooBaaSystemCapacityWarning85

Message: A NooBaa System Is Approaching Its Capacity

Description: A NooBaa system is approaching its capacity, usage is more than 85%

Severity: Warning

Resolution: Fix

Procedure: Resolving NooBaa Bucket Capacity or Quota State

Name: NooBaaSystemCapacityWarning95

Message: A NooBaa System Is Approaching Its Capacity

Description: A NooBaa system is approaching its capacity, usage is more than 95%

Severity: Warning

Resolution: Fix

Procedure: Resolving NooBaa Bucket Capacity or Quota State

Name: CephMdsMissingReplicas

Message: Insufficient replicas for storage metadata service.

Description: `Minimum required replicas for storage metadata service not available.

Might affect the working of storage cluster.`

Severity: Warning

Resolution: Contact Red Hat support


  1. Check for alerts and operator status.
  2. If the issue cannot be identified, contact Red Hat support.

Name: CephMgrIsAbsent

Message: Storage metrics collector service not available anymore.

Description: Ceph Manager has disappeared from Prometheus target discovery.

Severity: Critical

Resolution: Contact Red Hat support


  1. Inspect the user interface and log, and verify if an update is in progress.

    • If an update in progress, this alert is temporary.
    • If an update is not in progress, restart the upgrade process.
  2. Once the upgrade is complete, check for alerts and operator status.
  3. If the issue persistents or cannot be identified, contact Red Hat support.

Name: CephNodeDown

Message: Storage node {{ $labels.node }} went down

Description: Storage node {{ $labels.node }} went down. Please check the node immediately.

Severity: Critical

Resolution: Contact Red Hat support


  1. Check which node stopped functioning and its cause.
  2. Take appropriate actions to recover the node. If node cannot be recovered:

Name: CephClusterErrorState

Message: Storage cluster is in error state

Description: Storage cluster is in error state for more than 10m.

Severity: Critical

Resolution: Contact Red Hat support


  1. Check for alerts and operator status.
  2. If the issue cannot be identified, download log files and diagnostic information using must-gather.
  3. Open a Support Ticket with Red Hat Support with an attachment of the output of must-gather.

Name: CephClusterWarningState

Message: Storage cluster is in degraded state

Description: Storage cluster is in warning state for more than 10m.

Severity: Warning

Resolution: Contact Red Hat support


  1. Check for alerts and operator status.
  2. If the issue cannot be identified, download log files and diagnostic information using must-gather.
  3. Open a Support Ticket with Red Hat Support with an attachment of the output of must-gather.

Name: CephDataRecoveryTakingTooLong

Message: Data recovery is slow

Description: Data recovery has been active for too long.

Severity: Warning

Resolution: Contact Red Hat support

Name: CephOSDDiskNotResponding

Message: Disk not responding

Description: Disk device {{ $labels.device }} not responding, on host {{ $ }}.

Severity: Critical

Resolution: Contact Red Hat support

Name: CephOSDDiskUnavailable

Message: Disk not accessible

Description: Disk device {{ $labels.device }} not accessible on host {{ $ }}.

Severity: Critical

Resolution: Contact Red Hat support

Name: CephPGRepairTakingTooLong

Message: Self heal problems detected

Description: Self heal operations taking too long.

Severity: Warning

Resolution: Contact Red Hat support

Name: CephMonHighNumberOfLeaderChanges

Message: Storage Cluster has seen many leader changes recently.

Description: 'Ceph Monitor "{{ $labels.job }}": instance {{ $labels.instance }} has seen {{ $value printf "%.2f" }} leader changes per minute recently.'

Severity: Warning

Resolution: Contact Red Hat support

Name: CephMonQuorumAtRisk

Message: Storage quorum at risk

Description: Storage cluster quorum is low.

Severity: Critical

Resolution: Contact Red Hat support

Name: ClusterObjectStoreState

Message: Cluster Object Store is in unhealthy state. Please check Ceph cluster health.

Description: Cluster Object Store is in unhealthy state for more than 15s. Please check Ceph cluster health.

Severity: Critical

Resolution: Contact Red Hat support


Name: CephOSDFlapping

Message: Storage daemon osd.x has restarted 5 times in the last 5 minutes. Please check the pod events or Ceph status to find out the cause.

Description: Storage OSD restarts more than 5 times in 5 minutes.

Severity: Critical

Resolution: Contact Red Hat support

Name: OdfPoolMirroringImageHealth

Message: Mirroring image(s) (PV) in the pool <pool-name> are in Warning state for more than a 1m. Mirroring might not work as expected.

Description: Disaster recovery is failing for one or a few applications.

Severity: Warning

Resolution: Contact Red Hat support

Name: OdfMirrorDaemonStatus

Message: Mirror daemon is unhealthy.

Description: Disaster recovery is failing for the entire cluster. Mirror daemon is in unhealthy status for more than 1m. Mirroring on this cluster is not working as expected.

Severity: Critical

Resolution: Contact Red Hat support

6.2. Resolving cluster health issues

There is a finite set of possible health messages that a Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster can raise that show in the OpenShift Data Foundation user interface. These are defined as health checks which have unique identifiers. The identifier is a terse pseudo-human-readable string that is intended to enable tools to make sense of health checks, and present them in a way that reflects their meaning. Click the health code below for more information and troubleshooting.

Health codeDescription


One or more Ceph Monitors are low on disk space.


This alert triggers if the available space on the file system storing the monitor database as a percentage, drops below mon_data_avail_warn (default: 15%). This may indicate that some other process or user on the system is filling up the same file system used by the monitor. It may also indicate that the monitor’s database is large.


The paths to the file system differ depending on the deployment of your mons. You can find the path to where the mon is deployed in storagecluster.yaml.

Example paths:

  • Mon deployed over PVC path: /var/lib/ceph/mon
  • Mon deployed over hostpath: /var/lib/rook/mon

In order to clear up space, view the high usage files in the file system and choose which to delete. To view the files, run:

# du -a <path-in-the-mon-node> |sort -n -r |head -n10

Replace <path-in-the-mon-node> with the path to the file system where mons are deployed.

