
Chapter 4. Configuring External Services

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Some environments have existing DNS, DHCP, and TFTP services and do not need to use the Satellite Server to provide these services. If you want to use external servers to provide DNS, DHCP, or TFTP, you can configure them for use with Satellite Server.

If you want to disable these services in Satellite in order to manage them manually, see Disabling DNS, DHCP, and TFTP for Unmanaged Networks for more information.

4.1. Configuring Satellite with External DNS

You can configure Satellite to use an external server to provide DNS service.

  1. Deploy a Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server and install the ISC DNS Service.

    # yum install bind bind-utils
  2. Create the configuration file for a domain.

    The following example configures a domain virtual.lan as one subnet, a security key named capsule, and sets forwarders to Google’s public DNS addresses ( and is the IP address of a DNS server and is the IP address of a Satellite Server or a Capsule Server.

    # cat /etc/named.conf
    include "/etc/rndc.key";
    controls  {
        inet port 953 allow {; } keys { "capsule"; };
        inet port 953 allow {;; } keys { "capsule"; };
    options  {
        directory "/var/named";
        forwarders {;; };
    include "/etc/named.rfc1912.zones";
    zone "" IN {
        type master;
        file "dynamic/38.168.192-rev";
        update-policy {
            grant "capsule" zonesub ANY;
    zone "virtual.lan" IN {
        type master;
        file "dynamic/virtual.lan";
        update-policy {
            grant "capsule" zonesub ANY;

    The inet line must be entered as one line in the configuration file.

  3. Create a key file.

    # ddns-confgen -k capsule

    This command can take a long time to complete.

  4. Copy and paste the output from the key section into a separate file called /etc/rndc.key.

    # cat /etc/rndc.key
    key "capsule" {
            algorithm hmac-sha256;
            secret "GeBbgGoLedEAAwNQPtPh3zP56MJbkwM84UJDtaUS9mw=";

    This is the key used to change DNS server configuration. Only the root user should read and write to it.

  5. Create zone files.

    # cat /var/named/dynamic/virtual.lan
    $ORIGIN .
    $TTL 10800      ; 3 hours
    virtual.lan             IN SOA  service.virtual.lan. root.virtual.lan. (
                                    9          ; serial
                                    86400      ; refresh (1 day)
                                    3600       ; retry (1 hour)
                                    604800     ; expire (1 week)
                                    3600       ; minimum (1 hour)
                            NS      service.virtual.lan.
    $ORIGIN virtual.lan.
    $TTL 86400      ; 1 day
    capsule                 A
    service                 A
  6. Create the reverse zone file.

    # cat /var/named/dynamic/38.168.192-rev
    $ORIGIN .
    $TTL 10800      ; 3 hours IN SOA  service.virtual.lan. (
                                    4          ; serial
                                    86400      ; refresh (1 day)
                                    3600       ; retry (1 hour)
                                    604800     ; expire (1 week)
                                    3600       ; minimum (1 hour)
                            NS      service.virtual.lan.
    $TTL 86400      ; 1 day
    1                PTR     capsule.virtual.lan.
    2                PTR     service.virtual.lan.

    There should be no extra non-ASCII characters.

4.2. Verifying and Starting the DNS Service

  1. Validate the syntax.

    # named-checkconf -z /etc/named.conf
  2. Start the server.

    # systemctl restart named
  3. Add a new host.

    The following uses the example host You should change this to suit your environment.

    # echo -e "server\n \
    update add aaa.virtual.lan 3600 IN A\n \
    send\n" | nsupdate -k /etc/rndc.key
  4. Test that the DNS service can resolve the new host.

    # nslookup aaa.virtual.lan
  5. If necessary, delete the new entry.

    # echo -e "server\n \
    update delete aaa.virtual.lan 3600 IN A\n \
    send\n" | nsupdate -k /etc/rndc.key
  6. Configure the firewall for external access to the DNS service (UDP and TCP on port 53).

