
Creating CI/CD pipelines

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Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines 1.14

Getting started with creating and running tasks and pipelines in OpenShift Pipelines

Red Hat OpenShift Documentation Team


This document provides information about creating and running tasks and pipelines in OpenShift Pipelines.

Chapter 1. Creating CI/CD solutions for applications using OpenShift Pipelines

With Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines, you can create a customized CI/CD solution to build, test, and deploy your application.

To create a full-fledged, self-serving CI/CD pipeline for an application, perform the following tasks:

  • Create custom tasks, or install existing reusable tasks.
  • Create and define the delivery pipeline for your application.
  • Provide a storage volume or filesystem that is attached to a workspace for the pipeline execution, using one of the following approaches:

    • Specify a volume claim template that creates a persistent volume claim
    • Specify a persistent volume claim
  • Create a PipelineRun object to instantiate and invoke the pipeline.
  • Add triggers to capture events in the source repository.

This section uses the pipelines-tutorial example to demonstrate the preceding tasks. The example uses a simple application which consists of:

  • A front-end interface, pipelines-vote-ui, with the source code in the pipelines-vote-ui Git repository.
  • A back-end interface, pipelines-vote-api, with the source code in the pipelines-vote-api Git repository.
  • The apply-manifests and update-deployment tasks in the pipelines-tutorial Git repository.

1.1. Prerequisites

  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have installed OpenShift Pipelines using the Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines Operator listed in the OpenShift OperatorHub. After it is installed, it is applicable to the entire cluster.
  • You have installed OpenShift Pipelines CLI.
  • You have forked the front-end pipelines-vote-ui and back-end pipelines-vote-api Git repositories using your GitHub ID, and have administrator access to these repositories.
  • Optional: You have cloned the pipelines-tutorial Git repository.

1.2. Creating a project and checking your pipeline service account


  1. Log in to your OpenShift Container Platform cluster:

    $ oc login -u <login> -p <password>
  2. Create a project for the sample application. For this example workflow, create the pipelines-tutorial project:

    $ oc new-project pipelines-tutorial

    If you create a project with a different name, be sure to update the resource URLs used in the example with your project name.

  3. View the pipeline service account:

    Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines Operator adds and configures a service account named pipeline that has sufficient permissions to build and push an image. This service account is used by the PipelineRun object.

    $ oc get serviceaccount pipeline

1.3. Creating pipeline tasks


  1. Install the apply-manifests and update-deployment task resources from the pipelines-tutorial repository, which contains a list of reusable tasks for pipelines:

    $ oc create -f
    $ oc create -f
  2. Use the tkn task list command to list the tasks you created:

    $ tkn task list

    The output verifies that the apply-manifests and update-deployment task resources were created:

    NAME                DESCRIPTION   AGE
    apply-manifests                   1 minute ago
    update-deployment                 48 seconds ago
  3. Use the tkn clustertasks list command to list the Operator-installed additional cluster tasks such as buildah and s2i-python:


    To use the buildah cluster task in a restricted environment, you must ensure that the Dockerfile uses an internal image stream as the base image.

    $ tkn clustertasks list

    The output lists the Operator-installed ClusterTask resources:

    NAME                       DESCRIPTION   AGE
    buildah                                  1 day ago
    git-clone                                1 day ago
    s2i-python                               1 day ago
    tkn                                      1 day ago

In Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines 1.10, cluster task functionality is deprecated and is planned to be removed in a future release.

1.4. Assembling a pipeline

A pipeline represents a CI/CD flow and is defined by the tasks to be executed. It is designed to be generic and reusable in multiple applications and environments.

A pipeline specifies how the tasks interact with each other and their order of execution using the from and runAfter parameters. It uses the workspaces field to specify one or more volumes that each task in the pipeline requires during execution.

In this section, you will create a pipeline that takes the source code of the application from GitHub, and then builds and deploys it on OpenShift Container Platform.

The pipeline performs the following tasks for the back-end application pipelines-vote-api and front-end application pipelines-vote-ui:

  • Clones the source code of the application from the Git repository by referring to the git-url and git-revision parameters.
  • Builds the container image using the buildah cluster task.
  • Pushes the image to the OpenShift image registry by referring to the image parameter.
  • Deploys the new image on OpenShift Container Platform by using the apply-manifests and update-deployment tasks.


  1. Copy the contents of the following sample pipeline YAML file and save it:

    kind: Pipeline
      name: build-and-deploy
      - name: shared-workspace
      - name: deployment-name
        type: string
        description: name of the deployment to be patched
      - name: git-url
        type: string
        description: url of the git repo for the code of deployment
      - name: git-revision
        type: string
        description: revision to be used from repo of the code for deployment
        default: "pipelines-1.14"
      - name: IMAGE
        type: string
        description: image to be built from the code
      - name: fetch-repository
          name: git-clone
          kind: ClusterTask
        - name: output
          workspace: shared-workspace
        - name: url
          value: $(params.git-url)
        - name: subdirectory
          value: ""
        - name: deleteExisting
          value: "true"
        - name: revision
          value: $(params.git-revision)
      - name: build-image
          name: buildah
          kind: ClusterTask
        - name: IMAGE
          value: $(params.IMAGE)
        - name: source
          workspace: shared-workspace
        - fetch-repository
      - name: apply-manifests
          name: apply-manifests
        - name: source
          workspace: shared-workspace
        - build-image
      - name: update-deployment
          name: update-deployment
        - name: deployment
          value: $(params.deployment-name)
        - name: IMAGE
          value: $(params.IMAGE)
        - apply-manifests

    The pipeline definition abstracts away the specifics of the Git source repository and image registries. These details are added as params when a pipeline is triggered and executed.

  2. Create the pipeline:

    $ oc create -f <pipeline-yaml-file-name.yaml>

    Alternatively, you can also execute the YAML file directly from the Git repository:

    $ oc create -f
  3. Use the tkn pipeline list command to verify that the pipeline is added to the application:

    $ tkn pipeline list

    The output verifies that the build-and-deploy pipeline was created:

    NAME               AGE            LAST RUN   STARTED   DURATION   STATUS
    build-and-deploy   1 minute ago   ---        ---       ---        ---

1.5. Mirroring images to run pipelines in a restricted environment

To run OpenShift Pipelines in a disconnected cluster or a cluster provisioned in a restricted environment, ensure that either the Samples Operator is configured for a restricted network, or a cluster administrator has created a cluster with a mirrored registry.

The following procedure uses the pipelines-tutorial example to create a pipeline for an application in a restricted environment using a cluster with a mirrored registry. To ensure that the pipelines-tutorial example works in a restricted environment, you must mirror the respective builder images from the mirror registry for the front-end interface, pipelines-vote-ui; back-end interface, pipelines-vote-api; and the cli.


  1. Mirror the builder image from the mirror registry for the front-end interface, pipelines-vote-ui.

    1. Verify that the required images tag is not imported:

      $ oc describe imagestream python -n openshift

      Example output

      Name:			python
      Namespace:		openshift
      3.8-ubi9 (latest)
        tagged from
          prefer registry pullthrough when referencing this tag
        Build and run Python 3.8 applications on UBI 8. For more information about using this builder image, including OpenShift considerations, see
        Tags: builder, python
        Supports: python:3.8, python
        Example Repo:

    2. Mirror the supported image tag to the private registry:

      $ oc image mirror <mirror-registry>:<port>/ubi9/python-39
    3. Import the image:

      $ oc tag <mirror-registry>:<port>/ubi9/python-39 python:latest --scheduled -n openshift

      You must periodically re-import the image. The --scheduled flag enables automatic re-import of the image.

    4. Verify that the images with the given tag have been imported:

      $ oc describe imagestream python -n openshift

      Example output

      Name:			python
      Namespace:		openshift
        updates automatically from registry  <mirror-registry>:<port>/ubi9/python-39
        *  <mirror-registry>:<port>/ubi9/python-39@sha256:3ee...

  2. Mirror the builder image from the mirror registry for the back-end interface, pipelines-vote-api.

    1. Verify that the required images tag is not imported:

      $ oc describe imagestream golang -n openshift

      Example output

      Name:			golang
      Namespace:		openshift
      1.14.7-ubi8 (latest)
        tagged from
          prefer registry pullthrough when referencing this tag
        Build and run Go applications on UBI 8. For more information about using this builder image, including OpenShift considerations, see
        Tags: builder, golang, go
        Supports: golang
        Example Repo:

    2. Mirror the supported image tag to the private registry:

      $ oc image mirror <mirror-registry>:<port>/ubi9/go-toolset
    3. Import the image:

      $ oc tag <mirror-registry>:<port>/ubi9/go-toolset golang:latest --scheduled -n openshift

      You must periodically re-import the image. The --scheduled flag enables automatic re-import of the image.

    4. Verify that the images with the given tag have been imported:

      $ oc describe imagestream golang -n openshift

      Example output

      Name:			golang
      Namespace:		openshift
        updates automatically from registry <mirror-registry>:<port>/ubi9/go-toolset
        * <mirror-registry>:<port>/ubi9/go-toolset@sha256:59a74d581df3a2bd63ab55f7ac106677694bf612a1fe9e7e3e1487f55c421b37

  3. Mirror the builder image from the mirror registry for the cli.

    1. Verify that the required images tag is not imported:

      $ oc describe imagestream cli -n openshift

      Example output

      Name:                   cli
      Namespace:              openshift
        updates automatically from registry

    2. Mirror the supported image tag to the private registry:

      $ oc image mirror <mirror-registry>:<port>/openshift-release-dev/ocp-v4.0-art-dev:latest
    3. Import the image:

      $ oc tag <mirror-registry>:<port>/openshift-release-dev/ocp-v4.0-art-dev cli:latest --scheduled -n openshift

      You must periodically re-import the image. The --scheduled flag enables automatic re-import of the image.

