
Chapter 4. Deploying Quay using the Quay Operator

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The Operator can be deployed from the command line or from the OpenShift console, but the fundamental steps are the same.

4.1. Deploying Red Hat Quay from the command line

  1. Create a namespace, for example, quay-enterprise.
  2. Create a secret for the config bundle, if you want to pre-configure any aspects of the deployment
  3. Create a QuayRegistry custom resource in a file called quayregistry.yaml

    1. For a minimal deployment, using all the defaults:


      kind: QuayRegistry
        name: example-registry
        namespace: quay-enterprise

    2. If you want to have some components unmanaged, add this information in the spec field. For example, a minimal deployment might look like:


      kind: QuayRegistry
        name: example-registry
        namespace: quay-enterprise
          - kind: clair
            managed: false
          - kind: horizontalpodautoscaler
            managed: false
          - kind: mirror
            managed: false
          - kind: monitoring
            managed: false

    3. If you have created a config bundle, for example, init-config-bundle-secret, reference it in the quayregistry.yaml file:


      kind: QuayRegistry
        name: example-registry
        namespace: quay-enterprise
        configBundleSecret: init-config-bundle-secret

  4. Create the QuayRegistry in specified namespace:

    $ oc create -f quayregistry.yaml
  5. See the section Monitoring and debugging the deployment process for information on how to track the progress of the deployment.
  6. Wait until the status.registryEndpoint is populated.

    $ oc get quayregistry -n quay-enterprise example-registry -o jsonpath="{.status.registryEndpoint}" -w

4.1.1. Viewing created components using the command line

Use the oc get pods command to view the deployed components:

$ oc get pods -n quay-enterprise

NAME                                                   READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
example-registry-clair-app-5ffc9f77d6-jwr9s            1/1     Running     0          3m42s
example-registry-clair-app-5ffc9f77d6-wgp7d            1/1     Running     0          3m41s
example-registry-clair-postgres-54956d6d9c-rgs8l       1/1     Running     0          3m5s
example-registry-quay-app-79c6b86c7b-8qnr2             1/1     Running     4          3m42s
example-registry-quay-app-79c6b86c7b-xk85f             1/1     Running     4          3m41s
example-registry-quay-app-upgrade-5kl5r                0/1     Completed   4          3m50s
example-registry-quay-config-editor-597b47c995-svqrl   1/1     Running     0          3m42s
example-registry-quay-database-b466fc4d7-tfrnx         1/1     Running     2          3m42s
example-registry-quay-mirror-6d9bd78756-6lj6p          1/1     Running     0          2m58s
example-registry-quay-mirror-6d9bd78756-bv6gq          1/1     Running     0          2m58s
example-registry-quay-postgres-init-dzbmx              0/1     Completed   0          3m43s
example-registry-quay-redis-8bd67b647-skgqx            1/1     Running     0          3m42s

4.1.2. Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA)

A default deployment shows the following running pods:

  • Two pods for the Quay application itself (example-registry-quay-app-*`)
  • One Redis pod for Quay logging (example-registry-quay-redis-*)
  • One database pod for PostgreSQL used by Quay for metadata storage (example-registry-quay-database-*)
  • One pod for the Quay config editor (example-registry-quay-config-editor-*)
  • Two Quay mirroring pods (example-registry-quay-mirror-*)
  • Two pods for the Clair application (example-registry-clair-app-*)
  • One PostgreSQL pod for Clair (example-registry-clair-postgres-*)

As HPA is configured by default to be managed, the number of pods for Quay, Clair and repository mirroring is set to two. This facilitates the avoidance of downtime when updating / reconfiguring Quay via the Operator or during rescheduling events.

$ oc get hpa -n quay-enterprise
NAME                           REFERENCE                                 TARGETS           MINPODS   MAXPODS   REPLICAS   AGE
example-registry-clair-app     Deployment/example-registry-clair-app     16%/90%, 0%/90%   2         10        2          13d
example-registry-quay-app      Deployment/example-registry-quay-app      31%/90%, 1%/90%   2         20        2          13d
example-registry-quay-mirror   Deployment/example-registry-quay-mirror   27%/90%, 0%/90%   2         20        2          13d

4.1.3. Using the API to create the first user

When using the API to create the first user, the following conditions must be met:

  • The config option FEATURE_USER_INITIALIZE must be set to true
  • No users can already exist in the database

For more information on pre-configuring the deployment, see the section Pre-configuring Quay for automation Invoking the API

Using the status.registryEndpoint URL, invoke the /api/v1/user/initialize API, passing in the username, password and email address. You can also request an OAuth token by specifying "access_token": true.

