Deploying and Managing AMQ Streams on OpenShift

Red Hat AMQ Streams 2.6

Deploy and manage AMQ Streams 2.6 on OpenShift Container Platform


Use the AMQ Streams operators to deploy Kafka components. Configure Kafka components to build a large-scale messaging network. Set up secure client access to your Kafka clusters and incoprorate features such as metrics and distrubuted tracing. Upgrade to leverage new features, including the latest supported Kafka version.

Making open source more inclusive

Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. We are beginning with these four terms: master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. Because of the enormity of this endeavor, these changes will be implemented gradually over several upcoming releases. For more details, see our CTO Chris Wright’s message.

Chapter 1. Deployment overview

AMQ Streams simplifies the process of running Apache Kafka in an OpenShift cluster.

This guide provides instructions for deploying and managing AMQ Streams. Deployment options and steps are covered using the example installation files included with AMQ Streams. While the guide highlights important configuration considerations, it does not cover all available options. For a deeper understanding of the Kafka component configuration options, refer to the AMQ Streams Custom Resource API Reference.

In addition to deployment instructions, the guide offers pre- and post-deployment guidance. It covers setting up and securing client access to your Kafka cluster. Furthermore, it explores additional deployment options such as metrics integration, distributed tracing, and cluster management tools like Cruise Control and the AMQ Streams Drain Cleaner. You’ll also find recommendations on managing AMQ Streams and fine-tuning Kafka configuration for optimal performance.

Upgrade instructions are provided for both AMQ Streams and Kafka, to help keep your deployment up to date.

AMQ Streams is designed to be compatible with all types of OpenShift clusters, irrespective of their distribution. Whether your deployment involves public or private clouds, or if you are setting up a local development environment, the instructions in this guide are applicable in all cases.

1.1. AMQ Streams custom resources

Deployment of Kafka components to an OpenShift cluster using AMQ Streams is highly configurable through the application of custom resources. These custom resources are created as instances of APIs added by Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) to extend OpenShift resources.

CRDs act as configuration instructions to describe the custom resources in an OpenShift cluster, and are provided with AMQ Streams for each Kafka component used in a deployment, as well as users and topics. CRDs and custom resources are defined as YAML files. Example YAML files are provided with the AMQ Streams distribution.

CRDs also allow AMQ Streams resources to benefit from native OpenShift features like CLI accessibility and configuration validation.

1.1.1. AMQ Streams custom resource example

CRDs require a one-time installation in a cluster to define the schemas used to instantiate and manage AMQ Streams-specific resources.

After a new custom resource type is added to your cluster by installing a CRD, you can create instances of the resource based on its specification.

Depending on the cluster setup, installation typically requires cluster admin privileges.


Access to manage custom resources is limited to AMQ Streams administrators. For more information, see Section 4.6, “Designating AMQ Streams administrators”.

A CRD defines a new kind of resource, such as kind:Kafka, within an OpenShift cluster.

The Kubernetes API server allows custom resources to be created based on the kind and understands from the CRD how to validate and store the custom resource when it is added to the OpenShift cluster.

Each AMQ Streams-specific custom resource conforms to the schema defined by the CRD for the resource’s kind. The custom resources for AMQ Streams components have common configuration properties, which are defined under spec.

To understand the relationship between a CRD and a custom resource, let’s look at a sample of the CRD for a Kafka topic.

Kafka topic CRD

kind: CustomResourceDefinition
metadata: 1
    app: strimzi
spec: 2
  scope: Namespaced
    # ...
    singular: kafkatopic
    plural: kafkatopics
    - kt 3
  additionalPrinterColumns: 4
      # ...
    status: {} 5
  validation: 6
          type: object
              type: integer
              minimum: 1
              type: integer
              minimum: 1
              maximum: 32767
      # ...

The metadata for the topic CRD, its name and a label to identify the CRD.
The specification for this CRD, including the group (domain) name, the plural name and the supported schema version, which are used in the URL to access the API of the topic. The other names are used to identify instance resources in the CLI. For example, oc get kafkatopic my-topic or oc get kafkatopics.
The shortname can be used in CLI commands. For example, oc get kt can be used as an abbreviation instead of oc get kafkatopic.
The information presented when using a get command on the custom resource.
The current status of the CRD as described in the schema reference for the resource.
openAPIV3Schema validation provides validation for the creation of topic custom resources. For example, a topic requires at least one partition and one replica.

You can identify the CRD YAML files supplied with the AMQ Streams installation files, because the file names contain an index number followed by ‘Crd’.

Here is a corresponding example of a KafkaTopic custom resource.

Kafka topic custom resource

kind: KafkaTopic 1
  name: my-topic
  labels: my-cluster 2
spec: 3
  partitions: 1
  replicas: 1
  config: 7200000
    segment.bytes: 1073741824
  conditions: 4
    lastTransitionTime: "2019-08-20T11:37:00.706Z"
    status: "True"
    type: Ready
  observedGeneration: 1
  / ...

The kind and apiVersion identify the CRD of which the custom resource is an instance.
A label, applicable only to KafkaTopic and KafkaUser resources, that defines the name of the Kafka cluster (which is same as the name of the Kafka resource) to which a topic or user belongs.
The spec shows the number of partitions and replicas for the topic as well as the configuration parameters for the topic itself. In this example, the retention period for a message to remain in the topic and the segment file size for the log are specified.
Status conditions for the KafkaTopic resource. The type condition changed to Ready at the lastTransitionTime.

Custom resources can be applied to a cluster through the platform CLI. When the custom resource is created, it uses the same validation as the built-in resources of the Kubernetes API.

After a KafkaTopic custom resource is created, the Topic Operator is notified and corresponding Kafka topics are created in AMQ Streams.

1.2. AMQ Streams operators

AMQ Streams operators are purpose-built with specialist operational knowledge to effectively manage Kafka on OpenShift. Each operator performs a distinct function.

Cluster Operator
The Cluster Operator handles the deployment and management of Apache Kafka clusters on OpenShift. It automates the setup of Kafka brokers, and other Kafka components and resources.
Topic Operator
The Topic Operator manages the creation, configuration, and deletion of topics within Kafka clusters.
User Operator
The User Operator manages Kafka users that require access to Kafka brokers.

When you deploy AMQ Streams, you first deploy the Cluster Operator. The Cluster Operator is then ready to handle the deployment of Kafka. You can also deploy the Topic Operator and User Operator using the Cluster Operator (recommended) or as standalone operators. You would use a standalone operator with a Kafka cluster that is not managed by the Cluster Operator.

The Topic Operator and User Operator are part of the Entity Operator. The Cluster Operator can deploy one or both operators based on the Entity Operator configuration.


To deploy the standalone operators, you need to set environment variables to connect to a Kafka cluster. These environment variables do not need to be set if you are deploying the operators using the Cluster Operator as they will be set by the Cluster Operator.

1.2.1. Watching AMQ Streams resources in OpenShift namespaces

Operators watch and manage AMQ Streams resources in OpenShift namespaces. The Cluster Operator can watch a single namespace, multiple namespaces, or all namespaces in an OpenShift cluster. The Topic Operator and User Operator can watch a single namespace.

  • The Cluster Operator watches for Kafka resources
  • The Topic Operator watches for KafkaTopic resources
  • The User Operator watches for KafkaUser resources

The Topic Operator and the User Operator can only watch a single Kafka cluster in a namespace. And they can only be connected to a single Kafka cluster.

If multiple Topic Operators watch the same namespace, name collisions and topic deletion can occur. This is because each Kafka cluster uses Kafka topics that have the same name (such as __consumer_offsets). Make sure that only one Topic Operator watches a given namespace.

When using multiple User Operators with a single namespace, a user with a given username can exist in more than one Kafka cluster.

If you deploy the Topic Operator and User Operator using the Cluster Operator, they watch the Kafka cluster deployed by the Cluster Operator by default. You can also specify a namespace using watchedNamespace in the operator configuration.

For a standalone deployment of each operator, you specify a namespace and connection to the Kafka cluster to watch in the configuration.

1.2.2. Managing RBAC resources

The Cluster Operator creates and manages role-based access control (RBAC) resources for AMQ Streams components that need access to OpenShift resources.

For the Cluster Operator to function, it needs permission within the OpenShift cluster to interact with Kafka resources, such as Kafka and KafkaConnect, as well as managed resources like ConfigMap, Pod, Deployment, and Service.

Permission is specified through the following OpenShift RBAC resources:

  • ServiceAccount
  • Role and ClusterRole
  • RoleBinding and ClusterRoleBinding Delegating privileges to AMQ Streams components

The Cluster Operator runs under a service account called strimzi-cluster-operator. It is assigned cluster roles that give it permission to create the RBAC resources for AMQ Streams components. Role bindings associate the cluster roles with the service account.

OpenShift prevents components operating under one ServiceAccount from granting another ServiceAccount privileges that the granting ServiceAccount does not have. Because the Cluster Operator creates the RoleBinding and ClusterRoleBinding RBAC resources needed by the resources it manages, it requires a role that gives it the same privileges.

The following sections describe the RBAC resources required by the Cluster Operator. ClusterRole resources

The Cluster Operator uses ClusterRole resources to provide the necessary access to resources. Depending on the OpenShift cluster setup, a cluster administrator might be needed to create the cluster roles.


Cluster administrator rights are only needed for the creation of ClusterRole resources. The Cluster Operator will not run under a cluster admin account.

The RBAC resources follow the principle of least privilege and contain only those privileges needed by the Cluster Operator to operate the cluster of the Kafka component.

All cluster roles are required by the Cluster Operator in order to delegate privileges.

Table 1.1. ClusterRole resources


Access rights for namespace-scoped resources used by the Cluster Operator to deploy and manage the operands.


Access rights for cluster-scoped resources used by the Cluster Operator to deploy and manage the operands.


Access rights used by the Cluster Operator for leader election.


Access rights used by the Cluster Operator to watch and manage the AMQ Streams custom resources.


Access rights to allow Kafka brokers to get the topology labels from OpenShift worker nodes when rack-awareness is used.


Access rights used by the Topic and User Operators to manage Kafka users and topics.


Access rights to allow Kafka Connect, MirrorMaker (1 and 2), and Kafka Bridge to get the topology labels from OpenShift worker nodes when rack-awareness is used. ClusterRoleBinding resources

The Cluster Operator uses ClusterRoleBinding and RoleBinding resources to associate its ClusterRole with its ServiceAccount. Cluster role bindings are required by cluster roles containing cluster-scoped resources.

Table 1.2. ClusterRoleBinding resources


Grants the Cluster Operator the rights from the strimzi-cluster-operator-global cluster role.


Grants the Cluster Operator the rights from the strimzi-entity-operator cluster role.


Grants the Cluster Operator the rights from the strimzi-kafka-client cluster role.

Table 1.3. RoleBinding resources


Grants the Cluster Operator the rights from the strimzi-cluster-operator-namespaced cluster role.


Grants the Cluster Operator the rights from the strimzi-cluster-operator-leader-election cluster role.


Grants the Cluster Operator the rights from the strimzi-cluster-operator-watched cluster role.


Grants the Cluster Operator the rights from the strimzi-cluster-operator-entity-operator-delegation cluster role. ServiceAccount resources

The Cluster Operator runs using the strimzi-cluster-operator ServiceAccount. This service account grants it the privileges it requires to manage the operands. The Cluster Operator creates additional ClusterRoleBinding and RoleBinding resources to delegate some of these RBAC rights to the operands.

Each of the operands uses its own service account created by the Cluster Operator. This allows the Cluster Operator to follow the principle of least privilege and give the operands only the access rights that are really need.

Table 1.4. ServiceAccount resources
NameUsed by


ZooKeeper pods


Kafka broker pods


Entity Operator


Cruise Control pods


Kafka Exporter pods


Kafka Connect pods


MirrorMaker pods


MirrorMaker 2 pods


Kafka Bridge pods

1.3. Using the Kafka Bridge to connect with a Kafka cluster

You can use the AMQ Streams Kafka Bridge API to create and manage consumers and send and receive records over HTTP rather than the native Kafka protocol.

When you set up the Kafka Bridge you configure HTTP access to the Kafka cluster. You can then use the Kafka Bridge to produce and consume messages from the cluster, as well as performing other operations through its REST interface.

Additional resources

1.4. Seamless FIPS support

Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) are standards for computer security and interoperability. When running AMQ Streams on a FIPS-enabled OpenShift cluster, the OpenJDK used in AMQ Streams container images automatically switches to FIPS mode. From version 2.3, AMQ Streams can run on FIPS-enabled OpenShift clusters without any changes or special configuration. It uses only the FIPS-compliant security libraries from the OpenJDK.

Minimum password length

When running in the FIPS mode, SCRAM-SHA-512 passwords need to be at least 32 characters long. From AMQ Streams 2.3, the default password length in AMQ Streams User Operator is set to 32 characters as well. If you have a Kafka cluster with custom configuration that uses a password length that is less than 32 characters, you need to update your configuration. If you have any users with passwords shorter than 32 characters, you need to regenerate a password with the required length. You can do that, for example, by deleting the user secret and waiting for the User Operator to create a new password with the appropriate length.


If you are using FIPS-enabled OpenShift clusters, you may experience higher memory consumption compared to regular OpenShift clusters. To avoid any issues, we suggest increasing the memory request to at least 512Mi.

1.5. Document Conventions

User-replaced values

User-replaced values, also known as replaceables, are shown in with angle brackets (< >). Underscores ( _ ) are used for multi-word values. If the value refers to code or commands, monospace is also used.

For example, the following code shows that <my_namespace> must be replaced by the correct namespace name:

sed -i 's/namespace: .*/namespace: <my_namespace>' install/cluster-operator/*RoleBinding*.yaml

1.6. Additional resources

Chapter 2. AMQ Streams installation methods

You can install AMQ Streams on OpenShift 4.11 to 4.14 in two ways.

Installation methodDescription

Installation artifacts (YAML files)

Download Red Hat AMQ Streams 2.6 OpenShift Installation and Example Files from the AMQ Streams software downloads page. Deploy the YAML installation artifacts to your OpenShift cluster using oc. You start by deploying the Cluster Operator from install/cluster-operator to a single namespace, multiple namespaces, or all namespaces.

You can also use the install/ artifacts to deploy the following:

  • AMQ Streams administrator roles (strimzi-admin)
  • A standalone Topic Operator (topic-operator)
  • A standalone User Operator (user-operator)
  • AMQ Streams Drain Cleaner (drain-cleaner)


Use the AMQ Streams operator in the OperatorHub to deploy AMQ Streams to a single namespace or all namespaces.

For the greatest flexibility, choose the installation artifacts method. The OperatorHub method provides a standard configuration and allows you to take advantage of automatic updates.


Installation of AMQ Streams using Helm is not supported.

Chapter 3. What is deployed with AMQ Streams

Apache Kafka components are provided for deployment to OpenShift with the AMQ Streams distribution. The Kafka components are generally run as clusters for availability.

A typical deployment incorporating Kafka components might include:

  • Kafka cluster of broker nodes
  • ZooKeeper cluster of replicated ZooKeeper instances
  • Kafka Connect cluster for external data connections
  • Kafka MirrorMaker cluster to mirror the Kafka cluster in a secondary cluster
  • Kafka Exporter to extract additional Kafka metrics data for monitoring
  • Kafka Bridge to make HTTP-based requests to the Kafka cluster
  • Cruise Control to rebalance topic partitions across broker nodes

Not all of these components are mandatory, though you need Kafka and ZooKeeper as a minimum. Some components can be deployed without Kafka, such as MirrorMaker or Kafka Connect.

3.1. Order of deployment

The required order of deployment to an OpenShift cluster is as follows:

  1. Deploy the Cluster Operator to manage your Kafka cluster
  2. Deploy the Kafka cluster with the ZooKeeper cluster, and include the Topic Operator and User Operator in the deployment
  3. Optionally deploy:

    • The Topic Operator and User Operator standalone if you did not deploy them with the Kafka cluster
    • Kafka Connect
    • Kafka MirrorMaker
    • Kafka Bridge
    • Components for the monitoring of metrics

The Cluster Operator creates OpenShift resources for the components, such as Deployment, Service, and Pod resources. The names of the OpenShift resources are appended with the name specified for a component when it’s deployed. For example, a Kafka cluster named my-kafka-cluster has a service named my-kafka-cluster-kafka.

Chapter 4. Preparing for your AMQ Streams deployment

Prepare for a deployment of AMQ Streams by completing any necessary pre-deployment tasks. Take the necessary preparatory steps according to your specific requirements, such as the following:


To run the commands in this guide, your cluster user must have the rights to manage role-based access control (RBAC) and CRDs.

4.1. Deployment prerequisites

To deploy AMQ Streams, you will need the following:

  • An OpenShift 4.11 to 4.14 cluster.

    AMQ Streams is based on Strimzi 0.38.x.

  • The oc command-line tool is installed and configured to connect to the running cluster.

4.2. Operator deployment best practices

Potential issues can arise from installing more than one AMQ Streams operator in the same OpenShift cluster, especially when using different versions. Each AMQ Streams operator manages a set of resources in an OpenShift cluster. When you install multiple AMQ Streams operators, they may attempt to manage the same resources concurrently. This can lead to conflicts and unpredictable behavior within your cluster. Conflicts can still occur even if you deploy AMQ Streams operators in different namespaces within the same OpenShift cluster. Although namespaces provide some degree of resource isolation, certain resources managed by the AMQ Streams operator, such as Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) and roles, have a cluster-wide scope.

Additionally, installing multiple operators with different versions can result in compatibility issues between the operators and the Kafka clusters they manage. Different versions of AMQ Streams operators may introduce changes, bug fixes, or improvements that are not backward-compatible.

To avoid the issues associated with installing multiple AMQ Streams operators in an OpenShift cluster, the following guidelines are recommended:

  • Install the AMQ Streams operator in a separate namespace from the Kafka cluster and other Kafka components it manages, to ensure clear separation of resources and configurations.
  • Use a single AMQ Streams operator to manage all your Kafka instances within an OpenShift cluster.
  • Update the AMQ Streams operator and the supported Kafka version as often as possible to reflect the latest features and enhancements.

By following these best practices and ensuring consistent updates for a single AMQ Streams operator, you can enhance the stability of managing Kafka instances in an OpenShift cluster. This approach also enables you to make the most of AMQ Streams’s latest features and capabilities.


As AMQ Streams is based on Strimzi, the same issues can also arise when combining AMQ Streams operators with Strimzi operators in an OpenShift cluster.

4.3. Downloading AMQ Streams release artifacts

To use deployment files to install AMQ Streams, download and extract the files from the AMQ Streams software downloads page.

AMQ Streams release artifacts include sample YAML files to help you deploy the components of AMQ Streams to OpenShift, perform common operations, and configure your Kafka cluster.

Use oc to deploy the Cluster Operator from the install/cluster-operator folder of the downloaded ZIP file. For more information about deploying and configuring the Cluster Operator, see Section 6.2, “Deploying the Cluster Operator”.

In addition, if you want to use standalone installations of the Topic and User Operators with a Kafka cluster that is not managed by the AMQ Streams Cluster Operator, you can deploy them from the install/topic-operator and install/user-operator folders.


AMQ Streams container images are also available through the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog. However, we recommend that you use the YAML files provided to deploy AMQ Streams.

4.4. Pushing container images to your own registry

Container images for AMQ Streams are available in the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog. The installation YAML files provided by AMQ Streams will pull the images directly from the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog.

If you do not have access to the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog or want to use your own container repository, do the following:

  1. Pull all container images listed here
  2. Push them into your own registry
  3. Update the image names in the installation YAML files

Each Kafka version supported for the release has a separate image.

Container imageNamespace/RepositoryDescription



AMQ Streams image for running Kafka, including:

  • Kafka Broker
  • Kafka Connect
  • Kafka MirrorMaker
  • ZooKeeper
  • TLS Sidecars
  • Cruise Control



AMQ Streams image for running the operators:

  • Cluster Operator
  • Topic Operator
  • User Operator
  • Kafka Initializer

Kafka Bridge


AMQ Streams image for running the AMQ Streams Kafka Bridge

AMQ Streams Drain Cleaner


AMQ Streams image for running the AMQ Streams Drain Cleaner

4.5. Creating a pull secret for authentication to the container image registry

The installation YAML files provided by AMQ Streams pull container images directly from the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog. If an AMQ Streams deployment requires authentication, configure authentication credentials in a secret and add it to the installation YAML.


Authentication is not usually required, but might be requested on certain platforms.


  • You need your Red Hat username and password or the login details from your Red Hat registry service account.

You can use your Red Hat subscription to create a registry service account from the Red Hat Customer Portal.


  1. Create a pull secret containing your login details and the container registry where the AMQ Streams image is pulled from:

    oc create secret docker-registry <pull_secret_name> \ \
        --docker-username=<user_name> \
        --docker-password=<password> \

    Add your user name and password. The email address is optional.

  2. Edit the install/cluster-operator/060-Deployment-strimzi-cluster-operator.yaml deployment file to specify the pull secret using the STRIMZI_IMAGE_PULL_SECRET environment variable:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: strimzi-cluster-operator
      # ...
          serviceAccountName: strimzi-cluster-operator
            # ...
              - name: STRIMZI_IMAGE_PULL_SECRETS
                value: "<pull_secret_name>"
    # ...

    The secret applies to all pods created by the Cluster Operator.

4.6. Designating AMQ Streams administrators

AMQ Streams provides custom resources for configuration of your deployment. By default, permission to view, create, edit, and delete these resources is limited to OpenShift cluster administrators. AMQ Streams provides two cluster roles that you can use to assign these rights to other users:

  • strimzi-view allows users to view and list AMQ Streams resources.
  • strimzi-admin allows users to also create, edit or delete AMQ Streams resources.

When you install these roles, they will automatically aggregate (add) these rights to the default OpenShift cluster roles. strimzi-view aggregates to the view role, and strimzi-admin aggregates to the edit and admin roles. Because of the aggregation, you might not need to assign these roles to users who already have similar rights.

The following procedure shows how to assign a strimzi-admin role that allows non-cluster administrators to manage AMQ Streams resources.

A system administrator can designate AMQ Streams administrators after the Cluster Operator is deployed.



  1. Create the strimzi-view and strimzi-admin cluster roles in OpenShift.

    oc create -f install/strimzi-admin
  2. If needed, assign the roles that provide access rights to users that require them.

    oc create clusterrolebinding strimzi-admin --clusterrole=strimzi-admin --user=user1 --user=user2

Chapter 5. Installing AMQ Streams from the OperatorHub using the web console

Install the AMQ Streams operator from the OperatorHub in the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

The procedures in this section show how to:

5.1. Installing the AMQ Streams operator from the OperatorHub

You can install and subscribe to the AMQ Streams operator using the OperatorHub in the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

This procedure describes how to create a project and install the AMQ Streams operator to that project. A project is a representation of a namespace. For manageability, it is a good practice to use namespaces to separate functions.


Make sure you use the appropriate update channel. If you are on a supported version of OpenShift, installing AMQ Streams from the default stable channel is generally safe. However, we do not recommend enabling automatic updates on the stable channel. An automatic upgrade will skip any necessary steps prior to upgrade. Use automatic upgrades only on version-specific channels.


  • Access to an OpenShift Container Platform web console using an account with cluster-admin or strimzi-admin permissions.


  1. Navigate in the OpenShift web console to the Home > Projects page and create a project (namespace) for the installation.

    We use a project named amq-streams-kafka in this example.

  2. Navigate to the Operators > OperatorHub page.
  3. Scroll or type a keyword into the Filter by keyword box to find the AMQ Streams operator.

    The operator is located in the Streaming & Messaging category.

  4. Click AMQ Streams to display the operator information.
  5. Read the information about the operator and click Install.
  6. On the Install Operator page, choose from the following installation and update options:

    • Update Channel: Choose the update channel for the operator.

      • The (default) stable channel contains all the latest updates and releases, including major, minor, and micro releases, which are assumed to be well tested and stable.
      • An amq-streams-X.x channel contains the minor and micro release updates for a major release, where X is the major release version number.
      • An amq-streams-X.Y.x channel contains the micro release updates for a minor release, where X is the major release version number and Y is the minor release version number.
    • Installation Mode: Choose the project you created to install the operator on a specific namespace.

      You can install the AMQ Streams operator to all namespaces in the cluster (the default option) or a specific namespace. We recommend that you dedicate a specific namespace to the Kafka cluster and other AMQ Streams components.

    • Update approval: By default, the AMQ Streams operator is automatically upgraded to the latest AMQ Streams version by the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM). Optionally, select Manual if you want to manually approve future upgrades. For more information on operators, see the OpenShift documentation.
  7. Click Install to install the operator to your selected namespace.

    The AMQ Streams operator deploys the Cluster Operator, CRDs, and role-based access control (RBAC) resources to the selected namespace.

  8. After the operator is ready for use, navigate to Operators > Installed Operators to verify that the operator has installed to the selected namespace.

    The status will show as Succeeded.

    You can now use the AMQ Streams operator to deploy Kafka components, starting with a Kafka cluster.


If you navigate to Workloads > Deployments, you can see the deployment details for the Cluster Operator and Entity Operator. The name of the Cluster Operator includes a version number: amq-streams-cluster-operator-<version>. The name is different when deploying the Cluster Operator using the AMQ Streams installation artifacts. In this case, the name is strimzi-cluster-operator.

5.2. Deploying Kafka components using the AMQ Streams operator

When installed on Openshift, the AMQ Streams operator makes Kafka components available for installation from the user interface.

The following Kafka components are available for installation:

  • Kafka
  • Kafka Connect
  • Kafka MirrorMaker
  • Kafka MirrorMaker 2
  • Kafka Topic
  • Kafka User
  • Kafka Bridge
  • Kafka Connector
  • Kafka Rebalance

You select the component and create an instance. As a minimum, you create a Kafka instance. This procedure describes how to create a Kafka instance using the default settings. You can configure the default installation specification before you perform the installation.

The process is the same for creating instances of other Kafka components.



  1. Navigate in the web console to the Operators > Installed Operators page and click AMQ Streams to display the operator details.

    From Provided APIs, you can create instances of Kafka components.

  2. Click Create instance under Kafka to create a Kafka instance.

    By default, you’ll create a Kafka cluster called my-cluster with three Kafka broker nodes and three ZooKeeper nodes. The cluster uses ephemeral storage.

  3. Click Create to start the installation of Kafka.

    Wait until the status changes to Ready.

Chapter 6. Deploying AMQ Streams using installation artifacts

Having prepared your environment for a deployment of AMQ Streams, you can deploy AMQ Streams to an OpenShift cluster. Use the installation files provided with the release artifacts.

AMQ Streams is based on Strimzi 0.38.x. You can deploy AMQ Streams 2.6 on OpenShift 4.11 to 4.14.

The steps to deploy AMQ Streams using the installation files are as follows:

  1. Deploy the Cluster Operator
  2. Use the Cluster Operator to deploy the following:

  3. Optionally, deploy the following Kafka components according to your requirements:


To run the commands in this guide, an OpenShift user must have the rights to manage role-based access control (RBAC) and CRDs.

6.1. Basic deployment path

You can set up a deployment where AMQ Streams manages a single Kafka cluster in the same namespace. You might use this configuration for development or testing. Or you can use AMQ Streams in a production environment to manage a number of Kafka clusters in different namespaces.

The first step for any deployment of AMQ Streams is to install the Cluster Operator using the install/cluster-operator files.

A single command applies all the installation files in the cluster-operator folder: oc apply -f ./install/cluster-operator.

The command sets up everything you need to be able to create and manage a Kafka deployment, including the following:

  • Cluster Operator (Deployment, ConfigMap)
  • AMQ Streams CRDs (CustomResourceDefinition)
  • RBAC resources (ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding, RoleBinding)
  • Service account (ServiceAccount)

The basic deployment path is as follows:

  1. Download the release artifacts
  2. Create an OpenShift namespace in which to deploy the Cluster Operator
  3. Deploy the Cluster Operator

    1. Update the install/cluster-operator files to use the namespace created for the Cluster Operator
    2. Install the Cluster Operator to watch one, multiple, or all namespaces
  4. Create a Kafka cluster

After which, you can deploy other Kafka components and set up monitoring of your deployment.

6.2. Deploying the Cluster Operator

The Cluster Operator is responsible for deploying and managing Kafka clusters within an OpenShift cluster.

When the Cluster Operator is running, it starts to watch for updates of Kafka resources.

By default, a single replica of the Cluster Operator is deployed. You can add replicas with leader election so that additional Cluster Operators are on standby in case of disruption. For more information, see Section 8.5.3, “Running multiple Cluster Operator replicas with leader election”.

6.2.1. Specifying the namespaces the Cluster Operator watches

The Cluster Operator watches for updates in the namespaces where the Kafka resources are deployed. When you deploy the Cluster Operator, you specify which namespaces to watch in the OpenShift cluster. You can specify the following namespaces:

Watching multiple selected namespaces has the most impact on performance due to increased processing overhead. To optimize performance for namespace monitoring, it is generally recommended to either watch a single namespace or monitor the entire cluster. Watching a single namespace allows for focused monitoring of namespace-specific resources, while monitoring all namespaces provides a comprehensive view of the cluster’s resources across all namespaces.

The Cluster Operator watches for changes to the following resources:

  • Kafka for the Kafka cluster.
  • KafkaConnect for the Kafka Connect cluster.
  • KafkaConnector for creating and managing connectors in a Kafka Connect cluster.
  • KafkaMirrorMaker for the Kafka MirrorMaker instance.
  • KafkaMirrorMaker2 for the Kafka MirrorMaker 2 instance.
  • KafkaBridge for the Kafka Bridge instance.
  • KafkaRebalance for the Cruise Control optimization requests.

When one of these resources is created in the OpenShift cluster, the operator gets the cluster description from the resource and starts creating a new cluster for the resource by creating the necessary OpenShift resources, such as Deployments, Pods, Services and ConfigMaps.

Each time a Kafka resource is updated, the operator performs corresponding updates on the OpenShift resources that make up the cluster for the resource.

Resources are either patched or deleted, and then recreated in order to make the cluster for the resource reflect the desired state of the cluster. This operation might cause a rolling update that might lead to service disruption.

When a resource is deleted, the operator undeploys the cluster and deletes all related OpenShift resources.


While the Cluster Operator can watch one, multiple, or all namespaces in an OpenShift cluster, the Topic Operator and User Operator watch for KafkaTopic and KafkaUser resources in a single namespace. For more information, see Section 1.2.1, “Watching AMQ Streams resources in OpenShift namespaces”.

6.2.2. Deploying the Cluster Operator to watch a single namespace

This procedure shows how to deploy the Cluster Operator to watch AMQ Streams resources in a single namespace in your OpenShift cluster.


  • You need an account with permission to create and manage CustomResourceDefinition and RBAC (ClusterRole, and RoleBinding) resources.


  1. Edit the AMQ Streams installation files to use the namespace the Cluster Operator is going to be installed into.

    For example, in this procedure the Cluster Operator is installed into the namespace my-cluster-operator-namespace.

    On Linux, use:

    sed -i 's/namespace: .*/namespace: my-cluster-operator-namespace/' install/cluster-operator/*RoleBinding*.yaml

    On MacOS, use:

    sed -i '' 's/namespace: .*/namespace: my-cluster-operator-namespace/' install/cluster-operator/*RoleBinding*.yaml
  2. Deploy the Cluster Operator:

    oc create -f install/cluster-operator -n my-cluster-operator-namespace
  3. Check the status of the deployment:

    oc get deployments -n my-cluster-operator-namespace

    Output shows the deployment name and readiness

    NAME                      READY  UP-TO-DATE  AVAILABLE
    strimzi-cluster-operator  1/1    1           1

    READY shows the number of replicas that are ready/expected. The deployment is successful when the AVAILABLE output shows 1.

6.2.3. Deploying the Cluster Operator to watch multiple namespaces

This procedure shows how to deploy the Cluster Operator to watch AMQ Streams resources across multiple namespaces in your OpenShift cluster.


  • You need an account with permission to create and manage CustomResourceDefinition and RBAC (ClusterRole, and RoleBinding) resources.


  1. Edit the AMQ Streams installation files to use the namespace the Cluster Operator is going to be installed into.

    For example, in this procedure the Cluster Operator is installed into the namespace my-cluster-operator-namespace.

    On Linux, use:

    sed -i 's/namespace: .*/namespace: my-cluster-operator-namespace/' install/cluster-operator/*RoleBinding*.yaml

    On MacOS, use:

    sed -i '' 's/namespace: .*/namespace: my-cluster-operator-namespace/' install/cluster-operator/*RoleBinding*.yaml
  2. Edit the install/cluster-operator/060-Deployment-strimzi-cluster-operator.yaml file to add a list of all the namespaces the Cluster Operator will watch to the STRIMZI_NAMESPACE environment variable.

