
Chapter 6. Deploying SR-IOV technologies

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In your Red Hat OpenStack Platform NFV deployment, you can achieve higher performance with single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV), when you configure direct access from your instances to a shared PCIe resource through virtual resources.

6.1. Prerequisites


Do not manually edit any values in /etc/tuned/cpu-partitioning-variables.conf that director heat templates modify.

6.2. Configuring SR-IOV

To deploy Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) with single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV), configure the shared PCIe resources that have SR-IOV capabilities that instances can request direct access to.


The following CPU assignments, memory allocation, and NIC configurations are examples, and might be different from your use case.


  1. Log in to the undercloud as the stack user.
  2. Source the stackrc file:

    [stack@director ~]$ source ~/stackrc
  3. Generate a new roles data file named roles_data_compute_sriov.yaml that includes the Controller and ComputeSriov roles:

    (undercloud)$ openstack overcloud roles \
     generate -o /home/stack/templates/roles_data_compute_sriov.yaml \
     Controller ComputeSriov

    ComputeSriov is a custom role provided with your RHOSP installation that includes the NeutronSriovAgent, NeutronSriovHostConfig services, in addition to the default compute services.

  4. To prepare the SR-IOV containers, include the neutron-sriov.yaml and roles_data_compute_sriov.yaml files when you generate the overcloud_images.yaml file.

    $ sudo openstack tripleo container image prepare \
      --roles-file ~/templates/roles_data_compute_sriov.yaml \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/services/neutron-sriov.yaml \
      -e ~/containers-prepare-parameter.yaml \

    For more information on container image preparation, see Preparing container images in the Director Installation and Usage guide.

  5. Create a copy of the /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-environment.yaml file in your environment file directory:

    $ cp /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-environment.yaml /home/stack/templates/network-environment-sriov.yaml
  6. Add the following parameters under parameter_defaults in your network-environment-sriov.yaml file to configure the SR-IOV nodes for your cluster and your hardware configuration:

      NeutronNetworkType: 'vlan'
        - tenant:22:22
        - tenant:25:25
      NeutronTunnelTypes: ''
  7. To determine the vendor_id and product_id for each PCI device type, use one of the following commands on the physical server that has the PCI cards:

    • To return the vendor_id and product_id from a deployed overcloud, use the following command:

      # lspci -nn -s  <pci_device_address>
      3b:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Intel Corporation Ethernet Controller X710 for 10GbE SFP+ [<vendor_id>: <product_id>] (rev 02)
    • To return the vendor_id and product_id of a physical function (PF) if you have not yet deployed the overcloud, use the following command:

      (undercloud) [stack@undercloud-0 ~]$ openstack baremetal introspection data save <baremetal_node_name> | jq '.inventory.interfaces[] | .name, .vendor, .product'
  8. Configure role specific parameters for SR-IOV compute nodes in your network-environment-sriov.yaml file:

        IsolCpusList: "1-19,21-39"
        KernelArgs: "default_hugepagesz=1GB hugepagesz=1G hugepages=32 iommu=pt intel_iommu=on isolcpus=1-19,21-39"
        TunedProfileName: "cpu-partitioning"
          - tenant:br-link0
          - tenant:p7p1
        NovaComputeCpuDedicatedSet: '1-19,21-39'
        NovaReservedHostMemory: 4096

    The NovaVcpuPinSet parameter is now deprecated, and is replaced by NovaComputeCpuDedicatedSet for dedicated, pinned workloads.

  9. Configure the PCI passthrough devices for the SR-IOV compute nodes in your network-environment-sriov.yaml file:

          - vendor_id: "<vendor_id>"
            product_id: "<product_id>"
            address: <NIC_address>
            physical_network: "<physical_network>"
    • Replace <vendor_id> with the vendor ID of the PCI device.
    • Replace <product_id> with the product ID of the PCI device.
    • Replace <NIC_address> with the address of the PCI device. For information about how to configure the address parameter, see Guidelines for configuring NovaPCIPassthrough in the Configuring the Compute Service for Instance Creation guide.
    • Replace <physical_network> with the name of the physical network the PCI device is located on.


      Do not use the devname parameter when you configure PCI passthrough because the device name of a NIC can change. To create a Networking service (neutron) port on a PF, specify the vendor_id, the product_id, and the PCI device address in NovaPCIPassthrough, and create the port with the --vnic-type direct-physical option. To create a Networking service port on a virtual function (VF), specify the vendor_id and product_id in NovaPCIPassthrough, and create the port with the --vnic-type direct option. The values of the vendor_id and product_id parameters might be different between physical function (PF) and VF contexts. For more information about how to configure NovaPCIPassthrough, see Guidelines for configuring NovaPCIPassthrough in the Configuring the Compute Service for Instance Creation guide.

