
Chapter 2. Deploy OpenShift Data Foundation using Red Hat Ceph storage

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Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation can make services from an external Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster available for consumption through OpenShift Container Platform clusters. You need to install the OpenShift Data Foundation operator and then create OpenShift Data Foundation cluster for external Ceph storage system.

2.1. Installing Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation Operator

You can install Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation Operator using the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Operator Hub.


  • Access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster using an account with cluster-admin and Operator installation permissions.
  • For additional resource requirements, see the Planning your deployment guide.
  • When you need to override the cluster-wide default node selector for OpenShift Data Foundation, you can use the following command in the command line interface to specify a blank node selector for the openshift-storage namespace (create openshift-storage namespace in this case):

    $ oc annotate namespace openshift-storage


  1. Log in to the OpenShift Web Console.
  2. Click Operators OperatorHub.
  3. Scroll or type OpenShift Data Foundation into the Filter by keyword box to find the OpenShift Data Foundation Operator.
  4. Click Install.
  5. Set the following options on the Install Operator page:

    1. Update Channel as stable-4.10.
    2. Installation Mode as A specific namespace on the cluster.
    3. Installed Namespace as Operator recommended namespace openshift-storage. If Namespace openshift-storage does not exist, it is created during the operator installation.
    4. Select Approval Strategy as Automatic or Manual.

      If you select Automatic updates, then the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) automatically upgrades the running instance of your Operator without any intervention.

      If you select Manual updates, then the OLM creates an update request. As a cluster administrator, you must then manually approve that update request to update the Operator to a newer version.

    5. Ensure that the Enable option is selected for the Console plugin.
    6. Click Install.

Verification steps

  • After the operator is successfully installed, a pop-up with a message, Web console update is available appears on the user interface. Click Refresh web console from this pop-up for the console changes to reflect.
  • In the Web Console:

    • Navigate to Installed Operators and verify that the OpenShift Data Foundation Operator shows a green tick indicating successful installation.
    • Navigate to Storage and verify if Data Foundation dashboard is available.

2.2. Creating an OpenShift Data Foundation Cluster for external Ceph storage system

You need to create a new OpenShift Data Foundation cluster after you install OpenShift Data Foundation operator on OpenShift Container Platform deployed on VMware vSphere or user-provisioned bare metal infrastructures.


  • Ensure the OpenShift Container Platform version is 4.10 or above before deploying OpenShift Data Foundation 4.10.
  • OpenShift Data Foundation operator must be installed. For more information, see Installing OpenShift Data Foundation Operator using the Operator Hub.
  • To check the supportability and interoperability of Red Hat Ceph Storage (RHCS) with Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation in external mode, go to the lab Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation Supportability and Interoperability Checker.

    • Select Service Type as ODF as Self-Managed Service.
    • Select appropriate Version from the drop down.
    • On Versions tab, click Supported RHCS Compatibility tab.
  • If you have updated the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster from a version lower than 4.1.1 to the latest release and is not a freshly deployed cluster, you must manually set the application type for CephFS pool on the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster to enable CephFS PVC creation in external mode.

    For more details, see Troubleshooting CephFS PVC creation in external mode.

  • Red Hat Ceph Storage must have Ceph Dashboard installed and configured. For more information, see Ceph Dashboard installation and access.
  • It is recommended that the external Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster has the PG Autoscaler enabled. For more information, see The placement group autoscaler section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage documentation.
  • The external Ceph cluster should have an existing RBD pool pre-configured for use. If it does not exist, contact your Red Hat Ceph Storage administrator to create one before you move ahead with OpenShift Data Foundation deployment. Red Hat recommends to use a separate pool for each OpenShift Data Foundation cluster.
  • Optional: If there is a zonegroup created apart from the default zonegroup, you need to add the hostname, rook-ceph-rgw-ocs-external-storagecluster-cephobjectstore.openshift-storage.svc to the zonegroup as OpenShift Data Foundation sends S3 requests to the RADOS Object Gateways (RGWs) with this hostname. For more information, see the Red Hat Knowledgebase solution Ceph - How to add hostnames in RGW zonegroup?.


  1. Click Operators Installed Operators to view all the installed operators.

    Ensure that the Project selected is openshift-storage.

  2. Click OpenShift Data Foundation and then click Create StorageSystem.
  3. In the Backing storage page, select the following options:

    1. Select Full deployment for the Deployment type option.
    2. Select Connect an external storage platform from the available options.
    3. Select Red Hat Ceph Storage for Storage platform.
    4. Click Next.
  4. In the Connection details page, provide the necessary information:

    1. Click on the Download Script link to download the python script for extracting Ceph cluster details.
    2. For extracting the Red Hat Ceph Storage (RHCS) cluster details, contact the RHCS administrator to run the downloaded python script on a Red Hat Ceph Storage node with admin key.

