Appendix A. Technical Users Provided and Required by Satellite
During the installation of Satellite, system accounts are created. They are used to manage files and process ownership of the components integrated into Satellite. Some of these accounts have fixed UIDs and GIDs, while others take the next available UID and GID on the system instead. To control the UIDs and GIDs assigned to accounts, you can define accounts before installing Satellite. Because some of the accounts have hard-coded UIDs and GIDs, it is not possible to do this with all accounts created during Satellite installation.
The following table lists all the accounts created by Satellite during installation. You can predefine accounts that have Yes in the Flexible UID and GID column with custom UID and GID before installing Satellite.
Do not change the home and shell directories of system accounts because they are requirements for Satellite to work correctly.
Because of potential conflicts with local users that Satellite creates, you cannot use external identity providers for the system users of the Satellite base operating system.
User name | UID | Group name | GID | Flexible UID and GID | Home | Shell |
foreman | N/A | foreman | N/A | yes | /usr/share/foreman | /sbin/nologin |
foreman-proxy | N/A | foreman-proxy | N/A | yes | /usr/share/foreman-proxy | /sbin/nologin |
puppet | N/A | puppet | N/A | yes | /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver | /sbin/nologin |
qdrouterd | N/A | qdrouterd | N/A | yes | N/A | /sbin/nologin |
qpidd | N/A | qpidd | N/A | yes | /var/lib/qpidd | /sbin/nologin |
unbound | N/A | unbound | N/A | yes | /etc/unbound | /sbin/nologin |
postgres | 26 | postgres | 26 | no | /var/lib/pgsql | /bin/bash |
apache | 48 | apache | 48 | no | /usr/share/httpd | /sbin/nologin |
tomcat | 53 | tomcat | 53 | no | /usr/share/tomcat | /bin/nologin |
saslauth | N/A | saslauth | 76 | no | N/A | /sbin/nologin |