6.3. Resolving NooBaa Bucket Error State


  1. In the OpenShift Web Console, click StorageData Foundation.
  2. In the Status card of the Overview tab, click Storage System and then click the storage system link from the pop up that appears.
  3. Click the Object tab.
  4. In the Details card, click the link under System Name field.
  5. In the left pane, click Buckets option and search for the bucket in error state. If the bucket in error state is a namespace bucket, be sure to click the Namespace Buckets pane.
  6. Click on it’s Bucket Name. Error encountered in bucket is displayed.
  7. Depending on the specific error of the bucket, perform one or both of the following:

    1. For space related errors:

      1. In the left pane, click Resources option.
      2. Click on the resource in error state.
      3. Scale the resource by adding more agents.
    2. For resource health errors:

      1. In the left pane, click Resources option.
      2. Click on the resource in error state.
      3. Connectivity error means the backing service is not available and needs to be restored.
      4. For access/permissions errors, update the connection’s Access Key and Secret Key.

6.4. Resolving NooBaa Bucket Exceeding Quota State

To resolve A NooBaa Bucket Is In Exceeding Quota State error perform one of the following:

  • Cleanup some of the data on the bucket.
  • Increase the bucket quota by performing the following steps:

    1. In the OpenShift Web Console, click StorageData Foundation.
    2. In the Status card of the Overview tab, click Storage System and then click the storage system link from the pop up that appears.
    3. Click the Object tab.
    4. In the Details card, click the link under System Name field.
    5. In the left pane, click Buckets option and search for the bucket in error state.
    6. Click on its Bucket Name. Error encountered in bucket is displayed.
    7. Click Bucket PoliciesEdit Quota and increase the quota.

6.5. Resolving NooBaa Bucket Capacity or Quota State


  1. In the OpenShift Web Console, click StorageData Foundation.
  2. In the Status card of the Overview tab, click Storage System and then click the storage system link from the pop up that appears.
  3. Click the Object tab.
  4. In the Details card, click the link under System Name field.
  5. In the left pane, click the Resources option and search for the PV pool resource.
  6. For the PV pool resource with low capacity status, click on its Resource Name.
  7. Edit the pool configuration and increase the number of agents.

6.6. Recovering pods

When a first node (say NODE1) goes to NotReady state because of some issue, the hosted pods that are using PVC with ReadWriteOnce (RWO) access mode try to move to the second node (say NODE2) but get stuck due to multi-attach error. In such a case, you can recover MON, OSD, and application pods by using the following steps.


  1. Power off NODE1 (from AWS or vSphere side) and ensure that NODE1 is completely down.
  2. Force delete the pods on NODE1 by using the following command:

    $ oc delete pod <pod-name> --grace-period=0 --force

6.7. Recovering from EBS volume detach

When an OSD or MON elastic block storage (EBS) volume where the OSD disk resides is detached from the worker Amazon EC2 instance, the volume gets reattached automatically within one or two minutes. However, the OSD pod gets into a CrashLoopBackOff state. To recover and bring back the pod to Running state, you must restart the EC2 instance.

6.8. Enabling and disabling debug logs for rook-ceph-operator

Enable the debug logs for the rook-ceph-operator to obtain information about failures that help in troubleshooting issues.


Enabling the debug logs
  1. Edit the configmap of the rook-ceph-operator.

    $ oc edit configmap rook-ceph-operator-config
  2. Add the ROOK_LOG_LEVEL: DEBUG parameter in the rook-ceph-operator-config yaml file to enable the debug logs for rook-ceph-operator.

      # The logging level for the operator: INFO | DEBUG

    Now, the rook-ceph-operator logs consist of the debug information.

Disabling the debug logs
  1. Edit the configmap of the rook-ceph-operator.

    $ oc edit configmap rook-ceph-operator-config
  2. Add the ROOK_LOG_LEVEL: INFO parameter in the rook-ceph-operator-config yaml file to disable the debug logs for rook-ceph-operator.

      # The logging level for the operator: INFO | DEBUG

Chapter 7. Checking for Local Storage Operator deployments

Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation clusters with Local Storage Operator are deployed using local storage devices. To find out if your existing cluster with OpenShift Data Foundation was deployed using local storage devices, use the following procedure:


  • OpenShift Data Foundation is installed and running in the openshift-storage namespace.


By checking the storage class associated with your OpenShift Data Foundation cluster’s persistent volume claims (PVCs), you can tell if your cluster was deployed using local storage devices.

  1. Check the storage class associated with OpenShift Data Foundation cluster’s PVCs with the following command:

    $ oc get pvc -n openshift-storage
  2. Check the output. For clusters with Local Storage Operator, the PVCs associated with ocs-deviceset use the storage class localblock. The output looks similar to the following:

    NAME                      STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS                  AGE
    db-noobaa-db-0            Bound    pvc-d96c747b-2ab5-47e2-b07e-1079623748d8   50Gi       RWO            ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd   114s
    ocs-deviceset-0-0-lzfrd   Bound    local-pv-7e70c77c                          1769Gi     RWO            localblock                    2m10s
    ocs-deviceset-1-0-7rggl   Bound    local-pv-b19b3d48                          1769Gi     RWO            localblock                    2m10s
    ocs-deviceset-2-0-znhk8   Bound    local-pv-e9f22cdc                          1769Gi     RWO            localblock                    2m10s

Chapter 8. Removing failed or unwanted Ceph Object Storage devices

The failed or unwanted Ceph OSDs (Object Storage Devices) affects the performance of the storage infrastructure. Hence, to improve the reliability and resilience of the storage cluster, you must remove the failed or unwanted Ceph OSDs.

If you have any failed or unwanted Ceph OSDs to remove:

  1. Verify the Ceph health status.

    For more information see: Verifying Ceph cluster is healthy.

  2. Based on the provisioning of the OSDs, remove failed or unwanted Ceph OSDs.


If you are using local disks, you can reuse these disks after removing the old OSDs.

8.1. Verifying Ceph cluster is healthy

Storage health is visible on the Block and File and Object dashboards.


  1. In the OpenShift Web Console, click StorageData Foundation.
  2. In the Status card of the Overview tab, click Storage System and then click the storage system link from the pop up that appears.
  3. In the Status card of the Block and File tab, verify that Storage Cluster has a green tick.
  4. In the Details card, verify that the cluster information is displayed.