$  curl -X POST -k --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{ "username": "quayadmin", "password":"quaypass123", "email": "", "access_token": true}'
{"access_token":"6B4QTRSTSD1HMIG915VPX7BMEZBVB9GPNY2FC2ED", "email":"","encrypted_password":"1nZMLH57RIE5UGdL/yYpDOHLqiNCgimb6W9kfF8MjZ1xrfDpRyRs9NUnUuNuAitW","username":"quayadmin"}

If successful, the method returns an object with the username, email and encrypted password. If a user already exists in the database, an error is returned:

$  curl -X POST -k --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{ "username": "quayuser2", "password":"quaypass123", "email": ""}'
{"message":"Cannot initialize user in a non-empty database"}

The password must be at least 8 characters and contain no whitespace:

 $  curl -X POST -k --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{ "username": "quayadmin", "password":"pass123", "email": ""}'
{"message":"Failed to initialize user: Invalid password, password must be at least 8 characters and contain no whitespace."} Using the OAuth token

You can now invoke the rest of the Quay API specifying the returned OAuth code. For example, to get a list of the current users:

$ curl -X GET -k -H "Authorization: Bearer 6B4QTRSTSD1HMIG915VPX7BMEZBVB9GPNY2FC2ED"
    "users": [
            "kind": "user",
            "name": "quayadmin",
            "username": "quayadmin",
            "email": "",
            "verified": true,
            "avatar": {
                "name": "quayadmin",
                "hash": "3e82e9cbf62d25dec0ed1b4c66ca7c5d47ab9f1f271958298dea856fb26adc4c",
                "color": "#e7ba52",
                "kind": "user"
            "super_user": true,
            "enabled": true

In this instance, the details for the quayadmin user are returned as it is the only user that has been created so far. Create organization

To create an organization, use a POST call to api/v1/organization/ endpoint:

$ curl -X POST -k --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer 6B4QTRSTSD1HMIG915VPX7BMEZBVB9GPNY2FC2ED" --data '{"name": "testorg", "email": ""}'
"Created" Get organization details

To retrieve the details of the organization you created:

$ curl -X GET -k --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer 6B4QTRSTSD1HMIG915VPX7BMEZBVB9GPNY2FC2ED"
    "name": "testorg",
    "email": "",
    "avatar": {
        "name": "testorg",
        "hash": "5f113632ad532fc78215c9258a4fb60606d1fa386c91b141116a1317bf9c53c8",
        "color": "#a55194",
        "kind": "user"
    "is_admin": true,
    "is_member": true,
    "teams": {
        "owners": {
            "name": "owners",
            "description": "",
            "role": "admin",
            "avatar": {
                "name": "owners",
                "hash": "6f0e3a8c0eb46e8834b43b03374ece43a030621d92a7437beb48f871e90f8d90",
                "color": "#c7c7c7",
                "kind": "team"
            "can_view": true,
            "repo_count": 0,
            "member_count": 1,
            "is_synced": false
    "ordered_teams": [
    "invoice_email": false,
    "invoice_email_address": null,
    "tag_expiration_s": 1209600,
    "is_free_account": true

4.1.4. Monitoring and debugging the deployment process

Red Hat Quay 3.6 provides new functionality to troubleshoot problems during the deployment phase. The status in the QuayRegistry object can help you monitor the health of the components during the deployment an help you debug any problems that may arise:

$ oc get quayregistry -n quay-enterprise -o yaml

Immediately after deployment, the QuayRegistry object will show the basic configuration:

apiVersion: v1
- apiVersion:
  kind: QuayRegistry
    creationTimestamp: "2021-09-14T10:51:22Z"
    generation: 3
    name: example-registry
    namespace: quay-enterprise
    resourceVersion: "50147"
    selfLink: /apis/
    uid: e3fc82ba-e716-4646-bb0f-63c26d05e00e
    - kind: postgres
      managed: true
    - kind: clair
      managed: true
    - kind: redis
      managed: true
    - kind: horizontalpodautoscaler
      managed: true
    - kind: objectstorage
      managed: true
    - kind: route
      managed: true
    - kind: mirror
      managed: true
    - kind: monitoring
      managed: true
    - kind: tls
      managed: true
    configBundleSecret: example-registry-config-bundle-kt55s
kind: List
  resourceVersion: ""
  selfLink: ""

Use the oc get pods command to view the current state of the deployed components:

