
Chapter 21. KIE Server REST API for KIE containers and business assets

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Red Hat Process Automation Manager provides a KIE Server REST API that you can use to interact with your KIE containers and business assets (such as business rules, processes, and solvers) in Red Hat Process Automation Manager without using the Business Central user interface. This API support enables you to maintain your Red Hat Process Automation Manager resources more efficiently and optimize your integration and development with Red Hat Process Automation Manager.

With the KIE Server REST API, you can perform the following actions:

  • Deploy or dispose KIE containers
  • Retrieve and update KIE container information
  • Return KIE Server status and basic information
  • Retrieve and update business asset information
  • Execute business assets (such as rules and processes)

KIE Server REST API requests require the following components:


The KIE Server REST API requires HTTP Basic authentication or token-based authentication for the user role kie-server. To view configured user roles for your Red Hat Process Automation Manager distribution, navigate to ~/$SERVER_HOME/standalone/configuration/ and ~/

To add a user with the kie-server role, navigate to ~/$SERVER_HOME/bin and run the following command:

$ ./ -a --user <USERNAME> --password <PASSWORD> --role kie-server

For more information about user roles and Red Hat Process Automation Manager installation options, see Planning a Red Hat Process Automation Manager installation.

HTTP headers

The KIE Server REST API requires the following HTTP headers for API requests:

  • Accept: Data format accepted by your requesting client:

    • application/json (JSON)
    • application/xml (XML, for JAXB or XSTREAM)
  • Content-Type: Data format of your POST or PUT API request data:

    • application/json (JSON)
    • application/xml (XML, for JAXB or XSTREAM)
  • X-KIE-ContentType: Required header for application/xml XSTREAM API requests and responses:

HTTP methods

The KIE Server REST API supports the following HTTP methods for API requests:

  • GET: Retrieves specified information from a specified resource endpoint
  • POST: Updates a resource or resource instance
  • PUT: Updates or creates a resource or resource instance
  • DELETE: Deletes a resource or resource instance
Base URL
The base URL for KIE Server REST API requests is http://SERVER:PORT/kie-server/services/rest/, such as http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/.

KIE Server REST API endpoints, such as /server/containers/{containerId} for a specified KIE container, are the URIs that you append to the KIE Server REST API base URL to access the corresponding resource or type of resource in Red Hat Process Automation Manager.

Example request URL for /server/containers/{containerId} endpoint


Request parameters and request data

Many KIE Server REST API requests require specific parameters in the request URL path to identify or filter specific resources and to perform specific actions. You can append URL parameters to the endpoint in the format ?<PARAM>=<VALUE>&<PARAM>=<VALUE>.

Example GET request URL with parameters


HTTP POST and PUT requests may additionally require a request body or file with data to accompany the request.

Example POST request URL and JSON request body data


  "release-id": {
    "artifact-id": "Project1",
    "group-id": "com.redhat",
    "version": "1.1"

21.1. Sending requests with the KIE Server REST API using a REST client or curl utility

The KIE Server REST API enables you to interact with your KIE containers and business assets (such as business rules, processes, and solvers) in Red Hat Process Automation Manager without using the Business Central user interface. You can send KIE Server REST API requests using any REST client or curl utility.


  • KIE Server is installed and running.
  • You have kie-server user role access to KIE Server.


  1. Identify the relevant API endpoint to which you want to send a request, such as [GET] /server/containers to retrieve KIE containers from KIE Server.
  2. In a REST client or curl utility, enter the following components for a GET request to /server/containers. Adjust any request details according to your use case.

    For REST client:

    • Authentication: Enter the user name and password of the KIE Server user with the kie-server role.
    • HTTP Headers: Set the following header:

      • Accept: application/json
    • HTTP method: Set to GET.
    • URL: Enter the KIE Server REST API base URL and endpoint, such as http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers.

    For curl utility:

    • -u: Enter the user name and password of the KIE Server user with the kie-server role.
    • -H: Set the following header:

      • Accept: application/json
    • -X: Set to GET.
    • URL: Enter the KIE Server REST API base URL and endpoint, such as http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers.
    curl -u 'baAdmin:password@1' -H "Accept: application/json" -X GET "http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers"
  3. Execute the request and review the KIE Server response.

