Installing OpenShift Serverless

Red Hat OpenShift Serverless 1.34

Installing the Serverless Operator, Knative CLI, Knative Serving, and Knative Eventing

Red Hat OpenShift Documentation Team


This document contains information about installing the Serverless Operator, Knative CLI, Knative Serving, and Knative Eventing. It also provides details about configuring Knative for Apache Kafka and about configuring Serverless Functions.

Chapter 1. Preparing to install OpenShift Serverless

Read the following information about supported configurations and prerequisites before you install OpenShift Serverless.

For OpenShift Container Platform:

  • OpenShift Serverless is supported for installation in a restricted network environment.
  • OpenShift Serverless is supported for disconnected installation, except for OpenShift Serverless Functions.
  • OpenShift Serverless currently cannot be used in a multi-tenant configuration on a single cluster.

1.1. Supported configurations

The set of supported features, configurations, and integrations for OpenShift Serverless, current and past versions, are available at the Supported Configurations page.

1.2. Scalability and performance on OpenShift Container Platform

OpenShift Serverless has been tested with a configuration of 3 main nodes and 3 worker nodes, each of which has 64 CPUs, 457 GB of memory, and 394 GB of storage each.

The maximum number of Knative services that can be created using this configuration is 3,000. This corresponds to the OpenShift Container Platform Kubernetes services limit of 10,000, since 1 Knative service creates 3 Kubernetes services.

The average scale from zero response time was approximately 3.4 seconds, with a maximum response time of 8 seconds, and a 99.9th percentile of 4.5 seconds for a simple Quarkus application. These times might vary depending on the application and the runtime of the application.


The following section on defining cluster size requirements applies to these distributions:

  • OpenShift Container Platform
  • OpenShift Dedicated
  • Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS

1.3. Defining cluster size requirements

To install and use OpenShift Serverless, the cluster must be sized correctly.


The following requirements relate only to the pool of worker machines of the cluster. Control plane nodes are not used for general scheduling and are omitted from the requirements.

The minimum requirement to use OpenShift Serverless is a cluster with 10 CPUs and 40GB memory. By default, each pod requests ~400m of CPU, so the minimum requirements are based on this value.

The total size requirements to run OpenShift Serverless are dependent on the components that are installed and the applications that are deployed, and might vary depending on your deployment.

1.4. Scaling your cluster using compute machine sets on OpenShift Container Platform

You can use the OpenShift Container Platform MachineSet API to manually scale your cluster up to the desired size. The minimum requirements usually mean that you must scale up one of the default compute machine sets by two additional machines. See Manually scaling a compute machine set.

1.4.1. Additional requirements for advanced use-cases

For more advanced use-cases such as logging or metering on OpenShift Container Platform, you must deploy more resources. Recommended requirements for such use-cases are 24 CPUs and 96GB of memory.

If you have high availability (HA) enabled on your cluster, this requires between 0.5 - 1.5 cores and between 200MB - 2GB of memory for each replica of the Knative Serving control plane. HA is enabled for some Knative Serving components by default. You can disable HA by following the documentation on "Configuring high availability replicas".

1.5. Additional resources in OpenShift Container Platform documentation

Chapter 2. Installing the OpenShift Serverless Operator

Installing the OpenShift Serverless Operator enables you to install and use Knative Serving, Knative Eventing, and the Knative broker for Apache Kafka on a OpenShift Container Platform cluster. The OpenShift Serverless Operator manages Knative custom resource definitions (CRDs) for your cluster and enables you to configure them without directly modifying individual config maps for each component.

2.1. OpenShift Serverless Operator resource requirements

The following sample setup might help you to estimate the minimum resource requirements for your OpenShift Serverless Operator installation. Your specific requirements might be significantly different, and might grow as your use of OpenShift Serverless increases.

The test suite used in the sample setup has the following parameters:

  • An OpenShift Container Platform cluster with:

    • 10 workers (8 vCPU, 16GiB memory)
    • 3 workers dedicated to Kafka
    • 2 workers dedicated to Prometheus
    • 5 workers remaining for both Serverless and test deployments
  • 89 test scenarios running in parallel, mainly focused on using the control plane. Testing scenarios typically have a Knative Service sending events through an in-memory channel, a Kafka channel, an in-memory broker, or a Kafka broker to either a Deployment or a Knative Service.
  • 48 re-creation scenarios, where the testing scenario is repeatedly being deleted and re-created.
  • 41 stable scenarios, where events are sent throughout the test run slowly but continuously.
  • The test setup contains, in total:

    • 170 Knative Services
    • 20 In-Memory Channels
    • 24 Kafka Channels
    • 52 Subscriptions
    • 42 Brokers
    • 68 Triggers

The following table details the minimal resource requirements for a Highly-Available (HA) setup discovered by the test suite:

ComponentRAM resourcesCPU resources

OpenShift Serverless Operator


0.2 core

Knative Serving


2.5 cores

Knative Eventing


0.5 core

Knative broker for Apache Kafka


1 core



4.2 cores

The following table details the minimal resource requirements for a non-HA setup discovered by the test suite:

ComponentRAM resourcesCPU resources

OpenShift Serverless Operator


0.2 core

Knative Serving


1.2 cores

Knative Eventing


0.2 core

Knative broker for Apache Kafka


1 core



2.6 cores

2.2. Installing the OpenShift Serverless Operator from the web console

You can install the OpenShift Serverless Operator from the OperatorHub by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console. Installing this Operator enables you to install and use Knative components.


  • You have cluster administrator permissions on OpenShift Container Platform, or you have cluster or dedicated administrator permissions on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS or OpenShift Dedicated.
  • For OpenShift Container Platform, your cluster has the Marketplace capability enabled or the Red Hat Operator catalog source configured manually.
  • You have logged in to the web console.


  1. In the web console, navigate to the OperatorsOperatorHub page.
  2. Scroll, or type the keyword Serverless into the Filter by keyword box to find the OpenShift Serverless Operator.
  3. Review the information about the Operator and click Install.
  4. On the Install Operator page:

    1. The Installation Mode is All namespaces on the cluster (default). This mode installs the Operator in the default openshift-serverless namespace to watch and be made available to all namespaces in the cluster.
    2. The Installed Namespace is openshift-serverless.
    3. Select an Update Channel.

      • The stable channel enables installation of the latest stable release of the OpenShift Serverless Operator. The stable channel is the default.
      • To install another version, specify the corresponding stable-x.y channel, for example stable-1.29.
    4. Select the stable channel as the Update Channel. The stable channel will enable installation of the latest stable release of the OpenShift Serverless Operator.
    5. Select Automatic or Manual approval strategy.
  5. Click Install to make the Operator available to the selected namespaces on this OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  6. From the CatalogOperator Management page, you can monitor the OpenShift Serverless Operator subscription’s installation and upgrade progress.

    1. If you selected a Manual approval strategy, the subscription’s upgrade status will remain Upgrading until you review and approve its install plan. After approving on the Install Plan page, the subscription upgrade status moves to Up to date.
    2. If you selected an Automatic approval strategy, the upgrade status should resolve to Up to date without intervention.


