
Release notes

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Red Hat Satellite 6.15

Learn about added, deprecated, and removed features, known issues, and key references

Red Hat Satellite Documentation Team


This document contains product notes, brief descriptions of new features, and known issues for Red Hat Satellite.

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  1. Click the following link: Create Issue. If Jira displays a login error, log in and proceed after you are redirected to the form.
  2. Complete the Summary and Description fields. In the Description field, include the documentation URL, chapter or section number, and a detailed description of the issue. Do not modify any other fields in the form.
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Chapter 1. Summary of changes

The 6.15 release of Red Hat Satellite features the following changes:

Removed katello-agent subsystem

  • katello-agent, qpid messaging system, and related Content settings have been removed from Satellite.
  • You have to migrate your hosts from katello-agent to remote execution before the upgrade. Remote execution is now the only way to perform remote package actions.
  • Red Hat recommends you to disable katello-agent on your Satellite Server and Capsule Servers before the upgrade.
  • Optionally, you can remove the katello-agent package from hosts. Red Hat recommends you to do so and verify that you can perform remote package actions by using remote execution.
  • See also katello-agent.

Security hardening support

Improved user experience

Improved documentation

See the following chapters for detailed changes in Red Hat Satellite 6.15.

1.1. Changes in satellite-installer parameters

The following parameters have been removed in this release:

  • --foreman-proxy-content-enable-katello-agent: Enables Katello Agent on Capsule Server.
  • --foreman-proxy-content-qpid-router-agent-addr: Listener address for the goferd agents.
  • --foreman-proxy-content-qpid-router-agent-port: Listener port for the goferd agents.
  • --foreman-proxy-content-qpid-router-broker-addr: Address of the qpidd broker to connect to.
  • --foreman-proxy-content-qpid-router-broker-port: Port of the qpidd broker to connect to.
  • --foreman-proxy-content-qpid-router-hub-addr: Address for dispatching router hub.
  • --foreman-proxy-content-qpid-router-hub-port: Port for dispatching router hub.
  • --foreman-proxy-content-qpid-router-logging: Whether to log to a file or syslog.
  • --foreman-proxy-content-qpid-router-logging-level: Logging level of the dispatch router (for eg., info+ or debug+).
  • --foreman-proxy-content-qpid-router-logging-path: Directory for the dispatch router logs, if using a file logging.
  • --foreman-proxy-content-qpid-router-ssl-ciphers: SSL Ciphers to support the dispatch router.
  • --foreman-proxy-content-qpid-router-ssl-protocols: Protocols to support the dispatch router (e.g. TLSv1.2).
  • --katello-qpid-hostname: Configure the hostname to connect to the qpidd.
  • --katello-qpid-interface: Specify the network interface for the qpidd other than loopback.
  • --katello-qpid-wcache-page-size: qpidd sets the page size in the cache for Katello.

The following parameters have been added in this release:

  • --[no-]enable-apache-mod-status: Enable 'apache_mod_status' puppet module.
  • --apache-mod-status-extended-status: Determines whether to track the extended status information for each request by using the ExtendedStatus directive.
  • --apache-mod-status-requires: Monitor web server load and the current HTTP connections.
  • --apache-mod-status-status-path: Path assigned to the Location directive that defines the URL to access the server status.
  • --foreman-plugin-remote-execution-cockpit-ensure: Ensures that the Foreman Remote Execution plugin integrates with Cockpit.
  • --foreman-provisioning-ct-location: The location of the binary to call when transpiling CoreOS templates.
  • --foreman-provisioning-fcct-location: The location of the binary to call when transpiling Fedora CoreOS templates.
  • --foreman-proxy-content-pulpcore-import-workers-percent: What percentage of available workers pulpcore uses for import tasks at a time.
  • --foreman-proxy-content-reverse-proxy-backend-protocol: Configure the protocol used by the reverse proxy to connect to Foreman.
  • --foreman-proxy-manage-service: Control the management of the Foreman Proxy services.
  • --katello-candlepin-loggers: Configure the Candlepin loggers.
  • --puppet-certificate-revocation: Manage the list of revoked certificates.
  • --puppet-server-git-repo-umask: Umask used during git operations.
  • --puppet-server-jolokia-metrics-allowlist: Configure the allowlist of Jolokia endpoints that Puppet Server exposes.

