
Chapter 8. Red Hat Virtualization Hosts

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8.1. Installing Red Hat Virtualization Host

Red Hat Virtualization Host (RHVH) is a minimal operating system based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux that is designed to provide a simple method for setting up a physical machine to act as a hypervisor in a Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization environment. The minimal operating system contains only the packages required for the machine to act as a hypervisor.


In new Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.6 environments, Red Hat recommends installing RHVH 3.6 because it provides an upgrade path to the most recent version of Red Hat Virtualization through the Manager. Installations that use RHEV-H 7 require a full reinstall of the hypervisors to upgrade to the most recent version of Red Hat Virtualization.
Before you proceed, verify that the machine on which you are installing RHVH meets the hardware requirements listed in Section 2.2, “Hypervisor Requirements”.
Installing RHVH on a physical machine involves three key steps:
  1. Download Next Generation RHV-H Image from the Customer Portal.
  2. Write the RHVH ISO image to a USB, CD, or DVD.
  3. Install the RHVH minimal operating system.

Procedure 8.1. Installing Red Hat Virtualization Host

  1. Download the RHVH ISO image from the Customer Portal:
    1. Log in to the Customer Portal at
    2. Click Downloads in the menu bar.
    3. Click Red Hat Virtualization, scroll up, and click Download Latest to access the product download page.
    4. Select 3.6 from the Version drop-down list.
    5. Download Next Generation RHV-H Image.
    6. Create a bootable media device. See Making Media in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation Guide for more information.
  2. Start the machine on which to install RHVH using the prepared installation media.
  3. From the boot menu, select the Install option, and press Enter.


    You can also press the Tab key to edit the kernel parameters. Kernel parameters must be separated by a space, and you can boot the system using the specified kernel parameters by pressing the Enter key. Press the Esc key to clear any changes to the kernel parameters and return to the boot menu.
  4. Select a language, and click Continue.
  5. Select a time zone from the Date & Time screen and click Done.
  6. Select a keyboard layout from the Keyboard screen and click Done.
  7. Select the device on which to install RHVH from the Installation Destination screen. Optionally, enable encryption. Click Done.


    Red Hat strongly recommends using the Automatically configure partitioning option. However, if you do select I will configure partitioning, see Section 8.2.1, “Custom Partitioning” for details.


    For information on preserving local storage domains when reinstalling RHVH, see
  8. Select a network from the Network & Host Name screen and click Configure... to configure the connection details. Enter a host name in the Host name field, and click Done.
  9. Optionally configure Language Support, Security Policy, and Kdump. See Installing Using Anaconda in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Installation Guide for more information on each of the sections in the Installation Summary screen.
  10. Click Begin Installation.
  11. Set a root password and, optionally, create an additional user while RHVH installs.


    Red Hat strongly recommends not creating untrusted users on RHVH, as this can lead to exploitation of local security vulnerabilities.
  12. Click Finish configuration to enable RHVH to configure the system.
  13. Click Reboot to complete the installation.


    When RHVH restarts, imgbase-motd.service performs a health check on the host and displays the result when you log in on the command line. The message imgbase status: OK or imgbase status: DEGRADED indicates the health status. Run imgbase check to get more information. The service is enabled by default.
  14. Once the installation is complete, subscribe to the required entitlements. See Section 9.3, “Subscribing to the Required Entitlements”, and enable only the Red Hat Virtualization Host 7 repository to allow later updates to the Red Hat Virtualization Host:
    # subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rhvh-4-rpms
You can now add the host to your Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization environment.
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