    Example server response (JSON):

      "type": "SUCCESS",
      "msg": "List of created containers",
      "result": {
        "kie-containers": {
          "kie-container": [
              "container-id": "itorders_1.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
              "release-id": {
                "group-id": "itorders",
                "artifact-id": "itorders",
                "version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
              "resolved-release-id": {
                "group-id": "itorders",
                "artifact-id": "itorders",
                "version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
              "status": "STARTED",
              "scanner": {
                "status": "DISPOSED",
                "poll-interval": null
              "config-items": [],
              "container-alias": "itorders"
  4. For this example, copy or note the project group-id, artifact-id, and version (GAV) data from one of the deployed KIE containers returned in the response.
  5. In your REST client or curl utility, send another API request with the following components for a PUT request to /server/containers/{containerId} to deploy a new KIE container with the copied project GAV data. Adjust any request details according to your use case.

    For REST client:

    • Authentication: Enter the user name and password of the KIE Server user with the kie-server role.
    • HTTP Headers: Set the following headers:

      • Accept: application/json
      • Content-Type: application/json


        When you add fields=not_null to Content-Type, the null fields are excluded from the REST API response.

    • HTTP method: Set to PUT.
    • URL: Enter the KIE Server REST API base URL and endpoint, such as http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/MyContainer.
    • Request body: Add a JSON request body with the configuration items for the new KIE container:
      "config-items": [
          "itemName": "RuntimeStrategy",
          "itemValue": "SINGLETON",
          "itemType": "java.lang.String"
          "itemName": "MergeMode",
          "itemValue": "MERGE_COLLECTIONS",
          "itemType": "java.lang.String"
          "itemName": "KBase",
          "itemValue": "",
          "itemType": "java.lang.String"
          "itemName": "KSession",
          "itemValue": "",
          "itemType": "java.lang.String"
      "release-id": {
        "group-id": "itorders",
        "artifact-id": "itorders",
        "version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
      "scanner": {
        "poll-interval": "5000",
        "status": "STARTED"

    For curl utility:

    • -u: Enter the user name and password of the KIE Server user with the kie-server role.
    • -H: Set the following headers:

      • Accept: application/json
      • Content-Type: application/json


        When you add fields=not_null to Content-Type, the null fields are excluded from the REST API response.

    • -X: Set to PUT.
    • URL: Enter the KIE Server REST API base URL and endpoint, such as http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/MyContainer.
    • -d: Add a JSON request body or file (@file.json) with the configuration items for the new KIE container:
    curl -u 'baAdmin:password@1' -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT "http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/MyContainer" -d "{ \"config-items\": [ { \"itemName\": \"RuntimeStrategy\", \"itemValue\": \"SINGLETON\", \"itemType\": \"java.lang.String\" }, { \"itemName\": \"MergeMode\", \"itemValue\": \"MERGE_COLLECTIONS\", \"itemType\": \"java.lang.String\" }, { \"itemName\": \"KBase\", \"itemValue\": \"\", \"itemType\": \"java.lang.String\" }, { \"itemName\": \"KSession\", \"itemValue\": \"\", \"itemType\": \"java.lang.String\" } ], \"release-id\": { \"group-id\": \"itorders\", \"artifact-id\": \"itorders\", \"version\": \"1.0.0-SNAPSHOT\" }, \"scanner\": { \"poll-interval\": \"5000\", \"status\": \"STARTED\" }}"
    curl -u 'baAdmin:password@1' -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT "http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/MyContainer" -d @my-container-configs.json
  6. Execute the request and review the KIE Server response.

    Example server response (JSON):

      "type": "SUCCESS",
      "msg": "Container MyContainer successfully deployed with module itorders:itorders:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.",
      "result": {
        "kie-container": {
          "container-id": "MyContainer",
          "release-id": {
            "group-id": "itorders",
            "artifact-id": "itorders",
            "version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
          "resolved-release-id": {
            "group-id": "itorders",
            "artifact-id": "itorders",
            "version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
          "status": "STARTED",
          "scanner": {
            "status": "STARTED",
            "poll-interval": 5000
          "config-items": [],
          "messages": [
              "severity": "INFO",
              "timestamp": {
                "java.util.Date": 1540584717937
              "content": [
                "Container MyContainer successfully created with module itorders:itorders:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT."
          "container-alias": null

    If you encounter request errors, review the returned error code messages and adjust your request accordingly.

