
Appendix A. Deployment migration options

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This section includes topics related validation of DCN storage, as well as migrating or changing architectures.

A.1. Validating edge storage

Ensure that the deployment of central and edge sites are working by testing glance multi-store and instance creation.

You can import images into glance that are available on the local filesystem or available on a web server.


Always store an image copy in the central site, even if there are no instances using the image at the central location.


  1. Check the stores that are available through the Image service by using the glance stores-info command. In the following example, three stores are available: central, dcn1, and dcn2. These correspond to glance stores at the central location and edge sites, respectively:

      $ glance stores-info
      | Property | Value                                                                            |
      | stores   | [{"default": "true", "id": "central", "description": "central rbd glance         |
      |          | store"}, {"id": "dcn0", "description": "dcn0 rbd glance store"},                 |
      |          | {"id": "dcn1", "description": "dcn1 rbd glance store"}]                          |

A.1.1. Importing from a local file

You must upload the image to the central location’s store first, then copy the image to remote sites.

  1. Ensure that your image file is in RAW format. If the image is not in raw format, you must convert the image before importing it into the Image service:

    file cirros-0.5.1-x86_64-disk.img
    cirros-0.5.1-x86_64-disk.img: QEMU QCOW2 Image (v3), 117440512 bytes
    qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O raw cirros-0.5.1-x86_64-disk.img cirros-0.5.1-x86_64-disk.raw
    Import the image into the default back end at the central site:
    glance image-create \
    --disk-format raw --container-format bare \
    --name cirros --file cirros-0.5.1-x86_64-disk.raw \
    --store central

A.1.2. Importing an image from a web server

If the image is hosted on a web server, you can use the GlanceImageImportPlugins parameter to upload the image to multiple stores.

This procedure assumes that the default image conversion plugin is enabled in glance. This feature automatically converts QCOW2 file formats into RAW images, which are optimal for Ceph RBD. You can confirm that a glance image is in RAW format by running the glance image-show ID | grep disk_format.


  1. Use the image-create-via-import parameter of the glance command to import an image from a web server. Use the --stores parameter.

    # glance image-create-via-import \
    --disk-format qcow2 \
    --container-format bare \
    --name cirros \
    --uri \
    --import-method web-download \
    --stores central,dcn1

    In this example, the qcow2 cirros image is downloaded from the official Cirros site, converted to RAW by glance, and imported into the central site and edge site 1 as specified by the --stores parameter.

Alternatively you can replace --stores with --all-stores True to upload the image to all of the stores.

A.1.3. Copying an image to a new site

You can copy existing images from the central location to edge sites, which gives you access to previously created images at newly established locations.

  1. Use the UUID of the glance image for the copy operation:

    ID=$(openstack image show cirros -c id -f value)
    glance image-import $ID --stores dcn0,dcn1 --import-method copy-image

    In this example, the --stores option specifies that the cirros image will be copied from the central site to edge sites dcn1 and dcn2. Alternatively, you can use the --all-stores True option, which uploads the image to all the stores that don’t currently have the image.

  2. Confirm a copy of the image is in each store. Note that the stores key, which is the last item in the properties map, is set to central,dcn0,dcn1.:

      $ openstack image show $ID | grep properties
      | properties       | direct_url=rbd://d25504ce-459f-432d-b6fa-79854d786f2b/images/8083c7e7-32d8-4f7a-b1da-0ed7884f1076/snap, locations=[{u'url: u'rbd://d25504ce-459f-432d-b6fa-79854d786f2b/images/8083c7e7-32d8-4f7a-b1da-0ed7884f1076/snap', u'metadata': {u'store': u'central'}}, {u'url': u'rbd://0c10d6b5-a455-4c4d-bd53-8f2b9357c3c7/images/8083c7e7-32d8-4f7a-b1da-0ed7884f1076/snap', u'metadata': {u'store': u'dcn0'}}, {u'url': u'rbd://8649d6c3-dcb3-4aae-8c19-8c2fe5a853ac/images/8083c7e7-32d8-4f7a-b1da-0ed7884f1076/snap', u'metadata': {u'store': u'dcn1'}}], os_glance_failed_import=', os_glance_importing_to_stores=', os_hash_algo='sha512, os_hash_value=b795f047a1b10ba0b7c95b43b2a481a59289dc4cf2e49845e60b194a911819d3ada03767bbba4143b44c93fd7f66c96c5a621e28dff51d1196dae64974ce240e, os_hidden=False, stores=central,dcn0,dcn1 |

Always store an image copy in the central site even if there is no VM using it on that site.

A.1.4. Confirming that an instance at an edge site can boot with image based volumes

You can use an image at the edge site to create a persistent root volume.


  1. Identify the ID of the image to create as a volume, and pass that ID to the openstack volume create command:

    IMG_ID=$(openstack image show cirros -c id -f value)
    openstack volume create --size 8 --availability-zone dcn0 pet-volume-dcn0 --image $IMG_ID
  2. Identify the volume ID of the newly created volume and pass it to the openstack server create command:

    VOL_ID=$(openstack volume show -f value -c id pet-volume-dcn0)
    openstack server create --flavor tiny --key-name dcn0-key --network dcn0-network --security-group basic --availability-zone dcn0 --volume $VOL_ID pet-server-dcn0
  3. You can verify that the volume is based on the image by running the rbd command within a ceph-mon container at the dcn0 edge site to list the volumes pool.