  10. Configure the SR-IOV enabled interfaces in the compute.yaml network configuration template. To create SR-IOV VFs, configure the interfaces as standalone NICs:

                 - type: sriov_pf
                    name: p7p3
                    mtu: 9000
                    numvfs: 10
                    use_dhcp: false
                    defroute: false
                    nm_controlled: true
                    hotplug: true
                    promisc: false
                  - type: sriov_pf
                    name: p7p4
                    mtu: 9000
                    numvfs: 10
                    use_dhcp: false
                    defroute: false
                    nm_controlled: true
                    hotplug: true
                    promisc: false

    The numvfs parameter replaces the NeutronSriovNumVFs parameter in the network configuration templates. Red Hat does not support modification of the NeutronSriovNumVFs parameter or the numvfs parameter after deployment. If you modify either parameter after deployment, it might cause a disruption for the running instances that have an SR-IOV port on that PF. In this case, you must hard reboot these instances to make the SR-IOV PCI device available again.

  11. Ensure that the list of default filters includes the value AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter:

    NovaSchedulerDefaultFilters: ['AvailabilityZoneFilter','ComputeFilter','ComputeCapabilitiesFilter','ImagePropertiesFilter','ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter','ServerGroupAffinityFilter','PciPassthroughFilter','AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter']
  12. Run the script.

6.3. NIC partitioning

This feature is generally available from Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 16.1.2, and is validated on Intel Fortville NICs, and Mellanox CX-5 NICs.

You can configure single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) so that a RHOSP host can use virtual functions (VFs).

When you partition a single, high-speed NIC into multiple VFs, you can use the NIC for both control and data plane traffic.


  1. Open the NIC config file for your chosen role.
  2. Add an entry for the interface type sriov_pf to configure a physical function that the host can use:

            - type: sriov_pf
                name: <interface name>
                use_dhcp: false
                numvfs: <number of vfs>
                promisc: <true/false> #optional (Defaults to true)

    The numvfs parameter replaces the NeutronSriovNumVFs parameter in the network configuration templates. Red Hat does not support modification of the NeutronSriovNumVFs parameter or the numvfs parameter after deployment. If you modify either parameter after deployment, it might cause a disruption for the running instances that have an SR-IOV port on that physical function (PF). In this case, you must hard reboot these instances to make the SR-IOV PCI device available again.

  3. Add an entry for the interface type sriov_vf to configure virtual functions that the host can use:

     - type: <bond_type>
       name: internal_bond
       bonding_options: mode=<bonding_option>
       use_dhcp: false
       - type: sriov_vf
           device: <pf_device_name>
           vfid: <vf_id>
       - type: sriov_vf
           device:  <pf_device_name>
           vfid: <vf_id>
     - type: vlan
         get_param: InternalApiNetworkVlanID
       spoofcheck: false
       device: internal_bond
       - ip_netmask:
           get_param: InternalApiIpSubnet
         - get_param: InternalApiInterfaceRoutes
    • Replace <bond_type> with the required bond type, for example, linux_bond. You can apply VLAN tags on the bond for other bonds, such as ovs_bond.
    • Replace <bonding_option> with one of the following supported bond modes:

      • active-backup
      • Balance-slb


        LACP bonds are not supported.

    • Specify the sriov_vf as the interface type to bond in the members section.


      If you are using an OVS bridge as the interface type, you can configure only one OVS bridge on the sriov_vf of a sriov_pf device. More than one OVS bridge on a single sriov_pf device can result in packet duplication across VFs, and decreased performance.

    • Replace <pf_device_name> with the name of the PF device.
    • If you use a linux_bond, you must assign VLAN tags.
    • Replace <vf_id> with the ID of the VF. The applicable VF ID range starts at zero, and ends at the maximum number of VFs minus one.
  4. Disable spoof checking, and apply VLAN tags on the sriov_vf for linux_bond over VFs.
  5. To reserve VFs for instances, include the NovaPCIPassthrough parameter in an environment file, for example:

     - address: "0000:19:0e.3"
       trusted: "true"
       physical_network: "sriov1"
     - address: "0000:19:0e.0"
       trusted: "true"
       physical_network: "sriov2"

    Director identifies the host VFs, and derives the PCI addresses of the VFs that are available to the instance.

  6. Enable IOMMU on all nodes that require NIC partitioning. For example, if you want NIC Partitioning for Compute nodes, enable IOMMU using the KernelArgs parameter for that role.

