Chapter 14. Setting up client access to a Kafka cluster

After you have deployed Streams for Apache Kafka, you can set up client access to your Kafka cluster. To verify the deployment, you can deploy example producer and consumer clients. Otherwise, create listeners that provide client access within or outside the OpenShift cluster.

14.1. Deploying example clients

Deploy example producer and consumer clients to send and receive messages. You can use these clients to verify a deployment of Streams for Apache Kafka.


  • The Kafka cluster is available for the clients.


  1. Deploy a Kafka producer.

    oc run kafka-producer -ti --rm=true --restart=Never -- bin/ --bootstrap-server cluster-name-kafka-bootstrap:9092 --topic my-topic
  2. Type a message into the console where the producer is running.
  3. Press Enter to send the message.
  4. Deploy a Kafka consumer.

    oc run kafka-consumer -ti --rm=true --restart=Never -- bin/ --bootstrap-server cluster-name-kafka-bootstrap:9092 --topic my-topic --from-beginning
  5. Confirm that you see the incoming messages in the consumer console.

14.2. Configuring listeners to connect to Kafka brokers

Use listeners for client connection to Kafka brokers. Streams for Apache Kafka provides a generic GenericKafkaListener schema with properties to configure listeners through the Kafka resource. The GenericKafkaListener provides a flexible approach to listener configuration. You can specify properties to configure internal listeners for connecting within the OpenShift cluster or external listeners for connecting outside the OpenShift cluster.

Specify a connection type to expose Kafka in the listener configuration. The type chosen depends on your requirements, and your environment and infrastructure. The following listener types are supported:

Internal listeners
  • internal to connect within the same OpenShift cluster
  • cluster-ip to expose Kafka using per-broker ClusterIP services
External listeners
  • nodeport to use ports on OpenShift nodes
  • loadbalancer to use loadbalancer services
  • ingress to use Kubernetes Ingress and the Ingress NGINX Controller for Kubernetes (Kubernetes only)
  • route to use OpenShift Route and the default HAProxy router (OpenShift only)

Do not use ingress on OpenShift, use the route type instead. The Ingress NGINX Controller is only intended for use on Kubernetes. The route type is only supported on OpenShift.

An internal type listener configuration uses a headless service and the DNS names given to the broker pods. You might want to join your OpenShift network to an outside network. In which case, you can configure an internal type listener (using the useServiceDnsDomain property) so that the OpenShift service DNS domain (typically .cluster.local) is not used. You can also configure a cluster-ip type of listener that exposes a Kafka cluster based on per-broker ClusterIP services. This is a useful option when you can’t route through the headless service or you wish to incorporate a custom access mechanism. For example, you might use this listener when building your own type of external listener for a specific Ingress controller or the OpenShift Gateway API.

External listeners handle access to a Kafka cluster from networks that require different authentication mechanisms. You can configure external listeners for client access outside an OpenShift environment using a specified connection mechanism, such as a loadbalancer or route. For example, loadbalancers might not be suitable for certain infrastructure, such as bare metal, where node ports provide a better option.

Each listener is defined as an array in the Kafka resource.

Example listener configuration

kind: Kafka
  name: my-cluster
    # ...
      - name: plain
        port: 9092
        type: internal
        tls: false
          useServiceDnsDomain: true
      - name: tls
        port: 9093
        type: internal
        tls: true
          type: tls
      - name: external1
        port: 9094
        type: route
        tls: true
            secretName: my-secret
            certificate: my-certificate.crt
            key: my-key.key
    # ...

You can configure as many listeners as required, as long as their names and ports are unique. You can also configure listeners for secure connection using authentication.

If you want to know more about the pros and cons of each connection type, refer to Accessing Apache Kafka in Strimzi.


If you scale your Kafka cluster while using external listeners, it might trigger a rolling update of all Kafka brokers. This depends on the configuration.