      1. Run the following command on the RHCS node to view the list of available arguments:

        # python3 --help

        Use python instead of python3 if the Red Hat Ceph Storage 4.x cluster is deployed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x (RHEL 7.x) cluster.


        You can also run the script from inside a MON container (containerized deployment) or from a MON node (rpm deployment).

      2. To retrieve the external cluster details from the RHCS cluster, run the following command:

        # python3 \
        --rbd-data-pool-name <rbd block pool name>  [optional arguments]

        For example:

        # python3 --rbd-data-pool-name ceph-rbd --monitoring-endpoint --monitoring-endpoint-port xxxx --rgw-endpoint --run-as-user client.ocs

        In this example,

        A mandatory parameter that is used for providing block storage in OpenShift Data Foundation.
        An optional parameter, which needs to provided only if the object storage is to be provisioned through Ceph Rados Gateway for OpenShift Data Foundation. Provide the endpoint in the following format: <ip_address>:<port>
        Is optional. It accepts comma separated list of IP addresses of active and standby mgrs reachable from the OpenShift Container Platform cluster. If not provided, the value is automatically populated.
        This is optional. It is the port associated with the ceph-mgr Prometheus exporter specified by --monitoring-endpoint. If not provided, the value is automatically populated.

        This is an optional parameter used for providing name for the Ceph user which is created by the script. If this parameter is not specified, a default user name client.healthchecker is created. The permissions for the new user is set as:

        • caps: [mgr] allow command config
        • caps: [mon] allow r, allow command quorum_status, allow command version
        • caps: [osd] allow rwx pool=RGW_POOL_PREFIX.rgw.meta, allow r pool=.rgw.root, allow rw pool=RGW_POOL_PREFIX.rgw.control, allow rx pool=RGW_POOL_PREFIX.rgw.log, allow x pool=RGW_POOL_PREFIX.rgw.buckets.index

          Example of JSON output generated using the python script:

          [{"name": "rook-ceph-mon-endpoints", "kind": "ConfigMap", "data": {"data": "", "maxMonId": "0", "mapping": "{}"}}, {"name": "rook-ceph-mon", "kind": "Secret", "data": {"admin-secret": "admin-secret", "fsid": "<fs-id>", "mon-secret": "mon-secret"}}, {"name": "rook-ceph-operator-creds", "kind": "Secret", "data": {"userID": "<user-id>", "userKey": "<user-key>"}}, {"name": "rook-csi-rbd-node", "kind": "Secret", "data": {"userID": "csi-rbd-node", "userKey": "<user-key>"}}, {"name": "ceph-rbd", "kind": "StorageClass", "data": {"pool": "<pool>"}}, {"name": "monitoring-endpoint", "kind": "CephCluster", "data": {"MonitoringEndpoint": "", "MonitoringPort": "xxxx"}}, {"name": "rook-ceph-dashboard-link", "kind": "Secret", "data": {"userID": "ceph-dashboard-link", "userKey": "<user-key>"}}, {"name": "rook-csi-rbd-provisioner", "kind": "Secret", "data": {"userID": "csi-rbd-provisioner", "userKey": "<user-key>"}}, {"name": "rook-csi-cephfs-provisioner", "kind": "Secret", "data": {"adminID": "csi-cephfs-provisioner", "adminKey": "<admin-key>"}}, {"name": "rook-csi-cephfs-node", "kind": "Secret", "data": {"adminID": "csi-cephfs-node", "adminKey": "<admin-key>"}}, {"name": "cephfs", "kind": "StorageClass", "data": {"fsName": "cephfs", "pool": "cephfs_data"}}, {"name": "ceph-rgw", "kind": "StorageClass", "data": {"endpoint": "", "poolPrefix": "default"}}, {"name": "rgw-admin-ops-user", "kind": "Secret", "data": {"accessKey": "<access-key>", "secretKey": "<secret-key>"}}]

      3. Save the JSON output to a file with .json extension


        For OpenShift Data Foundation to work seamlessly, ensure that the parameters (RGW endpoint, CephFS details, RBD pool, and so on) to be uploaded using the JSON file remains unchanged on the RHCS external cluster after the storage cluster creation.

      4. Run the command when there is a multi-tenant deployment in which RHCS cluster is already connected to OpenShift Data Foundation deployment with a lower version.

         ``` # python3 --upgrade  ```
    3. Click Browse to select and upload the JSON file.

      The content of the JSON file is populated and displayed in the text box.

    4. Click Next

      The Next button is enabled only after you upload the .json file.

  5. In the Review and create page, review if all the details are correct:

    • To modify any configuration settings, click Back to go back to the previous configuration page.
  6. Click Create StorageSystem.