    REST API requests for process instances

    For REST API requests that send complex data objects to the process instance endpoint /server/containers/{containerId}/processes/{processId}/instances, ensure that you include either the fully qualified class name (such as com.myspace.Person) or the simple class name (such as Person) in the request body. The class name is required for the request body to be mapped to the correct business object in Red Hat Process Automation Manager. If you exclude the class name from the request, KIE Server does not unmarshall the object to the expected type.

    Correct request body for process instance

      "id": 4,
      "lease": {
        "com.myspace.restcall.LeaseModel": {
          "annualRent": 109608,
          "isAutoApproved": false

    Incorrect request body for process instance

      "id": 4,
      "lease": {
        "annualRent": 109608,
        "isAutoApproved": false

21.2. Sending requests with the KIE Server REST API using the Swagger interface

The KIE Server REST API supports a Swagger web interface that you can use instead of a standalone REST client or curl utility to interact with your KIE containers and business assets (such as business rules, processes, and solvers) in Red Hat Process Automation Manager without using the Business Central user interface.


By default, the Swagger web interface for KIE Server is enabled by the org.kie.swagger.server.ext.disabled=false system property. To disable the Swagger web interface in KIE Server, set this system property to true.


  • KIE Server is installed and running.
  • You have kie-server user role access to KIE Server.


  1. In a web browser, navigate to http://SERVER:PORT/kie-server/docs, such as http://localhost:8080/kie-server/docs, and log in with the user name and password of the KIE Server user with the kie-server role.
  2. In the Swagger page, select the relevant API endpoint to which you want to send a request, such as KIE Server and KIE containers [GET] /server/containers to retrieve KIE containers from KIE Server.
  3. Click Try it out and provide any optional parameters by which you want to filter results, if needed.
  4. In the Response content type drop-down menu, select the desired format of the server response, such as application/json for JSON format.
  5. Click Execute and review the KIE Server response.

    Example server response (JSON):

      "type": "SUCCESS",
      "msg": "List of created containers",
      "result": {
        "kie-containers": {
          "kie-container": [
              "container-id": "itorders_1.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
              "release-id": {
                "group-id": "itorders",
                "artifact-id": "itorders",
                "version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
              "resolved-release-id": {
                "group-id": "itorders",
                "artifact-id": "itorders",
                "version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
              "status": "STARTED",
              "scanner": {
                "status": "DISPOSED",
                "poll-interval": null
              "config-items": [],
              "container-alias": "itorders"
  6. For this example, copy or note the project group-id, artifact-id, and version (GAV) data from one of the deployed KIE containers returned in the response.
  7. In the Swagger page, navigate to the KIE Server and KIE containers [PUT] /server/containers/{containerId} endpoint to send another request to deploy a new KIE container with the copied project GAV data. Adjust any request details according to your use case.
  8. Click Try it out and enter the following components for the request:

    • containerId: Enter the ID of the new KIE container, such as MyContainer.
    • body: Set the Parameter content type to the desired request body format, such as application/json for JSON format, and add a request body with the configuration items for the new KIE container:
      "config-items": [
          "itemName": "RuntimeStrategy",
          "itemValue": "SINGLETON",
          "itemType": "java.lang.String"
          "itemName": "MergeMode",
          "itemValue": "MERGE_COLLECTIONS",
          "itemType": "java.lang.String"
          "itemName": "KBase",
          "itemValue": "",
          "itemType": "java.lang.String"
          "itemName": "KSession",
          "itemValue": "",
          "itemType": "java.lang.String"
      "release-id": {
        "group-id": "itorders",
        "artifact-id": "itorders",
        "version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
      "scanner": {
        "poll-interval": "5000",
        "status": "STARTED"
  9. In the Response content type drop-down menu, select the desired format of the server response, such as application/json for JSON format.
  10. Click Execute and review the KIE Server response.

