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Web console

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes 2.13



Read more to learn how to use the integrated console components.

Chapter 1. Web console

Learn how to access and use components of the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes console from the following documentation:

1.1. Console overview

Learn more about console components that you can use to view, manage, or customize your console.

See the following image of the Navigation from the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes console, which is described in more detail later in each section. See that the navigation represents major production function.

Figure 1.1. Image of console navigation and Welcome page

Navigation on the side from the Welcome page

Note: Virtual machines is part of Infrastructure, but missing in the Welcome page image.

1.1.1. Console components

1.1.2. Home

From the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes Home page in the All clusters view, you can access more information and you can search across the product. Click Welcome for more introductory information about each product function. Overview

Click Overview to see summary information, or to access clickable Cluster percentage values for policy violations, and more.

From the Overview page, you can view the following information:

  • Cluster and node counts across all clusters and for each provider
  • Cluster status
  • Cluster compliance
  • Pod status
  • Cluster add-ons

You can also access all APIs from the integrated console. From the local-cluster view, go to Home > API Explorer to explore API groups.

You can also use the Fleet view switch from the Overview page header to filter the page data by using cluster labels, and display metrics.

The following information is displayed from the Fleet view switch:

  • Number of clusters
  • Application types
  • Number of enabled policies on your cluster
  • Cluster version
  • Total number of nodes on your cluster
  • Number of worker cores

The following information from Red Hat Insights is displayed:

  • Cluster recommendations
  • Number of risk predictions
  • Cluster health which includes the status and violations
  • A view of your resources based on your custom query.

If observability is enabled, alert and failing operator metrics from across your fleet are also displayed.

To learn about Search, see Search in the console. Command line tools

From the Home page, you can access Command Line Interface (CLI) downloads by using the following steps:

  1. Click the ? icon in the toolbar of the console.
  2. Click Command Line Tools from the drop-down menu.
  3. Find the Advanced Cluster Management header to find a list of tools that are available for Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management, which is specified with the operating system and architecture.
  4. Select the appropriate binary file to download and use on your local system.

1.1.3. Infrastructure

From Clusters, you can create new clusters or import existing clusters. From Automation, you can create an Ansible template.

For more information about managing clusters, see The multicluster engine operator cluster lifecycle overview.

Additionally, see specific information on these cluster types at Configuring Ansible Automation Platform tasks to run on managed clusters.

1.1.4. Applications

Create an application and edit a .yaml file. Access an overview or more advanced information about each application. For more information about application resources, see Managing applications.

1.1.5. Governance

Create and edit a .yaml file to create a policy. Use the Governance dashboard to manage policies and policy controllers.

For more information, see Governance.

1.1.6. Credentials

The credential stores the access information for a cloud provider. Each provider account requires its own credential, as does each domain on a single provider.

Review your credentials or add a credential.

See Managing credentials overview for more specific information about providers and credentials.

1.2. Search in the console

For Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes, search provides visibility into your Kubernetes resources across all of your clusters. Search also indexes the Kubernetes resources and the relationships to other resources.

1.2.1. Search components

The search architecture is composed of the following components:

Table 1.1. Search component table
Component nameMetricsMetric typeDescription



Watches the Kubernetes resources, collects the resource metadata, computes relationships for resources across all of your managed clusters, and sends the collected data to the search-indexer. The search-collector on your managed cluster runs as a pod named, klusterlet-addon-search.


Receives resource metadata from the collectors and writes to PostgreSQL database. The search-indexer also watches resources in the hub cluster to keep track of active managed clusters.



Time (seconds) the search indexer takes to process a request (from managed cluster).



Total changes (add, update, delete) in the search indexer request (from managed cluster).



Total requests received by the search indexer (from managed clusters).



Total requests the search indexer is processing at a given time.


Provides access to all cluster data in the search-indexer through GraphQL and enforces role-based access control (RBAC).



Histogram of HTTP requests duration in seconds.



Latency of database requests in seconds.



The total number of database connection attempts that failed.



Stores collected data from all managed clusters in an instance of the PostgreSQL database.

Search is configured by default on the hub cluster. When you provision or manually import a managed cluster, the klusterlet-addon-search is enabled. If you want to disable search on your managed cluster, see Modifying the klusterlet add-ons settings of your cluster for more information.

1.2.2. Search customization and configurations

You can modify the default values in the search-v2-operator custom resource. To view details of the custom resource, run the following command:

oc get search search-v2-operator -o yaml

The search operator watches the search-v2-operator custom resource, reconciles the changes and updates active pods. View the following descriptions of the configurations:

  • PostgreSQL database storage:

    When you install Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management, the PostgreSQL database is configured to save the PostgreSQL data in an empty directory (emptyDir) volume. If the empty directory size is limited, you can save the PostgreSQL data on a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) to improve search performance. You can select a storageclass from your Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management hub cluster to back up your search data. For example, if you select the gp2 storageclass your configuration might resemble the following example:

    kind: Search
      name: search-v2-operator
      namespace: open-cluster-management
      labels: ""
        size: 10Gi
        storageClassName: gp2

    This configuration creates a PVC named gp2-search and is mounted to the search-postgres pod. By default, the storage size is 10Gi. You can modify the storage size. For example, 20Gi might be sufficient for about 200 managed clusters.