The following parameters have been replaced in this release:

  • --puppet-server-admin-api-whitelist has been replaced with --puppet-server-admin-api-allowlist : Configure the allowlist of clients that can query the puppet-admin-api endpoint
  • --puppet-server-ca-client-whitelist has been replaced with --puppet-server-ca-client-allowlist: Configure the allowlist of client certificates
  • --puppet-server-git-repo-mode has been replaced with --puppet-server-git-repo-hook-mode: Git repository hook mode.

Chapter 2. New features

This part describes new features and major enhancements introduced in Red Hat Satellite 6.15.

Command to refresh all/bulk ACS’s using hammer

Due to a potential conflict with an existing API endpoint, the correct command is:

$ hammer alternate-content-source bulk refresh-all


Setting’s behavior for Append domain names to the host changed

The behavior of the Append domain names to the host setting was changed to save hosts with full names in the database and displaying the value.


New actions added to the host details page

The vertical ellipses on the host details page have been updated. These actions will force a package profile upload on the host through remote execution, ensuring that the applicability calculation is up-to-date.

  • Refresh applicability is added to the main vertical ellipsis on the top right of the page
  • Refresh package applicability is added on the vertical ellipsis above the Content > Packages table
  • Refresh errata applicability replaces the Recalculate action on the vertical ellipsis menu on the Content > Errata tab


Provisioning templates now use the Global Registration method to register hosts

Previously, provisioning templates used the Katello CA Consumer to register hosts during provisioning, which is deprecated and not compatible with newer RHEL systems. With this release, provisioning templates register hosts by using the same method as the Global Registration template, because they include the shared subscription_manager_setup snippet.


Refresh counts available for Capsule packages

If your Capsules have synchronized content enabled, you can refresh the number of content counts available to the environments associated with the Capsule. This displays the Content Views inside those environments available to the Capsule. You can then expand the Content View to view the repositories associated with that Content View version.


New report template for hosts in SCA organizations

Host – Installed Products
Use this template for hosts in Simple Content Access (SCA) organizations. It generates a report with installed product information along with other metrics included in Subscription – Entitlement Report except information about subscriptions.
Subscription – Entitlement Report
Use this template for hosts that are not in SCA organizations. It generates a report with information about subscription entitlements including when they expire. It only outputs information for hosts in organizations that do not use SCA.


RHEL end of support visible in Satellite

Satellite provides multiple mechanisms to display information about upcoming End of Support (EOS) events for your Red Hat Enterprise Linux hosts:

  • Notification banner
  • A column on the Hosts index page
  • Search field

    1. In the Satellite web UI, navigate to Hosts > All Hosts.
    2. Click Manage columns.
    3. Select the Content column to expand it.
    4. Select RHEL Lifecycle status.
    5. Click Save to generate a new column that displays the Red Hat Enterprise Linux lifecycle status.

You can use the Search field to search hosts by rhel_lifecycle_status. It can have the following values:

  • full_support
  • maintenance_support
  • approaching_end_of_maintenance
  • extended_support
  • approaching_end_of_support
  • support_ended

You can also find the RHEL lifecycle status on the Host status card on the Host Details page.


fapolicyd on Satellite and Capsule is now available

You can now install and enable fapolicyd on Satellite Server and Capsule Server. The fapolicyd software framework is one of the most efficient ways to prevent running untrusted and possibly malicious applications on the system.


Vertical navigation changes

This release brings the following vertical navigation changes:

  • New search bar at the top of vertical navigation enables you to quickly find menu items. You can focus the search bar by clicking on it or by pressing
    Ctrl + Shift + F.
  • Some menu items in the vertical navigation have been grouped into expandable submenus. For example, Config Management and Report Templates under Monitor have been grouped into Reports. Click the submenu to expand it. The order of the menu items remains unchanged.
  • Menu and submenu items, such as Monitor or Reports, now expand when you click them instead of when you hover over them.


Satellite EOL date in the web UI

Admin users can now see the end of life (EOL) date in the Satellite web UI if the EOL date of the Satellite version is within the next 6 months. This information displays as a warning banner. The warning banner changes to an error banner if the Satellite version is past the EOL date. You can dismiss the banners and they reappear after one month or on the EOL date.


