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Managing IdM users, groups, hosts, and access control rules

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

Configuring users and hosts, managing them in groups, and controlling access with host-based and role-based access control rules

Red Hat Customer Content Services


The main feature of Red Hat Identity Management (IdM) is the management of users, groups, hosts, and access control rules, such as host-based access control (HBAC) and role-based access control (RBAC). You can configure them by using the command line, the IdM Web UI, and Ansible Playbooks.
The management tasks include configuring Kerberos policies and security, automating group memberships, and delegating permissions.

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Chapter 1. Introduction to the IdM command-line utilities

Learn more about the basics of using the Identity Management (IdM) command-line utilities.


1.1. What is the IPA command-line interface

The IPA command-line interface (CLI) is the basic command-line interface for Identity Management (IdM) administration.

It supports a lot of subcommands for managing IdM, such as the ipa user-add command to add a new user.

IPA CLI allows you to:

  • Add, manage, or remove users, groups, hosts and other objects in the network.
  • Manage certificates.
  • Search entries.
  • Display and list objects.
  • Set access rights.
  • Get help with the correct command syntax.

1.2. What is the IPA help

The IPA help is a built-in documentation system for the IdM server.

The IPA command-line interface (CLI) generates available help topics from loaded IdM plugin modules. To use the IPA help utility, you must:

  • Have an IdM server installed and running.
  • Be authenticated with a valid Kerberos ticket.

Entering the ipa help command without options displays information about basic help usage and the most common command examples.

You can use the following options for different ipa help use cases:

$ ipa help [TOPIC | COMMAND | topics | commands]
  • [] — Brackets mean that all parameters are optional and you can write just ipa help and the command will be executed.
  • | — The pipe character means or. Therefore, you can specify a TOPIC, a COMMAND, or topics, or commands, with the basic ipa help command:

    • topics — You can run the command ipa help topics to display a list of topics that are covered by the IPA help, such as user, cert, server and many others.
    • TOPIC — The TOPIC with capital letters is a variable. Therefore, you can specify a particular topic, for example, ipa help user.
    • commands — You can enter the command ipa help commands to display a list of commands which are covered by the IPA help, for example, user-add, ca-enable, server-show and many others.
    • COMMAND — The COMMAND with capital letters is a variable. Therefore, you can specify a particular command, for example, ipa help user-add.

1.3. Using IPA help topics

The following procedure describes how to use the IPA help on the command line.


  1. Open a terminal and connect to the IdM server.
  2. Enter ipa help topics to display a list of topics covered by help.

    $ ipa help topics
  3. Select one of the topics and create a command according to the following pattern: ipa help [topic_name]. Instead of the topic_name string, add one of the topics you listed in the previous step.

    In the example, we use the following topic: user

    $ ipa help user
  4. If the IPA help output is too long and you cannot see the whole text, use the following syntax:

    $ ipa help user | less

    You can then scroll down and read the whole help.

The IPA CLI displays a help page for the user topic. After reading the overview, you can see many examples with patterns for working with topic commands.

1.4. Using IPA help commands

The following procedure describes how to create IPA help commands on the command line.


  1. Open a terminal and connect to the IdM server.
  2. Enter ipa help commands to display a list of commands covered by help.

    $ ipa help commands
  3. Select one of the commands and create a help command according to the following pattern: ipa help <COMMAND>. Instead of the <COMMAND> string, add one of the commands you listed in the previous step.

    $ ipa help user-add

Additional resources

  • ipa man page on your system

1.5. Structure of IPA commands

The IPA CLI distinguishes the following types of commands:

  • Built-in commands — Built-in commands are all available in the IdM server.
  • Plug-in provided commands

The structure of IPA commands allows you to manage various types of objects. For example:

  • Users,
  • Hosts,
  • DNS records,
  • Certificates,

and many others.

For most of these objects, the IPA CLI includes commands to:

  • Add (add)
  • Modify (mod)
  • Delete (del)
  • Search (find)
  • Display (show)

Commands have the following structure:

ipa user-add, ipa user-mod, ipa user-del, ipa user-find, ipa user-show

ipa host-add, ipa host-mod, ipa host-del, ipa host-find, ipa host-show

ipa dnsrecord-add, ipa dnsrecord-mod, ipa dnsrecord-del, ipa dnsrecord-find, ipa dnrecord-show

You can create a user with the ipa user-add [options], where [options] are optional. If you use just the ipa user-add command, the script asks you for details one by one.

To change an existing object, you need to define the object, therefore the command also includes an object: ipa user-mod USER_NAME [options].

1.6. Using an IPA command to add a user account to IdM

The following procedure describes how to add a new user to the Identity Management (IdM) database using the command line.


  • You need to have administrator privileges to add user accounts to the IdM server.


  1. Open a terminal and connect to the IdM server.
  2. Enter the command for adding a new user:

    $ ipa user-add

    The command runs a script that prompts you to provide basic data necessary for creating a user account.

  3. In the First name: field, enter the first name of the new user and press the Enter key.
  4. In the Last name: field, enter the last name of the new user and press the Enter key.
  5. In the User login [suggested user name]: enter the user name, or just press the Enter key to accept the suggested user name.

    The user name must be unique for the whole IdM database. If an error occurs because that user name already exists, repeat the process with the ipa user-add command and use a different, unique user name.

After you add the user name, the user account is added to the IdM database and the IPA command-line interface (CLI) prints the following output:

Added user "euser"
User login: euser
First name: Example
Last name: User
Full name: Example User
Display name: Example User
Initials: EU
Home directory: /home/euser
GECOS: Example User
Login shell: /bin/sh
Principal name: euser@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM
Principal alias: euser@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM
Email address:
UID: 427200006
GID: 427200006
Password: False
Member of groups: ipausers
Kerberos keys available: False

By default, a user password is not set for the user account. To add a password while creating a user account, use the ipa user-add command with the following syntax:

$ ipa user-add --first=Example --last=User --password

The IPA CLI then prompts you to add or confirm a user name and password.

If the user has been created already, you can add the password with the ipa user-mod command.

Additional resources

  • Run the ipa help user-add command for more information about parameters.

1.7. Using an IPA command to modify a user account in IdM

You can change many parameters for each user account. For example, you can add a new password to the user.

Basic command syntax is different from the user-add syntax because you need to define the existing user account for which you want to perform changes, for example, add a password.


  • You need to have administrator privileges to modify user accounts.


  1. Open a terminal and connect to the IdM server.
  2. Enter the ipa user-mod command, specify the user to modify, and any options, such as --password for adding a password:

    $ ipa user-mod euser --password

    The command runs a script where you can add the new password.

  3. Enter the new password and press the Enter key.

The IPA CLI prints the following output:

Modified user "euser"
User login: euser
First name: Example
Last name: User
Home directory: /home/euser
Principal name: euser@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM
Principal alias: euser@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM
Email address:
UID: 427200006
GID: 427200006
Password: True
Member of groups: ipausers
Kerberos keys available: True

The user password is now set for the account and the user can log into IdM.

Additional resources

  • Run the ipa help user-mod command for more information about parameters.

1.8. How to supply a list of values to the IdM utilities

Identity Management (IdM) stores values for multi-valued attributes in lists.

IdM supports the following methods of supplying multi-valued lists:

  • Using the same command-line argument multiple times within the same command invocation:

    $ ipa permission-add --right=read --permissions=write --permissions=delete ...
  • Alternatively, you can enclose the list in curly braces, in which case the shell performs the expansion:

    $ ipa permission-add --right={read,write,delete} ...

The examples above show a command permission-add which adds permissions to an object. The object is not mentioned in the example. Instead of …​ you need to add the object for which you want to add permissions.

When you update such multi-valued attributes from the command line, IdM completely overwrites the previous list of values with a new list. Therefore, when updating a multi-valued attribute, you must specify the whole new list, not just a single value you want to add.

For example, in the command above, the list of permissions includes reading, writing and deleting. When you decide to update the list with the permission-mod command, you must add all values, otherwise those not mentioned will be deleted.

Example 1: — The ipa permission-mod command updates all previously added permissions.

$ ipa permission-mod --right=read --right=write --right=delete ...


$ ipa permission-mod --right={read,write,delete} ...

Example 2 — The ipa permission-mod command deletes the --right=delete argument because it is not included in the command:

$ ipa permission-mod --right=read --right=write ...


$ ipa permission-mod --right={read,write} ...

1.9. How to use special characters with the IdM utilities

When passing command-line arguments that include special characters to the ipa commands, escape these characters with a backslash (\). For example, common special characters include angle brackets (< and >), ampersand (&), asterisk (*), or vertical bar (|).

For example, to escape an asterisk (*):

$ ipa certprofile-show certificate_profile --out=exported\*profile.cfg

Commands containing unescaped special characters do not work as expected because the shell cannot properly parse such characters.

