
Chapter 13. Replacing Controller Nodes

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In certain circumstances a Controller node in a high availability cluster might fail. In these situations, you must remove the node from the cluster and replace it with a new Controller node.

Complete the steps in this section to replace a Controller node. The Controller node replacement process involves running the openstack overcloud deploy command to update the overcloud with a request to replace a Controller node.


The following procedure applies only to high availability environments. Do not use this procedure if using only one Controller node.

13.1. Preparing for Controller replacement

Before attempting to replace an overcloud Controller node, it is important to check the current state of your Red Hat OpenStack Platform environment. Checking the current state can help avoid complications during the Controller replacement process. Use the following list of preliminary checks to determine if it is safe to perform a Controller node replacement. Run all commands for these checks on the undercloud.


  1. Check the current status of the overcloud stack on the undercloud:

    $ source stackrc
    (undercloud) $ openstack stack list --nested

    The overcloud stack and its subsequent child stacks should have either a CREATE_COMPLETE or UPDATE_COMPLETE.

  2. Perform a backup of the undercloud databases:

    (undercloud) $ mkdir /home/stack/backup
    (undercloud) $ sudo mysqldump --all-databases --quick --single-transaction | gzip > /home/stack/backup/dump_db_undercloud.sql.gz
  3. Check that your undercloud contains 10 GB free storage to accommodate for image caching and conversion when provisioning the new node.
  4. If you are reusing the IP address for the new controller node, ensure that you delete the port used by the old controller:

    (undercloud) $ openstack port delete <port>
  5. Check the status of Pacemaker on the running Controller nodes. For example, if is the IP address of a running Controller node, use the following command to get the Pacemaker status:

    (undercloud) $ ssh heat-admin@ 'sudo pcs status'

    The output should show all services running on the existing nodes and stopped on the failed node.

  6. Check the following parameters on each node of the overcloud MariaDB cluster:

    • wsrep_local_state_comment: Synced
    • wsrep_cluster_size: 2

      Use the following command to check these parameters on each running Controller node. In this example, the Controller node IP addresses are and

      (undercloud) $ for i in ; do echo "*** $i ***" ; ssh heat-admin@$i "sudo mysql -p\$(sudo hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml mysql::server::root_password) --execute=\"SHOW STATUS LIKE 'wsrep_local_state_comment'; SHOW STATUS LIKE 'wsrep_cluster_size';\""; done
  7. Check the RabbitMQ status. For example, if is the IP address of a running Controller node, use the following command to get the status:

    (undercloud) $ ssh heat-admin@ "sudo docker exec \$(sudo docker ps -f name=rabbitmq-bundle -q) rabbitmqctl cluster_status"

    The running_nodes key should only show the two available nodes and not the failed node.

  8. Disable fencing, if enabled. For example, if is the IP address of a running Controller node, use the following command to disable fencing:

    (undercloud) $ ssh heat-admin@ "sudo pcs property set stonith-enabled=false"

    Check the fencing status with the following command:

    (undercloud) $ ssh heat-admin@ "sudo pcs property show stonith-enabled"
  9. Check the nova-compute service on the director node:

    (undercloud) $ sudo systemctl status openstack-nova-compute
    (undercloud) $ openstack hypervisor list

    The output should show all non-maintenance mode nodes as up.

  10. Make sure all undercloud services are running:

    (undercloud) $ sudo systemctl -t service

13.2. Restoring a Controller node from a backup or snapshot

In certain cases where a Controller node fails but the physical disk is still functional, you can restore the node from a backup or a snapshot without replacing the node itself.


Ensure that the MAC address of the NIC used for PXE boot on the failed Controller node remains the same after disk replacement.


  • If the Controller node is a Red Hat Virtualization node and you use snapshots to back up your Controller nodes, restore the node from the snapshot. For more information, see "Using a Snapshot to Restore a Virtual Machine" in the Red Hat Virtualization Virtual Machine Management Guide.
  • If the Controller node is a Red Hat Virtualization node and you use a backup storage domain, restore the node from the backup storage domain. For more information, see "Backing Up and Restoring Virtual Machines Using a Backup Storage Domain" in the Red Hat Virtualization Administration Guide.
  • If you have a backup image of the Controller node from the Relax-and-Recover (ReaR) tool, restore the node using the ReaR tool. For more information, see "Restoring the control plane" in the Undercloud and Control Plane Back Up and Restore guide.
  • After recovering the node from backup or snapshot, you might need to recover the Galera nodes separately. For more information, see the article How Galera works and how to rescue Galera clusters in the context of Red Hat OpenStack Platform.
  • After you complete the backup restoration, run your openstack overcloud deploy command with all necessary environment files to ensure that the Controller node configuration matches the configuration of the other nodes in the cluster.
  • If you do not have a backup of the node, you must follow the standard Controller replacement procedure.