Satellite auto-selects the activation key during host registration

When you register a host using Hosts > Register Host in the Satellite web UI and there is only one activation key available for the organization and location selected in the registration form, Satellite selects the activation key automatically.


Satellite sends email notifications after certain background actions fail

Previously, when background actions such as repository synchronization failed, users had to log in to the Satellite Web UI to learn about the failures. With this update, you can configure email notifications for the following events: failed content view promotion, failed content view publish, failed Capsule sync, and failed repository sync.

To start receiving the notifications, log in to the Satellite Web UI and navigate to Administer > Users. Select the required user, switch to the Email Preferences tab, and specify the required notifications. Make sure that the Mail Enabled checkbox on the Email Preferences tab is selected. Note that users whose accounts are disabled do not receive any notification emails.


Satellite installer now automatically determines the most appropriate logging layout

Previously, you had to configure a layout for Satellite logs manually by passing the --foreman-logging-layout option to satellite-installer. With this release, satellite-installer automatically selects the most appropriate layout type if you do not specify a layout type manually. For file-based logging, the multiline_request_pattern layout is used by default. For logging to journald, the pattern layout is used by default. To specify the required logging layout manually, pass the --foreman-logging-layout option to satellite-installer.


Redis cache

Satellite now includes the ability to configure redis as the cache for the Satellite WebUI. Use redis cache if you have a large number of hosts registered to the Satellite Server or if you use the extra-large tuning profile and that is causing issues. To use redis cache:

# satellite-installer --foreman-rails-cache-store type:redis

To revert back to file based caching:

# satellite-installer --foreman-rails-cache-store type:file


display_fqdn_for_hosts replaces append_domain_name_for_hosts in Satellite settings

Previously, you were able to configure whether Satellite stores the name of the host with the domain name appended in the database. With this update, the name property of the host in the database always contains the fully qualified domain name (FQDN).

As a result, the following settings are no longer available in Satellite:

  • Append domain names to the host in Satellite Web UI
  • append_domain_name_for_hosts in Hammer and API

The settings above have been replaced with the following settings. The new settings only control how host names are displayed:

  • Display FQDN for hosts in the Satellite Web UI
  • display_fqdn_for_hosts in Hammer and API



The following permissions have been added:

  • create_lookup_values
  • destroy_lookup_values
  • edit_lookup_values
  • view_lookup_values

These permissions were created to solve an issue with overriding Ansible variables and are automatically assigned to relevant roles. For more information, see Non-admin users can override Ansible variables.


New Hammer subcommands and options

New subcommands
  • hammer alternate-content-source bulk
  • hammer capsule content reclaim-space
  • hammer capsule content update-counts
  • hammer proxy content reclaim-space
  • hammer proxy content update-counts
New options
  • file-id and nondefault added to hammer content-view version list
  • lifecycle-environment, environment, and environment-id added to hammer erratum list
  • delete-empty-repo-filters added to hammer repository delete


New API endpoints

The following API endpoints have been added:

  • /katello/api/alternate_content_sources/bulk/refresh_all
  • /katello/api/capsules/:id/content/counts
  • /katello/api/capsules/:id/content/update_counts
  • /katello/api/capsules/:id/content/reclaim_space
  • /api/v2/hosts/bulk


Chapter 3. Bug fixes

This part describes bugs fixed in Red Hat Satellite 6.15 that have a significant impact on users.

Concurrency level setting

Previously, the Concurrency level setting used in remote execution job scheduling did not always function properly. This could lead to the jobs being frozen until the service restart. With this release, this issue is now fixed and the Concurrency level setting works as intended.


Updating host facts now does not trigger the host_updated event

Previously, updating host facts would trigger the host_updated event multiple times. This caused the subscribed webhooks to fire more than once on a single update of the host facts. With this release, updating the host facts does not trigger the host_updated event. If you want to be notified when host facts are updated, subscribe your webhooks to the new host_facts_updated event. This new event triggers the webhook only once with each update of the host facts. The host_updated event is still triggered if a user manually updates a host.