Chapter 2. Managing user accounts using the command line

There are several stages in the user life cycle in IdM (Identity Management), including the following:

  • Create user accounts
  • Activate stage user accounts
  • Preserve user accounts
  • Delete active, stage, or preserved user accounts
  • Restore preserved user accounts

2.1. User life cycle

Identity Management (IdM) supports three user account states:

  • Stage users are not allowed to authenticate. This is an initial state. Some of the user account properties required for active users cannot be set, for example, group membership.
  • Active users are allowed to authenticate. All required user account properties must be set in this state.
  • Preserved users are former active users that are considered inactive and cannot authenticate to IdM. Preserved users retain most of the account properties they had as active users, but they are not part of any user groups.

A flow chart displaying 4 items: Active users - Stage users - Preserved users - Deleted users. Arrows communicate the relationships between each kind of user: Active users can be "preserved" as Preserved users. Preserved users can be "restored" as Active users. Preserved users can be "staged" as Stage users and Stage users can be "activated" into Active users. All users can be deleted to become "Deleted users".

You can delete user entries permanently from the IdM database.


Deleted user accounts cannot be restored. When you delete a user account, all the information associated with the account is permanently lost.

A new administrator can only be created by a user with administrator rights, such as the default admin user. If you accidentally delete all administrator accounts, the Directory Manager must create a new administrator manually in the Directory Server.


Do not delete the admin user. As admin is a pre-defined user required by IdM, this operation causes problems with certain commands. If you want to define and use an alternative admin user, disable the pre-defined admin user with ipa user-disable admin after you granted admin permissions to at least one different user.


Do not add local users to IdM. The Name Service Switch (NSS) always resolves IdM users and groups before resolving local users and groups. This means that, for example, IdM group membership does not work for local users.

2.2. Adding users using the command line

You can add users as:

  • Active — user accounts which can be actively used by their users.
  • Stage — users cannot use these accounts. Create stage users if you want to prepare new user accounts. When users are ready to use their accounts, then you can activate them.

The following procedure describes adding active users to the IdM server with the ipa user-add command.

Similarly, you can create stage user accounts with the ipa stageuser-add command.


IdM automatically assigns a unique user ID (UID) to new user accounts. You can assign a UID manually by using the --uid=INT option with the ipa user-add command, but the server does not validate whether the UID number is unique. Consequently, multiple user entries might have the same UID number. A similar problem can occur with user private group IDs (GIDs) if you assign a GID to a user account manually by using the --gidnumber=INT option. To check if you have multiple user entries with the same ID, enter ipa user-find --uid=<uid> or ipa user-find --gidnumber=<gidnumber>.

Red Hat recommends you do not have multiple entries with the same UIDs or GIDs. If you have objects with duplicate IDs, security identifiers (SIDs) are not generated correctly. SIDs are crucial for trusts between IdM and Active Directory and for Kerberos authentication to work correctly.



  1. Open terminal and connect to the IdM server.
  2. Add user login, user’s first name, last name and optionally, you can also add their email address.

    $ ipa user-add user_login --first=first_name --last=last_name --email=email_address

    IdM supports user names that can be described by the following regular expression:


    User names ending with the trailing dollar sign ($) are supported to enable Samba 3.x machine support.

    If you add a user name containing uppercase characters, IdM automatically converts the name to lowercase when saving it. Therefore, IdM always requires to enter user names in lowercase when logging in. Additionally, it is not possible to add user names which differ only in letter casing, such as user and User.

    The default maximum length for user names is 32 characters. To change it, use the ipa config-mod --maxusername command. For example, to increase the maximum user name length to 64 characters:

    $ ipa config-mod --maxusername=64
     Maximum username length: 64

    The ipa user-add command includes a lot of parameters. To list them all, use the ipa help command:

    $ ipa help user-add

    For details about ipa help command, see What is the IPA help.

You can verify if the new user account is successfully created by listing all IdM user accounts:

$ ipa user-find

This command lists all user accounts with details.

2.3. Activating users using the command line

To activate a user account by moving it from stage to active, use the ipa stageuser-activate command.



  1. Open terminal and connect to the IdM server.
  2. Activate the user account with the following command:

    $ ipa stageuser-activate user_login
    Stage user user_login activated

You can verify if the new user account is successfully created by listing all IdM user accounts:

$ ipa user-find

This command lists all user accounts with details.

2.4. Preserving users using the command line

You can preserve a user account if you want to remove it, but keep the option to restore it later. To preserve a user account, use the --preserve option with the ipa user-del or ipa stageuser-del commands.



  1. Open terminal and connect to the IdM server.
  2. Preserve the user account with the following command:

    $ ipa user-del --preserve user_login
    Deleted user "user_login"

    Despite the output saying the user account was deleted, it has been preserved.

2.5. Deleting users using the command line

IdM (Identity Management) enables you to delete users permanently. You can delete:

  • Active users with the following command: ipa user-del
  • Stage users with the following command: ipa stageuser-del
  • Preserved users with the following command: ipa user-del

When deleting multiple users, use the --continue option to force the command to continue regardless of errors. A summary of the successful and failed operations is printed to the stdout standard output stream when the command completes.

$ ipa user-del --continue user1 user2 user3

If you do not use --continue, the command proceeds with deleting users until it encounters an error, after which it stops and exits.



  1. Open terminal and connect to the IdM server.
  2. Delete the user account with the following command:

    $ ipa user-del user_login
    Deleted user "user_login"

The user account has been permanently deleted from IdM.

2.6. Restoring users using the command line

You can restore a preserved users to:

  • Active users: ipa user-undel
  • Stage users: ipa user-stage

Restoring a user account does not restore all of the account’s previous attributes. For example, the user’s password is not restored and must be set again.



  1. Open terminal and connect to the IdM server.
  2. Activate the user account with the following command:

    $ ipa user-undel user_login
    Undeleted user account "user_login"

    Alternatively, you can restore user accounts as staged:

    $ ipa user-stage user_login
    Staged user account "user_login"


  • You can verify if the new user account is successfully created by listing all IdM user accounts:

    $ ipa user-find

    This command lists all user accounts with details.

Chapter 3. Managing user accounts using the IdM Web UI

Identity Management (IdM) provides several stages that can help you to manage various user life cycle situations:

Creating a user account

Creating a stage user account before an employee starts their career in your company and be prepared in advance for the day when the employee appears in the office and want to activate the account.

You can omit this step and create the active user account directly. The procedure is similar to creating a stage user account.

Activating a user account
Activating the account the first working day of the employee.
Disabling a user account
If the user go to a parental leave for couple of months, you will need to disable the account temporarily.
Enabling a user account
When the user returns, you will need to re-enable the account.
Preserving a user account
If the user wants to leave the company, you will need to delete the account with a possibility to restore it because people can return to the company after some time.
Restoring a user account
Two years later, the user is back and you need to restore the preserved account.
Deleting a user account
If the employee is dismissed, delete the account without a backup.

3.1. User life cycle

Identity Management (IdM) supports three user account states:

  • Stage users are not allowed to authenticate. This is an initial state. Some of the user account properties required for active users cannot be set, for example, group membership.
  • Active users are allowed to authenticate. All required user account properties must be set in this state.
  • Preserved users are former active users that are considered inactive and cannot authenticate to IdM. Preserved users retain most of the account properties they had as active users, but they are not part of any user groups.

A flow chart displaying 4 items: Active users - Stage users - Preserved users - Deleted users. Arrows communicate the relationships between each kind of user: Active users can be "preserved" as Preserved users. Preserved users can be "restored" as Active users. Preserved users can be "staged" as Stage users and Stage users can be "activated" into Active users. All users can be deleted to become "Deleted users".

You can delete user entries permanently from the IdM database.


Deleted user accounts cannot be restored. When you delete a user account, all the information associated with the account is permanently lost.

A new administrator can only be created by a user with administrator rights, such as the default admin user. If you accidentally delete all administrator accounts, the Directory Manager must create a new administrator manually in the Directory Server.


Do not delete the admin user. As admin is a pre-defined user required by IdM, this operation causes problems with certain commands. If you want to define and use an alternative admin user, disable the pre-defined admin user with ipa user-disable admin after you granted admin permissions to at least one different user.


Do not add local users to IdM. The Name Service Switch (NSS) always resolves IdM users and groups before resolving local users and groups. This means that, for example, IdM group membership does not work for local users.

3.2. Adding users in the Web UI

Usually, you need to create a new user account before a new employee starts to work. Such a stage account is not accessible and you need to activate it later.


Alternatively, you can create an active user account directly. For adding active user, follow the procedure below and add the user account in the Active users tab.


  • Administrator privileges for managing IdM or User Administrator role.


  1. Log in to the IdM Web UI.

    For details, see Accessing the IdM Web UI in a web browser.

  2. Go to Users → Stage Users tab.

    Alternatively, you can add the user account in the Users → Active users, however, you cannot add user groups to the account.

  3. Click the + Add icon.
  4. In the Add stage user dialog box, enter First name and Last name of the new user.
  5. Optional: In the User login field, add a login name.

    If you leave it empty, the IdM server creates the login name in the following pattern: The first letter of the first name and the surname. The whole login name can have up to 32 characters.

  6. Optional: In the GID drop down menu, select groups in which the user should be included.
  7. Optional: In the Password and Verify password fields, enter your password and confirm it, ensuring they both match.
  8. Click on the Add button.