After the Subscription’s upgrade status is Up to date, select CatalogInstalled Operators to verify that the OpenShift Serverless Operator eventually shows up and its Status ultimately resolves to InstallSucceeded in the relevant namespace.

If it does not:

  1. Switch to the CatalogOperator Management page and inspect the Operator Subscriptions and Install Plans tabs for any failure or errors under Status.
  2. Check the logs in any pods in the openshift-serverless project on the WorkloadsPods page that are reporting issues to troubleshoot further.

If you want to use Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing with OpenShift Serverless, you must install and configure Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing before you install Knative Serving or Knative Eventing.

2.3. Installing the OpenShift Serverless Operator from the CLI

You can install the OpenShift Serverless Operator from the OperatorHub by using the CLI. Installing this Operator enables you to install and use Knative components.


  • You have cluster administrator permissions on OpenShift Container Platform, or you have cluster or dedicated administrator permissions on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS or OpenShift Dedicated.
  • For OpenShift Container Platform, your cluster has the Marketplace capability enabled or the Red Hat Operator catalog source configured manually.
  • You have logged in to the cluster.


  1. Create a YAML file containing Namespace, OperatorGroup, and Subscription objects to subscribe a namespace to the OpenShift Serverless Operator. For example, create the file serverless-subscription.yaml with the following content:

    Example subscription

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: openshift-serverless
    kind: OperatorGroup
      name: serverless-operators
      namespace: openshift-serverless
    spec: {}
    kind: Subscription
      name: serverless-operator
      namespace: openshift-serverless
      channel: stable 1
      name: serverless-operator 2
      source: redhat-operators 3
      sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace 4

    The channel name of the Operator. The stable channel enables installation of the most recent stable version of the OpenShift Serverless Operator. To install another version, specify the corresponding stable-x.y channel, for example stable-1.29.
    The name of the Operator to subscribe to. For the OpenShift Serverless Operator, this is always serverless-operator.
    The name of the CatalogSource that provides the Operator. Use redhat-operators for the default OperatorHub catalog sources.
    The namespace of the CatalogSource. Use openshift-marketplace for the default OperatorHub catalog sources.
  2. Create the Subscription object:

    $ oc apply -f serverless-subscription.yaml


Check that the cluster service version (CSV) has reached the Succeeded phase:

Example command

$ oc get csv

Example output

NAME                          DISPLAY                        VERSION   REPLACES                      PHASE
serverless-operator.v1.25.0   Red Hat OpenShift Serverless   1.25.0    serverless-operator.v1.24.0   Succeeded


If you want to use Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing with OpenShift Serverless, you must install and configure Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing before you install Knative Serving or Knative Eventing.

2.4. Global configuration

The OpenShift Serverless Operator manages the global configuration of a Knative installation, including propagating values from the KnativeServing and KnativeEventing custom resources to system config maps. Any updates to config maps which are applied manually are overwritten by the Operator. However, modifying the Knative custom resources allows you to set values for these config maps.

Knative has multiple config maps that are named with the prefix config-. All Knative config maps are created in the same namespace as the custom resource that they apply to. For example, if the KnativeServing custom resource is created in the knative-serving namespace, all Knative Serving config maps are also created in this namespace.

The spec.config in the Knative custom resources have one <name> entry for each config map, named config-<name>, with a value which is be used for the config map data.

2.5. Additional resources for OpenShift Container Platform

2.6. Next steps

Chapter 3. Installing the Knative CLI

The Knative (kn) CLI does not have its own login mechanism. To log in to the cluster, you must install the OpenShift CLI (oc) and use the oc login command. Installation options for the CLIs may vary depending on your operating system.

For more information on installing the OpenShift CLI (oc) for your operating system and logging in with oc, see the OpenShift CLI getting started documentation.

OpenShift Serverless cannot be installed using the Knative (kn) CLI. A cluster administrator must install the OpenShift Serverless Operator and set up the Knative components, as described in the Installing the OpenShift Serverless Operator documentation.


If you try to use an older version of the Knative (kn) CLI with a newer OpenShift Serverless release, the API is not found and an error occurs.

For example, if you use the 1.23.0 release of the Knative (kn) CLI, which uses version 1.2, with the 1.24.0 OpenShift Serverless release, which uses the 1.3 versions of the Knative Serving and Knative Eventing APIs, the CLI does not work because it continues to look for the outdated 1.2 API versions.

Ensure that you are using the latest Knative (kn) CLI version for your OpenShift Serverless release to avoid issues.

3.1. Installing the Knative CLI using the OpenShift Container Platform web console

Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console provides a streamlined and intuitive user interface to install the Knative (kn) CLI. After the OpenShift Serverless Operator is installed, you will see a link to download the Knative (kn) CLI for Linux (amd64, s390x, ppc64le), macOS, or Windows from the Command Line Tools page in the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  • You have logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.


    If libc is not available, you might see the following error when you run CLI commands:

    $ kn: No such file or directory
  • If you want to use the verification steps for this procedure, you must install the OpenShift (oc) CLI.


  1. Download the Knative (kn) CLI from the Command Line Tools page. You can access the Command Line Tools page by clicking the question circle icon in the top right corner of the web console and selecting Command Line Tools in the list.
  2. Unpack the archive:

    $ tar -xf <file>
  3. Move the kn binary to a directory on your PATH.
  4. To check your PATH, run:

    $ echo $PATH


  • Run the following commands to check that the correct Knative CLI resources and route have been created:

    $ oc get ConsoleCLIDownload

    Example output

    NAME                  DISPLAY NAME                                             AGE
    kn                    kn - OpenShift Serverless Command Line Interface (CLI)   2022-09-20T08:41:18Z
    oc-cli-downloads      oc - OpenShift Command Line Interface (CLI)              2022-09-20T08:00:20Z

    $ oc get route -n openshift-serverless

    Example output

    NAME   HOST/PORT                                  PATH   SERVICES                      PORT       TERMINATION     WILDCARD
    kn          knative-openshift-metrics-3   http-cli   edge/Redirect   None

3.2. Installing the Knative CLI for Linux by using an RPM package manager

For Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), you can install the Knative (kn) CLI as an RPM by using a package manager, such as yum or dnf. This allows the Knative CLI version to be automatically managed by the system. For example, using a command like dnf upgrade upgrades all packages, including kn, if a new version is available.


  • You have an active OpenShift Container Platform subscription on your Red Hat account.


  1. Register with Red Hat Subscription Manager:

    # subscription-manager register
  2. Pull the latest subscription data:

    # subscription-manager refresh
  3. Attach the subscription to the registered system:

    # subscription-manager attach --pool=<pool_id> 1
    Pool ID for an active OpenShift Container Platform subscription
  4. Enable the repositories required by the Knative (kn) CLI:

    • Linux (x86_64, amd64)

      # subscription-manager repos --enable="openshift-serverless-1-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms"
    • Linux on IBM zSystems and IBM® LinuxONE (s390x)

      # subscription-manager repos --enable="openshift-serverless-1-for-rhel-8-s390x-rpms"
    • Linux on IBM Power (ppc64le)

      # subscription-manager repos --enable="openshift-serverless-1-for-rhel-8-ppc64le-rpms"
  5. Install the Knative (kn) CLI as an RPM by using a package manager:

    Example yum command

    # yum install openshift-serverless-clients

3.3. Locking version for the Knative CLI installed with RPM package manager

You might require to use Knative (kn) CLI version that is not the most recent, but is in Maintenance Phase. You can achieve that by locking the version of kn, which prevents it from being upgraded.