Verification steps

To verify the final Status of the installed storage cluster:

  1. In the OpenShift Web Console, navigate to Installed Operators OpenShift Data Foundation Storage System ocs-external-storagecluster-storagesystem Resources.
  2. Verify that Status of StorageCluster is Ready and has a green tick.
  3. To verify that OpenShift Data Foundation, pods and StorageClass are successfully installed, see Verifying your external mode OpenShift Data Foundation installation for external Ceph storage system.

2.3. Verifying your OpenShift Data Foundation installation for external Ceph storage system

Use this section to verify that OpenShift Data Foundation is deployed correctly.

2.3.1. Verifying the state of the pods

  1. Click Workloads Pods from the left pane of the OpenShift Web Console.
  2. Select openshift-storage from the Project drop-down list.


    If the Show default projects option is disabled, use the toggle button to list all the default projects.

    For more information on the expected number of pods for each component and how it varies depending on the number of nodes, see Table 2.1, “Pods corresponding to OpenShift Data Foundation components”

  3. Verify that the following pods are in running state:

    Table 2.1. Pods corresponding to OpenShift Data Foundation components
    ComponentCorresponding pods

    OpenShift Data Foundation Operator

    • ocs-operator-* (1 pod on any worker node)
    • ocs-metrics-exporter-* (1 pod on any worker node)
    • odf-operator-controller-manager-* (1 pod on any worker node)
    • odf-console-* (1 pod on any worker node)
    • csi-addons-controller-manager-* (1 pod on any worker node)

    Rook-ceph Operator


    (1 pod on any worker node)

    Multicloud Object Gateway

    • noobaa-operator-* (1 pod on any worker node)
    • noobaa-core-* (1 pod on any worker node)
    • noobaa-db-pg-* (1 pod on any worker node)
    • noobaa-endpoint-* (1 pod on any worker node)


    • cephfs

      • csi-cephfsplugin-* (1 pod on each worker node)
      • csi-cephfsplugin-provisioner-* (2 pods distributed across worker nodes)

    If an MDS is not deployed in the external cluster, the csi-cephfsplugin pods will not be created.

    • rbd

      • csi-rbdplugin-* (1 pod on each worker node)
      • csi-rbdplugin-provisioner-* (2 pods distributed across worker nodes)

2.3.2. Verifying that the OpenShift Data Foundation cluster is healthy

  1. In the OpenShift Web Console, click Storage Data Foundation.
  2. In the Status card of the Overview tab, click Storage System and then click the storage system link from the pop up that appears.
  3. In the Status card of the Block and File tab, verify that Storage Cluster has a green tick.
  4. In the Details card, verify that the cluster information is displayed.

For more information on the health of OpenShift Data Foundation cluster using the Block and File dashboard, see Monitoring OpenShift Data Foundation.

2.3.3. Verifying that the Multicloud Object Gateway is healthy

  1. In the OpenShift Web Console, click Storage Data Foundation.
  2. In the Status card of the Overview tab, click Storage System and then click the storage system link from the pop up that appears.

    1. In the Status card of the Object tab, verify that both Object Service and Data Resiliency have a green tick.
    2. In the Details card, verify that the Multicloud Object Gateway (MCG) information is displayed.

The RADOS Object Gateway is only listed in case RADOS Object Gateway endpoint details are included while deploying OpenShift Data Foundation in external mode.

For more information on the health of OpenShift Data Foundation cluster using the object dashboard, see Monitoring OpenShift Data Foundation.

2.3.4. Verifying that the storage classes are created and listed

  1. Click Storage Storage Classes from the left pane of the OpenShift Web Console.
  2. Verify that the following storage classes are created with the OpenShift Data Foundation cluster creation:

    • ocs-external-storagecluster-ceph-rbd
    • ocs-external-storagecluster-ceph-rgw
    • ocs-external-storagecluster-cephfs
  • If an MDS is not deployed in the external cluster, ocs-external-storagecluster-cephfs storage class will not be created.
  • If RGW is not deployed in the external cluster, the ocs-external-storagecluster-ceph-rgw storage class will not be created.

For more information regarding MDS and RGW, see Red Hat Ceph Storage documentation

2.3.5. Verifying that Ceph cluster is connected

Run the following command to verify if the OpenShift Data Foundation cluster is connected to the external Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.

$ oc get cephcluster -n openshift-storage
NAME                                      DATADIRHOSTPATH   MONCOUNT   AGE   PHASE       MESSAGE                          HEALTH      EXTERNAL
ocs-external-storagecluster-cephcluster                                30m   Connected   Cluster connected successfully   HEALTH_OK   true

2.3.6. Verifying that storage cluster is ready

Run the following command to verify if the storage cluster is ready and the External option is set to true.

$ oc get storagecluster -n openshift-storage
NAME                          AGE   PHASE   EXTERNAL   CREATED AT             VERSION
ocs-external-storagecluster   30m   Ready   true       2021-11-17T09:09:52Z   4.10.0
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