    4. Verify that the images with the given tag have been imported:

      $ oc describe imagestream cli -n openshift

      Example output

      Name:                   cli
      Namespace:              openshift
        updates automatically from registry <mirror-registry>:<port>/openshift-release-dev/ocp-v4.0-art-dev
        * <mirror-registry>:<port>/openshift-release-dev/ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256:65c68e8c22487375c4c6ce6f18ed5485915f2bf612e41fef6d41cbfcdb143551

1.6. Running a pipeline

A PipelineRun resource starts a pipeline and ties it to the Git and image resources that should be used for the specific invocation. It automatically creates and starts the TaskRun resources for each task in the pipeline.


  1. Start the pipeline for the back-end application:

    $ tkn pipeline start build-and-deploy \
        -w name=shared-workspace,volumeClaimTemplateFile= \
        -p deployment-name=pipelines-vote-api \
        -p git-url= \
        -p IMAGE='image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/pipelines-tutorial/pipelines-vote-api' \

    The previous command uses a volume claim template, which creates a persistent volume claim for the pipeline execution.

  2. To track the progress of the pipeline run, enter the following command::

    $ tkn pipelinerun logs <pipelinerun_id> -f

    The <pipelinerun_id> in the above command is the ID for the PipelineRun that was returned in the output of the previous command.

  3. Start the pipeline for the front-end application:

    $ tkn pipeline start build-and-deploy \
        -w name=shared-workspace,volumeClaimTemplateFile= \
        -p deployment-name=pipelines-vote-ui \
        -p git-url= \
        -p IMAGE='image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/pipelines-tutorial/pipelines-vote-ui' \
  4. To track the progress of the pipeline run, enter the following command:

    $ tkn pipelinerun logs <pipelinerun_id> -f

    The <pipelinerun_id> in the above command is the ID for the PipelineRun that was returned in the output of the previous command.

  5. After a few minutes, use tkn pipelinerun list command to verify that the pipeline ran successfully by listing all the pipeline runs:

    $ tkn pipelinerun list

    The output lists the pipeline runs:

     NAME                         STARTED      DURATION     STATUS
     build-and-deploy-run-xy7rw   1 hour ago   2 minutes    Succeeded
     build-and-deploy-run-z2rz8   1 hour ago   19 minutes   Succeeded
  6. Get the application route:

    $ oc get route pipelines-vote-ui --template='http://{{}}'

    Note the output of the previous command. You can access the application using this route.

  7. To rerun the last pipeline run, using the pipeline resources and service account of the previous pipeline, run:

    $ tkn pipeline start build-and-deploy --last

1.7. Adding triggers to a pipeline

Triggers enable pipelines to respond to external GitHub events, such as push events and pull requests. After you assemble and start a pipeline for the application, add the TriggerBinding, TriggerTemplate, Trigger, and EventListener resources to capture the GitHub events.


  1. Copy the content of the following sample TriggerBinding YAML file and save it:

    kind: TriggerBinding
      name: vote-app
      - name: git-repo-url
        value: $(body.repository.url)
      - name: git-repo-name
        value: $(
      - name: git-revision
        value: $(
  2. Create the TriggerBinding resource:

    $ oc create -f <triggerbinding-yaml-file-name.yaml>

    Alternatively, you can create the TriggerBinding resource directly from the pipelines-tutorial Git repository:

    $ oc create -f
  3. Copy the content of the following sample TriggerTemplate YAML file and save it:

    kind: TriggerTemplate
      name: vote-app
      - name: git-repo-url
        description: The git repository url
      - name: git-revision
        description: The git revision
        default: pipelines-1.14
      - name: git-repo-name
        description: The name of the deployment to be created / patched
      - apiVersion:
        kind: PipelineRun
          generateName: build-deploy-$(tt.params.git-repo-name)-
            serviceAccountName: pipeline
            name: build-and-deploy
          - name: deployment-name
            value: $(tt.params.git-repo-name)
          - name: git-url
            value: $(tt.params.git-repo-url)
          - name: git-revision
            value: $(tt.params.git-revision)
          - name: IMAGE
            value: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/pipelines-tutorial/$(tt.params.git-repo-name)
          - name: shared-workspace
                  - ReadWriteOnce
                    storage: 500Mi

    The template specifies a volume claim template to create a persistent volume claim for defining the storage volume for the workspace. Therefore, you do not need to create a persistent volume claim to provide data storage.

  4. Create the TriggerTemplate resource:

    $ oc create -f <triggertemplate-yaml-file-name.yaml>

    Alternatively, you can create the TriggerTemplate resource directly from the pipelines-tutorial Git repository:

    $ oc create -f
  5. Copy the contents of the following sample Trigger YAML file and save it:

    kind: Trigger
      name: vote-trigger
        serviceAccountName: pipeline
        - ref: vote-app
        ref: vote-app
  6. Create the Trigger resource:

    $ oc create -f <trigger-yaml-file-name.yaml>

    Alternatively, you can create the Trigger resource directly from the pipelines-tutorial Git repository:

    $ oc create -f
  7. Copy the contents of the following sample EventListener YAML file and save it:

    kind: EventListener
      name: vote-app
        serviceAccountName: pipeline
        - triggerRef: vote-trigger

    Alternatively, if you have not defined a trigger custom resource, add the binding and template spec to the EventListener YAML file, instead of referring to the name of the trigger:

    kind: EventListener
      name: vote-app
        serviceAccountName: pipeline
      - bindings:
        - ref: vote-app
          ref: vote-app
  8. Create the EventListener resource by performing the following steps:

    • To create an EventListener resource using a secure HTTPS connection:

      1. Add a label to enable the secure HTTPS connection to the Eventlistener resource:

        $ oc label namespace <ns-name>
      2. Create the EventListener resource:

        $ oc create -f <eventlistener-yaml-file-name.yaml>

        Alternatively, you can create the EvenListener resource directly from the pipelines-tutorial Git repository:

        $ oc create -f
      3. Create a route with the re-encrypt TLS termination:

        $ oc create route reencrypt --service=<svc-name> --cert=tls.crt --key=tls.key --ca-cert=ca.crt --hostname=<hostname>

        Alternatively, you can create a re-encrypt TLS termination YAML file to create a secured route.

        Example Re-encrypt TLS Termination YAML of the Secured Route

        kind: Route
          name: route-passthrough-secured 1
          host: <hostname>
            kind: Service
            name: frontend 2
            termination: reencrypt         3
            key: [as in edge termination]
            certificate: [as in edge termination]
            caCertificate: [as in edge termination]
            destinationCACertificate: |-   4
              -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
              -----END CERTIFICATE-----

        1 2
        The name of the object, which is limited to 63 characters.
        The termination field is set to reencrypt. This is the only required tls field.
        Required for re-encryption. destinationCACertificate specifies a CA certificate to validate the endpoint certificate, securing the connection from the router to the destination pods. If the service is using a service signing certificate, or the administrator has specified a default CA certificate for the router and the service has a certificate signed by that CA, this field can be omitted.

        See oc create route reencrypt --help for more options.

    • To create an EventListener resource using an insecure HTTP connection:

      1. Create the EventListener resource.
      2. Expose the EventListener service as an OpenShift Container Platform route to make it publicly accessible:

        $ oc expose svc el-vote-app

1.8. Configuring event listeners to serve multiple namespaces


You can skip this section if you want to create a basic CI/CD pipeline. However, if your deployment strategy involves multiple namespaces, you can configure event listeners to serve multiple namespaces.

To increase reusability of EvenListener objects, cluster administrators can configure and deploy them as multi-tenant event listeners that serve multiple namespaces.


  1. Configure cluster-wide fetch permission for the event listener.

    1. Set a service account name to be used in the ClusterRoleBinding and EventListener objects. For example, el-sa.

      Example ServiceAccount.yaml

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: ServiceAccount
        name: el-sa

    2. In the rules section of the ClusterRole.yaml file, set appropriate permissions for every event listener deployment to function cluster-wide.

      Example ClusterRole.yaml

      kind: ClusterRole
        name: el-sel-clusterrole
      - apiGroups: [""]
        resources: ["eventlisteners", "clustertriggerbindings", "clusterinterceptors", "triggerbindings", "triggertemplates", "triggers"]
        verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
      - apiGroups: [""]
        resources: ["configmaps", "secrets"]
        verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
      - apiGroups: [""]
        resources: ["serviceaccounts"]
        verbs: ["impersonate"]

    3. Configure cluster role binding with the appropriate service account name and cluster role name.

      Example ClusterRoleBinding.yaml

      kind: ClusterRoleBinding
        name: el-mul-clusterrolebinding
      - kind: ServiceAccount
        name: el-sa
        namespace: default
        kind: ClusterRole
        name: el-sel-clusterrole

  2. In the spec parameter of the event listener, add the service account name, for example el-sa. Fill the namespaceSelector parameter with names of namespaces where event listener is intended to serve.