You can now access full details from webhook when removing a host

Previously, only basic information about the host was available to the webhook template when you deleted a host. With this release, when you delete a host, the webhook template can access the full host details.


Registration exit code reflects registration failure

Previously, the registration command returned the 0 exit code even when host registration failed. With this release, the registration command returns 0 only when it succeeds and non-zero codes otherwise.


Non-admin users can override Ansible variables

Previously, Satellite users other than the System Administrator could not override Ansible variables even when they were assigned the Ansible Roles Manager user role. With this release, permissions have been corrected and non-admin users can override Ansible variables.


Generate host registration commands by using 0 as unlimited for JWT expiration

Previously, it was not clear what value Hammer and API accept for generation of the host registration command with an unlimited authorization token. The accepted values are as follows:

  • 0 means unlimited
  • A value between 0 and 999999 is expiration in hours, 4 hours by default
  • Other values are not accepted.

With this release, the unlimited value has been clarified in the Hammer help and API reference.


Chapter 4. Technology previews

This part provides a list of all Technology Previews available in Red Hat Satellite 6.15.

For information on Red Hat scope of support for Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

OpenShift Virtualization plugin

You can provision virtual machines using the OpenShift Virtualization compute resource as a Technology Preview.


OVAL / CVE Reporting Support

Satellite now includes the ability to scan systems for vulnerabilities using the OVAL standard data feed provided by Red Hat.

foreman_openscap contains the API to upload the OVAL content used to trigger the OVAL oscap scans. The results are parsed for CVEs and sent to Satellite which then generates reports of managed hosts and the CVEs that effect them.


Kernel execution (kexec) template

Kernel execution template for PXE-less boot methods.


Chapter 5. Deprecated functionality

This part provides an overview of functionality that has been deprecated in Red Hat Satellite 6.15.

Deprecated functionality will likely not be supported in future releases of this product and is not recommended for new deployments. For the most recent list of deprecated functionality within a particular major release, refer to the latest version of release documentation.

The support status of deprecated functionality remains unchanged within Red Hat Satellite 6.15. For information about the length of support, see Red Hat Enterprise Linux Life Cycle and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Application Streams Life Cycle.

Deprecated hardware components are not recommended for new deployments on the current or future releases. Hardware driver updates are limited to security and critical fixes only. Red Hat recommends replacing this hardware as soon as reasonably feasible.

A package can be deprecated and not recommended for further use. Under certain circumstances, a package can be removed from a product. Product documentation then identifies more recent packages that offer functionality similar, identical, or more advanced to the one deprecated, and provides further recommendations.

Package group actions

Package group actions in the Satellite web UI is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.


Entitlement-based subscription management

Simple Content Access (SCA) will be the only subscription management mode as of Satellite 6.16.


Entitlement-based Subscription Management will be removed in Satellite 6.16. It is recommended to use Simple Content Access, which simplifies the entitlement experience for administrators in regards to subscriptions as a substitute.


Snapshot based backup

The snapshot based backup functionality is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.


Asynchronous SSH remote execution mode

The async-ssh remote execution mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. When you have unstable connectivity between Capsules and managed hosts, Red Hat advises you to use the pull mode instead. For more information about pull mode, see Transport Modes for Remote Execution in Managing hosts.

Foreman Hooks

The Foreman Hooks functionality is deprecated and will be replaced by Foreman Webhooks in Satellite 6.16.

Provisioning on Red Hat Virtualization

The integration of Red Hat Virtualization (RHV) with Satellite is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. All the existing compute resources of RHV type will be removed and the hosts associated with RHV will be disconnected.

The script used to register a host to Satellite or Capsule Server has been replaced with the curl command created with the global registration template. Users are encouraged to use Registration as a primary tool.


katello-ca-consumer package

The katello-ca-consumer package is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use the global registration template for registering a host to Red Hat Satellite. The katello-ca-consumer rpm is still expected to be used for deploying systems using Satellite until BZ#(2153548) is resolved.

katello-rhsm-consumer script

The katello-rhsm-consumer script is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use the global registration template for registering a host to Red Hat Satellite.