    Screenshot of the "Add stage user" pop-up window with the "New Password" the "Verify Password" fields filled in. The "Add" button is at the bottom left.

At this point, you can see the user account in the Stage Users table.

Screenshot of the IdM Web UI showing user entries in the Stage Users table. This is selected from the Identity tab - the Users sub-tab - and the Stage users category listed on the left.


If you click on the user name, you can edit advanced settings, such as adding a phone number, address, or occupation.


IdM automatically assigns a unique user ID (UID) to new user accounts. You can assign a UID manually, or even modify an already existing UID. However, the server does not validate whether the new UID number is unique. Consequently, multiple user entries might have the same UID number assigned. A similar problem can occur with user private group IDs (GIDs) if you assign GIDs to user accounts manually. You can use the ipa user-find --uid=<uid> or ipa user-find --gidnumber=<gidnumber> commands on the IdM CLI to check if you have multiple user entries with the same ID.

Red Hat recommends you do not have multiple entries with the same UIDs or GIDs. If you have objects with duplicate IDs, security identifiers (SIDs) are not generated correctly. SIDs are crucial for trusts between IdM and Active Directory and for Kerberos authentication to work correctly.

3.3. Activating stage users in the IdM Web UI

You must follow this procedure to activate a stage user account, before the user can log in to IdM and before the user can be added to an IdM group.


  • Administrator privileges for managing the IdM Web UI or User Administrator role.
  • At least one staged user account in IdM.


  1. Log in to the IdM Web UI.

    For details, see Accessing the IdM Web UI in a web browser.

  2. Go to Users → Stage users tab.
  3. Click the check-box of the user account you want to activate.
  4. Click on the Activate button.

    Screenshot of the IdM Web UI showing user entries in the "Stage Users" table. This is selected from the Identity tab - the Users sub-tab - and the Stage users category listed on the left.

  5. On the Confirmation dialog box, click OK.

If the activation is successful, the IdM Web UI displays a green confirmation that the user has been activated and the user account has been moved to Active users. The account is active and the user can authenticate to the IdM domain and IdM Web UI. The user is prompted to change their password on the first login.

Screenshot of the IdM Web UI showing the "staged.user" user entry in the "Active Users" table. Its status is "enabled."


At this stage, you can add the active user account to user groups.

3.4. Disabling user accounts in the Web UI

You can disable active user accounts. Disabling a user account deactivates the account, therefore, user accounts cannot be used to authenticate and using IdM services, such as Kerberos, or perform any tasks.

Disabled user accounts still exist within IdM and all of the associated information remains unchanged. Unlike preserved user accounts, disabled user accounts remain in the active state and can be a member of user groups.


After disabling a user account, any existing connections remain valid until the user’s Kerberos TGT and other tickets expire. After the ticket expires, the user will not be able to renew it.


  • Administrator privileges for managing the IdM Web UI or User Administrator role.


  1. Log in to the IdM Web UI.

    For details, see Accessing the IdM Web UI in a web browser.

  2. Go to Users → Active users tab.
  3. Click the check-box of the user accounts you want to disable.
  4. Click on the Disable button.

    Screenshot of the "Active Users" page with a table displaying attributes for several users such as User login - First name - Last name - Status - UID - Email address - Telephone Number - Job Title. The entry for the "euser" account has been highlighted and so have the "Enable" and "Disable" buttons at the top right.

  5. In the Confirmation dialog box, click on the OK button.

If the disabling procedure has been successful, you can verify in the Status column in the Active users table.

Screenshot of the same "Active Users" page with the table displaying attributes for several users. The "euser" account is now greyed-out and shows "Disabled" in its "Status" column.

3.5. Enabling user accounts in the Web UI

With IdM you can enable disabled active user accounts. Enabling a user account activates the disabled account.


  • Administrator privileges for managing the IdM Web UI or User Administrator role.


  1. Log in to the IdM Web UI.
  2. Go to Users → Active users tab.
  3. Click the check-box of the user accounts you want to enable.
  4. Click on the Enable button.

    Screenshot of the "Active Users" page with a table displaying attributes for several users such as User login - First name - Last name - Status - UID - Email address - Telephone Number - Job Title. The entry for the "euser" account has been highlighted and so have the "Enable" and "Disable" buttons at the top right.

  5. In the Confirmation dialog box, click on the OK button.

If the change has been successful, you can verify in the Status column in the Active users table.

3.6. Preserving active users in the IdM Web UI

Preserving user accounts enables you to remove accounts from the Active users tab, yet keeping these accounts in IdM.

Preserve the user account if the employee leaves the company. If you want to disable user accounts for a couple of weeks or months (parental leave, for example), disable the account. For details, see Disabling user accounts in the Web UI. The preserved accounts are not active and users cannot use them to access your internal network, however, the account stays in the database with all the data.

You can move the restored accounts back to the active mode.


The list of users in the preserved state can provide a history of past user accounts.


  • Administrator privileges for managing the IdM (Identity Management) Web UI or User Administrator role.


  1. Log in to the IdM Web UI.

    For details, see Accessing the IdM Web UI in a web browser.

  2. Go to Users → Active users tab.
  3. Click the check-box of the user accounts you want to preserve.
  4. Click on the Delete button.

    A screenshot of the "Active Users" page displaying a table of users. The checkbox for the entry for the "preserved.user" account has been checked and the "Delete" button at the top is highlighted.

  5. In the Remove users dialog box, switch the Delete mode radio button to preserve.
  6. Click on the Delete button.

    A screenshot of a pop-up window titled "Remove users." The contents say "Are you sure you want to delete selected entries?" and specifies "preserved.user" below. There is a label "Delete mode" with two radial options: "delete" and "preserve" (which is selected). There are "Delete" and "Cancel" buttons at the bottom right corner of the window.

As a result, the user account is moved to Preserved users.

If you need to restore preserved users, see the Restoring users in the IdM Web UI.

3.7. Restoring users in the IdM Web UI

IdM (Identity Management) enables you to restore preserved user accounts back to the active state. You can restore a preserved user to an active user or a stage user.


  • Administrator privileges for managing the IdM Web UI or User Administrator role.


  1. Log in to the IdM Web UI.

    For details, see Accessing the IdM Web UI in a web browser.

  2. Go to Users → Preserved users tab.
  3. Click the check-box at the user accounts you want to restore.
  4. Click on the Restore button.

    A screenshot of the "Preserved users" page displaying a table of users and their attributes. The checkbox next to one user entry is checked and the "Restore" button at the top right is highlighted.

  5. In the Confirmation dialog box, click on the OK button.

The IdM Web UI displays a green confirmation and moves the user accounts to the Active users tab.

3.8. Deleting users in the IdM Web UI

Deleting users is an irreversible operation, causing the user accounts to be permanently deleted from the IdM database, including group memberships and passwords. Any external configuration for the user, such as the system account and home directory, is not deleted, but is no longer accessible through IdM.

You can delete:

  • Active users — the IdM Web UI offers you with the options:

  • Stage users — you can just delete stage users permanently.
  • Preserved users — you can delete preserved users permanently.

The following procedure describes deleting active users. Similarly, you can delete user accounts on:

  • The Stage users tab
  • The Preserved users tab


  • Administrator privileges for managing the IdM Web UI or User Administrator role.


  1. Log in to the IdM Web UI.

    For details, see Accessing the IdM Web UI in a web browser.

  2. Go to Users → Active users tab.

    Alternatively, you can delete the user account in the Users → Stage users or Users → Preserved users.

  3. Click the Delete icon.
  4. In the Remove users dialog box, switch the Delete mode radio button to delete.
  5. Click on the Delete button.

The users accounts have been permanently deleted from IdM.

Chapter 4. Managing user accounts using Ansible playbooks

You can manage users in IdM using Ansible playbooks. After presenting the user life cycle, this chapter describes how to use Ansible playbooks for the following operations:

4.1. User life cycle

Identity Management (IdM) supports three user account states:

  • Stage users are not allowed to authenticate. This is an initial state. Some of the user account properties required for active users cannot be set, for example, group membership.
  • Active users are allowed to authenticate. All required user account properties must be set in this state.
  • Preserved users are former active users that are considered inactive and cannot authenticate to IdM. Preserved users retain most of the account properties they had as active users, but they are not part of any user groups.

A flow chart displaying 4 items: Active users - Stage users - Preserved users - Deleted users. Arrows communicate the relationships between each kind of user: Active users can be "preserved" as Preserved users. Preserved users can be "restored" as Active users. Preserved users can be "staged" as Stage users and Stage users can be "activated" into Active users. All users can be deleted to become "Deleted users".

You can delete user entries permanently from the IdM database.


Deleted user accounts cannot be restored. When you delete a user account, all the information associated with the account is permanently lost.

A new administrator can only be created by a user with administrator rights, such as the default admin user. If you accidentally delete all administrator accounts, the Directory Manager must create a new administrator manually in the Directory Server.


Do not delete the admin user. As admin is a pre-defined user required by IdM, this operation causes problems with certain commands. If you want to define and use an alternative admin user, disable the pre-defined admin user with ipa user-disable admin after you granted admin permissions to at least one different user.