13.3. Removing a Ceph Monitor daemon

Follow this procedure to remove a ceph-mon daemon from the storage cluster. If your Controller node is running a Ceph monitor service, complete the following steps to remove the ceph-mon daemon. This procedure assumes the Controller is reachable.


Adding a new Controller to the cluster also adds a new Ceph monitor daemon automatically.


  1. Connect to the Controller you want to replace and become root:

    # ssh heat-admin@
    # sudo su -

    If the controller is unreachable, skip steps 1 and 2 and continue the procedure at step 3 on any working controller node.

  2. As root, stop the monitor:

    # systemctl stop ceph-mon@<monitor_hostname>

    For example:

    # systemctl stop ceph-mon@overcloud-controller-1
  3. Remove the monitor from the cluster:

    # ceph mon remove <mon_id>
  4. On the Ceph monitor node, remove the monitor entry from /etc/ceph/ceph.conf. For example, if you remove controller-1, then remove the IP and hostname for controller-1.


    mon host =,,
    mon initial members = overcloud-controller-2,overcloud-controller-1,overcloud-controller-0


    mon host =,
    mon initial members = overcloud-controller-2,overcloud-controller-0
  5. Apply the same change to /etc/ceph/ceph.conf on the other overcloud nodes.


    The director updates the ceph.conf file on the relevant overcloud nodes when you add the replacement controller node. Normally, director manages this configuration file exclusively and you should not edit the file manually. However, you can edit the file manually to ensure consistency in case the other nodes restart before you add the new node.

  6. Optionally, archive the monitor data and save the archive on another server:

    # mv /var/lib/ceph/mon/<cluster>-<daemon_id> /var/lib/ceph/mon/removed-<cluster>-<daemon_id>

13.4. Preparing the cluster for Controller replacement

Before replacing the old node, you must ensure that Pacemaker is no longer running on the node and then remove that node from the Pacemaker cluster.


  1. Get a list of IP addresses for the Controller nodes:

    (undercloud) $ openstack server list -c Name -c Networks
    | Name                   | Networks              |
    | overcloud-compute-0    | ctlplane= |
    | overcloud-controller-0 | ctlplane= |
    | overcloud-controller-1 | ctlplane= |
    | overcloud-controller-2 | ctlplane= |
  2. If the old node is still reachable, log in to one of the remaining nodes and stop pacemaker on the old node. For this example, stop pacemaker on overcloud-controller-1:

    (undercloud) $ ssh heat-admin@ "sudo pcs status | grep -w Online | grep -w overcloud-controller-1"
    (undercloud) $ ssh heat-admin@ "sudo pcs cluster stop overcloud-controller-1"

    In case the old node is physically unavailable or stopped, it is not necessary to perform the previous operation, as pacemaker is already stopped on that node.

  3. After stopping Pacemaker on the old node (i.e. it is shown as Stopped in pcs status), delete the old node from the corosync configuration on each node and restart Corosync. For this example, the following command logs into overcloud-controller-0 and overcloud-controller-2 removes the node:

    (undercloud) $ for NAME in overcloud-controller-0 overcloud-controller-2; do IP=$(openstack server list -c Networks -f value --name $NAME | cut -d "=" -f 2) ; ssh heat-admin@$IP "sudo pcs cluster localnode remove overcloud-controller-1; sudo pcs cluster reload corosync"; done
  4. Log in to one of the remaining nodes and delete the node from the cluster with the crm_node command:

    (undercloud) $ ssh heat-admin@
    [heat-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$ sudo crm_node -R overcloud-controller-1 --force
  5. The overcloud database must continue to run during the replacement procedure. To ensure Pacemaker does not stop Galera during this procedure, select a running Controller node and run the following command on the undercloud using the Controller node’s IP address:

    (undercloud) $ ssh heat-admin@ "sudo pcs resource unmanage galera-bundle"

13.5. Reusing a Controller node

You can reuse a failed Controller node and redeploy it as a new node. Use this method when you do not have an extra node to use for replacement.


  1. Source the stackrc file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  2. Disassociate the failed node from the overcloud:

    $ openstack baremetal node undeploy <FAILED_NODE>

    Replace <FAILED_NODE> with the UUID of the failed node. This command disassociates the node in OpenStack Bare Metal (ironic) from the overcloud servers in OpenStack Compute (nova). If you have enabled node cleaning, this command also removes the file system from the node disks.

  3. Tag the new node with the control profile:

    (undercloud) $ openstack baremetal node set --property capabilities='profile:control,boot_option:local' <FAILED NODE>
  4. If your Controller node failed due to a faulty disk, you can replace the disk at this point and perform an introspection on the node to refresh the introspection data from the new disk.

    $ openstack baremetal node manage <FAILED NODE>
    $ openstack overcloud node introspect --all-manageable --provide

The failed node is now ready for the node replacement and redeployment. When you perform the node replacement, the failed node acts as a new node and uses an increased index. For example, if your control plane cluster contains overcloud-controller-0, overcloud-controller-1, and overcloud-controller-2 and you reuse overcloud-controller-1 as a new node, the new node name will be overcloud-controller-3.