    Example EventListener.yaml

    kind: EventListener
      name: namespace-selector-listener
        serviceAccountName: el-sa
        - default
        - foo

  3. Create a service account with the necessary permissions, for example foo-trigger-sa. Use it for role binding the triggers.

    Example ServiceAccount.yaml

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: foo-trigger-sa
      namespace: foo

    Example RoleBinding.yaml

    kind: RoleBinding
      name: triggercr-rolebinding
      namespace: foo
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: foo-trigger-sa
      namespace: foo
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: tekton-triggers-eventlistener-roles

  4. Create a trigger with the appropriate trigger template, trigger binding, and service account name.

    Example Trigger.yaml

    kind: Trigger
      name: trigger
      namespace: foo
        serviceAccountName: foo-trigger-sa
        - ref:
            name: "github"
            - name: "secretRef"
                secretName: github-secret
                secretKey: secretToken
            - name: "eventTypes"
              value: ["push"]
        - ref: vote-app
        ref: vote-app

1.9. Creating webhooks

Webhooks are HTTP POST messages that are received by the event listeners whenever a configured event occurs in your repository. The event payload is then mapped to trigger bindings, and processed by trigger templates. The trigger templates eventually start one or more pipeline runs, leading to the creation and deployment of Kubernetes resources.

In this section, you will configure a webhook URL on your forked Git repositories pipelines-vote-ui and pipelines-vote-api. This URL points to the publicly accessible EventListener service route.


Adding webhooks requires administrative privileges to the repository. If you do not have administrative access to your repository, contact your system administrator for adding webhooks.


  1. Get the webhook URL:

    • For a secure HTTPS connection:

      $ echo "URL: $(oc  get route el-vote-app --template='https://{{}}')"
    • For an HTTP (insecure) connection:

      $ echo "URL: $(oc  get route el-vote-app --template='http://{{}}')"

      Note the URL obtained in the output.

  2. Configure webhooks manually on the front-end repository:

    1. Open the front-end Git repository pipelines-vote-ui in your browser.
    2. Click SettingsWebhooksAdd Webhook
    3. On the Webhooks/Add Webhook page:

      1. Enter the webhook URL from step 1 in Payload URL field
      2. Select application/json for the Content type
      3. Specify the secret in the Secret field
      4. Ensure that the Just the push event is selected
      5. Select Active
      6. Click Add Webhook
  3. Repeat step 2 for the back-end repository pipelines-vote-api.

1.10. Triggering a pipeline run

Whenever a push event occurs in the Git repository, the configured webhook sends an event payload to the publicly exposed EventListener service route. The EventListener service of the application processes the payload, and passes it to the relevant TriggerBinding and TriggerTemplate resource pairs. The TriggerBinding resource extracts the parameters, and the TriggerTemplate resource uses these parameters and specifies the way the resources must be created. This may rebuild and redeploy the application.

In this section, you push an empty commit to the front-end pipelines-vote-ui repository, which then triggers the pipeline run.


  1. From the terminal, clone your forked Git repository pipelines-vote-ui:

    $ git clone<your GitHub ID>/pipelines-vote-ui.git -b pipelines-1.14
  2. Push an empty commit:

    $ git commit -m "empty-commit" --allow-empty && git push origin pipelines-1.14
  3. Check if the pipeline run was triggered:

    $ tkn pipelinerun list

    Notice that a new pipeline run was initiated.

1.11. Enabling monitoring of event listeners for Triggers for user-defined projects

As a cluster administrator, to gather event listener metrics for the Triggers service in a user-defined project and display them in the OpenShift Container Platform web console, you can create a service monitor for each event listener. On receiving an HTTP request, event listeners for the Triggers service return three metrics — eventlistener_http_duration_seconds, eventlistener_event_count, and eventlistener_triggered_resources.


  • You have logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  • You have installed the Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines Operator.
  • You have enabled monitoring for user-defined projects.


  1. For each event listener, create a service monitor. For example, to view the metrics for the github-listener event listener in the test namespace, create the following service monitor:

    kind: ServiceMonitor
      labels: EventListener Triggers
        eventlistener: github-listener
      annotations: ""
      name: el-monitor
      namespace: test
        - interval: 10s
          port: http-metrics
      jobLabel: name
          - test
          eventlistener: github-listener
  2. Test the service monitor by sending a request to the event listener. For example, push an empty commit:

    $ git commit -m "empty-commit" --allow-empty && git push origin main
  3. On the OpenShift Container Platform web console, navigate to AdministratorObserveMetrics.
  4. To view a metric, search by its name. For example, to view the details of the eventlistener_http_resources metric for the github-listener event listener, search using the eventlistener_http_resources keyword.

1.12. Configuring pull request capabilities in GitHub Interceptor

With GitHub Interceptor, you can create logic that validates and filters GitHub webhooks. For example, you can validate the webhook’s origin and filter incoming events based on specified criteria. When you use GitHub Interceptor to filter event data, you can specify the event types that Interceptor can accept in a field. In Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines, you can use the following capabilities of GitHub Interceptor:

  • Filter pull request events based on the files that have been changed
  • Validate pull requests based on configured GitHub owners

1.12.1. Filtering pull requests using GitHub Interceptor

You can filter GitHub events based on the files that have been changed for push and pull events. This helps you to execute a pipeline for only relevant changes in your Git repository. GitHub Interceptor adds a comma delimited list of all files that have been changed and uses the CEL Interceptor to filter incoming events based on the changed files. The list of changed files is added to the changed_files property of the event payload in the top-level extensions field.


  • You have installed the Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines Operator.


  1. Perform one of the following steps:

    • For a public GitHub repository, set the value of the addChangedFiles parameter to true in the YAML configuration file shown below:

      kind: EventListener
        name: github-add-changed-files-pr-listener
          - name: github-listener
              - ref:
                  name: "github"
                  kind: ClusterInterceptor
                - name: "secretRef"
                    secretName: github-secret
                    secretKey: secretToken
                - name: "eventTypes"
                  value: ["pull_request", "push"]
                - name: "addChangedFiles"
                    enabled: true
              - ref:
                  name: cel
                - name: filter
                  value: extensions.changed_files.matches('controllers/')
    • For a private GitHub repository, set the value of the addChangedFiles parameter to true and provide the access token details, secretName and secretKey in the YAML configuration file shown below:

      kind: EventListener
        name: github-add-changed-files-pr-listener
          - name: github-listener
              - ref:
                  name: "github"
                  kind: ClusterInterceptor
                - name: "secretRef"
                    secretName: github-secret
                    secretKey: secretToken
                - name: "eventTypes"
                  value: ["pull_request", "push"]
                - name: "addChangedFiles"
                    enabled: true
                      secretName: github-pat
                      secretKey: token
              - ref:
                  name: cel
                - name: filter
                  value: extensions.changed_files.matches('controllers/')
  2. Save the configuration file.

1.12.2. Validating pull requests using GitHub Interceptors

You can use GitHub Interceptor to validate the processing of pull requests based on the GitHub owners configured for a repository. This validation helps you to prevent unnecessary execution of a PipelineRun or TaskRun object. GitHub Interceptor processes a pull request only if the user name is listed as an owner or if a configurable comment is issued by an owner of the repository. For example, when you comment /ok-to-test on a pull request as an owner, a PipelineRun or TaskRun is triggered.


Owners are configured in an OWNERS file at the root of the repository.


  • You have installed the Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines Operator.


  1. Create a secret string value.
  2. Configure the GitHub webhook with that value.
  3. Create a Kubernetes secret named secretRef that contains your secret value.
  4. Pass the Kubernetes secret as a reference to your GitHub Interceptor.
  5. Create an owners file and add the list of approvers into the approvers section.
  6. Perform one of the following steps:

    • For a public GitHub repository, set the value of the githubOwners parameter to true in the YAML configuration file shown below:

      kind: EventListener
        name: github-owners-listener
          - name: github-listener
              - ref:
                  name: "github"
                  kind: ClusterInterceptor
                  - name: "secretRef"
                      secretName: github-secret
                      secretKey: secretToken
                  - name: "eventTypes"
                    value: ["pull_request", "issue_comment"]
                  - name: "githubOwners"
                      enabled: true
                      checkType: none
    • For a private GitHub repository, set the value of the githubOwners parameter to true and provide the access token details, secretName and secretKey in the YAML configuration file shown below:

      kind: EventListener
        name: github-owners-listener
          - name: github-listener
              - ref:
                  name: "github"
                  kind: ClusterInterceptor
                  - name: "secretRef"
                      secretName: github-secret
                      secretKey: secretToken
                  - name: "eventTypes"
                    value: ["pull_request", "issue_comment"]
                  - name: "githubOwners"
                      enabled: true
                        secretName: github-token
                        secretKey: secretToken
                      checkType: all

      The checkType parameter is used to specify the GitHub owners who need authentication. You can set its value to orgMembers, repoMembers, or all.

  7. Save the configuration file.

1.13. Additional resources

Chapter 2. Working with Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines in the web console

You can use the Administrator or Developer perspective to create and modify Pipeline, PipelineRun, and Repository objects from the Pipelines page in the OpenShift Container Platform web console. You can also use the +Add page in the Developer perspective of the web console to create CI/CD pipelines for your software delivery process.


In OpenShift Container Platform versions 4.12 and 4.13, the API version is not supported when using the web console to enter YAML manifests for . For example, when creating pipelines and tasks using the YAML view in the web console, the API version in the data does not match the expected API version error message displays. Use the apiVersion: setting instead. OpenShift Container Platform versions 4.14 and later support the API version when using the web console to enter YAML manifests.

