Appendix E. Creating a Remote File Type Repository
You can create a custom file type repository, from a directory of files, external to Satellite Server using the pulp-manifest
command. You can then synchronize the files into Satellite Server over HTTP or HTTPS. When you add files to a file type repository, you can work with the files as with any other repository.
This procedure describes configuring a repository in a directory on a remote server. To create a file type repository in a directory on the base system where Satellite Server is installed, see Section 5.12, “Creating a Custom File Type Repository in a Local Directory”.
To configure a remote file type repository, ensure the following conditions have been met:
- You have a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 server registered to your Satellite or the Red Hat CDN.
- Your server has an entitlement to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server and Satellite Tools repositories.
- You have installed an HTTP server. For more information about configuring a web server, see The Apache HTTP Server in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 System Administrator’s Guide.
To Create a File Type Repository in a Remote Directory:
Ensure the Server and Satellite Tools repositories are enabled:
# subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rpms \ --enable=rhel-7-server-satellite-tools-6.3-rpms
Install the Pulp Manifest package:
# yum install python-pulp-manifest
Create a directory that you want to use as the file type repository in the HTTP server’s public folder:
# mkdir /var/www/html/pub/my_file_repo
Add files to the directory or create a test file:
# touch /var/www/html/pub/my_file_repo/test.txt
Enter the Pulp Manifest command to create the manifest:
# pulp-manifest /var/www/html/pub/my_file_repo
Verify the manifest was created:
# ls /var/www/html/pub/my_file_repo PULP_MANIFEST test.txt
To Import Files From a Remote File Type Repo
Create a File Type Repository
In the Satellite web UI, navigate to Content > Products. Select the name of a product, in this example My File Product. On the Repositories tab, select New Repository and enter the following details:
Name - A plain text name for the repository. Enter
My Files
. - Label - An internal ID for the repository. Red Hat Satellite 6 automatically completes this field based on what you enter for Name.
Type - The content type of the repository. Select
. - Upstream URL - The URL of the remote repository to use as the source.
- Verify SSL - Leave this option selected if you want to verify that the upstream repository’s SSL certificates are signed by a trusted CA. Alternatively, clear this check box.
- Upstream Username - If required for authentication, enter the user name for the upstream repository. Clear this field if the repository does not require authentication.
- Upstream Password - Enter the password for the upstream repository. Clear this field if the repository does not require authentication.
Name - A plain text name for the repository. Enter
- Select Save to save this repository entry.
- To update the file type repository, navigate to Content > Products. Select the name of a product, in this example My File Product. Select the name of the repository you want to update, in this example My Files.
- From the Select Action menu, select Sync Now.
- Visit the URL where the repository is published to see the files.