Do not add local users to IdM. The Name Service Switch (NSS) always resolves IdM users and groups before resolving local users and groups. This means that, for example, IdM group membership does not work for local users.

4.2. Ensuring the presence of an IdM user using an Ansible playbook

The following procedure describes ensuring the presence of a user in IdM using an Ansible playbook.


  • On the control node:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.13 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package.
    • The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
    • The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your ipaadmin_password.
  • The target node, that is the node on which the ansible-freeipa module is executed, is part of the IdM domain as an IdM client, server or replica.


  1. Create an inventory file, for example inventory.file, and define ipaserver in it:

  2. Create an Ansible playbook file with the data of the user whose presence in IdM you want to ensure. To simplify this step, you can copy and modify the example in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/user/add-user.yml file. For example, to create user named idm_user and add Password123 as the user password:

    - name: Playbook to handle users
      hosts: ipaserver
      - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
      - name: Create user idm_user
          ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
          name: idm_user
          first: Alice
          last: Acme
          uid: 1000111
          gid: 10011
          phone: "+555123457"
          passwordexpiration: "2023-01-19 23:59:59"
          password: "Password123"
          update_password: on_create

    You must use the following options to add a user:

    • name: the login name
    • first: the first name string
    • last: the last name string

    For the full list of available user options, see the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/ Markdown file.


    If you use the update_password: on_create option, Ansible only creates the user password when it creates the user. If the user is already created with a password, Ansible does not generate a new password.

  3. Run the playbook:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i path_to_inventory_directory/inventory.file path_to_playbooks_directory/add-IdM-user.yml


  • You can verify if the new user account exists in IdM by using the ipa user-show command:

    1. Log into ipaserver as admin:

      $ ssh
      [admin@server /]$
    2. Request a Kerberos ticket for admin:

      $ kinit admin
      Password for admin@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM:
    3. Request information about idm_user:

      $ ipa user-show idm_user
        User login: idm_user
        First name: Alice
        Last name: Acme

    The user named idm_user is present in IdM.

4.3. Ensuring the presence of multiple IdM users using Ansible playbooks

The following procedure describes ensuring the presence of multiple users in IdM using an Ansible playbook.


  • On the control node:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.13 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package.
    • The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
    • The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your ipaadmin_password.
  • The target node, that is the node on which the ansible-freeipa module is executed, is part of the IdM domain as an IdM client, server or replica.


  1. Create an inventory file, for example inventory.file, and define ipaserver in it:

  2. Create an Ansible playbook file with the data of the users whose presence you want to ensure in IdM. To simplify this step, you can copy and modify the example in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/user/ensure-users-present.yml file. For example, to create users idm_user_1, idm_user_2, and idm_user_3, and add Password123 as the password of idm_user_1:

    - name: Playbook to handle users
      hosts: ipaserver
      - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
      - name: Create user idm_users
          ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
          - name: idm_user_1
            first: Alice
            last: Acme
            uid: 10001
            gid: 10011
            phone: "+555123457"
            passwordexpiration: "2023-01-19 23:59:59"
            password: "Password123"
          - name: idm_user_2
            first: Bob
            last: Acme
            uid: 100011
            gid: 10011
          - name: idm_user_3
            first: Eve
            last: Acme
            uid: 1000111
            gid: 10011

    If you do not specify the update_password: on_create option, Ansible re-sets the user password every time the playbook is run: if the user has changed the password since the last time the playbook was run, Ansible re-sets password.

  3. Run the playbook:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i path_to_inventory_directory/inventory.file path_to_playbooks_directory/add-users.yml


  • You can verify if the user account exists in IdM by using the ipa user-show command:

    1. Log into ipaserver as administrator:

      $ ssh
      [admin@server /]$
    2. Display information about idm_user_1:

      $ ipa user-show idm_user_1
        User login: idm_user_1
        First name: Alice
        Last name: Acme
        Password: True

    The user named idm_user_1 is present in IdM.

4.4. Ensuring the presence of multiple IdM users from a JSON file using Ansible playbooks

The following procedure describes how you can ensure the presence of multiple users in IdM using an Ansible playbook. The users are stored in a JSON file.


  • On the control node:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.13 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package.
    • The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
    • The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your ipaadmin_password.
  • The target node, that is the node on which the ansible-freeipa module is executed, is part of the IdM domain as an IdM client, server or replica.


  1. Create an inventory file, for example inventory.file, and define ipaserver in it:

  2. Create an Ansible playbook file with the necessary tasks. Reference the JSON file with the data of the users whose presence you want to ensure. To simplify this step, you can copy and modify the example in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/ file:
- name: Ensure users' presence
  hosts: ipaserver

  - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
  - name: Include users_present.json
      file: users_present.json

  - name: Users present
      ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
      users: "{{ users }}"
  1. Create the users.json file, and add the IdM users into it. To simplify this step, you can copy and modify the example in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/ file. For example, to create users idm_user_1, idm_user_2, and idm_user_3, and add Password123 as the password of idm_user_1:

      "users": [
        "name": "idm_user_1",
        "first": "First 1",
        "last": "Last 1",
        "password": "Password123"
        "name": "idm_user_2",
        "first": "First 2",
        "last": "Last 2"
        "name": "idm_user_3",
        "first": "First 3",
        "last": "Last 3"
  2. Run the Ansible playbook. Specify the playbook file, the file storing the password protecting the secret.yml file, and the inventory file:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i path_to_inventory_directory/inventory.file path_to_playbooks_directory/ensure-users-present-jsonfile.yml


  • You can verify if the user accounts are present in IdM using the ipa user-show command:

    1. Log into ipaserver as administrator:

      $ ssh
      [admin@server /]$
    2. Display information about idm_user_1:

      $ ipa user-show idm_user_1
        User login: idm_user_1
        First name: Alice
        Last name: Acme
        Password: True

    The user named idm_user_1 is present in IdM.

4.5. Ensuring the absence of users using Ansible playbooks

The following procedure describes how you can use an Ansible playbook to ensure that specific users are absent from IdM.


  • On the control node:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.13 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package.
    • The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
    • The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your ipaadmin_password.
  • The target node, that is the node on which the ansible-freeipa module is executed, is part of the IdM domain as an IdM client, server or replica.


  1. Create an inventory file, for example inventory.file, and define ipaserver in it:

  2. Create an Ansible playbook file with the users whose absence from IdM you want to ensure. To simplify this step, you can copy and modify the example in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/user/ensure-users-present.yml file. For example, to delete users idm_user_1, idm_user_2, and idm_user_3:

    - name: Playbook to handle users
      hosts: ipaserver
      - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
      - name: Delete users idm_user_1, idm_user_2, idm_user_3
          ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
          - name: idm_user_1
          - name: idm_user_2
          - name: idm_user_3
          state: absent
  3. Run the Ansible playbook. Specify the playbook file, the file storing the password protecting the secret.yml file, and the inventory file:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i path_to_inventory_directory/inventory.file path_to_playbooks_directory/delete-users.yml


You can verify that the user accounts do not exist in IdM by using the ipa user-show command:

  1. Log into ipaserver as administrator:

    $ ssh
    [admin@server /]$
  2. Request information about idm_user_1:

    $ ipa user-show idm_user_1
    ipa: ERROR: idm_user_1: user not found

    The user named idm_user_1 does not exist in IdM.

4.6. Additional resources

  • See the Markdown file in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/ directory.
  • See sample Ansible playbooks in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/user directory.

Chapter 5. Modifying user and group attributes in IdM

In Identity Management (IdM), information is stored as LDAP attributes. When you create a user entry in IdM, the entry is automatically assigned certain LDAP object classes. These object classes define what attributes are available to the user entry. For more information about the default user objects classes and how they are organized, see the table below.

Table 5.1. Default IdM user object classes
Object classesDescription

ipaobject, ipasshuser

IdM object classes

person, organizationalperson, inetorgperson, inetuser, posixAccount

Person object classes

krbprincipalaux, krbticketpolicyaux

Kerberos object classes


Managed entries (template) object classes

As an administrator, you can modify the list of user object classes as well as the format of the attributes. For example, you can specify how many characters are allowed in a user name.

The way that user and group object classes and attributes are organized in IdM is called the IdM user and group schema.

5.1. The default IdM user attributes

A user entry contains attributes. The values of certain attributes are set automatically, based on defaults, unless you set a specific value yourself. For other attributes, you have to set the values manually. Certain attributes, such as First name, require a value, whereas others, such as Street address, do not. As an administrator, you can configure the values generated or used by the default attributes. For more information, see the Default IdM user attributes table below.

Table 5.2. Default IdM user attributes
Web UI fieldCommand-line optionRequired, optional, or default?

User login



First name



Last name



Full name



Display name






Home directory



GECOS field






Kerberos principal



Email address





Optional. Note that the script prompts for a new password, rather than accepting a value with the argument.