    For example, in this procedure the Cluster Operator will watch the namespaces watched-namespace-1, watched-namespace-2, watched-namespace-3.

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      # ...
          serviceAccountName: strimzi-cluster-operator
          - name: strimzi-cluster-operator
            imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            - name: STRIMZI_NAMESPACE
              value: watched-namespace-1,watched-namespace-2,watched-namespace-3
  3. For each namespace listed, install the RoleBindings.

    In this example, we replace watched-namespace in these commands with the namespaces listed in the previous step, repeating them for watched-namespace-1, watched-namespace-2, watched-namespace-3:

    oc create -f install/cluster-operator/020-RoleBinding-strimzi-cluster-operator.yaml -n <watched_namespace>
    oc create -f install/cluster-operator/023-RoleBinding-strimzi-cluster-operator.yaml -n <watched_namespace>
    oc create -f install/cluster-operator/031-RoleBinding-strimzi-cluster-operator-entity-operator-delegation.yaml -n <watched_namespace>
  4. Deploy the Cluster Operator:

    oc create -f install/cluster-operator -n my-cluster-operator-namespace
  5. Check the status of the deployment:

    oc get deployments -n my-cluster-operator-namespace

    Output shows the deployment name and readiness

    NAME                      READY  UP-TO-DATE  AVAILABLE
    strimzi-cluster-operator  1/1    1           1

    READY shows the number of replicas that are ready/expected. The deployment is successful when the AVAILABLE output shows 1.

6.2.4. Deploying the Cluster Operator to watch all namespaces

This procedure shows how to deploy the Cluster Operator to watch AMQ Streams resources across all namespaces in your OpenShift cluster.

When running in this mode, the Cluster Operator automatically manages clusters in any new namespaces that are created.


  • You need an account with permission to create and manage CustomResourceDefinition and RBAC (ClusterRole, and RoleBinding) resources.


  1. Edit the AMQ Streams installation files to use the namespace the Cluster Operator is going to be installed into.

    For example, in this procedure the Cluster Operator is installed into the namespace my-cluster-operator-namespace.

    On Linux, use:

    sed -i 's/namespace: .*/namespace: my-cluster-operator-namespace/' install/cluster-operator/*RoleBinding*.yaml

    On MacOS, use:

    sed -i '' 's/namespace: .*/namespace: my-cluster-operator-namespace/' install/cluster-operator/*RoleBinding*.yaml
  2. Edit the install/cluster-operator/060-Deployment-strimzi-cluster-operator.yaml file to set the value of the STRIMZI_NAMESPACE environment variable to *.

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      # ...
          # ...
          serviceAccountName: strimzi-cluster-operator
          - name: strimzi-cluster-operator
            imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            - name: STRIMZI_NAMESPACE
              value: "*"
            # ...
  3. Create ClusterRoleBindings that grant cluster-wide access for all namespaces to the Cluster Operator.

    oc create clusterrolebinding strimzi-cluster-operator-namespaced --clusterrole=strimzi-cluster-operator-namespaced --serviceaccount my-cluster-operator-namespace:strimzi-cluster-operator
    oc create clusterrolebinding strimzi-cluster-operator-watched --clusterrole=strimzi-cluster-operator-watched --serviceaccount my-cluster-operator-namespace:strimzi-cluster-operator
    oc create clusterrolebinding strimzi-cluster-operator-entity-operator-delegation --clusterrole=strimzi-entity-operator --serviceaccount my-cluster-operator-namespace:strimzi-cluster-operator
  4. Deploy the Cluster Operator to your OpenShift cluster.

    oc create -f install/cluster-operator -n my-cluster-operator-namespace
  5. Check the status of the deployment:

    oc get deployments -n my-cluster-operator-namespace

    Output shows the deployment name and readiness

    NAME                      READY  UP-TO-DATE  AVAILABLE
    strimzi-cluster-operator  1/1    1           1

    READY shows the number of replicas that are ready/expected. The deployment is successful when the AVAILABLE output shows 1.

6.3. Deploying Kafka

To be able to manage a Kafka cluster with the Cluster Operator, you must deploy it as a Kafka resource. AMQ Streams provides example deployment files to do this. You can use these files to deploy the Topic Operator and User Operator at the same time.

After you have deployed the Cluster Operator, use a Kafka resource to deploy the following components:

When installing Kafka, AMQ Streams also installs a ZooKeeper cluster and adds the necessary configuration to connect Kafka with ZooKeeper.

If you are trying the preview of the node pools feature, you can deploy a Kafka cluster with one or more node pools. Node pools provide configuration for a set of Kafka nodes. By using node pools, nodes can have different configuration within the same Kafka cluster.

Node pools are not enabled by default, so you must enable the KafkaNodePools feature gate before using them.

If you haven’t deployed a Kafka cluster as a Kafka resource, you can’t use the Cluster Operator to manage it. This applies, for example, to a Kafka cluster running outside of OpenShift. However, you can use the Topic Operator and User Operator with a Kafka cluster that is not managed by AMQ Streams, by deploying them as standalone components. You can also deploy and use other Kafka components with a Kafka cluster not managed by AMQ Streams.

6.3.1. Deploying the Kafka cluster

This procedure shows how to deploy a Kafka cluster to your OpenShift cluster using the Cluster Operator.

The deployment uses a YAML file to provide the specification to create a Kafka resource.

AMQ Streams provides the following example files you can use to create a Kafka cluster:

Deploys a persistent cluster with three ZooKeeper and three Kafka nodes.
Deploys a persistent cluster with three ZooKeeper and three Kafka nodes (each using multiple persistent volumes).
Deploys a persistent cluster with a single ZooKeeper node and a single Kafka node.
Deploys an ephemeral cluster with three ZooKeeper and three Kafka nodes.
Deploys an ephemeral cluster with three ZooKeeper nodes and a single Kafka node.

In this procedure, we use the examples for an ephemeral and persistent Kafka cluster deployment.

Ephemeral cluster
In general, an ephemeral (or temporary) Kafka cluster is suitable for development and testing purposes, not for production. This deployment uses emptyDir volumes for storing broker information (for ZooKeeper) and topics or partitions (for Kafka). Using an emptyDir volume means that its content is strictly related to the pod life cycle and is deleted when the pod goes down.
Persistent cluster

A persistent Kafka cluster uses persistent volumes to store ZooKeeper and Kafka data. A PersistentVolume is acquired using a PersistentVolumeClaim to make it independent of the actual type of the PersistentVolume. The PersistentVolumeClaim can use a StorageClass to trigger automatic volume provisioning. When no StorageClass is specified, OpenShift will try to use the default StorageClass.

The following examples show some common types of persistent volumes:

  • If your OpenShift cluster runs on Amazon AWS, OpenShift can provision Amazon EBS volumes
  • If your OpenShift cluster runs on Microsoft Azure, OpenShift can provision Azure Disk Storage volumes
  • If your OpenShift cluster runs on Google Cloud, OpenShift can provision Persistent Disk volumes
  • If your OpenShift cluster runs on bare metal, OpenShift can provision local persistent volumes

The example YAML files specify the latest supported Kafka version, and configuration for its supported log message format version and inter-broker protocol version. The property for the Kafka config must be the version supported by the specified Kafka version (spec.kafka.version). The property represents the version of Kafka protocol used in a Kafka cluster.

From Kafka 3.0.0, when the is set to 3.0 or higher, the log.message.format.version option is ignored and doesn’t need to be set.

An update to the is required when upgrading Kafka.

The example clusters are named my-cluster by default. The cluster name is defined by the name of the resource and cannot be changed after the cluster has been deployed. To change the cluster name before you deploy the cluster, edit the property of the Kafka resource in the relevant YAML file.

Default cluster name and specified Kafka versions

kind: Kafka
  name: my-cluster
    version: 3.6.0
      log.message.format.version: "3.6" "3.6"
  # ...


  1. Create and deploy an ephemeral or persistent cluster.

    • To create and deploy an ephemeral cluster:

      oc apply -f examples/kafka/kafka-ephemeral.yaml
    • To create and deploy a persistent cluster:

      oc apply -f examples/kafka/kafka-persistent.yaml
  2. Check the status of the deployment:

    oc get pods -n <my_cluster_operator_namespace>

    Output shows the pod names and readiness

    NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS
    my-cluster-entity-operator  3/3     Running   0
    my-cluster-kafka-0          1/1     Running   0
    my-cluster-kafka-1          1/1     Running   0
    my-cluster-kafka-2          1/1     Running   0
    my-cluster-zookeeper-0      1/1     Running   0
    my-cluster-zookeeper-1      1/1     Running   0
    my-cluster-zookeeper-2      1/1     Running   0

    my-cluster is the name of the Kafka cluster.

    A sequential index number starting with 0 identifies each Kafka and ZooKeeper pod created.

    With the default deployment, you create an Entity Operator cluster, 3 Kafka pods, and 3 ZooKeeper pods.

    READY shows the number of replicas that are ready/expected. The deployment is successful when the STATUS displays as Running.

Additional resources

Kafka cluster configuration

6.3.2. (Preview) Deploying Kafka node pools

This procedure shows how to deploy Kafka node pools to your OpenShift cluster using the Cluster Operator. Node pools represent a distinct group of Kafka nodes within a Kafka cluster that share the same configuration. For each Kafka node in the node pool, any configuration not defined in node pool is inherited from the cluster configuration in the kafka resource.


The node pools feature is available as a preview. Node pools are not enabled by default, so you must enable the KafkaNodePools feature gate before using them.

The deployment uses a YAML file to provide the specification to create a KafkaNodePool resource. You can use node pools with Kafka clusters that use KRaft (Kafka Raft metadata) mode or ZooKeeper for cluster management.


KRaft mode is not ready for production in Apache Kafka or in AMQ Streams.

AMQ Streams provides the following example files that you can use to create a Kafka node pool:

Deploys ZooKeeper with 3 nodes, and 2 different pools of Kafka brokers. Each of the pools has 3 brokers. The pools in the example use different storage configuration.
Deploys a Kafka cluster with one pool of KRaft nodes that share the broker and controller roles.
Deploys a Kafka cluster with one pool of controller nodes and one pool of broker nodes.

You don’t need to start using node pools right away. If you decide to use them, you can perform the steps outlined here to deploy a new Kafka cluster with KafkaNodePool resources or migrate your existing Kafka cluster.


If you want to migrate an existing Kafka cluster to use node pools, see the steps to migrate existing Kafka clusters.


  1. Enable the KafkaNodePools feature gate from the command line:

    oc set env deployment/strimzi-cluster-operator STRIMZI_FEATURE_GATES="+KafkaNodePools"

    Or by editing the Cluster Operator Deployment and updating the STRIMZI_FEATURE_GATES environment variable:

        value: +KafkaNodePools

    This updates the Cluster Operator.

    If using KRaft mode, enable the UseKRaft feature gate as well.

  2. Create a node pool.

    • To deploy a Kafka cluster and ZooKeeper cluster with two node pools of three brokers:

      oc apply -f examples/kafka/nodepools/kafka.yaml
    • To deploy a Kafka cluster in KRaft mode with a single node pool that uses dual-role nodes:

      oc apply -f examples/kafka/nodepools/kafka-with-dual-role-kraft-nodes.yaml
    • To deploy a Kafka cluster in KRaft mode with separate node pools for broker and controller nodes:

      oc apply -f examples/kafka/nodepools/kafka-with-kraft.yaml
  3. Check the status of the deployment:

    oc get pods -n <my_cluster_operator_namespace>

    Output shows the node pool names and readiness

    NAME                        READY  STATUS   RESTARTS
    my-cluster-entity-operator  3/3    Running  0
    my-cluster-pool-a-0         1/1    Running  0
    my-cluster-pool-a-1         1/1    Running  0
    my-cluster-pool-a-4         1/1    Running  0

    • my-cluster is the name of the Kafka cluster.
    • pool-a is the name of the node pool.

      A sequential index number starting with 0 identifies each Kafka pod created. If you are using ZooKeeper, you’ll also see the ZooKeeper pods.

      READY shows the number of replicas that are ready/expected. The deployment is successful when the STATUS displays as Running.

      Information on the deployment is also shown in the status of the KafkaNodePool resource, including a list of IDs for nodes in the pool.


      Node IDs are assigned sequentially starting at 0 (zero) across all node pools within a cluster. This means that node IDs might not run sequentially within a specific node pool. If there are gaps in the sequence of node IDs across the cluster, the next node to be added is assigned an ID that fills the gap. When scaling down, the node with the highest node ID within a pool is removed.

Additional resources

Node pool configuration

6.3.3. Deploying the Topic Operator using the Cluster Operator

This procedure describes how to deploy the Topic Operator using the Cluster Operator. The Topic Operator can be deployed for use in either bidirectional mode or unidirectional mode. To learn more about bidirectional and unidirectional topic management, see Section 9.1, “Topic management modes”.


Unidirectional topic management is available as a preview. Unidirectional topic management is not enabled by default, so you must enable the UnidirectionalTopicOperator feature gate to be able to use it.

You configure the entityOperator property of the Kafka resource to include the topicOperator. By default, the Topic Operator watches for KafkaTopic resources in the namespace of the Kafka cluster deployed by the Cluster Operator. You can also specify a namespace using watchedNamespace in the Topic Operator spec. A single Topic Operator can watch a single namespace. One namespace should be watched by only one Topic Operator.

If you use AMQ Streams to deploy multiple Kafka clusters into the same namespace, enable the Topic Operator for only one Kafka cluster or use the watchedNamespace property to configure the Topic Operators to watch other namespaces.

If you want to use the Topic Operator with a Kafka cluster that is not managed by AMQ Streams, you must deploy the Topic Operator as a standalone component.

For more information about configuring the entityOperator and topicOperator properties, see Configuring the Entity Operator.


  1. Edit the entityOperator properties of the Kafka resource to include topicOperator:

    kind: Kafka
      name: my-cluster
        topicOperator: {}
        userOperator: {}
  2. Configure the Topic Operator spec using the properties described in the EntityTopicOperatorSpec schema reference.

    Use an empty object ({}) if you want all properties to use their default values.

  3. Create or update the resource:

    oc apply -f <kafka_configuration_file>
  4. Check the status of the deployment:

    oc get pods -n <my_cluster_operator_namespace>

    Output shows the pod name and readiness

    NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS
    my-cluster-entity-operator  3/3     Running   0
    # ...

    my-cluster is the name of the Kafka cluster.

    READY shows the number of replicas that are ready/expected. The deployment is successful when the STATUS displays as Running.

6.3.4. Deploying the User Operator using the Cluster Operator

This procedure describes how to deploy the User Operator using the Cluster Operator.

You configure the entityOperator property of the Kafka resource to include the userOperator. By default, the User Operator watches for KafkaUser resources in the namespace of the Kafka cluster deployment. You can also specify a namespace using watchedNamespace in the User Operator spec. A single User Operator can watch a single namespace. One namespace should be watched by only one User Operator.

If you want to use the User Operator with a Kafka cluster that is not managed by AMQ Streams, you must deploy the User Operator as a standalone component.

For more information about configuring the entityOperator and userOperator properties, see Configuring the Entity Operator.


  1. Edit the entityOperator properties of the Kafka resource to include userOperator:

    kind: Kafka
      name: my-cluster
        topicOperator: {}
        userOperator: {}
  2. Configure the User Operator spec using the properties described in EntityUserOperatorSpec schema reference.

    Use an empty object ({}) if you want all properties to use their default values.

  3. Create or update the resource:

    oc apply -f <kafka_configuration_file>
  4. Check the status of the deployment:

    oc get pods -n <my_cluster_operator_namespace>

    Output shows the pod name and readiness

    NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS
    my-cluster-entity-operator  3/3     Running   0
    # ...

    my-cluster is the name of the Kafka cluster.

    READY shows the number of replicas that are ready/expected. The deployment is successful when the STATUS displays as Running.

6.3.5. List of Kafka cluster resources

The following resources are created by the Cluster Operator in the OpenShift cluster.

Shared resources

Secret with the Cluster CA private key used to encrypt the cluster communication.
Secret with the Cluster CA public key. This key can be used to verify the identity of the Kafka brokers.
Secret with the Clients CA private key used to sign user certificates
Secret with the Clients CA public key. This key can be used to verify the identity of the Kafka users.
Secret with Cluster operators keys for communication with Kafka and ZooKeeper.

ZooKeeper nodes


Name given to the following ZooKeeper resources:

  • StrimziPodSet for managing the ZooKeeper node pods.
  • Service account used by the ZooKeeper nodes.
  • PodDisruptionBudget configured for the ZooKeeper nodes.
Pods created by the StrimziPodSet.
Headless Service needed to have DNS resolve the ZooKeeper pods IP addresses directly.
Service used by Kafka brokers to connect to ZooKeeper nodes as clients.
ConfigMap that contains the ZooKeeper ancillary configuration, and is mounted as a volume by the ZooKeeper node pods.
Secret with ZooKeeper node keys.
Network policy managing access to the ZooKeeper services.
Persistent Volume Claim for the volume used for storing data for a specific ZooKeeper node. This resource will be created only if persistent storage is selected for provisioning persistent volumes to store data.

Kafka brokers


Name given to the following Kafka resources:

  • StrimziPodSet for managing the Kafka broker pods.
  • Service account used by the Kafka pods.
  • PodDisruptionBudget configured for the Kafka brokers.

Name given to the following Kafka resources:

  • Pods created by the StrimziPodSet.
  • ConfigMaps with Kafka broker configuration.
Service needed to have DNS resolve the Kafka broker pods IP addresses directly.
Service can be used as bootstrap servers for Kafka clients connecting from within the OpenShift cluster.
Bootstrap service for clients connecting from outside the OpenShift cluster. This resource is created only when an external listener is enabled. The old service name will be used for backwards compatibility when the listener name is external and port is 9094.
Service used to route traffic from outside the OpenShift cluster to individual pods. This resource is created only when an external listener is enabled. The old service name will be used for backwards compatibility when the listener name is external and port is 9094.
Bootstrap route for clients connecting from outside the OpenShift cluster. This resource is created only when an external listener is enabled and set to type route. The old route name will be used for backwards compatibility when the listener name is external and port is 9094.
Route for traffic from outside the OpenShift cluster to individual pods. This resource is created only when an external listener is enabled and set to type route. The old route name will be used for backwards compatibility when the listener name is external and port is 9094.
Bootstrap service for clients connecting from outside the OpenShift cluster. This resource is created only when an external listener is enabled. The new service name will be used for all other external listeners.
Service used to route traffic from outside the OpenShift cluster to individual pods. This resource is created only when an external listener is enabled. The new service name will be used for all other external listeners.
Bootstrap route for clients connecting from outside the OpenShift cluster. This resource is created only when an external listener is enabled and set to type route. The new route name will be used for all other external listeners.
Route for traffic from outside the OpenShift cluster to individual pods. This resource is created only when an external listener is enabled and set to type route. The new route name will be used for all other external listeners.
ConfigMap containing the Kafka ancillary configuration, which is mounted as a volume by the broker pods when the UseStrimziPodSets feature gate is disabled.
Secret with Kafka broker keys.
Network policy managing access to the Kafka services.
Cluster role binding used by the Kafka brokers.
Secret with JMX username and password used to secure the Kafka broker port. This resource is created only when JMX is enabled in Kafka.
Persistent Volume Claim for the volume used for storing data for a specific Kafka broker. This resource is created only if persistent storage is selected for provisioning persistent volumes to store data.
Persistent Volume Claim for the volume id used for storing data for a specific Kafka broker. This resource is created only if persistent storage is selected for JBOD volumes when provisioning persistent volumes to store data.

(Preview) Kafka node pools

If you are using Kafka node pools, the resources created apply to the nodes managed in the node pools whether they are operating as brokers, controllers, or both. The naming convention includes the name of the Kafka cluster and the node pool: <kafka_cluster_name>-<pool_name>.

Name given to the StrimziPodSet for managing the Kafka node pool.

Name given to the following Kafka node pool resources:

  • Pods created by the StrimziPodSet.
  • ConfigMaps with Kafka node configuration.
Persistent Volume Claim for the volume used for storing data for a specific node. This resource is created only if persistent storage is selected for provisioning persistent volumes to store data.
Persistent Volume Claim for the volume id used for storing data for a specific node. This resource is created only if persistent storage is selected for JBOD volumes when provisioning persistent volumes to store data.

Entity Operator

These resources are only created if the Entity Operator is deployed using the Cluster Operator.


Name given to the following Entity Operator resources:

  • Deployment with Topic and User Operators.
  • Service account used by the Entity Operator.
  • Network policy managing access to the Entity Operator metrics.
Pod created by the Entity Operator deployment.
ConfigMap with ancillary configuration for Topic Operators.
ConfigMap with ancillary configuration for User Operators.
Secret with Topic Operator keys for communication with Kafka and ZooKeeper.
Secret with User Operator keys for communication with Kafka and ZooKeeper.
Role binding used by the Entity Topic Operator.
Role binding used by the Entity User Operator.

Kafka Exporter

These resources are only created if the Kafka Exporter is deployed using the Cluster Operator.


Name given to the following Kafka Exporter resources:

  • Deployment with Kafka Exporter.
  • Service used to collect consumer lag metrics.
  • Service account used by the Kafka Exporter.
  • Network policy managing access to the Kafka Exporter metrics.
Pod created by the Kafka Exporter deployment.

Cruise Control

These resources are only created if Cruise Control was deployed using the Cluster Operator.


Name given to the following Cruise Control resources:

  • Deployment with Cruise Control.
  • Service used to communicate with Cruise Control.
  • Service account used by the Cruise Control.
Pod created by the Cruise Control deployment.
ConfigMap that contains the Cruise Control ancillary configuration, and is mounted as a volume by the Cruise Control pods.
Secret with Cruise Control keys for communication with Kafka and ZooKeeper.
Network policy managing access to the Cruise Control service.

6.4. Deploying Kafka Connect

Kafka Connect is an integration toolkit for streaming data between Kafka brokers and other systems using connector plugins. Kafka Connect provides a framework for integrating Kafka with an external data source or target, such as a database or messaging system, for import or export of data using connectors. Connectors are plugins that provide the connection configuration needed.

In AMQ Streams, Kafka Connect is deployed in distributed mode. Kafka Connect can also work in standalone mode, but this is not supported by AMQ Streams.

Using the concept of connectors, Kafka Connect provides a framework for moving large amounts of data into and out of your Kafka cluster while maintaining scalability and reliability.

The Cluster Operator manages Kafka Connect clusters deployed using the KafkaConnect resource and connectors created using the KafkaConnector resource.

In order to use Kafka Connect, you need to do the following.


The term connector is used interchangeably to mean a connector instance running within a Kafka Connect cluster, or a connector class. In this guide, the term connector is used when the meaning is clear from the context.

6.4.1. Deploying Kafka Connect to your OpenShift cluster

This procedure shows how to deploy a Kafka Connect cluster to your OpenShift cluster using the Cluster Operator.

A Kafka Connect cluster deployment is implemented with a configurable number of nodes (also called workers) that distribute the workload of connectors as tasks so that the message flow is highly scalable and reliable.

The deployment uses a YAML file to provide the specification to create a KafkaConnect resource.

AMQ Streams provides example configuration files. In this procedure, we use the following example file:

  • examples/connect/kafka-connect.yaml

If deploying Kafka Connect clusters to run in parallel, each instance must use unique names for internal Kafka Connect topics. To do this, configure each Kafka Connect instance to replace the defaults.


  1. Deploy Kafka Connect to your OpenShift cluster. Use the examples/connect/kafka-connect.yaml file to deploy Kafka Connect.

    oc apply -f examples/connect/kafka-connect.yaml
  2. Check the status of the deployment:

    oc get pods -n <my_cluster_operator_namespace>

    Output shows the deployment name and readiness

    NAME                                 READY  STATUS   RESTARTS
    my-connect-cluster-connect-<pod_id>  1/1    Running  0

    my-connect-cluster is the name of the Kafka Connect cluster.

    A pod ID identifies each pod created.

    With the default deployment, you create a single Kafka Connect pod.

    READY shows the number of replicas that are ready/expected. The deployment is successful when the STATUS displays as Running.

6.4.2. List of Kafka Connect cluster resources

The following resources are created by the Cluster Operator in the OpenShift cluster:


Name given to the following Kafka Connect resources:

  • Deployment that creates the Kafka Connect worker node pods (when StableConnectIdentities feature gate is disabled).
  • StrimziPodSet that creates the Kafka Connect worker node pods (when StableConnectIdentities feature gate is enabled).
  • Headless service that provides stable DNS names to the Connect pods (when StableConnectIdentities feature gate is enabled).
  • Pod Disruption Budget configured for the Kafka Connect worker nodes.
Pods created by the Kafka Connect StrimziPodSet (when StableConnectIdentities feature gate is enabled).
Service which exposes the REST interface for managing the Kafka Connect cluster.
ConfigMap which contains the Kafka Connect ancillary configuration and is mounted as a volume by the Kafka broker pods.

6.5. Adding Kafka Connect connectors

Kafka Connect uses connectors to integrate with other systems to stream data. A connector is an instance of a Kafka Connector class, which can be one of the following type:

Source connector
A source connector is a runtime entity that fetches data from an external system and feeds it to Kafka as messages.
Sink connector
A sink connector is a runtime entity that fetches messages from Kafka topics and feeds them to an external system.

Kafka Connect uses a plugin architecture to provide the implementation artifacts for connectors. Plugins allow connections to other systems and provide additional configuration to manipulate data. Plugins include connectors and other components, such as data converters and transforms. A connector operates with a specific type of external system. Each connector defines a schema for its configuration. You supply the configuration to Kafka Connect to create a connector instance within Kafka Connect. Connector instances then define a set of tasks for moving data between systems.

Add connector plugins to Kafka Connect in one of the following ways:

After plugins have been added to the container image, you can start, stop, and manage connector instances in the following ways:

You can also create new connector instances using these options.

6.5.1. Building a new container image with connector plugins automatically

Configure Kafka Connect so that AMQ Streams automatically builds a new container image with additional connectors. You define the connector plugins using the property of the KafkaConnect custom resource. AMQ Streams will automatically download and add the connector plugins into a new container image. The container is pushed into the container repository specified in and automatically used in the Kafka Connect deployment.


You need to provide your own container registry where images can be pushed to, stored, and pulled from. AMQ Streams supports private container registries as well as public registries such as Quay or Docker Hub.


  1. Configure the KafkaConnect custom resource by specifying the container registry in, and additional connectors in

    kind: KafkaConnect
      name: my-connect-cluster
    spec: 1
        output: 2
          type: docker
          pushSecret: my-registry-credentials
        plugins: 3
          - name: debezium-postgres-connector
              - type: tgz
                sha512sum: c4ddc97846de561755dc0b021a62aba656098829c70eb3ade3b817ce06d852ca12ae50c0281cc791a5a131cb7fc21fb15f4b8ee76c6cae5dd07f9c11cb7c6e79
          - name: camel-telegram
              - type: tgz
                sha512sum: d6d9f45e0d1dbfcc9f6d1c7ca2046168c764389c78bc4b867dab32d24f710bb74ccf2a007d7d7a8af2dfca09d9a52ccbc2831fc715c195a3634cca055185bd91
    (Required) Configuration of the container registry where new images are pushed.
    (Required) List of connector plugins and their artifacts to add to the new container image. Each plugin must be configured with at least one artifact.
  2. Create or update the resource:

    $ oc apply -f <kafka_connect_configuration_file>
  3. Wait for the new container image to build, and for the Kafka Connect cluster to be deployed.
  4. Use the Kafka Connect REST API or KafkaConnector custom resources to use the connector plugins you added.

6.5.2. Building a new container image with connector plugins from the Kafka Connect base image

Create a custom Docker image with connector plugins from the Kafka Connect base image. Add the custom image to the /opt/kafka/plugins directory.

You can use the Kafka container image on Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog as a base image for creating your own custom image with additional connector plugins.

At startup, the AMQ Streams version of Kafka Connect loads any third-party connector plugins contained in the /opt/kafka/plugins directory.


  1. Create a new Dockerfile using as the base image:

    USER root:root
    COPY ./my-plugins/ /opt/kafka/plugins/
    USER 1001

    Example plugins file

    $ tree ./my-plugins/
    ├── debezium-connector-mongodb
    │   ├── bson-<version>.jar
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   ├── COPYRIGHT.txt
    │   ├── debezium-connector-mongodb-<version>.jar
    │   ├── debezium-core-<version>.jar
    │   ├── LICENSE.txt
    │   ├── mongodb-driver-core-<version>.jar
    │   ├──
    │   └── # ...
    ├── debezium-connector-mysql
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   ├── COPYRIGHT.txt
    │   ├── debezium-connector-mysql-<version>.jar
    │   ├── debezium-core-<version>.jar
    │   ├── LICENSE.txt
    │   ├── mysql-binlog-connector-java-<version>.jar
    │   ├── mysql-connector-java-<version>.jar
    │   ├──
    │   └── # ...
    └── debezium-connector-postgres
        ├── COPYRIGHT.txt
        ├── debezium-connector-postgres-<version>.jar
        ├── debezium-core-<version>.jar
        ├── LICENSE.txt
        ├── postgresql-<version>.jar
        ├── protobuf-java-<version>.jar
        └── # ...

    The COPY command points to the plugin files to copy to the container image.

    This example adds plugins for Debezium connectors (MongoDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL), though not all files are listed for brevity. Debezium running in Kafka Connect looks the same as any other Kafka Connect task.

  2. Build the container image.
  3. Push your custom image to your container registry.
  4. Point to the new container image.

    You can point to the image in one of the following ways:

    • Edit the KafkaConnect.spec.image property of the KafkaConnect custom resource.

      If set, this property overrides the STRIMZI_KAFKA_CONNECT_IMAGES environment variable in the Cluster Operator.

      kind: KafkaConnect
        name: my-connect-cluster
      spec: 1
        image: my-new-container-image 2
        config: 3
      The docker image for the pods.
      Configuration of the Kafka Connect workers (not connectors).
    • Edit the STRIMZI_KAFKA_CONNECT_IMAGES environment variable in the install/cluster-operator/060-Deployment-strimzi-cluster-operator.yaml file to point to the new container image, and then reinstall the Cluster Operator.

6.5.3. Deploying KafkaConnector resources

Deploy KafkaConnector resources to manage connectors. The KafkaConnector custom resource offers an OpenShift-native approach to management of connectors by the Cluster Operator. You don’t need to send HTTP requests to manage connectors, as with the Kafka Connect REST API. You manage a running connector instance by updating its corresponding KafkaConnector resource, and then applying the updates. The Cluster Operator updates the configurations of the running connector instances. You remove a connector by deleting its corresponding KafkaConnector.

KafkaConnector resources must be deployed to the same namespace as the Kafka Connect cluster they link to.

In the configuration shown in this procedure, the autoRestart feature is enabled (enabled: true) for automatic restarts of failed connectors and tasks. You can also annotate the KafkaConnector resource to restart a connector or restart a connector task manually.

Example connectors

You can use your own connectors or try the examples provided by AMQ Streams. Up until Apache Kafka 3.1.0, example file connector plugins were included with Apache Kafka. Starting from the 3.1.1 and 3.2.0 releases of Apache Kafka, the examples need to be added to the plugin path as any other connector.

AMQ Streams provides an example KafkaConnector configuration file (examples/connect/source-connector.yaml) for the example file connector plugins, which creates the following connector instances as KafkaConnector resources:

  • A FileStreamSourceConnector instance that reads each line from the Kafka license file (the source) and writes the data as messages to a single Kafka topic.
  • A FileStreamSinkConnector instance that reads messages from the Kafka topic and writes the messages to a temporary file (the sink).

We use the example file to create connectors in this procedure.


The example connectors are not intended for use in a production environment.


  • A Kafka Connect deployment
  • The Cluster Operator is running


  1. Add the FileStreamSourceConnector and FileStreamSinkConnector plugins to Kafka Connect in one of the following ways:

  2. Set the annotation to true in the Kafka Connect configuration.

    kind: KafkaConnect
      name: my-connect-cluster
      annotations: "true"
        # ...

    With the KafkaConnector resources enabled, the Cluster Operator watches for them.

  3. Edit the examples/connect/source-connector.yaml file:

    Example KafkaConnector source connector configuration

    kind: KafkaConnector
      name: my-source-connector  1
      labels: my-connect-cluster 2
      class: org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSourceConnector 3
      tasksMax: 2 4
      autoRestart: 5
        enabled: true
      config: 6
        file: "/opt/kafka/LICENSE" 7
        topic: my-topic 8
        # ...