    # firewall-cmd --add-port="53/udp" --add-port="53/tcp" \
    && firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent

4.3. Configuring Satellite Server with External DHCP

To configure Satellite Server with external DHCP, you must complete the following procedures:

4.3.1. Configuring an External DHCP Server to Use with Satellite Server

To configure an external DHCP server to use with Satellite Server, on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux server, you must install the ISC DHCP Service and Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) packages. You must also share the DHCP configuration and lease files with Satellite Server. The example in this procedure uses the distributed Network File System (NFS) protocol to share the DHCP configuration and lease files.


To configure an external DHCP server to use with Satellite Server, complete the following steps:

  1. On a Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server server, install the ISC DHCP Service and Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) packages:

    # yum install dhcp bind
  2. Generate a security token:

    # dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-MD5 -b 512 -n HOST omapi_key

    As a result, a key pair that consists of two files is created in the current directory.

  3. Copy the secret hash from the key:

    # cat Komapi_key.+*.private |grep ^Key|cut -d ' ' -f2
  4. Edit the dhcpd configuration file for all of the subnets and add the key. The following is an example:

    # cat /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
    default-lease-time 604800;
    max-lease-time 2592000;
    log-facility local7;
    subnet netmask {
    	option routers;
    	option subnet-mask;
    	option domain-search "virtual.lan";
    	option domain-name "virtual.lan";
    	option domain-name-servers;
    omapi-port 7911;
    key omapi_key {
    	algorithm HMAC-MD5;
    	secret "jNSE5YI3H1A8Oj/tkV4...A2ZOHb6zv315CkNAY7DMYYCj48Umw==";
    omapi-key omapi_key;

    Note that the option routers value is the Satellite or Capsule IP address that you want to use with an external DHCP service.

  5. Delete the two key files from the directory that they were created in.
  6. On Satellite Server, define each subnet. Do not set DHCP Capsule for the defined Subnet yet.

    To prevent conflicts, set up the lease and reservation ranges separately. For example, if the lease range is to, in the Satellite web UI define the reservation range as to

  7. Configure the firewall for external access to the DHCP server:

    # firewall-cmd --add-service dhcp \
    && firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent
  8. On Satellite Server, determine the UID and GID of the foreman user:

    # id -u foreman
    # id -g foreman
  9. On the DHCP server, create the foreman user and group with the same IDs as determined in a previous step:

    # groupadd -g 990 foreman
    # useradd -u 993 -g 990 -s /sbin/nologin foreman
  10. To ensure that the configuration files are accessible, restore the read and execute flags:

    # chmod o+rx /etc/dhcp/
    # chmod o+r /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
    # chattr +i /etc/dhcp/ /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
  11. Start the DHCP service:

    # systemctl start dhcpd
  12. Export the DHCP configuration and lease files using NFS:

    # yum install nfs-utils
    # systemctl enable rpcbind nfs-server
    # systemctl start rpcbind nfs-server nfs-lock nfs-idmapd
  13. Create directories for the DHCP configuration and lease files that you want to export using NFS:

    # mkdir -p /exports/var/lib/dhcpd /exports/etc/dhcp
  14. To create mount points for the created directories, add the following line to the /etc/fstab file:

    /var/lib/dhcpd /exports/var/lib/dhcpd none bind,auto 0 0
    /etc/dhcp /exports/etc/dhcp none bind,auto 0 0
  15. Mount the file systems in /etc/fstab:

    # mount -a
  16. Ensure the following lines are present in /etc/exports:


    Note that the IP address that you enter is the Satellite or Capsule IP address that you want to use with an external DHCP service.

  17. Reload the NFS server:

    # exportfs -rva
  18. Configure the firewall for the DHCP omapi port 7911:

    # firewall-cmd --add-port="7911/tcp" \
    && firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent
  19. Optional: Configure the firewall for external access to NFS.

    Clients are configured using NFSv3.

    • Use the firewalld NFS service to configure the firewall:

      # firewall-cmd --zone public --add-service mountd \
      && firewall-cmd --zone public --add-service rpc-bind \
      && firewall-cmd --zone public --add-service nfs \
      && firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent

4.3.2. Configuring Satellite Server with an External DHCP Server

You can configure Satellite Server with an external DHCP server.