2.1. Working with Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines in the Developer perspective

In the Developer perspective, you can access the following options for creating pipelines from the +Add page:

  • Use the +AddPipelinesPipeline builder option to create customized pipelines for your application.
  • Use the +AddFrom Git option to create pipelines using pipeline templates and resources while creating an application.

After you create the pipelines for your application, you can view and visually interact with the deployed pipelines in the Pipelines view. You can also use the Topology view to interact with the pipelines created using the From Git option. You must apply custom labels to pipelines created using the Pipeline builder to see them in the Topology view.


2.1.1. Constructing pipelines using the Pipeline builder

In the Developer perspective of the console, you can use the +AddPipelinePipeline builder option to:

  • Configure pipelines using either the Pipeline builder or the YAML view.
  • Construct a pipeline flow using existing tasks and cluster tasks. When you install the OpenShift Pipelines Operator, it adds reusable pipeline cluster tasks to your cluster.

In Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines 1.10, cluster task functionality is deprecated and is planned to be removed in a future release.

  • Specify the type of resources required for the pipeline run, and if required, add additional parameters to the pipeline.
  • Reference these pipeline resources in each of the tasks in the pipeline as input and output resources.
  • If required, reference any additional parameters added to the pipeline in the task. The parameters for a task are prepopulated based on the specifications of the task.
  • Use the Operator-installed, reusable snippets and samples to create detailed pipelines.
  • Search and add tasks from your configured local Tekton Hub instance.

In the developer perspective, you can create a customized pipeline using your own set of curated tasks. To search, install, and upgrade your tasks directly from the developer console, your cluster administrator needs to install and deploy a local Tekton Hub instance and link that hub to the OpenShift Container Platform cluster. For more details, see Using Tekton Hub with OpenShift Pipelines in the Additional resources section. If you do not deploy any local Tekton Hub instance, by default, you can only access the cluster tasks, namespace tasks and public Tekton Hub tasks.


  1. In the +Add view of the Developer perspective, click the Pipeline tile to see the Pipeline builder page.
  2. Configure the pipeline using either the Pipeline builder view or the YAML view.


    The Pipeline builder view supports a limited number of fields whereas the YAML view supports all available fields. Optionally, you can also use the Operator-installed, reusable snippets and samples to create detailed pipelines.

    Figure 2.1. YAML view

    op pipeline yaml
  3. Configure your pipeline by using Pipeline builder:

    1. In the Name field, enter a unique name for the pipeline.
    2. In the Tasks section:

      1. Click Add task.
      2. Search for a task using the quick search field and select the required task from the displayed list.
      3. Click Add or Install and add. In this example, use the s2i-nodejs task.


        The search list contains all the Tekton Hub tasks and tasks available in the cluster. Also, if a task is already installed it will show Add to add the task whereas it will show Install and add to install and add the task. It will show Update and add when you add the same task with an updated version.

        • To add sequential tasks to the pipeline:

          • Click the plus icon to the right or left of the task → click Add task.
          • Search for a task using the quick search field and select the required task from the displayed list.
          • Click Add or Install and add.

            Figure 2.2. Pipeline builder

            op pipeline builder
        • To add a final task:

          • Click the Add finally task → Click Add task.
          • Search for a task using the quick search field and select the required task from the displayed list.
          • Click Add or Install and add.
    3. In the Resources section, click Add Resources to specify the name and type of resources for the pipeline run. These resources are then used by the tasks in the pipeline as inputs and outputs. For this example:

      1. Add an input resource. In the Name field, enter Source, and then from the Resource Type drop-down list, select Git.
      2. Add an output resource. In the Name field, enter Img, and then from the Resource Type drop-down list, select Image.


        A red icon appears next to the task if a resource is missing.

    4. Optional: The Parameters for a task are pre-populated based on the specifications of the task. If required, use the Add Parameters link in the Parameters section to add additional parameters.
    5. In the Workspaces section, click Add workspace and enter a unique workspace name in the Name field. You can add multiple workspaces to the pipeline.
    6. In the Tasks section, click the s2i-nodejs task to see the side panel with details for the task. In the task side panel, specify the resources and parameters for the s2i-nodejs task:

      1. If required, in the Parameters section, add more parameters to the default ones, by using the $(params.<param-name>) syntax.
      2. In the Image section, enter Img as specified in the Resources section.
      3. Select a workspace from the source drop-down under Workspaces section.
    7. Add resources, parameters, and workspaces to the openshift-client task.
  4. Click Create to create and view the pipeline in the Pipeline Details page.
  5. Click the Actions drop-down menu then click Start, to see the Start Pipeline page.
  6. The Workspaces section lists the workspaces you created earlier. Use the respective drop-down to specify the volume source for your workspace. You have the following options: Empty Directory, Config Map, Secret, PersistentVolumeClaim, or VolumeClaimTemplate.

2.1.2. Creating OpenShift Pipelines along with applications

To create pipelines along with applications, use the From Git option in the Add+ view of the Developer perspective. You can view all of your available pipelines and select the pipelines you want to use to create applications while importing your code or deploying an image.

The Tekton Hub Integration is enabled by default and you can see tasks from the Tekton Hub that are supported by your cluster. Administrators can opt out of the Tekton Hub Integration and the Tekton Hub tasks will no longer be displayed. You can also check whether a webhook URL exists for a generated pipeline. Default webhooks are added for the pipelines that are created using the +Add flow and the URL is visible in the side panel of the selected resources in the Topology view.

For more information, see Creating applications using the Developer perspective.

2.1.3. Adding a GitHub repository containing pipelines

In the Developer perspective, you can add your GitHub repository containing pipelines to the OpenShift Container Platform cluster. This allows you to run pipelines and tasks from your GitHub repository on the cluster when relevant Git events, such as push or pull requests, are triggered.


You can add both public and private GitHub repositories.


  • Ensure that your cluster administrator has configured the required GitHub applications in the administrator perspective.


  1. In the Developer perspective, choose the namespace or project in which you want to add your GitHub repository.
  2. Navigate to Pipelines using the left navigation pane.
  3. Click CreateRepository on the right side of the Pipelines page.
  4. Enter your Git Repo URL and the console automatically fetches the repository name.
  5. Click Show configuration options. By default, you see only one option Setup a webhook. If you have a GitHub application configured, you see two options:

    • Use GitHub App: Select this option to install your GitHub application in your repository.
    • Setup a webhook: Select this option to add a webhook to your GitHub application.
  6. Set up a webhook using one of the following options in the Secret section:

    • Setup a webhook using Git access token:

      1. Enter your personal access token.
      2. Click Generate corresponding to the Webhook secret field to generate a new webhook secret.

        Git access token

        You can click the link below the Git access token field if you do not have a personal access token and want to create a new one.

    • Setup a webhook using Git access token secret:

      • Select a secret in your namespace from the dropdown list. Depending on the secret you selected, a webhook secret is automatically generated.

        Git access token secret
  7. Add the webhook secret details to your GitHub repository:

    1. Copy the webhook URL and navigate to your GitHub repository settings.
    2. Click WebhooksAdd webhook.
    3. Copy the Webhook URL from the developer console and paste it in the Payload URL field of the GitHub repository settings.
    4. Select the Content type.
    5. Copy the Webhook secret from the developer console and paste it in the Secret field of the GitHub repository settings.
    6. Select one of the SSL verification options.
    7. Select the events to trigger this webhook.
    8. Click Add webhook.
  8. Navigate back to the developer console and click Add.
  9. Read the details of the steps that you have to perform and click Close.
  10. View the details of the repository you just created.

When importing an application using Import from Git and the Git repository has a .tekton directory, you can configure pipelines-as-code for your application.

2.1.4. Interacting with pipelines using the Developer perspective

The Pipelines view in the Developer perspective lists all the pipelines in a project, along with the following details:

  • The namespace in which the pipeline was created
  • The last pipeline run
  • The status of the tasks in the pipeline run
  • The status of the pipeline run
  • The creation time of the last pipeline run


  1. In the Pipelines view of the Developer perspective, select a project from the Project drop-down list to see the pipelines in that project.
  2. Click the required pipeline to see the Pipeline details page.

    By default, the Details tab displays a visual representation of all the serial tasks, parallel tasks, finally tasks, and when expressions in the pipeline. The tasks and the finally tasks are listed in the lower right portion of the page.

    To view the task details, click the listed Tasks and Finally tasks. In addition, you can do the following:

    • Use the zoom in, zoom out, fit to screen, and reset view features using the standard icons displayed in the lower left corner of the Pipeline details visualization.
    • Change the zoom factor of the pipeline visualization using the mouse wheel.
    • Hover over the tasks and see the task details.

      Figure 2.3. Pipeline details

      Pipeline details
  3. Optional: On the Pipeline details page, click the Metrics tab to see the following information about pipelines:

    • Pipeline Success Ratio
    • Number of Pipeline Runs
    • Pipeline Run Duration
    • Task Run Duration

      You can use this information to improve the pipeline workflow and eliminate issues early in the pipeline lifecycle.

  4. Optional: Click the YAML tab to edit the YAML file for the pipeline.
  5. Optional: Click the Pipeline Runs tab to see the completed, running, or failed runs for the pipeline.