User ID number



Group ID number



Street address









Zip code



Telephone number



Mobile telephone number



Pager number



Fax number



Organizational unit



Job title






Car license






SSH Keys



Additional attributes



Department Number



Employee Number



Employee Type



Preferred Language



You can also add any attributes available in the Default IdM user object classes, even if no Web UI or command-line argument for that attribute exists.

5.2. Considerations in changing the default user and group schema

User and group accounts are created with a predefined set of LDAP object classes applied to them. While the standard IdM-specific LDAP object classes and attributes cover most deployment scenarios, you can create custom object classes with custom attributes for user and group entries.

When you modify object classes, IdM provides the following validation:

  • All of the object classes and their specified attributes must be known to the LDAP server.
  • All default attributes that are configured for the entry must be supported by the configured object classes.

However, the IdM schema validation has limitations. The IdM server does not check that the defined user or group object classes contain all of the required object classes for IdM entries. For example, all IdM entries require the ipaobject object class. However, if the user or group schema is changed, the server does not check if this object class is included. If the object class is accidentally deleted and you then try to add a new user, the attempt fails.

Also, all object class changes are atomic, not incremental. You must define the entire list of default object classes every time a change occurs. For example, you may decide to create a custom object class to store employee information such as birthdays and employment start dates. In this scenario, you cannot simply add the custom object class to the list. Instead, you must set the entire list of current default object classes plus the new object class. If you do not include the existing default object classes when you update the configuration, the current settings are overwritten. This causes serious performance problems.


After you modify the list of default object classes, new user and group entries will contain the custom object classes but the old entries are not modified.

5.3. Modifying user object classes in the IdM Web UI

This procedure describes how you can use the IdM Web UI to modify object classes for future Identity Management (IdM) user entries. As a result, these entries will have different attributes than the current user entries do.


  • You are logged in as the IdM administrator.


  1. Open the IPA Server tab.
  2. Select the Configuration subtab.
  3. Scroll to the User Options area.

    User options in IPA Server configuration

  4. Keep all the object classes listed in the Default IdM user object classes table.


    If any object classes required by IdM are not included, then subsequent attempts to add a user entry will fail with object class violations.

  5. At the bottom of the users area, click Add for a new field to appear.

    Changing default user object classes

  6. Enter the name of the user object class you want to add.
  7. Click Save at the top of the Configuration page.

5.4. Modifying user object classes in the IdM CLI

This procedure describes how you can use the Identity Management (IdM) CLI to modify user object classes for future IdM user entries. As a result, these entries will have different attributes than the current user entries do.


  • You have enabled the brace expansion feature:

    # set -o braceexpand
  • You are logged in as the IdM administrator.


  • Use the ipa config-mod command to modify the current schema. For example, to add top and mailRecipient object classes to the future user entries:

    [bjensen@server ~]$ ipa config-mod --userobjectclasses={person,organizationalperson,inetorgperson,inetuser,posixaccount,krbprincipalaux,krbticketpolicyaux,ipaobject,ipasshuser,mepOriginEntry,top,mailRecipient}

    The command adds all the ten user object classes that are native to IdM as well as the two new ones, top and mailRecipient.


    The information passed with the config-mod command overwrites the previous values. If any user object classes required by IdM are not included, then subsequent attempts to add a user entry will fail with object class violations.


    Alternatively, you can add a user object class by using the ipa config-mod --addattr ipauserobjectclasses=<user object class> command. In this way, you do not risk forgetting a native IdM class in the list. For example, to add the mailRecipient user object class without overwriting the current configuration, enter ipa config-mod --addattr ipauserobjectclasses=mailRecipient. Analogously, to remove only the mailRecipient object class, enter ipa config-mod --delattr ipauserobjectclasses=mailRecipient.

5.5. Modifying group object classes in the IdM Web UI

Identity Management (IdM) has the following default group object classes:

  • top
  • groupofnames
  • nestedgroup
  • ipausergroup
  • ipaobject

This procedure describes how you can use the IdM Web UI to add additional group object classes for future Identity Management (IdM) user group entries. As a result, these entries will have different attributes than the current the group entries do.


  • You are logged in as the IdM administrator.


  1. Open the IPA Server tab.
  2. Select the Configuration subtab.
  3. Locate the Group Options area.
  4. Keep the default IdM group object classes.


    If any group object classes required by IdM are not included, then subsequent attempts to add a group entry will fail with object class violations.

  5. Click Add for a new field to appear.

    Group options in IPA Server configuration

  6. Enter the name of the group object class you want to add.
  7. Click Save at the top of the Configuration page.

5.6. Modifying group object classes in the IdM CLI

Identity Management (IdM) has the following default group object classes:

  • top
  • groupofnames
  • nestedgroup
  • ipausergroup
  • ipaobject

This procedure describes how you can use the IdM Web UI to add additional group object classes for future Identity Management (IdM) user group entries. As a result, these entries will have different attributes than the current the group entries do.


  • You have enabled the brace expansion feature:

    # set -o braceexpand
  • You are logged in as the IdM administrator.


  • Use the ipa config-mod command to modify the current schema. For example, to add ipasshuser and employee group object classes to the future user entries:

    [bjensen@server ~]$ ipa config-mod --groupobjectclasses={top,groupofnames,nestedgroup,ipausergroup,ipaobject,ipasshuser,employeegroup}

    The command adds all the default group object classes as well as the two new ones, ipasshuser and employeegroup.


    If any group object classes required by IdM are not included, then subsequent attempts to add a group entry will fail with object class violations.


    Instead of the comma-separated list inside curly braces with no spaces allowed that is used in the example above, you can use the --groupobjectclasses argument repeatedly.

5.7. Default user and group attributes in IdM

Identity Management (IdM) uses a template when it creates new entries.

The template for users is more specific than the template for groups. IdM uses default values for several core attributes for IdM user accounts. These defaults can define actual values for user account attributes, such as the home directory location, or they can define the formats of attribute values, such as the user name length. The template also defines the object classes assigned to users.

For groups, the template only defines the assigned object classes.

In the IdM LDAP directory, these default definitions are all contained in a single configuration entry for the IdM server, cn=ipaconfig,cn=etc,dc=example,dc=com.

You can modify the configuration of default user parameters in IdM by using the ipa config-mod command. The table below summarizes some of the key parameters, the command-line options that you can use with ipa config-mod to modify them, and the parameter descriptions.

Table 5.3. Default user parameters
Web UI fieldCommand-line optionDescription

Maximum user name length


Sets the maximum number of characters for user names. Default: 32.

Root for home directories


Sets the default directory for user home directories. Default: /home.

Default shell


Sets the default shell for users. Default: /bin/sh.

Default user group


Sets the default group for newly created accounts. Default: ipausers.

Default e-mail domain


Sets the email domain for creating addresses based on user accounts. Default: server domain.

Search time limit


Sets the maximum time in seconds for a search before returning results.

Search size limit


Sets the maximum number of records to return in a search.

User search fields


Defines searchable fields in user entries, impacting server performance if too many attributes are set.

Group search fields


Defines searchable fields in group entries.

Certificate subject base


Sets the base DN for creating subject DNs for client certificates during setup.

Default user object classes


Defines object classes for creating user accounts. Must provide a complete list as it overwrites the existing one.

Default group object classes


Defines object classes for creating group accounts. Must provide a complete list.

Password expiration notification


Defines the number of days before a password expires for sending a notification.

Password plug-in features


Sets the format of allowable passwords for users.

5.8. Viewing and modifying user and group configuration in the IdM Web UI

You can view and modify the configuration of the default user and group attributes in the Identity Management (IdM) Web UI.


  • You are logged in as IdM admin.


  1. Open the IPA Server tab.
  2. Select the Configuration subtab.
  3. The User Options section has multiple fields you can review and edit.

    User attributes

  4. For example, to change the default shell for future IdM users from /bin/sh to /bin/bash, locate the Default shell field, and replace /bin/sh with /bin/bash.
  5. In the Group Options section, you can only review and edit the Group search fields field.

    Group attributes

  6. Click the Save button at the top of the screen.

    The newly saved configuration will be applied to future IdM user and group accounts. The current accounts remain unchanged.

5.9. Viewing and modifying user and group configuration in the IdM CLI

You can view and modify the configuration of the current or default user and group attributes in the Identity Management (IdM) CLI.


  • You have the IdM admin credentials.


  • The ipa config-show command displays the most common attribute settings. Use the --all option for a complete list:

    [bjensen@server ~]$ ipa config-show --all
    dn: cn=ipaConfig,cn=etc,dc=example,dc=com
    Maximum username length: 32
    Home directory base: /home
    Default shell: /bin/sh
    Default users group: ipausers
    Default e-mail domain:
    Search time limit: 2
    Search size limit: 100
    User search fields: uid,givenname,sn,telephonenumber,ou,title
    Group search fields: cn,description
    Enable migration mode: FALSE
    Certificate Subject base: O=EXAMPLE.COM
    Default group objectclasses: top, groupofnames, nestedgroup, ipausergroup, ipaobject
    Default user objectclasses: top, person, organizationalperson, inetorgperson, inetuser, posixaccount, krbprincipalaux, krbticketpolicyaux, ipaobject, ipasshuser
    Password Expiration Notification (days): 4
    Password plugin features: AllowNThash
    SELinux user map order: guest_u:s0$xguest_u:s0$user_u:s0$staff_u:s0-s0:c0.c1023$unconfined_u:s0-s0:c0.c1023
    Default SELinux user: unconfined_u:s0-s0:c0.c1023
    Default PAC types: MS-PAC, nfs:NONE
    cn: ipaConfig
    objectclass: nsContainer, top, ipaGuiConfig, ipaConfigObject
  • Use the ipa config-mod command to modify an attribute. For example, to change the default shell for future IdM users from /bin/sh to /bin/bash, enter:

    [bjensen@server ~]$ ipa config-mod --defaultshell "/bin/bash"

    For more ipa config-mod options, see the Default user parameters table.