8.2. Removing failed or unwanted Ceph OSDs in dynamically provisioned Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation

Follow the steps in the procedure to remove the failed or unwanted Ceph OSDs in dynamically provisioned Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation.


Scaling down of cluster is supported only with the help of the Red Hat support team.

  • Removing an OSD when the Ceph component is not in a healthy state can result in data loss.
  • Removing two or more OSDs at the same time results in data loss.



  1. Scale down the OSD deployment.

    # oc scale deployment rook-ceph-osd-<osd-id> --replicas=0
  2. Get the osd-prepare pod for the Ceph OSD to be removed.

    # oc get deployment rook-ceph-osd-<osd-id> -oyaml | grep
  3. Delete the osd-prepare pod.

    # oc delete -n openshift-storage pod rook-ceph-osd-prepare-<pvc-from-above-command>-<pod-suffix>
  4. Remove the failed OSD from the cluster.

    # failed_osd_id=<osd-id>
    # oc process -n openshift-storage ocs-osd-removal -p FAILED_OSD_IDS=$<failed_osd_id> | oc create -f -

    where, FAILED_OSD_ID is the integer in the pod name immediately after the rook-ceph-osd prefix.

  5. Verify that the OSD is removed successfully by checking the logs.

    # oc logs -n openshift-storage ocs-osd-removal-$<failed_osd_id>-<pod-suffix>
  6. Optional: If you get an error as cephosd:osd.0 is NOT ok to destroy from the ocs-osd-removal-job pod in OpenShift Container Platform, see Troubleshooting the error cephosd:osd.0 is NOT ok to destroy while removing failed or unwanted Ceph OSDs.
  7. Delete the OSD deployment.

    # oc delete deployment rook-ceph-osd-<osd-id>

Verification step

  • To check if the OSD is deleted successfully, run:

    # oc get pod -n openshift-storage ocs-osd-removal-$<failed_osd_id>-<pod-suffix>

    This command must return the status as Completed.

8.3. Removing failed or unwanted Ceph OSDs provisioned using local storage devices

You can remove failed or unwanted Ceph provisioned using local storage devices by following the steps in the procedure.


Scaling down of cluster is supported only with the help of the Red Hat support team.

  • Removing an OSD when the Ceph component is not in a healthy state can result in data loss.
  • Removing two or more OSDs at the same time results in data loss.



  1. Forcibly, mark the OSD down by scaling the replicas on the OSD deployment to 0. You can skip this step if the OSD is already down due to failure.

    # oc scale deployment rook-ceph-osd-<osd-id> --replicas=0
  2. Remove the failed OSD from the cluster.

    # failed_osd_id=<osd_id>
    # oc process -n openshift-storage ocs-osd-removal -p FAILED_OSD_IDS=$<failed_osd_id> | oc create -f -

    where, FAILED_OSD_ID is the integer in the pod name immediately after the rook-ceph-osd prefix.

  3. Verify that the OSD is removed successfully by checking the logs.

    # oc logs -n openshift-storage ocs-osd-removal-$<failed_osd_id>-<pod-suffix>
  4. Optional: If you get an error as cephosd:osd.0 is NOT ok to destroy from the ocs-osd-removal-job pod in OpenShift Container Platform, see Troubleshooting the error cephosd:osd.0 is NOT ok to destroy while removing failed or unwanted Ceph OSDs.
  5. Delete persistent volume claim (PVC) resources associated with the failed OSD.

    1. Get the PVC associated with the failed OSD.

      # oc get -n openshift-storage -o yaml deployment rook-ceph-osd-<osd-id> | grep
    2. Get the persistent volume (PV) associated with the PVC.

      # oc get -n openshift-storage pvc <pvc-name>
    3. Get the failed device name.

      # oc get pv <pv-name-from-above-command> -oyaml | grep path
    4. Get the prepare-pod associated with the failed OSD.

      # oc describe -n openshift-storage pvc ocs-deviceset-0-0-nvs68 | grep Mounted
    5. Delete the osd-prepare pod before removing the associated PVC.

      # oc delete -n openshift-storage pod <osd-prepare-pod-from-above-command>
    6. Delete the PVC associated with the failed OSD.

      # oc delete -n openshift-storage pvc <pvc-name-from-step-a>
  6. Remove failed device entry from the LocalVolume custom resource (CR).

    1. Log in to node with the failed device.

      # oc debug node/<node_with_failed_osd>
    2. Record the /dev/disk/by-id/<id> for the failed device name.

      # ls -alh /mnt/local-storage/localblock/
  7. Optional: In case, Local Storage Operator is used for provisioning OSD, login to the machine with {osd-id} and remove the device symlink.

    # oc debug node/<node_with_failed_osd>
    1. Get the OSD symlink for the failed device name.

      # ls -alh /mnt/local-storage/localblock
    2. Remove the symlink.

      # rm /mnt/local-storage/localblock/<failed-device-name>
  8. Delete the PV associated to the OSD.
# oc delete pv <pv-name>

Verification step

  • To check if the OSD is deleted successfully, run:

    #oc get pod -n openshift-storage ocs-osd-removal-$<failed_osd_id>-<pod-suffix>

    This command must return the status as Completed.

8.4. Troubleshooting the error cephosd:osd.0 is NOT ok to destroy while removing failed or unwanted Ceph OSDs

If you get an error as cephosd:osd.0 is NOT ok to destroy from the ocs-osd-removal-job pod in OpenShift Container Platform, run the OSD removal job with FORCE_OSD_REMOVAL option to move the OSD to a destroyed state.

# oc process -n openshift-storage ocs-osd-removal -p FORCE_OSD_REMOVAL=true -p FAILED_OSD_IDS=$<failed_osd_id> | oc create -f -

You must use the FORCE_OSD_REMOVAL option only if all the PGs are in active state. If not, PGs must either complete the back filling or further investigated to ensure they are active.