  1. Install the versionlock plugin for the DNF package manager:

    # dnf install 'dnf-command(versionlock)'
  2. Lock the version of kn by running:

    # dnf versionlock add --raw 'openshift-serverless-clients-1.7.*'

    This command locks kn to be the version based on Knative 1.7, which is in Maintenance Phase at the time of release of OpenShift Serverless 1.29.

3.4. Upgrading the Knative CLI with locked version

You can manually upgrade the Knative (kn) CLI version that has previously been version-locked.


  1. Check whether upgraded packages are available:

    # dnf search --showduplicates openshift-serverless-clients
  2. Remove the version lock of kn:
# dnf versionlock delete openshift-serverless-clients
  1. Lock kn to the new version:
# dnf versionlock add --raw 'openshift-serverless-clients-1.8.*'

+ This example uses the kn version that is based on Knative 1.8.

  1. Upgrade to the new available version:

    # dnf install --upgrade openshift-serverless-clients

3.5. Installing the Knative CLI for Linux

If you are using a Linux distribution that does not have RPM or another package manager installed, you can install the Knative (kn) CLI as a binary file. To do this, you must download and unpack a tar.gz archive and add the binary to a directory on your PATH.


  • If you are not using RHEL or Fedora, ensure that libc is installed in a directory on your library path.


    If libc is not available, you might see the following error when you run CLI commands:

    $ kn: No such file or directory


  1. Download the relevant Knative (kn) CLI tar.gz archive:

    You can also download any version of kn by navigating to that version’s corresponding directory in the Serverless client download mirror.

  2. Unpack the archive:

    $ tar -xf <filename>
  3. Move the kn binary to a directory on your PATH.
  4. To check your PATH, run:

    $ echo $PATH

3.6. Installing the Knative CLI for macOS

If you are using macOS, you can install the Knative (kn) CLI as a binary file. To do this, you must download and unpack a tar.gz archive and add the binary to a directory on your PATH.


  1. Download the Knative (kn) CLI tar.gz archive.

    You can also download any version of kn by navigating to that version’s corresponding directory in the Serverless client download mirror.

  2. Unpack and extract the archive.
  3. Move the kn binary to a directory on your PATH.
  4. To check your PATH, open a terminal window and run:

    $ echo $PATH

3.7. Installing the Knative CLI for Windows

If you are using Windows, you can install the Knative (kn) CLI as a binary file. To do this, you must download and unpack a ZIP archive and add the binary to a directory on your PATH.


  1. Download the Knative (kn) CLI ZIP archive.

    You can also download any version of kn by navigating to that version’s corresponding directory in the Serverless client download mirror.

  2. Extract the archive with a ZIP program.
  3. Move the kn binary to a directory on your PATH.
  4. To check your PATH, open the command prompt and run the command:

    C:\> path

Chapter 4. Installing Knative Serving

Installing Knative Serving allows you to create Knative services and functions on your cluster. It also allows you to use additional functionality such as autoscaling and networking options for your applications.

After you install the OpenShift Serverless Operator, you can install Knative Serving by using the default settings, or configure more advanced settings in the KnativeServing custom resource (CR). For more information about configuration options for the KnativeServing CR, see Global configuration.


If you want to use Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing with OpenShift Serverless, you must install and configure Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing before you install Knative Serving.

4.1. Installing Knative Serving by using the web console

After you install the OpenShift Serverless Operator, install Knative Serving by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console. You can install Knative Serving by using the default settings or configure more advanced settings in the KnativeServing custom resource (CR).


  • You have cluster administrator permissions on OpenShift Container Platform, or you have cluster or dedicated administrator permissions on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS or OpenShift Dedicated.
  • You have logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  • You have installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator.


  1. In the Administrator perspective of the OpenShift Container Platform web console, navigate to OperatorsInstalled Operators.
  2. Check that the Project dropdown at the top of the page is set to Project: knative-serving.
  3. Click Knative Serving in the list of Provided APIs for the OpenShift Serverless Operator to go to the Knative Serving tab.
  4. Click Create Knative Serving.
  5. In the Create Knative Serving page, you can install Knative Serving using the default settings by clicking Create.

    You can also modify settings for the Knative Serving installation by editing the KnativeServing object using either the form provided, or by editing the YAML.

    • Using the form is recommended for simpler configurations that do not require full control of KnativeServing object creation.
    • Editing the YAML is recommended for more complex configurations that require full control of KnativeServing object creation. You can access the YAML by clicking the edit YAML link in the top right of the Create Knative Serving page.

      After you complete the form, or have finished modifying the YAML, click Create.


      For more information about configuration options for the KnativeServing custom resource definition, see the documentation on Advanced installation configuration options.

  6. After you have installed Knative Serving, the KnativeServing object is created, and you are automatically directed to the Knative Serving tab. You will see the knative-serving custom resource in the list of resources.


  1. Click on knative-serving custom resource in the Knative Serving tab.
  2. You will be automatically directed to the Knative Serving Overview page.

    Installed Operators page
  3. Scroll down to look at the list of Conditions.
  4. You should see a list of conditions with a status of True, as shown in the example image.


    It may take a few seconds for the Knative Serving resources to be created. You can check their status in the Resources tab.

  5. If the conditions have a status of Unknown or False, wait a few moments and then check again after you have confirmed that the resources have been created.

4.2. Installing Knative Serving by using YAML

After you install the OpenShift Serverless Operator, you can install Knative Serving by using the default settings, or configure more advanced settings in the KnativeServing custom resource (CR). You can use the following procedure to install Knative Serving by using YAML files and the oc CLI.


  • You have cluster administrator permissions on OpenShift Container Platform, or you have cluster or dedicated administrator permissions on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS or OpenShift Dedicated.
  • You have installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Create a file named serving.yaml and copy the following example YAML into it:

    kind: KnativeServing
        name: knative-serving
        namespace: knative-serving
  2. Apply the serving.yaml file:

    $ oc apply -f serving.yaml


  1. To verify the installation is complete, enter the following command:

    $ oc get -n knative-serving --template='{{range .status.conditions}}{{printf "%s=%s\n" .type .status}}{{end}}'

    Example output



    It may take a few seconds for the Knative Serving resources to be created.

    If the conditions have a status of Unknown or False, wait a few moments and then check again after you have confirmed that the resources have been created.