        KernelArgs: "intel_iommu=on iommu=pt"
  7. Add your role file and environment files to the stack with your other environment files and deploy the overcloud:

    (undercloud)$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
      -r os-net-config.yaml
      -e [your environment files] \
      -e /home/stack/templates/<compute_environment_file>.yaml

Example NIC Partitioning configurations

  • To configure a Linux bond over VFs, disable spoofcheck, and apply VLAN tags to sriov_vf:

    - type: linux_bond
      name: bond_api
      bonding_options: "mode=active-backup"
        - type: sriov_vf
          device: eno2
          vfid: 1
            get_param: InternalApiNetworkVlanID
          spoofcheck: false
        - type: sriov_vf
          device: eno3
          vfid: 1
            get_param: InternalApiNetworkVlanID
          spoofcheck: false
        - ip_netmask:
          get_param: InternalApiIpSubnet
        - get_param: InternalApiInterfaceRoutes
  • Use the following example to configure an OVS bridge on VFs:

    - type: ovs_bridge
      name: br-bond
      use_dhcp: true
        - type: vlan
          get_param: TenantNetworkVlanID
      - ip_netmask:
        get_param: TenantIpSubnet
          - get_param: ControlPlaneStaticRoutes
      - type: ovs_bond
        name: bond_vf
        ovs_options: "bond_mode=active-backup"
          - type: sriov_vf
            device: p2p1
            vfid: 2
          - type: sriov_vf
            device: p2p2
            vfid: 2
  • To configure an OVS user bridge on VFs, apply VLAN tags to the ovs_user_bridge parameter:

    - type: ovs_user_bridge
      name: br-link0
      use_dhcp: false
      mtu: 9000
        - str_replace:
            template: set port br-link0 tag=_VLAN_TAG_
                get_param: TenantNetworkVlanID
        - ip_netmask:
            get_param: TenantIpSubnet
          - get_param: TenantInterfaceRoutes
        - type: ovs_dpdk_bond
          name: dpdkbond0
          mtu: 9000
            - set port dpdkbond0 bond_mode=balance-slb
            - type: ovs_dpdk_port
              name: dpdk0
                - type: sriov_vf
                  device: eno2
                  vfid: 3
            - type: ovs_dpdk_port
              name: dpdk1
                - type: sriov_vf
                  device: eno3
                  vfid: 3


  1. Check the number of VFs.

    [root@overcloud-compute-0 heat-admin]# cat /sys/class/net/p4p1/device/sriov_numvfs
    [root@overcloud-compute-0 heat-admin]# cat /sys/class/net/p4p2/device/sriov_numvfs
  2. Check Linux bonds.

    [root@overcloud-compute-0 heat-admin]# cat /proc/net/bonding/intapi_bond
    Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver: v3.7.1 (April 27, 2011)
    Bonding Mode: fault-tolerance (active-backup)
    Primary Slave: None
    Currently Active Slave: p4p1_1
    MII Status: up
    MII Polling Interval (ms): 0
    Up Delay (ms): 0
    Down Delay (ms): 0
    Slave Interface: p4p1_1
    MII Status: up
    Speed: 10000 Mbps
    Duplex: full
    Link Failure Count: 0
    Permanent HW addr: 16:b4:4c:aa:f0:a8
    Slave queue ID: 0
    Slave Interface: p4p2_1
    MII Status: up
    Speed: 10000 Mbps
    Duplex: full
    Link Failure Count: 0
    Permanent HW addr: b6:be:82:ac:51:98
    Slave queue ID: 0
    [root@overcloud-compute-0 heat-admin]# cat /proc/net/bonding/st_bond
    Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver: v3.7.1 (April 27, 2011)
    Bonding Mode: fault-tolerance (active-backup)
    Primary Slave: None
    Currently Active Slave: p4p1_3
    MII Status: up
    MII Polling Interval (ms): 0
    Up Delay (ms): 0
    Down Delay (ms): 0
    Slave Interface: p4p1_3
    MII Status: up
    Speed: 10000 Mbps
    Duplex: full
    Link Failure Count: 0
    Permanent HW addr: 9a:86:b7:cc:17:e4
    Slave queue ID: 0
    Slave Interface: p4p2_3
    MII Status: up
    Speed: 10000 Mbps
    Duplex: full
    Link Failure Count: 0
    Permanent HW addr: d6:07:f8:78:dd:5b
    Slave queue ID: 0
  3. List OVS bonds.

    [root@overcloud-compute-0 heat-admin]# ovs-appctl bond/show
    ---- bond_prov ----
    bond_mode: active-backup
    bond may use recirculation: no, Recirc-ID : -1
    bond-hash-basis: 0
    updelay: 0 ms
    downdelay: 0 ms
    lacp_status: off
    lacp_fallback_ab: false
    active slave mac: f2:ad:c7:00:f5:c7(dpdk2)
    slave dpdk2: enabled
      active slave
      may_enable: true
    slave dpdk3: enabled
      may_enable: true
    ---- bond_tnt ----
    bond_mode: active-backup
    bond may use recirculation: no, Recirc-ID : -1
    bond-hash-basis: 0
    updelay: 0 ms
    downdelay: 0 ms
    lacp_status: off
    lacp_fallback_ab: false
    active slave mac: b2:7e:b8:75:72:e8(dpdk0)
    slave dpdk0: enabled
      active slave
      may_enable: true
    slave dpdk1: enabled
      may_enable: true
  4. Show OVS connections.