    Example server response (JSON):

      "type": "SUCCESS",
      "msg": "Container MyContainer successfully deployed with module itorders:itorders:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.",
      "result": {
        "kie-container": {
          "container-id": "MyContainer",
          "release-id": {
            "group-id": "itorders",
            "artifact-id": "itorders",
            "version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
          "resolved-release-id": {
            "group-id": "itorders",
            "artifact-id": "itorders",
            "version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
          "status": "STARTED",
          "scanner": {
            "status": "STARTED",
            "poll-interval": 5000
          "config-items": [],
          "messages": [
              "severity": "INFO",
              "timestamp": {
                "java.util.Date": 1540584717937
              "content": [
                "Container MyContainer successfully created with module itorders:itorders:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT."
          "container-alias": null

    If you encounter request errors, review the returned error code messages and adjust your request accordingly.

    REST API requests for process instances

    For REST API requests that send complex data objects to the process instance endpoint /server/containers/{containerId}/processes/{processId}/instances, ensure that you include either the fully qualified class name (such as com.myspace.Person) or the simple class name (such as Person) in the request body. The class name is required for the request body to be mapped to the correct business object in Red Hat Process Automation Manager. If you exclude the class name from the request, KIE Server does not unmarshall the object to the expected type.

    Correct request body for process instance

      "id": 4,
      "lease": {
        "com.myspace.restcall.LeaseModel": {
          "annualRent": 109608,
          "isAutoApproved": false

    Incorrect request body for process instance

      "id": 4,
      "lease": {
        "annualRent": 109608,
        "isAutoApproved": false

21.3. Supported KIE Server REST API endpoints

The KIE Server REST API provides endpoints for the following types of resources in Red Hat Process Automation Manager:

  • KIE Server and KIE containers
  • KIE session assets (for runtime commands)
  • DMN assets
  • Planning solvers
  • Processes
  • Process images
  • Process and task forms
  • Tasks
  • Cases
  • Documents
  • Jobs
  • Queries for processes, tasks, and cases
  • Custom queries

The KIE Server REST API base URL is http://SERVER:PORT/kie-server/services/rest/. All requests require HTTP Basic authentication or token-based authentication for the kie-server user role.

For the full list of KIE Server REST API endpoints and descriptions, use one of the following resources:

  • Execution Server REST API on the jBPM Documentation page (static)
  • Swagger UI for the KIE Server REST API at http://SERVER:PORT/kie-server/docs (dynamic, requires running KIE Server)


    By default, the Swagger web interface for KIE Server is enabled by the org.kie.swagger.server.ext.disabled=false system property. To disable the Swagger web interface in KIE Server, set this system property to true.

Endpoint requirements

Note the following requirements for some of the KIE Server REST API endpoints:

  • Process images: For API access to process images, the system property <storesvgonsave enabled="true"/> must be configured for your Red Hat Process Automation Manager project in $SERVER_HOME/standalone/deployments/business-central.war/org.kie.workbench.KIEWebapp/profiles/jbpm.xml. This property is set to true by default. If the API is not working with process images, set it to true in the file, restart your KIE Server, modify the relevant process and save it, and then build and deploy your project. This property enables SVG images to be stored so that they can be retrieved by the KIE Server REST API.
  • Custom queries: Some custom query requests with the KIE Server REST API require a query mapper definition to map the query results to concrete objects. You can implement your own query result mappers or use the mappers provided with Red Hat Process Automation Manager. The query mappers in Red Hat Process Automation Manager are similar to other object-relational mapping (ORM) providers, such as Hibernate, which maps tables to entities. For example, you can use the, also registered as ProcessInstances, in custom query endpoints for returning process instance data.

    Example POST endpoint with ProcessInstances mapper parameter:


    For a list of available query mappers in Red Hat Process Automation Manager, download and extract the Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.11 Source Distribution from the Red Hat Customer Portal and navigate to ~/jbpm-$VERSION/jbpm-services/jbpm-kie-services/src/main/java/org/jbpm/kie/services/impl/query/mapper.

21.3.1. REST endpoints for specific DMN models

Red Hat Process Automation Manager provides model-specific DMN KIE Server endpoints that you can use to interact with your specific DMN model without using the Business Central user interface.