Chapter 9. Troubleshooting and deleting remaining resources during Uninstall

Occasionally some of the custom resources managed by an operator may remain in "Terminating" status waiting on the finalizer to complete, although you have performed all the required cleanup tasks. In such an event you need to force the removal of such resources. If you do not do so, the resources remain in the "Terminating" state even after you have performed all the uninstall steps.

  1. Check if the openshift-storage namespace is stuck in Terminating state upon deletion.

    $ oc get project -n <namespace>


    NAME                DISPLAY NAME   STATUS
    openshift-storage                  Terminating
  2. Check for the NamespaceFinalizersRemaining and NamespaceContentRemaining messages in the STATUS section of the command output and perform the next step for each of the listed resources.

    $ oc get project openshift-storage -o yaml

    Example output :

      - lastTransitionTime: "2020-07-26T12:32:56Z"
        message: All resources successfully discovered
        reason: ResourcesDiscovered
        status: "False"
        type: NamespaceDeletionDiscoveryFailure
      - lastTransitionTime: "2020-07-26T12:32:56Z"
        message: All legacy kube types successfully parsed
        reason: ParsedGroupVersions
        status: "False"
        type: NamespaceDeletionGroupVersionParsingFailure
      - lastTransitionTime: "2020-07-26T12:32:56Z"
        message: All content successfully deleted, may be waiting on finalization
        reason: ContentDeleted
        status: "False"
        type: NamespaceDeletionContentFailure
      - lastTransitionTime: "2020-07-26T12:32:56Z"
        message: 'Some resources are remaining: has
          1 resource instances'
        reason: SomeResourcesRemain
        status: "True"
        type: NamespaceContentRemaining
      - lastTransitionTime: "2020-07-26T12:32:56Z"
        message: 'Some content in the namespace has finalizers remaining:
          in 1 resource instances'
        reason: SomeFinalizersRemain
        status: "True"
        type: NamespaceFinalizersRemaining
  3. Delete all the remaining resources listed in the previous step.

    For each of the resources to be deleted, do the following:

    1. Get the object kind of the resource which needs to be removed. See the message in the above output.

      Example :

      message: Some content in the namespace has finalizers remaining:

      Here is the object kind.

    2. Get the Object name corresponding to the object kind.

      $ oc get  <Object-kind> -n  <project-name>

      Example :

      $ oc get -n openshift-storage

      Example output:

      NAME                           AGE
      noobaa-ceph-objectstore-user   26h
    3. Patch the resources.

      $ oc patch -n <project-name> <object-kind>/<object-name> --type=merge -p '{"metadata": {"finalizers":null}}'


      $ oc patch -n openshift-storage \
      --type=merge -p '{"metadata": {"finalizers":null}}'

      Output: patched
  4. Verify that the openshift-storage project is deleted.

    $ oc get project openshift-storage


    Error from server (NotFound): namespaces "openshift-storage" not found

    If the issue persists, reach out to Red Hat Support.

Chapter 10. Troubleshooting CephFS PVC creation in external mode

If you have updated the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster from a version lower than 4.1.1 to the latest release and is not a freshly deployed cluster, you must manually set the application type for CephFS pool on the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster to enable CephFS PVC creation in external mode.

  1. Check for CephFS pvc stuck in Pending status.

    # oc get pvc -n <namespace>

    Example output :

    NAME                      STATUS    VOLUME
    CAPACITY  ACCESS MODES    STORAGECLASS                        AGE
    ngx-fs-pxknkcix20-pod     Pending
                              ocs-external-storagecluster-cephfs  28h
  2. Check the describe output to see the events for respective pvc.

    Expected error message is cephfs_metadata/csi.volumes.default/csi.volume.pvc-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx: (1) Operation not permitted)

    # oc describe pvc ngx-fs-pxknkcix20-pod -n nginx-file

    Example output:

    Name:          ngx-fs-pxknkcix20-pod
    Namespace:     nginx-file
    StorageClass:  ocs-external-storagecluster-cephfs
    Status:        Pending
    Labels:        <none>
    Finalizers:    []
    Access Modes:
    VolumeMode:    Filesystem
    Mounted By:    ngx-fs-oyoe047v2bn2ka42jfgg-pod-hqhzf
     Type     Reason              Age                   From                                                                                                                      Message
     ----     ------              ----                  ----                                                                                                                      -------
     Warning  ProvisioningFailed  107m (x245 over 22h)  openshift-storage.cephfs.csi.ceph.com_csi-cephfsplugin-provisioner-5f8b66cc96-hvcqp_6b7044af-c904-4795-9ce5-bf0cf63cc4a4
     (combined from similar events): failed to provision volume with StorageClass "ocs-external-storagecluster-cephfs": rpc error: code = Internal desc = error (an error (exit status 1) occurred while
     running rados args: [-m,, --id csi-cephfs-provisioner --keyfile=stripped -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -p cephfs_metadata getomapval
     csi.volumes.default csi.volume.pvc-1ac0c6e6-9428-445d-bbd6-1284d54ddb47 /tmp/omap-get-186436239 --namespace=csi]) occurred, command output streams is ( error getting omap value
     cephfs_metadata/csi.volumes.default/csi.volume.pvc-1ac0c6e6-9428-445d-bbd6-1284d54ddb47: (1) Operation not permitted)
  3. Check the settings for the <cephfs metadata pool name> (here cephfs_metadata ) and <cephfs data pool name> (here cephfs_data). For running the command, you will need jq preinstalled in the Red Hat Ceph Storage client node.

    # ceph osd pool ls detail --format=json | jq '.[] | select(.pool_name| startswith("cephfs")) | .pool_name, .application_metadata' "cephfs_data"
      "cephfs": {}
       "cephfs": {}
  4. Set the application type for CephFS pool.

    • Run the following commands on the Red Hat Ceph Storage client node :

      # ceph osd pool application set <cephfs metadata pool name> cephfs metadata cephfs
      # ceph osd pool application set <cephfs data pool name> cephfs data cephfs
  5. Verify if the settings are applied.

     # ceph osd pool ls detail --format=json | jq '.[] | select(.pool_name| startswith("cephfs")) | .pool_name, .application_metadata' "cephfs_data"
        "cephfs": {
          "data": "cephfs"
        "cephfs": {
          "metadata": "cephfs"
  6. Check the CephFS PVC status again. The PVC should now be in Bound state.