    Name of the KafkaConnector resource, which is used as the name of the connector. Use any name that is valid for an OpenShift resource.
    Name of the Kafka Connect cluster to create the connector instance in. Connectors must be deployed to the same namespace as the Kafka Connect cluster they link to.
    Full name of the connector class. This should be present in the image being used by the Kafka Connect cluster.
    Maximum number of Kafka Connect tasks that the connector can create.
    Enables automatic restarts of failed connectors and tasks. By default, the number of restarts is indefinite, but you can set a maximum on the number of automatic restarts using the maxRestarts property.
    Connector configuration as key-value pairs.
    Location of the external data file. In this example, we’re configuring the FileStreamSourceConnector to read from the /opt/kafka/LICENSE file.
    Kafka topic to publish the source data to.
  4. Create the source KafkaConnector in your OpenShift cluster:

    oc apply -f examples/connect/source-connector.yaml
  5. Create an examples/connect/sink-connector.yaml file:

    touch examples/connect/sink-connector.yaml
  6. Paste the following YAML into the sink-connector.yaml file:

    kind: KafkaConnector
      name: my-sink-connector
      labels: my-connect
      class: org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSinkConnector 1
      tasksMax: 2
      config: 2
        file: "/tmp/my-file" 3
        topics: my-topic 4
    Full name or alias of the connector class. This should be present in the image being used by the Kafka Connect cluster.
    Connector configuration as key-value pairs.
    Temporary file to publish the source data to.
    Kafka topic to read the source data from.
  7. Create the sink KafkaConnector in your OpenShift cluster:

    oc apply -f examples/connect/sink-connector.yaml
  8. Check that the connector resources were created:

    oc get kctr --selector<my_connect_cluster> -o name

    Replace <my_connect_cluster> with the name of your Kafka Connect cluster.

  9. In the container, execute to read the messages that were written to the topic by the source connector:

    oc exec <my_kafka_cluster>-kafka-0 -i -t -- bin/ --bootstrap-server <my_kafka_cluster>-kafka-bootstrap.NAMESPACE.svc:9092 --topic my-topic --from-beginning

    Replace <my_kafka_cluster> with the name of your Kafka cluster.

Source and sink connector configuration options

The connector configuration is defined in the spec.config property of the KafkaConnector resource.

The FileStreamSourceConnector and FileStreamSinkConnector classes support the same configuration options as the Kafka Connect REST API. Other connectors support different configuration options.

Table 6.1. Configuration options for the FileStreamSource connector class
NameTypeDefault valueDescription




Source file to write messages to. If not specified, the standard input is used.




The Kafka topic to publish data to.

Table 6.2. Configuration options for FileStreamSinkConnector class
NameTypeDefault valueDescription




Destination file to write messages to. If not specified, the standard output is used.




One or more Kafka topics to read data from.




A regular expression matching one or more Kafka topics to read data from.

6.5.4. Exposing the Kafka Connect API

Use the Kafka Connect REST API as an alternative to using KafkaConnector resources to manage connectors. The Kafka Connect REST API is available as a service running on <connect_cluster_name>-connect-api:8083, where <connect_cluster_name> is the name of your Kafka Connect cluster. The service is created when you create a Kafka Connect instance.

The operations supported by the Kafka Connect REST API are described in the Apache Kafka Connect API documentation.


The annotation enables KafkaConnectors. If you applied the annotation to your KafkaConnect resource configuration, you need to remove it to use the Kafka Connect API. Otherwise, manual changes made directly using the Kafka Connect REST API are reverted by the Cluster Operator.

You can add the connector configuration as a JSON object.

Example curl request to add connector configuration

curl -X POST \
  http://my-connect-cluster-connect-api:8083/connectors \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{ "name": "my-source-connector",
      "file": "/opt/kafka/LICENSE",
      "tasksMax": "4",
      "type": "source"

The API is only accessible within the OpenShift cluster. If you want to make the Kafka Connect API accessible to applications running outside of the OpenShift cluster, you can expose it manually by creating one of the following features:

  • LoadBalancer or NodePort type services
  • Ingress resources (Kubernetes only)
  • OpenShift routes (OpenShift only)

The connection is insecure, so allow external access advisedly.

If you decide to create services, use the labels from the selector of the <connect_cluster_name>-connect-api service to configure the pods to which the service will route the traffic:

Selector configuration for the service

# ...
selector: my-connect-cluster 1 KafkaConnect my-connect-cluster-connect 2

Name of the Kafka Connect custom resource in your OpenShift cluster.
Name of the Kafka Connect deployment created by the Cluster Operator.

You must also create a NetworkPolicy that allows HTTP requests from external clients.

Example NetworkPolicy to allow requests to the Kafka Connect API

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: my-custom-connect-network-policy
  - from:
    - podSelector: 1
          app: my-connector-manager
    - port: 8083
      protocol: TCP
    matchLabels: my-connect-cluster KafkaConnect my-connect-cluster-connect
  - Ingress

The label of the pod that is allowed to connect to the API.

To add the connector configuration outside the cluster, use the URL of the resource that exposes the API in the curl command.

6.5.5. Limiting access to the Kafka Connect API

It is crucial to restrict access to the Kafka Connect API only to trusted users to prevent unauthorized actions and potential security issues. The Kafka Connect API provides extensive capabilities for altering connector configurations, which makes it all the more important to take security precautions. Someone with access to the Kafka Connect API could potentially obtain sensitive information that an administrator may assume is secure.

The Kafka Connect REST API can be accessed by anyone who has authenticated access to the OpenShift cluster and knows the endpoint URL, which includes the hostname/IP address and port number.

For example, suppose an organization uses a Kafka Connect cluster and connectors to stream sensitive data from a customer database to a central database. The administrator uses a configuration provider plugin to store sensitive information related to connecting to the customer database and the central database, such as database connection details and authentication credentials. The configuration provider protects this sensitive information from being exposed to unauthorized users. However, someone who has access to the Kafka Connect API can still obtain access to the customer database without the consent of the administrator. They can do this by setting up a fake database and configuring a connector to connect to it. They then modify the connector configuration to point to the customer database, but instead of sending the data to the central database, they send it to the fake database. By configuring the connector to connect to the fake database, the login details and credentials for connecting to the customer database are intercepted, even though they are stored securely in the configuration provider.

If you are using the KafkaConnector custom resources, then by default the OpenShift RBAC rules permit only OpenShift cluster administrators to make changes to connectors. You can also designate non-cluster administrators to manage AMQ Streams resources. With KafkaConnector resources enabled in your Kafka Connect configuration, changes made directly using the Kafka Connect REST API are reverted by the Cluster Operator. If you are not using the KafkaConnector resource, the default RBAC rules do not limit access to the Kafka Connect API. If you want to limit direct access to the Kafka Connect REST API using OpenShift RBAC, you need to enable and use the KafkaConnector resources.

For improved security, we recommend configuring the following properties for the Kafka Connect API:


(Kafka 3.4 or later) Set the org.apache.kafka.disallowed.login.modules Java system property to prevent the use of insecure login modules. For example, specifying prevents the use of the Kafka JndiLoginModule.

Example configuration for disallowing login modules

kind: KafkaConnect
  name: my-connect-cluster
  annotations: "true"
  # ...
      - name: org.apache.kafka.disallowed.login.modules
# ...

Only allow trusted login modules and follow the latest advice from Kafka for the version you are using. As a best practice, you should explicitly disallow insecure login modules in your Kafka Connect configuration by using the org.apache.kafka.disallowed.login.modules system property.


Set the connector.client.config.override.policy property to None to prevent connector configurations from overriding the Kafka Connect configuration and the consumers and producers it uses.

Example configuration to specify connector override policy

kind: KafkaConnect
  name: my-connect-cluster
  annotations: "true"
  # ...
    connector.client.config.override.policy: None
# ...

6.5.6. Switching from using the Kafka Connect API to using KafkaConnector custom resources

You can switch from using the Kafka Connect API to using KafkaConnector custom resources to manage your connectors. To make the switch, do the following in the order shown:

  1. Deploy KafkaConnector resources with the configuration to create your connector instances.
  2. Enable KafkaConnector resources in your Kafka Connect configuration by setting the annotation to true.

If you enable KafkaConnector resources before creating them, you delete all connectors.

To switch from using KafkaConnector resources to using the Kafka Connect API, first remove the annotation that enables the KafkaConnector resources from your Kafka Connect configuration. Otherwise, manual changes made directly using the Kafka Connect REST API are reverted by the Cluster Operator.

When making the switch, check the status of the KafkaConnect resource. The value of metadata.generation (the current version of the deployment) must match status.observedGeneration (the latest reconciliation of the resource). When the Kafka Connect cluster is Ready, you can delete the KafkaConnector resources.

6.6. Deploying Kafka MirrorMaker

Kafka MirrorMaker replicates data between two or more Kafka clusters, within or across data centers. This process is called mirroring to avoid confusion with the concept of Kafka partition replication. MirrorMaker consumes messages from a source cluster and republishes those messages to a target cluster.

Data replication across clusters supports scenarios that require the following:

  • Recovery of data in the event of a system failure
  • Consolidation of data from multiple source clusters for centralized analysis
  • Restriction of data access to a specific cluster
  • Provision of data at a specific location to improve latency

6.6.1. Deploying Kafka MirrorMaker to your OpenShift cluster

This procedure shows how to deploy a Kafka MirrorMaker cluster to your OpenShift cluster using the Cluster Operator.

The deployment uses a YAML file to provide the specification to create a KafkaMirrorMaker or KafkaMirrorMaker2 resource depending on the version of MirrorMaker deployed. MirrorMaker 2 is based on Kafka Connect and uses its configuration properties.


Kafka MirrorMaker 1 (referred to as just MirrorMaker in the documentation) has been deprecated in Apache Kafka 3.0.0 and will be removed in Apache Kafka 4.0.0. As a result, the KafkaMirrorMaker custom resource which is used to deploy Kafka MirrorMaker 1 has been deprecated in AMQ Streams as well. The KafkaMirrorMaker resource will be removed from AMQ Streams when we adopt Apache Kafka 4.0.0. As a replacement, use the KafkaMirrorMaker2 custom resource with the IdentityReplicationPolicy.

AMQ Streams provides example configuration files. In this procedure, we use the following example files:

  • examples/mirror-maker/kafka-mirror-maker.yaml
  • examples/mirror-maker/kafka-mirror-maker-2.yaml

If deploying MirrorMaker 2 clusters to run in parallel, using the same target Kafka cluster, each instance must use unique names for internal Kafka Connect topics. To do this, configure each MirrorMaker 2 instance to replace the defaults.


  1. Deploy Kafka MirrorMaker to your OpenShift cluster:

    For MirrorMaker:

    oc apply -f examples/mirror-maker/kafka-mirror-maker.yaml

    For MirrorMaker 2:

    oc apply -f examples/mirror-maker/kafka-mirror-maker-2.yaml
  2. Check the status of the deployment:

    oc get pods -n <my_cluster_operator_namespace>

    Output shows the deployment name and readiness

    NAME                                    READY  STATUS   RESTARTS
    my-mirror-maker-mirror-maker-<pod_id>   1/1    Running  1
    my-mm2-cluster-mirrormaker2-<pod_id>    1/1    Running  1

    my-mirror-maker is the name of the Kafka MirrorMaker cluster. my-mm2-cluster is the name of the Kafka MirrorMaker 2 cluster.

    A pod ID identifies each pod created.

    With the default deployment, you install a single MirrorMaker or MirrorMaker 2 pod.

    READY shows the number of replicas that are ready/expected. The deployment is successful when the STATUS displays as Running.

6.6.2. List of Kafka MirrorMaker 2 cluster resources

The following resources are created by the Cluster Operator in the OpenShift cluster:


Name given to the following MirrorMaker 2 resources:

  • Deployment which is responsible for creating the MirrorMaker 2 pods.
  • Service account used by the MirrorMaker 2 nodes.
  • Pod Disruption Budget configured for the MirrorMaker2 worker nodes.
ConfigMap which contains ancillary configuration for the MirrorMaker2, and is mounted as a volume by the MirrorMaker 2 pods.

6.6.3. List of Kafka MirrorMaker cluster resources

The following resources are created by the Cluster Operator in the OpenShift cluster:


Name given to the following MirrorMaker resources:

  • Deployment which is responsible for creating the MirrorMaker pods.
  • Service account used by the MirrorMaker nodes.
  • Pod Disruption Budget configured for the MirrorMaker worker nodes.
ConfigMap which contains ancillary configuration for MirrorMaker, and is mounted as a volume by the MirrorMaker pods.

6.7. Deploying Kafka Bridge

Kafka Bridge provides an API for integrating HTTP-based clients with a Kafka cluster.

6.7.1. Deploying Kafka Bridge to your OpenShift cluster

This procedure shows how to deploy a Kafka Bridge cluster to your OpenShift cluster using the Cluster Operator.

The deployment uses a YAML file to provide the specification to create a KafkaBridge resource.

AMQ Streams provides example configuration files. In this procedure, we use the following example file:

  • examples/bridge/kafka-bridge.yaml


  1. Deploy Kafka Bridge to your OpenShift cluster:

    oc apply -f examples/bridge/kafka-bridge.yaml
  2. Check the status of the deployment:

    oc get pods -n <my_cluster_operator_namespace>

    Output shows the deployment name and readiness

    NAME                       READY  STATUS   RESTARTS
    my-bridge-bridge-<pod_id>  1/1    Running  0

    my-bridge is the name of the Kafka Bridge cluster.

    A pod ID identifies each pod created.

    With the default deployment, you install a single Kafka Bridge pod.

    READY shows the number of replicas that are ready/expected. The deployment is successful when the STATUS displays as Running.

6.7.2. Exposing the Kafka Bridge service to your local machine

Use port forwarding to expose the AMQ Streams Kafka Bridge service to your local machine on http://localhost:8080.


Port forwarding is only suitable for development and testing purposes.


  1. List the names of the pods in your OpenShift cluster:

    oc get pods -o name
    # ...
  2. Connect to the Kafka Bridge pod on port 8080:

    oc port-forward pod/my-bridge-bridge-<pod_id> 8080:8080 &

    If port 8080 on your local machine is already in use, use an alternative HTTP port, such as 8008.

API requests are now forwarded from port 8080 on your local machine to port 8080 in the Kafka Bridge pod.

6.7.3. Accessing the Kafka Bridge outside of OpenShift

After deployment, the AMQ Streams Kafka Bridge can only be accessed by applications running in the same OpenShift cluster. These applications use the <kafka_bridge_name>-bridge-service service to access the API.

If you want to make the Kafka Bridge accessible to applications running outside of the OpenShift cluster, you can expose it manually by creating one of the following features:

  • LoadBalancer or NodePort type services
  • Ingress resources (Kubernetes only)
  • OpenShift routes (OpenShift only)

If you decide to create Services, use the labels from the selector of the <kafka_bridge_name>-bridge-service service to configure the pods to which the service will route the traffic:

  # ...
  selector: kafka-bridge-name 1 KafkaBridge
Name of the Kafka Bridge custom resource in your OpenShift cluster.

6.7.4. List of Kafka Bridge cluster resources

The following resources are created by the Cluster Operator in the OpenShift cluster:

Deployment which is in charge to create the Kafka Bridge worker node pods.
Service which exposes the REST interface of the Kafka Bridge cluster.
ConfigMap which contains the Kafka Bridge ancillary configuration and is mounted as a volume by the Kafka broker pods.
Pod Disruption Budget configured for the Kafka Bridge worker nodes.

6.8. Alternative standalone deployment options for AMQ Streams operators

You can perform a standalone deployment of the Topic Operator and User Operator. Consider a standalone deployment of these operators if you are using a Kafka cluster that is not managed by the Cluster Operator.

You deploy the operators to OpenShift. Kafka can be running outside of OpenShift. For example, you might be using a Kafka as a managed service. You adjust the deployment configuration for the standalone operator to match the address of your Kafka cluster.

6.8.1. Deploying the standalone Topic Operator

This procedure shows how to deploy the Topic Operator as a standalone component for topic management. You can use a standalone Topic Operator with a Kafka cluster that is not managed by the Cluster Operator.

A standalone deployment can operate with any Kafka cluster.

Standalone deployment files are provided with AMQ Streams. Use the 05-Deployment-strimzi-topic-operator.yaml deployment file to deploy the Topic Operator. Add or set the environment variables needed to make a connection to a Kafka cluster.

The Topic Operator watches for KafkaTopic resources in a single namespace. You specify the namespace to watch, and the connection to the Kafka cluster, in the Topic Operator configuration. A single Topic Operator can watch a single namespace. One namespace should be watched by only one Topic Operator. If you want to use more than one Topic Operator, configure each of them to watch different namespaces. In this way, you can use Topic Operators with multiple Kafka clusters.


  • You are running a Kafka cluster for the Topic Operator to connect to.

    As long as the standalone Topic Operator is correctly configured for connection, the Kafka cluster can be running on a bare-metal environment, a virtual machine, or as a managed cloud application service.


  1. Edit the env properties in the install/topic-operator/05-Deployment-strimzi-topic-operator.yaml standalone deployment file.

    Example standalone Topic Operator deployment configuration

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: strimzi-topic-operator
        app: strimzi
      # ...
        # ...
          # ...
            - name: strimzi-topic-operator
              # ...
                - name: STRIMZI_NAMESPACE 1
                      fieldPath: metadata.namespace
                - name: STRIMZI_KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS 2
                  value: my-kafka-bootstrap-address:9092
                - name: STRIMZI_RESOURCE_LABELS 3
                  value: ""
                - name: STRIMZI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT 4
                  value: my-cluster-zookeeper-client:2181
                  value: "18000"
                  value: "120000"
                  value: "6"
                - name: STRIMZI_LOG_LEVEL 8
                  value: INFO
                - name: STRIMZI_TLS_ENABLED 9
                  value: "false"
                - name: STRIMZI_JAVA_OPTS 10
                  value: "-Xmx=512M -Xms=256M"
                - name: STRIMZI_JAVA_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES 11
                  value: " -DpropertyName=value"
                - name: STRIMZI_PUBLIC_CA 12
                  value: "false"
                - name: STRIMZI_TLS_AUTH_ENABLED 13
                  value: "false"
                - name: STRIMZI_SASL_ENABLED 14
                  value: "false"
                - name: STRIMZI_SASL_USERNAME 15
                  value: "admin"
                - name: STRIMZI_SASL_PASSWORD 16
                  value: "password"
                - name: STRIMZI_SASL_MECHANISM 17
                  value: "scram-sha-512"
                - name: STRIMZI_SECURITY_PROTOCOL 18
                  value: "SSL"

    The OpenShift namespace for the Topic Operator to watch for KafkaTopic resources. Specify the namespace of the Kafka cluster.
    The host and port pair of the bootstrap broker address to discover and connect to all brokers in the Kafka cluster. Use a comma-separated list to specify two or three broker addresses in case a server is down.
    The label to identify the KafkaTopic resources managed by the Topic Operator. This does not have to be the name of the Kafka cluster. It can be the label assigned to the KafkaTopic resource. If you deploy more than one Topic Operator, the labels must be unique for each. That is, the operators cannot manage the same resources.
    (ZooKeeper) The host and port pair of the address to connect to the ZooKeeper cluster. This must be the same ZooKeeper cluster that your Kafka cluster is using.
    (ZooKeeper) The ZooKeeper session timeout, in milliseconds. The default is 18000 (18 seconds).
    The interval between periodic reconciliations, in milliseconds. The default is 120000 (2 minutes).
    The number of attempts at getting topic metadata from Kafka. The time between each attempt is defined as an exponential backoff. Consider increasing this value when topic creation takes more time due to the number of partitions or replicas. The default is 6 attempts.
    The level for printing logging messages. You can set the level to ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, or TRACE.
    Enables TLS support for encrypted communication with the Kafka brokers.
    (Optional) The Java options used by the JVM running the Topic Operator.
    (Optional) The debugging (-D) options set for the Topic Operator.
    (Optional) Skips the generation of trust store certificates if TLS is enabled through STRIMZI_TLS_ENABLED. If this environment variable is enabled, the brokers must use a public trusted certificate authority for their TLS certificates. The default is false.
    (Optional) Generates key store certificates for mTLS authentication. Setting this to false disables client authentication with mTLS to the Kafka brokers. The default is true.
    (Optional) Enables SASL support for client authentication when connecting to Kafka brokers. The default is false.
    (Optional) The SASL username for client authentication. Mandatory only if SASL is enabled through STRIMZI_SASL_ENABLED.
    (Optional) The SASL password for client authentication. Mandatory only if SASL is enabled through STRIMZI_SASL_ENABLED.
    (Optional) The SASL mechanism for client authentication. Mandatory only if SASL is enabled through STRIMZI_SASL_ENABLED. You can set the value to plain, scram-sha-256, or scram-sha-512.
    (Optional) The security protocol used for communication with Kafka brokers. The default value is "PLAINTEXT". You can set the value to PLAINTEXT, SSL, SASL_PLAINTEXT, or SASL_SSL.
  2. If you want to connect to Kafka brokers that are using certificates from a public certificate authority, set STRIMZI_PUBLIC_CA to true. Set this property to true, for example, if you are using Amazon AWS MSK service.
  3. If you enabled mTLS with the STRIMZI_TLS_ENABLED environment variable, specify the keystore and truststore used to authenticate connection to the Kafka cluster.

    Example mTLS configuration

    # ....
        value: "/path/to/truststore.p12"
        value: "TRUSTSTORE-PASSWORD"
        value: "/path/to/keystore.p12"
        value: "KEYSTORE-PASSWORD"
    # ...

    The truststore contains the public keys of the Certificate Authorities used to sign the Kafka and ZooKeeper server certificates.
    The password for accessing the truststore.
    The keystore contains the private key for mTLS authentication.
    The password for accessing the keystore.
  4. Deploy the Topic Operator.

    oc create -f install/topic-operator
  5. Check the status of the deployment:

    oc get deployments

    Output shows the deployment name and readiness

    NAME                    READY  UP-TO-DATE  AVAILABLE
    strimzi-topic-operator  1/1    1           1

    READY shows the number of replicas that are ready/expected. The deployment is successful when the AVAILABLE output shows 1. (Preview) Deploying the standalone Topic Operator for unidirectional topic management

Unidirectional topic management maintains topics solely through KafkaTopic resources. For more information on unidirectional topic management, see Section 9.1, “Topic management modes”.

If you want to try the preview of unidirectional topic management, follow these steps to deploy the standalone Topic Operator.


  1. Undeploy the current standalone Topic Operator.

    Retain the KafkaTopic resources, which are picked up by the Topic Operator when it is deployed again.

  2. Edit the Deployment configuration for the standalone Topic Operator to remove any ZooKeeper-related environment variables:


      It is the presence or absence of the ZooKeeper variables that defines whether the unidirectional Topic Operator is used. Unidirectional topic management does not use ZooKeeper. If ZooKeeper environment variables are not present, the unidirectional Topic Operator is used. Otherwise, the bidirectional Topic Operator is used.

      Other unused environment variables that can be removed if present:

  3. (Optional) Set the STRIMZI_USE_FINALIZERS environment variable to false:

    Additional configuration for unidirectional topic management

    # ...
        value: "false"

    Set this environment variable to false if you do not want to use finalizers to control topic deletion.

    Example standalone Topic Operator deployment configuration for unidirectional topic management

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: strimzi-topic-operator
        app: strimzi
      # ...
        # ...
          # ...
            - name: strimzi-topic-operator
              # ...
                - name: STRIMZI_NAMESPACE
                      fieldPath: metadata.namespace
                  value: my-kafka-bootstrap-address:9092
                - name: STRIMZI_RESOURCE_LABELS
                  value: ""
                  value: "120000"
                - name: STRIMZI_LOG_LEVEL
                  value: INFO
                - name: STRIMZI_TLS_ENABLED
                  value: "false"
                - name: STRIMZI_JAVA_OPTS
                  value: "-Xmx=512M -Xms=256M"
                - name: STRIMZI_JAVA_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES
                  value: " -DpropertyName=value"
                - name: STRIMZI_PUBLIC_CA
                  value: "false"
                - name: STRIMZI_TLS_AUTH_ENABLED
                  value: "false"
                - name: STRIMZI_SASL_ENABLED
                  value: "false"
                - name: STRIMZI_SASL_USERNAME
                  value: "admin"
                - name: STRIMZI_SASL_PASSWORD
                  value: "password"
                - name: STRIMZI_SASL_MECHANISM
                  value: "scram-sha-512"
                - name: STRIMZI_SECURITY_PROTOCOL
                  value: "SSL"
                - name: STRIMZI_USE_FINALIZERS
                  value: "true"

  4. Deploy the standalone Topic Operator in the standard way.

6.8.2. Deploying the standalone User Operator

This procedure shows how to deploy the User Operator as a standalone component for user management. You can use a standalone User Operator with a Kafka cluster that is not managed by the Cluster Operator.

A standalone deployment can operate with any Kafka cluster.

Standalone deployment files are provided with AMQ Streams. Use the 05-Deployment-strimzi-user-operator.yaml deployment file to deploy the User Operator. Add or set the environment variables needed to make a connection to a Kafka cluster.

The User Operator watches for KafkaUser resources in a single namespace. You specify the namespace to watch, and the connection to the Kafka cluster, in the User Operator configuration. A single User Operator can watch a single namespace. One namespace should be watched by only one User Operator. If you want to use more than one User Operator, configure each of them to watch different namespaces. In this way, you can use the User Operator with multiple Kafka clusters.


  • You are running a Kafka cluster for the User Operator to connect to.

    As long as the standalone User Operator is correctly configured for connection, the Kafka cluster can be running on a bare-metal environment, a virtual machine, or as a managed cloud application service.


  1. Edit the following env properties in the install/user-operator/05-Deployment-strimzi-user-operator.yaml standalone deployment file.

    Example standalone User Operator deployment configuration

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: strimzi-user-operator
        app: strimzi
      # ...
        # ...
          # ...
            - name: strimzi-user-operator
              # ...
                - name: STRIMZI_NAMESPACE 1
                      fieldPath: metadata.namespace
                - name: STRIMZI_KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS 2
                  value: my-kafka-bootstrap-address:9092
                - name: STRIMZI_CA_CERT_NAME 3
                  value: my-cluster-clients-ca-cert
                - name: STRIMZI_CA_KEY_NAME 4
                  value: my-cluster-clients-ca
                - name: STRIMZI_LABELS 5
                  value: ""
                  value: "120000"
                - name: STRIMZI_WORK_QUEUE_SIZE 7
                  value: 10000
                  value: 10
                  value: 4
                - name: STRIMZI_LOG_LEVEL 10
                  value: INFO
                - name: STRIMZI_GC_LOG_ENABLED 11
                  value: "true"
                - name: STRIMZI_CA_VALIDITY 12
                  value: "365"
                - name: STRIMZI_CA_RENEWAL 13
                  value: "30"
                - name: STRIMZI_JAVA_OPTS 14
                  value: "-Xmx=512M -Xms=256M"
                - name: STRIMZI_JAVA_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES 15
                  value: " -DpropertyName=value"
                - name: STRIMZI_SECRET_PREFIX 16
                  value: "kafka-"
                - name: STRIMZI_ACLS_ADMIN_API_SUPPORTED 17
                  value: "true"
                - name: STRIMZI_MAINTENANCE_TIME_WINDOWS 18
                  value: '* * 8-10 * * ?;* * 14-15 * * ?'
                  value: |

    The OpenShift namespace for the User Operator to watch for KafkaUser resources. Only one namespace can be specified.
    The host and port pair of the bootstrap broker address to discover and connect to all brokers in the Kafka cluster. Use a comma-separated list to specify two or three broker addresses in case a server is down.
    The OpenShift Secret that contains the public key (ca.crt) value of the CA (certificate authority) that signs new user certificates for mTLS authentication.
    The OpenShift Secret that contains the private key (ca.key) value of the CA that signs new user certificates for mTLS authentication.
    The label to identify the KafkaUser resources managed by the User Operator. This does not have to be the name of the Kafka cluster. It can be the label assigned to the KafkaUser resource. If you deploy more than one User Operator, the labels must be unique for each. That is, the operators cannot manage the same resources.
    The interval between periodic reconciliations, in milliseconds. The default is 120000 (2 minutes).
    The size of the controller event queue. The size of the queue should be at least as big as the maximal amount of users you expect the User Operator to operate. The default is 1024.
    The size of the worker pool for reconciling the users. Bigger pool might require more resources, but it will also handle more KafkaUser resources The default is 50.
    The size of the worker pool for Kafka Admin API and OpenShift operations. Bigger pool might require more resources, but it will also handle more KafkaUser resources The default is 4.
    The level for printing logging messages. You can set the level to ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, or TRACE.
    Enables garbage collection (GC) logging. The default is true.
    The validity period for the CA. The default is 365 days.
    The renewal period for the CA. The renewal period is measured backwards from the expiry date of the current certificate. The default is 30 days to initiate certificate renewal before the old certificates expire.
    (Optional) The Java options used by the JVM running the User Operator
    (Optional) The debugging (-D) options set for the User Operator
    (Optional) Prefix for the names of OpenShift secrets created by the User Operator.
    (Optional) Indicates whether the Kafka cluster supports management of authorization ACL rules using the Kafka Admin API. When set to false, the User Operator will reject all resources with simple authorization ACL rules. This helps to avoid unnecessary exceptions in the Kafka cluster logs. The default is true.
    (Optional) Semi-colon separated list of Cron Expressions defining the maintenance time windows during which the expiring user certificates will be renewed.
    (Optional) Configuration options for configuring the Kafka Admin client used by the User Operator in the properties format.
  2. If you are using mTLS to connect to the Kafka cluster, specify the secrets used to authenticate connection. Otherwise, go to the next step.

    Example mTLS configuration

    # ....
        value: my-cluster-cluster-ca-cert
        value: my-cluster-entity-operator-certs
    # ..."

    The OpenShift Secret that contains the public key (ca.crt) value of the CA that signs Kafka broker certificates.
    The OpenShift Secret that contains the certificate public key (entity-operator.crt) and private key (entity-operator.key) that is used for mTLS authentication against the Kafka cluster.
  3. Deploy the User Operator.

    oc create -f install/user-operator
  4. Check the status of the deployment:

    oc get deployments

    Output shows the deployment name and readiness

    NAME                   READY  UP-TO-DATE  AVAILABLE
    strimzi-user-operator  1/1    1           1

    READY shows the number of replicas that are ready/expected. The deployment is successful when the AVAILABLE output shows 1.

Chapter 7. Enabling AMQ Streams feature gates

AMQ Streams operators use feature gates to enable or disable specific features and functions. By enabling a feature gate, you alter the behavior of the corresponding operator, thereby introducing the feature to your AMQ Streams deployment.

A feature gate might be enabled or disabled by default, depending on its level of maturity.

To modify a feature gate’s default state, use the STRIMZI_FEATURE_GATES environment variable in the operator’s configuration. You can modify multiple feature gates using this single environment variable. Specify a comma-separated list of feature gate names and prefixes. A + prefix enables the feature gate and a - prefix disables it.

Example feature gate configuration that enables FeatureGate1 and disables FeatureGate2

    value: +FeatureGate1,-FeatureGate2

7.1. ControlPlaneListener feature gate

The ControlPlaneListener feature gate has moved to GA, which means it is now permanently enabled and cannot be disabled. With ControlPlaneListener enabled, the connections between the Kafka controller and brokers use an internal control plane listener on port 9090. Replication of data between brokers, as well as internal connections from AMQ Streams operators, Cruise Control, or the Kafka Exporter use the replication listener on port 9091.


With the ControlPlaneListener feature gate permanently enabled, it is no longer possible to upgrade or downgrade directly between AMQ Streams 1.7 and earlier and AMQ Streams 2.3 and newer. You have to first upgrade or downgrade through one of the AMQ Streams versions in-between, disable the ControlPlaneListener feature gate, and then downgrade or upgrade (with the feature gate enabled) to the target version.

7.2. ServiceAccountPatching feature gate

The ServiceAccountPatching feature gate has moved to GA, which means it is now permanently enabled and cannot be disabled. With ServiceAccountPatching enabled, the Cluster Operator always reconciles service accounts and updates them when needed. For example, when you change service account labels or annotations using the template property of a custom resource, the operator automatically updates them on the existing service account resources.

7.3. UseStrimziPodSets feature gate

The UseStrimziPodSets feature gate has moved to GA, which means it is now permanently enabled and cannot be disabled. Support for StatefulSets has been removed and AMQ Streams is now always using StrimziPodSets to manage Kafka and ZooKeeper pods.