    $ sudo podman exec ceph-mon-$HOSTNAME rbd --cluster dcn0 -p volumes ls -l
    NAME                                      SIZE  PARENT                                           FMT PROT LOCK
    volume-28c6fc32-047b-4306-ad2d-de2be02716b7 8 GiB images/8083c7e7-32d8-4f7a-b1da-0ed7884f1076@snap   2      excl
  4. Confirm that you can create a cinder snapshot of the root volume of the instance. Ensure that the server is stopped to quiesce data to create a clean snapshot. Use the --force option, because the volume status remains in-use when the instance is off.

    openstack server stop pet-server-dcn0
    openstack volume snapshot create pet-volume-dcn0-snap --volume $VOL_ID --force
    openstack server start pet-server-dcn0
  5. List the contents of the volumes pool on the dcn0 Ceph cluster to show the newly created snapshot.

    $ sudo podman exec ceph-mon-$HOSTNAME rbd --cluster dcn0 -p volumes ls -l
    NAME                                                                                      SIZE  PARENT                                           FMT PROT LOCK
    volume-28c6fc32-047b-4306-ad2d-de2be02716b7                                               8 GiB images/8083c7e7-32d8-4f7a-b1da-0ed7884f1076@snap   2      excl
    volume-28c6fc32-047b-4306-ad2d-de2be02716b7@snapshot-a1ca8602-6819-45b4-a228-b4cd3e5adf60 8 GiB images/8083c7e7-32d8-4f7a-b1da-0ed7884f1076@snap   2 yes

A.1.5. Confirming image snapshots can be created and copied between sites

  1. Verify that you can create a new image at the dcn0 site. Ensure that the server is stopped to quiesce data to create a clean snapshot:

    NOVA_ID=$(openstack server show pet-server-dcn0 -f value -c id)
    openstack server stop $NOVA_ID
    openstack server image create --name cirros-snapshot $NOVA_ID
    openstack server start $NOVA_ID
  2. Copy the image from the dcn0 edge site back to the hub location, which is the default back end for glance:

    IMAGE_ID=$(openstack image show cirros-snapshot -f value -c id)
    glance image-import $IMAGE_ID --stores central --import-method copy-image

For more information on glance multistore operations, see Image service with multiple stores.

A.2. Migrating to a spine and leaf deployment

It is possible to migrate an existing cloud with a pre-existing network configuration to one with a spine leaf architecture. For this, the following conditions are needed:

  • All bare metal ports must have their physical-network property value set to ctlplane.
  • The parameter enable_routed_networks is added and set to true in undercloud.conf, followed by a re-run of the undercloud installation command, openstack undercloud install.

Once the undercloud is re-deployed, the overcloud is considered a spine leaf, with a single leaf leaf0. You can add additional provisioning leaves to the deployment through the following steps.

  1. Add the desired subnets to undercloud.conf as shown in Configuring routed spine-leaf in the undercloud.
  2. Re-run the undercloud installation command, openstack undercloud install.
  3. Add the desired additional networks and roles to the overcloud templates, network_data.yaml and roles_data.yaml respectively.


    If you are using the {{}}InterfaceRoutes parameter in the network configuration file, then you’ll need to ensure that the NetworkDeploymentActions parameter includes the value UPDATE.

      NetworkDeploymentActions: ['CREATE','UPDATE'])
  4. Finally, re-run the overcloud installation script that includes all relevant heat templates for your cloud deployment.

A.3. Migrating to a multistack deployment

You can migrate from a single stack deployment to a multistack deployment by treating the existing deployment as the central site, and adding additional edge sites.

The ability to migrate from single to multistack in this release is a Technology Preview, and therefore is not fully supported by Red Hat. It should only be used for testing, and should not be deployed in a production environment. For more information about Technology Preview features, see Scope of Coverage Details.

You cannot split the existing stack. You can scale down the existing stack to remove compute nodes if needed. These compute nodes can then be added to edge sites.


This action creates workload interruptions if all compute nodes are removed.

A.4. Backing up and restoring across edge sites

You can back up and restore Block Storage service (cinder) volumes across distributed compute node (DCN) architectures in edge site and availability zones. The cinder-backup service runs in the central availability zone (AZ), and backups are stored in the central AZ. The Block Storage service does not store backups at DCN sites.



  1. Create a backup of a volume in the first DCN site:

    $ cinder --os-volume-api-version 3.51 backup-create --name <volume_backup> --availability-zone <az_central> <edge_volume>
    • Replace <volume_backup> with a name for the volume backup.
    • Replace <az_central> with the name of the central availability zone that hosts the cinder-backup service.
    • Replace <edge_volume> with the name of the volume that you want to back up.


      If you experience issues with Ceph keyrings, you might need to restart the cinder-backup container so that the keyrings copy from the host to the container successfully.

  2. Restore the backup to a new volume in the second DCN site:

    $ cinder --os-volume-api-version 3.51 create --availability-zone <az_2> --name <new_volume> --backup-id <volume_backup> <volume_size>
    • Replace <az_2> with the name of the availability zone where you want to restore the backup.
    • Replace <new_volume> with a name for the new volume.
    • Replace <volume_backup> with the name of the volume backup that you created in the previous step.
    • Replace <volume_size> with a value in GB equal to or greater than the size of the original volume.
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