Chapter 9. Running certification tests by using CLI and downloading the results file
To run the certification tests by using CLI you must prepare the host and download the test plan to the SUT. After running the tests, download the results and review them.
9.1. Using the test plan to prepare the host under test for testing
Running the provision command performs a number of operations, such as setting up passwordless SSH communication with the test server, installing the required packages on your system based on the certification type, and creating a final test plan to run, which is a list of common tests taken from both the test plan provided by Red Hat and tests generated on discovering the system requirements.
For instance, required hardware or software packages will be installed if the test plan is designed for certifying a hardware or a software product.
- You have the hostname or the IP address of the test server.
Run the provision command in either way. The test plan will automatically get downloaded to your system.
If you have already downloaded the test plan:
# rhcert-provision <path_to_test_plan_document>
Replace <path_to_test_plan_document> with the test plan file saved on your system.
Follow the on-screen instructions.
If you have not downloaded the test plan:
# rhcert-provision
Follow the on-screen instructions and enter your Certification ID when prompted.
- When prompted, provide the hostname or the IP address of the test server to set up passwordless SSH. You are prompted only the first time you add a new system.
9.2. Running the certification tests using CLI
Run the following command:
# rhcert-run
When prompted, choose whether to run each test by typing
.You can also run particular tests from the list by typing
After a test reboot, rhcert
is running in the background to verify the image. Use tail -f /var/log/rhcert/RedHatCertDaemon.log
to see the current progress and status of the verification.
9.3. Reviewing and downloading the results file of the executed test plan
Download the test results file:
# rhcert-save
Download the results file by using the
command to your local system.
Additional resources
For more details on setting up and using cockpit for running the certification tests, see the Appendix.