  2. Check that the Knative Serving resources have been created:

    $ oc get pods -n knative-serving

    Example output

    NAME                                                        READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    activator-67ddf8c9d7-p7rm5                                  2/2     Running     0          4m
    activator-67ddf8c9d7-q84fz                                  2/2     Running     0          4m
    autoscaler-5d87bc6dbf-6nqc6                                 2/2     Running     0          3m59s
    autoscaler-5d87bc6dbf-h64rl                                 2/2     Running     0          3m59s
    autoscaler-hpa-77f85f5cc4-lrts7                             2/2     Running     0          3m57s
    autoscaler-hpa-77f85f5cc4-zx7hl                             2/2     Running     0          3m56s
    controller-5cfc7cb8db-nlccl                                 2/2     Running     0          3m50s
    controller-5cfc7cb8db-rmv7r                                 2/2     Running     0          3m18s
    domain-mapping-86d84bb6b4-r746m                             2/2     Running     0          3m58s
    domain-mapping-86d84bb6b4-v7nh8                             2/2     Running     0          3m58s
    domainmapping-webhook-769d679d45-bkcnj                      2/2     Running     0          3m58s
    domainmapping-webhook-769d679d45-fff68                      2/2     Running     0          3m58s
    storage-version-migration-serving-serving-0.26.0--1-6qlkb   0/1     Completed   0          3m56s
    webhook-5fb774f8d8-6bqrt                                    2/2     Running     0          3m57s
    webhook-5fb774f8d8-b8lt5                                    2/2     Running     0          3m57s

  3. Check that the necessary networking components have been installed to the automatically created knative-serving-ingress namespace:

    $ oc get pods -n knative-serving-ingress

    Example output

    NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    net-kourier-controller-7d4b6c5d95-62mkf   1/1     Running   0          76s
    net-kourier-controller-7d4b6c5d95-qmgm2   1/1     Running   0          76s
    3scale-kourier-gateway-6688b49568-987qz   1/1     Running   0          75s
    3scale-kourier-gateway-6688b49568-b5tnp   1/1     Running   0          75s

4.3. Additional resources

4.4. Next steps

Chapter 5. Installing Knative Eventing

To use event-driven architecture on your cluster, install Knative Eventing. You can create Knative components such as event sources, brokers, and channels and then use them to send events to applications or external systems.

After you install the OpenShift Serverless Operator, you can install Knative Eventing by using the default settings, or configure more advanced settings in the KnativeEventing custom resource (CR). For more information about configuration options for the KnativeEventing CR, see Global configuration.


If you want to use Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing with OpenShift Serverless, you must install and configure Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing before you install Knative Eventing.

5.1. Installing Knative Eventing by using the web console

After you install the OpenShift Serverless Operator, install Knative Eventing by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console. You can install Knative Eventing by using the default settings or configure more advanced settings in the KnativeEventing custom resource (CR).


  • You have cluster administrator permissions on OpenShift Container Platform, or you have cluster or dedicated administrator permissions on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS or OpenShift Dedicated.
  • You have logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  • You have installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator.


  1. In the Administrator perspective of the OpenShift Container Platform web console, navigate to OperatorsInstalled Operators.
  2. Check that the Project dropdown at the top of the page is set to Project: knative-eventing.
  3. Click Knative Eventing in the list of Provided APIs for the OpenShift Serverless Operator to go to the Knative Eventing tab.
  4. Click Create Knative Eventing.
  5. In the Create Knative Eventing page, you can configure the KnativeEventing object by using either the form provided, or by editing the YAML file.

    • Use the form for simpler configurations that do not require full control of KnativeEventing object creation.
  6. Click Create.

    • Edit the YAML file for more complex configurations that require full control of KnativeEventing object creation. To access the YAML editor, click edit YAML on the Create Knative Eventing page.
  7. After you have installed Knative Eventing, the KnativeEventing object is created, and you are automatically directed to the Knative Eventing tab. You will see the knative-eventing custom resource in the list of resources.


  1. Click on the knative-eventing custom resource in the Knative Eventing tab.
  2. You are automatically directed to the Knative Eventing Overview page.

    Knative Eventing Overview page
  3. Scroll down to look at the list of Conditions.
  4. You should see a list of conditions with a status of True, as shown in the example image.


    It may take a few seconds for the Knative Eventing resources to be created. You can check their status in the Resources tab.

  5. If the conditions have a status of Unknown or False, wait a few moments and then check again after you have confirmed that the resources have been created.

5.2. Installing Knative Eventing by using YAML

After you install the OpenShift Serverless Operator, you can install Knative Eventing by using the default settings, or configure more advanced settings in the KnativeEventing custom resource (CR). You can use the following procedure to install Knative Eventing by using YAML files and the oc CLI.


  • You have cluster administrator permissions on OpenShift Container Platform, or you have cluster or dedicated administrator permissions on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS or OpenShift Dedicated.
  • You have installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Create a file named eventing.yaml.
  2. Copy the following sample YAML into eventing.yaml:

    kind: KnativeEventing
        name: knative-eventing
        namespace: knative-eventing
  3. Optional. Make any changes to the YAML that you want to implement for your Knative Eventing deployment.
  4. Apply the eventing.yaml file by entering:

    $ oc apply -f eventing.yaml


  1. Verify the installation is complete by entering the following command and observing the output:

    $ oc get \
      -n knative-eventing \
      --template='{{range .status.conditions}}{{printf "%s=%s\n" .type .status}}{{end}}'

    Example output



    It may take a few seconds for the Knative Eventing resources to be created.

  2. If the conditions have a status of Unknown or False, wait a few moments and then check again after you have confirmed that the resources have been created.
  3. Check that the Knative Eventing resources have been created by entering:

    $ oc get pods -n knative-eventing

    Example output

    NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    broker-controller-58765d9d49-g9zp6     1/1     Running   0          7m21s
    eventing-controller-65fdd66b54-jw7bh   1/1     Running   0          7m31s
    eventing-webhook-57fd74b5bd-kvhlz      1/1     Running   0          7m31s
    imc-controller-5b75d458fc-ptvm2        1/1     Running   0          7m19s
    imc-dispatcher-64f6d5fccb-kkc4c        1/1     Running   0          7m18s

5.3. Installing Knative broker for Apache Kafka

The Knative broker implementation for Apache Kafka provides integration options for you to use supported versions of the Apache Kafka message streaming platform with OpenShift Serverless. Knative broker for Apache Kafka functionality is available in an OpenShift Serverless installation if you have installed the KnativeKafka custom resource.


  • You have installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing on your cluster.
  • You have access to a Red Hat AMQ Streams cluster.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc) if you want to use the verification steps.
  • You have cluster administrator permissions on OpenShift Container Platform, or you have cluster or dedicated administrator permissions on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS or OpenShift Dedicated.
  • You are logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  1. In the Administrator perspective, navigate to OperatorsInstalled Operators.
  2. Check that the Project dropdown at the top of the page is set to Project: knative-eventing.
  3. In the list of Provided APIs for the OpenShift Serverless Operator, find the Knative Kafka box and click Create Instance.
  4. Configure the KnativeKafka object in the Create Knative Kafka page.


    To use the Kafka channel, source, broker, or sink on your cluster, you must toggle the enabled switch for the options you want to use to true. These switches are set to false by default. Additionally, to use the Kafka channel, broker, or sink you must specify the bootstrap servers.