    [root@overcloud-compute-0 heat-admin]# ovs-vsctl show
        Manager "ptcp:6640:"
            is_connected: true
        Bridge br-tenant
            fail_mode: standalone
            Port br-tenant
                Interface br-tenant
                    type: internal
            Port bond_tnt
                Interface "dpdk0"
                    type: dpdk
                    options: {dpdk-devargs="0000:82:02.2"}
                Interface "dpdk1"
                    type: dpdk
                    options: {dpdk-devargs="0000:82:04.2"}
        Bridge "sriov2"
            Controller "tcp:"
                is_connected: true
            fail_mode: secure
            Port "phy-sriov2"
                Interface "phy-sriov2"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="int-sriov2"}
            Port "sriov2"
                Interface "sriov2"
                    type: internal
        Bridge br-int
            Controller "tcp:"
                is_connected: true
            fail_mode: secure
            Port "int-sriov2"
                Interface "int-sriov2"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="phy-sriov2"}
            Port br-int
                Interface br-int
                    type: internal
            Port "vhu93164679-22"
                tag: 4
                Interface "vhu93164679-22"
                    type: dpdkvhostuserclient
                    options: {vhost-server-path="/var/lib/vhost_sockets/vhu93164679-22"}
            Port "vhu5d6b9f5a-0d"
                tag: 3
                Interface "vhu5d6b9f5a-0d"
                    type: dpdkvhostuserclient
                    options: {vhost-server-path="/var/lib/vhost_sockets/vhu5d6b9f5a-0d"}
            Port patch-tun
                Interface patch-tun
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer=patch-int}
            Port "int-sriov1"
                Interface "int-sriov1"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="phy-sriov1"}
            Port int-br-vfs
                Interface int-br-vfs
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer=phy-br-vfs}
        Bridge br-vfs
            Controller "tcp:"
                is_connected: true
            fail_mode: secure
            Port phy-br-vfs
                Interface phy-br-vfs
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer=int-br-vfs}
            Port bond_prov
                Interface "dpdk3"
                    type: dpdk
                    options: {dpdk-devargs="0000:82:04.5"}
                Interface "dpdk2"
                    type: dpdk
                    options: {dpdk-devargs="0000:82:02.5"}
            Port br-vfs
                Interface br-vfs
                    type: internal
        Bridge "sriov1"
            Controller "tcp:"
                is_connected: true
            fail_mode: secure
            Port "sriov1"
                Interface "sriov1"
                    type: internal
            Port "phy-sriov1"
                Interface "phy-sriov1"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="int-sriov1"}
        Bridge br-tun
            Controller "tcp:"
                is_connected: true
            fail_mode: secure
            Port br-tun
                Interface br-tun
                    type: internal
            Port patch-int
                Interface patch-int
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer=patch-tun}
            Port "vxlan-0a0a7315"
                Interface "vxlan-0a0a7315"
                    type: vxlan
                    options: {df_default="true", in_key=flow, local_ip="", out_key=flow, remote_ip=""}
        ovs_version: "2.10.0"

If you used NovaPCIPassthrough to pass VFs to instances, test by deploying an SR-IOV instance.

6.4. Configuring OVS hardware offload

The procedure for OVS hardware offload configuration shares many of the same steps as configuring SR-IOV.


  1. Generate an overcloud role for OVS hardware offload that is based on the Compute role:

    openstack overcloud roles generate -o roles_data.yaml Controller Compute:ComputeOvsHwOffload
  2. Optional: Change the HostnameFormatDefault: '%stackname%-compute-%index%' name for the ComputeOvsHwOffload role.
  3. Add the OvsHwOffload parameter under role-specific parameters with a value of true.
  4. To configure neutron to use the iptables/hybrid firewall driver implementation, include the line: NeutronOVSFirewallDriver: iptables_hybrid. For more information about NeutronOVSFirewallDriver, see Using the Open vSwitch Firewall in the Advanced Overcloud Customization Guide.
  5. Configure the physical_network parameter to match your environment.

    • For VLAN, set the physical_network parameter to the name of the network you create in neutron after deployment. This value should also be in NeutronBridgeMappings.
    • For VXLAN, set the physical_network parameter to null.


        NeutronOVSFirewallDriver: iptables_hybrid
          IsolCpusList: 2-9,21-29,11-19,31-39
          KernelArgs: "default_hugepagesz=1GB hugepagesz=1G hugepages=128 intel_iommu=on iommu=pt"
          OvsHwOffload: true
          TunedProfileName: "cpu-partitioning"
            - tenant:br-tenant
            - vendor_id: <vendor-id>
              product_id: <product-id>
              address: <address>
              physical_network: "tenant"
            - vendor_id: <vendor-id>
              product_id: <product-id>
              address: <address>
              physical_network: "null"
          NovaReservedHostMemory: 4096
          NovaComputeCpuDedicatedSet: 1-9,21-29,11-19,31-39
    • Replace <vendor-id> with the vendor ID of the physical NIC.
    • Replace <product-id> with the product ID of the NIC VF.
    • Replace <address> with the address of the physical NIC.