For each DMN model in a container in Red Hat Process Automation Manager, the following REST endpoints of the KIE Server are automatically generated based on the content of the DMN model:

  • POST /server/containers/{containerId}/dmn/models/{modelname}: A business-domain endpoint for evaluating a specified DMN model in a container
  • POST /server/containers/{containerId}/dmn/models/{modelname}/{decisionServiceName}: A business-domain endpoint for evaluating a specified decision service component in a specific DMN model available in a container
  • POST /server/containers/{containerId}/dmn/models/{modelname}/dmnresult: An endpoint for evaluating a specified DMN model containing customized body payload and returning a DMNResult response, including business-domain context, helper messages, and helper decision pointers
  • POST /server/containers/{containerId}/dmn/models/{modelname}/{decisionServiceName}/dmnresult: An endpoint for evaluating a specified decision service component in a specific DMN model and returning a DMNResult response, including the business-domain context, helper messages, and help decision pointers for the decision service
  • GET /server/containers/{containerId}/dmn/models/{modelname}: An endpoint for returning standard DMN XML without decision logic and containing the inputs and decisions of the specified DMN model
  • GET /server/containers/{containerId}/dmn/openapi.json (|.yaml): An endpoint for retrieving Swagger or OAS for the DMN models in a specified container

You can use these endpoints to interact with a DMN model or a specific decision service within a model. As you decide between using business-domain and dmnresult variants of these REST endpoints, review the following considerations:

  • REST business-domain endpoints: Use this endpoint type if a client application is only concerned with a positive evaluation outcome, is not interested in parsing Info or Warn messages, and only needs an HTTP 5xx response for any errors. This type of endpoint is also helpful for single-page application-like clients, due to singleton coercion of decision service results that resemble the DMN modeling behavior.
  • REST dmnresult endpoints: Use this endpoint type if a client needs to parse Info, Warn, or Error messages in all cases.

For each endpoint, use a REST client or curl utility to send requests with the following components:

  • Base URL: http://HOST:PORT/kie-server/services/rest/
  • Path parameters:

    • {containerId}: The string identifier of the container, such as mykjar-project
    • {modelName}: The string identifier of the DMN model, such as Traffic Violation
    • {decisionServiceName}: The string identifier of the decision service component in the DMN DRG, such as TrafficViolationDecisionService
    • dmnresult: The string identifier that enables the endpoint to return a full DMNResult response with more detailed Info, Warn, and Error messaging
  • HTTP headers: For POST requests only:

    • accept: application/json
    • content-type: application/json
  • HTTP methods: GET or POST

The examples in the following endpoints are based on a mykjar-project container that contains a Traffic Violation DMN model, containing a TrafficViolationDecisionService decision service component.

For all of these endpoints, if a DMN evaluation Error message occurs, a DMNResult response is returned along with an HTTP 5xx error. If a DMN Info or Warn message occurs, the relevant response is returned along with the business-domain REST body, in the X-Kogito-decision-messages extended HTTP header, to be used for client-side business logic. When there is a requirement of more refined client-side business logic, the client can use the dmnresult variant of the endpoints.

Retrieve Swagger or OAS for DMN models in a specified container

GET /server/containers/{containerId}/dmn/openapi.json (|.yaml)

Example REST endpoint

http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/mykjar-project/dmn/openapi.json (|.yaml)

Return the DMN XML without decision logic

GET /server/containers/{containerId}/dmn/models/{modelname}

Example REST endpoint

http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/mykjar-project/dmn/models/Traffic Violation

Example curl request

curl -u wbadmin:wbadmin -X GET "http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/mykjar-project/dmn/models/Traffic%20Violation" -H  "accept: application/xml"

Example response (XML)