    # oc get pvc -n <namespace>

    Example output :

    NAME                      STATUS    VOLUME
    CAPACITY  ACCESS MODES    STORAGECLASS                        AGE
    ngx-fs-pxknkcix20-pod     Bound     pvc-1ac0c6e6-9428-445d-bbd6-1284d54ddb47
    1Mi       RWO             ocs-external-storagecluster-cephfs  29h

Chapter 11. Restoring the monitor pods in OpenShift Data Foundation

Restore the monitor pods if all three of them go down, and when OpenShift Data Foundation is not able to recover the monitor pods automatically.


  1. Scale down the rook-ceph-operator and ocs operator deployments.

    # oc scale deployment rook-ceph-operator --replicas=0 -n openshift-storage
    # oc scale deployment ocs-operator --replicas=0 -n openshift-storage
  2. Create a backup of all deployments in openshift-storage namespace.

    # mkdir backup
    # cd backup
    # oc project openshift-storage
    # for d in $(oc get deployment|awk -F' ' '{print $1}'|grep -v NAME); do echo $d;oc get deployment $d -o yaml > oc_get_deployment.${d}.yaml; done
  3. Patch the OSD deployments to remove the livenessProbe parameter, and run it with the command parameter as sleep.

    # for i in $(oc get deployment -l app=rook-ceph-osd -oname);do oc patch ${i} -n openshift-storage --type='json' -p '[{"op":"remove", "path":"/spec/template/spec/containers/0/livenessProbe"}]' ; oc patch ${i} -n openshift-storage -p '{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"containers": [{"name": "osd", "command": ["sleep", "infinity"], "args": []}]}}}}' ; done
  4. Retrieve the monstore cluster map from all the OSDs.

    1. Create the script.

      rm -rf $ms
      mkdir $ms
      for osd_pod in $(oc get po -l app=rook-ceph-osd -oname -n openshift-storage); do
        echo "Starting with pod: $osd_pod"
        podname=$(echo $osd_pod|sed 's/pod\///g')
        oc exec $osd_pod -- rm -rf $ms
        oc cp $ms $podname:$ms
        rm -rf $ms
        mkdir $ms
        echo "pod in loop: $osd_pod ; done deleting local dirs"
        oc exec $osd_pod -- ceph-objectstore-tool --type bluestore --data-path /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-$(oc get $osd_pod -ojsonpath='{ .metadata.labels.ceph_daemon_id }') --op update-mon-db --no-mon-config --mon-store-path $ms
        echo "Done with COT on pod: $osd_pod"
        oc cp $podname:$ms $ms
        echo "Finished pulling COT data from pod: $osd_pod"
    2. Run the script.

      # chmod +x
      # ./
  5. Patch the MON deployments, and run it with the command parameter as sleep.

    1. Edit the MON deployments.

      # for i in $(oc get deployment -l app=rook-ceph-mon -oname);do oc patch ${i} -n openshift-storage -p '{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"containers": [{"name": "mon", "command": ["sleep", "infinity"], "args": []}]}}}}'; done
    2. Patch the MON deployments to increase the initialDelaySeconds.

      # oc get deployment rook-ceph-mon-a -o yaml | sed "s/initialDelaySeconds: 10/initialDelaySeconds: 2000/g" | oc replace -f -
      # oc get deployment rook-ceph-mon-b -o yaml | sed "s/initialDelaySeconds: 10/initialDelaySeconds: 2000/g" | oc replace -f -
      # oc get deployment rook-ceph-mon-c -o yaml | sed "s/initialDelaySeconds: 10/initialDelaySeconds: 2000/g" | oc replace -f -
  6. Copy the previously retrieved monstore to the mon-a pod.

    # oc cp /tmp/monstore/ $(oc get po -l app=rook-ceph-mon,mon=a -oname |sed 's/pod\///g'):/tmp/
  7. Navigate into the MON pod and change the ownership of the retrieved monstore.

    # oc rsh $(oc get po -l app=rook-ceph-mon,mon=a -oname)
    # chown -R ceph:ceph /tmp/monstore
  8. Copy the keyring template file before rebuilding the mon db.

    # oc rsh $(oc get po -l app=rook-ceph-mon,mon=a -oname)
    # cp /etc/ceph/keyring-store/keyring /tmp/keyring
    # cat /tmp/keyring
        key = AQCleqldWqm5IhAAgZQbEzoShkZV42RiQVffnA==
        caps mon = "allow *"
        key = AQCmAKld8J05KxAArOWeRAw63gAwwZO5o75ZNQ==
        auid = 0
        caps mds = "allow *"
        caps mgr = "allow *"
        caps mon = "allow *"
        caps osd = "allow *”
  9. Identify the keyring of all other Ceph daemons (MGR, MDS, RGW, Crash, CSI and CSI provisioners) from its respective secrets.

    # oc get secret rook-ceph-mds-ocs-storagecluster-cephfilesystem-a-keyring -ojson  | jq .data.keyring | xargs echo | base64 -d
    key = AQB3r8VgAtr6OhAAVhhXpNKqRTuEVdRoxG4uRA==
    caps mon = "allow profile mds"
    caps osd = "allow *"
    caps mds = "allow"