      For more information about how to configure NovaPCIPassthrough, see Guidelines for configuring NovaPCIPassthrough.

  6. Ensure that the list of default filters includes NUMATopologyFilter:

      NovaSchedulerDefaultFilters: [\'AvailabilityZoneFilter',\'ComputeFilter',\'ComputeCapabilitiesFilter',\'ImagePropertiesFilter',\'ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter',\'ServerGroupAffinityFilter',\'PciPassthroughFilter',\'NUMATopologyFilter']
  7. Configure one or more network interfaces intended for hardware offload in the compute-sriov.yaml configuration file:

      - type: ovs_bridge
        name: br-tenant
        mtu: 9000
        - type: sriov_pf
          name: p7p1
          numvfs: 5
          mtu: 9000
          primary: true
          promisc: true
          use_dhcp: false
          link_mode: switchdev
    • Do not use the NeutronSriovNumVFs parameter when configuring Open vSwitch hardware offload. The number of virtual functions is specified using the numvfs parameter in a network configuration file used by os-net-config. Red Hat does not support modifying the numvfs setting during update or redeployment.
    • Do not configure Mellanox network interfaces as a nic-config interface type ovs-vlan because this prevents tunnel endpoints such as VXLAN from passing traffic due to driver limitations.
  8. Include the ovs-hw-offload.yaml file in the overcloud deploy command:

    openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
      -r ${CUSTOM_TEMPLATES}/roles_data.yaml \
      -e ${TEMPLATES_HOME}/environments/ovs-hw-offload.yaml \
      -e ${CUSTOM_TEMPLATES}/network-environment.yaml \
      -e ${CUSTOM_TEMPLATES}/neutron-ovs.yaml

6.4.1. Verifying OVS hardware offload

  1. Confirm that a PCI device is in switchdev mode:

    # devlink dev eswitch show pci/0000:03:00.0
    pci/0000:03:00.0: mode switchdev inline-mode none encap enable
  2. Verify if offload is enabled in OVS:

    # ovs-vsctl get Open_vSwitch . other_config:hw-offload

6.5. Tuning examples for OVS hardware offload

For optimal performance you must complete additional configuration steps.

Adjusting the number of channels for each network interface to improve performance

A channel includes an interrupt request (IRQ) and the set of queues that trigger the IRQ. When you set the mlx5_core driver to switchdev mode, the mlx5_core driver defaults to one combined channel, which might not deliver optimal performance.


  • On the PF representors, enter the following command to adjust the number of CPUs available to the host. Replace $(nproc) with the number of CPUs you want to make available:

    $ sudo ethtool -L enp3s0f0 combined $(nproc)

CPU pinning

To prevent performance degradation from cross-NUMA operations, locate NICs, their applications, the VF guest, and OVS in the same NUMA node. For more information, see Configuring CPU pinning on the Compute node in the Configuring the Compute Service for Instance Creation guide.

6.6. Components of OVS hardware offload

A reference for configuring and troubleshooting the components of OVS HW Offload with Mellanox smart NICs.


Configure the Nova scheduler to use the NovaPCIPassthrough filter with the NUMATopologyFilter and DerivePciWhitelistEnabled parameters. When you enable OVS HW Offload, the Nova scheduler operates similarly to SR-IOV passthrough for instance spawning.


When you enable OVS HW Offload, use the devlink cli tool to set the NIC e-switch mode to switchdev. Switchdev mode establishes representor ports on the NIC that are mapped to the VFs.


  1. To allocate a port from a switchdev-enabled NIC, create a neutron port with a binding-profile value of capabilities, and disable port security:

    $ openstack port create --network private --vnic-type=direct --binding-profile '{"capabilities": ["switchdev"]}' direct_port1 --disable-port-security

Pass this port information when you create the instance. You associate the representor port with the instance VF interface and connect the representor port to OVS bridge br-int for one-time OVS datapath processing. A VF port representor functions like a software version of a physical “patch panel” front-end. For more information about new instance creation, see: Deploying an Instance for SR-IOV


In an environment with hardware offload configured, the first packet transmitted traverses the OVS kernel path, and this packet journey establishes the ml2 OVS rules for incoming and outgoing traffic for the instance traffic. When the flows of the traffic stream are established, OVS uses the traffic control (TC) Flower utility to push these flows on the NIC hardware.


  1. Use director to apply the following configuration on OVS:

    $ sudo ovs-vsctl set Open_vSwitch . other_config:hw-offload=true
  2. Restart to enable HW Offload.

Traffic Control (TC) subsystems

When you enable the hw-offload flag, OVS uses the TC datapath. TC Flower is an iproute2 utility that writes datapath flows on hardware. This ensures that the flow is programmed on both the hardware and software datapaths, for redundancy.


  1. Apply the following configuration. This is the default option if you do not explicitly configure tc-policy:

    $ sudo ovs-vsctl set Open_vSwitch . other_config:tc-policy=none
  2. Restart OVS.

