Chapter 17. Publishing the certified container on Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog
17.1. Publishing certified containers
After you submit your test results from the preflight tool on your Partner Connect portal, your container images are scanned for vulnerabilities. When the scanning is successfully completed, the publish button will be enabled for your image. After you click the publish button, your image will be available on the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog.
17.2. Publishing validated containers
After submitting your containers for validation, the Red Hat certification team will review and verify the entered details of the validation questionnaire. If at a later date you want to certify your partner validated application, complete the Certification details.
The Red Hat certification team will review the submitted test results. After successful verification, to publish your product on the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog, go to the Product Listings page to attach the Partner Validated or Certified application.
Red Hat software certification or validation does not conduct testing of the Partner’s product in how it functions or performs on the chosen platform. Any and all aspects of the certification candidate product’s quality assurance remains the partner’s sole responsibility.