    Example keyring file, /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring:

    	key = AQDxTF1hNgLTNxAAi51cCojs01b4I5E6v2H8Uw==
    	caps mon = "allow "
            key = AQDxTF1hpzguOxAA0sS8nN4udoO35OEbt3bqMQ==
            caps mds = "allow " caps mgr = "allow *" caps mon = "allow *" caps osd = "allow *" [mds.ocs-storagecluster-cephfilesystem-a] key = AQCKTV1horgjARAA8aF/BDh/4+eG4RCNBCl+aw== caps mds = "allow" caps mon = "allow profile mds" caps osd = "allow *" [mds.ocs-storagecluster-cephfilesystem-b] key = AQCKTV1hN4gKLBAA5emIVq3ncV7AMEM1c1RmGA== caps mds = "allow" caps mon = "allow profile mds" caps osd = "allow *" [client.rgw.ocs.storagecluster.cephobjectstore.a] key = AQCOkdBixmpiAxAA4X7zjn6SGTI9c1MBflszYA== caps mon = "allow rw" caps osd = "allow rwx" [mgr.a] key = AQBOTV1hGYOEORAA87471+eIZLZtptfkcHvTRg== caps mds = "allow *" caps mon = "allow profile mgr" caps osd = "allow *" [client.crash] key = AQBOTV1htO1aGRAAe2MPYcGdiAT+Oo4CNPSF1g== caps mgr = "allow rw" caps mon = "allow profile crash" [client.csi-cephfs-node] key = AQBOTV1hiAtuBBAAaPPBVgh1AqZJlDeHWdoFLw== caps mds = "allow rw" caps mgr = "allow rw" caps mon = "allow r" caps osd = "allow rw tag cephfs *=" [client.csi-cephfs-provisioner] key = AQBNTV1hHu6wMBAAzNXZv36aZJuE1iz7S7GfeQ== caps mgr = "allow rw" caps mon = "allow r" caps osd = "allow rw tag cephfs metadata="
    	key = AQBNTV1h+LnkIRAAWnpIN9bUAmSHOvJ0EJXHRw==
    	caps mgr = "allow rw"
    	caps mon = "profile rbd"
    	caps osd = "profile rbd"
    	key = AQBNTV1hMNcsExAAvA3gHB2qaY33LOdWCvHG/A==
    	caps mgr = "allow rw"
    	caps mon = "profile rbd"
    	caps osd = "profile rbd"
    • For client.csi related keyring, refer to the previous keyring file output and add the default caps after fetching the key from its respective OpenShift Data Foundation secret.
    • OSD keyring is added automatically post recovery.
  10. Navigate into the mon-a pod, and verify that the monstore has monmap.

    1. Navigate into the mon-a pod.

      # oc rsh $(oc get po -l app=rook-ceph-mon,mon=a -oname)
    2. Verify that the monstore has monmap.

      # ceph-monstore-tool /tmp/monstore get monmap -- --out /tmp/monmap
      # monmaptool /tmp/monmap --print
  11. Optional: If the monmap is missing then create a new monmap.

    # monmaptool --create --add <mon-a-id> <mon-a-ip> --add <mon-b-id> <mon-b-ip> --add <mon-c-id> <mon-c-ip> --enable-all-features --clobber /root/monmap --fsid <fsid>
    Is the ID of the mon-a pod.
    Is the IP address of the mon-a pod.
    Is the ID of the mon-b pod.
    Is the IP address of the mon-b pod.
    Is the ID of the mon-c pod.
    Is the IP address of the mon-c pod.
    Is the file system ID.
  12. Verify the monmap.

    # monmaptool /root/monmap --print
  13. Import the monmap.


    Use the previously created keyring file.

    # ceph-monstore-tool /tmp/monstore rebuild -- --keyring /tmp/keyring --monmap /root/monmap
    # chown -R ceph:ceph /tmp/monstore
  14. Create a backup of the old store.db file.

    # mv /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-a/store.db /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-a/store.db.corrupted
    # mv /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-b/store.db /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-b/store.db.corrupted
    # mv /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-c/store.db /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-c/store.db.corrupted
  15. Copy the rebuild store.db file to the monstore directory.

    # mv /tmp/monstore/store.db /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-a/store.db
    # chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-a/store.db
  16. After rebuilding the monstore directory, copy the store.db file from local to the rest of the MON pods.

    # oc cp $(oc get po -l app=rook-ceph-mon,mon=a -oname | sed 's/pod\///g'):/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-a/store.db /tmp/store.db
    # oc cp /tmp/store.db $(oc get po -l app=rook-ceph-mon,mon=<id> -oname | sed 's/pod\///g'):/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-<id>
    Is the ID of the MON pod
  17. Navigate into the rest of the MON pods and change the ownership of the copied monstore.

    # oc rsh $(oc get po -l app=rook-ceph-mon,mon=<id> -oname)
    # chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-<id>/store.db
    Is the ID of the MON pod
  18. Revert the patched changes.

    • For MON deployments:

      # oc replace --force -f <mon-deployment.yaml>
      Is the MON deployment yaml file
    • For OSD deployments:

      # oc replace --force -f <osd-deployment.yaml>
      Is the OSD deployment yaml file
    • For MGR deployments:

      # oc replace --force -f <mgr-deployment.yaml>

      Is the MGR deployment yaml file


      Ensure that the MON, MGR and OSD pods are up and running.

  19. Scale up the rook-ceph-operator and ocs-operator deployments.

    # oc -n openshift-storage scale deployment ocs-operator --replicas=1

Verification steps

  1. Check the Ceph status to confirm that CephFS is running.

    # ceph -s

    Example output:

       id:     f111402f-84d1-4e06-9fdb-c27607676e55
       health: HEALTH_ERR
                1 filesystem is offline
                1 filesystem is online with fewer MDS than max_mds
                3 daemons have recently crashed
         mon: 3 daemons, quorum b,c,a (age 15m)
         mgr: a(active, since 14m)
         mds: ocs-storagecluster-cephfilesystem:0
         osd: 3 osds: 3 up (since 15m), 3 in (since 2h)
         pools:   3 pools, 96 pgs
         objects: 500 objects, 1.1 GiB
         usage:   5.5 GiB used, 295 GiB / 300 GiB avail
         pgs:     96 active+clean
  2. Check the Multicloud Object Gateway (MCG) status. It should be active, and the backingstore and bucketclass should be in Ready state.

    noobaa status -n openshift-storage

    If the MCG is not in the active state, and the backingstore and bucketclass not in the Ready state, you need to restart all the MCG related pods. For more information, see Section 11.1, “Restoring the Multicloud Object Gateway”.

11.1. Restoring the Multicloud Object Gateway

If the Multicloud Object Gateway (MCG) is not in the active state, and the backingstore and bucketclass is not in the Ready state, you need to restart all the MCG related pods, and check the MCG status to confirm that the MCG is back up and running.