NIC PF and VF drivers

Mlx5_core is the PF and VF driver for the Mellanox ConnectX-5 NIC. The mlx5_core driver performs the following tasks:

  • Creates routing tables on hardware.
  • Manages network flow management.
  • Configures the Ethernet switch device driver model, switchdev.
  • Creates block devices.


  • Use the following devlink commands to query the mode of the PCI device.

    $ sudo devlink dev eswitch set pci/0000:03:00.0 mode switchdev
    $ sudo devlink dev eswitch show pci/0000:03:00.0
    pci/0000:03:00.0: mode switchdev inline-mode none encap enable

NIC firmware

The NIC firmware performs the following tasks:

  • Maintains routing tables and rules.
  • Fixes the pipelines of the tables.
  • Manages hardware resources.
  • Creates VFs.

The firmware works with the driver for optimal performance.

Although the NIC firmware is non-volatile and persists after you reboot, you can modify the configuration during run time.


  • Apply the following configuration on the interfaces, and the representor ports, to ensure that TC Flower pushes the flow programming at the port level:

     $ sudo ethtool -K enp3s0f0 hw-tc-offload on

Ensure that you keep the firmware updated.Yum or dnf updates might not complete the firmware update. For more information, see your vendor documentation.

6.7. Troubleshooting OVS hardware offload


  • Linux Kernel 4.13 or newer
  • OVS 2.8 or newer
  • RHOSP 12 or newer
  • Iproute 4.12 or newer
  • Mellanox NIC firmware, for example FW ConnectX-5 16.21.0338 or newer

For more information about supported prerequisites, see see the Red Hat Knowledgebase solution Network Adapter Fast Datapath Feature Support Matrix.

Configuring the network in an OVS HW offload deployment

In a HW offload deployment, you can choose one of the following scenarios for your network configuration according to your requirements:

  • You can base guest VMs on VXLAN and VLAN by using either the same set of interfaces attached to a bond, or a different set of NICs for each type.
  • You can bond two ports of a Mellanox NIC by using Linux bond.
  • You can host tenant VXLAN networks on VLAN interfaces on top of a Mellanox Linux bond.

Ensure that individual NICs and bonds are members of an ovs-bridge.

Refer to the below example network configuration:

             - type: ovs_bridge
                name: br-offload
                mtu: 9000
                use_dhcp: false
                - type: linux_bond
                  name: bond-pf
                  bonding_options: "mode=active-backup miimon=100"
                  - type: sriov_pf
                    name: p5p1
                    numvfs: 3
                    primary: true
                    promisc: true
                    use_dhcp: false
                    defroute: false
                    link_mode: switchdev
                  - type: sriov_pf
                    name: p5p2
                    numvfs: 3
                    promisc: true
                    use_dhcp: false
                    defroute: false
                    link_mode: switchdev

              - type: vlan
                  get_param: TenantNetworkVlanID
                device: bond-pf
                - ip_netmask:
                    get_param: TenantIpSubnet

Refer to the below validated bonding configurations:

  • active-backup - mode=1
  • active-active or balance-xor - mode=2
  • 802.3ad (LACP) - mode=4

Verifying the interface configuration

Verify the interface configuration with the following procedure.


  1. During deployment, use the host network configuration tool os-net-config to enable hw-tc-offload.
  2. Enable hw-tc-offload on the sriov_config service any time you reboot the Compute node.
  3. Set the hw-tc-offload parameter to on for the NICs that are attached to the bond:.

    [root@overcloud-computesriov-0 ~]# ethtool -k ens1f0 | grep tc-offload
    hw-tc-offload: on

Verifying the interface mode

Verify the interface mode with the following procedure.


  1. Set the eswitch mode to switchdev for the interfaces you use for HW offload.
  2. Use the host network configuration tool os-net-config to enable eswitch during deployment.
  3. Enable eswitch on the sriov_config service any time you reboot the Compute node.

    [root@overcloud-computesriov-0 ~]# devlink dev eswitch show pci/$(ethtool -i ens1f0 | grep bus-info | cut -d ':' -f 2,3,4 | awk '{$1=$1};1')

The driver of the PF interface is set to "mlx5e_rep", to show that it is a representor of the e-switch uplink port. This does not affect the functionality.

Verifying the offload state in OVS

Verify the offload state in OVS with the following procedure.

  • Enable hardware offload in OVS in the Compute node.

    [root@overcloud-computesriov-0 ~]# ovs-vsctl get Open_vSwitch . other_config:hw-offload

Verifying the name of the VF representor port

To ensure consistent naming of VF representor ports, os-net-config uses udev rules to rename the ports in the <PF-name>_<VF_id> format.


