Red Hat OpenShift GitOps 1.13
Get started
Release notes
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Understanding OpenShift GitOps
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Installing GitOps
Installing the OpenShift GitOps Operator, logging in to the Argo CD instance, and installing the GitOps CLI
Removing GitOps
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Set up
Argo CD instance
Installing and deploying Argo CD instances, enabling notifications with an Argo CD instance, and configuring the NotificationsConfiguration CR
Access control and user management
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Managing resource use
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Argo CD applications
Creating and deploying applications on the OpenShift cluster by using the Argo CD dashboard, oc tool, or GitOps CLI
Argo CD application sets
Managing the application set resources in non-control plane namespaces
Declarative cluster configuration
Configuring an OpenShift cluster with cluster configurations by using OpenShift GitOps and creating and synchronizing applications in the default and code mode by using the GitOps CLI
Progressive delivery
Argo Rollouts
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GitOps CLI (argocd) reference
Configuring the GitOps CLI and logging in to the Argo CD server in the default mode
GitOps workloads on infrastructure nodes
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Using observability features to view Argo CD logs and monitor the performance and health of Argo CD and application resources
Troubleshooting issues
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