With the UseStrimziPodSets feature gate permanently enabled, it is no longer possible to downgrade directly from AMQ Streams 2.5 and newer to AMQ Streams 2.0 or earlier. You have to first downgrade through one of the AMQ Streams versions in-between, disable the UseStrimziPodSets feature gate, and then downgrade to AMQ Streams 2.0 or earlier.

7.4. (Preview) UseKRaft feature gate

The UseKRaft feature gate has a default state of disabled.

The UseKRaft feature gate deploys the Kafka cluster in the KRaft (Kafka Raft metadata) mode without ZooKeeper. ZooKeeper and KRaft are mechanisms used to manage metadata and coordinate operations in Kafka clusters. KRaft mode eliminates the need for an external coordination service like ZooKeeper. In KRaft mode, Kafka nodes take on the roles of brokers, controllers, or both. They collectively manage the metadata, which is replicated across partitions. Controllers are responsible for coordinating operations and maintaining the cluster’s state.

This feature gate is currently intended only for development and testing.


KRaft mode is not ready for production in Apache Kafka or in AMQ Streams.

Enabling the UseKRaft feature gate requires the KafkaNodePools feature gate to be enabled as well. To deploy a Kafka cluster in KRaft mode, you must use the KafkaNodePool resources. For more details and examples, see Section 6.3.2, “(Preview) Deploying Kafka node pools”. The Kafka custom resource using KRaft mode must also have the annotation enabled.

When the UseKRaft feature gate is enabled and such annotation is set, the Kafka cluster is deployed without ZooKeeper. The .spec.zookeeper properties in the Kafka custom resource are ignored, but still need to be present. The UseKRaft feature gate provides an API that configures Kafka cluster nodes and their roles. The API is still in development and is expected to change before the KRaft mode is production-ready.

Currently, the KRaft mode in AMQ Streams has the following major limitations:

  • Moving from Kafka clusters with ZooKeeper to KRaft clusters or the other way around is not supported.
  • Controller-only nodes cannot undergo rolling updates or be updated individually.
  • Upgrades and downgrades of Apache Kafka versions or the AMQ Streams operator are not supported. Users might need to delete the cluster, upgrade the operator and deploy a new Kafka cluster.
  • Only the Unidirectional Topic Operator is supported in KRaft mode. You can enable it using the UnidirectionalTopicOperator feature gate. The Bidirectional Topic Operator is not supported and when the UnidirectionalTopicOperator feature gate is not enabled, the spec.entityOperator.topicOperator property must be removed from the Kafka custom resource.
  • JBOD storage is not supported. The type: jbod storage can be used, but the JBOD array can contain only one disk.

Enabling the UseKRaft feature gate

To enable the UseKRaft feature gate, specify +UseKRaft,+KafkaNodePools in the STRIMZI_FEATURE_GATES environment variable in the Cluster Operator configuration. The Kafka custom resource using KRaft mode must also have the annotation enabled. If such annotation is set to disabled, missing or any other value, the operator will handle the Kafka custom resource as using ZooKeeper mode.

7.5. StableConnectIdentities feature gate

The StableConnectIdentities feature gate has a default state of enabled.

The StableConnectIdentities feature gate uses StrimziPodSet resources to manage Kafka Connect and Kafka MirrorMaker 2 pods instead of using OpenShift Deployment resources. StrimziPodSets give the pods stable names and stable addresses, which do not change during rolling upgrades. This helps to minimize the number of rebalances of connector tasks.

Disabling the StableConnectIdentities feature gate

To disable the StableConnectIdentities feature gate, specify -StableConnectIdentities in the STRIMZI_FEATURE_GATES environment variable in the Cluster Operator configuration.


The StableConnectIdentities feature gate must be disabled when downgrading to AMQ Streams 2.3 and earlier versions.

7.6. (Preview) KafkaNodePools feature gate

The KafkaNodePools feature gate has a default state of disabled.

The KafkaNodePools feature gate introduces a new KafkaNodePool custom resource that enables the configuration of different pools of Apache Kafka nodes.

A node pool refers to a distinct group of Kafka nodes within a Kafka cluster. Each pool has its own unique configuration, which includes mandatory settings such as the number of replicas, storage configuration, and a list of assigned roles. You can assign the controller role, broker role, or both roles to all nodes in the pool in the .spec.roles field. When used with a ZooKeeper-based Apache Kafka cluster, it must be set to the broker role. When used with the UseKRaft feature gate, it can be set to broker, controller, or both.

In addition, a node pool can have its own configuration of resource requests and limits, Java JVM options, and resource templates. Configuration options not set in the KafkaNodePool resource are inherited from the Kafka custom resource.

The KafkaNodePool resources use a label to indicate to which Kafka cluster they belong. The label must be set to the name of the Kafka custom resource.

Examples of the KafkaNodePool resources can be found in the example configuration files provided by AMQ Streams.

Enabling the KafkaNodePools feature gate

To enable the KafkaNodePools feature gate, specify +KafkaNodePools in the STRIMZI_FEATURE_GATES environment variable in the Cluster Operator configuration. The Kafka custom resource using the node pools must also have the annotation enabled.

7.7. (Preview) UnidirectionalTopicOperator feature gate

The UnidirectionalTopicOperator feature gate has a default state of disabled.

The UnidirectionalTopicOperator feature gate introduces a unidirectional topic management mode for creating Kafka topics using the KafkaTopic resource. Unidirectional mode is compatible with using KRaft for cluster management. With unidirectional mode, you create Kafka topics using the KafkaTopic resource, which are then managed by the Topic Operator. Any configuration changes to a topic outside the KafkaTopic resource are reverted. For more information on topic management, see Section 9.1, “Topic management modes”.

Enabling the UnidirectionalTopicOperator feature gate

To enable the UnidirectionalTopicOperator feature gate, specify +UnidirectionalTopicOperator in the STRIMZI_FEATURE_GATES environment variable in the Cluster Operator configuration. For the KafkaTopic custom resource to use this feature, the annotation is set to true by default.

7.8. Feature gate releases

Feature gates have three stages of maturity:

  • Alpha — typically disabled by default
  • Beta — typically enabled by default
  • General Availability (GA) — typically always enabled

Alpha stage features might be experimental or unstable, subject to change, or not sufficiently tested for production use. Beta stage features are well tested and their functionality is not likely to change. GA stage features are stable and should not change in the future. Alpha and beta stage features are removed if they do not prove to be useful.

  • The ControlPlaneListener feature gate moved to GA stage in AMQ Streams 2.3. It is now permanently enabled and cannot be disabled.
  • The ServiceAccountPatching feature gate moved to GA stage in AMQ Streams 2.3. It is now permanently enabled and cannot be disabled.
  • The UseStrimziPodSets feature gate moved to GA stage in AMQ Streams 2.5 and the support for StatefulSets is completely removed. It is now permanently enabled and cannot be disabled.
  • The StableConnectIdentities feature gate is in beta stage and is enabled by default.
  • The UseKRaft feature gate is available for development only and does not currently have a planned release for moving to the beta phase.
  • The KafkaNodePools feature gate is in alpha stage and is disabled by default.
  • The UnidirectionalTopicOperator feature gate is in alpha stage and is disabled by default.

Feature gates might be removed when they reach GA. This means that the feature was incorporated into the AMQ Streams core features and can no longer be disabled.

Table 7.1. Feature gates and the AMQ Streams versions when they moved to alpha, beta, or GA
Feature gateAlphaBetaGA





























If a feature gate is enabled, you may need to disable it before upgrading or downgrading from a specific AMQ Streams version (or first upgrade / downgrade to a version of AMQ Streams where it can be disabled). The following table shows which feature gates you need to disable when upgrading or downgrading AMQ Streams versions.

Table 7.2. Feature gates to disable when upgrading or downgrading AMQ Streams
Disable Feature gateUpgrading from AMQ Streams versionDowngrading to AMQ Streams version


1.7 and earlier

1.7 and earlier



2.0 and earlier



2.3 and earlier

Chapter 8. Configuring a deployment

Configure and manage an AMQ Streams deployment to your precise needs using AMQ Streams custom resources. AMQ Streams provides example custom resources with each release, allowing you to configure and create instances of supported Kafka components. Fine-tune your deployment by configuring custom resources to include additional features according to your specific requirements. For specific areas of configuration, namely metrics, logging, and external configuration for Kafka Connect connectors, you can also use ConfigMap resources. By using a ConfigMap resource to incorporate configuration, you centralize maintenance. You can also use configuration providers to load configuration from external sources, which we recommend for supplying the credentials for Kafka Connect connector configuration.

Use custom resources to configure and create instances of the following components:

  • Kafka clusters
  • Kafka Connect clusters
  • Kafka MirrorMaker
  • Kafka Bridge
  • Cruise Control

You can also use custom resource configuration to manage your instances or modify your deployment to introduce additional features. This might include configuration that supports the following:

  • (Preview) Specifying node pools
  • Securing client access to Kafka brokers
  • Accessing Kafka brokers from outside the cluster
  • Creating topics
  • Creating users (clients)
  • Controlling feature gates
  • Changing logging frequency
  • Allocating resource limits and requests
  • Introducing features, such as AMQ Streams Drain Cleaner, Cruise Control, or distributed tracing.

The AMQ Streams Custom Resource API Reference describes the properties you can use in your configuration.


Labels applied to a custom resource are also applied to the OpenShift resources making up its cluster. This provides a convenient mechanism for resources to be labeled as required.

Applying changes to a custom resource configuration file

You add configuration to a custom resource using spec properties. After adding the configuration, you can use oc to apply the changes to a custom resource configuration file:

oc apply -f <kafka_configuration_file>

8.1. Using example configuration files

Further enhance your deployment by incorporating additional supported configuration. Example configuration files are provided with the downloadable release artifacts from the AMQ Streams software downloads page.

The example files include only the essential properties and values for custom resources by default. You can download and apply the examples using the oc command-line tool. The examples can serve as a starting point when building your own Kafka component configuration for deployment.


If you installed AMQ Streams using the Operator, you can still download the example files and use them to upload configuration.

The release artifacts include an examples directory that contains the configuration examples.

Example configuration files provided with AMQ Streams

├── user 1
├── topic 2
├── security 3
│   ├── tls-auth
│   ├── scram-sha-512-auth
│   └── keycloak-authorization
├── mirror-maker 4
├── metrics 5
├── kafka 6
│   └── nodepools 7
├── cruise-control 8
├── connect 9
└── bridge 10

KafkaUser custom resource configuration, which is managed by the User Operator.
KafkaTopic custom resource configuration, which is managed by Topic Operator.
Authentication and authorization configuration for Kafka components. Includes example configuration for TLS and SCRAM-SHA-512 authentication. The Red Hat Single Sign-On example includes Kafka custom resource configuration and a Red Hat Single Sign-On realm specification. You can use the example to try Red Hat Single Sign-On authorization services. There is also an example with enabled oauth authentication and keycloak authorization metrics.
Kafka custom resource configuration for a deployment of Mirror Maker. Includes example configuration for replication policy and synchronization frequency.
Metrics configuration, including Prometheus installation and Grafana dashboard files.
Kafka custom resource configuration for a deployment of Kafka. Includes example configuration for an ephemeral or persistent single or multi-node deployment.
(Preview) KafkaNodePool configuration for Kafka nodes in a Kafka cluster. Includes example configuration for nodes in clusters that use KRaft (Kafka Raft metadata) mode or ZooKeeper.
Kafka custom resource with a deployment configuration for Cruise Control. Includes KafkaRebalance custom resources to generate optimization proposals from Cruise Control, with example configurations to use the default or user optimization goals.
KafkaConnect and KafkaConnector custom resource configuration for a deployment of Kafka Connect. Includes example configurations for a single or multi-node deployment.
KafkaBridge custom resource configuration for a deployment of Kafka Bridge.

8.2. Configuring Kafka

Update the spec properties of the Kafka custom resource to configure your Kafka deployment.

As well as configuring Kafka, you can add configuration for ZooKeeper and the AMQ Streams Operators. Common configuration properties, such as logging and healthchecks, are configured independently for each component.

Configuration options that are particularly important include the following:

  • Resource requests (CPU / Memory)
  • JVM options for maximum and minimum memory allocation
  • Listeners for connecting clients to Kafka brokers (and authentication of clients)
  • Authentication
  • Storage
  • Rack awareness
  • Metrics
  • Cruise Control for cluster rebalancing

For a deeper understanding of the Kafka cluster configuration options, refer to the AMQ Streams Custom Resource API Reference.

Kafka versions

The property for the Kafka config must be the version supported by the specified Kafka version (spec.kafka.version). The property represents the version of Kafka protocol used in a Kafka cluster.

From Kafka 3.0.0, when the is set to 3.0 or higher, the log.message.format.version option is ignored and doesn’t need to be set.

An update to the is required when upgrading your Kafka version. For more information, see Upgrading Kafka.

Managing TLS certificates

When deploying Kafka, the Cluster Operator automatically sets up and renews TLS certificates to enable encryption and authentication within your cluster. If required, you can manually renew the cluster and clients CA certificates before their renewal period starts. You can also replace the keys used by the cluster and clients CA certificates. For more information, see Renewing CA certificates manually and Replacing private keys.

Example Kafka custom resource configuration

kind: Kafka
  name: my-cluster
    replicas: 3 1
    version: 3.6.0 2
    logging: 3
      type: inline
        kafka.root.logger.level: INFO
    resources: 4
        memory: 64Gi
        cpu: "8"
        memory: 64Gi
        cpu: "12"
    readinessProbe: 5
      initialDelaySeconds: 15
      timeoutSeconds: 5
      initialDelaySeconds: 15
      timeoutSeconds: 5
    jvmOptions: 6
      -Xms: 8192m
      -Xmx: 8192m
    image: my-org/my-image:latest 7
    listeners: 8
      - name: plain 9
        port: 9092 10
        type: internal 11
        tls: false 12
          useServiceDnsDomain: true 13
      - name: tls
        port: 9093
        type: internal
        tls: true
        authentication: 14
          type: tls
      - name: external1 15
        port: 9094
        type: route
        tls: true
          brokerCertChainAndKey: 16
            secretName: my-secret
            certificate: my-certificate.crt
            key: my-key.key
    authorization: 17
      type: simple
    config: 18
      auto.create.topics.enable: "false"
      offsets.topic.replication.factor: 3
      transaction.state.log.replication.factor: 3
      transaction.state.log.min.isr: 2
      default.replication.factor: 3
      min.insync.replicas: 2 "3.6"
    storage: 19
      type: persistent-claim 20
      size: 10000Gi
    rack: 21
    metricsConfig: 22
      type: jmxPrometheusExporter
        configMapKeyRef: 23
          name: my-config-map
          key: my-key
    # ...
  zookeeper: 24
    replicas: 3 25
    logging: 26
      type: inline
        zookeeper.root.logger: INFO
        memory: 8Gi
        cpu: "2"
        memory: 8Gi
        cpu: "2"
      -Xms: 4096m
      -Xmx: 4096m
      type: persistent-claim
      size: 1000Gi
      # ...
  entityOperator: 27
    tlsSidecar: 28
          cpu: 200m
          memory: 64Mi
          cpu: 500m
          memory: 128Mi
      watchedNamespace: my-topic-namespace
      reconciliationIntervalSeconds: 60
      logging: 29
        type: inline
          rootLogger.level: INFO
          memory: 512Mi
          cpu: "1"
          memory: 512Mi
          cpu: "1"
      watchedNamespace: my-topic-namespace
      reconciliationIntervalSeconds: 60
      logging: 30
        type: inline
          rootLogger.level: INFO
          memory: 512Mi
          cpu: "1"
          memory: 512Mi
          cpu: "1"
  kafkaExporter: 31
    # ...
  cruiseControl: 32
    # ...

The number of replica nodes.
Kafka version, which can be changed to a supported version by following the upgrade procedure.
Kafka loggers and log levels added directly (inline) or indirectly (external) through a ConfigMap. A custom Log4j configuration must be placed under the key in the ConfigMap. For the Kafka kafka.root.logger.level logger, you can set the log level to INFO, ERROR, WARN, TRACE, DEBUG, FATAL or OFF.
Requests for reservation of supported resources, currently cpu and memory, and limits to specify the maximum resources that can be consumed.
Healthchecks to know when to restart a container (liveness) and when a container can accept traffic (readiness).
JVM configuration options to optimize performance for the Virtual Machine (VM) running Kafka.
ADVANCED OPTION: Container image configuration, which is recommended only in special situations.
Listeners configure how clients connect to the Kafka cluster via bootstrap addresses. Listeners are configured as internal or external listeners for connection from inside or outside the OpenShift cluster.
Name to identify the listener. Must be unique within the Kafka cluster.
Port number used by the listener inside Kafka. The port number has to be unique within a given Kafka cluster. Allowed port numbers are 9092 and higher with the exception of ports 9404 and 9999, which are already used for Prometheus and JMX. Depending on the listener type, the port number might not be the same as the port number that connects Kafka clients.
Listener type specified as internal or cluster-ip (to expose Kafka using per-broker ClusterIP services), or for external listeners, as route (OpenShift only), loadbalancer, nodeport or ingress (Kubernetes only).
Enables TLS encryption for each listener. Default is false. TLS encryption has to be enabled, by setting it to true, for route and ingress type listeners.
Defines whether the fully-qualified DNS names including the cluster service suffix (usually .cluster.local) are assigned.
Listener authentication mechanism specified as mTLS, SCRAM-SHA-512, or token-based OAuth 2.0.
External listener configuration specifies how the Kafka cluster is exposed outside OpenShift, such as through a route, loadbalancer or nodeport.
Optional configuration for a Kafka listener certificate managed by an external CA (certificate authority). The brokerCertChainAndKey specifies a Secret that contains a server certificate and a private key. You can configure Kafka listener certificates on any listener with enabled TLS encryption.
Authorization enables simple, OAUTH 2.0, or OPA authorization on the Kafka broker. Simple authorization uses the AclAuthorizer and StandardAuthorizer Kafka plugins.
Broker configuration. Standard Apache Kafka configuration may be provided, restricted to those properties not managed directly by AMQ Streams.
Storage size for persistent volumes may be increased and additional volumes may be added to JBOD storage.
Persistent storage has additional configuration options, such as a storage id and class for dynamic volume provisioning.
Rack awareness configuration to spread replicas across different racks, data centers, or availability zones. The topologyKey must match a node label containing the rack ID. The example used in this configuration specifies a zone using the standard label.
Prometheus metrics enabled. In this example, metrics are configured for the Prometheus JMX Exporter (the default metrics exporter).
Rules for exporting metrics in Prometheus format to a Grafana dashboard through the Prometheus JMX Exporter, which are enabled by referencing a ConfigMap containing configuration for the Prometheus JMX exporter. You can enable metrics without further configuration using a reference to a ConfigMap containing an empty file under metricsConfig.valueFrom.configMapKeyRef.key.
ZooKeeper-specific configuration, which contains properties similar to the Kafka configuration.
The number of ZooKeeper nodes. ZooKeeper clusters or ensembles usually run with an odd number of nodes, typically three, five, or seven. The majority of nodes must be available in order to maintain an effective quorum. If the ZooKeeper cluster loses its quorum, it will stop responding to clients and the Kafka brokers will stop working. Having a stable and highly available ZooKeeper cluster is crucial for AMQ Streams.
ZooKeeper loggers and log levels.
Entity Operator configuration, which specifies the configuration for the Topic Operator and User Operator.
Entity Operator TLS sidecar configuration. Entity Operator uses the TLS sidecar for secure communication with ZooKeeper.
Specified Topic Operator loggers and log levels. This example uses inline logging.
Specified User Operator loggers and log levels.
Kafka Exporter configuration. Kafka Exporter is an optional component for extracting metrics data from Kafka brokers, in particular consumer lag data. For Kafka Exporter to be able to work properly, consumer groups need to be in use.
Optional configuration for Cruise Control, which is used to rebalance the Kafka cluster.

8.2.1. Setting limits on brokers using the Kafka Static Quota plugin

Use the Kafka Static Quota plugin to set throughput and storage limits on brokers in your Kafka cluster. You enable the plugin and set limits by configuring the Kafka resource. You can set a byte-rate threshold and storage quotas to put limits on the clients interacting with your brokers.

You can set byte-rate thresholds for producer and consumer bandwidth. The total limit is distributed across all clients accessing the broker. For example, you can set a byte-rate threshold of 40 MBps for producers. If two producers are running, they are each limited to a throughput of 20 MBps.

Storage quotas throttle Kafka disk storage limits between a soft limit and hard limit. The limits apply to all available disk space. Producers are slowed gradually between the soft and hard limit. The limits prevent disks filling up too quickly and exceeding their capacity. Full disks can lead to issues that are hard to rectify. The hard limit is the maximum storage limit.


For JBOD storage, the limit applies across all disks. If a broker is using two 1 TB disks and the quota is 1.1 TB, one disk might fill and the other disk will be almost empty.


  • The Cluster Operator that manages the Kafka cluster is running.


  1. Add the plugin properties to the config of the Kafka resource.

    The plugin properties are shown in this example configuration.

    Example Kafka Static Quota plugin configuration

    kind: Kafka
      name: my-cluster
        # ...
          client.quota.callback.class: io.strimzi.kafka.quotas.StaticQuotaCallback 1
          client.quota.callback.static.produce: 1000000 2
          client.quota.callback.static.fetch: 1000000 3
 400000000000 4
 500000000000 5
 5 6

    Loads the Kafka Static Quota plugin.
    Sets the producer byte-rate threshold. 1 MBps in this example.
    Sets the consumer byte-rate threshold. 1 MBps in this example.
    Sets the lower soft limit for storage. 400 GB in this example.
    Sets the higher hard limit for storage. 500 GB in this example.
    Sets the interval in seconds between checks on storage. 5 seconds in this example. You can set this to 0 to disable the check.
  2. Update the resource.

    oc apply -f <kafka_configuration_file>

Additional resources

8.2.2. Default ZooKeeper configuration values

When deploying ZooKeeper with AMQ Streams, some of the default configuration set by AMQ Streams differs from the standard ZooKeeper defaults. This is because AMQ Streams sets a number of ZooKeeper properties with values that are optimized for running ZooKeeper within an OpenShift environment.

The default configuration for key ZooKeeper properties in AMQ Streams is as follows:

Table 8.1. Default ZooKeeper Properties in AMQ Streams
PropertyDefault valueDescription



The length of a single tick in milliseconds, which determines the length of a session timeout.



The maximum number of ticks that a follower is allowed to fall behind the leader in a ZooKeeper cluster.



The maximum number of ticks that a follower is allowed to be out of sync with the leader in a ZooKeeper cluster.



Enables the autopurge feature and sets the time interval in hours for purging the server-side ZooKeeper transaction log.



Flag to disable the ZooKeeper admin server. The admin server is not used by AMQ Streams.


Modifying these default values as zookeeper.config in the Kafka custom resource may impact the behavior and performance of your ZooKeeper cluster.

8.3. (Preview) Configuring node pools

Update the spec properties of the KafkaNodePool custom resource to configure a node pool deployment.


The node pools feature is available as a preview. Node pools are not enabled by default, so you must enable the KafkaNodePools feature gate before using them.

A node pool refers to a distinct group of Kafka nodes within a Kafka cluster. Each pool has its own unique configuration, which includes mandatory settings for the number of replicas, roles, and storage allocation.

Optionally, you can also specify values for the following properties:

  • resources to specify memory and cpu requests and limits
  • template to specify custom configuration for pods and other OpenShift resources
  • jvmOptions to specify custom JVM configuration for heap size, runtime and other options

The Kafka resource represents the configuration for all nodes in the Kafka cluster. The KafkaNodePool resource represents the configuration for nodes only in the node pool. If a configuration property is not specified in KafkaNodePool, it is inherited from the Kafka resource. Configuration specified in the KafkaNodePool resource takes precedence if set in both resources. For example, if both the node pool and Kafka configuration includes jvmOptions, the values specified in the node pool configuration are used. When -Xmx: 1024m is set in KafkaNodePool.spec.jvmOptions and -Xms: 512m is set in Kafka.spec.kafka.jvmOptions, the node uses the value from its node pool configuration.

Properties from Kafka and KafkaNodePool schemas are not combined. To clarify, if KafkaNodePool.spec.template includes only podSet.metadata.labels, and Kafka.spec.kafka.template includes podSet.metadata.annotations and pod.metadata.labels, the template values from the Kafka configuration are ignored since there is a template value in the node pool configuration.

Node pools can be used with Kafka clusters that operate in KRaft mode (using Kafka Raft metadata) or use ZooKeeper for cluster management. If you are using KRaft mode, you can specify roles for all nodes in the node pool to operate as brokers, controllers, or both. If you are using ZooKeeper, nodes must be set as brokers only.


KRaft mode is not ready for production in Apache Kafka or in AMQ Streams.

For a deeper understanding of the node pool configuration options, refer to the AMQ Streams Custom Resource API Reference.


While the KafkaNodePools feature gate that enables node pools is in alpha phase, replica and storage configuration properties in the KafkaNodePool resource must also be present in the Kafka resource. The configuration in the Kafka resource is ignored when node pools are used. Similarly, ZooKeeper configuration properties must also be present in the Kafka resource when using KRaft mode. These properties are also ignored.

Example configuration for a node pool in a cluster using ZooKeeper

kind: KafkaNodePool
  name: pool-a 1
  labels: my-cluster 2
  replicas: 3 3
    - broker 4
  storage: 5
    type: jbod
      - id: 0
        type: persistent-claim
        size: 100Gi
        deleteClaim: false
  resources: 6
        memory: 64Gi
        cpu: "8"
        memory: 64Gi
        cpu: "12"

Unique name for the node pool.
The Kafka cluster the node pool belongs to. A node pool can only belong to a single cluster.
Number of replicas for the nodes.
Roles for the nodes in the node pool, which can only be broker when using Kafka with ZooKeeper.
Storage specification for the nodes.
Requests for reservation of supported resources, currently cpu and memory, and limits to specify the maximum resources that can be consumed.

Example configuration for a node pool in a cluster using KRaft mode

kind: KafkaNodePool
  name: kraft-dual-role
  labels: my-cluster
  replicas: 3
  roles: 1
    - controller
    - broker
    type: jbod
      - id: 0
        type: persistent-claim
        size: 20Gi
        deleteClaim: false
        memory: 64Gi
        cpu: "8"
        memory: 64Gi
        cpu: "12"

Roles for the nodes in the node pool. In this example, the nodes have dual roles as controllers and brokers.

The configuration for the Kafka resource must be suitable for KRaft mode. Currently, KRaft mode has a number of limitations.

8.3.1. (Preview) Assigning IDs to node pools for scaling operations

This procedure describes how to use annotations for advanced node ID handling by the Cluster Operator when performing scaling operations on node pools. You specify the node IDs to use, rather than the Cluster Operator using the next ID in sequence. Management of node IDs in this way gives greater control.

To add a range of IDs, you assign the following annotations to the KafkaNodePool resource:

  • to add a range of IDs that are used for new brokers
  • to add a range of IDs for removing existing brokers

You can specify an array of individual node IDs, ID ranges, or a combination of both. For example, you can specify the following range of IDs: [0, 1, 2, 10-20, 30] for scaling up the Kafka node pool. This format allows you to specify a combination of individual node IDs (0, 1, 2, 30) as well as a range of IDs (10-20).

In a typical scenario, you might specify a range of IDs for scaling up and a single node ID to remove a specific node when scaling down.

In this procedure, we add the scaling annotations to node pools as follows:

  • pool-a is assigned a range of IDs for scaling up
  • pool-b is assigned a range of IDs for scaling down

During the scaling operation, IDs are used as follows:

  • Scale up picks up the lowest available ID in the range for the new node.
  • Scale down removes the node with the highest available ID in the range.

If there are gaps in the sequence of node IDs assigned in the node pool, the next node to be added is assigned an ID that fills the gap.

The annotations don’t need to be updated after every scaling operation. Any unused IDs are still valid for the next scaling event.

The Cluster Operator allows you to specify a range of IDs in either ascending or descending order, so you can define them in the order the nodes are scaled. For example, when scaling up, you can specify a range such as [1000-1999], and the new nodes are assigned the next lowest IDs: 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, and so on. Conversely, when scaling down, you can specify a range like [1999-1000], ensuring that nodes with the next highest IDs are removed: 1003, 1002, 1001, 1000, and so on.

If you don’t specify an ID range using the annotations, the Cluster Operator follows its default behavior for handling IDs during scaling operations. Node IDs start at 0 (zero) and run sequentially across the Kafka cluster. The next lowest ID is assigned to a new node. Gaps to node IDs are filled across the cluster. This means that they might not run sequentially within a node pool. The default behavior for scaling up is to add the next lowest available node ID across the cluster; and for scaling down, it is to remove the node in the node pool with the highest available node ID. The default approach is also applied if the assigned range of IDs is misformatted, the scaling up range runs out of IDs, or the scaling down range does not apply to any in-use nodes.


By default, Apache Kafka restricts node IDs to numbers ranging from 0 to 999. To use node ID values greater than 999, add the configuration property to the Kafka custom resource and specify the required maximum node ID value.

In this example, the maximum node ID is set at 10000. Node IDs can then be assigned up to that value.

Example configuration for the maximum node ID number

kind: Kafka
  name: my-cluster
    config: 10000
  # ...


  1. Annotate the node pool with the IDs to use when scaling up or scaling down, as shown in the following examples.

    IDs for scaling up are assigned to node pool pool-a:

    Assigning IDs for scaling up

    oc annotate kafkanodepool pool-a"[0,1,2,10-20,30]"

    The lowest available ID from this range is used when adding a node to pool-a.

    IDs for scaling down are assigned to node pool pool-b:

    Assigning IDs for scaling down

    oc annotate kafkanodepool pool-b"[60-50,9,8,7]"

    The highest available ID from this range is removed when scaling down pool-b.


    If you want to remove a specific node, you can assign a single node ID to the scaling down annotation: oc annotate kafkanodepool pool-b"[3]".

  2. You can now scale the node pool.

    For more information, see the following:

    On reconciliation, a warning is given if the annotations are misformatted.

  3. After you have performed the scaling operation, you can remove the annotation if it’s no longer needed.

    Removing the annotation for scaling up

    oc annotate kafkanodepool pool-a

    Removing the annotation for scaling down

    oc annotate kafkanodepool pool-b

8.3.2. (Preview) Adding nodes to a node pool

This procedure describes how to scale up a node pool to add new nodes.

In this procedure, we start with three nodes for node pool pool-a:

Kafka nodes in the node pool

my-cluster-pool-a-0  1/1    Running  0
my-cluster-pool-a-1  1/1    Running  0
my-cluster-pool-a-2  1/1    Running  0

Node IDs are appended to the name of the node on creation. We add node my-cluster-pool-a-3, which has a node ID of 3.


During this process, the ID of the node that holds the partition replicas changes. Consider any dependencies that reference the node ID.



  1. Create a new node in the node pool.

    For example, node pool pool-a has three replicas. We add a node by increasing the number of replicas:

    oc scale kafkanodepool pool-a --replicas=4
  2. Check the status of the deployment and wait for the pods in the node pool to be created and have a status of READY.

    oc get pods -n <my_cluster_operator_namespace>

    Output shows four Kafka nodes in the node pool

    NAME                 READY  STATUS   RESTARTS
    my-cluster-pool-a-0  1/1    Running  0
    my-cluster-pool-a-1  1/1    Running  0
    my-cluster-pool-a-2  1/1    Running  0
    my-cluster-pool-a-3  1/1    Running  0

  3. Reassign the partitions after increasing the number of nodes in the node pool.

    After scaling up a node pool, you can use the Cruise Control add-brokers mode to move partition replicas from existing brokers to the newly added brokers.

8.3.3. (Preview) Removing nodes from a node pool

This procedure describes how to scale down a node pool to remove nodes.

In this procedure, we start with four nodes for node pool pool-a:

Kafka nodes in the node pool

my-cluster-pool-a-0  1/1    Running  0
my-cluster-pool-a-1  1/1    Running  0
my-cluster-pool-a-2  1/1    Running  0
my-cluster-pool-a-3  1/1    Running  0

Node IDs are appended to the name of the node on creation. We remove node my-cluster-pool-a-3, which has a node ID of 3.


During this process, the ID of the node that holds the partition replicas changes. Consider any dependencies that reference the node ID.



  1. Reassign the partitions before decreasing the number of nodes in the node pool.

    Before scaling down a node pool, you can use the Cruise Control remove-brokers mode to move partition replicas off the brokers that are going to be removed.

  2. After the reassignment process is complete, and the node being removed has no live partitions, reduce the number of Kafka nodes in the node pool.