    The new configuration will be applied to future IdM user and group accounts. The current accounts remain unchanged.

5.10. Additional resources

Chapter 6. Managing user passwords in IdM

6.1. Who can change IdM user passwords and how

Regular users without the permission to change other users' passwords can change only their own personal password. The new password must meet the IdM password policies applicable to the groups of which the user is a member. For details on configuring password policies, see Defining IdM password policies.

Administrators and users with password change rights can set initial passwords for new users and reset passwords for existing users. These passwords:


The LDAP Directory Manager (DM) user can change user passwords using LDAP tools. The new password can override any IdM password policies. Passwords set by DM do not expire after the first login.

6.2. Changing your user password in the IdM Web UI

As an Identity Management (IdM) user, you can change your user password in the IdM Web UI.


  • You are logged in to the IdM Web UI.


  1. In the upper right corner, click User name → Change password.

    Figure 6.1. Resetting Password

    user change own pwd
  2. Enter the current and new passwords.

6.3. Resetting another user’s password in the IdM Web UI

As an administrative user of Identity Management (IdM), you can change passwords for other users in the IdM Web UI.


  • You are logged in to the IdM Web UI as an administrative user.


  1. Select IdentityUsers.
  2. Click the name of the user to edit.
  3. Click ActionsReset password.

    Figure 6.2. Resetting Password

    pwd reset1
  4. Enter the new password, and click Reset Password.

    Figure 6.3. Confirming New Password

    pwd reset2

6.4. Resetting the Directory Manager user password

If you lose the Identity Management (IdM) Directory Manager password, you can reset it.


  • You have root access to an IdM server.


  1. Generate a new password hash by using the pwdhash command. For example:

    # pwdhash -D /etc/dirsrv/slapd-IDM-EXAMPLE-COM password

    By specifying the path to the Directory Server configuration, you automatically use the password storage scheme set in the nsslapd-rootpwstoragescheme attribute to encrypt the new password.

  2. On every IdM server in your topology, execute the following steps:

    1. Stop all IdM services installed on the server:

      # ipactl stop
    2. Edit the /etc/dirsrv/IDM-EXAMPLE-COM/dse.ldif file and set the nsslapd-rootpw attribute to the value generated by the pwdhash command:

      nsslapd-rootpw: {PBKDF2_SHA256}AAAgABU0bKhyjY53NcxY33ueoPjOUWtl4iyYN5uW...
    3. Start all IdM services installed on the server:
    # ipactl start

6.5. Changing your user password or resetting another user’s password in IdM CLI

You can change your user password using the Identity Management (IdM) command-line interface (CLI). If you are an administrative user, you can use the CLI to reset another user’s password.


  • You have obtained a ticket-granting ticket (TGT) for an IdM user.
  • If you are resetting another user’s password, you must have obtained a TGT for an administrative user in IdM.


  • Enter the ipa user-mod command with the name of the user and the --password option. The command will prompt you for the new password.

    $ ipa user-mod idm_user --password
    Enter Password again to verify:
    Modified user "idm_user"

You can also use the ipa passwd idm_user command instead of ipa user-mod.

6.6. Enabling password reset in IdM without prompting the user for a password change at the next login

By default, when an administrator resets another user’s password, the password expires after the first successful login. As IdM Directory Manager, you can specify the following privileges for individual IdM administrators:

  • They can perform password change operations without requiring users to change their passwords subsequently on their first login.
  • They can bypass the password policy so that no strength or history enforcement is applied.

Bypassing the password policy can be a security threat. Exercise caution when selecting users to whom you grant these additional privileges.


  • You know the Directory Manager password.


  1. On every Identity Management (IdM) server in the domain, make the following changes:

    1. Enter the ldapmodify command to modify LDAP entries. Specify the name of the IdM server and the 389 port and press Enter:

      $ ldapmodify -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -W -h -p 389
      Enter LDAP Password:
    2. Enter the Directory Manager password.
    3. Enter the distinguished name for the ipa_pwd_extop password synchronization entry and press Enter:

      dn: cn=ipa_pwd_extop,cn=plugins,cn=config
    4. Specify the modify type of change and press Enter:

      changetype: modify
    5. Specify what type of modification you want LDAP to execute and to which attribute. Press Enter:

      add: passSyncManagersDNs
    6. Specify the administrative user accounts in the passSyncManagersDNs attribute. The attribute is multi-valued. For example, to grant the admin user the password resetting powers of Directory Manager:

      passSyncManagersDNs: \
    7. Press Enter twice to stop editing the entry.

The whole procedure looks as follows:

$ ldapmodify -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -W -h -p 389
Enter LDAP Password:
dn: cn=ipa_pwd_extop,cn=plugins,cn=config
changetype: modify
add: passSyncManagersDNs
passSyncManagersDNs: uid=admin,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com

The admin user, listed under passSyncManagerDNs, now has the additional privileges.

6.7. Checking if an IdM user’s account is locked

As an Identity Management (IdM) administrator, you can check if an IdM user’s account is locked. For that, you must compare a user’s maximum allowed number of failed login attempts with the number of the user’s actual failed logins.


  • You have obtained the ticket-granting ticket (TGT) of an administrative user in IdM.


  1. Display the status of the user account to see the number of failed logins:

    $ ipa user-status example_user
    Account disabled: False
      Failed logins: 8
      Last successful authentication: N/A
      Last failed authentication: 20220229080317Z
      Time now: 2022-02-29T08:04:46Z
    Number of entries returned 1
  2. Display the number of allowed login attempts for a particular user:

    1. Log in to the IdM Web UI as IdM administrator.
    2. Open the Identity → Users → Active users tab.

    A screenshot of the IdM Web UI displaying the "Active Users" page which is a sub-page of the Users submenu from the Identity tab.

    1. Click the user name to open the user settings.
    2. In the Password policy section, locate the Max failures item.
  3. Compare the number of failed logins as displayed in the output of the ipa user-status command with the Max failures number displayed in the IdM Web UI. If the number of failed logins equals that of maximum allowed login attempts, the user account is locked.

6.8. Unlocking user accounts after password failures in IdM

If a user attempts to log in using an incorrect password a certain number of times, Identity Management (IdM) locks the user account, which prevents the user from logging in. For security reasons, IdM does not display any warning message that the user account has been locked. Instead, the CLI prompt might continue asking the user for a password again and again.

IdM automatically unlocks the user account after a specified amount of time has passed. Alternatively, you can unlock the user account manually with the following procedure.


  • You have obtained the ticket-granting ticket of an IdM administrative user.


  • To unlock a user account, use the ipa user-unlock command.

    $ ipa user-unlock idm_user
    Unlocked account "idm_user"

    After this, the user can log in again.

6.9. Enabling the tracking of last successful Kerberos authentication for users in IdM

For performance reasons, Identity Management (IdM) running in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 does not store the time stamp of the last successful Kerberos authentication of a user. As a consequence, certain commands, such as ipa user-status, do not display the time stamp.


  • You have obtained the ticket-granting ticket (TGT) of an administrative user in IdM.
  • You have root access to the IdM server on which you are executing the procedure.


  1. Display the currently enabled password plug-in features:

    # ipa config-show | grep "Password plugin features"
      Password plugin features: AllowNThash, KDC:Disable Last Success

    The output shows that the KDC:Disable Last Success plug-in is enabled. The plug-in hides the last successful Kerberos authentication attempt from being visible in the ipa user-status output.

  2. Add the --ipaconfigstring=feature parameter for every feature to the ipa config-mod command that is currently enabled, except for KDC:Disable Last Success:

    # ipa config-mod --ipaconfigstring='AllowNThash'

    This command enables only the AllowNThash plug-in. To enable multiple features, specify the --ipaconfigstring=feature parameter separately for each feature.

  3. Restart IdM:

    # ipactl restart

Chapter 7. Defining IdM password policies

This chapter describes Identity Management (IdM) password policies and how to add a new password policy in IdM using an Ansible playbook.

7.1. What is a password policy

A password policy is a set of rules that passwords must meet. For example, a password policy can define the minimum password length and the maximum password lifetime. All users affected by this policy are required to set a sufficiently long password and change it frequently enough to meet the specified conditions. In this way, password policies help reduce the risk of someone discovering and misusing a user’s password.

7.2. Password policies in IdM

Passwords are the most common way for Identity Management (IdM) users to authenticate to the IdM Kerberos domain. Password policies define the requirements that these IdM user passwords must meet.


