
Hammer Cheat Sheet

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Red Hat Satellite 6.9

Hammer CLI Cheat Sheet for Red Hat Satellite

Red Hat Satellite Documentation Team


This document contains Hammer CLI commands for Red Hat Satellite.

Chapter 1. Introduction

Hammer is a command-line tool provided with Red Hat Satellite 6. You can use Hammer to configure and manage a Red Hat Satellite Server by using either CLI commands or shell script automation. The following cheat sheet provides a condensed overview of essential Hammer commands.

For more information about Hammer, see the Red Hat Hammer CLI Guide.

Chapter 2. General Information

Table 2.1. General Information
SubcommandDescription and tasks


Display hammer commands and options, append after a subcommand to get more information


The setting is organization-specific, append --organization org_name, or set default organization with:

hammer defaults add \
--param-name organization_id \
--param-value org_ID


The setting is location-specific, append --location loc_name, or set default location with:

hammer defaults add \
--param-name location_id \
--param-value loc_ID

Note: This cheat sheet assumes saved credentials in ~/.hammer/cli_config.yml. For more information, see Authentication in the Red Hat Hammer CLI Guide.

Chapter 3. Organizations, Locations, and Repositories

Table 3.1. Organizations, Locations, and Repositories
SubcommandDescription and tasks


Create an organization:

hammer organization create \
--name org_name

List organizations:

hammer organization list


See the options for organization


Upload a subscription manifest:

hammer subscription upload \
--file path


Enable a repository:

hammer repository-set enable \
--product prod_name \
--basearch base_arch \
--releasever rel_v \
--name repo_name


Synchronize a repository:

hammer repository synchronize \
--product prod_name \
--name repo_name

Create a custom repository:

hammer repository create \
--product prod_name \
--content-type cont_type \
--publish-via-http true \
--url repo_url \
--name repo_name

Upload content to a custom repository:

hammer repository upload-content \
--product prod_name \
--id repo_id \
--path path_to_dir

Chapter 4. Content Life Cycles

Table 4.1. Content Life Cycles
SubcommandDescription and tasks


Create a life cycle environment:

hammer lifecycle-environment create \
--name env_name
--description env_desc
--prior prior_env_name

List life cycle environments:

hammer lifecycle-environment list


Create a content view:

hammer content-view create \
--name cv_n \
--repository-ids repo_ID1,... \
--description cv_description

Add repositories to a content view:

hammer content-view add-repository \
--name cv_n \
--repository-id repo_ID

Add Puppet modules to a content view:

hammer content-view puppet-module add \
--content-view cv_n \
--name module_name

Publishing a content view:

hammer content-view publish \
--id cv_ID

Promoting a content view:

hammer content-view version promote \
--content-view cv_n \
--to-lifecycle-environment env_name

Incremental update of a content view:

hammer content-view version incremental-update \
--content-view-version-id cv_ID \
--packages pkg_n1,... \
--lifecycle-environment-ids env_ID1,...

Chapter 5. Provisioning Environments

Table 5.1. Provisioning Environments
SubcommandDescription and tasks


Create a domain:

hammer domain create \
--name domain_name


Add a subnet:

hammer subnet create \
--name subnet_name \
--organization-ids org_ID1,... \
--location-ids loc_ID1,... \
--domain-ids dom_ID1,... \
--boot-mode boot_mode \
--network network_address \
--mask netmask --ipam ipam


Create a compute resource:

hammer compute-resource create \
--name cr_name \
--organization-ids org_ID1,... \
--location-ids loc_ID1,... \
--provider provider_name


Add an installation medium:

hammer medium create \
--name med_name \
--path path_to_medium


Add a partition table:

hammer partition-table create \
--name tab_name \
--path path_to_file \
--os-family os_family


Add a provisioning template:

hammer template create \
--name tmp_name \
--file path_to_template


Add an operating system:

hammer os create \
--name os_name \
--version version_num

Chapter 6. Activation Keys

Table 6.1. Activation Keys
SubcommandDescription and tasks


Create an activation key:

hammer activation-key create \
--name ak_name \
--content-view cv_n \
--lifecycle-environment lc_name

Add a subscription to the activation key:

hammer activation-key add-subscription \
--id ak_ID \
--subscription-id sub_ID

Chapter 7. Users and Permissions

Table 7.1. Users and Permissions
SubcommandDescription and tasks


Create a user:

hammer user create \
--login user_name \
--mail user_mail \
--auth-source-id 1 \
--organization-ids org_ID1,org_ID2,...

Add a role to a user:

hammer user add-role \
--id user_id \
--role role_name


Create a user group:

hammer user-group create \
--name ug_name

Add a role to a user group:

hammer user-group add-role \
--id ug_id \
--role role_name


Create a role:

hammer role create \
--name role_name


Create a filter and add it to a role:

hammer filter create \
--role role_name \
--permission-ids perm_ID1,perm_ID2,...

Chapter 8. Errata

Table 8.1. Errata
SubcommandDescription and tasks


List errata:

hammer erratum list

Find erratum by CVE:

hammer erratum list --cve CVE

Inspect erratum:

hammer erratum info --id err_ID


List errata applicable to a host:

hammer host errata list \
--host host_name

Apply errata to a host:

hammer host errata apply \
--host host_name \
--errata-ids err_ID1,err_ID2,...

Chapter 9. Hosts

Table 9.1. Hosts
SubcommandDescription and tasks


Create a host group:

hammer hostgroup create \
--name hg_name \
--puppet-environment env_name \
--architecture arch_name \
--domain domain_name \
--subnet subnet_name \
--puppet-proxy proxy_name \
--puppet-ca-proxy ca-proxy_name \
--operatingsystem os_name \
--partition-table table_name \
--medium medium_name \
--organization-ids org_ID1,... \
--location-ids loc_ID1,...

Add an activation key to a host group:

hammer hostgroup set-parameter \
--hostgroup "hg_name" \
--name "kt_activation_keys" \
--value key_name


Create a host (inheriting parameters from a host group):

hammer host create \
--name host_name \
--hostgroup hg_name \
--interface="primary=true, \
mac=mac_addr, ip=ip_addr, \
provision=true" \
--organization-id org_ID \
--location-id loc_ID \
--ask-root-password yes


Add a job template for remote execution:

hammer job-template create \
--file path \
--name template_name \
--provider-type SSH \
--job-category category_name


Invoke a remote job:

hammer job-invocation create \
--job-template template_name \
--inputs key1=value,... \
--search-query query

Monitor the remote job:

hammer job-invocation output \
--id job_id --host host_name

Chapter 10. Tasks

Table 10.1. Tasks
SubcommandDescription and tasks


List all tasks:

hammer task list
Monitor progress of a running task:
hammer task progress \
--id task_ID

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