Chapter 6. Removed functionality

This part lists functionality that has been removed in Red Hat Satellite 6.15.


katello-agent has been removed in 6.15. Migrate now to Remote Execution or Remote Execution pull mode. If you upgrade to 6.15 without migrating, you will not be able to perform critical host package actions, including patching and security updates. For more information about migrating to Remote Execution, see Migrating Hosts From Katello Agent to Remote Execution.

As part of the removal of katello-agent, the following Content settings have been removed:

  • Use remote execution by default
  • Accept action timeout
  • Finish action timeout

Please note that N-1 Capsule support does not apply to katello-agent. Therefore, katello-agent infrastructure on Capsules running 6.14 will stop working when Satellite is upgraded to 6.15. Ensure that you have completely migrated to remote execution before upgrading Satellite.


Receptor-based Cloud Connector has been removed

The server-side support for the Receptor-based cloud connector has been removed on Users are expected to use the RHC-based Cloud Connector. Customers currently on Satellite 6.9 or earlier versions are advised to upgrade to Satellite 6.10 or later versions, which provide support for the RHC-based Cloud Connector.


Viewing charts of monitored Facts is removed

In the Satellite web UI, the View Chart functionality and the Actions column are removed from the Fact Values table in Monitor > Facts.


Time span setting

Time span setting has been removed from scheduling remote execution jobs. If you want to regulate the remote job execution load on your Satellite, use the Concurrency level setting instead. This setting limits the number of tasks that can be run at a time per job.


Shortnames of hosts can no longer be used in API calls

With host names stored as FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Names) in Satellite, you can no longer use shortnames to retrieve the host resource in the Satellite API, such as Use FQDN to identify the hosts.


Removed Hammer subcommands and options

Removed subcommands
  • hammer host errata apply
  • hammer host package install
  • hammer host package remove
  • hammer host package upgrade
  • hammer host package upgrade-all
  • hammer host package-group install
  • hammer host package-group remove
  • hammer host-collection package install
  • hammer host-collection package remove
  • hammer host-collection package update
  • hammer host-collection package-group install
  • hammer host-collection package-group remove
  • hammer host-collection package-group update
Removed options
  • lifecycle-environment and lifecycle-environment-id removed from hammer host-registration generate-command
  • time-span removed from hammer job-invocation create
  • docker-tags-whitelist removed from hammer repository create


Removed API endpoints

The following API endpoints have been removed:

  • /katello/api/capsules/:id/reclaim_space
  • /api/v2/hosts/:host_id/errata/apply
  • /api/v2/hosts/:host_id/packages/install
  • /api/v2/hosts/:host_id/packages/upgrade_all
  • /api/v2/hosts/:host_id/packages/remove
  • /api/v2/hosts/bulk/install_content
  • /api/v2/hosts/bulk/update_content
  • /api/v2/hosts/bulk/remove_content
  • katello/api/package_group
  • katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/products/:product_id/sync


Chapter 7. Known issues

This part describes known issues in Red Hat Satellite 6.15.

When using satellite-maintain backup on Capsule Server, the certificate tar file is not collected

The satellite-maintain backup command does not collect the certificate tar file of the Capsule Server when creating a backup. As a result, restoring the archive fails. To work around this problem, re-generate the certificate tar file from the Satellite Server.


Disabled Puppet with all data removed cannot be re-enabled

If the Puppet plug-in was disabled with the -f, --remove-all-data argument and you attempt to enable it again, Satellite maintain fails.


External databases require hstore extension for upgrade and installation

If you use an external database:

  • You will have to install the postgresql-contrib package and create the hstore extension in PostgreSQL prior to upgrading to 6.15.
  • You will have to install the postgresql-contrib package and create the hstore extension prior to installing a new Satellite 6.15.

If the extension is not manually created, upgrade or installation will end in an error:

permission denied to create extension "hstore"

If you see this error, install the postgresql-contrib package and create the hstore extension prior to continuing.

For more information, see Installing PostgreSQL in Installing Satellite Server in a connected network environment and Upgrading a Connected Satellite Server in Upgrading connected Red Hat Satellite to 6.15.


Web UI sometimes displays names of hosts as FQDNs when Display FQDN for hosts is disabled

The Display FQDN for hosts setting is applied inconsistently in the Satellite web UI. Some pages in the web UI display names of hosts as FQDNs even when Display FQDN for hosts is disabled.