The IdM password policy is set in the underlying LDAP directory, but the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) enforces the password policy.

Password policy attributes lists the attributes you can use to define a password policy in IdM.

Table 7.1. Password Policy Attributes

Max lifetime

The maximum amount of time in days that a password is valid before a user must reset it. The default value is 90 days.

Note that if the attribute is set to 0, the password never expires.

Max lifetime = 180

User passwords are valid only for 180 days. After that, IdM prompts users to change them.

Min lifetime

The minimum amount of time in hours that must pass between two password change operations.

Min lifetime = 1

After users change their passwords, they must wait at least 1 hour before changing them again.

History size

The number of previous passwords that are stored. A user cannot reuse a password from their password history but can reuse old passwords that are not stored.

History size = 0

In this case, the password history is empty and users can reuse any of their previous passwords.

Character classes

The number of different character classes the user must use in the password. The character classes are:

* Uppercase characters

* Lowercase characters

* Digits

* Special characters, such as comma (,), period (.), asterisk (*)

* Other UTF-8 characters

Using a character three or more times in a row decreases the character class by one. For example:

* Secret1 has 3 character classes: uppercase, lowercase, digits

* Secret111 has 2 character classes: uppercase, lowercase, digits, and a -1 penalty for using 1 repeatedly

Character classes = 0

The default number of classes required is 0. To configure the number, run the ipa pwpolicy-mod command with the --minclasses option.

See also the Important note below this table.

Min length

The minimum number of characters in a password.

If any of the additional password policy options are set, then the minimum length of passwords is 6 characters.

Min length = 8

Users cannot use passwords shorter than 8 characters.

Max failures

The maximum number of failed login attempts before IdM locks the user account.

Max failures = 6

IdM locks the user account when the user enters a wrong password 7 times in a row.

Failure reset interval

The amount of time in seconds after which IdM resets the current number of failed login attempts.

Failure reset interval = 60

If the user waits for more than 1 minute after the number of failed login attempts defined in Max failures, the user can attempt to log in again without risking a user account lock.

Lockout duration

The amount of time in seconds that the user account is locked after the number of failed login attempts defined in Max failures.

Lockout duration = 600

Users with locked accounts are unable to log in for 10 minutes.


Use the English alphabet and common symbols for the character classes requirement if you have a diverse set of hardware that may not have access to international characters and symbols. For more information about character class policies in passwords, see the Red Hat Knowledgebase solution What characters are valid in a password?.

7.3. Password policy priorities in IdM

Password policies help reduce the risk of someone discovering and misusing a user’s password. The default password policy is the global password policy. You can also create additional group password policies. The global policy rules apply to all users without a group password policy. Group password policies apply to all members of the corresponding user group.

Note that only one password policy can be in effect at a time for any user. If a user has multiple password policies assigned, one of them takes precedence based on priority according to the following rules:

  • Every group password policy has a priority set. The lower the value, the higher the policy’s priority. The lowest supported value is 0.
  • If multiple password policies are applicable to a user, the policy with the lowest priority value takes precedence. All rules defined in other policies are ignored.
  • The password policy with the lowest priority value applies to all password policy attributes, even the attributes that are not defined in the policy.

The global password policy does not have a priority value set. It serves as a fallback policy when no group policy is set for a user. The global policy can never take precedence over a group policy.


The ipa pwpolicy-show --user=user_name command shows which policy is currently in effect for a particular user.

7.4. Ensuring the presence of a password policy in IdM using an Ansible playbook

Follow this procedure to ensure the presence of a password policy in Identity Management (IdM) using an Ansible playbook.

In the default global_policy password policy in IdM, the number of different character classes in the password is set to 0. The history size is also set to 0.

Complete this procedure to enforce a stronger password policy for an IdM group using an Ansible playbook.


You can only define a password policy for an IdM group. You cannot define a password policy for an individual user.


  • You have configured your Ansible control node to meet the following requirements:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.13 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package.
    • The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
    • The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your ipaadmin_password.
  • The target node, that is the node on which the ansible-freeipa module is executed, is part of the IdM domain as an IdM client, server or replica.
  • You know the IdM administrator password.
  • The group for which you are ensuring the presence of a password policy exists in IdM.


  1. Create an inventory file, for example inventory.file, and define the FQDN of your IdM server in the [ipaserver] section:

  2. Create your Ansible playbook file that defines the password policy whose presence you want to ensure. To simplify this step, copy and modify the example in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/pwpolicy/pwpolicy_present.yml file:

    - name: Tests
      hosts: ipaserver
      - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
      - name: Ensure presence of pwpolicy for group ops
          ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
          name: ops
          minlife: 7
          maxlife: 49
          history: 5
          priority: 1
          lockouttime: 300
          minlength: 8
          minclasses: 4
          maxfail: 3
          failinterval: 5

    For details on what the individual variables mean, see Password policy attributes.

  3. Run the playbook:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i path_to_inventory_directory/inventory.file path_to_playbooks_directory_/new_pwpolicy_present.yml

You have successfully used an Ansible playbook to ensure that a password policy for the ops group is present in IdM.


The priority of the ops password policy is set to 1, whereas the global_policy password policy has no priority set. For this reason, the ops policy automatically supersedes global_policy for the ops group and is enforced immediately.

global_policy serves as a fallback policy when no group policy is set for a user, and it can never take precedence over a group policy.

Additional resources

7.5. Adding a new password policy in IdM using the WebUI or the CLI

Password policies help reduce the risk of someone discovering and misusing a user’s password. The default password policy is the global password policy. You can also create additional group password policies.

7.5.1. Adding a new password policy in the IdM WebUI

Password policies help reduce the risk of someone discovering and misusing a user’s password. The default password policy is the global password policy. You can also create additional group password policies.


  • A user group to which the policy applies.
  • A priority assigned to the policy


  1. Log in to the IdM Web UI.

    For details, see Accessing the IdM Web UI in a web browser.

  2. Select Policy>Password Policies.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Define the user group and priority.
  5. Click Add to confirm.

To configure the attributes of the new password policy, see Password policies in IdM.

Additional resources

7.5.2. Adding a new password policy in the IdM CLI

Password policies help reduce the risk of someone discovering and misusing a user’s password. The default password policy is the global password policy. You can also create additional group password policies.


  • A user group to which the policy applies.
  • A priority assigned to the policy


  1. Open terminal and connect to the IdM server.
  2. Use the ipa pwpolicy-add command. Specify the user group and priority:

    $ ipa pwpolicy-add
    Group: group_name
    Priority: priority_level
  3. Optional. Use the ipa pwpolicy-find command to verify that the policy has been successfully added:

    $ ipa pwpolicy-find

To configure the attributes of the new password policy, see Password policies in IdM.

Additional resources

7.6. Additional password policy options in IdM

As an Identity Management (IdM) administrator, you can strengthen the default password requirements by enabling additional password policy options based on the libpwquality feature set. The additional password policy options include the following:

Specifies the maximum acceptable number of same consecutive characters in the new password.
Specifies the maximum length of monotonic character sequences in the new password. Examples of such a sequence are 12345 or fedcb. Most such passwords will not pass the simplicity check.
If nonzero, checks whether the password, with possible modifications, matches a word in a dictionary. Currently libpwquality performs the dictionary check using the cracklib library.
If nonzero, checks whether the password, with possible modifications, contains the user name in some form. It is not performed for user names shorter than 3 characters.

You cannot apply the additional password policy options to existing passwords. If you apply any of the additional options, IdM automatically sets the --minlength option, the minimum number of characters in a password, to 6 characters.


In a mixed environment with RHEL 7 and RHEL 8 servers, you can enforce the additional password policy settings only on servers running on RHEL 8.4 and later. If a user is logged in to an IdM client and the IdM client is communicating with an IdM server running on RHEL 8.3 or earlier, then the new password policy requirements set by the system administrator will not be applied. To ensure consistent behavior, upgrade or update all servers to RHEL 8.4 and later.

Additional resources:

7.7. Applying additional password policy options to an IdM group

Follow this procedure to apply additional password policy options in Identity Management (IdM). The example describes how to strengthen the password policy for the managers group by making sure that the new passwords do not contain the users' respective user names and that the passwords contain no more than two identical characters in succession.


  • You are logged in as an IdM administrator.
  • The managers group exists in IdM.
  • The managers password policy exists in IdM.


  1. Apply the user name check to all new passwords suggested by the users in the managers group:

    $ ipa pwpolicy-mod --usercheck=True managers

    If you do not specify the name of the password policy, the default global_policy is modified.

  2. Set the maximum number of identical consecutive characters to 2 in the managers password policy:

    $ ipa pwpolicy-mod --maxrepeat=2 managers

    A password now will not be accepted if it contains more than 2 identical consecutive characters. For example, the eR873mUi111YJQ combination is unacceptable because it contains three 1s in succession.