To configure Satellite Server with external DHCP, complete the following steps:

  1. Install the nfs-utils utility:

    # yum install nfs-utils
  2. Create the DHCP directories for NFS:

    # mkdir -p /mnt/nfs/etc/dhcp /mnt/nfs/var/lib/dhcpd
  3. Change the file owner:

    # chown -R foreman-proxy /mnt/nfs
  4. Verify communication with the NFS server and the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) communication paths:

    # showmount -e DHCP_Server_FQDN
    # rpcinfo -p DHCP_Server_FQDN
  5. Add the following lines to the /etc/fstab file:

    DHCP_Server_FQDN:/exports/etc/dhcp /mnt/nfs/etc/dhcp nfs
    ro,vers=3,auto,nosharecache,context="system_u:object_r:dhcp_etc_t:s0" 0 0
    DHCP_Server_FQDN:/exports/var/lib/dhcpd /mnt/nfs/var/lib/dhcpd nfs
    ro,vers=3,auto,nosharecache,context="system_u:object_r:dhcpd_state_t:s0" 0 0
  6. Mount the file systems on /etc/fstab:

    # mount -a
  7. To verify that the foreman-proxy user can access the files that are shared over the network, display the DHCP configuration and lease files:

    # su foreman-proxy -s /bin/bash
    bash-4.2$ cat /mnt/nfs/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
    bash-4.2$ cat /mnt/nfs/var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases
    bash-4.2$ exit
  8. Enter the satellite-installer command to make the following persistent changes to the /etc/foreman-proxy/settings.d/dhcp.yml file:

    # satellite-installer --foreman-proxy-dhcp=true \
    --foreman-proxy-dhcp-provider=remote_isc \
    --foreman-proxy-plugin-dhcp-remote-isc-dhcp-config /mnt/nfs/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf \
    --foreman-proxy-plugin-dhcp-remote-isc-dhcp-leases /mnt/nfs/var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases \
    --foreman-proxy-plugin-dhcp-remote-isc-key-name=omapi_key \
    --foreman-proxy-plugin-dhcp-remote-isc-key-secret=jNSE5YI3H1A8Oj/tkV4...A2ZOHb6zv315CkNAY7DMYYCj48Umw== \
    --foreman-proxy-plugin-dhcp-remote-isc-omapi-port=7911 \
    --enable-foreman-proxy-plugin-dhcp-remote-isc \
  9. Restart the foreman-proxy service:

    # systemctl restart foreman-proxy
  10. Log in to the Satellite Server web UI.
  11. Navigate to Infrastructure > Capsules. Locate the Capsule Server that you want to configure with external DHCP, and from the list in the Actions column, select Refresh.
  12. Associate the DHCP service with the appropriate subnets and domain.

4.4. Configuring Satellite Server with External TFTP

Use this procedure to configure your Satellite Server with external TFTP services.

You can use TFTP services through NAT, for more information see Using TFTP services through NAT in the Provisioning guide.

Before You Begin

Configure Satellite Server with External TFTP

  1. Install and enable the TFTP server.

    # yum install tftp-server syslinux
  2. Enable and activate the tftp.socket unit.

    # systemctl enable tftp.socket
    # systemctl start tftp.socket
  3. Configure the PXELinux environment.

    # mkdir -p /var/lib/tftpboot/{boot,pxelinux.cfg,grub2}
    # cp /usr/share/syslinux/{pxelinux.0,menu.c32,chain.c32} \
  4. Restore SELinux file contexts.

    # restorecon -RvF /var/lib/tftpboot/
  5. Create the TFTP directory to be exported using NFS.

    # mkdir -p /exports/var/lib/tftpboot
  6. Add the newly created mount point to the /etc/fstab file.

    /var/lib/tftpboot /exports/var/lib/tftpboot none bind,auto 0 0
  7. Mount the file systems in /etc/fstab.

    # mount -a
  8. Ensure the following lines are present in /etc/exports:


    The first line is common to the DHCP configuration and therefore should already be present if the previous procedure was completed on this system.