14.3. Listener naming conventions

From the listener configuration, the resulting listener bootstrap and per-broker service names are structured according to the following naming conventions:

Table 14.1. Listener naming conventions
Listener typeBootstrap service namePer-Broker service name



Not applicable




For example, my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap, my-cluster-kafka-external1-bootstrap, and my-cluster-kafka-external1-0. The names are assigned to the services, routes, load balancers, and ingresses created through the listener configuration.

You can use certain backwards compatible names and port numbers to transition listeners initially configured under the retired KafkaListeners schema. The resulting external listener naming convention varies slightly. These specific combinations of listener name and port configuration values are backwards compatible:

Table 14.2. Backwards compatible listener name and port combinations
Listener namePortBootstrap service namePer-Broker service name




Not applicable




Not applicable





14.4. Setting up client access to a Kafka cluster using listeners

Using the address of the Kafka cluster, you can provide access to a client in the same OpenShift cluster; or provide external access to a client on a different OpenShift namespace or outside OpenShift entirely. This procedure shows how to configure client access to a Kafka cluster from outside OpenShift or from another OpenShift cluster.

A Kafka listener provides access to the Kafka cluster. Client access is secured using the following configuration:

  1. An external listener is configured for the Kafka cluster, with TLS encryption and mTLS authentication, and Kafka simple authorization enabled.
  2. A KafkaUser is created for the client, with mTLS authentication, and Access Control Lists (ACLs) defined for simple authorization.

You can configure your listener to use mutual tls, scram-sha-512, or oauth authentication. mTLS always uses encryption, but encryption is also recommended when using SCRAM-SHA-512 and OAuth 2.0 authentication.

You can configure simple, oauth, opa, or custom authorization for Kafka brokers. When enabled, authorization is applied to all enabled listeners.

When you configure the KafkaUser authentication and authorization mechanisms, ensure they match the equivalent Kafka configuration:

  • KafkaUser.spec.authentication matches Kafka.spec.kafka.listeners[*].authentication
  • KafkaUser.spec.authorization matches Kafka.spec.kafka.authorization

You should have at least one listener supporting the authentication you want to use for the KafkaUser.


Authentication between Kafka users and Kafka brokers depends on the authentication settings for each. For example, it is not possible to authenticate a user with mTLS if it is not also enabled in the Kafka configuration.

Streams for Apache Kafka operators automate the configuration process and create the certificates required for authentication:

  • The Cluster Operator creates the listeners and sets up the cluster and client certificate authority (CA) certificates to enable authentication with the Kafka cluster.
  • The User Operator creates the user representing the client and the security credentials used for client authentication, based on the chosen authentication type.

You add the certificates to your client configuration.

In this procedure, the CA certificates generated by the Cluster Operator are used, but you can replace them by installing your own certificates. You can also configure your listener to use a Kafka listener certificate managed by an external CA (certificate authority).

Certificates are available in PEM (.crt) and PKCS #12 (.p12) formats. This procedure uses PEM certificates. Use PEM certificates with clients that use certificates in X.509 format.


For internal clients in the same OpenShift cluster and namespace, you can mount the cluster CA certificate in the pod specification. For more information, see Configuring internal clients to trust the cluster CA.


  • The Kafka cluster is available for connection by a client running outside the OpenShift cluster
  • The Cluster Operator and User Operator are running in the cluster


  1. Configure the Kafka cluster with a Kafka listener.

    • Define the authentication required to access the Kafka broker through the listener.
    • Enable authorization on the Kafka broker.

      Example listener configuration

      kind: Kafka
        name: my-cluster
        namespace: myproject
          # ...
          listeners: 1
          - name: external1 2
            port: 9094 3
            type: <listener_type> 4
            tls: true 5
              type: tls 6
            configuration: 7
          authorization: 8
            type: simple
              - super-user-name 9
        # ...