    For example, node pool pool-a has four replicas. We remove a node by decreasing the number of replicas:

    oc scale kafkanodepool pool-a --replicas=3

    Output shows three Kafka nodes in the node pool

    NAME                       READY  STATUS   RESTARTS
    my-cluster-pool-b-kafka-0  1/1    Running  0
    my-cluster-pool-b-kafka-1  1/1    Running  0
    my-cluster-pool-b-kafka-2  1/1    Running  0

8.3.4. (Preview) Moving nodes between node pools

This procedure describes how to move nodes between source and target Kafka node pools without downtime. You create a new node on the target node pool and reassign partitions to move data from the old node on the source node pool. When the replicas on the new node are in-sync, you can delete the old node.

In this procedure, we start with two node pools:

  • pool-a with three replicas is the target node pool
  • pool-b with four replicas is the source node pool

We scale up pool-a, and reassign partitions and scale down pool-b, which results in the following:

  • pool-a with four replicas
  • pool-b with three replicas

During this process, the ID of the node that holds the partition replicas changes. Consider any dependencies that reference the node ID.



  1. Create a new node in the target node pool.

    For example, node pool pool-a has three replicas. We add a node by increasing the number of replicas:

    oc scale kafkanodepool pool-a --replicas=4
  2. Check the status of the deployment and wait for the pods in the node pool to be created and have a status of READY.

    oc get pods -n <my_cluster_operator_namespace>

    Output shows four Kafka nodes in the target node pool

    NAME                 READY  STATUS   RESTARTS
    my-cluster-pool-a-0  1/1    Running  0
    my-cluster-pool-a-1  1/1    Running  0
    my-cluster-pool-a-4  1/1    Running  0
    my-cluster-pool-a-5  1/1    Running  0

    Node IDs are appended to the name of the node on creation. We add node my-cluster-pool-a-5, which has a node ID of 5.

  3. Reassign the partitions from the old node to the new node.

    Before scaling down the source node pool, you can use the Cruise Control remove-brokers mode to move partition replicas off the brokers that are going to be removed.

  4. After the reassignment process is complete, reduce the number of Kafka nodes in the source node pool.

    For example, node pool pool-b has four replicas. We remove a node by decreasing the number of replicas:

    oc scale kafkanodepool pool-b --replicas=3

    The node with the highest ID within a pool is removed.

    Output shows three Kafka nodes in the source node pool

    NAME                       READY  STATUS   RESTARTS
    my-cluster-pool-b-kafka-2  1/1    Running  0
    my-cluster-pool-b-kafka-3  1/1    Running  0
    my-cluster-pool-b-kafka-6  1/1    Running  0

8.3.5. (Preview) Managing storage using node pools

Storage management in AMQ Streams is usually straightforward, and requires little change when set up, but there might be situations where you need to modify your storage configurations. Node pools simplify this process, because you can set up separate node pools that specify your new storage requirements.

In this procedure we create and manage storage for a node pool called pool-a containing three nodes. We show how to change the storage class (volumes.class) that defines the type of persistent storage it uses. You can use the same steps to change the storage size (volumes.size).


We strongly recommend using block storage. AMQ Streams is only tested for use with block storage.



  1. Create the node pool with its own storage settings.

    For example, node pool pool-a uses JBOD storage with persistent volumes:

    kind: KafkaNodePool
      name: pool-a
      labels: my-cluster
      replicas: 3
        type: jbod
          - id: 0
            type: persistent-claim
            size: 500Gi
            class: gp2-ebs
      # ...

    Nodes in pool-a are configured to use Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store) GP2 volumes.

  2. Apply the node pool configuration for pool-a.
  3. Check the status of the deployment and wait for the pods in pool-a to be created and have a status of READY.

    oc get pods -n <my_cluster_operator_namespace>

    Output shows three Kafka nodes in the node pool

    NAME                 READY  STATUS   RESTARTS
    my-cluster-pool-a-0  1/1    Running  0
    my-cluster-pool-a-1  1/1    Running  0
    my-cluster-pool-a-2  1/1    Running  0

  4. To migrate to a new storage class, create a new node pool with the required storage configuration:

    kind: KafkaNodePool
      name: pool-b
      labels: my-cluster
        - broker
      replicas: 3
        type: jbod
          - id: 0
            type: persistent-claim
            size: 1Ti
            class: gp3-ebs
      # ...

    Nodes in pool-b are configured to use Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store) GP3 volumes.

  5. Apply the node pool configuration for pool-b.
  6. Check the status of the deployment and wait for the pods in pool-b to be created and have a status of READY.
  7. Reassign the partitions from pool-a to pool-b.

    When migrating to a new storage configuration, you can use the Cruise Control remove-brokers mode to move partition replicas off the brokers that are going to be removed.

  8. After the reassignment process is complete, delete the old node pool:

    oc delete kafkanodepool pool-a

8.3.6. (Preview) Managing storage affinity using node pools

In situations where storage resources, such as local persistent volumes, are constrained to specific worker nodes, or availability zones, configuring storage affinity helps to schedule pods to use the right nodes.

Node pools allow you to configure affinity independently. In this procedure, we create and manage storage affinity for two availability zones: zone-1 and zone-2.

You can configure node pools for separate availability zones, but use the same storage class. We define an all-zones persistent storage class representing the storage resources available in each zone.

We also use the .spec.template.pod properties to configure the node affinity and schedule Kafka pods on zone-1 and zone-2 worker nodes.

The storage class and affinity is specified in node pools representing the nodes in each availability zone:

  • pool-zone-1
  • pool-zone-2.



  1. Define the storage class for use with each availability zone:

    kind: StorageClass
      name: all-zones
      type: ssd
    volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
  2. Create node pools representing the two availability zones, specifying the all-zones storage class and the affinity for each zone:

    Node pool configuration for zone-1

    kind: KafkaNodePool
      name: pool-zone-1
      labels: my-cluster
      replicas: 3
        type: jbod
          - id: 0
            type: persistent-claim
            size: 500Gi
            class: all-zones
                  - matchExpressions:
                    - key:
                      operator: In
                      - zone-1
      # ...

    Node pool configuration for zone-2

    kind: KafkaNodePool
      name: pool-zone-2
      labels: my-cluster
      replicas: 4
        type: jbod
          - id: 0
            type: persistent-claim
            size: 500Gi
            class: all-zones
                  - matchExpressions:
                    - key:
                      operator: In
                      - zone-2
      # ...

  3. Apply the node pool configuration.
  4. Check the status of the deployment and wait for the pods in the node pools to be created and have a status of READY.

    oc get pods -n <my_cluster_operator_namespace>

    Output shows 3 Kafka nodes in pool-zone-1 and 4 Kafka nodes in pool-zone-2:

    NAME                       READY  STATUS   RESTARTS
    my-cluster-pool-zone-1-kafka-0  1/1    Running  0
    my-cluster-pool-zone-1-kafka-1  1/1    Running  0
    my-cluster-pool-zone-1-kafka-2  1/1    Running  0
    my-cluster-pool-zone-2-kafka-3  1/1    Running  0
    my-cluster-pool-zone-2-kafka-4  1/1    Running  0
    my-cluster-pool-zone-2-kafka-5  1/1    Running  0
    my-cluster-pool-zone-2-kafka-6  1/1    Running  0

8.3.7. (Preview) Migrating existing Kafka clusters to use Kafka node pools

This procedure describes how to migrate existing Kafka clusters to use Kafka node pools. After you have updated the Kafka cluster, you can use the node pools to manage the configuration of nodes within each pool.


While the KafkaNodePools feature gate that enables node pools is in alpha phase, replica and storage configuration in the KafkaNodePool resource must also be present in the Kafka resource. The configuration is ignored when node pools are being used.


  1. Create a new KafkaNodePool resource.

    1. Name the resource kafka.
    2. Point a label to your existing Kafka resource.
    3. Set the replica count and storage configuration to match your current Kafka cluster.
    4. Set the roles to broker.

    Example configuration for a node pool used in migrating a Kafka cluster

    kind: KafkaNodePool
      name: kafka
      labels: my-cluster
      replicas: 3
        - broker
        type: jbod
          - id: 0
            type: persistent-claim
            size: 100Gi
            deleteClaim: false


    To migrate a cluster while preserving its data along with the names of its nodes and resources, the node pool name must be kafka, and the label must use the name of the Kafka resource. Otherwise, nodes and resources are created with new names, including the persistent volume storage used by the nodes. Consequently, your previous data may not be available.

  2. Apply the KafkaNodePool resource:

    oc apply -f <node_pool_configuration_file>

    By applying this resource, you switch Kafka to using node pools.

    There is no change or rolling update and resources are identical to how they were before.

  3. Update the STRIMZI_FEATURE_GATES environment variable in the Cluster Operator configuration to include +KafkaNodePools.

        value: +KafkaNodePools

    After restarting, the Cluster Operator logs a warning indicating that the Kafka node pool has been added but is not yet integrated with the Cluster Operator. This is an expected part of the process.

  4. Enable the KafkaNodePools feature gate in the Kafka resource using the enabled annotation.

    Example configuration for a node pool in a cluster using ZooKeeper

    kind: Kafka
      name: my-cluster
      annotations: enabled
        # ...
        # ...

  5. Apply the Kafka resource:

    oc apply -f <kafka_configuration_file>

    There is no change or rolling update. The resources remain identical to how they were before.

8.4. Configuring the Entity Operator

Use the entityOperator property in Kafka.spec to configure the Entity Operator. The Entity Operator is responsible for managing Kafka-related entities in a running Kafka cluster. It comprises the following operators:

  • Topic Operator to manage Kafka topics
  • User Operator to manage Kafka users

By configuring the Kafka resource, the Cluster Operator can deploy the Entity Operator, including one or both operators. Once deployed, the operators are automatically configured to handle the topics and users of the Kafka cluster.

Each operator can only monitor a single namespace. For more information, see Section 1.2.1, “Watching AMQ Streams resources in OpenShift namespaces”.

The entityOperator property supports several sub-properties:

  • tlsSidecar
  • topicOperator
  • userOperator
  • template

The tlsSidecar property contains the configuration of the TLS sidecar container, which is used to communicate with ZooKeeper.

The template property contains the configuration of the Entity Operator pod, such as labels, annotations, affinity, and tolerations. For more information on configuring templates, see Section 8.16, “Customizing OpenShift resources”.

The topicOperator property contains the configuration of the Topic Operator. When this option is missing, the Entity Operator is deployed without the Topic Operator.

The userOperator property contains the configuration of the User Operator. When this option is missing, the Entity Operator is deployed without the User Operator.

For more information on the properties used to configure the Entity Operator, see the EntityOperatorSpec schema reference.

Example of basic configuration enabling both operators

kind: Kafka
  name: my-cluster
    # ...
    # ...
    topicOperator: {}
    userOperator: {}

If an empty object ({}) is used for the topicOperator and userOperator, all properties use their default values.

When both topicOperator and userOperator properties are missing, the Entity Operator is not deployed.

8.4.1. Configuring the Topic Operator

Use topicOperator properties in Kafka.spec.entityOperator to configure the Topic Operator.


If you are using the preview of unidirectional topic management, the following properties are not used and will be ignored: Kafka.spec.entityOperator.topicOperator.zookeeperSessionTimeoutSeconds and Kafka.spec.entityOperator.topicOperator.topicMetadataMaxAttempts. For more information on unidirectional topic management, refer to Section 9.1, “Topic management modes”.

The following properties are supported:

The OpenShift namespace in which the Topic Operator watches for KafkaTopic resources. Default is the namespace where the Kafka cluster is deployed.
The interval between periodic reconciliations in seconds. Default 120.
The ZooKeeper session timeout in seconds. Default 18.
The number of attempts at getting topic metadata from Kafka. The time between each attempt is defined as an exponential back-off. Consider increasing this value when topic creation might take more time due to the number of partitions or replicas. Default 6.
The image property can be used to configure the container image which will be used. To learn more, refer to the information provided on configuring the image property`.
The resources property configures the amount of resources allocated to the Topic Operator. You can specify requests and limits for memory and cpu resources. The requests should be enough to ensure a stable performance of the operator.
The logging property configures the logging of the Topic Operator. To learn more, refer to the information provided on Topic Operator logging.

Example Topic Operator configuration

kind: Kafka
  name: my-cluster
    # ...
    # ...
    # ...
      watchedNamespace: my-topic-namespace
      reconciliationIntervalSeconds: 60
          cpu: "1"
          memory: 500Mi
          cpu: "1"
          memory: 500Mi
    # ...

8.4.2. Configuring the User Operator

Use userOperator properties in Kafka.spec.entityOperator to configure the User Operator. The following properties are supported:

The OpenShift namespace in which the User Operator watches for KafkaUser resources. Default is the namespace where the Kafka cluster is deployed.
The interval between periodic reconciliations in seconds. Default 120.
The image property can be used to configure the container image which will be used. To learn more, refer to the information provided on configuring the image property`.
The resources property configures the amount of resources allocated to the User Operator. You can specify requests and limits for memory and cpu resources. The requests should be enough to ensure a stable performance of the operator.
The logging property configures the logging of the User Operator. To learn more, refer to the information provided on User Operator logging.
The secretPrefix property adds a prefix to the name of all Secrets created from the KafkaUser resource. For example, secretPrefix: kafka- would prefix all Secret names with kafka-. So a KafkaUser named my-user would create a Secret named kafka-my-user.

Example User Operator configuration

kind: Kafka
  name: my-cluster
    # ...
    # ...
    # ...
      watchedNamespace: my-user-namespace
      reconciliationIntervalSeconds: 60
          cpu: "1"
          memory: 500Mi
          cpu: "1"
          memory: 500Mi
    # ...

8.5. Configuring the Cluster Operator

Use environment variables to configure the Cluster Operator. Specify the environment variables for the container image of the Cluster Operator in its Deployment configuration file.


The Deployment configuration file provided with the AMQ Streams release artifacts is install/cluster-operator/060-Deployment-strimzi-cluster-operator.yaml.

You can use the following environment variables to configure the Cluster Operator. If you are running Cluster Operator replicas in standby mode, there are additional environment variables for enabling leader election.


A comma-separated list of namespaces that the operator operates in. When not set, set to empty string, or set to *, the Cluster Operator operates in all namespaces.

The Cluster Operator deployment might use the downward API to set this automatically to the namespace the Cluster Operator is deployed in.

Example configuration for Cluster Operator namespaces

        fieldPath: metadata.namespace

Optional, default is 120000 ms. The interval between periodic reconciliations, in milliseconds.
Optional, default 300000 ms. The timeout for internal operations, in milliseconds. Increase this value when using AMQ Streams on clusters where regular OpenShift operations take longer than usual (because of slow downloading of Docker images, for example).
Optional, default 10000 ms. The session timeout for the Cluster Operator’s ZooKeeper admin client, in milliseconds. Increase the value if ZooKeeper requests from the Cluster Operator are regularly failing due to timeout issues. There is a maximum allowed session time set on the ZooKeeper server side via the maxSessionTimeout config. By default, the maximum session timeout value is 20 times the default tickTime (whose default is 2000) at 40000 ms. If you require a higher timeout, change the maxSessionTimeout ZooKeeper server configuration value.
Optional, default 10. The worker thread pool size, which is used for various asynchronous and blocking operations that are run by the Cluster Operator.
Optional, defaults to the pod’s hostname. The operator name identifies the AMQ Streams instance when emitting OpenShift events.

The name of the namespace where the Cluster Operator is running. Do not configure this variable manually. Use the downward API.

        fieldPath: metadata.namespace

Optional. The labels of the namespace where the AMQ Streams Cluster Operator is running. Use namespace labels to configure the namespace selector in network policies. Network policies allow the AMQ Streams Cluster Operator access only to the operands from the namespace with these labels. When not set, the namespace selector in network policies is configured to allow access to the Cluster Operator from any namespace in the OpenShift cluster.

    value: label1=value1,label2=value2

Optional, default regex pattern is ^!part-of).*. The regex exclusion pattern used to filter labels propagation from the main custom resource to its subresources. The labels exclusion filter is not applied to labels in template sections such as spec.kafka.template.pod.metadata.labels.

    value: "^key1.*"

Optional. One or more custom labels to apply to all the pods created by the {COMPONENT_NAME} custom resource. The Cluster Operator labels the pods when the custom resource is created or is next reconciled.

Labels can be applied to the following components:


Optional. The label selector to filter the custom resources handled by the Cluster Operator. The operator will operate only on those custom resources that have the specified labels set. Resources without these labels will not be seen by the operator. The label selector applies to Kafka, KafkaConnect, KafkaBridge, KafkaMirrorMaker, and KafkaMirrorMaker2 resources. KafkaRebalance and KafkaConnector resources are operated only when their corresponding Kafka and Kafka Connect clusters have the matching labels.

    value: label1=value1,label2=value2
Required. The mapping from the Kafka version to the corresponding Docker image containing a Kafka broker for that version. The required syntax is whitespace or comma-separated <version>=<image> pairs. For example, This is used when a Kafka.spec.kafka.version property is specified but not the Kafka.spec.kafka.image in the Kafka resource.
Optional, default The image name to use as default for the init container if no image is specified as the kafka-init-image in the Kafka resource. The init container is started before the broker for initial configuration work, such as rack support.
Required. The mapping from the Kafka version to the corresponding Docker image of Kafka Connect for that version. The required syntax is whitespace or comma-separated <version>=<image> pairs. For example, This is used when a KafkaConnect.spec.version property is specified but not the KafkaConnect.spec.image.
Required. The mapping from the Kafka version to the corresponding Docker image of MirrorMaker for that version. The required syntax is whitespace or comma-separated <version>=<image> pairs. For example, This is used when a KafkaMirrorMaker.spec.version property is specified but not the KafkaMirrorMaker.spec.image.
Optional, default The image name to use as the default when deploying the Topic Operator if no image is specified as the Kafka.spec.entityOperator.topicOperator.image in the Kafka resource.
Optional, default The image name to use as the default when deploying the User Operator if no image is specified as the Kafka.spec.entityOperator.userOperator.image in the Kafka resource.
Optional, default The image name to use as the default when deploying the sidecar container for the Entity Operator if no image is specified as the Kafka.spec.entityOperator.tlsSidecar.image in the Kafka resource. The sidecar provides TLS support.
Optional. The ImagePullPolicy that is applied to containers in all pods managed by the Cluster Operator. The valid values are Always, IfNotPresent, and Never. If not specified, the OpenShift defaults are used. Changing the policy will result in a rolling update of all your Kafka, Kafka Connect, and Kafka MirrorMaker clusters.
Optional. A comma-separated list of Secret names. The secrets referenced here contain the credentials to the container registries where the container images are pulled from. The secrets are specified in the imagePullSecrets property for all pods created by the Cluster Operator. Changing this list results in a rolling update of all your Kafka, Kafka Connect, and Kafka MirrorMaker clusters.

Optional. Overrides the OpenShift version information detected from the API server.

Example configuration for OpenShift version override

    value: |


Optional. Overrides the default OpenShift DNS domain name suffix.

By default, services assigned in the OpenShift cluster have a DNS domain name that uses the default suffix cluster.local.

For example, for broker kafka-0:


The DNS domain name is added to the Kafka broker certificates used for hostname verification.

If you are using a different DNS domain name suffix in your cluster, change the KUBERNETES_SERVICE_DNS_DOMAIN environment variable from the default to the one you are using in order to establish a connection with the Kafka brokers.

Optional, default 300000 ms. The timeout for building new Kafka Connect images with additional connectors, in milliseconds. Consider increasing this value when using AMQ Streams to build container images containing many connectors or using a slow container registry.

Optional, default true. Network policy for resources. Network policies allow connections between Kafka components.

Set this environment variable to false to disable network policy generation. You might do this, for example, if you want to use custom network policies. Custom network policies allow more control over maintaining the connections between components.

Optional, default 30. Number of seconds to cache successful name lookups in local DNS resolver. Any negative value means cache forever. Zero means do not cache, which can be useful for avoiding connection errors due to long caching policies being applied.
Optional, default false. When set to true, the Cluster Operator reconciles only the StrimziPodSet resources and any changes to the other custom resources (Kafka, KafkaConnect, and so on) are ignored. This mode is useful for ensuring that your pods are recreated if needed, but no other changes happen to the clusters.
Optional. Enables or disables the features and functionality controlled by feature gates.
Optional. Configuration for the pluggable PodSecurityProvider class, which can be used to provide the security context configuration for Pods and containers.

8.5.1. Restricting access to the Cluster Operator using network policy

Use the STRIMZI_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE_LABELS environment variable to establish network policy for the Cluster Operator using namespace labels.

The Cluster Operator can run in the same namespace as the resources it manages, or in a separate namespace. By default, the STRIMZI_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE environment variable is configured to use the downward API to find the namespace the Cluster Operator is running in. If the Cluster Operator is running in the same namespace as the resources, only local access is required and allowed by AMQ Streams.

If the Cluster Operator is running in a separate namespace to the resources it manages, any namespace in the OpenShift cluster is allowed access to the Cluster Operator unless network policy is configured. By adding namespace labels, access to the Cluster Operator is restricted to the namespaces specified.

Network policy configured for the Cluster Operator deployment

  # ...
    value: label1=value1,label2=value2

8.5.2. Configuring periodic reconciliation by the Cluster Operator

Use the STRIMZI_FULL_RECONCILIATION_INTERVAL_MS variable to set the time interval for periodic reconciliations by the Cluster Operator. Replace its value with the required interval in milliseconds.

Reconciliation period configured for the Cluster Operator deployment

  # ...
    value: "120000"

The Cluster Operator reacts to all notifications about applicable cluster resources received from the OpenShift cluster. If the operator is not running, or if a notification is not received for any reason, resources will get out of sync with the state of the running OpenShift cluster. In order to handle failovers properly, a periodic reconciliation process is executed by the Cluster Operator so that it can compare the state of the resources with the current cluster deployments in order to have a consistent state across all of them.

Additional resources

8.5.3. Running multiple Cluster Operator replicas with leader election

The default Cluster Operator configuration enables leader election to run multiple parallel replicas of the Cluster Operator. One replica is elected as the active leader and operates the deployed resources. The other replicas run in standby mode. When the leader stops or fails, one of the standby replicas is elected as the new leader and starts operating the deployed resources.

By default, AMQ Streams runs with a single Cluster Operator replica that is always the leader replica. When a single Cluster Operator replica stops or fails, OpenShift starts a new replica.

Running the Cluster Operator with multiple replicas is not essential. But it’s useful to have replicas on standby in case of large-scale disruptions caused by major failure. For example, suppose multiple worker nodes or an entire availability zone fails. This failure might cause the Cluster Operator pod and many Kafka pods to go down at the same time. If subsequent pod scheduling causes congestion through lack of resources, this can delay operations when running a single Cluster Operator. Enabling leader election for Cluster Operator replicas

Configure leader election environment variables when running additional Cluster Operator replicas. The following environment variables are supported:

Optional, disabled (false) by default. Enables or disables leader election, which allows additional Cluster Operator replicas to run on standby.

Leader election is disabled by default. It is only enabled when applying this environment variable on installation.

Required when leader election is enabled. The name of the OpenShift Lease resource that is used for the leader election.

Required when leader election is enabled. The namespace where the OpenShift Lease resource used for leader election is created. You can use the downward API to configure it to the namespace where the Cluster Operator is deployed.

        fieldPath: metadata.namespace

Required when leader election is enabled. Configures the identity of a given Cluster Operator instance used during the leader election. The identity must be unique for each operator instance. You can use the downward API to configure it to the name of the pod where the Cluster Operator is deployed.

Optional, default 15000 ms. Specifies the duration the acquired lease is valid.
Optional, default 10000 ms. Specifies the period the leader should try to maintain leadership.
Optional, default 2000 ms. Specifies the frequency of updates to the lease lock by the leader. Configuring Cluster Operator replicas

To run additional Cluster Operator replicas in standby mode, you will need to increase the number of replicas and enable leader election. To configure leader election, use the leader election environment variables.

To make the required changes, configure the following Cluster Operator installation files located in install/cluster-operator/:

  • 060-Deployment-strimzi-cluster-operator.yaml
  • 022-ClusterRole-strimzi-cluster-operator-role.yaml
  • 022-RoleBinding-strimzi-cluster-operator.yaml

Leader election has its own ClusterRole and RoleBinding RBAC resources that target the namespace where the Cluster Operator is running, rather than the namespace it is watching.

The default deployment configuration creates a Lease resource called strimzi-cluster-operator in the same namespace as the Cluster Operator. The Cluster Operator uses leases to manage leader election. The RBAC resources provide the permissions to use the Lease resource. If you use a different Lease name or namespace, update the ClusterRole and RoleBinding files accordingly.


  • You need an account with permission to create and manage CustomResourceDefinition and RBAC (ClusterRole, and RoleBinding) resources.


Edit the Deployment resource that is used to deploy the Cluster Operator, which is defined in the 060-Deployment-strimzi-cluster-operator.yaml file.

  1. Change the replicas property from the default (1) to a value that matches the required number of replicas.

    Increasing the number of Cluster Operator replicas

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: strimzi-cluster-operator
        app: strimzi
      replicas: 3

  2. Check that the leader election env properties are set.

    If they are not set, configure them.

    To enable leader election, STRIMZI_LEADER_ELECTION_ENABLED must be set to true (default).

    In this example, the name of the lease is changed to my-strimzi-cluster-operator.

    Configuring leader election environment variables for the Cluster Operator

    # ...
        - name: strimzi-cluster-operator
          # ...
              value: "true"
              value: "my-strimzi-cluster-operator"
                    fieldPath: metadata.namespace

    For a description of the available environment variables, see Section, “Enabling leader election for Cluster Operator replicas”.

    If you specified a different name or namespace for the Lease resource used in leader election, update the RBAC resources.

  3. (optional) Edit the ClusterRole resource in the 022-ClusterRole-strimzi-cluster-operator-role.yaml file.

    Update resourceNames with the name of the Lease resource.

    Updating the ClusterRole references to the lease

    kind: ClusterRole
      name: strimzi-cluster-operator-leader-election
        app: strimzi
      - apiGroups:
          - my-strimzi-cluster-operator
    # ...

  4. (optional) Edit the RoleBinding resource in the 022-RoleBinding-strimzi-cluster-operator.yaml file.

    Update and subjects.namespace with the name of the Lease resource and the namespace where it was created.

    Updating the RoleBinding references to the lease

    kind: RoleBinding
      name: strimzi-cluster-operator-leader-election
        app: strimzi
      - kind: ServiceAccount
        name: my-strimzi-cluster-operator
        namespace: myproject
    # ...

  5. Deploy the Cluster Operator:

    oc create -f install/cluster-operator -n myproject
  6. Check the status of the deployment:

    oc get deployments -n myproject

    Output shows the deployment name and readiness

    NAME                      READY  UP-TO-DATE  AVAILABLE
    strimzi-cluster-operator  3/3    3           3

    READY shows the number of replicas that are ready/expected. The deployment is successful when the AVAILABLE output shows the correct number of replicas.

8.5.4. Configuring Cluster Operator HTTP proxy settings

If you are running a Kafka cluster behind a HTTP proxy, you can still pass data in and out of the cluster. For example, you can run Kafka Connect with connectors that push and pull data from outside the proxy. Or you can use a proxy to connect with an authorization server.

Configure the Cluster Operator deployment to specify the proxy environment variables. The Cluster Operator accepts standard proxy configuration (HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY) as environment variables. The proxy settings are applied to all AMQ Streams containers.

The format for a proxy address is http://<ip_address>:<port_number>. To set up a proxy with a name and password, the format is http://<username>:<password>@<ip-address>:<port_number>.


  • You need an account with permission to create and manage CustomResourceDefinition and RBAC (ClusterRole, and RoleBinding) resources.


  1. To add proxy environment variables to the Cluster Operator, update its Deployment configuration (install/cluster-operator/060-Deployment-strimzi-cluster-operator.yaml).

    Example proxy configuration for the Cluster Operator

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      # ...
          serviceAccountName: strimzi-cluster-operator
            # ...
            # ...
            - name: "HTTP_PROXY"
              value: "" 1
            - name: "HTTPS_PROXY"
              value: "" 2
            - name: "NO_PROXY"
              value: "," 3
      # ...

    Address of the proxy server.
    Secure address of the proxy server.
    Addresses for servers that are accessed directly as exceptions to the proxy server. The URLs are comma-separated.

    Alternatively, edit the Deployment directly:

    oc edit deployment strimzi-cluster-operator
  2. If you updated the YAML file instead of editing the Deployment directly, apply the changes:

    oc create -f install/cluster-operator/060-Deployment-strimzi-cluster-operator.yaml

8.5.5. Disabling FIPS mode using Cluster Operator configuration

AMQ Streams automatically switches to FIPS mode when running on a FIPS-enabled OpenShift cluster. Disable FIPS mode by setting the FIPS_MODE environment variable to disabled in the deployment configuration for the Cluster Operator. With FIPS mode disabled, AMQ Streams automatically disables FIPS in the OpenJDK for all components. With FIPS mode disabled, AMQ Streams is not FIPS compliant. The AMQ Streams operators, as well as all operands, run in the same way as if they were running on an OpenShift cluster without FIPS enabled.


  1. To disable the FIPS mode in the Cluster Operator, update its Deployment configuration (install/cluster-operator/060-Deployment-strimzi-cluster-operator.yaml) and add the FIPS_MODE environment variable.

    Example FIPS configuration for the Cluster Operator

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      # ...
          serviceAccountName: strimzi-cluster-operator
            # ...
            # ...
            - name: "FIPS_MODE"
              value: "disabled" 1
      # ...

    Disables the FIPS mode.

    Alternatively, edit the Deployment directly:

    oc edit deployment strimzi-cluster-operator
  2. If you updated the YAML file instead of editing the Deployment directly, apply the changes:

    oc apply -f install/cluster-operator/060-Deployment-strimzi-cluster-operator.yaml

8.6. Configuring Kafka Connect

Update the spec properties of the KafkaConnect custom resource to configure your Kafka Connect deployment.

Use Kafka Connect to set up external data connections to your Kafka cluster. Use the properties of the KafkaConnect resource to configure your Kafka Connect deployment.

For a deeper understanding of the Kafka Connect cluster configuration options, refer to the AMQ Streams Custom Resource API Reference.

KafkaConnector configuration

KafkaConnector resources allow you to create and manage connector instances for Kafka Connect in an OpenShift-native way.

In your Kafka Connect configuration, you enable KafkaConnectors for a Kafka Connect cluster by adding the annotation. You can also add a build configuration so that AMQ Streams automatically builds a container image with the connector plugins you require for your data connections. External configuration for Kafka Connect connectors is specified through the externalConfiguration property.

To manage connectors, you can use use KafkaConnector custom resources or the Kafka Connect REST API. KafkaConnector resources must be deployed to the same namespace as the Kafka Connect cluster they link to. For more information on using these methods to create, reconfigure, or delete connectors, see Adding connectors.

Connector configuration is passed to Kafka Connect as part of an HTTP request and stored within Kafka itself. ConfigMaps and Secrets are standard OpenShift resources used for storing configurations and confidential data. You can use ConfigMaps and Secrets to configure certain elements of a connector. You can then reference the configuration values in HTTP REST commands, which keeps the configuration separate and more secure, if needed. This method applies especially to confidential data, such as usernames, passwords, or certificates.

Handling high volumes of messages

You can tune the configuration to handle high volumes of messages. For more information, see Handling high volumes of messages.

