Chapter 3. Bug fixes
3.1. Allow Ports in Git Provider Endpoint for Personal Access Tokens
With this release, you can provide ports in the URL for Git Provider Endpoint
when adding Personal Access Tokens on the User Dashboard. Previously, it was not possible due to strict validation.
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3.2. If persistHome is enabled, the token in .kube/config isn’t renewed
Before this release, when the spec.devEnvironments.persistUserHome
option was enabled, the token in .kube/config
was not renewed automatically during a workspace restart.
You can find more details about automatic token injection in the official documentation.
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3.3. Keep projects when restarting a workspace from local devfile
environment variables were not correctly set after using the Restart Workspace from Local Devfile
functionality. The defect has been fixed in this release.
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3.4. Inconsistency in the behaviour of the $PATH environment variable within Devfile
Previously, when commands were executed using the command definition in the devfile, they had a different $PATH
compared to commands launched in containers defined within the components section. The defect has been fixed in this release.
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3.5. User-provided environment variables can’t reference $PROJECT_ROOT or $PROJECT_SOURCE
Previously, users were not able to reference the $PROJECT_ROOT
environment variables in their devfile environment variables. This issue has now been fixed in this release.
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3.6. Workspace status flickering during startup
Previously, during a workspace startup, the status could have been unexpectedly changed to 'Stopped' even though the workspace started successfully. The defect has been fixed in this release, and the status changes are ignored during workspace startup.
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3.7. Starting a new workspace with a clone of the specified branch doesn’t work correctly if the repository has no`devfile.yaml`
Previously, starting a new workspace with a clone of a specified branch didn’t work correctly if the repository didn’t have devfile.yaml
. Instead, the default branch was always cloned after the cloud development environment (CDE) startup. The defect has been fixed in this release.
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3.8. Branch detection for Microsoft Azure does not work on the User Dashboard
Before this release, branch detection for Microsoft Azure repositories was not working on the User Dashboard. The defect has been fixed in this release.
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3.9. Workspace start page goes to cyclic reload if refresh token mode is applied
Previously, using the experimental CHE_FORCE_REFRESH_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN
feature could result in the cyclic reload sequence during cloud development environment (CDE) startup. The defect has been fixed in this release.
feature in the official documentation.
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3.10. SSH key added by pasting the key strings in the dashboard is invalid
Before this release, there was an issue with adding an SSH key by manually pasting the key strings in the dashboard. After saving the SSH key and starting the workspace, the project would not be cloned with the following error message: "Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists." With this release, the issue has been fixed.
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3.11. Extension 'ms-python.python' CANNOT use API proposal: terminalShellIntegration
Before this release, installing the latest Python extension (v2024.14.0) would result in the following would fail with the following error message: "Extension 'ms-python.python' CANNOT use API proposal: terminalShellIntegration". With this release, the issue is fixed
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3.12. Opening links not possible in the Visual Studio Code - Open Source ("Code - OSS")
Before this release, it was not possible to open links in Visual Studio Code - Open Source ("Code - OSS"). With this release, the issue has been fixed.
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