      Configuration options for enabling external listeners are described in the Generic Kafka listener schema reference.
      Name to identify the listener. Must be unique within the Kafka cluster.
      Port number used by the listener inside Kafka. The port number has to be unique within a given Kafka cluster. Allowed port numbers are 9092 and higher with the exception of ports 9404 and 9999, which are already used for Prometheus and JMX. Depending on the listener type, the port number might not be the same as the port number that connects Kafka clients.
      External listener type specified as route (OpenShift only), loadbalancer, nodeport or ingress (Kubernetes only). An internal listener is specified as internal or cluster-ip.
      Required. TLS encryption on the listener. For route and ingress type listeners it must be set to true. For mTLS authentication, also use the authentication property.
      Client authentication mechanism on the listener. For server and client authentication using mTLS, you specify tls: true and authentication.type: tls.
      (Optional) Depending on the requirements of the listener type, you can specify additional listener configuration.
      Authorization specified as simple, which uses the AclAuthorizer and StandardAuthorizer Kafka plugins.
      (Optional) Super users can access all brokers regardless of any access restrictions defined in ACLs.

      An OpenShift route address comprises the Kafka cluster name, the listener name, the project name, and the domain of the router. For example, (<cluster_name>-kafka-<listener_name>-bootstrap-<namespace>.<domain>). Each DNS label (between periods “.”) must not exceed 63 characters, and the total length of the address must not exceed 255 characters.

  2. Create or update the Kafka resource.

    oc apply -f <kafka_configuration_file>

    The Kafka cluster is configured with a Kafka broker listener using mTLS authentication.

    A service is created for each Kafka broker pod.

    A service is created to serve as the bootstrap address for connection to the Kafka cluster.

    A service is also created as the external bootstrap address for external connection to the Kafka cluster using nodeport listeners.

    The cluster CA certificate to verify the identity of the kafka brokers is also created in the secret <cluster_name>-cluster-ca-cert.


    If you scale your Kafka cluster while using external listeners, it might trigger a rolling update of all Kafka brokers. This depends on the configuration.

  3. Retrieve the bootstrap address you can use to access the Kafka cluster from the status of the Kafka resource.

    oc get kafka <kafka_cluster_name> -o=jsonpath='{.status.listeners[?("<listener_name>")].bootstrapServers}{"\n"}'

    For example:

    oc get kafka my-cluster -o=jsonpath='{.status.listeners[?("external")].bootstrapServers}{"\n"}'

    Use the bootstrap address in your Kafka client to connect to the Kafka cluster.

  4. Create or modify a user representing the client that requires access to the Kafka cluster.

    • Specify the same authentication type as the Kafka listener.
    • Specify the authorization ACLs for simple authorization.

      Example user configuration

      kind: KafkaUser
        name: my-user
 my-cluster 1
          type: tls 2
          type: simple
          acls: 3
            - resource:
                type: topic
                name: my-topic
                patternType: literal
                - Describe
                - Read
            - resource:
                type: group
                name: my-group
                patternType: literal
                - Read

      The label must match the label of the Kafka cluster.
      Authentication specified as mutual tls.
      Simple authorization requires an accompanying list of ACL rules to apply to the user. The rules define the operations allowed on Kafka resources based on the username (my-user).
  5. Create or modify the KafkaUser resource.

    oc apply -f USER-CONFIG-FILE

    The user is created, as well as a secret with the same name as the KafkaUser resource. The secret contains a public and private key for mTLS authentication.