    The Pipeline Runs tab provides details about the pipeline run, the status of the task, and a link to debug failed pipeline runs. Use the Options menu kebab to stop a running pipeline, to rerun a pipeline using the same parameters and resources as that of the previous pipeline execution, or to delete a pipeline run.

    • Click the required pipeline run to see the Pipeline Run details page. By default, the Details tab displays a visual representation of all the serial tasks, parallel tasks, finally tasks, and when expressions in the pipeline run. The results for successful runs are displayed under the Pipeline Run results pane at the bottom of the page. Additionally, you would only be able to see tasks from Tekton Hub which are supported by the cluster. While looking at a task, you can click the link beside it to jump to the task documentation.


      The Details section of the Pipeline Run Details page displays a Log Snippet of the failed pipeline run. Log Snippet provides a general error message and a snippet of the log. A link to the Logs section provides quick access to the details about the failed run.

    • On the Pipeline Run details page, click the Task Runs tab to see the completed, running, and failed runs for the task.

      The Task Runs tab provides information about the task run along with the links to its task and pod, and also the status and duration of the task run. Use the Options menu kebab to delete a task run.


      The TaskRuns list page features a Manage columns button, which you can also use to add a Duration column.

    • Click the required task run to see the Task Run details page. The results for successful runs are displayed under the Task Run results pane at the bottom of the page.


      The Details section of the Task Run details page displays a Log Snippet of the failed task run. Log Snippet provides a general error message and a snippet of the log. A link to the Logs section provides quick access to the details about the failed task run.

  6. Click the Parameters tab to see the parameters defined in the pipeline. You can also add or edit additional parameters, as required.
  7. Click the Resources tab to see the resources defined in the pipeline. You can also add or edit additional resources, as required.

2.1.5. Starting pipelines from Pipelines view

After you create a pipeline, you need to start it to execute the included tasks in the defined sequence. You can start a pipeline from the Pipelines view, the Pipeline Details page, or the Topology view.


To start a pipeline using the Pipelines view:

  1. In the Pipelines view of the Developer perspective, click the Options kebab menu adjoining a pipeline, and select Start.
  2. The Start Pipeline dialog box displays the Git Resources and the Image Resources based on the pipeline definition.


    For pipelines created using the From Git option, the Start Pipeline dialog box also displays an APP_NAME field in the Parameters section, and all the fields in the dialog box are prepopulated by the pipeline template.

    1. If you have resources in your namespace, the Git Resources and the Image Resources fields are prepopulated with those resources. If required, use the drop-downs to select or create the required resources and customize the pipeline run instance.
  3. Optional: Modify the Advanced Options to add the credentials that authenticate the specified private Git server or the image registry.

    1. Under Advanced Options, click Show Credentials Options and select Add Secret.
    2. In the Create Source Secret section, specify the following:

      1. A unique Secret Name for the secret.
      2. In the Designated provider to be authenticated section, specify the provider to be authenticated in the Access to field, and the base Server URL.
      3. Select the Authentication Type and provide the credentials:

        • For the Authentication Type Image Registry Credentials, specify the Registry Server Address that you want to authenticate, and provide your credentials in the Username, Password, and Email fields.

          Select Add Credentials if you want to specify an additional Registry Server Address.

        • For the Authentication Type Basic Authentication, specify the values for the UserName and Password or Token fields.
        • For the Authentication Type SSH Keys, specify the value of the SSH Private Key field.


          For basic authentication and SSH authentication, you can use annotations such as:

      4. Select the check mark to add the secret.

    You can add multiple secrets based upon the number of resources in your pipeline.

  4. Click Start to start the pipeline.
  5. The PipelineRun details page displays the pipeline being executed. After the pipeline starts, the tasks and steps within each task are executed. You can:

    • Use the zoom in, zoom out, fit to screen, and reset view features using the standard icons, which are in the lower left corner of the PipelineRun details page visualization.
    • Change the zoom factor of the pipelinerun visualization using the mouse wheel. At specific zoom factors, the background color of the tasks changes to indicate the error or warning status.
    • Hover over the tasks to see the details, such as the time taken to execute each step, task name, and task status.
    • Hover over the tasks badge to see the total number of tasks and tasks completed.
    • Click on a task to see the logs for each step in the task.
    • Click the Logs tab to see the logs relating to the execution sequence of the tasks. You can also expand the pane and download the logs individually or in bulk, by using the relevant button.
    • Click the Events tab to see the stream of events generated by a pipeline run.

      You can use the Task Runs, Logs, and Events tabs to assist in debugging a failed pipeline run or a failed task run.

      Figure 2.4. Pipeline run details

      Pipeline run details

2.1.6. Starting pipelines from Topology view

For pipelines created using the From Git option, you can use the Topology view to interact with pipelines after you start them:


To see the pipelines created using Pipeline builder in the Topology view, customize the pipeline labels to link the pipeline with the application workload.


  1. Click Topology in the left navigation panel.
  2. Click the application to display Pipeline Runs in the side panel.
  3. In Pipeline Runs, click Start Last Run to start a new pipeline run with the same parameters and resources as the previous one. This option is disabled if a pipeline run has not been initiated. You can also start a pipeline run when you create it.

    Figure 2.5. Pipelines in Topology view

    Pipelines in Topology view

In the Topology page, hover to the left of the application to see the status of its pipeline run. After a pipeline is added, a bottom left icon indicates that there is an associated pipeline.

2.1.7. Interacting with pipelines from Topology view

The side panel of the application node in the Topology page displays the status of a pipeline run and you can interact with it.

  • If a pipeline run does not start automatically, the side panel displays a message that the pipeline cannot be automatically started, hence it would need to be started manually.
  • If a pipeline is created but the user has not started the pipeline, its status is not started. When the user clicks the Not started status icon, the start dialog box opens in the Topology view.
  • If the pipeline has no build or build config, the Builds section is not visible. If there is a pipeline and build config, the Builds section is visible.
  • The side panel displays a Log Snippet when a pipeline run fails on a specific task run. You can view the Log Snippet in the Pipeline Runs section, under the Resources tab. It provides a general error message and a snippet of the log. A link to the Logs section provides quick access to the details about the failed run.

2.1.8. Editing pipelines

You can edit the pipelines in your cluster using the Developer perspective of the web console:


  1. In the Pipelines view of the Developer perspective, select the pipeline you want to edit to see the details of the pipeline. In the Pipeline Details page, click Actions and select Edit Pipeline.
  2. On the Pipeline builder page, you can perform the following tasks:

    • Add additional tasks, parameters, or resources to the pipeline.
    • Click the task you want to modify to see the task details in the side panel and modify the required task details, such as the display name, parameters, and resources.
    • Alternatively, to delete the task, click the task, and in the side panel, click Actions and select Remove Task.
  3. Click Save to save the modified pipeline.

2.1.9. Deleting pipelines

You can delete the pipelines in your cluster using the Developer perspective of the web console.


  1. In the Pipelines view of the Developer perspective, click the Options kebab menu adjoining a Pipeline, and select Delete Pipeline.
  2. In the Delete Pipeline confirmation prompt, click Delete to confirm the deletion.

2.2. Additional resources

2.3. Creating pipeline templates in the Administrator perspective

As a cluster administrator, you can create pipeline templates that developers can reuse when they create a pipeline on the cluster.


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster with cluster administrator permissions, and have switched to the Administrator perspective.
  • You have installed the OpenShift Pipelines Operator in your cluster.


  1. Navigate to the Pipelines page to view existing pipeline templates.
  2. Click the import icon icon to go to the Import YAML page.
  3. Add the YAML for your pipeline template. The template must include the following information:

    kind: Pipeline
    # ...
      namespace: openshift 1
      labels: <runtime> 2 <pipeline-type> 3
    # ...
    The template must be created in the openshift namespace.
    The template must contain the label. The accepted runtime values for this label are nodejs, golang, dotnet, java, php, ruby, perl, python, nginx, and httpd.
    The template must contain the label. The accepted type values for this label are openshift, knative, and kubernetes.
  4. Click Create. After the pipeline has been created, you are taken to the Pipeline details page, where you can view information about or edit your pipeline.

2.4. Pipeline execution statistics in the web console

You can view statistics related to execution of pipelines in the web console.

To view the statistic information, you must complete the following steps:

  • Install Tekton Results. For more information about installing Tekton Results, see Using Tekton Results for OpenShift Pipelines observability in the Additional resources section.
  • Enable the OpenShift Pipelines console plugin.

Statistic information is available for all pipelines together and for each individual pipeline.


The OpenShift Pipelines Pipelines console plugin is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

2.4.1. Enabling the OpenShift Pipelines console plugin

To view the statistic information, you must first enable the OpenShift Pipelines console plugin.


  • You installed the Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines Operator in your cluster.
  • You are logged on to the web console with cluster administrator permissions.


  1. In the Administrator perspective of the web console, select OperatorsInstalled Operators.
  2. Click Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines in the table of Operators.
  3. In the right pane on the screen, check the status label under Console plugin. The label is either Enabled or Disabled.
  4. If the label is Disabled, click this label. In the window that displays, select Enable and then click Save.

2.4.2. Viewing the statistics for all pipelines together

You can view consolidated statistic information related to all pipelines on the system.


  • You installed the Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines Operator in your cluster.
  • You installed Tekton Results.
  • You installed the OpenShift Pipelines web console plugin.