    • Use the form for simpler configurations that do not require full control of KnativeKafka object creation.
    • Edit the YAML for more complex configurations that require full control of KnativeKafka object creation. You can access the YAML by clicking the Edit YAML link on the Create Knative Kafka page.

      Example KnativeKafka custom resource

      kind: KnativeKafka
          name: knative-kafka
          namespace: knative-eventing
              enabled: true 1
              bootstrapServers: <bootstrap_servers> 2
              enabled: true 3
              enabled: true 4
                  bootstrapServers: <bootstrap_servers> 5
                  numPartitions: <num_partitions> 6
                  replicationFactor: <replication_factor> 7
              enabled: true 8
              level: INFO 9

      Enables developers to use the KafkaChannel channel type in the cluster.
      A comma-separated list of bootstrap servers from your AMQ Streams cluster.
      Enables developers to use the KafkaSource event source type in the cluster.
      Enables developers to use the Knative broker implementation for Apache Kafka in the cluster.
      A comma-separated list of bootstrap servers from your Red Hat AMQ Streams cluster.
      Defines the number of partitions of the Kafka topics, backed by the Broker objects. The default is 10.
      Defines the replication factor of the Kafka topics, backed by the Broker objects. The default is 3. The replicationFactor value must be less than or equal to the number of nodes of your Red Hat AMQ Streams cluster.
      Enables developers to use a Kafka sink in the cluster.
      Defines the log level of the Kafka data plane. Allowed values are TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN and ERROR. The default value is INFO.

      Do not use DEBUG or TRACE as the logging level in production environments. The outputs from these logging levels are verbose and can degrade performance.

  5. Click Create after you have completed any of the optional configurations for Kafka. You are automatically directed to the Knative Kafka tab where knative-kafka is in the list of resources.


  1. Click on the knative-kafka resource in the Knative Kafka tab. You are automatically directed to the Knative Kafka Overview page.
  2. View the list of Conditions for the resource and confirm that they have a status of True.

    Kafka Knative Overview page showing Conditions

    If the conditions have a status of Unknown or False, wait a few moments to refresh the page.

  3. Check that the Knative broker for Apache Kafka resources have been created:

    $ oc get pods -n knative-eventing

    Example output

    NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    kafka-broker-dispatcher-7769fbbcbb-xgffn    2/2     Running   0          44s
    kafka-broker-receiver-5fb56f7656-fhq8d      2/2     Running   0          44s
    kafka-channel-dispatcher-84fd6cb7f9-k2tjv   2/2     Running   0          44s
    kafka-channel-receiver-9b7f795d5-c76xr      2/2     Running   0          44s
    kafka-controller-6f95659bf6-trd6r           2/2     Running   0          44s
    kafka-source-dispatcher-6bf98bdfff-8bcsn    2/2     Running   0          44s
    kafka-webhook-eventing-68dc95d54b-825xs     2/2     Running   0          44s

5.4. Next steps

Chapter 6. Configuring Knative broker for Apache Kafka

The Knative broker implementation for Apache Kafka provides integration options for you to use supported versions of the Apache Kafka message streaming platform with OpenShift Serverless. Kafka provides options for event source, channel, broker, and event sink capabilities.

In addition to the Knative Eventing components that are provided as part of a core OpenShift Serverless installation, the KnativeKafka custom resource (CR) can be installed by:

  • Cluster administrators, for OpenShift Container Platform
  • Cluster or dedicated administrators, for Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS or for OpenShift Dedicated.

The KnativeKafka CR provides users with additional options, such as:

  • Kafka source
  • Kafka channel
  • Kafka broker
  • Kafka sink

6.1. Installing Knative broker for Apache Kafka

The Knative broker implementation for Apache Kafka provides integration options for you to use supported versions of the Apache Kafka message streaming platform with OpenShift Serverless. Knative broker for Apache Kafka functionality is available in an OpenShift Serverless installation if you have installed the KnativeKafka custom resource.


  • You have installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing on your cluster.
  • You have access to a Red Hat AMQ Streams cluster.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc) if you want to use the verification steps.
  • You have cluster administrator permissions on OpenShift Container Platform, or you have cluster or dedicated administrator permissions on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS or OpenShift Dedicated.
  • You are logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  1. In the Administrator perspective, navigate to OperatorsInstalled Operators.
  2. Check that the Project dropdown at the top of the page is set to Project: knative-eventing.
  3. In the list of Provided APIs for the OpenShift Serverless Operator, find the Knative Kafka box and click Create Instance.
  4. Configure the KnativeKafka object in the Create Knative Kafka page.


    To use the Kafka channel, source, broker, or sink on your cluster, you must toggle the enabled switch for the options you want to use to true. These switches are set to false by default. Additionally, to use the Kafka channel, broker, or sink you must specify the bootstrap servers.

    • Use the form for simpler configurations that do not require full control of KnativeKafka object creation.
    • Edit the YAML for more complex configurations that require full control of KnativeKafka object creation. You can access the YAML by clicking the Edit YAML link on the Create Knative Kafka page.

      Example KnativeKafka custom resource

      kind: KnativeKafka
          name: knative-kafka
          namespace: knative-eventing
              enabled: true 1
              bootstrapServers: <bootstrap_servers> 2
              enabled: true 3
              enabled: true 4
                  bootstrapServers: <bootstrap_servers> 5
                  numPartitions: <num_partitions> 6
                  replicationFactor: <replication_factor> 7
              enabled: true 8
              level: INFO 9

      Enables developers to use the KafkaChannel channel type in the cluster.
      A comma-separated list of bootstrap servers from your AMQ Streams cluster.
      Enables developers to use the KafkaSource event source type in the cluster.
      Enables developers to use the Knative broker implementation for Apache Kafka in the cluster.
      A comma-separated list of bootstrap servers from your Red Hat AMQ Streams cluster.
      Defines the number of partitions of the Kafka topics, backed by the Broker objects. The default is 10.
      Defines the replication factor of the Kafka topics, backed by the Broker objects. The default is 3. The replicationFactor value must be less than or equal to the number of nodes of your Red Hat AMQ Streams cluster.
      Enables developers to use a Kafka sink in the cluster.
      Defines the log level of the Kafka data plane. Allowed values are TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN and ERROR. The default value is INFO.

      Do not use DEBUG or TRACE as the logging level in production environments. The outputs from these logging levels are verbose and can degrade performance.

  5. Click Create after you have completed any of the optional configurations for Kafka. You are automatically directed to the Knative Kafka tab where knative-kafka is in the list of resources.


  1. Click on the knative-kafka resource in the Knative Kafka tab. You are automatically directed to the Knative Kafka Overview page.
  2. View the list of Conditions for the resource and confirm that they have a status of True.

    Kafka Knative Overview page showing Conditions

    If the conditions have a status of Unknown or False, wait a few moments to refresh the page.