    Example secret

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: my-user
      labels: KafkaUser my-cluster
    type: Opaque
      ca.crt: <public_key> # Public key of the clients CA
      user.crt: <user_certificate> # Public key of the user
      user.key: <user_private_key> # Private key of the user
      user.p12: <store> # PKCS #12 store for user certificates and keys
      user.password: <password_for_store> # Protects the PKCS #12 store

  6. Extract the cluster CA certificate from the <cluster_name>-cluster-ca-cert secret of the Kafka cluster.

    oc get secret <cluster_name>-cluster-ca-cert -o jsonpath='{\.crt}' | base64 -d > ca.crt
  7. Extract the user CA certificate from the <user_name> secret.

    oc get secret <user_name> -o jsonpath='{.data.user\.crt}' | base64 -d > user.crt
  8. Extract the private key of the user from the <user_name> secret.

    oc get secret <user_name> -o jsonpath='{.data.user\.key}' | base64 -d > user.key
  9. Configure your client with the bootstrap address hostname and port for connecting to the Kafka cluster:

    props.put(ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "<hostname>:<port>");
  10. Configure your client with the truststore credentials to verify the identity of the Kafka cluster.

    Specify the public cluster CA certificate.

    Example truststore configuration

    props.put(CommonClientConfigs.SECURITY_PROTOCOL_CONFIG, "SSL");
    props.put(SslConfigs.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE_CONFIG, "PEM");
    props.put(SslConfigs.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_CERTIFICATES_CONFIG, "<ca.crt_file_content>");

    SSL is the specified security protocol for mTLS authentication. Specify SASL_SSL for SCRAM-SHA-512 authentication over TLS. PEM is the file format of the truststore.

  11. Configure your client with the keystore credentials to verify the user when connecting to the Kafka cluster.

    Specify the public certificate and private key.

    Example keystore configuration

    props.put(CommonClientConfigs.SECURITY_PROTOCOL_CONFIG, "SSL");
    props.put(SslConfigs.SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE_CONFIG, "PEM");
    props.put(SslConfigs.SSL_KEYSTORE_CERTIFICATE_CHAIN_CONFIG, "<user.crt_file_content>");
    props.put(SslConfigs.SSL_KEYSTORE_KEY_CONFIG, "<user.key_file_content>");

    Add the keystore certificate and the private key directly to the configuration. Add as a single-line format. Between the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE delimiters, start with a newline character (\n). End each line from the original certificate with \n too.

    Example keystore configuration

    props.put(SslConfigs.SSL_KEYSTORE_CERTIFICATE_CHAIN_CONFIG, "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- \n<user_certificate_content_line_1>\n<user_certificate_content_line_n>\n-----END CERTIFICATE---");
    props.put(SslConfigs.SSL_KEYSTORE_KEY_CONFIG, "----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n<user_key_content_line_1>\n<user_key_content_line_n>\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----");

14.5. Accessing Kafka using node ports

Use node ports to access a Streams for Apache Kafka cluster from an external client outside the OpenShift cluster.

To connect to a broker, you specify a hostname and port number for the Kafka bootstrap address, as well as the certificate used for TLS encryption.

The procedure shows basic nodeport listener configuration. You can use listener properties to enable TLS encryption (tls) and specify a client authentication mechanism (authentication). Add additional configuration using configuration properties. For example, you can use the following configuration properties with nodeport listeners:

Specifies the first address type that’s checked as the node address.
Specifies whether the service routes external traffic to node-local or cluster-wide endpoints.
Overrides the assigned node port numbers for the bootstrap and broker services.

For more information on listener configuration, see the GenericKafkaListener schema reference.


  • A running Cluster Operator

In this procedure, the Kafka cluster name is my-cluster. The name of the listener is external4.


  1. Configure a Kafka resource with an external listener set to the nodeport type.

    For example:

    kind: Kafka
        app: my-cluster
      name: my-cluster
      namespace: myproject
        # ...
          - name: external4
            port: 9094
            type: nodeport
            tls: true
              type: tls
            # ...
        # ...
        # ...
  2. Create or update the resource.

    oc apply -f <kafka_configuration_file>

    A cluster CA certificate to verify the identity of the kafka brokers is created in the secret my-cluster-cluster-ca-cert.

    NodePort type services are created for each Kafka broker, as well as an external bootstrap service.