$ oc get pods -n quay-enterprise

NAME                                                   READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
example-registry-clair-app-86554c6b49-ds7bl            0/1     ContainerCreating   0          2s
example-registry-clair-app-86554c6b49-hxp5s            0/1     Running             1          17s
example-registry-clair-postgres-68d8857899-lbc5n       0/1     ContainerCreating   0          17s
example-registry-quay-app-upgrade-h2v7h                0/1     ContainerCreating   0          9s
example-registry-quay-config-editor-5f646cbcb7-lbnc2   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          17s
example-registry-quay-database-66f495c9bc-wqsjf        0/1     ContainerCreating   0          17s
example-registry-quay-mirror-854c88457b-d845g          0/1     Init:0/1            0          2s
example-registry-quay-mirror-854c88457b-fghxv          0/1     Init:0/1            0          17s
example-registry-quay-postgres-init-bktdt              0/1     Terminating         0          17s
example-registry-quay-redis-f9b9d44bf-4htpz            0/1     ContainerCreating   0          17s

While the deployment is in progress, the QuayRegistry object will show the current status. In this instance, database migrations are taking place, and other components are waiting until this completes.

    - lastTransitionTime: "2021-09-14T10:52:04Z"
      lastUpdateTime: "2021-09-14T10:52:04Z"
      message: all objects created/updated successfully
      reason: ComponentsCreationSuccess
      status: "False"
      type: RolloutBlocked
    - lastTransitionTime: "2021-09-14T10:52:05Z"
      lastUpdateTime: "2021-09-14T10:52:05Z"
      message: running database migrations
      reason: MigrationsInProgress
      status: "False"
      type: Available
    configEditorCredentialsSecret: example-registry-quay-config-editor-credentials-btbkcg8dc9
    lastUpdated: 2021-09-14 10:52:05.371425635 +0000 UTC
      - lastTransitionTime: "2021-09-14T10:51:32Z"
        lastUpdateTime: "2021-09-14T10:51:32Z"
        message: 'Deployment example-registry-clair-postgres: Deployment does not have minimum availability.'
        reason: MinimumReplicasUnavailable
        status: "False"
        type: Available
      - lastTransitionTime: "2021-09-14T10:51:32Z"
        lastUpdateTime: "2021-09-14T10:51:32Z"
        message: 'Deployment example-registry-clair-app: Deployment does not have minimum availability.'
        reason: MinimumReplicasUnavailable
        status: "False"
        type: Available
      - lastTransitionTime: "2021-09-14T10:51:32Z"
        lastUpdateTime: "2021-09-14T10:51:32Z"
        message: 'Deployment example-registry-quay-mirror: Deployment does not have minimum availability.'
        reason: MinimumReplicasUnavailable
        status: "False"
        type: Available

When the deployment process finishes successfully, the status in the QuayRegistry object shows no unhealthy components:

    - lastTransitionTime: "2021-09-14T10:52:36Z"
      lastUpdateTime: "2021-09-14T10:52:36Z"
      message: all registry component healthchecks passing
      reason: HealthChecksPassing
      status: "True"
      type: Available
    - lastTransitionTime: "2021-09-14T10:52:46Z"
      lastUpdateTime: "2021-09-14T10:52:46Z"
      message: all objects created/updated successfully
      reason: ComponentsCreationSuccess
      status: "False"
      type: RolloutBlocked
    configEditorCredentialsSecret: example-registry-quay-config-editor-credentials-hg7gg7h57m
    currentVersion: 3.6.0
    lastUpdated: 2021-09-14 10:52:46.104181633 +0000 UTC
    unhealthyComponents: {}

4.2. Deploying Red Hat Quay from the OpenShift console

  1. Create a namespace, for example, quay-enterprise.
  2. Select Operators Installed Operators, then select the Quay Operator to navigate to the Operator detail view.
  3. Click 'Create Instance' on the 'Quay Registry' tile under 'Provided APIs'.
  4. Optionally change the 'Name' of the QuayRegistry. This will affect the hostname of the registry. All other fields have been populated with defaults.
  5. Click 'Create' to submit the QuayRegistry to be deployed by the Quay Operator.
  6. You should be redirected to the QuayRegistry list view. Click on the QuayRegistry you just created to see the details view.
  7. Once the 'Registry Endpoint' has a value, click it to access your new Quay registry via the UI. You can now select 'Create Account' to create a user and sign in.

4.2.1. Using the Quay UI to create the first user


This procedure assumes that the FEATURE_USER_CREATION config option has not been set to false. If it is false, then the Create Account functionality on the UI will be disabled, and you will have to use the API to create the first user.

  1. In the OpenShift console, navigate to Operators Installed Operators, with the appropriate namespace / project.
  2. Click on the newly installed QuayRegistry, to view the details:

    QuayRegistry details

  3. Once the Registry Endpoint has a value, navigate to this URL in your browser
  4. Select 'Create Account' in the Quay registry UI to create a user

    Create Account

  5. Enter details for username, password, email and click Create Account

    Enter account details

  6. You are automatically logged in to the Quay registry

    Initial log in

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