13.6. Reusing a BMC IP address

You can replace a failed Controller node with a new node but retain the same BMC IP address. Remove the failed node, reassign the BMC IP address, add the new node as a new baremetal record, and execute introspection.


  1. Source the stackrc file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  2. Remove the failed node:

    $ openstack baremetal node undeploy <FAILED_NODE>
    $ openstack baremetal node maintenance set <FAILED_NODE>
    $ openstack baremetal node delete <FAILED_NODE>

    Replace <FAILED_NODE> with the UUID of the failed node. The openstack baremetal node delete command might fail temporarily if there is a previous command in the queue. If the openstack baremetal node delete command fails, wait for the previous command to complete. This might take up to five minutes.

  3. Assign the BMC IP address of the failed node to the new node.
  4. Add the new node as a new baremetal record:

    $ openstack overcloud node import newnode.json

    For more information about registering overcloud nodes, see Registering nodes for the overcloud.

  5. Perform introspection on the new node:

    $ openstack overcloud node introspect --all-manageable --provide
  6. List unassociated nodes and identify the ID of the new node:

    $ openstack baremetal node list --unassociated
  7. Tag the new node with the control profile:

    (undercloud) $ openstack baremetal node set --property capabilities='profile:control,boot_option:local' <NEW NODE UUID>

13.7. Triggering the Controller node replacement

Complete the following steps to remove the old Controller node and replace it with a new Controller node.


  1. Determine the UUID of the node that you want to remove and store it in the NODEID variable. Ensure that you replace NODE_NAME with the name of the node that you want to remove:

    $ NODEID=$(openstack server list -f value -c ID --name NODE_NAME)
  2. To identify the Heat resource ID, enter the following command:

    $ openstack stack resource show overcloud ControllerServers -f json -c attributes | jq --arg NODEID "$NODEID" -c '.attributes.value | keys[] as $k | if .[$k] == $NODEID then "Node index \($k) for \(.[$k])" else empty end'
  3. Create the following environment file ~/templates/remove-controller.yaml and include the node index of the Controller node that you want to remove:

        [{'resource_list': ['NODE_INDEX']}]
  4. Run your overcloud deployment command, including the remove-controller.yaml environment file along with any other environment files relevant to your environment:

    (undercloud) $ openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
        -e /home/stack/templates/remove-controller.yaml \

    Include -e ~/templates/remove-controller.yaml only for this instance of the deployment command. Remove this environment file from subsequent deployment operations.

  5. The director removes the old node, creates a new node with the next node index ID, and updates the overcloud stack. You can check the status of the overcloud stack with the following command:

    (undercloud) $ openstack stack list --nested
  6. Once the deployment command completes, the director shows the old node replaced with the new node:

    (undercloud) $ openstack server list -c Name -c Networks
    | Name                   | Networks              |
    | overcloud-compute-0    | ctlplane= |
    | overcloud-controller-0 | ctlplane= |
    | overcloud-controller-2 | ctlplane= |
    | overcloud-controller-3 | ctlplane= |

    The new node now hosts running control plane services.

13.8. Cleaning up after Controller node replacement

After completing the node replacement, complete the following steps to finalize the Controller cluster.


  1. Log into a Controller node.
  2. Enable Pacemaker management of the Galera cluster and start Galera on the new node:

    [heat-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$ sudo pcs resource refresh galera-bundle
    [heat-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$ sudo pcs resource manage galera-bundle
  3. Perform a final status check to make sure services are running correctly:

    [heat-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$ sudo pcs status

    If any services have failed, use the pcs resource refresh command to resolve and restart the failed services.

  4. Exit to the director

    [heat-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$ exit
  5. Source the overcloudrc file so that you can interact with the overcloud:

    $ source ~/overcloudrc
  6. Check the network agents in your overcloud environment:

    (overcloud) $ openstack network agent list
  7. If any agents appear for the old node, remove them:

    (overcloud) $ for AGENT in $(openstack network agent list --host overcloud-controller-1.localdomain -c ID -f value) ; do openstack network agent delete $AGENT ; done
  8. If necessary, add your hosting router to the L3 agent on the new node. Use the following example command to add a hosting router r1 to the L3 agent using the UUID 2d1c1dc1-d9d4-4fa9-b2c8-f29cd1a649d4:

    (overcloud) $ openstack network agent add router -l3 2d1c1dc1-d9d4-4fa9-b2c8-f29cd1a649d4 r1
  9. Compute services for the removed node still exist in the overcloud and require removal. Check the compute services for the removed node:

    [stack@director ~]$ source ~/overcloudrc
    (overcloud) $ openstack compute service list --host overcloud-controller-1.localdomain
  10. Remove the compute services for the removed node:

    (overcloud) $ for SERVICE in $(openstack compute service list --host overcloud-controller-1.localdomain -c ID -f value ) ; do openstack compute service delete $SERVICE ; done
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