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<dmn:definitions xmlns:dmn="" xmlns="" xmlns:di="" xmlns:kie="" xmlns:feel="" xmlns:dmndi="" xmlns:dc="" id="_1C792953-80DB-4B32-99EB-25FBE32BAF9E" name="Traffic Violation" expressionLanguage="" typeLanguage="" namespace="">
  <dmn:itemDefinition id="_63824D3F-9173-446D-A940-6A7F0FA056BB" name="tDriver" isCollection="false">
    <dmn:itemComponent id="_9DAB5DAA-3B44-4F6D-87F2-95125FB2FEE4" name="Name" isCollection="false">
    <dmn:itemComponent id="_856BA8FA-EF7B-4DF9-A1EE-E28263CE9955" name="Age" isCollection="false">
    <dmn:itemComponent id="_FDC2CE03-D465-47C2-A311-98944E8CC23F" name="State" isCollection="false">
    <dmn:itemComponent id="_D6FD34C4-00DC-4C79-B1BF-BBCF6FC9B6D7" name="City" isCollection="false">
    <dmn:itemComponent id="_7110FE7E-1A38-4C39-B0EB-AEEF06BA37F4" name="Points" isCollection="false">
  <dmn:itemDefinition id="_40731093-0642-4588-9183-1660FC55053B" name="tViolation" isCollection="false">
    <dmn:itemComponent id="_39E88D9F-AE53-47AD-B3DE-8AB38D4F50B3" name="Code" isCollection="false">
    <dmn:itemComponent id="_1648EA0A-2463-4B54-A12A-D743A3E3EE7B" name="Date" isCollection="false">
    <dmn:itemComponent id="_9F129EAA-4E71-4D99-B6D0-84EEC3AC43CC" name="Type" isCollection="false">
      <dmn:allowedValues kie:constraintType="enumeration" id="_626A8F9C-9DD1-44E0-9568-0F6F8F8BA228">
        <dmn:text>"speed", "parking", "driving under the influence"</dmn:text>
    <dmn:itemComponent id="_DDD10D6E-BD38-4C79-9E2F-8155E3A4B438" name="Speed Limit" isCollection="false">
    <dmn:itemComponent id="_229F80E4-2892-494C-B70D-683ABF2345F6" name="Actual Speed" isCollection="false">
  <dmn:itemDefinition id="_2D4F30EE-21A6-4A78-A524-A5C238D433AE" name="tFine" isCollection="false">
    <dmn:itemComponent id="_B9F70BC7-1995-4F51-B949-1AB65538B405" name="Amount" isCollection="false">
    <dmn:itemComponent id="_F49085D6-8F08-4463-9A1A-EF6B57635DBD" name="Points" isCollection="false">
  <dmn:inputData id="_1929CBD5-40E0-442D-B909-49CEDE0101DC" name="Violation">
    <dmn:variable id="_C16CF9B1-5FAB-48A0-95E0-5FCD661E0406" name="Violation" typeRef="tViolation"/>
  <dmn:decision id="_4055D956-1C47-479C-B3F4-BAEB61F1C929" name="Fine">
    <dmn:variable id="_8C1EAC83-F251-4D94-8A9E-B03ACF6849CD" name="Fine" typeRef="tFine"/>
    <dmn:informationRequirement id="_800A3BBB-90A3-4D9D-BA5E-A311DED0134F">
      <dmn:requiredInput href="#_1929CBD5-40E0-442D-B909-49CEDE0101DC"/>
  <dmn:inputData id="_1F9350D7-146D-46F1-85D8-15B5B68AF22A" name="Driver">
    <dmn:variable id="_A80F16DF-0DB4-43A2-B041-32900B1A3F3D" name="Driver" typeRef="tDriver"/>
  <dmn:decision id="_8A408366-D8E9-4626-ABF3-5F69AA01F880" name="Should the driver be suspended?">
    <dmn:question>Should the driver be suspended due to points on his license?</dmn:question>
    <dmn:allowedAnswers>"Yes", "No"</dmn:allowedAnswers>
    <dmn:variable id="_40387B66-5D00-48C8-BB90-E83EE3332C72" name="Should the driver be suspended?" typeRef="string"/>
    <dmn:informationRequirement id="_982211B1-5246-49CD-BE85-3211F71253CF">
      <dmn:requiredInput href="#_1F9350D7-146D-46F1-85D8-15B5B68AF22A"/>
    <dmn:informationRequirement id="_AEC4AA5F-50C3-4FED-A0C2-261F90290731">
      <dmn:requiredDecision href="#_4055D956-1C47-479C-B3F4-BAEB61F1C929"/>
      <dmndi:DMNShape id="dmnshape-_1929CBD5-40E0-442D-B909-49CEDE0101DC" dmnElementRef="_1929CBD5-40E0-442D-B909-49CEDE0101DC" isCollapsed="false">
          <dmndi:FillColor red="255" green="255" blue="255"/>
          <dmndi:StrokeColor red="0" green="0" blue="0"/>
          <dmndi:FontColor red="0" green="0" blue="0"/>
        <dc:Bounds x="708" y="350" width="100" height="50"/>
      <dmndi:DMNShape id="dmnshape-_4055D956-1C47-479C-B3F4-BAEB61F1C929" dmnElementRef="_4055D956-1C47-479C-B3F4-BAEB61F1C929" isCollapsed="false">
          <dmndi:FillColor red="255" green="255" blue="255"/>
          <dmndi:StrokeColor red="0" green="0" blue="0"/>
          <dmndi:FontColor red="0" green="0" blue="0"/>
        <dc:Bounds x="709" y="210" width="100" height="50"/>
      <dmndi:DMNShape id="dmnshape-_1F9350D7-146D-46F1-85D8-15B5B68AF22A" dmnElementRef="_1F9350D7-146D-46F1-85D8-15B5B68AF22A" isCollapsed="false">
          <dmndi:FillColor red="255" green="255" blue="255"/>
          <dmndi:StrokeColor red="0" green="0" blue="0"/>
          <dmndi:FontColor red="0" green="0" blue="0"/>
        <dc:Bounds x="369" y="344" width="100" height="50"/>
      <dmndi:DMNShape id="dmnshape-_8A408366-D8E9-4626-ABF3-5F69AA01F880" dmnElementRef="_8A408366-D8E9-4626-ABF3-5F69AA01F880" isCollapsed="false">
          <dmndi:FillColor red="255" green="255" blue="255"/>
          <dmndi:StrokeColor red="0" green="0" blue="0"/>
          <dmndi:FontColor red="0" green="0" blue="0"/>
        <dc:Bounds x="534" y="83" width="133" height="63"/>
      <dmndi:DMNEdge id="dmnedge-_800A3BBB-90A3-4D9D-BA5E-A311DED0134F" dmnElementRef="_800A3BBB-90A3-4D9D-BA5E-A311DED0134F">
        <di:waypoint x="758" y="375"/>
        <di:waypoint x="759" y="235"/>
      <dmndi:DMNEdge id="dmnedge-_982211B1-5246-49CD-BE85-3211F71253CF" dmnElementRef="_982211B1-5246-49CD-BE85-3211F71253CF">
        <di:waypoint x="419" y="369"/>
        <di:waypoint x="600.5" y="114.5"/>
      <dmndi:DMNEdge id="dmnedge-_AEC4AA5F-50C3-4FED-A0C2-261F90290731" dmnElementRef="_AEC4AA5F-50C3-4FED-A0C2-261F90290731">
        <di:waypoint x="759" y="235"/>
        <di:waypoint x="600.5" y="114.5"/>