Example KafkaConnect custom resource configuration

kind: KafkaConnect 1
  name: my-connect-cluster
  annotations: "true" 2
  replicas: 3 3
  authentication: 4
    type: tls
      certificate: source.crt
      key: source.key
      secretName: my-user-source
  bootstrapServers: my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 5
  tls: 6
      - secretName: my-cluster-cluster-cert
        certificate: ca.crt
      - secretName: my-cluster-cluster-cert
        certificate: ca2.crt
  config: 7 my-connect-cluster my-connect-cluster-offsets my-connect-cluster-configs my-connect-cluster-status
    key.converter: org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter
    value.converter: org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter
    key.converter.schemas.enable: true
    value.converter.schemas.enable: true 3 3 3
  build: 8
    output: 9
      type: docker
      pushSecret: my-registry-credentials
    plugins: 10
      - name: debezium-postgres-connector
          - type: tgz
            sha512sum: c4ddc97846de561755dc0b021a62aba656098829c70eb3ade3b817ce06d852ca12ae50c0281cc791a5a131cb7fc21fb15f4b8ee76c6cae5dd07f9c11cb7c6e79
      - name: camel-telegram
          - type: tgz
            sha512sum: d6d9f45e0d1dbfcc9f6d1c7ca2046168c764389c78bc4b867dab32d24f710bb74ccf2a007d7d7a8af2dfca09d9a52ccbc2831fc715c195a3634cca055185bd91
  externalConfiguration: 11
      - name: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
            name: aws-creds
            key: awsAccessKey
            name: aws-creds
            key: awsSecretAccessKey
  resources: 12
      cpu: "1"
      memory: 2Gi
      cpu: "2"
      memory: 2Gi
  logging: 13
    type: inline
      log4j.rootLogger: INFO
  readinessProbe: 14
    initialDelaySeconds: 15
    timeoutSeconds: 5
    initialDelaySeconds: 15
    timeoutSeconds: 5
  metricsConfig: 15
    type: jmxPrometheusExporter
        name: my-config-map
        key: my-key
  jvmOptions: 16
    "-Xmx": "1g"
    "-Xms": "1g"
  image: my-org/my-image:latest 17
    topologyKey: 18
  template: 19
            - labelSelector:
                  - key: application
                    operator: In
                      - postgresql
                      - mongodb
              topologyKey: ""
    connectContainer: 20
        - name: OTEL_SERVICE_NAME
          value: my-otel-service
          value: "http://otlp-host:4317"
    type: opentelemetry 21

Use KafkaConnect.
Enables KafkaConnectors for the Kafka Connect cluster.
The number of replica nodes for the workers that run tasks.
Authentication for the Kafka Connect cluster, specified as mTLS, token-based OAuth, SASL-based SCRAM-SHA-256/SCRAM-SHA-512, or PLAIN. By default, Kafka Connect connects to Kafka brokers using a plain text connection.
Bootstrap server for connection to the Kafka cluster.
TLS encryption with key names under which TLS certificates are stored in X.509 format for the cluster. If certificates are stored in the same secret, it can be listed multiple times.
Kafka Connect configuration of workers (not connectors). Standard Apache Kafka configuration may be provided, restricted to those properties not managed directly by AMQ Streams.
Build configuration properties for building a container image with connector plugins automatically.
(Required) Configuration of the container registry where new images are pushed.
(Required) List of connector plugins and their artifacts to add to the new container image. Each plugin must be configured with at least one artifact.
External configuration for connectors using environment variables, as shown here, or volumes. You can also use configuration provider plugins to load configuration values from external sources.
Requests for reservation of supported resources, currently cpu and memory, and limits to specify the maximum resources that can be consumed.
Specified Kafka Connect loggers and log levels added directly (inline) or indirectly (external) through a ConfigMap. A custom Log4j configuration must be placed under the or key in the ConfigMap. For the Kafka Connect log4j.rootLogger logger, you can set the log level to INFO, ERROR, WARN, TRACE, DEBUG, FATAL or OFF.
Healthchecks to know when to restart a container (liveness) and when a container can accept traffic (readiness).
Prometheus metrics, which are enabled by referencing a ConfigMap containing configuration for the Prometheus JMX exporter in this example. You can enable metrics without further configuration using a reference to a ConfigMap containing an empty file under metricsConfig.valueFrom.configMapKeyRef.key.
JVM configuration options to optimize performance for the Virtual Machine (VM) running Kafka Connect.
ADVANCED OPTION: Container image configuration, which is recommended only in special situations.
SPECIALIZED OPTION: Rack awareness configuration for the deployment. This is a specialized option intended for a deployment within the same location, not across regions. Use this option if you want connectors to consume from the closest replica rather than the leader replica. In certain cases, consuming from the closest replica can improve network utilization or reduce costs . The topologyKey must match a node label containing the rack ID. The example used in this configuration specifies a zone using the standard label. To consume from the closest replica, enable the RackAwareReplicaSelector in the Kafka broker configuration.
Template customization. Here a pod is scheduled with anti-affinity, so the pod is not scheduled on nodes with the same hostname.
Environment variables are set for distributed tracing.
Distributed tracing is enabled by using OpenTelemetry.

8.6.1. Configuring Kafka Connect for multiple instances

By default, AMQ Streams configures the group ID and names of the internal topics used by Kafka Connect. When running multiple instances of Kafka Connect, you must change these default settings using the following config properties:

kind: KafkaConnect
  name: my-connect
  config: my-connect-cluster 1 my-connect-cluster-offsets 2 my-connect-cluster-configs 3 my-connect-cluster-status 4
    # ...
  # ...
The Kafka Connect cluster group ID within Kafka.
Kafka topic that stores connector offsets.
Kafka topic that stores connector and task status configurations.
Kafka topic that stores connector and task status updates.

Values for the three topics must be the same for all instances with the same

Unless you modify these default settings, each instance connecting to the same Kafka cluster is deployed with the same values. In practice, this means all instances form a cluster and use the same internal topics.

Multiple instances attempting to use the same internal topics will cause unexpected errors, so you must change the values of these properties for each instance.

8.6.2. Configuring Kafka Connect user authorization

When using authorization in Kafka, a Kafka Connect user requires read/write access to the cluster group and internal topics of Kafka Connect. This procedure outlines how access is granted using simple authorization and ACLs.

Properties for the Kafka Connect cluster group ID and internal topics are configured by AMQ Streams by default. Alternatively, you can define them explicitly in the spec of the KafkaConnect resource. This is useful when configuring Kafka Connect for multiple instances, as the values for the group ID and topics must differ when running multiple Kafka Connect instances.

Simple authorization uses ACL rules managed by the Kafka AclAuthorizer and StandardAuthorizer plugins to ensure appropriate access levels. For more information on configuring a KafkaUser resource to use simple authorization, see the AclRule schema reference.


  • An OpenShift cluster
  • A running Cluster Operator


  1. Edit the authorization property in the KafkaUser resource to provide access rights to the user.

    Access rights are configured for the Kafka Connect topics and cluster group using literal name values. The following table shows the default names configured for the topics and cluster group ID.

    Table 8.2. Names for the access rights configuration






    In this example configuration, the default names are used to specify access rights. If you are using different names for a Kafka Connect instance, use those names in the ACLs configuration.

    Example configuration for simple authorization

    kind: KafkaUser
      name: my-user
      labels: my-cluster
      # ...
        type: simple
          # access to
          - resource:
              type: topic
              name: connect-cluster-offsets
              patternType: literal
              - Create
              - Describe
              - Read
              - Write
            host: "*"
          # access to
          - resource:
              type: topic
              name: connect-cluster-status
              patternType: literal
              - Create
              - Describe
              - Read
              - Write
            host: "*"
          # access to
          - resource:
              type: topic
              name: connect-cluster-configs
              patternType: literal
              - Create
              - Describe
              - Read
              - Write
            host: "*"
          # cluster group
          - resource:
              type: group
              name: connect-cluster
              patternType: literal
              - Read
            host: "*"

  2. Create or update the resource.

    oc apply -f KAFKA-USER-CONFIG-FILE

8.6.3. Manually stopping or pausing Kafka Connect connectors

If you are using KafkaConnector resources to configure connectors, use the state configuration to either stop or pause a connector. In contrast to the paused state, where the connector and tasks remain instantiated, stopping a connector retains only the configuration, with no active processes. Stopping a connector from running may be more suitable for longer durations than just pausing. While a paused connector is quicker to resume, a stopped connector has the advantages of freeing up memory and resources.


The state configuration replaces the (deprecated) pause configuration in the KafkaConnectorSpec schema, which allows pauses on connectors. If you were previously using the pause configuration to pause connectors, we encourage you to transition to using the state configuration only to avoid conflicts.


  • The Cluster Operator is running.


  1. Find the name of the KafkaConnector custom resource that controls the connector you want to pause or stop:

    oc get KafkaConnector
  2. Edit the KafkaConnector resource to stop or pause the connector.

    Example configuration for stopping a Kafka Connect connector

    kind: KafkaConnector
      name: my-source-connector
      labels: my-connect-cluster
      class: org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSourceConnector
      tasksMax: 2
        file: "/opt/kafka/LICENSE"
        topic: my-topic
      state: stopped
      # ...

    Change the state configuration to stopped or paused. The default state for the connector when this property is not set is running.

  3. Apply the changes to the KafkaConnector configuration.

    You can resume the connector by changing state to running or removing the configuration.


Alternatively, you can expose the Kafka Connect API and use the stop and pause endpoints to stop a connector from running. For example, PUT /connectors/<connector_name>/stop. You can then use the resume endpoint to restart it.

8.6.4. Manually restarting Kafka Connect connectors

If you are using KafkaConnector resources to manage connectors, use the annotation to manually trigger a restart of a connector.


  • The Cluster Operator is running.


  1. Find the name of the KafkaConnector custom resource that controls the Kafka connector you want to restart:

    oc get KafkaConnector
  2. Restart the connector by annotating the KafkaConnector resource in OpenShift:

    oc annotate KafkaConnector <kafka_connector_name>

    The restart annotation is set to true.

  3. Wait for the next reconciliation to occur (every two minutes by default).

    The Kafka connector is restarted, as long as the annotation was detected by the reconciliation process. When Kafka Connect accepts the restart request, the annotation is removed from the KafkaConnector custom resource.

8.6.5. Manually restarting Kafka Connect connector tasks

If you are using KafkaConnector resources to manage connectors, use the annotation to manually trigger a restart of a connector task.


  • The Cluster Operator is running.


  1. Find the name of the KafkaConnector custom resource that controls the Kafka connector task you want to restart:

    oc get KafkaConnector
  2. Find the ID of the task to be restarted from the KafkaConnector custom resource:

    oc describe KafkaConnector <kafka_connector_name>

    Task IDs are non-negative integers, starting from 0.

  3. Use the ID to restart the connector task by annotating the KafkaConnector resource in OpenShift:

    oc annotate KafkaConnector <kafka_connector_name>

    In this example, task 0 is restarted.

  4. Wait for the next reconciliation to occur (every two minutes by default).

    The Kafka connector task is restarted, as long as the annotation was detected by the reconciliation process. When Kafka Connect accepts the restart request, the annotation is removed from the KafkaConnector custom resource.

8.7. Configuring Kafka MirrorMaker 2

Update the spec properties of the KafkaMirrorMaker2 custom resource to configure your MirrorMaker 2 deployment. MirrorMaker 2 uses source cluster configuration for data consumption and target cluster configuration for data output.

MirrorMaker 2 is based on the Kafka Connect framework, connectors managing the transfer of data between clusters.

You configure MirrorMaker 2 to define the Kafka Connect deployment, including the connection details of the source and target clusters, and then run a set of MirrorMaker 2 connectors to make the connection.

MirrorMaker 2 supports topic configuration synchronization between the source and target clusters. You specify source topics in the MirrorMaker 2 configuration. MirrorMaker 2 monitors the source topics. MirrorMaker 2 detects and propagates changes to the source topics to the remote topics. Changes might include automatically creating missing topics and partitions.


In most cases you write to local topics and read from remote topics. Though write operations are not prevented on remote topics, they should be avoided.

The configuration must specify:

  • Each Kafka cluster
  • Connection information for each cluster, including authentication
  • The replication flow and direction

    • Cluster to cluster
    • Topic to topic

For a deeper understanding of the Kafka MirrorMaker 2 cluster configuration options, refer to the AMQ Streams Custom Resource API Reference.


MirrorMaker 2 resource configuration differs from the previous version of MirrorMaker, which is now deprecated. There is currently no legacy support, so any resources must be manually converted into the new format.

Default configuration

MirrorMaker 2 provides default configuration values for properties such as replication factors. A minimal configuration, with defaults left unchanged, would be something like this example:

Minimal configuration for MirrorMaker 2

kind: KafkaMirrorMaker2
  name: my-mirror-maker2
  version: 3.6.0
  connectCluster: "my-cluster-target"
  - alias: "my-cluster-source"
    bootstrapServers: my-cluster-source-kafka-bootstrap:9092
  - alias: "my-cluster-target"
    bootstrapServers: my-cluster-target-kafka-bootstrap:9092
  - sourceCluster: "my-cluster-source"
    targetCluster: "my-cluster-target"
    sourceConnector: {}

You can configure access control for source and target clusters using mTLS or SASL authentication. This procedure shows a configuration that uses TLS encryption and mTLS authentication for the source and target cluster.

You can specify the topics and consumer groups you wish to replicate from a source cluster in the KafkaMirrorMaker2 resource. You use the topicsPattern and groupsPattern properties to do this. You can provide a list of names or use a regular expression. By default, all topics and consumer groups are replicated if you do not set the topicsPattern and groupsPattern properties. You can also replicate all topics and consumer groups by using ".*" as a regular expression. However, try to specify only the topics and consumer groups you need to avoid causing any unnecessary extra load on the cluster.

Handling high volumes of messages

You can tune the configuration to handle high volumes of messages. For more information, see Handling high volumes of messages.

Example KafkaMirrorMaker2 custom resource configuration

kind: KafkaMirrorMaker2
  name: my-mirror-maker2
  version: 3.6.0 1
  replicas: 3 2
  connectCluster: "my-cluster-target" 3
  clusters: 4
  - alias: "my-cluster-source" 5
    authentication: 6
        certificate: source.crt
        key: source.key
        secretName: my-user-source
      type: tls
    bootstrapServers: my-cluster-source-kafka-bootstrap:9092 7
    tls: 8
      - certificate: ca.crt
        secretName: my-cluster-source-cluster-ca-cert
  - alias: "my-cluster-target" 9
    authentication: 10
        certificate: target.crt
        key: target.key
        secretName: my-user-target
      type: tls
    bootstrapServers: my-cluster-target-kafka-bootstrap:9092 11
    config: 12 1 1 1
    tls: 13
      - certificate: ca.crt
        secretName: my-cluster-target-cluster-ca-cert
  mirrors: 14
  - sourceCluster: "my-cluster-source" 15
    targetCluster: "my-cluster-target" 16
    sourceConnector: 17
      tasksMax: 10 18
      autoRestart: 19
        enabled: true
        replication.factor: 1 20
        offset-syncs.topic.replication.factor: 1 21
        sync.topic.acls.enabled: "false" 22
        refresh.topics.interval.seconds: 60 23
        replication.policy.class: "org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.IdentityReplicationPolicy" 24
    heartbeatConnector: 25
        enabled: true
        heartbeats.topic.replication.factor: 1 26
        replication.policy.class: "org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.IdentityReplicationPolicy"
    checkpointConnector: 27
        enabled: true
        checkpoints.topic.replication.factor: 1 28
        refresh.groups.interval.seconds: 600 29 true 30 60 31
        emit.checkpoints.interval.seconds: 60 32
        replication.policy.class: "org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.IdentityReplicationPolicy"
    topicsPattern: "topic1|topic2|topic3" 33
    groupsPattern: "group1|group2|group3" 34
  resources: 35
      cpu: "1"
      memory: 2Gi
      cpu: "2"
      memory: 2Gi
  logging: 36
    type: inline
      connect.root.logger.level: INFO
  readinessProbe: 37
    initialDelaySeconds: 15
    timeoutSeconds: 5
    initialDelaySeconds: 15
    timeoutSeconds: 5
  jvmOptions: 38
    "-Xmx": "1g"
    "-Xms": "1g"
  image: my-org/my-image:latest 39
    topologyKey: 40
  template: 41
            - labelSelector:
                  - key: application
                    operator: In
                      - postgresql
                      - mongodb
              topologyKey: ""
    connectContainer: 42
        - name: OTEL_SERVICE_NAME
          value: my-otel-service
          value: "http://otlp-host:4317"
    type: opentelemetry 43
  externalConfiguration: 44
      - name: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
            name: aws-creds
            key: awsAccessKey
            name: aws-creds
            key: awsSecretAccessKey

The Kafka Connect and MirrorMaker 2 version, which will always be the same.
The number of replica nodes for the workers that run tasks.
Kafka cluster alias for Kafka Connect, which must specify the target Kafka cluster. The Kafka cluster is used by Kafka Connect for its internal topics.
Specification for the Kafka clusters being synchronized.
Cluster alias for the source Kafka cluster.
Authentication for the source cluster, specified as mTLS, token-based OAuth, SASL-based SCRAM-SHA-256/SCRAM-SHA-512, or PLAIN.
Bootstrap server for connection to the source Kafka cluster.
TLS encryption with key names under which TLS certificates are stored in X.509 format for the source Kafka cluster. If certificates are stored in the same secret, it can be listed multiple times.
Cluster alias for the target Kafka cluster.
Authentication for the target Kafka cluster is configured in the same way as for the source Kafka cluster.
Bootstrap server for connection to the target Kafka cluster.
Kafka Connect configuration. Standard Apache Kafka configuration may be provided, restricted to those properties not managed directly by AMQ Streams.
TLS encryption for the target Kafka cluster is configured in the same way as for the source Kafka cluster.
MirrorMaker 2 connectors.
Cluster alias for the source cluster used by the MirrorMaker 2 connectors.
Cluster alias for the target cluster used by the MirrorMaker 2 connectors.
Configuration for the MirrorSourceConnector that creates remote topics. The config overrides the default configuration options.
The maximum number of tasks that the connector may create. Tasks handle the data replication and run in parallel. If the infrastructure supports the processing overhead, increasing this value can improve throughput. Kafka Connect distributes the tasks between members of the cluster. If there are more tasks than workers, workers are assigned multiple tasks. For sink connectors, aim to have one task for each topic partition consumed. For source connectors, the number of tasks that can run in parallel may also depend on the external system. The connector creates fewer than the maximum number of tasks if it cannot achieve the parallelism.
Enables automatic restarts of failed connectors and tasks. By default, the number of restarts is indefinite, but you can set a maximum on the number of automatic restarts using the maxRestarts property.
Replication factor for mirrored topics created at the target cluster.
Replication factor for the MirrorSourceConnector offset-syncs internal topic that maps the offsets of the source and target clusters.
When ACL rules synchronization is enabled, ACLs are applied to synchronized topics. The default is true. This feature is not compatible with the User Operator. If you are using the User Operator, set this property to false.
Optional setting to change the frequency of checks for new topics. The default is for a check every 10 minutes.
Adds a policy that overrides the automatic renaming of remote topics. Instead of prepending the name with the name of the source cluster, the topic retains its original name. This optional setting is useful for active/passive backups and data migration. The property must be specified for all connectors. For bidirectional (active/active) replication, use the DefaultReplicationPolicy class to automatically rename remote topics and specify the replication.policy.separator property for all connectors to add a custom separator.
Configuration for the MirrorHeartbeatConnector that performs connectivity checks. The config overrides the default configuration options.
Replication factor for the heartbeat topic created at the target cluster.
Configuration for the MirrorCheckpointConnector that tracks offsets. The config overrides the default configuration options.
Replication factor for the checkpoints topic created at the target cluster.
Optional setting to change the frequency of checks for new consumer groups. The default is for a check every 10 minutes.
Optional setting to synchronize consumer group offsets, which is useful for recovery in an active/passive configuration. Synchronization is not enabled by default.
If the synchronization of consumer group offsets is enabled, you can adjust the frequency of the synchronization.
Adjusts the frequency of checks for offset tracking. If you change the frequency of offset synchronization, you might also need to adjust the frequency of these checks.
Topic replication from the source cluster defined as a comma-separated list or regular expression pattern. The source connector replicates the specified topics. The checkpoint connector tracks offsets for the specified topics. Here we request three topics by name.
Consumer group replication from the source cluster defined as a comma-separated list or regular expression pattern. The checkpoint connector replicates the specified consumer groups. Here we request three consumer groups by name.
Requests for reservation of supported resources, currently cpu and memory, and limits to specify the maximum resources that can be consumed.
Specified Kafka Connect loggers and log levels added directly (inline) or indirectly (external) through a ConfigMap. A custom Log4j configuration must be placed under the or key in the ConfigMap. For the Kafka Connect log4j.rootLogger logger, you can set the log level to INFO, ERROR, WARN, TRACE, DEBUG, FATAL or OFF.
Healthchecks to know when to restart a container (liveness) and when a container can accept traffic (readiness).
JVM configuration options to optimize performance for the Virtual Machine (VM) running Kafka MirrorMaker.
ADVANCED OPTION: Container image configuration, which is recommended only in special situations.
SPECIALIZED OPTION: Rack awareness configuration for the deployment. This is a specialized option intended for a deployment within the same location, not across regions. Use this option if you want connectors to consume from the closest replica rather than the leader replica. In certain cases, consuming from the closest replica can improve network utilization or reduce costs . The topologyKey must match a node label containing the rack ID. The example used in this configuration specifies a zone using the standard label. To consume from the closest replica, enable the RackAwareReplicaSelector in the Kafka broker configuration.
Template customization. Here a pod is scheduled with anti-affinity, so the pod is not scheduled on nodes with the same hostname.
Environment variables are set for distributed tracing.
Distributed tracing is enabled by using OpenTelemetry.
External configuration for an OpenShift Secret mounted to Kafka MirrorMaker as an environment variable. You can also use configuration provider plugins to load configuration values from external sources.

8.7.1. Configuring active/active or active/passive modes

You can use MirrorMaker 2 in active/passive or active/active cluster configurations.

active/active cluster configuration
An active/active configuration has two active clusters replicating data bidirectionally. Applications can use either cluster. Each cluster can provide the same data. In this way, you can make the same data available in different geographical locations. As consumer groups are active in both clusters, consumer offsets for replicated topics are not synchronized back to the source cluster.
active/passive cluster configuration
An active/passive configuration has an active cluster replicating data to a passive cluster. The passive cluster remains on standby. You might use the passive cluster for data recovery in the event of system failure.

The expectation is that producers and consumers connect to active clusters only. A MirrorMaker 2 cluster is required at each target destination. Bidirectional replication (active/active)

The MirrorMaker 2 architecture supports bidirectional replication in an active/active cluster configuration.

Each cluster replicates the data of the other cluster using the concept of source and remote topics. As the same topics are stored in each cluster, remote topics are automatically renamed by MirrorMaker 2 to represent the source cluster. The name of the originating cluster is prepended to the name of the topic.

Figure 8.1. Topic renaming

MirrorMaker 2 bidirectional architecture

By flagging the originating cluster, topics are not replicated back to that cluster.

The concept of replication through remote topics is useful when configuring an architecture that requires data aggregation. Consumers can subscribe to source and remote topics within the same cluster, without the need for a separate aggregation cluster. Unidirectional replication (active/passive)

The MirrorMaker 2 architecture supports unidirectional replication in an active/passive cluster configuration.

You can use an active/passive cluster configuration to make backups or migrate data to another cluster. In this situation, you might not want automatic renaming of remote topics.

You can override automatic renaming by adding IdentityReplicationPolicy to the source connector configuration. With this configuration applied, topics retain their original names.

8.7.2. Configuring MirrorMaker 2 for multiple instances

By default, AMQ Streams configures the group ID and names of the internal topics used by the Kafka Connect framework that MirrorMaker 2 runs on. When running multiple instances of MirrorMaker 2, and they share the same connectCluster value, you must change these default settings using the following config properties:

kind: KafkaMirrorMaker2
  name: my-mirror-maker2
  connectCluster: "my-cluster-target"
  - alias: "my-cluster-target"
    config: my-connect-cluster 1 my-connect-cluster-offsets 2 my-connect-cluster-configs 3 my-connect-cluster-status 4
      # ...
    # ...
The Kafka Connect cluster group ID within Kafka.
Kafka topic that stores connector offsets.
Kafka topic that stores connector and task status configurations.
Kafka topic that stores connector and task status updates.

Values for the three topics must be the same for all instances with the same

The connectCluster setting specifies the alias of the target Kafka cluster used by Kafka Connect for its internal topics. As a result, modifications to the connectCluster, group ID, and internal topic naming configuration are specific to the target Kafka cluster. You don’t need to make changes if two MirrorMaker 2 instances are using the same source Kafka cluster or in an active-active mode where each MirrorMaker 2 instance has a different connectCluster setting and target cluster.

However, if multiple MirrorMaker 2 instances share the same connectCluster, each instance connecting to the same target Kafka cluster is deployed with the same values. In practice, this means all instances form a cluster and use the same internal topics.

Multiple instances attempting to use the same internal topics will cause unexpected errors, so you must change the values of these properties for each instance.

8.7.3. Configuring MirrorMaker 2 connectors

Use MirrorMaker 2 connector configuration for the internal connectors that orchestrate the synchronization of data between Kafka clusters.

MirrorMaker 2 consists of the following connectors:

The source connector replicates topics from a source cluster to a target cluster. It also replicates ACLs and is necessary for the MirrorCheckpointConnector to run.
The checkpoint connector periodically tracks offsets. If enabled, it also synchronizes consumer group offsets between the source and target cluster.
The heartbeat connector periodically checks connectivity between the source and target cluster.

The following table describes connector properties and the connectors you configure to use them.

Table 8.3. MirrorMaker 2 connector configuration properties
Timeout for admin tasks, such as detecting new topics. Default is 60000 (1 minute).

Policy to define the remote topic naming convention. Default is org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.DefaultReplicationPolicy.

The separator used for topic naming in the target cluster. By default, the separator is set to a dot (.). Separator configuration is only applicable to the DefaultReplicationPolicy replication policy class, which defines remote topic names. The IdentityReplicationPolicy class does not use the property as topics retain their original names.
Timeout when polling the source cluster. Default is 1000 (1 second).

The location of the offset-syncs topic, which can be the source (default) or target cluster.

Topic filter to select the topics to replicate. Default is org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.DefaultTopicFilter.
Topic filter to select the topic configuration properties to replicate. Default is org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.DefaultConfigPropertyFilter.
Topic configuration properties that should not be replicated. Supports comma-separated property names and regular expressions.

Maximum allowable (out-of-sync) offset lag before a remote partition is synchronized. Default is 100.

Replication factor for the internal offset-syncs topic. Default is 3.

Enables check for new topics and partitions. Default is true.

Frequency of topic refresh. Default is 600 (10 minutes). By default, a check for new topics in the source cluster is made every 10 minutes. You can change the frequency by adding refresh.topics.interval.seconds to the source connector configuration.

The replication factor for new topics. Default is 2.

Enables synchronization of ACLs from the source cluster. Default is true. For more information, see Section 8.7.6, “Synchronizing ACL rules for remote topics”.

Frequency of ACL synchronization. Default is 600 (10 minutes).

Enables synchronization of topic configuration from the source cluster. Default is true.

Frequency of topic configuration synchronization. Default 600 (10 minutes).

Replication factor for the internal checkpoints topic. Default is 3.

Enables synchronization of consumer offsets to the target cluster. Default is true.

Frequency of consumer offset synchronization. Default is 60 (1 minute).

Group filter to select the consumer groups to replicate. Default is org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.DefaultGroupFilter.

Enables check for new consumer groups. Default is true.

Frequency of consumer group refresh. Default is 600 (10 minutes).
Enables synchronization of consumer group offsets to the target cluster __consumer_offsets topic. Default is false.
Frequency of consumer group offset synchronization. Default is 60 (1 minute).

Enables connectivity checks on the target cluster. Default is true.

Frequency of connectivity checks. Default is 1 (1 second).

Replication factor for the internal heartbeats topic. Default is 3. Changing the location of the consumer group offsets topic

MirrorMaker 2 tracks offsets for consumer groups using internal topics.

offset-syncs topic
The offset-syncs topic maps the source and target offsets for replicated topic partitions from record metadata.
checkpoints topic
The checkpoints topic maps the last committed offset in the source and target cluster for replicated topic partitions in each consumer group.

As they are used internally by MirrorMaker 2, you do not interact directly with these topics.

MirrorCheckpointConnector emits checkpoints for offset tracking. Offsets for the checkpoints topic are tracked at predetermined intervals through configuration. Both topics enable replication to be fully restored from the correct offset position on failover.

The location of the offset-syncs topic is the source cluster by default. You can use the offset-syncs.topic.location connector configuration to change this to the target cluster. You need read/write access to the cluster that contains the topic. Using the target cluster as the location of the offset-syncs topic allows you to use MirrorMaker 2 even if you have only read access to the source cluster. Synchronizing consumer group offsets

The __consumer_offsets topic stores information on committed offsets for each consumer group. Offset synchronization periodically transfers the consumer offsets for the consumer groups of a source cluster into the consumer offsets topic of a target cluster.

Offset synchronization is particularly useful in an active/passive configuration. If the active cluster goes down, consumer applications can switch to the passive (standby) cluster and pick up from the last transferred offset position.

To use topic offset synchronization, enable the synchronization by adding to the checkpoint connector configuration, and setting the property to true. Synchronization is disabled by default.

When using the IdentityReplicationPolicy in the source connector, it also has to be configured in the checkpoint connector configuration. This ensures that the mirrored consumer offsets will be applied for the correct topics.

Consumer offsets are only synchronized for consumer groups that are not active in the target cluster. If the consumer groups are in the target cluster, the synchronization cannot be performed and an UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID error is returned.

If enabled, the synchronization of offsets from the source cluster is made periodically. You can change the frequency by adding and emit.checkpoints.interval.seconds to the checkpoint connector configuration. The properties specify the frequency in seconds that the consumer group offsets are synchronized, and the frequency of checkpoints emitted for offset tracking. The default for both properties is 60 seconds. You can also change the frequency of checks for new consumer groups using the refresh.groups.interval.seconds property, which is performed every 10 minutes by default.

Because the synchronization is time-based, any switchover by consumers to a passive cluster will likely result in some duplication of messages.


If you have an application written in Java, you can use the utility to synchronize offsets through the application. The utility fetches remote offsets for a consumer group from the checkpoints topic. Deciding when to use the heartbeat connector

The heartbeat connector emits heartbeats to check connectivity between source and target Kafka clusters. An internal heartbeat topic is replicated from the source cluster, which means that the heartbeat connector must be connected to the source cluster. The heartbeat topic is located on the target cluster, which allows it to do the following:

  • Identify all source clusters it is mirroring data from
  • Verify the liveness and latency of the mirroring process

This helps to make sure that the process is not stuck or has stopped for any reason. While the heartbeat connector can be a valuable tool for monitoring the mirroring processes between Kafka clusters, it’s not always necessary to use it. For example, if your deployment has low network latency or a small number of topics, you might prefer to monitor the mirroring process using log messages or other monitoring tools. If you decide not to use the heartbeat connector, simply omit it from your MirrorMaker 2 configuration. Aligning the configuration of MirrorMaker 2 connectors

To ensure that MirrorMaker 2 connectors work properly, make sure to align certain configuration settings across connectors. Specifically, ensure that the following properties have the same value across all applicable connectors:

  • replication.policy.class
  • replication.policy.separator
  • offset-syncs.topic.location
  • topic.filter.class

For example, the value for replication.policy.class must be the same for the source, checkpoint, and heartbeat connectors. Mismatched or missing settings cause issues with data replication or offset syncing, so it’s essential to keep all relevant connectors configured with the same settings.

8.7.4. Configuring MirrorMaker 2 connector producers and consumers

MirrorMaker 2 connectors use internal producers and consumers. If needed, you can configure these producers and consumers to override the default settings.

For example, you can increase the batch.size for the source producer that sends topics to the target Kafka cluster to better accommodate large volumes of messages.


Producer and consumer configuration options depend on the MirrorMaker 2 implementation, and may be subject to change.

The following tables describe the producers and consumers for each of the connectors and where you can add configuration.

Table 8.4. Source connector producers and consumers


Sends topic messages to the target Kafka cluster. Consider tuning the configuration of this producer when it is handling large volumes of data.

mirrors.sourceConnector.config: producer.override.*


Writes to the offset-syncs topic, which maps the source and target offsets for replicated topic partitions.

mirrors.sourceConnector.config: producer.*


Retrieves topic messages from the source Kafka cluster.

mirrors.sourceConnector.config: consumer.*

Table 8.5. Checkpoint connector producers and consumers


Emits consumer offset checkpoints.

mirrors.checkpointConnector.config: producer.override.*


Loads the offset-syncs topic.

mirrors.checkpointConnector.config: consumer.*


You can set offset-syncs.topic.location to target to use the target Kafka cluster as the location of the offset-syncs topic.

Table 8.6. Heartbeat connector producer


Emits heartbeats.

mirrors.heartbeatConnector.config: producer.override.*

The following example shows how you configure the producers and consumers.

Example configuration for connector producers and consumers

kind: KafkaMirrorMaker2
  name: my-mirror-maker2
  version: 3.6.0
  # ...
  - sourceCluster: "my-cluster-source"
    targetCluster: "my-cluster-target"
      tasksMax: 5
        producer.override.batch.size: 327680 100 30000
        consumer.fetch.max.bytes: 52428800
        # ...
      config: 30000 300000
        # ...
      config: 30000
        # ...

8.7.5. Specifying a maximum number of data replication tasks

Connectors create the tasks that are responsible for moving data in and out of Kafka. Each connector comprises one or more tasks that are distributed across a group of worker pods that run the tasks. Increasing the number of tasks can help with performance issues when replicating a large number of partitions or synchronizing the offsets of a large number of consumer groups.

Tasks run in parallel. Workers are assigned one or more tasks. A single task is handled by one worker pod, so you don’t need more worker pods than tasks. If there are more tasks than workers, workers handle multiple tasks.