    Node port services created for the bootstrap and brokers

    NAME                                  TYPE      CLUSTER-IP      PORT(S)
    my-cluster-kafka-external4-0          NodePort    9094:31789/TCP
    my-cluster-kafka-external4-1          NodePort  9094:30028/TCP
    my-cluster-kafka-external4-2          NodePort   9094:32650/TCP
    my-cluster-kafka-external4-bootstrap  NodePort    9094:32650/TCP

    The bootstrap address used for client connection is propagated to the status of the Kafka resource.

    Example status for the bootstrap address

      clusterId: Y_RJQDGKRXmNF7fEcWldJQ
        - lastTransitionTime: '2023-01-31T14:59:37.113630Z'
          status: 'True'
          type: Ready
      kafkaVersion: 3.7.0
        # ...
        - addresses:
            - host:
              port: 32650
          bootstrapServers: ''
            - |
              -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
              -----END CERTIFICATE-----
          name: external4
      observedGeneration: 2
      operatorLastSuccessfulVersion: 2.7
     # ...

  3. Retrieve the bootstrap address you can use to access the Kafka cluster from the status of the Kafka resource.

    oc get kafka my-cluster -o=jsonpath='{.status.listeners[?("external4")].bootstrapServers}{"\n"}'
  4. Extract the cluster CA certificate.

    oc get secret my-cluster-cluster-ca-cert -o jsonpath='{\.crt}' | base64 -d > ca.crt
  5. Configure your client to connect to the brokers.

    1. Specify the bootstrap host and port in your Kafka client as the bootstrap address to connect to the Kafka cluster. For example,
    2. Add the extracted certificate to the truststore of your Kafka client to configure a TLS connection.

      If you enabled a client authentication mechanism, you will also need to configure it in your client.


If you are using your own listener certificates, check whether you need to add the CA certificate to the client’s truststore configuration. If it is a public (external) CA, you usually won’t need to add it.

14.6. Accessing Kafka using loadbalancers

Use loadbalancers to access a Streams for Apache Kafka cluster from an external client outside the OpenShift cluster.

To connect to a broker, you specify a hostname and port number for the Kafka bootstrap address, as well as the certificate used for TLS encryption.

The procedure shows basic loadbalancer listener configuration. You can use listener properties to enable TLS encryption (tls) and specify a client authentication mechanism (authentication). Add additional configuration using configuration properties. For example, you can use the following configuration properties with loadbalancer listeners:

Restricts traffic to a specified list of CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) ranges.
Specifies whether the service routes external traffic to node-local or cluster-wide endpoints.
Requests a specific IP address when creating a loadbalancer.

For more information on listener configuration, see the GenericKafkaListener schema reference.


  • A running Cluster Operator

In this procedure, the Kafka cluster name is my-cluster. The name of the listener is external3.


  1. Configure a Kafka resource with an external listener set to the loadbalancer type.

    For example:

    kind: Kafka
        app: my-cluster
      name: my-cluster
      namespace: myproject
        # ...
          - name: external3
            port: 9094
            type: loadbalancer
            tls: true
              type: tls
            # ...
        # ...
        # ...
  2. Create or update the resource.

    oc apply -f <kafka_configuration_file>

    A cluster CA certificate to verify the identity of the kafka brokers is also created in the secret my-cluster-cluster-ca-cert.

    loadbalancer type services and loadbalancers are created for each Kafka broker, as well as an external bootstrap service.

    Loadbalancer services and loadbalancers created for the bootstraps and brokers

    NAME                                  TYPE            CLUSTER-IP      PORT(S)
    my-cluster-kafka-external3-0          LoadBalancer  9094:30011/TCP
    my-cluster-kafka-external3-1          LoadBalancer   9094:32544/TCP
    my-cluster-kafka-external3-2          LoadBalancer   9094:32504/TCP
    my-cluster-kafka-external3-bootstrap  LoadBalancer   9094:30371/TCP
    NAME                                  EXTERNAL-IP (loadbalancer)

    The bootstrap address used for client connection is propagated to the status of the Kafka resource.