Evaluate a specified DMN model in a specified container

POST /server/containers/{containerId}/dmn/models/{modelname}

Example REST endpoint

http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/mykjar-project/dmn/models/Traffic Violation

Example curl request

curl -u wbadmin:wbadmin-X POST "http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/mykjar-project/dmn/models/Traffic Violation" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"Driver\":{\"Points\":15},\"Violation\":{\"Date\":\"2021-04-08\",\"Type\":\"speed\",\"Actual Speed\":135,\"Speed Limit\":100}}"

Example POST request body with input data

  "Driver": {
    "Points": 15
  "Violation": {
    "Date": "2021-04-08",
    "Type": "speed",
    "Actual Speed": 135,
    "Speed Limit": 100

Example response (JSON)

  "Violation": {
    "Type": "speed",
    "Speed Limit": 100,
    "Actual Speed": 135,
    "Code": null,
    "Date": "2021-04-08"
  "Driver": {
    "Points": 15,
    "State": null,
    "City": null,
    "Age": null,
    "Name": null
  "Fine": {
    "Points": 7,
    "Amount": 1000
  "Should the driver be suspended?": "Yes"

Evaluate a specified decision service within a specified DMN model in a container

POST /server/containers/{containerId}/dmn/models/{modelname}/{decisionServiceName}

For this endpoint, the request body must contain all the requirements of the decision service. The response is the resulting DMN context of the decision service, including the decision values, the original input values, and all other parametric DRG components in serialized form. For example, a business knowledge model is available in string-serialized form in its signature.

If the decision service is composed of a single-output decision, the response is the resulting value of that specific decision. This behavior provides an equivalent value at the API level of a specification feature when invoking the decision service in the model itself. As a result, you can, for example, interact with a DMN decision service from single-page web applications.