  3. Check that the Knative broker for Apache Kafka resources have been created:

    $ oc get pods -n knative-eventing

    Example output

    NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    kafka-broker-dispatcher-7769fbbcbb-xgffn    2/2     Running   0          44s
    kafka-broker-receiver-5fb56f7656-fhq8d      2/2     Running   0          44s
    kafka-channel-dispatcher-84fd6cb7f9-k2tjv   2/2     Running   0          44s
    kafka-channel-receiver-9b7f795d5-c76xr      2/2     Running   0          44s
    kafka-controller-6f95659bf6-trd6r           2/2     Running   0          44s
    kafka-source-dispatcher-6bf98bdfff-8bcsn    2/2     Running   0          44s
    kafka-webhook-eventing-68dc95d54b-825xs     2/2     Running   0          44s

6.2. Additional resources for Apache Kafka in Knative Eventing:

Chapter 7. Configuring kube-rbac-proxy for Knative for Apache Kafka

The kube-rbac-proxy component provides internal authentication and authorization capabilities for Knative for Apache Kafka.

7.1. Configuring kube-rbac-proxy resources for Knative for Apache Kafka

You can globally override resource allocation for the kube-rbac-proxy container by using the OpenShift Serverless Operator CR.


You can also override resource allocation for a specific deployment.

The following configuration sets Knative Kafka kube-rbac-proxy minimum and maximum CPU and memory allocation:

KnativeKafka CR example

kind: KnativeKafka
  name: knative-kafka
  namespace: knative-kafka
      "kube-rbac-proxy-cpu-request": "10m" 1
      "kube-rbac-proxy-memory-request": "20Mi" 2
      "kube-rbac-proxy-cpu-limit": "100m" 3
      "kube-rbac-proxy-memory-limit": "100Mi" 4

Sets minimum CPU allocation.
Sets minimum RAM allocation.
Sets maximum CPU allocation.
Sets maximum RAM allocation.

Chapter 8. Configuring OpenShift Serverless Functions

To improve the process of deployment of your application code, you can use OpenShift Serverless to deploy stateless, event-driven functions as a Knative service on OpenShift Container Platform. If you want to develop functions, you must complete the set up steps.

8.1. Prerequisites

To enable the use of OpenShift Serverless Functions on your cluster, you must complete the following steps:

  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on your cluster.


    Functions are deployed as a Knative service. If you want to use event-driven architecture with your functions, you must also install Knative Eventing.

  • You have the oc CLI installed.
  • You have the Knative (kn) CLI installed. Installing the Knative CLI enables the use of kn func commands which you can use to create and manage functions.
  • You have installed Docker Container Engine or Podman version 3.4.7 or higher.
  • You have access to an available image registry, such as the OpenShift Container Registry.
  • If you are using as the image registry, you must ensure that either the repository is not private, or that you have followed the OpenShift Container Platform documentation on Allowing pods to reference images from other secured registries.
  • If you are using the OpenShift Container Registry, a cluster administrator must expose the registry.

8.2. Setting up Podman

To use advanced container management features, you might want to use Podman with OpenShift Serverless Functions. To do so, you need to start the Podman service and configure the Knative (kn) CLI to connect to it.


  1. Start the Podman service that serves the Docker API on a UNIX socket at ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/podman/podman.sock:

    $ systemctl start --user podman.socket

    On most systems, this socket is located at /run/user/$(id -u)/podman/podman.sock.

  2. Establish the environment variable that is used to build a function:

    $ export DOCKER_HOST="unix://${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/podman/podman.sock"
  3. Run the build command inside your function project directory with the -v flag to see verbose output. You should see a connection to your local UNIX socket:

    $ kn func build -v

8.3. Setting up Podman on macOS

To use advanced container management features, you might want to use Podman with OpenShift Serverless Functions. To do so on macOS, you need to start the Podman machine and configure the Knative (kn) CLI to connect to it.


  1. Create the Podman machine:

    $ podman machine init --memory=8192 --cpus=2 --disk-size=20
  2. Start the Podman machine, which serves the Docker API on a UNIX socket:

    $ podman machine start
    Starting machine "podman-machine-default"
    Waiting for VM ...
    Mounting volume... /Users/myuser:/Users/user
    [...truncated output...]
    You can still connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the
    following command in your terminal session:
    	export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///Users/myuser/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/podman-machine-default/podman.sock'
    Machine "podman-machine-default" started successfully

    On most macOS systems, this socket is located at /Users/myuser/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/podman-machine-default/podman.sock.

  3. Establish the environment variable that is used to build a function:

    $ export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///Users/myuser/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/podman-machine-default/podman.sock'
  4. Run the build command inside your function project directory with the -v flag to see verbose output. You should see a connection to your local UNIX socket:

    $ kn func build -v

8.4. Next steps

Chapter 9. Installing the OpenShift Serverless Logic Operator

Installing the OpenShift Serverless Logic Operator enables you to install and use Serverless Workflow on a OpenShift Container Platform cluster. The OpenShift Serverless Logic Operator manages Kubernetes custom resource definitions (CRDs) to configure and deploy the workflows.

9.1. Installing the OpenShift Serverless Logic Operator from the web console

You can install the OpenShift Serverless Logic Operator from OperatorHub by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  • You have cluster administrator permissions on OpenShift Container Platform, or you have cluster or dedicated administrator permissions on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS or OpenShift Dedicated.
  • For OpenShift Container Platform, your cluster has the Marketplace capability enabled or the Red Hat-provided Operator catalogs source configured manually.
  • You have logged in to the web console.


  1. In the web console, navigate to the OperatorsOperatorHub page.
  2. Scroll, or type the keyword Serverless Logic into the Filter by keyword box to find the OpenShift Serverless Logic Operator.
  3. Review the information about the Operator and click Install.
  4. On the Install Operator page, ensure that the configuration uses the following settings:

    1. The Installation Mode is All namespaces on the cluster (default). This mode installs the Operator in the default openshift-serverless-logic namespace to watch and be made available to all namespaces in the cluster.
    2. The Installed Namespace is openshift-serverless-logic.
    3. Select the stable channel as the Update Channel. The stable channel will enable installation of the latest stable release of the OpenShift Serverless Logic Operator.
    4. Select Automatic or Manual approval strategy.
  5. Click Install to make the Operator available to the selected namespaces on this OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  6. From the CatalogOperator Management page, you can monitor the OpenShift Serverless Logic Operator subscription’s installation and upgrade progress.

    • If you selected a Manual approval strategy, the subscription’s upgrade status will remain Upgrading until you review and approve its install plan. After approving on the Install Plan page, the subscription upgrade status moves to Up to date.
    • If you selected an Automatic approval strategy, the upgrade status should resolve to Up to date without intervention.


  • After the subscription’s upgrade status is Up to date, select CatalogInstalled Operators to verify that the OpenShift Serverless Logic Operator eventually shows up and its Status ultimately resolves to InstallSucceeded in the relevant namespace.

    If it does not, check the following items:

    1. Switch to the CatalogOperator Management page and inspect the Operator Subscriptions and Install Plans tabs for any failure or errors under Status.
    2. Check the logs in any pods in the openshift-serverless-logic project on the WorkloadsPods page that are reporting issues to troubleshoot further.