  1. In the Administrator perspective of the web console, select PipelinesOverview.

    A statistics overview displays. This overview includes the following information: A graph reflecting the number and status of pipeline runs over a time period The total, average, and maximum durations of pipeline execution over the same period. ** The total number of pipeline runs over the same period.

    A table of pipelines also displays. This table lists all pipelines that were run in the time period, showing their duration and success rate.

  2. Optional: Change the settings of the statistics display as necessary:

    • Project: The project or namespace to display statistics for.
    • Time range: The time period to display statistics for.
    • Refresh interval: How often Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines must update the data in the window while you are viewing it.

2.4.3. Viewing the statistics for a specific pipeline

You can view statistic information related to a particular pipeline.


  • You installed the Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines Operator in your cluster.
  • You installed Tekton Results.
  • You installed the OpenShift Pipelines web console plugin.


  1. In the Administrator perspective of the web console, select PipelinesPipelines.
  2. Click a pipeline in the list of pipelines. The Pipeline details view displays.
  3. Click the Metrics tab.

    A statistics overview displays. This overview includes the following information: A graph reflecting the number and status of pipeline runs over a time period The total, average, and maximum durations of pipeline execution over the same period. ** The total number of pipeline runs over the same period.

  4. Optional: Change the settings of the statistics display as necessary:

    • Project: The project or namespace to display statistics for.
    • Time range: The time period to display statistics for.
    • Refresh interval: How often Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines must update the data in the window while you are viewing it.

Chapter 3. Specifying remote pipelines and tasks using resolvers

Pipelines and tasks are reusable blocks for your CI/CD processes. You can reuse pipelines or tasks that you previously developed, or that were developed by others, without having to copy and paste their definitions. These pipelines or tasks can be available from several types of sources, from other namespaces on your cluster to public catalogs.

In a pipeline run resource, you can specify a pipeline from an existing source. In a pipeline resource or a task run resource, you can specify a task from an existing source.

In these cases, the resolvers in Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines retrieve the pipeline or task definition from the specified source at run time.

The following resolvers are available in a default installaton of Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines:

Hub resolver
Retrieves a task or pipeline from the Pipelines Catalog available on Artifact Hub or Tekton Hub.
Bundles resolver
Retrieves a task or pipeline from a Tekton bundle, which is an OCI image available from any OCI repository, such as an OpenShift container repository.
Cluster resolver
Retrieves a task or pipeline that is already created on the same OpenShift Container Platform cluster in a specific namespace.
Git resolver
Retrieves a task or pipeline binding from a Git repository. You must specify the repository, the branch, and the path.

3.1. Specifying a remote pipeline or task from a Tekton catalog

You can use the hub resolver to specify a remote pipeline or task that is defined either in a public Tekton catalog of Artifact Hub or in an instance of Tekton Hub.


The Artifact Hub project is not supported with Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines. Only the configuration of Artifact Hub is supported.

3.1.1. Configuring the hub resolver

You can change the default hub for pulling a resource, and the default catalog settings, by configuring the hub resolver.


  1. To edit the TektonConfig custom resource, enter the following command:

    $ oc edit TektonConfig config
  2. In the TektonConfig custom resource, edit the pipeline.hub-resolver-config spec:

    kind: TektonConfig
      name: config
          default-tekton-hub-catalog: Tekton 1
          default-artifact-hub-task-catalog: tekton-catalog-tasks 2
          default-artifact-hub-pipeline-catalog: tekton-catalog-pipelines 3
          defailt-kind: pipeline 4
          default-type: tekton 5
          tekton-hub-api: "" 6
          artifact-hub-api: "" 7
    The default Tekton Hub catalog for pulling a resource.
    The default Artifact Hub catalog for pulling a task resource.
    The default Artifact Hub catalog for pulling a pipeline resource.
    The default object kind for references.
    The default hub for pulling a resource, either artifact for Artifact Hub or tekton for Tekton Hub.
    The Tekton Hub API used, if the default-type option is set to tekton.
    Optional: The Artifact Hub API used, if the default-type option is set to artifact.

    If you set the default-type option to tekton, you must configure your own instance of the Tekton Hub by setting the tekton-hub-api value.

    If you set the default-type option to artifact then the resolver uses the public hub API at by default. You can configure your own Artifact Hub API by setting the artifact-hub-api value.

3.1.2. Specifying a remote pipeline or task using the hub resolver

When creating a pipeline run, you can specify a remote pipeline from Artifact Hub or Tekton Hub. When creating a pipeline or a task run, you can specify a remote task from Artifact Hub or Tekton Hub.


  • To specify a remote pipeline or task from Artifact Hub or Tekton Hub, use the following reference format in the pipelineRef or taskRef spec:

    # ...
      resolver: hub
      - name: catalog
        value: <catalog>
      - name: type
        value: <catalog_type>
      - name: kind
        value: [pipeline|task]
      - name: name
        value: <resource_name>
      - name: version
        value: <resource_version>
    # ...
    Table 3.1. Supported parameters for the hub resolver
    ParameterDescriptionExample value


    The catalog for pulling the resource.

    Default: tekton-catalog-tasks (for the task kind); tekton-catalog-pipelines (for the pipeline kind).


    The type of the catalog for pulling the resource. Either artifact for Artifact Hub or tekton for Tekton Hub.

    Default: artifact


    Either task or pipeline.

    Default: task


    The name of the task or pipeline to fetch from the hub.



    The version of the task or pipeline to fetch from the hub. You must use quotes (") around the number.


    If the pipeline or task requires additional parameters, specify values for these parameters in the params section of the specification of the pipeline, pipeline run, or task run. The params section of the pipelineRef or taskRef specification must contain only the parameters that the resolver supports.

The following example pipeline run references a remote pipeline from a catalog:

kind: PipelineRun
  name: hub-pipeline-reference-demo
    resolver: hub
    - name: catalog
      value: tekton-catalog-pipelines
    - name: type
      value: artifact
    - name: kind
      value: pipeline
    - name: name
      value: example-pipeline
    - name: version
      value: "0.1"
  - name: sample-pipeline-parameter
    value: test

The following example pipeline that references a remote task from a catalog:

kind: Pipeline
  name: pipeline-with-cluster-task-reference-demo
  - name: "cluster-task-reference-demo"
      resolver: hub
      - name: catalog
        value: tekton-catalog-tasks
      - name: type
        value: artifact
      - name: kind
        value: task
      - name: name
        value: example-task
      - name: version
        value: "0.6"
    - name: sample-task-parameter
      value: test

The following example task run that references a remote task from a catalog:

kind: TaskRun
  name: cluster-task-reference-demo
    resolver: hub
    - name: catalog
      value: tekton-catalog-tasks
    - name: type
      value: artifact
    - name: kind
      value: task
    - name: name
      value: example-task
    - name: version
      value: "0.6"
  - name: sample-task-parameter
    value: test

3.2. Specifying a remote pipeline or task from a Tekton bundle

You can use the bundles resolver to specify a remote pipeline or task from a Tekton bundle. A Tekton bundle is an OCI image available from any OCI repository, such as an OpenShift container repository.

3.2.1. Configuring the bundles resolver

You can change the default service account name and the default kind for pulling resources from a Tekton bundle by configuring the bundles resolver.


  1. To edit the TektonConfig custom resource, enter the following command:

    $ oc edit TektonConfig config
  2. In the TektonConfig custom resource, edit the pipeline.bundles-resolver-config spec:

    kind: TektonConfig
      name: config
          default-service-account: pipelines 1
          default-kind: task 2
    The default service account name to use for bundle requests.
    The default layer kind in the bundle image.

3.2.2. Specifying a remote pipeline or task using the bundles resolver

When creating a pipeline run, you can specify a remote pipeline from a Tekton bundle. When creating a pipeline or a task run, you can specify a remote task from a Tekton bundle.


  • To specify a remote pipeline or task from a Tekton bundle, use the following reference format in the pipelineRef or taskRef spec:

    # ...
      resolver: bundles
      - name: bundle
        value: <fully_qualified_image_name>
      - name: name
        value: <resource_name>
      - name: kind
        value: [pipeline|task]
    # ...
    Table 3.2. Supported parameters for the bundles resolver
    ParameterDescriptionExample value


    The name of the service account to use when constructing registry credentials.



    The bundle URL pointing at the image to fetch.


    The name of the resource to pull out of the bundle.



    The kind of the resource to pull out of the bundle.


    If the pipeline or task requires additional parameters, specify values for these parameters in the params section of the specification of the pipeline, pipeline run, or task run. The params section of the pipelineRef or taskRef specification must contain only the parameters that the resolver supports.

The following example pipeline run references a remote pipeline from a Tekton bundle:

kind: PipelineRun
  name: bundle-pipeline-reference-demo
    resolver: bundles
    - name: bundle
    - name: name
      value: hello-pipeline
    - name: kind
      value: pipeline
  - name: sample-pipeline-parameter
    value: test
  - name: username
    value: "pipelines"

The following example pipeline references a remote task from a Tekton bundle:

kind: Pipeline
  name: pipeline-with-bundle-task-reference-demo
  - name: "bundle-task-demo"
      resolver: bundles
      - name: bundle
      - name: name
        value: hello-world
      - name: kind
        value: task
    - name: sample-task-parameter
      value: test

The following example task run references a remote task from a Tekton bundle:

kind: TaskRun
  name: bundle-task-reference-demo
    resolver: bundles
    - name: bundle
    - name: name
      value: hello-world
    - name: kind
      value: task
  - name: sample-task-parameter
    value: test

3.3. Specifying a remote pipeline or task from the same cluster

You can use the cluster resolver to specify a remote pipeline or task that is defined in a namespace on the OpenShift Container Platform cluster where Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines is running.