You can specify the maximum number of connector tasks in your MirrorMaker configuration using the tasksMax property. Without specifying a maximum number of tasks, the default setting is a single task.

The heartbeat connector always uses a single task.

The number of tasks that are started for the source and checkpoint connectors is the lower value between the maximum number of possible tasks and the value for tasksMax. For the source connector, the maximum number of tasks possible is one for each partition being replicated from the source cluster. For the checkpoint connector, the maximum number of tasks possible is one for each consumer group being replicated from the source cluster. When setting a maximum number of tasks, consider the number of partitions and the hardware resources that support the process.

If the infrastructure supports the processing overhead, increasing the number of tasks can improve throughput and latency. For example, adding more tasks reduces the time taken to poll the source cluster when there is a high number of partitions or consumer groups.

Increasing the number of tasks for the source connector is useful when you have a large number of partitions.

Increasing the number of tasks for the source connector

kind: KafkaMirrorMaker2
  name: my-mirror-maker2
  # ...
  - sourceCluster: "my-cluster-source"
    targetCluster: "my-cluster-target"
      tasksMax: 10
  # ...

Increasing the number of tasks for the checkpoint connector is useful when you have a large number of consumer groups.

Increasing the number of tasks for the checkpoint connector

kind: KafkaMirrorMaker2
  name: my-mirror-maker2
  # ...
  - sourceCluster: "my-cluster-source"
    targetCluster: "my-cluster-target"
      tasksMax: 10
  # ...

By default, MirrorMaker 2 checks for new consumer groups every 10 minutes. You can adjust the refresh.groups.interval.seconds configuration to change the frequency. Take care when adjusting lower. More frequent checks can have a negative impact on performance. Checking connector task operations

If you are using Prometheus and Grafana to monitor your deployment, you can check MirrorMaker 2 performance. The example MirrorMaker 2 Grafana dashboard provided with AMQ Streams shows the following metrics related to tasks and latency.

  • The number of tasks
  • Replication latency
  • Offset synchronization latency

8.7.6. Synchronizing ACL rules for remote topics

When using MirrorMaker 2 with AMQ Streams, it is possible to synchronize ACL rules for remote topics. However, this feature is only available if you are not using the User Operator.

If you are using type: simple authorization without the User Operator, the ACL rules that manage access to brokers also apply to remote topics. This means that users who have read access to a source topic can also read its remote equivalent.


OAuth 2.0 authorization does not support access to remote topics in this way.

8.7.7. Securing a Kafka MirrorMaker 2 deployment

This procedure describes in outline the configuration required to secure a MirrorMaker 2 deployment.

You need separate configuration for the source Kafka cluster and the target Kafka cluster. You also need separate user configuration to provide the credentials required for MirrorMaker to connect to the source and target Kafka clusters.

For the Kafka clusters, you specify internal listeners for secure connections within an OpenShift cluster and external listeners for connections outside the OpenShift cluster.

You can configure authentication and authorization mechanisms. The security options implemented for the source and target Kafka clusters must be compatible with the security options implemented for MirrorMaker 2.

After you have created the cluster and user authentication credentials, you specify them in your MirrorMaker configuration for secure connections.


In this procedure, the certificates generated by the Cluster Operator are used, but you can replace them by installing your own certificates. You can also configure your listener to use a Kafka listener certificate managed by an external CA (certificate authority).

Before you start

Before starting this procedure, take a look at the example configuration files provided by AMQ Streams. They include examples for securing a deployment of MirrorMaker 2 using mTLS or SCRAM-SHA-512 authentication. The examples specify internal listeners for connecting within an OpenShift cluster.

The examples also provide the configuration for full authorization, including the ACLs that allow user operations on the source and target Kafka clusters.

When configuring user access to source and target Kafka clusters, ACLs must grant access rights to internal MirrorMaker 2 connectors and read/write access to the cluster group and internal topics used by the underlying Kafka Connect framework in the target cluster. If you’ve renamed the cluster group or internal topics, such as when configuring MirrorMaker 2 for multiple instances, use those names in the ACLs configuration.

Simple authorization uses ACL rules managed by the Kafka AclAuthorizer and StandardAuthorizer plugins to ensure appropriate access levels. For more information on configuring a KafkaUser resource to use simple authorization, see the AclRule schema reference.


  • AMQ Streams is running
  • Separate namespaces for source and target clusters

The procedure assumes that the source and target Kafka clusters are installed to separate namespaces. If you want to use the Topic Operator, you’ll need to do this. The Topic Operator only watches a single cluster in a specified namespace.

By separating the clusters into namespaces, you will need to copy the cluster secrets so they can be accessed outside the namespace. You need to reference the secrets in the MirrorMaker configuration.


  1. Configure two Kafka resources, one to secure the source Kafka cluster and one to secure the target Kafka cluster.

    You can add listener configuration for authentication and enable authorization.

    In this example, an internal listener is configured for a Kafka cluster with TLS encryption and mTLS authentication. Kafka simple authorization is enabled.

    Example source Kafka cluster configuration with TLS encryption and mTLS authentication

    kind: Kafka
      name: my-source-cluster
        version: 3.6.0
        replicas: 1
          - name: tls
            port: 9093
            type: internal
            tls: true
              type: tls
          type: simple
          offsets.topic.replication.factor: 1
          transaction.state.log.replication.factor: 1
          transaction.state.log.min.isr: 1
          default.replication.factor: 1
          min.insync.replicas: 1
          type: jbod
          - id: 0
            type: persistent-claim
            size: 100Gi
            deleteClaim: false
        replicas: 1
          type: persistent-claim
          size: 100Gi
          deleteClaim: false
        topicOperator: {}
        userOperator: {}

    Example target Kafka cluster configuration with TLS encryption and mTLS authentication

    kind: Kafka
      name: my-target-cluster
        version: 3.6.0
        replicas: 1
          - name: tls
            port: 9093
            type: internal
            tls: true
              type: tls
          type: simple
          offsets.topic.replication.factor: 1
          transaction.state.log.replication.factor: 1
          transaction.state.log.min.isr: 1
          default.replication.factor: 1
          min.insync.replicas: 1
          type: jbod
            - id: 0
              type: persistent-claim
              size: 100Gi
              deleteClaim: false
        replicas: 1
          type: persistent-claim
          size: 100Gi
          deleteClaim: false
        topicOperator: {}
        userOperator: {}

  2. Create or update the Kafka resources in separate namespaces.

    oc apply -f <kafka_configuration_file> -n <namespace>

    The Cluster Operator creates the listeners and sets up the cluster and client certificate authority (CA) certificates to enable authentication within the Kafka cluster.

    The certificates are created in the secret <cluster_name>-cluster-ca-cert.

  3. Configure two KafkaUser resources, one for a user of the source Kafka cluster and one for a user of the target Kafka cluster.

    1. Configure the same authentication and authorization types as the corresponding source and target Kafka cluster. For example, if you used tls authentication and the simple authorization type in the Kafka configuration for the source Kafka cluster, use the same in the KafkaUser configuration.
    2. Configure the ACLs needed by MirrorMaker 2 to allow operations on the source and target Kafka clusters.

    Example source user configuration for mTLS authentication

    kind: KafkaUser
      name: my-source-user
      labels: my-source-cluster
        type: tls
        type: simple
          # MirrorSourceConnector
          - resource: # Not needed if offset-syncs.topic.location=target
              type: topic
              - Create
              - DescribeConfigs
              - Read
              - Write
          - resource: # Needed for every topic which is mirrored
              type: topic
              name: "*"
              - DescribeConfigs
              - Read
          # MirrorCheckpointConnector
          - resource:
              type: cluster
              - Describe
          - resource: # Needed for every group for which offsets are synced
              type: group
              name: "*"
              - Describe
          - resource: # Not needed if offset-syncs.topic.location=target
              type: topic
              - Read

    Example target user configuration for mTLS authentication

    kind: KafkaUser
      name: my-target-user
      labels: my-target-cluster
        type: tls
        type: simple
          # cluster group
          - resource:
              type: group
              name: mirrormaker2-cluster
              - Read
          # access to
          - resource:
              type: topic
              name: mirrormaker2-cluster-configs
              - Create
              - Describe
              - DescribeConfigs
              - Read
              - Write
          # access to
          - resource:
              type: topic
              name: mirrormaker2-cluster-status
              - Create
              - Describe
              - DescribeConfigs
              - Read
              - Write
          # access to
          - resource:
              type: topic
              name: mirrormaker2-cluster-offsets
              - Create
              - Describe
              - DescribeConfigs
              - Read
              - Write
          # MirrorSourceConnector
          - resource: # Needed for every topic which is mirrored
              type: topic
              name: "*"
              - Create
              - Alter
              - AlterConfigs
              - Write
          # MirrorCheckpointConnector
          - resource:
              type: cluster
              - Describe
          - resource:
              type: topic
              name: my-source-cluster.checkpoints.internal
              - Create
              - Describe
              - Read
              - Write
          - resource: # Needed for every group for which the offset is synced
              type: group
              name: "*"
              - Read
              - Describe
          # MirrorHeartbeatConnector
          - resource:
              type: topic
              name: heartbeats
              - Create
              - Describe
              - Write


    You can use a certificate issued outside the User Operator by setting type to tls-external. For more information, see the KafkaUserSpec schema reference.

  4. Create or update a KafkaUser resource in each of the namespaces you created for the source and target Kafka clusters.

    oc apply -f <kafka_user_configuration_file> -n <namespace>

    The User Operator creates the users representing the client (MirrorMaker), and the security credentials used for client authentication, based on the chosen authentication type.

    The User Operator creates a new secret with the same name as the KafkaUser resource. The secret contains a private and public key for mTLS authentication. The public key is contained in a user certificate, which is signed by the clients CA.

  5. Configure a KafkaMirrorMaker2 resource with the authentication details to connect to the source and target Kafka clusters.

    Example MirrorMaker 2 configuration with TLS encryption and mTLS authentication

    kind: KafkaMirrorMaker2
      name: my-mirror-maker-2
      version: 3.6.0
      replicas: 1
      connectCluster: "my-target-cluster"
        - alias: "my-source-cluster"
          bootstrapServers: my-source-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9093
          tls: 1
              - secretName: my-source-cluster-cluster-ca-cert
                certificate: ca.crt
          authentication: 2
            type: tls
              secretName: my-source-user
              certificate: user.crt
              key: user.key
        - alias: "my-target-cluster"
          bootstrapServers: my-target-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9093
          tls: 3
              - secretName: my-target-cluster-cluster-ca-cert
                certificate: ca.crt
          authentication: 4
            type: tls
              secretName: my-target-user
              certificate: user.crt
              key: user.key
            # -1 means it will use the default replication factor configured in the broker
        - sourceCluster: "my-source-cluster"
          targetCluster: "my-target-cluster"
              replication.factor: 1
              offset-syncs.topic.replication.factor: 1
              sync.topic.acls.enabled: "false"
              heartbeats.topic.replication.factor: 1
              checkpoints.topic.replication.factor: 1
          topicsPattern: "topic1|topic2|topic3"
          groupsPattern: "group1|group2|group3"

    The TLS certificates for the source Kafka cluster. If they are in a separate namespace, copy the cluster secrets from the namespace of the Kafka cluster.
    The user authentication for accessing the source Kafka cluster using the TLS mechanism.
    The TLS certificates for the target Kafka cluster.
    The user authentication for accessing the target Kafka cluster.
  6. Create or update the KafkaMirrorMaker2 resource in the same namespace as the target Kafka cluster.

    oc apply -f <mirrormaker2_configuration_file> -n <namespace_of_target_cluster>

8.7.8. Manually stopping or pausing MirrorMaker 2 connectors

If you are using KafkaMirrorMaker2 resources to configure internal MirrorMaker connectors, use the state configuration to either stop or pause a connector. In contrast to the paused state, where the connector and tasks remain instantiated, stopping a connector retains only the configuration, with no active processes. Stopping a connector from running may be more suitable for longer durations than just pausing. While a paused connector is quicker to resume, a stopped connector has the advantages of freeing up memory and resources.


The state configuration replaces the (deprecated) pause configuration in the KafkaMirrorMaker2ConnectorSpec schema, which allows pauses on connectors. If you were previously using the pause configuration to pause connectors, we encourage you to transition to using the state configuration only to avoid conflicts.


  • The Cluster Operator is running.


  1. Find the name of the KafkaMirrorMaker2 custom resource that controls the MirrorMaker 2 connector you want to pause or stop:

    oc get KafkaMirrorMaker2
  2. Edit the KafkaMirrorMaker2 resource to stop or pause the connector.

    Example configuration for stopping a MirrorMaker 2 connector

    kind: KafkaMirrorMaker2
      name: my-mirror-maker2
      version: 3.6.0
      replicas: 3
      connectCluster: "my-cluster-target"
        # ...
      - sourceCluster: "my-cluster-source"
        targetCluster: "my-cluster-target"
          tasksMax: 10
            enabled: true
          state: stopped
      # ...

    Change the state configuration to stopped or paused. The default state for the connector when this property is not set is running.

  3. Apply the changes to the KafkaMirrorMaker2 configuration.

    You can resume the connector by changing state to running or removing the configuration.


Alternatively, you can expose the Kafka Connect API and use the stop and pause endpoints to stop a connector from running. For example, PUT /connectors/<connector_name>/stop. You can then use the resume endpoint to restart it.

8.7.9. Manually restarting MirrorMaker 2 connectors

Use the annotation to manually trigger a restart of a MirrorMaker 2 connector.


  • The Cluster Operator is running.


  1. Find the name of the KafkaMirrorMaker2 custom resource that controls the Kafka MirrorMaker 2 connector you want to restart:

    oc get KafkaMirrorMaker2
  2. Find the name of the Kafka MirrorMaker 2 connector to be restarted from the KafkaMirrorMaker2 custom resource:

    oc describe KafkaMirrorMaker2 <mirrormaker_cluster_name>
  3. Use the name of the connector to restart the connector by annotating the KafkaMirrorMaker2 resource in OpenShift:

    oc annotate KafkaMirrorMaker2 <mirrormaker_cluster_name> "<mirrormaker_connector_name>"

    In this example, connector my-connector in the my-mirror-maker-2 cluster is restarted:

    oc annotate KafkaMirrorMaker2 my-mirror-maker-2 ""
  4. Wait for the next reconciliation to occur (every two minutes by default).

    The MirrorMaker 2 connector is restarted, as long as the annotation was detected by the reconciliation process. When MirrorMaker 2 accepts the request, the annotation is removed from the KafkaMirrorMaker2 custom resource.

8.7.10. Manually restarting MirrorMaker 2 connector tasks

Use the annotation to manually trigger a restart of a MirrorMaker 2 connector.


  • The Cluster Operator is running.


  1. Find the name of the KafkaMirrorMaker2 custom resource that controls the MirrorMaker 2 connector task you want to restart:

    oc get KafkaMirrorMaker2
  2. Find the name of the connector and the ID of the task to be restarted from the KafkaMirrorMaker2 custom resource:

    oc describe KafkaMirrorMaker2 <mirrormaker_cluster_name>

    Task IDs are non-negative integers, starting from 0.

  3. Use the name and ID to restart the connector task by annotating the KafkaMirrorMaker2 resource in OpenShift:

    oc annotate KafkaMirrorMaker2 <mirrormaker_cluster_name> "<mirrormaker_connector_name>:<task_id>"

    In this example, task 0 for connector my-connector in the my-mirror-maker-2 cluster is restarted:

    oc annotate KafkaMirrorMaker2 my-mirror-maker-2 ""
  4. Wait for the next reconciliation to occur (every two minutes by default).

    The MirrorMaker 2 connector task is restarted, as long as the annotation was detected by the reconciliation process. When MirrorMaker 2 accepts the request, the annotation is removed from the KafkaMirrorMaker2 custom resource.

8.8. Configuring Kafka MirrorMaker (deprecated)

Update the spec properties of the KafkaMirrorMaker custom resource to configure your Kafka MirrorMaker deployment.

You can configure access control for producers and consumers using TLS or SASL authentication. This procedure shows a configuration that uses TLS encryption and mTLS authentication on the consumer and producer side.

For a deeper understanding of the Kafka MirrorMaker cluster configuration options, refer to the AMQ Streams Custom Resource API Reference.


Kafka MirrorMaker 1 (referred to as just MirrorMaker in the documentation) has been deprecated in Apache Kafka 3.0.0 and will be removed in Apache Kafka 4.0.0. As a result, the KafkaMirrorMaker custom resource which is used to deploy Kafka MirrorMaker 1 has been deprecated in AMQ Streams as well. The KafkaMirrorMaker resource will be removed from AMQ Streams when we adopt Apache Kafka 4.0.0. As a replacement, use the KafkaMirrorMaker2 custom resource with the IdentityReplicationPolicy.

Example KafkaMirrorMaker custom resource configuration

kind: KafkaMirrorMaker
  name: my-mirror-maker
  replicas: 3 1
    bootstrapServers: my-source-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 2
    groupId: "my-group" 3
    numStreams: 2 4
    offsetCommitInterval: 120000 5
    tls: 6
      - secretName: my-source-cluster-ca-cert
        certificate: ca.crt
    authentication: 7
      type: tls
        secretName: my-source-secret
        certificate: public.crt
        key: private.key
    config: 8
      max.poll.records: 100
      receive.buffer.bytes: 32768
    bootstrapServers: my-target-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092
    abortOnSendFailure: false 9
      - secretName: my-target-cluster-ca-cert
        certificate: ca.crt
      type: tls
        secretName: my-target-secret
        certificate: public.crt
        key: private.key
      compression.type: gzip
      batch.size: 8192
  include: "my-topic|other-topic" 10
  resources: 11
      cpu: "1"
      memory: 2Gi
      cpu: "2"
      memory: 2Gi
  logging: 12
    type: inline
      mirrormaker.root.logger: INFO
  readinessProbe: 13
    initialDelaySeconds: 15
    timeoutSeconds: 5
    initialDelaySeconds: 15
    timeoutSeconds: 5
  metricsConfig: 14
   type: jmxPrometheusExporter
       name: my-config-map
       key: my-key
  jvmOptions: 15
    "-Xmx": "1g"
    "-Xms": "1g"
  image: my-org/my-image:latest 16
  template: 17
            - labelSelector:
                  - key: application
                    operator: In
                      - postgresql
                      - mongodb
              topologyKey: ""
    mirrorMakerContainer: 18
        - name: OTEL_SERVICE_NAME
          value: my-otel-service
          value: "http://otlp-host:4317"
  tracing: 19
    type: opentelemetry

The number of replica nodes.
Bootstrap servers for consumer and producer.
Group ID for the consumer.
The number of consumer streams.
The offset auto-commit interval in milliseconds.
TLS encryption with key names under which TLS certificates are stored in X.509 format for consumer or producer. If certificates are stored in the same secret, it can be listed multiple times.
Authentication for consumer or producer, specified as mTLS, token-based OAuth, SASL-based SCRAM-SHA-256/SCRAM-SHA-512, or PLAIN.
Kafka configuration options for consumer and producer.
If the abortOnSendFailure property is set to true, Kafka MirrorMaker will exit and the container will restart following a send failure for a message.
A list of included topics mirrored from source to target Kafka cluster.
Requests for reservation of supported resources, currently cpu and memory, and limits to specify the maximum resources that can be consumed.
Specified loggers and log levels added directly (inline) or indirectly (external) through a ConfigMap. A custom Log4j configuration must be placed under the or key in the ConfigMap. MirrorMaker has a single logger called mirrormaker.root.logger. You can set the log level to INFO, ERROR, WARN, TRACE, DEBUG, FATAL or OFF.
Healthchecks to know when to restart a container (liveness) and when a container can accept traffic (readiness).
Prometheus metrics, which are enabled by referencing a ConfigMap containing configuration for the Prometheus JMX exporter in this example. You can enable metrics without further configuration using a reference to a ConfigMap containing an empty file under metricsConfig.valueFrom.configMapKeyRef.key.
JVM configuration options to optimize performance for the Virtual Machine (VM) running Kafka MirrorMaker.
ADVANCED OPTION: Container image configuration, which is recommended only in special situations.
Template customization. Here a pod is scheduled with anti-affinity, so the pod is not scheduled on nodes with the same hostname.
Environment variables are set for distributed tracing.
Distributed tracing is enabled by using OpenTelemetry.

With the abortOnSendFailure property set to false, the producer attempts to send the next message in a topic. The original message might be lost, as there is no attempt to resend a failed message.

8.9. Configuring the Kafka Bridge

Update the spec properties of the KafkaBridge custom resource to configure your Kafka Bridge deployment.

In order to prevent issues arising when client consumer requests are processed by different Kafka Bridge instances, address-based routing must be employed to ensure that requests are routed to the right Kafka Bridge instance. Additionally, each independent Kafka Bridge instance must have a replica. A Kafka Bridge instance has its own state which is not shared with another instances.

For a deeper understanding of the Kafka Bridge cluster configuration options, refer to the AMQ Streams Custom Resource API Reference.

Example KafkaBridge custom resource configuration

kind: KafkaBridge
  name: my-bridge
  replicas: 3 1
  bootstrapServers: <cluster_name>-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 2
  tls: 3
      - secretName: my-cluster-cluster-cert
        certificate: ca.crt
      - secretName: my-cluster-cluster-cert
        certificate: ca2.crt
  authentication: 4
    type: tls
      secretName: my-secret
      certificate: public.crt
      key: private.key
  http: 5
    port: 8080
    cors: 6
      allowedOrigins: ""
  consumer: 7
      auto.offset.reset: earliest
  producer: 8
    config: 300000
  resources: 9
      cpu: "1"
      memory: 2Gi
      cpu: "2"
      memory: 2Gi
  logging: 10
    type: inline
      logger.bridge.level: INFO
      # enabling DEBUG just for send operation "http.openapi.operation.send"
      logger.send.level: DEBUG
  jvmOptions: 11
    "-Xmx": "1g"
    "-Xms": "1g"
  readinessProbe: 12
    initialDelaySeconds: 15
    timeoutSeconds: 5
    initialDelaySeconds: 15
    timeoutSeconds: 5
  image: my-org/my-image:latest 13
  template: 14
            - labelSelector:
                  - key: application
                    operator: In
                      - postgresql
                      - mongodb
              topologyKey: ""
    bridgeContainer: 15
        - name: OTEL_SERVICE_NAME
          value: my-otel-service
          value: "http://otlp-host:4317"
    type: opentelemetry 16

The number of replica nodes.
Bootstrap server for connection to the target Kafka cluster. Use the name of the Kafka cluster as the <cluster_name>.
TLS encryption with key names under which TLS certificates are stored in X.509 format for the source Kafka cluster. If certificates are stored in the same secret, it can be listed multiple times.
Authentication for the Kafka Bridge cluster, specified as mTLS, token-based OAuth, SASL-based SCRAM-SHA-256/SCRAM-SHA-512, or PLAIN. By default, the Kafka Bridge connects to Kafka brokers without authentication.
HTTP access to Kafka brokers.
CORS access specifying selected resources and access methods. Additional HTTP headers in requests describe the origins that are permitted access to the Kafka cluster.
Consumer configuration options.
Producer configuration options.
Requests for reservation of supported resources, currently cpu and memory, and limits to specify the maximum resources that can be consumed.
Specified Kafka Bridge loggers and log levels added directly (inline) or indirectly (external) through a ConfigMap. A custom Log4j configuration must be placed under the or key in the ConfigMap. For the Kafka Bridge loggers, you can set the log level to INFO, ERROR, WARN, TRACE, DEBUG, FATAL or OFF.
JVM configuration options to optimize performance for the Virtual Machine (VM) running the Kafka Bridge.
Healthchecks to know when to restart a container (liveness) and when a container can accept traffic (readiness).
Optional: Container image configuration, which is recommended only in special situations.
Template customization. Here a pod is scheduled with anti-affinity, so the pod is not scheduled on nodes with the same hostname.
Environment variables are set for distributed tracing.
Distributed tracing is enabled by using OpenTelemetry.

8.10. Configuring Kafka and ZooKeeper storage

AMQ Streams provides flexibility in configuring the data storage options of Kafka and ZooKeeper.

The supported storage types are:

  • Ephemeral (Recommended for development only)
  • Persistent
  • JBOD (Kafka only; not available for ZooKeeper)

To configure storage, you specify storage properties in the custom resource of the component. The storage type is set using the storage.type property.

You can also use the preview of the node pools feature for advanced storage management of the Kafka cluster. You can specify storage configuration unique to each node pool used in the cluster. The same storage properties available to the Kafka resource are also available to the KafkaNodePool pool resource.

The storage-related schema references provide more information on the storage configuration properties:


The storage type cannot be changed after a Kafka cluster is deployed.

8.10.1. Data storage considerations

For AMQ Streams to work well, an efficient data storage infrastructure is essential. We strongly recommend using block storage. AMQ Streams is only tested for use with block storage. File storage, such as NFS, is not tested and there is no guarantee it will work.

Choose one of the following options for your block storage:


AMQ Streams does not require OpenShift raw block volumes. File systems

Kafka uses a file system for storing messages. AMQ Streams is compatible with the XFS and ext4 file systems, which are commonly used with Kafka. Consider the underlying architecture and requirements of your deployment when choosing and setting up your file system.

For more information, refer to Filesystem Selection in the Kafka documentation. Disk usage

Use separate disks for Apache Kafka and ZooKeeper.

Solid-state drives (SSDs), though not essential, can improve the performance of Kafka in large clusters where data is sent to and received from multiple topics asynchronously. SSDs are particularly effective with ZooKeeper, which requires fast, low latency data access.


You do not need to provision replicated storage because Kafka and ZooKeeper both have built-in data replication.

8.10.2. Ephemeral storage

Ephemeral data storage is transient. All pods on a node share a local ephemeral storage space. Data is retained for as long as the pod that uses it is running. The data is lost when a pod is deleted. Although a pod can recover data in a highly available environment.

Because of its transient nature, ephemeral storage is only recommended for development and testing.

Ephemeral storage uses emptyDir volumes to store data. An emptyDir volume is created when a pod is assigned to a node. You can set the total amount of storage for the emptyDir using the sizeLimit property .


Ephemeral storage is not suitable for single-node ZooKeeper clusters or Kafka topics with a replication factor of 1.

To use ephemeral storage, you set the storage type configuration in the Kafka or ZooKeeper resource to ephemeral. If you are using the preview of the node pools feature, you can also specify ephemeral in the storage configuration of individual node pools.

Example ephemeral storage configuration

kind: Kafka
  name: my-cluster
      type: ephemeral
    # ...
      type: ephemeral
    # ... Mount path of Kafka log directories

The ephemeral volume is used by Kafka brokers as log directories mounted into the following path:


Where IDX is the Kafka broker pod index. For example /var/lib/kafka/data/kafka-log0.

8.10.3. Persistent storage

Persistent data storage retains data in the event of system disruption. For pods that use persistent data storage, data is persisted across pod failures and restarts. Because of its permanent nature, persistent storage is recommended for production environments.

To use persistent storage in AMQ Streams, you specify persistent-claim in the storage configuration of the Kafka or ZooKeeper resources. If you are using the preview of the node pools feature, you can also specify persistent-claim in the storage configuration of individual node pools.

You configure the resource so that pods use Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) to make storage requests on persistent volumes (PVs). PVs represent storage volumes that are created on demand and are independent of the pods that use them. The PVC requests the amount of storage required when a pod is being created. The underlying storage infrastructure of the PV does not need to be understood. If a PV matches the storage criteria, the PVC is bound to the PV.

You have two options for specifying the storage type:

storage.type: persistent-claim
If you choose persistent-claim as the storage type, a single persistent storage volume is defined.
storage.type: jbod
When you select jbod as the storage type, you have the flexibility to define an array of persistent storage volumes using unique IDs.

In a production environment, it is recommended to configure the following:

  • For Kafka or node pools, set storage.type to jbod with one or more persistent volumes.
  • For ZooKeeper, set storage.type as persistent-claim for a single persistent volume.

Persistent storage also has the following configuration options:

id (optional)
A storage identification number. This option is mandatory for storage volumes defined in a JBOD storage declaration. Default is 0.
size (required)
The size of the persistent volume claim, for example, "1000Gi".
class (optional)
PVCs can request different types of persistent storage by specifying a StorageClass. Storage classes define storage profiles and dynamically provision PVs based on that profile. If a storage class is not specified, the storage class marked as default in the OpenShift cluster is used. Persistent storage options might include SAN storage types or local persistent volumes.
selector (optional)
Configuration to specify a specific PV. Provides key:value pairs representing the labels of the volume selected.
deleteClaim (optional)
Boolean value to specify whether the PVC is deleted when the cluster is uninstalled. Default is false.

Increasing the size of persistent volumes in an existing AMQ Streams cluster is only supported in OpenShift versions that support persistent volume resizing. The persistent volume to be resized must use a storage class that supports volume expansion. For other versions of OpenShift and storage classes that do not support volume expansion, you must decide the necessary storage size before deploying the cluster. Decreasing the size of existing persistent volumes is not possible.

Example persistent storage configuration for Kafka and ZooKeeper

kind: Kafka
  name: my-cluster
      type: jbod
      - id: 0
        type: persistent-claim
        size: 100Gi
        deleteClaim: false
      - id: 1
        type: persistent-claim
        size: 100Gi
        deleteClaim: false
      - id: 2
        type: persistent-claim
        size: 100Gi
        deleteClaim: false
    # ...
      type: persistent-claim
      size: 1000Gi
    # ...

Example persistent storage configuration with specific storage class

# ...
  type: persistent-claim
  size: 500Gi
  class: my-storage-class
# ...

Use a selector to specify a labeled persistent volume that provides certain features, such as an SSD.

Example persistent storage configuration with selector

# ...
  type: persistent-claim
  size: 1Gi
    hdd-type: ssd
  deleteClaim: true
# ... Storage class overrides

Instead of using the default storage class, you can specify a different storage class for one or more Kafka or ZooKeeper nodes. This is useful, for example, when storage classes are restricted to different availability zones or data centers. You can use the overrides field for this purpose.

In this example, the default storage class is named my-storage-class:

Example storage configuration with class overrides

kind: Kafka
    app: my-cluster
  name: my-cluster
  namespace: myproject
  # ...
    replicas: 3
      type: jbod
      - id: 0
        type: persistent-claim
        size: 100Gi
        deleteClaim: false
        class: my-storage-class
        - broker: 0
          class: my-storage-class-zone-1a
        - broker: 1
          class: my-storage-class-zone-1b
        - broker: 2
          class: my-storage-class-zone-1c
      # ...
  # ...
    replicas: 3
      deleteClaim: true
      size: 100Gi
      type: persistent-claim
      class: my-storage-class
        - broker: 0
          class: my-storage-class-zone-1a
        - broker: 1
          class: my-storage-class-zone-1b
        - broker: 2
          class: my-storage-class-zone-1c
  # ...

As a result of the configured overrides property, the volumes use the following storage classes:

  • The persistent volumes of ZooKeeper node 0 use my-storage-class-zone-1a.
  • The persistent volumes of ZooKeeper node 1 use my-storage-class-zone-1b.
  • The persistent volumes of ZooKeeper node 2 use my-storage-class-zone-1c.
  • The persistent volumes of Kafka broker 0 use my-storage-class-zone-1a.
  • The persistent volumes of Kafka broker 1 use my-storage-class-zone-1b.
  • The persistent volumes of Kafka broker 2 use my-storage-class-zone-1c.

The overrides property is currently used only to override the storage class. Overrides for other storage configuration properties is not currently supported. PVC resources for persistent storage

When persistent storage is used, it creates PVCs with the following names:

PVC for the volume used for storing data for the Kafka broker pod idx.
PVC for the volume used for storing data for the ZooKeeper node pod idx. Mount path of Kafka log directories

The persistent volume is used by the Kafka brokers as log directories mounted into the following path:


Where IDX is the Kafka broker pod index. For example /var/lib/kafka/data/kafka-log0.

8.10.4. Resizing persistent volumes

Persistent volumes used by a cluster can be resized without any risk of data loss, as long as the storage infrastructure supports it. Following a configuration update to change the size of the storage, AMQ Streams instructs the storage infrastructure to make the change. Storage expansion is supported in AMQ Streams clusters that use persistent-claim volumes.

Storage reduction is only possible when using multiple disks per broker. You can remove a disk after moving all partitions on the disk to other volumes within the same broker (intra-broker) or to other brokers within the same cluster (intra-cluster).


You cannot decrease the size of persistent volumes because it is not currently supported in OpenShift.


  • An OpenShift cluster with support for volume resizing.
  • The Cluster Operator is running.
  • A Kafka cluster using persistent volumes created using a storage class that supports volume expansion.