9.2. Additional resources

Chapter 10. Installing the OpenShift Serverless Logic Knative Workflow plugin

OpenShift Serverless Logic provides a plugin named kn-workflow for the Knative CLI, enabling you to set up a local workflow project using the command line.

10.1. Installing the OpenShift Serverless Logic Knative Workflow plugin for Linux

If you are using a Linux distribution that does not have RPM or another package manager installed, you can install the Knative Workflow plugin.


  • You have installed the Knative (kn) command-line interface (CLI).
  • If you are not using RHEL or Fedora, ensure that the libc library is installed in a directory on your path.


    If the libc library is not available, you might see the following error when you run commands:

    $ kn: No such file or directory


  1. Download the latest tar archive suitable for your environment, from the Serverless Logic download mirror page.
  2. Extract the Knative Workflow plugin binary file by running the following command:

    $ tar xvzf <tar_archive>
  3. Rename the extracted Knative Workflow plugin binary file to kn-workflow by running the following command:

    $ mv <filename> kn-workflow
  4. Install the kn-workflow command as the Knative CLI plugin:

    1. Make the binary file executable by running the following command:

      $ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kn-workflow
    2. Copy the kn-workflow binary file to a directory in the /usr/local/bin path by running the following command:

      $ cp <path/to/downloaded/kn-workflow> /usr/local/bin/kn-workflow


  • Run the following command to verify that the kn-workflow plugin is installed successfully:

    $ kn plugin list

10.2. Installing the OpenShift Serverless Logic Knative Workflow plugin for macOS

If you are using macOS, you can install the Knative Workflow plugin as a binary file.


On macOS, some systems might block the application from running due to security policies. To fix this issue, click System PreferencesSecurity & PrivacyGeneral to approve the application to run. For more information, see the Open a Mac app from an unidentified developer Apple support article.


  • You have installed the Knative (kn) command-line interface (CLI).


  1. Download the latest tar archive suitable for your environment, from the Serverless Logic download mirror page.
  2. Extract the Knative Workflow plugin binary file by running the following command:

    $ tar xvzf <tar_archive>
  3. Rename the extracted Knative Workflow plugin binary file to kn-workflow by running the following command:

    $ mv <filename> kn-workflow
  4. Install the kn-workflow command as the Knative CLI plugin:

    1. Make the binary file executable by running the following command:

      $ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kn-workflow
    2. Copy the kn-workflow binary file to a directory in the /usr/local/bin path by running the following command:

      $ cp <path/to/downloaded/kn-workflow> /usr/local/bin/kn-workflow


  • Run the following command to verify that the kn-workflow plugin is installed successfully:

    $ kn plugin list

10.3. Installing the OpenShift Serverless Logic Knative Workflow plugin for Windows

If you are using Windows, you can install the Knative Workflow plugin.


  • You have installed the Knative (kn) command-line interface (CLI).


  1. Download the latest zip archive suitable for your environment, from the Serverless Logic download mirror page.
  2. Extract the Knative Workflow plugin binary file using PowerShell by running the following command:

    $ Expand-Archive -Path <filename>.zip -DestinationPath <destination>
  3. Rename the extracted Knative Workflow plugin binary file to kn-workflow by running the following command:

    $ Rename-Item -Path <destination>\<filename>.exe -NewName kn-workflow.exe
  4. Install the kn-workflow command as the Knative CLI plugin:

    On Windows, files with a .exe extension are treated as executable by default, so you do not need to change permissions.

    1. Move the kn-workflow.exe file to a directory in your PATH by running the following command:

      $ move C:\path\to\kn-workflow.exe "C:\Program Files"
    2. Copy the kn-workflow binary file to a directory in your PATH by running the following command:

      $ Copy-Item -Path <destination>\kn-workflow.exe -Destination "C:\Program Files\kn-workflow.exe"


  • Run the following command to verify that the kn-workflow plugin is installed successfully:

    $ kn plugin list

10.4. Installing the OpenShift Serverless Logic Knative Workflow plugin using the artifacts image


  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have installed Podman on your local machine.


  1. Download the Knative Workflow plugin using the logic-kn-workflow-cli-artifacts-rhel8 image by running the following commands:

    1. Log in to the Red Hat Registry by running the following command:

      $ podman login

      You can use your Red Hat Customer Portal account or a registry service account.

    2. Set a variable for KN_IMAGE to start the logic-kn-workflow-cli-artifacts-rhel8 image by running the following command:

      $ export
    3. Set a variable for KN_CONTAINER_ID by running the following command:

      $ export KN_CONTAINER_ID=$(podman run -di $KN_IMAGE)
    4. Copy the Knative Workflow plugin binary file by running the following command:

      $ podman cp $KN_CONTAINER_ID:<path_to_binary> .

      where <path_to_binary> is the path to the file for your environment:

      EnvironmentPath to binary file

      Linux amd64 architecture


      Linux arm64 architecture


      macOS amd64 architecture


      macOS arm64 architecture


      Windows amd64 architecture


    5. Stop the container by running the following command:

      $ podman stop $KN_CONTAINER_ID
    6. Delete the container by running the following command:

      $ podman rm $KN_CONTAINER_ID
    7. Extract the selected Knative Workflow plugin binary file by running the following command:

      $ tar xvzf kn-workflow-linux-amd64.tar.gz
    8. Rename the Knative Workflow plugin binary file to kn-workflow by running the following command:

      $ mv kn kn-workflow
  2. Install the kn-workflow command as a plugin of the Knative CLI by running the following commands:

    1. Copy the kn-workflow binary file to a directory in your PATH, such as /usr/local/bin, and ensure the file name is kn-workflow:

      $ cp path/to/downloaded/kn-workflow /usr/local/bin/kn-workflow
    2. Make the binary file executable:

      $ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kn-workflow


  1. Run the following command to verify that the kn-workflow plugin is installed successfully:

    $ kn plugin list
  2. After installing the plugin, you can use kn-workflow to run the related subcommands.

    Aliases to use workflow subcommand


    Example output of kn-workflow help command

    Manage OpenShift Serverless Logic Workflow projects
      kn workflow [command]
      kn workflow, kn-workflow
    Available Commands:
      completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
      create      Creates a new OpenShift Serverless Logic Workflow project
      deploy      Deploy an OpenShift Serverless Logic Workflow project on Kubernetes via SonataFlow Operator
      help        Help about any command
      quarkus     Manage OpenShift Serverless Logic Workflow projects built in Quarkus
      run         Run an OpenShift Serverless Logic Workflow project in development mode
      undeploy    Undeploy an OpenShift Serverless Logic Workflow project on Kubernetes via SonataFlow Operator
      version     Show the version
      -h, --help      help for kn
      -v, --version   version for kn
    Use "kn [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Chapter 11. Serverless upgrades

OpenShift Serverless should be upgraded without skipping release versions. This section shows how to resolve problems with upgrading.

11.1. Serverless Operator maintenance release upgrades

11.1.1. Latest and maintenance releases

Beginning with OpenShift Serverless 1.29, the different product versions are available as follows:

  • The latest release is available through the stable channel.
  • The maintenance release is available through its version-based channel, for example, stable-1.29.


