
Red Hat OpenShift AI Self-Managed 2.10

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Release notes

Introduction to Red Hat OpenShift AI

OpenShift AI is a platform for data scientists and developers of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) applications

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Documentation for ML Ops Engineers and Data Scientists

Guidance on how to work in OpenShift AI

Getting started with Red Hat OpenShift AI Self-Managed

Learn how to work in an OpenShift AI environment

OpenShift AI tutorial - Fraud detection example

Use OpenShift AI to train an example model in JupyterLab, deploy the model, and refine the model by using automated pipelines

Integrating data from Amazon S3

Use data stored in an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket

Working on data science projects

Organize your work in projects and workbenches, create and collaborate on notebooks, train and deploy models, configure model servers, and implement pipelines

Working with distributed workloads

Use distributed workloads for faster and more efficient data processing and model training

Working with accelerators

Working with accelerators from Red Hat OpenShift AI Self-Managed

Working with connected applications

Connect to applications from Red Hat OpenShift AI Self-Managed

Serving models

Serve models in Red Hat OpenShift AI Self-Managed

API tiers

View a list of API tiers and API version examples for OpenShift AI

Documentation for OpenShift AI administrators

Guidance for RHOAI administrators on managing OpenShift AI

Managing users

Manage user permissions in OpenShift AI

Managing resources

Manage cluster resources, Jupyter notebooks, and data backup in OpenShift AI

Documentation for IT Operations administrators

Guidance on installing and maintaining OpenShift AI for IT Operations administrators.

Supported configurations

Supported software platforms and architecture

Installing and uninstalling OpenShift AI Self-Managed

Install and uninstall OpenShift AI Self-Managed

Installing and uninstalling OpenShift AI Self-Managed in a disconnected environment

Install and uninstall OpenShift AI Self-Managed in a disconnected environment

Upgrading OpenShift AI Self-Managed

Upgrade OpenShift AI on OpenShift Container Platform

Upgrading OpenShift AI Self-Managed in a disconnected environment

Upgrade Red Hat OpenShift AI on OpenShift Container Platform in a disconnected environment

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