    Example status for the bootstrap address

      clusterId: Y_RJQDGKRXmNF7fEcWldJQ
        - lastTransitionTime: '2023-01-31T14:59:37.113630Z'
          status: 'True'
          type: Ready
      kafkaVersion: 3.7.0
        # ...
        - addresses:
            - host: >-
              port: 9094
          bootstrapServers: >-
            - |
              -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
              -----END CERTIFICATE-----
          name: external3
      observedGeneration: 2
      operatorLastSuccessfulVersion: 2.7
     # ...

    The DNS addresses used for client connection are propagated to the status of each loadbalancer service.

    Example status for the bootstrap loadbalancer

          - hostname: >-
     # ...

  3. Retrieve the bootstrap address you can use to access the Kafka cluster from the status of the Kafka resource.

    oc get kafka my-cluster -o=jsonpath='{.status.listeners[?("external3")].bootstrapServers}{"\n"}'
  4. Extract the cluster CA certificate.

    oc get secret my-cluster-cluster-ca-cert -o jsonpath='{\.crt}' | base64 -d > ca.crt
  5. Configure your client to connect to the brokers.

    1. Specify the bootstrap host and port in your Kafka client as the bootstrap address to connect to the Kafka cluster. For example,
    2. Add the extracted certificate to the truststore of your Kafka client to configure a TLS connection.

      If you enabled a client authentication mechanism, you will also need to configure it in your client.


If you are using your own listener certificates, check whether you need to add the CA certificate to the client’s truststore configuration. If it is a public (external) CA, you usually won’t need to add it.

14.7. Accessing Kafka using OpenShift routes

Use OpenShift routes to access a Streams for Apache Kafka cluster from clients outside the OpenShift cluster.

To be able to use routes, add configuration for a route type listener in the Kafka custom resource. When applied, the configuration creates a dedicated route and service for an external bootstrap and each broker in the cluster. Clients connect to the bootstrap route, which routes them through the bootstrap service to connect to a broker. Per-broker connections are then established using DNS names, which route traffic from the client to the broker through the broker-specific routes and services.

To connect to a broker, you specify a hostname for the route bootstrap address, as well as the certificate used for TLS encryption. For access using routes, the port is always 443.


An OpenShift route address comprises the Kafka cluster name, the listener name, the project name, and the domain of the router. For example, (<cluster_name>-kafka-<listener_name>-bootstrap-<namespace>.<domain>). Each DNS label (between periods “.”) must not exceed 63 characters, and the total length of the address must not exceed 255 characters.

The procedure shows basic listener configuration. TLS encryption (tls) must be enabled. You can also specify a client authentication mechanism (authentication). Add additional configuration using configuration properties. For example, you can use the host configuration property with route listeners to specify the hostnames used by the bootstrap and per-broker services.

For more information on listener configuration, see the GenericKafkaListener schema reference.

TLS passthrough

TLS passthrough is enabled for routes created by Streams for Apache Kafka. Kafka uses a binary protocol over TCP, but routes are designed to work with a HTTP protocol. To be able to route TCP traffic through routes, Streams for Apache Kafka uses TLS passthrough with Server Name Indication (SNI).

SNI helps with identifying and passing connection to Kafka brokers. In passthrough mode, TLS encryption is always used. Because the connection passes to the brokers, the listeners use TLS certificates signed by the internal cluster CA and not the ingress certificates. To configure listeners to use your own listener certificates, use the brokerCertChainAndKey property.


  • A running Cluster Operator

In this procedure, the Kafka cluster name is my-cluster. The name of the listener is external1.


  1. Configure a Kafka resource with an external listener set to the route type.

    For example:

    kind: Kafka
        app: my-cluster
      name: my-cluster
      namespace: myproject
        # ...
          - name: external1
            port: 9094
            type: route
            tls: true 1
              type: tls
            # ...
        # ...
        # ...
    For route type listeners, TLS encryption must be enabled (true).
  2. Create or update the resource.

    oc apply -f <kafka_configuration_file>

    A cluster CA certificate to verify the identity of the kafka brokers is created in the secret my-cluster-cluster-ca-cert.