    The maintenance release is the release prior to the latest release. For example, if the stable channel includes version 1.30, then the maintenance release will be available in the stable-1.29 channel.

Using a version-based channel allows you to stay within a specific x.y stream. Additionally, it prevents an upgrade to the latest version of the product, which might contain breaking changes.

To switch to the maintenance release, update the channel parameter in the subscription object YAML file from stable to the corresponding version-based channel, such as stable-1.29.

11.1.2. Patches and hotfixes for maintenance releases

As with the stable release, the maintenance release is subject to patches and hotfixes, which help to keep your deployment up to date with critical bug and security fixes.

  • Patches are updates that are distributed as z-releases, for example, OpenShift Serverless 1.29.1 is the patch that provides updates made since version 1.29.0.
  • Hotfixes are fixes that require zero downtime and are used directly in production. They are different from the usual updates in that they upgrade the customer’s deployed version, and not the latest released version.

    Hotfixes might not be available to all customers immediately. However, changes introduced by hotfixes often become available to all customers as part of a future release.

    When a hotfix pertaining to your deployment is available, you will be given the hotfix CatalogSource to update your subscription and obtain the hotfix.

    After a new operator release is available, deployed operators with hotfixes can also be upgraded. To use the latest GA version, modify the subscription to use the public CatalogSource instead of the hotfix one.

The following diagram illustrates how patches and hotfixes work:

     stable                                       stable-1.28
+--------------+                 +--------------------------------------------+
|              |                 |                                            |
|  +--------+  | corresponds to  |   +--------+    +--------+    +--------+   |
|  | 1.28.0 |----------------------> | 1.28.0 |    | 1.28.1 |    | 1.28.2 |   |
|  +--------+  |                 |   +--------+    +--------+    +--------+   |
|              |                 |     |                   ^            |     |
|              |                 +-----|-------------------|------------|-----+
|  +--------+  |                created|                   |upgrades    |
|  | 1.28.1 |  |                from   |     hotfix_xyz    |to          |
|  +--------+  |                       |   +------------+  |            |
|              |                       +-->|            |--+            |
|              |                           |            |               |
|  +--------+  | upgrades to               +------------+               |
|  | 1.29.0 |<----------------------------------------------------------+
|  +--------+  |
|              |
|              |
|  +--------+  |
|  | 1.30.0 |  |
|  +--------+  |
|              |

11.1.3. Upgrade path for maintenance releases

If you use a version-based channel, you can always upgrade to the latest version in the channel, or head. For example, you can upgrade from 1.29.0 to 1.29.2 in the stable-1.29 channel.

Additionally, from the head of the channel, you can upgrade to the next x.y release. For example, if 1.29.2 is the head in the stable-1.29 channel, you can upgrade from 1.29.2 to 1.30. Such cross-channel updates are not done automatically, and the administrator needs to switch the channel manually by updating the subscription.

11.1.4. Upgrade examples Scenario 1

In this scenario, the following circumstances are true:

  • The channel is stable-1.28
  • You are switching to the stable channel
  • The currently installed version is 1.28.0
  • 1.29.0 was released before 1.28.1
  • 1.30.0 is the head of the stable channel

The upgrade path from 1.28.0 on stable-1.28 to 1.29.0 on stable in this scenario is 1.28.0 to 1.28.1 to 1.29.0.

     stable                    stable-1.28
+--------------+            +--------------+
|              |            |              |
|  +--------+  |            |  +--------+  |
|  | 1.28.0 |  |            |  | 1.28.0 |  |
|  +--------+  |            |  +--------+  |
|              |            |       |      |
|              |            |       |      |
|  +--------+  |            |       |      |
|  | 1.29.0 |<--------      |       v      |
|  +--------+  |     |      |  +--------+  |
|              |     +---------| 1.28.1 |  |
|              |            |  +--------+  |
|  +--------+  |            |              |
|  | 1.30.0 |  |            |              |
|  +--------+  |            |              |
|              |            |              |
+--------------+            +--------------+ Scenario 2

In this scenario, the following circumstances are true:

  • The channel is stable-1.29
  • The currently installed version is 1.29.0
  • 1.29.1 was released to both the stable-1.29 and stable channels before 1.30.0 was released to the stable channel

The upgrade path from 1.29.0 on stable-1.29 to 1.30.0 on stable in this scenario is 1.29.0 to 1.29.1 to 1.30.0.

     stable                   stable-1.29
+--------------+           +--------------+
|              |           |              |
|  +--------+  |           |  +--------+  |
|  | 1.29.0 |  |           |  | 1.29.0 |  |
|  +--------+  |           |  +--------+  |
|              |           |       |      |
|              |           |       v      |
|  +--------+  |           |  +--------+  |
|  | 1.29.1 |  |           |  | 1.29.1 |  |
|  +--------+  |           |  +--------+  |
|              |           |       |      |
|              |           |       |      |
|  +--------+  |           |       |      |
|  | 1.30.0 |<---------------------+      |
|  +--------+  |           |              |
|              |           |              |
+--------------+           +--------------+ Scenario 3

In this scenario, the following circumstances are true:

  • The channel is stable-1.29
  • You are switching to the stable-1.30 channel
  • The currently installed version is 1.29.1
  • 1.29.1 is the head of the stable-1.29 channel

The upgrade path from 1.29.1 on stable-1.29 to 1.30.0 on stable-1.30 in this scenario is 1.29.1 to 1.30.0.

   stable-1.29              stable-1.30
+--------------+         +--------------+
|              |         |              |
|  +--------+  |         |  +--------+  |
|  | 1.29.0 |  |    ------> | 1.30.0 |  |
|  +--------+  |    |    |  +--------+  |
|              |    |    |              |
|              |    |    |              |
|  +--------+  |    |    |              |
|  | 1.29.1 |-------+    |              |
|  +--------+  |         |              |
|              |         |              |
+--------------+         +--------------+

11.2. Resolving an OpenShift Serverless Operator upgrade failure

You might encounter an error when upgrading OpenShift Serverless Operator, for example, when performing manual uninstalls and reinstalls. If you encounter an error, you must manually reinstall OpenShift Serverless Operator.


  1. Identify the version of OpenShift Serverless Operator that was installed originally by searching in the OpenShift Serverless Release Notes.

    For example, the error message during attempted upgrade might contain the following string:

    The installed KnativeServing version is v1.5.0.

    In this example, the KnativeServing MAJOR.MINOR version is 1.5, which is covered in the release notes for OpenShift Serverless 1.26: OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Serving 1.5.

  2. Uninstall OpenShift Serverless Operator and all of its install plans.
  3. Manually install the version of OpenShift Serverless Operator that you discovered in the first step. To install, first create a serverless-subscription.yaml file as shown in the following example:

    kind: Subscription
      name: serverless-operator
      namespace: openshift-serverless
      channel: stable
      name: serverless-operator
      source: redhat-operators
      sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
      installPlanApproval: Manual
      startingCSV: serverless-operator.v1.26.0
  4. Then, install the subscription by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f serverless-subscription.yaml
  5. Upgrade by manually approving the upgrade install plans as they appear.

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