  9. Reload the NFS server.

    # exportfs -rva

4.4.1. Configuring the Firewall for External Access to TFTP

  1. Configure the firewall (UDP on port 69).

    # firewall-cmd --add-port="69/udp" \
    && firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent

4.5. Configuring Satellite or Capsule with External IdM DNS

Red Hat Satellite can be configured to use a Red Hat Identity Management (IdM) server to provide the DNS service. Two methods are described here to achieve this, both using a transaction key. For more information on Red Hat Identity Management, see the Linux Domain Identity, Authentication, and Policy Guide.

The first method is to install the IdM client which automates the process with the generic security service algorithm for secret key transaction (GSS-TSIG) technology defined in RFC3645. This method requires installing the IdM client on the Satellite Server or Capsule’s base system and having an account created by the IdM server administrator for use by the Satellite administrator. See Section 4.5.1, “Configuring Dynamic DNS Update with GSS-TSIG Authentication” to use this method.

The second method, secret key transaction authentication for DNS (TSIG), uses an rndc.key for authentication. It requires root access to the IdM server to edit the BIND configuration file, installing the BIND utility on the Satellite Server’s base system, and coping the rndc.key to between the systems. This technology is defined in RFC2845. See Section 4.5.2, “Configuring Dynamic DNS Update with TSIG Authentication” to use this method.


You are not required to use Satellite to manage DNS. If you are using the Realm enrollment feature of Satellite, where provisioned hosts are enrolled automatically to IdM, then the ipa-client-install script creates DNS records for the client. The following procedure and Realm enrollment are therefore mutually exclusive. For more information on configuring Realm enrollment, see External Authentication for Provisioned Hosts in Administering Red Hat Satellite.

Determining where to install the IdM Client

When Satellite Server wants to add a DNS record for a host, it first determines which Capsule is providing DNS for that domain. It then communicates with the Capsule and adds the record. The hosts themselves are not involved in this process. This means you should install and configure the IdM client on the Satellite or Capsule that is currently configured to provide a DNS service for the domain you want to manage using the IdM server.

4.5.1. Configuring Dynamic DNS Update with GSS-TSIG Authentication

In this example, Satellite Server has the following settings.

Host name


The IdM server has the following settings.

Host name

Domain name

Before you Begin.

  1. Confirm the IdM server is deployed and the host-based firewall has been configured correctly. For more information, see Port Requirements in the Linux Domain Identity, Authentication, and Policy Guide.
  2. Obtain an account on the IdM server with permissions to create zones on the IdM server.
  3. Confirm if the Satellite or an external Capsule is managing DNS for a domain.
  4. Confirm that the Satellite or external Capsule are currently working as expected.
  5. In the case of a newly installed system, complete the installation procedures in this guide first. In particular, DNS and DHCP configuration should have been completed.
  6. Make a backup of the answer file in case you have to revert the changes. See Specifying Installation Options for more information.

Create a Kerberos Principal on the IdM Server.

  1. Ensure you have a Kerberos ticket.

    # kinit idm_user

    Where idm_user is the account created for you by the IdM administrator.

  2. Create a new Kerberos principal for the Satellite or Capsule to use to authenticate to the IdM server.

    # ipa service-add capsule/

Install and Configure the IdM Client.

Do this on the Satellite or Capsule Server that is managing the DNS service for a domain.

  1. Install the ipa-client package on Satellite Server or Capsule Server:

    • On Satellite Server, enter the following command:

      # satellite-maintain packages install ipa-client
    • On Capsule Server, enter the following command:

      # yum install ipa-client
  2. Configure the IdM client by running the installation script and following the on-screen prompts.

    # ipa-client-install
  3. Ensure you have a Kerberos ticket.

    # kinit admin
  4. Remove any preexisting keytab.

    # rm /etc/foreman-proxy/dns.keytab
  5. Get the keytab created for this system.

    # ipa-getkeytab -p capsule/ \
    -s -k /etc/foreman-proxy/dns.keytab

    When adding a keytab to a standby system with the same host name as the original system in service, add the r option to prevent generating new credentials and rendering the credentials on the original system invalid.

  6. Set the group and owner for the keytab file to foreman-proxy as follows.

    # chown foreman-proxy:foreman-proxy /etc/foreman-proxy/dns.keytab
  7. If required, check the keytab is valid.

    # kinit -kt /etc/foreman-proxy/dns.keytab \

Configure DNS Zones in the IdM web UI.