  1. Edit the Kafka resource for your cluster.

    Change the size property to increase the size of the persistent volume allocated to a Kafka cluster, a ZooKeeper cluster, or both.

    • For Kafka clusters, update the size property under
    • For ZooKeeper clusters, update the size property under

    Kafka configuration to increase the volume size to 2000Gi

    kind: Kafka
      name: my-cluster
        # ...
          type: persistent-claim
          size: 2000Gi
          class: my-storage-class
        # ...
        # ...

  2. Create or update the resource:

    oc apply -f <kafka_configuration_file>

    OpenShift increases the capacity of the selected persistent volumes in response to a request from the Cluster Operator. When the resizing is complete, the Cluster Operator restarts all pods that use the resized persistent volumes. This happens automatically.

  3. Verify that the storage capacity has increased for the relevant pods on the cluster:

    oc get pv

    Kafka broker pods with increased storage

    NAME               CAPACITY   CLAIM
    pvc-0ca459ce-...   2000Gi     my-project/data-my-cluster-kafka-2
    pvc-6e1810be-...   2000Gi     my-project/data-my-cluster-kafka-0
    pvc-82dc78c9-...   2000Gi     my-project/data-my-cluster-kafka-1

    The output shows the names of each PVC associated with a broker pod.

Additional resources

8.10.5. JBOD storage

JBOD storage allows you to configure your Kafka cluster to use multiple disks or volumes. This approach provides increased data storage capacity for Kafka brokers, and can lead to performance improvements. A JBOD configuration is defined by one or more volumes, each of which can be either ephemeral or persistent. The rules and constraints for JBOD volume declarations are the same as those for ephemeral and persistent storage. For example, you cannot decrease the size of a persistent storage volume after it has been provisioned, nor can you change the value of sizeLimit when the type is ephemeral.


JBOD storage is supported for Kafka only, not for ZooKeeper.

To use JBOD storage, you set the storage type configuration in the Kafka resource to jbod. If you are using the preview of the node pools feature, you can also specify jbod in the storage configuration of individual node pools.

The volumes property allows you to describe the disks that make up your JBOD storage array or configuration.

Example JBOD storage configuration

kind: Kafka
  name: my-cluster
      type: jbod
      - id: 0
        type: persistent-claim
        size: 100Gi
        deleteClaim: false
      - id: 1
        type: persistent-claim
        size: 100Gi
        deleteClaim: false
  # ...

The IDs cannot be changed once the JBOD volumes are created. You can add or remove volumes from the JBOD configuration. PVC resource for JBOD storage

When persistent storage is used to declare JBOD volumes, it creates a PVC with the following name:

PVC for the volume used for storing data for the Kafka broker pod idx. The id is the ID of the volume used for storing data for Kafka broker pod. Mount path of Kafka log directories

The JBOD volumes are used by Kafka brokers as log directories mounted into the following path:


Where id is the ID of the volume used for storing data for Kafka broker pod idx. For example /var/lib/kafka/data-0/kafka-log0.

8.10.6. Adding volumes to JBOD storage

This procedure describes how to add volumes to a Kafka cluster configured to use JBOD storage. It cannot be applied to Kafka clusters configured to use any other storage type.


When adding a new volume under an id which was already used in the past and removed, you have to make sure that the previously used PersistentVolumeClaims have been deleted.


  • An OpenShift cluster
  • A running Cluster Operator
  • A Kafka cluster with JBOD storage


  1. Edit the property in the Kafka resource. Add the new volumes to the volumes array. For example, add the new volume with id 2:

    kind: Kafka
      name: my-cluster
        # ...
          type: jbod
          - id: 0
            type: persistent-claim
            size: 100Gi
            deleteClaim: false
          - id: 1
            type: persistent-claim
            size: 100Gi
            deleteClaim: false
          - id: 2
            type: persistent-claim
            size: 100Gi
            deleteClaim: false
        # ...
        # ...
  2. Create or update the resource:

    oc apply -f <kafka_configuration_file>
  3. Create new topics or reassign existing partitions to the new disks.


    Cruise Control is an effective tool for reassigning partitions. To perform an intra-broker disk balance, you set rebalanceDisk to true under the KafkaRebalance.spec.

8.10.7. Removing volumes from JBOD storage

This procedure describes how to remove volumes from Kafka cluster configured to use JBOD storage. It cannot be applied to Kafka clusters configured to use any other storage type. The JBOD storage always has to contain at least one volume.


To avoid data loss, you have to move all partitions before removing the volumes.


  • An OpenShift cluster
  • A running Cluster Operator
  • A Kafka cluster with JBOD storage with two or more volumes


  1. Reassign all partitions from the disks which are you going to remove. Any data in partitions still assigned to the disks which are going to be removed might be lost.


    You can use the tool to reassign the partitions.

  2. Edit the property in the Kafka resource. Remove one or more volumes from the volumes array. For example, remove the volumes with ids 1 and 2:

    kind: Kafka
      name: my-cluster
        # ...
          type: jbod
          - id: 0
            type: persistent-claim
            size: 100Gi
            deleteClaim: false
        # ...
        # ...
  3. Create or update the resource:

    oc apply -f <kafka_configuration_file>

8.11. Configuring CPU and memory resource limits and requests

By default, the AMQ Streams Cluster Operator does not specify CPU and memory resource requests and limits for its deployed operands. Ensuring an adequate allocation of resources is crucial for maintaining stability and achieving optimal performance in Kafka. The ideal resource allocation depends on your specific requirements and use cases.

It is recommended to configure CPU and memory resources for each container by setting appropriate requests and limits.

8.12. Configuring pod scheduling

To avoid performance degradation caused by resource conflicts between applications scheduled on the same OpenShift node, you can schedule Kafka pods separately from critical workloads. This can be achieved by either selecting specific nodes or dedicating a set of nodes exclusively for Kafka.

8.12.1. Specifying affinity, tolerations, and topology spread constraints

Use affinity, tolerations and topology spread constraints to schedule the pods of kafka resources onto nodes. Affinity, tolerations and topology spread constraints are configured using the affinity, tolerations, and topologySpreadConstraint properties in following resources:

  • Kafka.spec.kafka.template.pod
  • Kafka.spec.zookeeper.template.pod
  • Kafka.spec.entityOperator.template.pod
  • KafkaConnect.spec.template.pod
  • KafkaBridge.spec.template.pod
  • KafkaMirrorMaker.spec.template.pod
  • KafkaMirrorMaker2.spec.template.pod

The format of the affinity, tolerations, and topologySpreadConstraint properties follows the OpenShift specification. The affinity configuration can include different types of affinity:

  • Pod affinity and anti-affinity
  • Node affinity Use pod anti-affinity to avoid critical applications sharing nodes

Use pod anti-affinity to ensure that critical applications are never scheduled on the same disk. When running a Kafka cluster, it is recommended to use pod anti-affinity to ensure that the Kafka brokers do not share nodes with other workloads, such as databases. Use node affinity to schedule workloads onto specific nodes

The OpenShift cluster usually consists of many different types of worker nodes. Some are optimized for CPU heavy workloads, some for memory, while other might be optimized for storage (fast local SSDs) or network. Using different nodes helps to optimize both costs and performance. To achieve the best possible performance, it is important to allow scheduling of AMQ Streams components to use the right nodes.

OpenShift uses node affinity to schedule workloads onto specific nodes. Node affinity allows you to create a scheduling constraint for the node on which the pod will be scheduled. The constraint is specified as a label selector. You can specify the label using either the built-in node label like or custom labels to select the right node. Use node affinity and tolerations for dedicated nodes

Use taints to create dedicated nodes, then schedule Kafka pods on the dedicated nodes by configuring node affinity and tolerations.

Cluster administrators can mark selected OpenShift nodes as tainted. Nodes with taints are excluded from regular scheduling and normal pods will not be scheduled to run on them. Only services which can tolerate the taint set on the node can be scheduled on it. The only other services running on such nodes will be system services such as log collectors or software defined networks.

Running Kafka and its components on dedicated nodes can have many advantages. There will be no other applications running on the same nodes which could cause disturbance or consume the resources needed for Kafka. That can lead to improved performance and stability.

8.12.2. Configuring pod anti-affinity to schedule each Kafka broker on a different worker node

Many Kafka brokers or ZooKeeper nodes can run on the same OpenShift worker node. If the worker node fails, they will all become unavailable at the same time. To improve reliability, you can use podAntiAffinity configuration to schedule each Kafka broker or ZooKeeper node on a different OpenShift worker node.


  • An OpenShift cluster
  • A running Cluster Operator


  1. Edit the affinity property in the resource specifying the cluster deployment. To make sure that no worker nodes are shared by Kafka brokers or ZooKeeper nodes, use the label. Set the topologyKey to to specify that the selected pods are not scheduled on nodes with the same hostname. This will still allow the same worker node to be shared by a single Kafka broker and a single ZooKeeper node. For example:

    kind: Kafka
        # ...
                  - labelSelector:
                        - key:
                          operator: In
                            - CLUSTER-NAME-kafka
                    topologyKey: ""
        # ...
        # ...
                  - labelSelector:
                        - key:
                          operator: In
                            - CLUSTER-NAME-zookeeper
                    topologyKey: ""
        # ...

    Where CLUSTER-NAME is the name of your Kafka custom resource.

  2. If you even want to make sure that a Kafka broker and ZooKeeper node do not share the same worker node, use the label. For example:

    kind: Kafka
        # ...
                  - labelSelector:
                        - key:
                          operator: In
                            - CLUSTER-NAME
                    topologyKey: ""
        # ...
        # ...
                  - labelSelector:
                        - key:
                          operator: In
                            - CLUSTER-NAME
                    topologyKey: ""
        # ...

    Where CLUSTER-NAME is the name of your Kafka custom resource.

  3. Create or update the resource.

    oc apply -f <kafka_configuration_file>

8.12.3. Configuring pod anti-affinity in Kafka components

Pod anti-affinity configuration helps with the stability and performance of Kafka brokers. By using podAntiAffinity, OpenShift will not schedule Kafka brokers on the same nodes as other workloads. Typically, you want to avoid Kafka running on the same worker node as other network or storage intensive applications such as databases, storage or other messaging platforms.


  • An OpenShift cluster
  • A running Cluster Operator


  1. Edit the affinity property in the resource specifying the cluster deployment. Use labels to specify the pods which should not be scheduled on the same nodes. The topologyKey should be set to to specify that the selected pods should not be scheduled on nodes with the same hostname. For example:

    kind: Kafka
        # ...
                  - labelSelector:
                        - key: application
                          operator: In
                            - postgresql
                            - mongodb
                    topologyKey: ""
        # ...
        # ...
  2. Create or update the resource.

    This can be done using oc apply:

    oc apply -f <kafka_configuration_file>

8.12.4. Configuring node affinity in Kafka components


  • An OpenShift cluster
  • A running Cluster Operator


  1. Label the nodes where AMQ Streams components should be scheduled.

    This can be done using oc label:

    oc label node NAME-OF-NODE node-type=fast-network

    Alternatively, some of the existing labels might be reused.

  2. Edit the affinity property in the resource specifying the cluster deployment. For example:

    kind: Kafka
        # ...
                    - matchExpressions:
                      - key: node-type
                        operator: In
                        - fast-network
        # ...
        # ...
  3. Create or update the resource.

    This can be done using oc apply:

    oc apply -f <kafka_configuration_file>

8.12.5. Setting up dedicated nodes and scheduling pods on them


  • An OpenShift cluster
  • A running Cluster Operator


  1. Select the nodes which should be used as dedicated.
  2. Make sure there are no workloads scheduled on these nodes.
  3. Set the taints on the selected nodes:

    This can be done using oc adm taint:

    oc adm taint node NAME-OF-NODE dedicated=Kafka:NoSchedule
  4. Additionally, add a label to the selected nodes as well.

    This can be done using oc label:

    oc label node NAME-OF-NODE dedicated=Kafka
  5. Edit the affinity and tolerations properties in the resource specifying the cluster deployment.

    For example:

    kind: Kafka
        # ...
              - key: "dedicated"
                operator: "Equal"
                value: "Kafka"
                effect: "NoSchedule"
                  - matchExpressions:
                    - key: dedicated
                      operator: In
                      - Kafka
        # ...
        # ...
  6. Create or update the resource.

    This can be done using oc apply:

    oc apply -f <kafka_configuration_file>

8.13. Configuring logging levels

Configure logging levels in the custom resources of Kafka components and AMQ Streams operators. You can specify the logging levels directly in the spec.logging property of the custom resource. Or you can define the logging properties in a ConfigMap that’s referenced in the custom resource using the configMapKeyRef property.

The advantages of using a ConfigMap are that the logging properties are maintained in one place and are accessible to more than one resource. You can also reuse the ConfigMap for more than one resource. If you are using a ConfigMap to specify loggers for AMQ Streams Operators, you can also append the logging specification to add filters.

You specify a logging type in your logging specification:

  • inline when specifying logging levels directly
  • external when referencing a ConfigMap

Example inline logging configuration

  # ...
    type: inline
      kafka.root.logger.level: INFO

Example external logging configuration

  # ...
    type: external
        name: my-config-map
        key: my-config-map-key

Values for the name and key of the ConfigMap are mandatory. Default logging is used if the name or key is not set.

8.13.1. Logging options for Kafka components and operators

For more information on configuring logging for specific Kafka components or operators, see the following sections.

8.13.2. Creating a ConfigMap for logging

To use a ConfigMap to define logging properties, you create the ConfigMap and then reference it as part of the logging definition in the spec of a resource.

The ConfigMap must contain the appropriate logging configuration.

  • for Kafka components, ZooKeeper, and the Kafka Bridge
  • for the Topic Operator and User Operator

The configuration must be placed under these properties.

In this procedure a ConfigMap defines a root logger for a Kafka resource.


  1. Create the ConfigMap.

    You can create the ConfigMap as a YAML file or from a properties file.

    ConfigMap example with a root logger definition for Kafka:

    kind: ConfigMap
    apiVersion: v1
      name: logging-configmap

    If you are using a properties file, specify the file at the command line:

    oc create configmap logging-configmap

    The properties file defines the logging configuration:

    # Define the logger
    # ...
  2. Define external logging in the spec of the resource, setting the to the name of the ConfigMap and logging.valueFrom.configMapKeyRef.key to the key in this ConfigMap.

      # ...
        type: external
            name: logging-configmap
  3. Create or update the resource.

    oc apply -f <kafka_configuration_file>

8.13.3. Configuring Cluster Operator logging

Cluster Operator logging is configured through a ConfigMap named strimzi-cluster-operator. A ConfigMap containing logging configuration is created when installing the Cluster Operator. This ConfigMap is described in the file install/cluster-operator/050-ConfigMap-strimzi-cluster-operator.yaml. You configure Cluster Operator logging by changing the values in this ConfigMap.

To update the logging configuration, you can edit the 050-ConfigMap-strimzi-cluster-operator.yaml file and then run the following command:

oc create -f install/cluster-operator/050-ConfigMap-strimzi-cluster-operator.yaml

Alternatively, edit the ConfigMap directly:

oc edit configmap strimzi-cluster-operator

With this ConfigMap, you can control various aspects of logging, including the root logger level, log output format, and log levels for different components. The monitorInterval setting, determines how often the logging configuration is reloaded. You can also control the logging levels for the Kafka AdminClient, ZooKeeper ZKTrustManager, Netty, and the OkHttp client. Netty is a framework used in AMQ Streams for network communication, and OkHttp is a library used for making HTTP requests.

If the ConfigMap is missing when the Cluster Operator is deployed, the default logging values are used.

If the ConfigMap is accidentally deleted after the Cluster Operator is deployed, the most recently loaded logging configuration is used. Create a new ConfigMap to load a new logging configuration.


Do not remove the monitorInterval option from the ConfigMap.

8.13.4. Adding logging filters to AMQ Streams operators

If you are using a ConfigMap to configure the (log4j2) logging levels for AMQ Streams operators, you can also define logging filters to limit what’s returned in the log.

Logging filters are useful when you have a large number of logging messages. Suppose you set the log level for the logger as DEBUG (rootLogger.level="DEBUG"). Logging filters reduce the number of logs returned for the logger at that level, so you can focus on a specific resource. When the filter is set, only log messages matching the filter are logged.

Filters use markers to specify what to include in the log. You specify a kind, namespace and name for the marker. For example, if a Kafka cluster is failing, you can isolate the logs by specifying the kind as Kafka, and use the namespace and name of the failing cluster.

This example shows a marker filter for a Kafka cluster named my-kafka-cluster.

Basic logging filter configuration

appender.console.filter.filter1.type=MarkerFilter 1
appender.console.filter.filter1.onMatch=ACCEPT 2
appender.console.filter.filter1.onMismatch=DENY 3
appender.console.filter.filter1.marker=Kafka(my-namespace/my-kafka-cluster) 4

The MarkerFilter type compares a specified marker for filtering.
The onMatch property accepts the log if the marker matches.
The onMismatch property rejects the log if the marker does not match.
The marker used for filtering is in the format KIND(NAMESPACE/NAME-OF-RESOURCE).

You can create one or more filters. Here, the log is filtered for two Kafka clusters.

Multiple logging filter configuration


Adding filters to the Cluster Operator

To add filters to the Cluster Operator, update its logging ConfigMap YAML file (install/cluster-operator/050-ConfigMap-strimzi-cluster-operator.yaml).


  1. Update the 050-ConfigMap-strimzi-cluster-operator.yaml file to add the filter properties to the ConfigMap.

    In this example, the filter properties return logs only for the my-kafka-cluster Kafka cluster:

    kind: ConfigMap
    apiVersion: v1
      name: strimzi-cluster-operator

    Alternatively, edit the ConfigMap directly:

    oc edit configmap strimzi-cluster-operator
  2. If you updated the YAML file instead of editing the ConfigMap directly, apply the changes by deploying the ConfigMap:

    oc create -f install/cluster-operator/050-ConfigMap-strimzi-cluster-operator.yaml

Adding filters to the Topic Operator or User Operator

To add filters to the Topic Operator or User Operator, create or edit a logging ConfigMap.

In this procedure a logging ConfigMap is created with filters for the Topic Operator. The same approach is used for the User Operator.


  1. Create the ConfigMap.

    You can create the ConfigMap as a YAML file or from a properties file.

    In this example, the filter properties return logs only for the my-topic topic:

    kind: ConfigMap
    apiVersion: v1
      name: logging-configmap

    If you are using a properties file, specify the file at the command line:

    oc create configmap logging-configmap

    The properties file defines the logging configuration:

    # Define the logger
    # Set the filters
    # ...
  2. Define external logging in the spec of the resource, setting the to the name of the ConfigMap and logging.valueFrom.configMapKeyRef.key to the key in this ConfigMap.

    For the Topic Operator, logging is specified in the topicOperator configuration of the Kafka resource.

      # ...
            type: external
                name: logging-configmap
  3. Apply the changes by deploying the Cluster Operator:
create -f install/cluster-operator -n my-cluster-operator-namespace

8.14. Using ConfigMaps to add configuration

Add specific configuration to your AMQ Streams deployment using ConfigMap resources. ConfigMaps use key-value pairs to store non-confidential data. Configuration data added to ConfigMaps is maintained in one place and can be reused amongst components.

ConfigMaps can only store the following types of configuration data:

  • Logging configuration
  • Metrics configuration
  • External configuration for Kafka Connect connectors

You can’t use ConfigMaps for other areas of configuration.

When you configure a component, you can add a reference to a ConfigMap using the configMapKeyRef property.

For example, you can use configMapKeyRef to reference a ConfigMap that provides configuration for logging. You might use a ConfigMap to pass a Log4j configuration file. You add the reference to the logging configuration.

Example ConfigMap for logging

  # ...
    type: external
        name: my-config-map
        key: my-config-map-key

To use a ConfigMap for metrics configuration, you add a reference to the metricsConfig configuration of the component in the same way.

ExternalConfiguration properties make data from a ConfigMap (or Secret) mounted to a pod available as environment variables or volumes. You can use external configuration data for the connectors used by Kafka Connect. The data might be related to an external data source, providing the values needed for the connector to communicate with that data source.

For example, you can use the configMapKeyRef property to pass configuration data from a ConfigMap as an environment variable.

Example ConfigMap providing environment variable values

kind: KafkaConnect
  name: my-connect
  # ...
            name: my-config-map
            key: my-key

If you are using ConfigMaps that are managed externally, use configuration providers to load the data in the ConfigMaps.

8.14.1. Naming custom ConfigMaps

AMQ Streams creates its own ConfigMaps and other resources when it is deployed to OpenShift. The ConfigMaps contain data necessary for running components. The ConfigMaps created by AMQ Streams must not be edited.

Make sure that any custom ConfigMaps you create do not have the same name as these default ConfigMaps. If they have the same name, they will be overwritten. For example, if your ConfigMap has the same name as the ConfigMap for the Kafka cluster, it will be overwritten when there is an update to the Kafka cluster.

8.15. Loading configuration values from external sources

Use configuration providers to load configuration data from external sources. The providers operate independently of AMQ Streams. You can use them to load configuration data for all Kafka components, including producers and consumers. You reference the external source in the configuration of the component and provide access rights. The provider loads data without needing to restart the Kafka component or extracting files, even when referencing a new external source. For example, use providers to supply the credentials for the Kafka Connect connector configuration. The configuration must include any access rights to the external source.

8.15.1. Enabling configuration providers

You can enable one or more configuration providers using the config.providers properties in the spec configuration of a component.

Example configuration to enable a configuration provider

kind: KafkaConnect
  name: my-connect
  annotations: "true"
  # ...
    # ...
    config.providers: env
    config.providers.env.class: org.apache.kafka.common.config.provider.EnvVarConfigProvider
  # ...

Loads configuration data from OpenShift secrets. You specify the name of the secret and the key within the secret where the configuration data is stored. This provider is useful for storing sensitive configuration data like passwords or other user credentials.
Loads configuration data from OpenShift config maps. You specify the name of the config map and the key within the config map where the configuration data is stored. This provider is useful for storing non-sensitive configuration data.
Loads configuration data from environment variables. You specify the name of the environment variable where the configuration data is stored. This provider is useful for configuring applications running in containers, for example, to load certificates or JAAS configuration from environment variables mapped from secrets.
Loads configuration data from a file. You specify the path to the file where the configuration data is stored. This provider is useful for loading configuration data from files that are mounted into containers.
Loads configuration data from files within a directory. You specify the path to the directory where the configuration files are stored. This provider is useful for loading multiple configuration files and for organizing configuration data into separate files.

To use KubernetesSecretConfigProvider and KubernetesConfigMapConfigProvider, which are part of the OpenShift Configuration Provider plugin, you must set up access rights to the namespace that contains the configuration file.

You can use the other providers without setting up access rights. You can supply connector configuration for Kafka Connect or MirrorMaker 2 in this way by doing the following:

  • Mount config maps or secrets into the Kafka Connect pod as environment variables or volumes
  • Enable EnvVarConfigProvider, FileConfigProvider, or DirectoryConfigProvider in the Kafka Connect or MirrorMaker 2 configuration
  • Pass connector configuration using the externalConfiguration property in the spec of the KafkaConnect or KafkaMirrorMaker2 resource

Using providers help prevent the passing of restricted information through the Kafka Connect REST interface. You can use this approach in the following scenarios:

  • Mounting environment variables with the values a connector uses to connect and communicate with a data source
  • Mounting a properties file with values that are used to configure Kafka Connect connectors
  • Mounting files in a directory that contains values for the TLS truststore and keystore used by a connector

A restart is required when using a new Secret or ConfigMap for a connector, which can disrupt other connectors.

8.15.2. Loading configuration values from secrets or config maps

Use the KubernetesSecretConfigProvider to provide configuration properties from a secret or the KubernetesConfigMapConfigProvider to provide configuration properties from a config map.

In this procedure, a config map provides configuration properties for a connector. The properties are specified as key values of the config map. The config map is mounted into the Kafka Connect pod as a volume.


  • A Kafka cluster is running.
  • The Cluster Operator is running.
  • You have a config map containing the connector configuration.

Example config map with connector properties

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: my-connector-configuration
  option1: value1
  option2: value2


  1. Configure the KafkaConnect resource.

    • Enable the KubernetesConfigMapConfigProvider

    The specification shown here can support loading values from config maps and secrets.

    Example Kafka Connect configuration to use config maps and secrets

    kind: KafkaConnect
      name: my-connect
      annotations: "true"
      # ...
        # ...
        config.providers: secrets,configmaps 1
        config.providers.configmaps.class: io.strimzi.kafka.KubernetesConfigMapConfigProvider 2
        config.providers.secrets.class: io.strimzi.kafka.KubernetesSecretConfigProvider 3
      # ...

    The alias for the configuration provider is used to define other configuration parameters. The provider parameters use the alias from config.providers, taking the form config.providers.${alias}.class.
    KubernetesConfigMapConfigProvider provides values from config maps.
    KubernetesSecretConfigProvider provides values from secrets.
  2. Create or update the resource to enable the provider.

    oc apply -f <kafka_connect_configuration_file>
  3. Create a role that permits access to the values in the external config map.

    Example role to access values from a config map

    kind: Role
      name: connector-configuration-role
    - apiGroups: [""]
      resources: ["configmaps"]
      resourceNames: ["my-connector-configuration"]
      verbs: ["get"]
    # ...

    The rule gives the role permission to access the my-connector-configuration config map.

  4. Create a role binding to permit access to the namespace that contains the config map.

    Example role binding to access the namespace that contains the config map

    kind: RoleBinding
      name: connector-configuration-role-binding
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: my-connect-connect
      namespace: my-project
      kind: Role
      name: connector-configuration-role
    # ...

    The role binding gives the role permission to access the my-project namespace.

    The service account must be the same one used by the Kafka Connect deployment. The service account name format is <cluster_name>-connect, where <cluster_name> is the name of the KafkaConnect custom resource.

  5. Reference the config map in the connector configuration.

    Example connector configuration referencing the config map

    kind: KafkaConnector
      name: my-connector
      labels: my-connect
      # ...
        option: ${configmaps:my-project/my-connector-configuration:option1}
        # ...
    # ...

    The placeholder structure is configmaps:<path_and_file_name>:<property>. KubernetesConfigMapConfigProvider reads and extracts the option1 property value from the external config map.

8.15.3. Loading configuration values from environment variables

Use the EnvVarConfigProvider to provide configuration properties as environment variables. Environment variables can contain values from config maps or secrets.

In this procedure, environment variables provide configuration properties for a connector to communicate with Amazon AWS. The connector must be able to read the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. The values of the environment variables are derived from a secret mounted into the Kafka Connect pod.


The names of user-defined environment variables cannot start with KAFKA_ or STRIMZI_.


  • A Kafka cluster is running.
  • The Cluster Operator is running.
  • You have a secret containing the connector configuration.

Example secret with values for environment variables

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: aws-creds
type: Opaque
  awsAccessKey: QUtJQVhYWFhYWFhYWFhYWFg=
  awsSecretAccessKey: Ylhsd1lYTnpkMjl5WkE=


  1. Configure the KafkaConnect resource.

    • Enable the EnvVarConfigProvider
    • Specify the environment variables using the externalConfiguration property.

    Example Kafka Connect configuration to use external environment variables

    kind: KafkaConnect
      name: my-connect
      annotations: "true"
      # ...
        # ...
        config.providers: env 1
        config.providers.env.class: org.apache.kafka.common.config.provider.EnvVarConfigProvider 2
      # ...
          - name: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID 3
                name: aws-creds 4
                key: awsAccessKey 5
          - name: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
                name: aws-creds
                key: awsSecretAccessKey
      # ...

    The alias for the configuration provider is used to define other configuration parameters. The provider parameters use the alias from config.providers, taking the form config.providers.${alias}.class.
    EnvVarConfigProvider provides values from environment variables.
    The environment variable takes a value from the secret.
    The name of the secret containing the environment variable.
    The name of the key stored in the secret.

    The secretKeyRef property references keys in a secret. If you are using a config map instead of a secret, use the configMapKeyRef property.

  2. Create or update the resource to enable the provider.

    oc apply -f <kafka_connect_configuration_file>
  3. Reference the environment variable in the connector configuration.

    Example connector configuration referencing the environment variable

    kind: KafkaConnector
      name: my-connector
      labels: my-connect
      # ...
        option: ${env:AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}
        option: ${env:AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}
        # ...
    # ...

    The placeholder structure is env:<environment_variable_name>. EnvVarConfigProvider reads and extracts the environment variable values from the mounted secret.

8.15.4. Loading configuration values from a file within a directory

Use the FileConfigProvider to provide configuration properties from a file within a directory. Files can be config maps or secrets.

In this procedure, a file provides configuration properties for a connector. A database name and password are specified as properties of a secret. The secret is mounted to the Kafka Connect pod as a volume. Volumes are mounted on the path /opt/kafka/external-configuration/<volume-name>.


  • A Kafka cluster is running.
  • The Cluster Operator is running.
  • You have a secret containing the connector configuration.

Example secret with database properties

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: mysecret
type: Opaque
stringData: |- 1
    dbUsername: my-username 2
    dbPassword: my-password

The connector configuration in properties file format.
Database username and password properties used in the configuration.


  1. Configure the KafkaConnect resource.

    • Enable the FileConfigProvider
    • Specify the file using the externalConfiguration property.

    Example Kafka Connect configuration to use an external property file

    kind: KafkaConnect
      name: my-connect
      # ...
        config.providers: file 1
        config.providers.file.class: org.apache.kafka.common.config.provider.FileConfigProvider 2
          - name: connector-config 3
              secretName: mysecret 4

    The alias for the configuration provider is used to define other configuration parameters.
    FileConfigProvider provides values from properties files. The parameter uses the alias from config.providers, taking the form config.providers.${alias}.class.
    The name of the volume containing the secret.
    The name of the secret.
  2. Create or update the resource to enable the provider.

    oc apply -f <kafka_connect_configuration_file>
  3. Reference the file properties in the connector configuration as placeholders.

    Example connector configuration referencing the file

    kind: KafkaConnector
      name: my-source-connector
      labels: my-connect-cluster
      class: io.debezium.connector.mysql.MySqlConnector
      tasksMax: 2
        database.port: "3306"
        database.user: "${file:/opt/kafka/external-configuration/connector-config/mysecret:dbUsername}"
        database.password: "${file:/opt/kafka/external-configuration/connector-config/mysecret:dbPassword}" "184054"

    The placeholder structure is file:<path_and_file_name>:<property>. FileConfigProvider reads and extracts the database username and password property values from the mounted secret.

8.15.5. Loading configuration values from multiple files within a directory

Use the DirectoryConfigProvider to provide configuration properties from multiple files within a directory. Files can be config maps or secrets.

In this procedure, a secret provides the TLS keystore and truststore user credentials for a connector. The credentials are in separate files. The secrets are mounted into the Kafka Connect pod as volumes. Volumes are mounted on the path /opt/kafka/external-configuration/<volume-name>.


  • A Kafka cluster is running.
  • The Cluster Operator is running.
  • You have a secret containing the user credentials.

Example secret with user credentials

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: my-user
  labels: KafkaUser my-cluster
type: Opaque
  ca.crt: <public_key> # Public key of the clients CA
  user.crt: <user_certificate> # Public key of the user
  user.key: <user_private_key> # Private key of the user
  user.p12: <store> # PKCS #12 store for user certificates and keys
  user.password: <password_for_store> # Protects the PKCS #12 store

The my-user secret provides the keystore credentials (user.crt and user.key) for the connector.

The <cluster_name>-cluster-ca-cert secret generated when deploying the Kafka cluster provides the cluster CA certificate as truststore credentials (ca.crt).


  1. Configure the KafkaConnect resource.

    • Enable the DirectoryConfigProvider
    • Specify the files using the externalConfiguration property.

    Example Kafka Connect configuration to use external property files

    kind: KafkaConnect
      name: my-connect
      # ...
        config.providers: directory 1 org.apache.kafka.common.config.provider.DirectoryConfigProvider 2
        volumes: 3
          - name: cluster-ca 4
              secretName: my-cluster-cluster-ca-cert 5
          - name: my-user
              secretName: my-user 6

    The alias for the configuration provider is used to define other configuration parameters.
    DirectoryConfigProvider provides values from files in a directory. The parameter uses the alias from config.providers, taking the form config.providers.${alias}.class.
    The names of the volumes containing the secrets.
    The name of the secret for the cluster CA certificate to supply truststore configuration.
    The name of the secret for the user to supply keystore configuration.
  2. Create or update the resource to enable the provider.

    oc apply -f <kafka_connect_configuration_file>
  3. Reference the file properties in the connector configuration as placeholders.

    Example connector configuration referencing the files