  • After deployment, verify that the VF representor ports are named correctly.

    root@overcloud-computesriov-0 ~]# cat /etc/udev/rules.d/80-persistent-os-net-config.rules
    # This file is autogenerated by os-net-config
    SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", ATTR{phys_switch_id}!="", ATTR{phys_port_name}=="pf*vf*", ENV{NM_UNMANAGED}="1"
    SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", KERNELS=="0000:65:00.0", NAME="ens1f0"
    SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", ATTR{phys_switch_id}=="98039b7f9e48", ATTR{phys_port_name}=="pf0vf*", IMPORT{program}="/etc/udev/ $attr{phys_port_name}", NAME="ens1f0_$env{NUMBER}"
    SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", KERNELS=="0000:65:00.1", NAME="ens1f1"
    SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", ATTR{phys_switch_id}=="98039b7f9e49", ATTR{phys_port_name}=="pf1vf*", IMPORT{program}="/etc/udev/ $attr{phys_port_name}", NAME="ens1f1_$env{NUMBER}"

Examining network traffic flow

HW offloaded network flow functions in a similar way to physical switches or routers with application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) chips. You can access the ASIC shell of a switch or router to examine the routing table and for other debugging. The following procedure uses a Broadcom chipset from a Cumulus Linux switch as an example. Replace the values that are appropriate to your environment.


  1. To get Broadcom chip table content, use the bcmcmd command.

    root@dni-7448-26:~# cl-bcmcmd l2 show
    mac=00:02:00:00:00:08 vlan=2000 GPORT=0x2 modid=0 port=2/xe1
    mac=00:02:00:00:00:09 vlan=2000 GPORT=0x2 modid=0 port=2/xe1 Hit
  2. Inspect the Traffic Control (TC) Layer.

    # tc -s filter show dev p5p1_1 ingress
    filter block 94 protocol ip pref 3 flower chain 5
    filter block 94 protocol ip pref 3 flower chain 5 handle 0x2
      eth_type ipv4
      ip_flags nofrag
      in_hw in_hw_count 1
            action order 1: mirred (Egress Redirect to device eth4) stolen
            index 3 ref 1 bind 1 installed 364 sec used 0 sec
            Action statistics:
            Sent 253991716224 bytes 169534118 pkt (dropped 0, overlimits 0 requeues 0)
            Sent software 43711874200 bytes 30161170 pkt
            Sent hardware 210279842024 bytes 139372948 pkt
            backlog 0b 0p requeues 0
            cookie 8beddad9a0430f0457e7e78db6e0af48
  3. Examine the in_hw flags and the statistics in this output. The word hardware indicates that the hardware processes the network traffic. If you use tc-policy=none, you can check this output or a tcpdump to investigate when hardware or software handles the packets. You can see a corresponding log message in dmesg or in ovs-vswitch.log when the driver is unable to offload packets.
  4. For Mellanox, as an example, the log entries resemble syndrome messages in dmesg.

    [13232.860484] mlx5_core 0000:3b:00.0: mlx5_cmd_check:756:(pid 131368): SET_FLOW_TABLE_ENTRY(0x936) op_mod(0x0) failed, status bad parameter(0x3), syndrome (0x6b1266)

    In this example, the error code (0x6b1266) represents the following behavior:

    0x6B1266 |  set_flow_table_entry: pop vlan and forward to uplink is not allowed

Validating systems

Validate your system with the following procedure.


  1. Ensure SR-IOV and VT-d are enabled on the system.
  2. Enable IOMMU in Linux by adding intel_iommu=on to kernel parameters, for example, using GRUB.


You cannot use the OVS firewall driver with HW offload because the connection tracking properties of the flows are unsupported in the offload path in OVS 2.11.

6.8. Debugging HW Offload flow

You can use the following procedure if you encounter the following message in the ovs-vswitch.log file:

2020-01-31T06:22:11.257Z|00473|dpif_netlink(handler402)|ERR|failed to offload flow: Operation not supported: p6p1_5


  1. To enable logging on the offload modules and to get additional log information for this failure, use the following commands on the Compute node:

    ovs-appctl vlog/set dpif_netlink:file:dbg
    # Module name changed recently (check based on the version used
    ovs-appctl vlog/set netdev_tc_offloads:file:dbg [OR] ovs-appctl vlog/set netdev_offload_tc:file:dbg
    ovs-appctl vlog/set tc:file:dbg
  2. Inspect the ovs-vswitchd logs again to see additional details about the issue.

    In the following example logs, the offload failed because of an unsupported attribute mark.

     2020-01-31T06:22:11.218Z|00471|dpif_netlink(handler402)|DBG|system@ovs-system: put[create] ufid:61bd016e-eb89-44fc-a17e-958bc8e45fda recirc_id(0),dp_hash(0/0),skb_priority(0/0),in_port(7),skb_mark(0),ct_state(0/0),ct_zone(0/0),ct_mark(0/0),ct_label(0/0),eth(src=fa:16:3e:d2:f5:f3,dst=fa:16:3e:c4:a3:eb),eth_type(0x0800),ipv4(src=,dst=,proto=1/0,tos=0/0x3,ttl=64/0,frag=no),icmp(type=0/0,code=0/0), actions:set(tunnel(tun_id=0x3d,src=,dst=,ttl=64,tp_dst=4789,flags(df|key))),6
    2020-01-31T06:22:11.253Z|00472|netdev_tc_offloads(handler402)|DBG|offloading attribute pkt_mark isn't supported
    2020-01-31T06:22:11.257Z|00473|dpif_netlink(handler402)|ERR|failed to offload flow: Operation not supported: p6p1_5

Debugging Mellanox NICs

Mellanox has provided a system information script, similar to a Red Hat SOS report.