Figure 21.1. Example TrafficViolationDecisionService decision service with single-output decision

Image of decision service in Traffic Violation DMN model

Figure 21.2. Example TrafficViolationDecisionService decision service with multiple-output decision

Image of decision service in Traffic Violation DMN model

Example REST endpoint

http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/mykjar-project/dmn/models/Traffic Violation/TrafficViolationDecisionService

Example POST request body with input data

  "Driver": {
    "Points": 2
  "Violation": {
    "Type": "speed",
    "Actual Speed": 120,
    "Speed Limit": 100

Example curl request

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/mykjar-project/dmn/models/Traffic Violation/TrafficViolationDecisionService -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'accept: application/json' -d '{"Driver": {"Points": 2}, "Violation": {"Type": "speed", "Actual Speed": 120, "Speed Limit": 100}}'

Example response for single-output decision (JSON)


Example response for multiple-output decision (JSON)

  "Violation": {
    "Type": "speed",
    "Speed Limit": 100,
    "Actual Speed": 120
  "Driver": {
    "Points": 2
  "Fine": {
    "Points": 3,
    "Amount": 500
  "Should the driver be suspended?": "No"

Evaluate a specified DMN model in a specified container and return a DMNResult response

POST /server/containers/{containerId}/dmn/models/{modelname}/dmnresult

Example REST endpoint

http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/mykjar-project/dmn/models/Traffic Violation/dmnresult

Example POST request body with input data

  "Driver": {
    "Points": 2
  "Violation": {
    "Type": "speed",
    "Actual Speed": 120,
    "Speed Limit": 100

Example curl request

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/mykjar-project/dmn/models/Traffic Violation/dmnresult -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'accept: application/json' -d '{"Driver": {"Points": 2}, "Violation": {"Type": "speed", "Actual Speed": 120, "Speed Limit": 100}}'

Example response (JSON)

  "namespace": "",
  "modelName": "Traffic Violation",
  "dmnContext": {
    "Violation": {
      "Type": "speed",
      "Speed Limit": 100,
      "Actual Speed": 120,
      "Code": null,
      "Date": null
    "Driver": {
      "Points": 2,
      "State": null,
      "City": null,
      "Age": null,
      "Name": null
    "Fine": {
      "Points": 3,
      "Amount": 500
    "Should the driver be suspended?": "No"
  "messages": [],
  "decisionResults": [
      "decisionId": "_4055D956-1C47-479C-B3F4-BAEB61F1C929",
      "decisionName": "Fine",
      "result": {
        "Points": 3,
        "Amount": 500
      "messages": [],
      "evaluationStatus": "SUCCEEDED"
      "decisionId": "_8A408366-D8E9-4626-ABF3-5F69AA01F880",
      "decisionName": "Should the driver be suspended?",
      "result": "No",
      "messages": [],
      "evaluationStatus": "SUCCEEDED"

Evaluate a specified decision service within a DMN model in a specified container and return a DMNResult response

POST /server/containers/{containerId}/dmn/models/{modelname}/{decisionServiceName}/dmnresult

Example REST endpoint

http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/mykjar-project/dmn/models/Traffic Violation/TrafficViolationDecisionService/dmnresult

Example POST request body with input data

  "Driver": {
    "Points": 2
  "Violation": {
    "Type": "speed",
    "Actual Speed": 120,
    "Speed Limit": 100

Example curl request

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/mykjar-project/dmn/models/Traffic Violation/TrafficViolationDecisionService/dmnresult -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'accept: application/json' -d '{"Driver": {"Points": 2}, "Violation": {"Type": "speed", "Actual Speed": 120, "Speed Limit": 100}}'

Example response (JSON)

  "namespace": "",
  "modelName": "Traffic Violation",
  "dmnContext": {
    "Violation": {
      "Type": "speed",
      "Speed Limit": 100,
      "Actual Speed": 120,
      "Code": null,
      "Date": null
    "Driver": {
      "Points": 2,
      "State": null,
      "City": null,
      "Age": null,
      "Name": null
    "Should the driver be suspended?": "No"
  "messages": [],
  "decisionResults": [
      "decisionId": "_8A408366-D8E9-4626-ABF3-5F69AA01F880",
      "decisionName": "Should the driver be suspended?",
      "result": "No",
      "messages": [],
      "evaluationStatus": "SUCCEEDED"

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