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Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes 2.12



Read more to learn how to use add-ons for your cluster.

Chapter 1. Managed cluster advanced configuration

With Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes klusterlet add-ons, you can further configure your managed clusters to improve performance and add functionality to your applications. See the following enablement options:

1.1. Enabling klusterlet add-ons on clusters for cluster management

After you install Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes and then create or import clusters with multicluster engine operator you can enable the klusterlet add-ons for those managed clusters. The klusterlet add-ons are not enabled by default if you created or imported clusters unless you create or import with the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console. See the following available klusterlet add-ons:

  • application-manager
  • cert-policy-controller
  • config-policy-controller
  • iam-policy-controller
  • governance-policy-framework
  • search-collector

Complete the following steps to enable the klusterlet add-ons for the managed clusters after Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management is installed:

  1. Create a YAML file that is similar to the following KlusterletAddonConfig, with the spec value that represents the add-ons:

    kind: KlusterletAddonConfig
      name: <cluster_name>
      namespace: <cluster_name>
        enabled: true
        enabled: true
        enabled: true
      policyController: 1
        enabled: true
        enabled: true
    The policy-controller add-on is divided into two add-ons: The governance-policy-framework and the config-policy-controller. As a result, the policyController controls the governance-policy-framework and the config-policy-controller managedClusterAddons.
  2. Save the file as klusterlet-addon-config.yaml.
  3. Apply the YAML by running the following command on the hub cluster:

    oc apply -f klusterlet-addon-config.yaml
  4. To verify whether the enabled managedClusterAddons are created after the KlusterletAddonConfig is created, run the following command:

    oc get managedclusteraddons -n <cluster namespace>

1.2. Configuring nodeSelectors and tolerations for klusterlet add-ons

In Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management, you can configure nodeSelector and tolerations for the following klusterlet add-ons:

  • application-manager
  • cert-policy-controller
  • cluster-proxy
  • config-policy-controller
  • governance-policy-framework
  • hypershift-addon
  • iam-policy-controller
  • managed-serviceaccount
  • observability-controller
  • search-collector
  • submariner
  • volsync
  • work-manager

Complete the following steps:

  1. Use the AddonDeploymentConfig API to create a configuration to specify the nodeSelector and tolerations on a certain namespace on the hub cluster.
  2. Create a file named addondeploymentconfig.yaml that is based on the following template:

    kind: AddOnDeploymentConfig
      name: config-name 1
      namespace: config-name-space 2
        nodeSelector: node-selector 3
        tolerations: tolerations 4
    Replace config-name with the name of the AddonDeploymentConfig that you just created.
    Replace config-namespace with the namespace of the AddonDeploymentConfig that you just created.
    Replace node-selector with your node selector.
    Replace tolerations with your tolerations.

    A completed AddOnDeployment file might resemble the following example:

    kind: AddOnDeploymentConfig
      name: deploy-config
      namespace: open-cluster-management-hub
          "node-dedicated": "acm-addon"
          - effect: NoSchedule
            key: node-dedicated
            value: acm-addon
            operator: Equal
  3. Run the following command to apply the file that you created:

    oc apply -f addondeploymentconfig
  4. Use the configuration that you created as the global default configuration for your add-on by running the following command:

    oc patch clustermanagementaddons <addon-name> --type='json' -p='[{"op":"add", "path":"/spec/supportedConfigs", "value":[{"group":"","resource":"addondeploymentconfigs", "defaultConfig":{"name":"deploy-config","namespace":"open-cluster-management-hub"}}]}]'
    • Replace addon-name with your add-on name.
    • Replace config-name with the name of the AddonDeploymentConfig that you just created.
    • Replace config-namespace with the namespace of the AddonDeploymentConfig that you just created.

The nodeSelector and tolerations that you specified are applied to all of your add-on on each of the managed clusters.

You can also override the global default AddonDeploymentConfig configuration for your add-on on a certain managed cluster by using following steps:

  1. Use the AddonDeploymentConfig API to create another configuration to specify the nodeSelector and tolerations on the hub cluster.
  2. Link the new configuration that you created to your add-on ManagedClusterAddon on a managed cluster.

    oc -n <managed-cluster> patch managedclusteraddons <addon-name> --type='json' -p='[{"op":"add", "path":"/spec/configs", "value":[
    • Replace managed-cluster with your managed cluster name
    • Replace addon-name with your add-on name
    • Replace config-namespace with the namespace of the AddonDeploymentConfig that you just created
    • Replace config-name with the name of the AddonDeploymentConfig that you just created

      The new configuration that you referenced in the add-on ManagedClusterAddon overrides the global default configuration that you previously defined in the ClusterManagementAddon add-on.

  3. To make sure your content is deployed to the correct nodes, complete the steps in Optional: Configuring the klusterlet to run on specific nodes.

1.3. Enabling cluster-wide proxy on existing cluster add-ons

You can configure the KlusterletAddonConfig in the cluster namespace to add the proxy environment variables to all the klusterlet add-on pods of the managed Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform clusters. Complete the following steps to configure the KlusterletAddonConfig to add the three environment variables to the pods of the klusterlet add-ons:

  1. Edit the KlusterletAddonConfig file that is in the namespace of the cluster that needs the proxy. You can use the console to find the resource, or you can edit from the terminal with the following command:

    oc -n <my-cluster-name> edit klusterletaddonconfig <my-cluster-name>

    Note: If you are working with only one cluster, you do not need <my-cluster-name> at the end of your command. See the following command:

    oc -n <my-cluster-name> edit klusterletaddonconfig
  2. Edit the .spec.proxyConfig section of the file so it resembles the following example. The spec.proxyConfig is an optional section:

        httpProxy: "<proxy_not_secure>" 1
        httpsProxy: "<proxy_secure>" 2
        noProxy: "<no_proxy>" 3
    Replace proxy_not_secure with the address of the proxy server for http requests. For example, use
    Replace proxy_secure with the address of the proxy server for https requests. For example, use
    Replace no_proxy with a comma delimited list of IP addresses, hostnames, and domain names where traffic is not routed through the proxy. For example, use .cluster.local,.svc,,

    If the OpenShift Container Platform cluster is created with cluster wide proxy configured on the hub cluster, the cluster wide proxy configuration values are added to the pods of the klusterlet add-ons as environment variables when the following conditions are met:

    • The .spec.policyController.proxyPolicy in the addon section is enabled and set to OCPGlobalProxy.
    • The .spec.applicationManager.proxyPolicy is enabled and set to CustomProxy.

      Note: The default value of proxyPolicy in the addon section is Disabled.

      See the following examples of proxyPolicy entries:

          kind: KlusterletAddonConfig
            name: clusterName
            namespace: clusterName
              httpProxy: http://pxuser:12345@
              httpsProxy: http://pxuser:12345@
              noProxy: .cluster.local,.svc,,
              enabled: true
              proxyPolicy: CustomProxy
              enabled: true
              proxyPolicy: OCPGlobalProxy
              enabled: true
              proxyPolicy: Disabled
              enabled: true
              proxyPolicy: Disabled
              enabled: true
              proxyPolicy: Disabled

Important: Global proxy settings do not impact alert forwarding. To set up alert forwarding for Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management hub clusters with a cluster-wide proxy, see Forwarding alerts for more details.

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