  1. Restart all the pods related to the MCG.

    # oc delete pods <noobaa-operator> -n openshift-storage
    # oc delete pods <noobaa-core> -n openshift-storage
    # oc delete pods <noobaa-endpoint> -n openshift-storage
    # oc delete pods <noobaa-db> -n openshift-storage
    Is the name of the MCG operator
    Is the name of the MCG core pod
    Is the name of the MCG endpoint
    Is the name of the MCG db pod
  2. If the RADOS Object Gateway (RGW) is configured, restart the pod.

    # oc delete pods <rgw-pod> -n openshift-storage
    Is the name of the RGW pod

Chapter 12. Restoring ceph-monitor quorum in OpenShift Data Foundation

In some circumstances, the ceph-mons might lose quorum. If the mons cannot form quorum again, there is a manual procedure to get the quorum going again. The only requirement is that, at least one mon must be healthy. The following steps removes the unhealthy mons from quorum and enables you to form a quorum again with a single mon, then bring the quorum back to the original size.

For example, if you have three mons and lose quorum, you need to remove the two bad mons from quorum, notify the good mon that it is the only mon in quorum, and then restart the good mon.


  1. Stop the rook-ceph-operator so that the mons are not failed over when you are modifying the monmap.

    # oc -n openshift-storage scale deployment rook-ceph-operator --replicas=0
  2. Inject a new monmap.


    You must inject the monmap very carefully. If run incorrectly, your cluster could be permanently destroyed. The Ceph monmap keeps track of the mon quorum. The monmap is updated to only contain the healthy mon. In this example, the healthy mon is rook-ceph-mon-b, while the unhealthy mons are rook-ceph-mon-a and rook-ceph-mon-c.

    1. Take a backup of the current rook-ceph-mon-b Deployment:

      # oc -n openshift-storage get deployment rook-ceph-mon-b -o yaml > rook-ceph-mon-b-deployment.yaml
    2. Open the YAML file and copy the command and arguments from the mon container (see containers list in the following example). This is needed for the monmap changes.

        - args:
          - --fsid=41a537f2-f282-428e-989f-a9e07be32e47
          - --keyring=/etc/ceph/keyring-store/keyring
          - --log-to-stderr=true
          - --err-to-stderr=true
          - --mon-cluster-log-to-stderr=true
          - '--log-stderr-prefix=debug '
          - --default-log-to-file=false
          - --default-mon-cluster-log-to-file=false
          - --mon-host=$(ROOK_CEPH_MON_HOST)
          - --mon-initial-members=$(ROOK_CEPH_MON_INITIAL_MEMBERS)
          - --id=b
          - --setuser=ceph
          - --setgroup=ceph
          - --foreground
          - --public-addr=
          - --setuser-match-path=/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-b/store.db
          - --public-bind-addr=$(ROOK_POD_IP)
          - ceph-mon
    3. Cleanup the copied command and args fields to form a pastable command as follows:

      # ceph-mon \
          --fsid=41a537f2-f282-428e-989f-a9e07be32e47 \
          --keyring=/etc/ceph/keyring-store/keyring \
          --log-to-stderr=true \
          --err-to-stderr=true \
          --mon-cluster-log-to-stderr=true \
          --log-stderr-prefix=debug \
          --default-log-to-file=false \
          --default-mon-cluster-log-to-file=false \
          --mon-host=$ROOK_CEPH_MON_HOST \
          --mon-initial-members=$ROOK_CEPH_MON_INITIAL_MEMBERS \
          --id=b \
          --setuser=ceph \
          --setgroup=ceph \
          --foreground \
          --public-addr= \
          --setuser-match-path=/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-b/store.db \

      Make sure to remove the single quotes around the --log-stderr-prefix flag and the parenthesis around the variables being passed ROOK_CEPH_MON_HOST, ROOK_CEPH_MON_INITIAL_MEMBERS and ROOK_POD_IP).

    4. Patch the rook-ceph-mon-b Deployment to stop the working of this mon without deleting the mon pod.

      # oc -n openshift-storage patch deployment rook-ceph-mon-b  --type='json' -p '[{"op":"remove", "path":"/spec/template/spec/containers/0/livenessProbe"}]'
      # oc -n openshift-storage patch deployment rook-ceph-mon-b -p '{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"containers": [{"name": "mon", "command": ["sleep", "infinity"], "args": []}]}}}}'
    5. Perform the following steps on the mon-b pod:

      1. Connect to the pod of a healthy mon and run the following commands:

        # oc -n openshift-storage exec -it <mon-pod> bash
      2. Set the variable.

        # monmap_path=/tmp/monmap
      3. Extract the monmap to a file, by pasting the ceph mon command from the good mon deployment and adding the --extract-monmap=${monmap_path} flag.

        # ceph-mon \
               --fsid=41a537f2-f282-428e-989f-a9e07be32e47 \
               --keyring=/etc/ceph/keyring-store/keyring \
               --log-to-stderr=true \
               --err-to-stderr=true \
               --mon-cluster-log-to-stderr=true \
               --log-stderr-prefix=debug \
               --default-log-to-file=false \
               --default-mon-cluster-log-to-file=false \
               --mon-host=$ROOK_CEPH_MON_HOST \
               --mon-initial-members=$ROOK_CEPH_MON_INITIAL_MEMBERS \
               --id=b \
               --setuser=ceph \
               --setgroup=ceph \
               --foreground \
               --public-addr= \
               --setuser-match-path=/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-b/store.db \
               --public-bind-addr=$ROOK_POD_IP \
      4. Review the contents of the monmap.

        # monmaptool --print /tmp/monmap
      5. Remove the bad mons from the monmap.

        # monmaptool ${monmap_path} --rm <bad_mon>

        In this example we remove mon0 and mon2:

        # monmaptool ${monmap_path} --rm a
        # monmaptool ${monmap_path} --rm c
      6. Inject the modified monmap into the good mon, by pasting the ceph mon command and adding the --inject-monmap=${monmap_path} flag as follows:

        # ceph-mon \
               --fsid=41a537f2-f282-428e-989f-a9e07be32e47 \
               --keyring=/etc/ceph/keyring-store/keyring \
               --log-to-stderr=true \
               --err-to-stderr=true \
               --mon-cluster-log-to-stderr=true \
               --log-stderr-prefix=debug \
               --default-log-to-file=false \
               --default-mon-cluster-log-to-file=false \
               --mon-host=$ROOK_CEPH_MON_HOST \
               --mon-initial-members=$ROOK_CEPH_MON_INITIAL_MEMBERS \
               --id=b \
               --setuser=ceph \
               --setgroup=ceph \
               --foreground \
               --public-addr= \
               --setuser-match-path=/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-b/store.db \
               --public-bind-addr=$ROOK_POD_IP \
      7. Exit the shell to continue.
  3. Edit the Rook configmaps.