    ClusterIP type services are created for each Kafka broker, as well as an external bootstrap service.

    A route is also created for each service, with a DNS address (host/port) to expose them using the default OpenShift HAProxy router.

    The routes are preconfigured with TLS passthrough.

    Routes created for the bootstraps and brokers

    NAME                                  HOST/PORT                                                  SERVICES                              PORT  TERMINATION
    my-cluster-kafka-external1-0         my-cluster-kafka-external1-0          9094  passthrough
    my-cluster-kafka-external1-1         my-cluster-kafka-external1-1          9094  passthrough
    my-cluster-kafka-external1-2         my-cluster-kafka-external1-2          9094  passthrough
    my-cluster-kafka-external1-bootstrap my-cluster-kafka-external1-bootstrap  9094  passthrough

    The DNS addresses used for client connection are propagated to the status of each route.

    Example status for the bootstrap route

        - host: >-
     # ...

  3. Use a target broker to check the client-server TLS connection on port 443 using the OpenSSL s_client.

    openssl s_client -connect -servername -showcerts

    The server name is the Server Name Indication (SNI) for passing the connection to the broker.

    If the connection is successful, the certificates for the broker are returned.

    Certificates for the broker

    Certificate chain
     0 s:O = io.strimzi, CN = my-cluster-kafka
       i:O = io.strimzi, CN = cluster-ca v0

  4. Retrieve the address of the bootstrap service from the status of the Kafka resource.

    oc get kafka my-cluster -o=jsonpath='{.status.listeners[?("external1")].bootstrapServers}{"\n"}'

    The address comprises the Kafka cluster name, the listener name, the project name and the domain of the router ( in this example).

  5. Extract the cluster CA certificate.

    oc get secret my-cluster-cluster-ca-cert -o jsonpath='{\.crt}' | base64 -d > ca.crt
  6. Configure your client to connect to the brokers.

    1. Specify the address for the bootstrap service and port 443 in your Kafka client as the bootstrap address to connect to the Kafka cluster.
    2. Add the extracted certificate to the truststore of your Kafka client to configure a TLS connection.

      If you enabled a client authentication mechanism, you will also need to configure it in your client.


If you are using your own listener certificates, check whether you need to add the CA certificate to the client’s truststore configuration. If it is a public (external) CA, you usually won’t need to add it.

14.8. Returning connection details for services

Service discovery makes it easier for client applications running in the same OpenShift cluster as Streams for Apache Kafka to interact with a Kafka cluster.

A service discovery label and annotation are generated for services used to access the Kafka cluster:

  • Internal Kafka bootstrap service
  • Kafka Bridge service

The label helps to make the service discoverable, while the annotation provides connection details for client applications to establish connections.

The service discovery label,, is set as true for the Service resources. The service discovery annotation has the same key, providing connection details in JSON format for each service.

Example internal Kafka bootstrap service

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  annotations: |-
      [ {
        "port" : 9092,
        "tls" : false,
        "protocol" : "kafka",
        "auth" : "scram-sha-512"
      }, {
        "port" : 9093,
        "tls" : true,
        "protocol" : "kafka",
        "auth" : "tls"
      } ]
  labels: my-cluster "true" Kafka my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap
  name: my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap

Example Kafka Bridge service

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  annotations: |-
      [ {
        "port" : 8080,
        "tls" : false,
        "auth" : "none",
        "protocol" : "http"
      } ]
  labels: my-bridge "true" KafkaBridge my-bridge-bridge-service

Find services by specifying the discovery label when fetching services from the command line or a corresponding API call.

Returning services using the discovery label

oc get service -l

Connection details are returned when retrieving the service discovery label.

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