  • Optimize cost by tuning the pod memory or CPU requirements, replica count, and update log levels for any of the four search pods (indexer, database, queryapi, or collector pod). Update the deployment section of the search-v2-operator custom resource. There are four deployments managed by the search-v2-operator, which can be updated individually. Your search-v2-operator custom resource might resemble the following file:

    kind: Search
      name: search-v2-operator
      namespace: open-cluster-management
          resources: 1
              cpu: 500m
              memory: 128Mi
              cpu: 250m
              memory: 64Mi
          replicaCount: 3
        database: 2
                value: 1024MB
              - name: POSTGRESQL_SHARED_BUFFERS
                value: 512MB
              - name: WORK_MEM
                value: 128MB
          arguments: 3
          - -v=3
    You can apply resources to an indexer, database, queryapi, or collector pod.
    You can add multiple environment variables in the envVar section to specify a value for each variable that you name.
    You can control the log level verbosity for any of the previous four pods by adding the - -v=3 argument.

    See the following example where memory resources are applied to the indexer pod:

              memory: 5Gi
              memory: 1Gi
  • You can define the node placement for search pods.

    You can update the Placement resource of search pods by using the nodeSelector parameter, or the tolerations parameter. View the following example configuration:

      size: 10Gi
      collector: {}
      database: {}
      indexer: {}
      queryapi: {}
     nodeSelector: ""
     - effect: NoSchedule
      operator: Exists
  • Specify your search query by selecting the Advanced search drop-down button to filter the Column, Operator, and Value options or add a search constraint.

1.2.3. Search operations and data types

Specify your search query by using search operations as conditions. Characters such as >, >=, <, <=, != are supported. See the following search operation table:

Table 1.2. Search operation table
Default operationData typeDescription


string, number

This is the default operation.

! or !=

string, number

This represents the NOT operation, which means to exclude from the search results.

<, ⇐, >, >=





Dates matching the last hour, day, week, month, and year.



Partial string match.

1.3. Accessing your console

The Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes web console is integrated with the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform web console as a console plug-in. You can access Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management within the OpenShift Container Platform console from the cluster switcher by selecting All Clusters. The cluster switcher is a drop-down menu that initially displays local-cluster.

Select local-cluster when you want to use OpenShift Container Platform console features on the cluster where you installed Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management. Select All Clusters when you want to use Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management features to manage your fleet of clusters.

If the cluster switcher is not present, the required console plug-ins might not be enabled. For new installations, the console plug-ins are enabled by default. If you upgraded from a previous version of Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management and want to enable the plug-ins, or if you want to disable the plug-ins, complete the following steps:

  1. To disable the plug-in, be sure you are in the Administrator perspective in the OpenShift Container Platform console.
  2. Find Administration in the navigation and click Cluster Settings, then click the Configuration tab.
  3. From the list of Configuration resources, click the Console resource with the API group, which contains cluster-wide configuration for the web console.
  4. Select the Console plug-ins tab. Both the acm and mce plug-ins are listed.
  5. Modify plug-in status from the table. In a few moments, you are prompted to refresh the console.

Note: To enable and disable the console, see MultiClusterHub advanced for information.

To learn more about the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes console, see Console overview.

1.4. Enabling virtual machine actions (Technology Preview)

To view VirtualMachine resources across all the clusters that Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes manages, use the Search feature to list and filter the VirtualMachine resources created with the Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization. You can also enable the following actions from the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console on your VirtualMachine resources:

  • Start
  • Stop
  • Restart
  • Pause
  • Unpause

Required access: Cluster administrator

1.4.1. Prerequisites

Confirm that the ManagedServiceAccount add-on is enabled. See ManagedServiceAccount add-on.

1.4.2. Enabling virtual machine actions for Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management

You can enable the virtual machine actions for Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management by adding the virtual-machine-preview=true annotation to the search operator. Run the following command to add the annotation:

oc annotate search search-v2-operator -n open-cluster-management virtual-machine-preview='true'

You can verify that virtual machine actions for Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management are enabled by checking the search operator status:

    - lastTransitionTime: '2024-12-09T20:14:18Z'
      message: Virtual machine actions are enabled.
      reason: None
      status: 'True'
      type: VirtualMachineActionsReady

1.4.3. Disabling virtual machine actions

To disable virtual machine actions for Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management, remove the virtual-machine-preview annotation by running the following command:

oc annotate search search-v2-operator -n open-cluster-management virtual-machine-preview-

The virtual machine actions are disabled for Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management.

1.5. Viewing virtual machine metrics through Observability fields

If you have the Observability service installed on your hub cluster, you can access the Observability fields on the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console to view your virtual machine metrics.

Access the Observability fields by completing the following steps:

  1. On the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console, go to the Virtual Machine page.
  2. Select the Observability dashboards link to launch the Grafana dashboard.

    1. Optional: Select the Observability metrics link in the Launch links table cell to launch the Grafana dashboard,
  3. From the Grafana dashboard, view the virtual machines and their individual metrics.

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