    1. Edit the configmap that the operator uses to track the mons.

      # oc -n openshift-storage edit configmap rook-ceph-mon-endpoints
    2. Verify that in the data element you see three mons such as the following (or more depending on your moncount):

      data: a=;b=;c=
    3. Delete the bad mons from the list to end up with a single good mon. For example:

      data: b=
    4. Save the file and exit.
    5. Now, you need to adapt a Secret which is used for the mons and other components.

      1. Set a value for the variable good_mon_id.

        For example:

        # good_mon_id=b
      2. You can use the oc patch command to patch the rook-ceph-config secret and update the two key/value pairs mon_host and mon_initial_members.

        # mon_host=$(oc -n openshift-storage get svc rook-ceph-mon-b -o jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}')
        # oc -n openshift-storage patch secret rook-ceph-config -p '{"stringData": {"mon_host": "[v2:'"${mon_host}"':3300,v1:'"${mon_host}"':6789]", "mon_initial_members": "'"${good_mon_id}"'"}}'

        If you are using hostNetwork: true, you need to replace the mon_host var with the node IP the mon is pinned to (nodeSelector). This is because there is no rook-ceph-mon-* service created in that “mode”.

  4. Restart the mon.

    You need to restart the good mon pod with the original ceph-mon command to pick up the changes.

    1. Use the oc replace command on the backup of the mon deployment YAML file:

      # oc replace --force -f rook-ceph-mon-b-deployment.yaml

      Option --force deletes the deployment and creates a new one.

    2. Verify the status of the cluster.

      The status should show one mon in quorum. If the status looks good, your cluster should be healthy again.

  5. Delete the two mon deployments that are no longer expected to be in quorum.

    For example:

    # oc delete deploy <rook-ceph-mon-1>
    # oc delete deploy <rook-ceph-mon-2>

    In this example the deployments to be deleted are rook-ceph-mon-a and rook-ceph-mon-c.

  6. Restart the operator.

    1. Start the rook operator again to resume monitoring the health of the cluster.


      It is safe to ignore the errors that a number of resources already exist.

      # oc -n openshift-storage scale deployment rook-ceph-operator --replicas=1

      The operator automatically adds more mons to increase the quorum size again depending on the mon count.

Chapter 13. Enabling the Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation console plugin

Enable the console plugin option if it was not automatically enabled after you installed the OpenShift Data Foundation Operator. The console plugin provides a custom interface that is included in the Web Console. You can enable the console plugin option either from the graphical user interface (GUI) or command-line interface.


  • You have administrative access to the OpenShift Web Console.
  • OpenShift Data Foundation Operator is installed and running in the openshift-storage namespace.


From user interface
  1. In the OpenShift Web Console, click Operators → Installed Operators to view all the installed operators.
  2. Ensure that the Project selected is openshift-storage.
  3. Click on the OpenShift Data Foundation operator.
  4. Enable the console plugin option.

    1. In the Details tab, click the pencil icon under Console plugin.
    2. Select Enable, and click Save.
From command-line interface
  • Execute the following command to enable the console plugin option:

    $ oc patch console.operator cluster -n openshift-storage --type json -p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/plugins", "value": ["odf-console"]}]'

Verification steps

  • After the console plugin option is enabled, a pop-up with a message, Web console update is available appears on the GUI. Click Refresh web console from this pop-up for the console changes to reflect.

    • In the Web Console, navigate to Storage and verify if Data Foundation is available.

Chapter 14. Changing resources for the OpenShift Data Foundation components

When you install OpenShift Data Foundation, it comes with pre-defined resources that the OpenShift Data Foundation pods can consume. In some situations with higher I/O load, it might be required to increase these limits.

14.1. Changing the CPU and memory resources on the rook-ceph pods

When you install OpenShift Data Foundation, it comes with pre-defined CPU and memory resources for the rook-ceph pods. You can manually increase these values according to the requirements.

You can change the CPU and memory resources on the following pods:

  • mgr
  • mds
  • rgw

The following example illustrates how to change the CPU and memory resources on the rook-ceph pods. In this example, the existing MDS pod values of cpu and memory are increased from 1 and 4Gi to 2 and 8Gi respectively.

  1. Edit the storage cluster:

    # oc edit storagecluster -n openshift-storage <storagecluster_name>
    Specify the name of the storage cluster.

    Example 14.1. Example

    # oc edit storagecluster -n openshift-storage ocs-storagecluster
  2. Add the following lines to the storage cluster Custom Resource (CR):

            cpu: 2
            memory: 8Gi
            cpu: 2
            memory: 8Gi
  3. Save the changes and exit the editor.
  4. Alternatively, run the oc patch command to change the CPU and memory value of the mds pod:

    # oc patch -n openshift-storage storagecluster <storagecluster_name>
        --type merge \
        --patch '{"spec": {"resources": {"mds": {"limits": {"cpu": "2","memory": "8Gi"},"requests": {"cpu": "2","memory": "8Gi"}}}}}'
    Specify the name of the storage cluster.

    Example 14.2. Example

    # oc patch -n openshift-storage storagecluster ocs-storagecluster \
        --type merge \
        --patch '{"spec": {"resources": {"mds": {"limits": {"cpu": "2","memory": "8Gi"},"requests": {"cpu": "2","memory": "8Gi"}}}}}'

14.2. Tuning the resources for the MCG

The default configuration for the Multicloud Object Gateway (MCG) is optimized for low resource consumption and not performance. For more information on how to tune the resources for the MCG, see the Red Hat Knowledgebase solution Performance tuning guide for Multicloud Object Gateway (NooBaa).

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