  1. Create and configure the zone to be managed:

    1. Navigate to Network Services > DNS > DNS Zones.
    2. Select Add and enter the zone name. In this example,
    3. Click Add and Edit.
    4. On the Settings tab, in the BIND update policy box, add an entry as follows to the semi-colon separated list.

      grant capsule\ wildcard * ANY;
    5. Ensure Dynamic update is set to True.
    6. Enable Allow PTR sync.
    7. Select Save to save the changes.
  2. Create and Configure the reverse zone.

    1. Navigate to Network Services > DNS > DNS Zones.
    2. Select Add.
    3. Select Reverse zone IP network and add the network address in CIDR format to enable reverse lookups.
    4. Click Add and Edit.
    5. On the Settings tab, in the BIND update policy box, add an entry as follows to the semi-colon separated list:

      grant capsule\ wildcard * ANY;
    6. Ensure Dynamic update is set to True.
    7. Select Save to save the changes.

Configure the Satellite or Capsule Server Managing the DNS Service for the Domain.

  • On a Satellite Server’s Base System.

    satellite-installer --scenario satellite \
    --foreman-proxy-dns=true \
    --foreman-proxy-dns-managed=true \
    --foreman-proxy-dns-provider=nsupdate_gss \
    --foreman-proxy-dns-server="" \
    --foreman-proxy-dns-tsig-principal="capsule/" \
    --foreman-proxy-dns-tsig-keytab=/etc/foreman-proxy/dns.keytab \
    --foreman-proxy-dns-reverse="" \ \
  • On a Capsule Server’s Base System.

    satellite-installer --scenario capsule \
    --foreman-proxy-dns=true \
    --foreman-proxy-dns-managed=true \
    --foreman-proxy-dns-provider=nsupdate_gss \
    --foreman-proxy-dns-server="" \
    --foreman-proxy-dns-tsig-principal="capsule/" \
    --foreman-proxy-dns-tsig-keytab=/etc/foreman-proxy/dns.keytab \
    --foreman-proxy-dns-reverse="" \ \

Restart the Satellite or Capsule’s Proxy Service.

# systemctl restart foreman-proxy

Update the Configuration in Satellite web UI.

After you have run the installation script to make any changes to a Capsule, instruct Satellite to scan the configuration on each affected Capsule as follows:

  1. Navigate to Infrastructure > Capsules.
  2. For each Capsule to be updated, from the Actions drop-down menu, select Refresh.
  3. Configure the domain:

    1. Go to Infrastructure > Domains and select the domain name.
    2. On the Domain tab, ensure DNS Capsule is set to the Capsule where the subnet is connected.
  4. Configure the subnet:

    1. Go to Infrastructure > Subnets and select the subnet name.
    2. On the Subnet tab, set IPAM to None.
    3. On the Domains tab, ensure the domain to be managed by the IdM server is selected.
    4. On the Capsules tab, ensure Reverse DNS Capsule is set to the Capsule where the subnet is connected.
    5. Click Submit to save the changes.

4.5.2. Configuring Dynamic DNS Update with TSIG Authentication

In this example, Satellite Server has the following settings.

IP address

Host name

The IdM server has the following settings.

Host name

IP address

Domain name

Before you Begin

  1. Confirm the IdM Server is deployed and the host-based firewall has been configured correctly. For more information, see Port Requirements in the Linux Domain Identity, Authentication, and Policy Guide.
  2. Obtain root user privileges on the IdM server.
  3. Confirm if the Satellite or an external Capsule is managing DNS for a domain.
  4. Confirm that the Satellite or external Capsule are currently working as expected.
  5. In the case of a newly installed system, complete the installation procedures in this guide first. In particular, DNS and DHCP configuration should have been completed.
  6. Make a backup of the answer file in case you have to revert the changes. See Specifying Installation Options for more information.