3.3.1. Configuring the cluster resolver

You can change the default kind and namespace for the cluster resolver, or limit the namespaces that the cluster resolver can use.


  1. To edit the TektonConfig custom resource, enter the following command:

    $ oc edit TektonConfig config
  2. In the TektonConfig custom resource, edit the pipeline.cluster-resolver-config spec:

    kind: TektonConfig
      name: config
          default-kind: pipeline 1
          default-namespace: namespace1 2
          allowed-namespaces: namespace1, namespace2 3
          blocked-namespaces: namespace3, namespace4 4
    The default resource kind to fetch, if not specified in parameters.
    The default namespace for fetching resources, if not specified in parameters.
    A comma-separated list of namespaces that the resolver is allowed to access. If this key is not defined, all namespaces are allowed.
    An optional comma-separated list of namespaces which the resolver is blocked from accessing. If this key is not defined, all namespaces are allowed.

3.3.2. Specifying a remote pipeline or task using the cluster resolver

When creating a pipeline run, you can specify a remote pipeline from the same cluster. When creating a pipeline or a task run, you can specify a remote task from the same cluster.


  • To specify a remote pipeline or task from the same cluster, use the following reference format in the pipelineRef or taskRef spec:

    # ...
      resolver: cluster
      - name: name
        value: <name>
      - name: namespace
        value: <namespace>
      - name: kind
        value: [pipeline|task]
    # ...
    Table 3.3. Supported parameters for the cluster resolver
    ParameterDescriptionExample value


    The name of the resource to fetch.



    The namespace in the cluster containing the resource.



    The kind of the resource to fetch.


    If the pipeline or task requires additional parameters, provide these parameters in params.

The following example pipeline run references a remote pipeline from the same cluster:

kind: PipelineRun
  name: cluster-pipeline-reference-demo
    resolver: cluster
    - name: name
      value: some-pipeline
    - name: namespace
      value: test-namespace
    - name: kind
      value: pipeline
  - name: sample-pipeline-parameter
    value: test

The following example pipeline references a remote task from the same cluster:

kind: Pipeline
  name: pipeline-with-cluster-task-reference-demo
  - name: "cluster-task-reference-demo"
      resolver: cluster
      - name: name
        value: some-task
      - name: namespace
        value: test-namespace
      - name: kind
        value: task
    - name: sample-task-parameter
      value: test

The following example task run references a remote task from the same cluster:

kind: TaskRun
  name: cluster-task-reference-demo
    resolver: cluster
    - name: name
      value: some-task
    - name: namespace
      value: test-namespace
    - name: kind
      value: task
  - name: sample-task-parameter
    value: test

3.4. Specifying a remote pipeline or task from a Git repository

You can use the Git resolver to specify a remote pipeline or task from a Git repostory. The repository must contain a YAML file that defines the pipeline or task. The Git resolver can access a repository either by cloning it anonymously or else by using the authenticated SCM API.

3.4.1. Configuring the Git resolver for anonymous Git cloning

If you want to use anonymous Git cloning, you can configure the default Git revision, fetch timeout, and default repository URL for pulling remote pipelines and tasks from a Git repository.


  1. To edit the TektonConfig custom resource, enter the following command:

    $ oc edit TektonConfig config
  2. In the TektonConfig custom resource, edit the pipeline.git-resolver-config spec:

    kind: TektonConfig
      name: config
          default-revision: main 1
          fetch-timeout: 1m 2
          default-url: 3
    The default Git revision to use if none is specified.
    The maximum time any single Git clone resolution may take, for example, 1m, 2s, 700ms. Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines also enforces a global maximum timeout of 1 minute on all resolution requests.
    The default Git repository URL for anonymous cloning if none is specified.

3.4.2. Configuring the Git resolver for the authenticated SCM API

For the authenticated SCM API, you must set the configuration for the authenticated Git connection.

You can use Git repository providers that are supported by the go-scm library. Not all go-scm implementations have been tested with the Git resolver, but the following providers are known to work:

  • and GitHub Enterprise
  • and self-hosted Gitlab
  • Gitea
  • BitBucket Server
  • BitBucket Cloud
  • You can configure only one Git connection using the authenticated SCM API for your cluster. This connection becomes available to all users of the cluster. All users of the cluster can access the repository using the security token that you configure for the connection.
  • If you configure the Git resolver to use the authenticated SCM API, you can also use anonymous Git clone references to retrieve pipelines and tasks.


  1. To edit the TektonConfig custom resource, enter the following command:

    $ oc edit TektonConfig config
  2. In the TektonConfig custom resource, edit the pipeline.git-resolver-config spec:

    kind: TektonConfig
      name: config
          default-revision: main 1
          fetch-timeout: 1m 2
          scm-type: github 3
          server-url: 4
          api-token-secret-name: github-auth-secret 5
          api-token-secret-key: github-auth-key 6
          api-token-secret-namespace: github-auth-namespace 7
          default-org: tektoncd 8
    The default Git revision to use if none is specified.
    The maximum time any single Git clone resolution may take, for example, 1m, 2s, 700ms. Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines also enforces a global maximum timeout of 1 minute on all resolution requests.
    The SCM provider type.
    The base URL for use with the authenticated SCM API. This setting is not required if you are using,, or BitBucket Cloud.
    The name of the secret that contains the SCM provider API token.
    The key within the token secret that contains the token.
    The namespace containing the token secret, if not default.
    Optional: The default organization for the repository, when using the authenticated API. This organization is used if you do not specify an organization in the resolver parameters.

The scm-type, api-token-secret-name, and api-token-secret-key settings are required to use the authenticated SCM API.

3.4.3. Specifying a remote pipeline or task using the Git resolver

When creating a pipeline run, you can specify a remote pipeline from a Git repository. When creating a pipeline or a task run, you can specify a remote task from a Git repository.


  • If you want to use the authenticated SCM API, you must configure the authenticated Git connection for the Git resolver.


  1. To specify a remote pipeline or task from a Git repository, use the following reference format in the pipelineRef or taskRef spec:

    # ...
      resolver: git
      - name: url
        value: <git_repository_url>
      - name: revision
        value: <branch_name>
      - name: pathInRepo
        value: <path_in_repository>
    # ...
    Table 3.4. Supported parameters for the Git resolver
    ParameterDescriptionExample value


    The URL of the repository, when using anonymous cloning.


    The repository name, when using the authenticated SCM API.



    The organization for the repository, when using the authenticated SCM API.



    The Git revision in the repository. You can specify a branch name, a tag name, or a commit SHA hash.



    The path name of the YAML file in the repository.



    To clone and fetch the repository anonymously, use the url parameter. To use the authenticated SCM API, use the repo parameter. Do not specify the url parameter and the repo parameter together.

    If the pipeline or task requires additional parameters, specify values for these parameters in the params section of the specification of the pipeline, pipeline run, or task run. The params section of the pipelineRef or taskRef specification must contain only the parameters that the resolver supports.

The following example pipeline run references a remote pipeline from a Git repository:

kind: PipelineRun
  name: git-pipeline-reference-demo
    resolver: git
    - name: url
    - name: revision
      value: main
    - name: pathInRepo
      value: pipeline/simple/0.1/simple.yaml
  - name: name
    value: "testPipelineRun"
  - name: sample-pipeline-parameter
    value: test

The following example pipeline references a remote task from a Git repository:

kind: Pipeline
  name: pipeline-with-git-task-reference-demo
  - name: "git-task-reference-demo"
      resolver: git
      - name: url
      - name: revision
        value: main
      - name: pathInRepo
        value: task/git-clone/0.6/git-clone.yaml
    - name: sample-task-parameter
      value: test

The following example task run references a remote task from a Git repository:

kind: TaskRun
  name: git-task-reference-demo
    resolver: git
    - name: url
    - name: revision
      value: main
    - name: pathInRepo
      value: task/git-clone/0.6/git-clone.yaml
  - name: sample-task-parameter
    value: test

3.5. Additional resources

Chapter 4. Using Red Hat entitlements in pipelines

If you have Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) entitlements, you can use these entitlements to build container images in your pipelines.

The Insight Operator automatically manages your entitlements after you import them into this operator from Simple Common Access (SCA). This operator provides a secret named etc-pki-entitlement in the openshift-config-managed namespace.

You can use Red Hat entitlements in your pipelines in one of the following two ways:

  • Manually copy the secret into the namespace of the pipeline. This method is least complex if you have a limited number of pipeline namespaces.
  • Use the Shared Resources Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver Operator to share the secret between namespaces automatically.

4.1. Prerequisites

  • You logged on to your OpenShift Container Platform cluster using the oc command line tool.
  • You enabled the Insights Operator feature on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster. If you want to use the Shared Resources CSI Driver operator to share the secret between namespaces, you must also enable the Shared Resources CSI driver. For information about enabling features, including the Insights Operator and Shared Resources CSI Driver, see Enabling features using feature gates.


    After you enable the Insights Operator, you must wait for some time to ensure that the cluster updates all the nodes with this operator. You can monitor the status of all nodes by entering the following command:

    $ oc get nodes -w

    To verify that the Insights Operator is active, check that the insights-operator pod is running in the openshift-insights namespace by entering the following command:

    $ oc get pods -n openshift-insights
  • You configured the importing of your Red Hat entitlements into the Insights Operator. For information about importing the entitlements, see Importing simple content access entitlements with Insights Operator.