When you run this command, you create a zip file of the relevant log information, which is useful for support cases.


  • You can run this system information script with the following command:

    # ./ --asap --asap_tc --ibdiagnet --openstack

You can also install Mellanox Firmware Tools (MFT), mlxconfig, mlxlink and the OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution (OFED) drivers.

Useful CLI commands

Use the ethtool utility with the following options to gather diagnostic information:

  • ethtool -l <uplink representor> : View the number of channels
  • ethtool -I <uplink/VFs> : Check statistics
  • ethtool -i <uplink rep> : View driver information
  • ethtool -g <uplink rep> : Check ring sizes
  • ethtool -k <uplink/VFs> : View enabled features

Use the tcpdump utility at the representor and PF ports to similarly check traffic flow.

  • Any changes you make to the link state of the representor port, affect the VF link state also.
  • Representor port statistics present VF statistics also.

Use the below commands to get useful diagnostic information:

$ ovs-appctl dpctl/dump-flows -m type=offloaded

$ ovs-appctl dpctl/dump-flows -m

$ tc filter show dev ens1_0 ingress

$ tc -s filter show dev ens1_0 ingress

$ tc monitor

6.9. Deploying an instance for SR-IOV

Use host aggregates to separate high performance compute hosts. For information on creating host aggregates and associated flavors for scheduling see Creating host aggregates.


Pinned CPU instances can be located on the same Compute node as unpinned instances. For more information, see Configuring CPU pinning on the Compute node in the Configuring the Compute Service for Instance Creation guide.

Deploy an instance for single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) by performing the following steps:

  1. Create a flavor.

    # openstack flavor create <flavor> --ram <MB> --disk <GB> --vcpus <#>

    You can specify the NUMA affinity policy for PCI passthrough devices and SR-IOV interfaces by adding the extra spec hw:pci_numa_affinity_policy to your flavor. For more information, see Flavor metadata in the Configuring the Compute Service for Instance Creation guide.

  2. Create the network.

    # openstack network create net1 --provider-physical-network tenant --provider-network-type vlan --provider-segment <VLAN-ID>
    # openstack subnet create subnet1 --network net1 --subnet-range --dhcp
  3. Create the port.

    • Use vnic-type direct to create an SR-IOV virtual function (VF) port.

      # openstack port create --network net1 --vnic-type direct sriov_port
    • Use the following command to create a virtual function with hardware offload.

      # openstack port create --network net1 --vnic-type direct --binding-profile '{"capabilities": ["switchdev"]} sriov_hwoffload_port
    • Use vnic-type direct-physical to create an SR-IOV physical function (PF) port that is dedicated to a single instance. This PF port is a Networking service (neutron) port but is not controlled by the Networking service, and is not visible as a network adapter because it is a PCI device that is passed through to the instance.

      # openstack port create --network net1 --vnic-type direct-physical sriov_port
  4. Deploy an instance.

    # openstack server create --flavor <flavor> --image <image> --nic port-id=<id> <instance name>

6.10. Creating host aggregates

For better performance, deploy guests that have cpu pinning and hugepages. You can schedule high performance instances on a subset of hosts by matching aggregate metadata with flavor metadata.

  1. You can configure the AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter value, and other necessary filters, through the heat parameter NovaSchedulerDefaultFilters under parameter_defaults in your deployment templates.

        NovaSchedulerDefaultFilters: ['AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter','AvailabilityZoneFilter','ComputeFilter','ComputeCapabilitiesFilter','ImagePropertiesFilter','ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter','ServerGroupAffinityFilter','PciPassthroughFilter','NUMATopologyFilter']

    To add this parameter to the configuration of an exiting cluster, you can add it to the heat templates, and run the original deployment script again.

  2. Create an aggregate group for SR-IOV, and add relevant hosts. Define metadata, for example, sriov=true, that matches defined flavor metadata.

    # openstack aggregate create sriov_group
    # openstack aggregate add host sriov_group compute-sriov-0.localdomain
    # openstack aggregate set --property sriov=true sriov_group
  3. Create a flavor.

    # openstack flavor create <flavor> --ram <MB> --disk <GB> --vcpus <#>
  4. Set additional flavor properties. Note that the defined metadata, sriov=true, matches the defined metadata on the SR-IOV aggregate.

    # openstack flavor set --property sriov=true --property hw:cpu_policy=dedicated --property hw:mem_page_size=1GB <flavor>
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