Unable to upload an OpenSCAP report from RHEL 9 hosts with FIPS mode enabled

On RHEL 9 hosts running in FIPS mode that are registered with Satellite, uploading an OpenSCAP report fails with the following error:

Unable to load certs
Neither PUB key nor PRIV key

For more details, see a related Knowledgebase solution.


Chapter 8. Key references

8.1. What is Red Hat Satellite

Red Hat Satellite is a system management solution that enables you to deploy, configure, and maintain your systems across physical, virtual, and cloud environments. Red Hat Satellite provides provisioning, remote management and monitoring of multiple Red Hat Enterprise Linux deployments with a single, centralized tool.

Red Hat Satellite Server synchronizes content from the Red Hat Customer Portal and other sources, and provides functionality including fine-grained life cycle management, user and group role-based access control, integrated subscription management, as well as advanced GUI, CLI, or API access.

Red Hat Satellite Capsule Server mirrors content from Red Hat Satellite Server to share the content across various geographical locations. Host systems can pull content and configuration from the Capsule Server in their location instead of from the central Satellite Server. The Capsule Server also provides localized services such as Puppet server, DHCP, DNS, or TFTP. Capsule Servers assist you in scaling Red Hat Satellite as the number of managed systems increases in your environment.

8.2. Supported architectures

For an overview of supported architectures in Satellite, see Supported client architectures.

8.3. Content delivery network repositories and tools

This section describes the repositories required to install Red Hat Satellite.

You can install Red Hat Satellite through the content delivery network (CDN). To do so, configure subscription-manager to use the correct repository for your operating system version and variant.

Run the following command to enable a CDN repository:

# subscription-manager repos --enable=reponame

Run the following command to disable a CDN repository:

# subscription-manager repos --disable=reponame

The following table lists the repositories for Satellite Server, Capsule Server, and Satellite Maintenance.

Table 8.1. Red Hat Satellite Base, Capsule, Maintenance, and Utils for RHEL 8
Repository NameRepository Label

Red Hat Satellite 6.15 for RHEL 8 x86_64 (ISOs, RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

satellite-6.15-for-rhel-8-x86_64-{isos, rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Capsule 6.15 for RHEL 8 x86_64 (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

satellite-capsule-6.15-for-rhel-8-x86_64-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Maintenance 6.15 for RHEL 8 x86_64 (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

satellite-maintenance-6.15-for-rhel-8-x86_64-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Utils 6.15 for RHEL 8 x86_64 (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

satellite-utils-6.15-for-rhel-8-x86_64-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

The following tables list the repositories for Red Hat Satellite Clients.

Table 8.2. Red Hat Satellite Client for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
Repository NameRepository Label

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 (for RHEL 6 Server - ELS) (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

rhel-6-server-els-satellite-client-6-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 (for RHEL 6 for System Z - ELS) (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

rhel-6-for-system-z-els-satellite-client-6-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Table 8.3. Red Hat Satellite Client for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
Repository NameRepository Label

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 (for RHEL 7 Desktop) (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

rhel-7-desktop-satellite-client-6-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 (for RHEL 7 Server) (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

rhel-7-server-satellite-client-6-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 (for RHEL 7 Workstation) (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

rhel-7-workstation-satellite-client-6-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 (for RHEL 7 for Scientific Computing) (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

rhel-7-for-hpc-node-satellite-tools-7-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 (for RHEL 7 for IBM Power) (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

rhel-7-for-power-satellite-client-6-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 (for RHEL 7 for IBM Power LE) (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

rhel-7-for-power-le-satellite-client-6-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 (for RHEL 7 for System Z) (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

rhel-7-for-system-z-satellite-client-6-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 (for RHEL 7 Server - Update Services SAP Solutions) (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

rhel-7-server-e4s-satellite-client-6-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 (for RHEL 7 for IBM Power LE - Update Services SAP Solutions) (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

rhel-7-for-power-le-e4s-satellite-client-6-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 (for RHEL 7 Server - TUS) (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

rhel-7-server-tus-satellite-client-6-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 (for RHEL 7 Server - AUS) (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

rhel-7-server-aus-satellite-client-6-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Table 8.4. Red Hat Satellite Client for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
Repository NameRepository Label