    To verify that the Insights Operator made your entitlements available, is active, check that the etc-pki-entitlement secret is present in the openshift-config-managed namespace by entering the following command:

    $ oc get secret etc-pki-entitlement -n openshift-config-managed

4.2. Using Red Hat entitlements by manually copying the etc-pki-entitlement secret

You can copy the etc-pki-entitlement secret from the openshift-config-managed namespace into the namespace of your pipeline. You can then configure your pipeline to use this secret for the Buildah task.


  • You installed the jq package on your system. This package is available in Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).


  1. Copy the etc-pki-entitlement secret from the openshift-config-managed namespace into the namespace of your pipeline by running the following command:

    $ oc get secret etc-pki-entitlement -n openshift-config-managed -o json | \
      jq 'del(.metadata.resourceVersion)' | jq 'del(.metadata.creationTimestamp)' | \
      jq 'del(.metadata.uid)' | jq 'del(.metadata.namespace)' | \
      oc -n <pipeline_namespace> create -f - 1
    Replace <pipeline_namespace> with the namespace of your pipeline.
  2. In your Buildah task definition, use the buildah cluster task or a copy of this cluster task and define the rhel-entitlement workspace, as in the following example.
  3. In your task run or pipeline run that runs the Buildah task, assign the etc-pki-entitlement secret to the rhel-entitlement workspace, as in the following example.

Example pipeline run definition, including the pipeline and task definitions, that uses Red Hat entitlements

kind: PipelineRun
  name: buildah-pr-test
    - name: shared-workspace
            - ReadWriteOnce
              storage: 1Gi
    - name: dockerconfig
        secretName: regred
    - name: rhel-entitlement  1
        secretName: etc-pki-entitlement
      - name: shared-workspace
      - name: dockerconfig
      - name: rhel-entitlement  2
# ...
      - name: buildah
          name: buildah
          kind: ClusterTask
        - name: source
          workspace: shared-workspace
        - name: dockerconfig
          workspace: dockerconfig
        - name: rhel-entitlement  3
          workspace: rhel-entitlement
        - name: IMAGE
          value: <image_where_you_want_to_push>

The definition of the rhel-entitlement workspace in the pipeline run, assigning the etc-pki-entitlement secret to the workspace
The definition of the rhel-entitlement workspace in the pipeline definition
The definition of the rhel-entitlement workspace in the task definition

4.3. Using Red Hat entitlements by sharing the secret using the Shared Resources CSI driver operator

You can set up sharing of the etc-pki-entitlement secret from the openshift-config-managed namespace to other namespaces using the Shared Resources Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver Operator. You can then configure your pipeline to use this secret for the Buildah task.


  • You are logged on to your OpenShift Container Platform cluster using the oc command line utility as a user with cluster administrator permissions.
  • You enabled the Shared Resources CSI Driver operator on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.


  1. Create a SharedSecret custom resource (CR) for sharing the etc-pki-entitlement secret by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f - <<EOF
    kind: SharedSecret
      name: shared-rhel-entitlement
        name: etc-pki-entitlement
        namespace: openshift-config-managed
  2. Create an RBAC role that permits access to the shared secret by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f - <<EOF
    kind: Role
      name: shared-resource-rhel-entitlement
      namespace: <pipeline_namespace> 1
      - apiGroups:
          - sharedsecrets
          - shared-rhel-entitlement
          - use
    Replace <pipeline_namespace> with the namespace of your pipeline.
  3. Assign the role to the pipeline service account by running the following command:

    $ oc create rolebinding shared-resource-rhel-entitlement --role=shared-shared-resource-rhel-entitlement \
      --serviceaccount=<pipeline-namespace>:pipeline 1
    Replace <pipeline-namespace> with the namespace of your pipeline.

    If you changed the default service account for OpenShift Pipelines or if you define a custom service account in the pipeline run or task run, assign the role to this account instead of the pipeline account.

  4. In your Buildah task definition, use the buildah cluster task or a copy of this cluster task and define the rhel-entitlement workspace, as in the following example.
  5. In your task run or pipeline run that runs the Buildah task, assign the shared secret to the rhel-entitlement workspace, as in the following example.

Example pipeline run definition, including the pipeline and task definitions, that uses Red Hat entitlements

kind: PipelineRun
  name: buildah-pr-test-csi
    - name: shared-workspace
            - ReadWriteOnce
              storage: 1Gi
    - name: dockerconfig
        secretName: regred
    - name: rhel-entitlement  1
        readOnly: true
          sharedSecret: shared-rhel-entitlement
      - name: shared-workspace
      - name: dockerconfig
      - name: rhel-entitlement  2
# ...
      - name: buildah
          name: buildah
          kind: ClusterTask
        - name: source
          workspace: shared-workspace
        - name: dockerconfig
          workspace: dockerconfig
        - name: rhel-entitlement  3
          workspace: rhel-entitlement
        - name: IMAGE
          value: <image_where_you_want_to_push>

The definition of the rhel-entitlement workspace in the pipeline run, assigning the shared-rhel-entitlement CSI shared secret to the workspace
The definition of the rhel-entitlement workspace in the pipeline definition
The definition of the rhel-entitlement workspace in the task definition

4.4. Additional resources

Chapter 5. Managing non-versioned and versioned cluster tasks

As a cluster administrator, installing the Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines Operator creates variants of each default cluster task known as versioned cluster tasks (VCT) and non-versioned cluster tasks (NVCT). For example, installing the Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines Operator v1.7 creates a buildah-1-7-0 VCT and a buildah NVCT.

Both NVCT and VCT have the same metadata, behavior, and specifications, including params, workspaces, and steps. However, they behave differently when you disable them or upgrade the Operator.


In Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines 1.10, cluster task functionality is deprecated and is planned to be removed in a future release.

5.1. Differences between non-versioned and versioned cluster tasks

Non-versioned and versioned cluster tasks have different naming conventions. And, the Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines Operator upgrades them differently.

Table 5.1. Differences between non-versioned and versioned cluster tasks
 Non-versioned cluster taskVersioned cluster task


The NVCT only contains the name of the cluster task. For example, the name of the NVCT of Buildah installed with Operator v1.7 is buildah.

The VCT contains the name of the cluster task, followed by the version as a suffix. For example, the name of the VCT of Buildah installed with Operator v1.7 is buildah-1-7-0.


When you upgrade the Operator, it updates the non-versioned cluster task with the latest changes. The name of the NVCT remains unchanged.

Upgrading the Operator installs the latest version of the VCT and retains the earlier version. The latest version of a VCT corresponds to the upgraded Operator. For example, installing Operator 1.7 installs buildah-1-7-0 and retains buildah-1-6-0.

5.2. Advantages and disadvantages of non-versioned and versioned cluster tasks

Before adopting non-versioned or versioned cluster tasks as a standard in production environments, cluster administrators might consider their advantages and disadvantages.

Table 5.2. Advantages and disadvantages of non-versioned and versioned cluster tasks
Cluster taskAdvantagesDisadvantages

Non-versioned cluster task (NVCT)

  • If you prefer deploying pipelines with the latest updates and bug fixes, use the NVCT.
  • Upgrading the Operator upgrades the non-versioned cluster tasks, which consume fewer resources than multiple versioned cluster tasks.

If you deploy pipelines that use NVCT, they might break after an Operator upgrade if the automatically upgraded cluster tasks are not backward-compatible.

Versioned cluster task (VCT)

  • If you prefer stable pipelines in production, use the VCT.
  • The earlier version is retained on the cluster even after the later version of a cluster task is installed. You can continue using the earlier cluster tasks.
  • If you continue using an earlier version of a cluster task, you might miss the latest features and critical security updates.
  • The earlier versions of cluster tasks that are not operational consume cluster resources.
  • * After it is upgraded, the Operator cannot manage the earlier VCT. You can delete the earlier VCT manually by using the oc delete clustertask command, but you cannot restore it.

5.3. Disabling non-versioned and versioned cluster tasks

As a cluster administrator, you can disable cluster tasks that the OpenShift Pipelines Operator installed.


  1. To delete all non-versioned cluster tasks and latest versioned cluster tasks, edit the TektonConfig custom resource definition (CRD) and set the clusterTasks parameter in spec.addon.params to false.

    Example TektonConfig CR

    kind: TektonConfig
      name: config
      - name: createRbacResource
        value: "false"
      profile: all
      targetNamespace: openshift-pipelines
        - name: clusterTasks
          value: "false"

    When you disable cluster tasks, the Operator removes all the non-versioned cluster tasks and only the latest version of the versioned cluster tasks from the cluster.


    Re-enabling cluster tasks installs the non-versioned cluster tasks.

  2. Optional: To delete earlier versions of the versioned cluster tasks, use any one of the following methods:

    1. To delete individual earlier versioned cluster tasks, use the oc delete clustertask command followed by the versioned cluster task name. For example:

      $ oc delete clustertask buildah-1-6-0
    2. To delete all versioned cluster tasks created by an old version of the Operator, you can delete the corresponding installer set. For example:

      $ oc delete tektoninstallerset versioned-clustertask-1-6-k98as

      If you delete an old versioned cluster task, you cannot restore it. You can only restore versioned and non-versioned cluster tasks that the current version of the Operator has created.

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