Enabling External Updates to the DNS Zone in the IdM Server

  1. On the IdM Server, add the following to the top of the /etc/named.conf file.

    // This was added to allow Satellite Server at to make DNS updates.
    include "/etc/rndc.key";
    controls  {
    inet port 953 allow {; } keys { "rndc-key"; };
  2. Reload named to make the changes take effect.

    # systemctl reload named
  3. In the IdM web UI, go to Network Services > DNS > DNS Zones. Select the name of the zone. On the Settings tab:

    1. Add the following in the BIND update policy box.

      grant "rndc-key" zonesub ANY;
    2. Ensure Dynamic update is set to True.
    3. Click Update to save the changes.
  4. Copy the /etc/rndc.key file from the IdM server to Satellite’s base system as follows.

    # scp /etc/rndc.key
  5. Ensure that the ownership, permissions, and SELinux context are correct.

    # restorecon -v /etc/rndc.key
    # chown -v root:named /etc/rndc.key
    # chmod -v 640 /etc/rndc.key
  6. On Satellite Server, run the installation script as follows to use the external DNS server.

    # satellite-installer --scenario satellite \
    --foreman-proxy-dns=true \
    --foreman-proxy-dns-managed=false \
    --foreman-proxy-dns-provider=nsupdate \
    --foreman-proxy-dns-server="" \
    --foreman-proxy-keyfile=/etc/rndc.key \

Testing External Updates to the DNS Zone in the IdM Server

  1. Install bind-utils for testing with nsupdate.

    # yum install bind-utils
  2. Ensure the key in the /etc/rndc.key file on Satellite Server is the same one as used on the IdM server.

    key "rndc-key" {
            algorithm hmac-md5;
            secret "secret-key==";
  3. On Satellite Server, create a test DNS entry for a host. For example, host with an A record of on the IdM server at

    # echo -e "server\n \
    update add 3600 IN A\n \
    send\n" | nsupdate -k /etc/rndc.key
  4. On Satellite Server, test the DNS entry.

    # nslookup
  5. To view the entry in the IdM web UI, go to Network Services > DNS > DNS Zones. Select the name of the zone and search for the host by name.
  6. If resolved successfully, remove the test DNS entry.

    # echo -e "server\n \
    update delete 3600 IN A\n \
    send\n" | nsupdate -k /etc/rndc.key
  7. Confirm that the DNS entry was removed.

    # nslookup

    The above nslookup command fails and returns the SERVFAIL error message if the record was successfully deleted.

4.5.3. Reverting to Internal DNS Service

To revert to using Satellite Server and Capsule Server as DNS providers, follow this procedure.

On the Satellite or Capsule Server that is to manage DNS for the domain.

  • If you backed up the answer file before the change to external DNS, restore the answer file and then run the installation script:

    # satellite-installer
  • If you do not have a suitable backup of the answer file, back up the answer file now, and then run the installation script on Satellite and Capsules as described below.

    See Specifying Installation Options for more information on the answer file.

To configure Satellite or Capsule as DNS server without using an answer file.

# satellite-installer \
--foreman-proxy-dns=true \
--foreman-proxy-dns-managed=true \
--foreman-proxy-dns-provider=nsupdate \
--foreman-proxy-dns-server=""  \
--foreman-proxy-dns-tsig-principal="foremanproxy/" \

See Configuring DNS, DHCP, and TFTP on Capsule Server for more information.

Update the Configuration in Satellite web UI.

After you have run the installation script to make any changes to a Capsule, instruct Satellite to scan the configuration on each affected Capsule as follows:

  1. Navigate to Infrastructure > Capsules.
  2. For each Capsule to be updated, from the Actions drop-down menu, select Refresh.
  3. Configure the domain:

    1. Go to Infrastructure > Domains and select the domain name.
    2. On the Domain tab, ensure DNS Capsule is set to the Capsule where the subnet is connected.
  4. Configure the subnet:

    1. Go to Infrastructure > Subnets and select the subnet name.
    2. On the Subnet tab, set IPAM to DHCP or Internal DB.
    3. On the Domains tab, ensure the domain to be managed by the Satellite or Capsule is selected.
    4. On the Capsules tab, ensure Reverse DNS Capsule is set to the Capsule where the subnet is connected.
    5. Click Submit to save the changes.
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