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 for RHEL 8 <arch> (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

satellite-client-6-for-rhel-8-<arch>-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 for RHEL 8 x86_64 - Extended Update Support (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

satellite-client-6-for-rhel-8-x86_64-eus-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 for RHEL 8 IBM z Systems - Extended Update Support (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

satellite-client-6-for-rhel-8-s390x-eus-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 for RHEL 8 Power, little endian - Extended Update Support (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

satellite-client-6-for-rhel-8-ppc64le-eus-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 for RHEL 8 ARM 64 - Extended Update Support (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

satellite-client-6-for-rhel-8-aarch64-eus-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 for RHEL 8 x86_64 - Update Services SAP Solutions (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

satellite-client-6-for-rhel-8-x86_64-e4s-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 for RHEL 8 Power, little endian - Update Services SAP Solutions (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

satellite-client-6-for-rhel-8-ppc64le-e4s-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 for RHEL 8 x86_64 - Telecommunications Update Service (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

satellite-client-6-for-rhel-8-x86_64-tus-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 for RHEL 8 x86_64 - Advanced Mission Critical Update Support (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

satellite-client-6-for-rhel-8-x86_64-aus-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Table 8.5. Red Hat Satellite Client for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9
Repository NameRepository Label

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 for RHEL 9 <arch> (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

satellite-client-6-for-rhel-9-<arch>-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 for RHEL 9 x86_64 - Extended Update Support (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

satellite-client-6-for-rhel-9-x86_64-eus-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 for RHEL 9 IBM z Systems - Extended Update Support (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

satellite-client-6-for-rhel-9-s390x-eus-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 for RHEL 9 Power, little endian - Extended Update Support (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

satellite-client-6-for-rhel-9-ppc64le-eus-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 for RHEL 9 ARM 64 - Extended Update Support (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

satellite-client-6-for-rhel-9-aarch64-eus-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 for RHEL 9 x86_64 - Update Services SAP Solutions (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

satellite-client-6-for-rhel-9-x86_64-e4s-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

Red Hat Satellite Client 6 for RHEL 9 Power, little endian - Update Services SAP Solutions (RPMS, Debug RPMS, Source RPMS)

satellite-client-6-for-rhel-9-ppc64le-e4s-{rpms, debug-rpms, source-rpms}

8.4. Deployment workflow and referential product documentation

For documentation regarding Satellite deployment and the necessary deployment workflow, see Overview, concepts, and deployment considerations.

8.5. Product life cycle

For an overview of the life cycle phases for Red Hat Network Satellite and Red Hat Satellite and the status of support for these products, see Red Hat Satellite Product Life Cycle.

8.6. Component versions

Red Hat Satellite is a combination of several upstream projects. For details of the major projects included, and the version of those projects included in each major and minor release of Red Hat Satellite, see Satellite 6 Component Versions.

Appendix A. List of tickets by component

Bugzilla and JIRA tickets are listed in this document for reference. The links lead to the release notes in this document that describe the tickets.


Ansible - Configuration Management







Jira:SAT-20206, Jira:SAT-21163




Bugzilla:2153548, Jira:SAT-18663




Bugzilla:1994654, Bugzilla:2155444, Bugzilla:2180568

Remote Execution

Jira:SAT-19794, Jira:SAT-20749

SCAP Plugin



Jira:SAT-19793, Jira:SAT-23934



Users & Roles



Jira:SAT-23132, Jira:SAT-24730, Jira:SAT-22617, Jira:SAT-17368, Jira:SAT-20753, Jira:SAT-20947, Jira:SAT-20990, Jira:SAT-20393, Jira:SAT-20206, Jira:SAT-20910, Jira:SAT-19793, Jira:SAT-24698, Jira:SAT-24552, Jira:SAT-19794, Jira:SAT-20746, Jira:SAT-20745, Jira:SAT-18663, Jira:SAT-18123, Jira:SAT-20749, Jira:SAT-23753, Jira:SAT-24557, Jira:SAT-20862, Jira:SAT-21137, Jira:SAT-23881, Jira:SAT-21163, Jira:SAT-22241

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