  1. Add a test user named test_user:

    $ ipa user-add test_user
    First name: test
    Last name: user
    Added user "test_user"
  2. Add the test user to the managers group:

    1. In the IdM Web UI, click IdentityGroupsUser Groups.
    2. Click managers.
    3. Click Add.
    4. In the Add users into user group 'managers' page, check test_user.
    5. Click the > arrow to move the user to the Prospective column.
    6. Click Add.
  3. Reset the password for the test user:

    1. Go to IdentityUsers.
    2. Click test_user.
    3. In the Actions menu, click Reset Password.
    4. Enter a temporary password for the user.
  4. On the command line, try to obtain a Kerberos ticket-granting ticket (TGT) for the test_user:

    $ kinit test_user
    1. Enter the temporary password.
    2. The system informs you that you must change your password. Enter a password that contains the user name of test_user:

      Password expired. You must change it now.
      Enter new password:
      Enter it again:
      Password change rejected: Password not changed.
      Unspecified password quality failure while trying to change password.
      Please try again.

      Kerberos does not have fine-grained error password policy reporting and, in certain cases, does not provide a clear reason why a password was rejected.

    3. The system informs you that the entered password was rejected. Enter a password that contains three or more identical characters in succession:

      Password change rejected: Password not changed.
      Unspecified password quality failure while trying to change password.
      Please try again.
      Enter new password:
      Enter it again:
    4. The system informs you that the entered password was rejected. Enter a password that meets the criteria of the managers password policy:

      Password change rejected: Password not changed.
      Unspecified password quality failure while trying to change password.
      Please try again.
      Enter new password:
      Enter it again:
  5. View the obtained TGT:

    $ klist
    Ticket cache: KCM:0:33945
    Default principal: test_user@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM
    Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
    07/07/2021 12:44:44  07/08/2021 12:44:44  krbtgt@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM

The managers password policy now works correctly for users in the managers group.

7.8. Using an Ansible playbook to apply additional password policy options to an IdM group

You can use an Ansible playbook to apply additional password policy options to strengthen the password policy requirements for a specific IdM group. You can use the maxrepeat, maxsequence, dictcheck and usercheck password policy options for this purpose. The example describes how to set the following requirements for the managers group:

  • Users' new passwords do not contain the users' respective user names.
  • The passwords contain no more than two identical characters in succession.
  • Any monotonic character sequences in the passwords are not longer than 3 characters. This means that the system does not accept a password with a sequence such as 1234 or abcd.


  • You have configured your Ansible control node to meet the following requirements:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.13 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package on the Ansible controller.
    • You have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory.
    • You have stored your ipaadmin_password in the secret.yml Ansible vault.
  • The group for which you are ensuring the presence of a password policy exists in IdM.


  1. Create your Ansible playbook file manager_pwpolicy_present.yml that defines the password policy whose presence you want to ensure. To simplify this step, copy and modify the following example:

    - name: Tests
      hosts: ipaserver
      - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
      - name: Ensure presence of usercheck and maxrepeat pwpolicy for group managers
          ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
          name: managers
          usercheck: True
          maxrepeat: 2
          maxsequence: 3
  2. Run the playbook:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i path_to_inventory_directory/inventory.file path_to_playbooks_directory_/manager_pwpolicy_present.yml


  1. Add a test user named test_user:

    $ ipa user-add test_user
    First name: test
    Last name: user
    Added user "test_user"
  2. Add the test user to the managers group:

    1. In the IdM Web UI, click IdentityGroupsUser Groups.
    2. Click managers.
    3. Click Add.
    4. In the Add users into user group 'managers' page, check test_user.
    5. Click the > arrow to move the user to the Prospective column.
    6. Click Add.
  3. Reset the password for the test user:

    1. Go to IdentityUsers.
    2. Click test_user.
    3. In the Actions menu, click Reset Password.
    4. Enter a temporary password for the user.
  4. On the command line, try to obtain a Kerberos ticket-granting ticket (TGT) for the test_user:

    $ kinit test_user
    1. Enter the temporary password.
    2. The system informs you that you must change your password. Enter a password that contains the user name of test_user:

      Password expired. You must change it now.
      Enter new password:
      Enter it again:
      Password change rejected: Password not changed.
      Unspecified password quality failure while trying to change password.
      Please try again.

      Kerberos does not have fine-grained error password policy reporting and, in certain cases, does not provide a clear reason why a password was rejected.

    3. The system informs you that the entered password was rejected. Enter a password that contains three or more identical characters in succession:

      Password change rejected: Password not changed.
      Unspecified password quality failure while trying to change password.
      Please try again.
      Enter new password:
      Enter it again:
    4. The system informs you that the entered password was rejected. Enter a password that contains a monotonic character sequence longer than 3 characters. Examples of such sequences include 1234 and fedc:

      Password change rejected: Password not changed.
      Unspecified password quality failure while trying to change password.
      Please try again.
      Enter new password:
      Enter it again:
    5. The system informs you that the entered password was rejected. Enter a password that meets the criteria of the managers password policy:

      Password change rejected: Password not changed.
      Unspecified password quality failure while trying to change password.
      Please try again.
      Enter new password:
      Enter it again:
  5. Verify that you have obtained a TGT, which is only possible after having entered a valid password:

    $ klist
    Ticket cache: KCM:0:33945
    Default principal: test_user@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM
    Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
    07/07/2021 12:44:44  07/08/2021 12:44:44  krbtgt@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM

Additional resources

Chapter 8. Managing expiring password notifications

You can use the Expiring Password Notification (EPN) tool, provided by the ipa-client-epn package, to build a list of Identity Management (IdM) users whose passwords are expiring in a configured amount of time. To install, configure, and use the EPN tool, refer to the relevant sections.

8.1. What is the Expiring Password Notification tool

The Expiring Password Notification (EPN) tool is a standalone tool you can use to build a list of Identity Management (IdM) users whose passwords are expiring in a configured amount of time.

IdM administrators can use EPN to:

  • Display a list of affected users in JSON format, which is created when run in dry-run mode.
  • Calculate how many emails will be sent for a given day or date range.
  • Send password expiration email notifications to users.
  • Configure the ipa-epn.timer to run the EPN tool daily and send an email to users whose passwords are expiring within the defined future date ranges.
  • Customize the email notification to send to users.

If a user account is disabled, no email notifications are sent if the password is going to expire.

8.2. Installing the Expiring Password Notification tool

Follow this procedure to install the Expiring Password Notification (EPN) tool.


  • Install the EPN tool on either an Identity Management (IdM) replica or an IdM client with a local Postfix SMTP server configured as a smart host.


  • Install the EPN tool:

    # yum install ipa-client-epn

8.3. Running the EPN tool to send emails to users whose passwords are expiring

You can use the Expiring Password Notification (EPN) tool to send emails to Identity Management {IdM) users whose passwords are expiring. You can choose one of the following methods:

  • Update the epn.conf configuration file and enable the ipa-epn.timer tool.
  • Update the epn.conf configuration file and run the EPN tool directly on the command line.

The EPN tool is stateless. If the EPN tool fails to email any of the users whose passwords are expiring on a given day, the EPN tool does not save a list of those users.



  1. Open the epn.conf configuration file.

    # vi /etc/ipa/epn.conf
  2. Update the notify_ttls option as required. The default is to notify users whose passwords are expiring in 28, 14, 7, 3, and 1 day(s).

    notify_ttls = 28, 14, 7, 3, 1
    You must also activate the ipa-epn.timer tool to ensure that emails are sent.
  3. Configure your SMTP server and port:

    smtp_server = localhost
    smtp_port = 25
  4. Specify the email address from which the email expiration notification is sent. Any unsuccessfully delivered emails are returned to this address.

    mail_from =
  5. [Optional] If you want to use an encrypted channel of communication, specify the credentials to be used:

    • Specify the path to a single file in PEM format containing the certificate to be used by EPN to authenticate with the SMTP server:

      smtp_client_cert = /etc/pki/tls/certs/client.pem
      EPN is an SMTP client. The purpose of the certificate is client authentication, not secure SMTP delivery.
    • You can specify the path to a file that contains the private key. If not specified, the private key is taken from the certificate file.

      smtp_client_key = /etc/pki/tls/certs/client.key
    • If the private key is encrypted, specify the password for decrypting it.

      smtp_client_key_pass = Secret123!
  6. Save the /etc/ipa/epn.conf file.
  7. Run the EPN tool in dry-run mode to generate a list of the users to whom the password expiration email notification would be sent if you run the tool without the --dry-run option.

    ipa-epn --dry-run
         "uid": "user5",
         "cn": "user 5",
         "krbpasswordexpiration": "2020-04-17 15:51:53",
         "mail": "['user5@ipa.test']"
         "uid": "user6",
         "cn": "user 6",
         "krbpasswordexpiration": "2020-12-17 15:51:53",
         "mail": "['user5@ipa.test']"
    The IPA-EPN command was successful

    If the list of users returned is very large and you run the tool without the --dry-run option, this might cause an issue with your email server.

  8. Run the EPN tool without the --dry-run option to send expiration emails to the list of all the users returned when you ran the EPN tool in dry-run mode:

         "uid": "user5",
         "cn": "user 5",
         "krbpasswordexpiration": "2020-10-01 15:51:53",
         "mail": "['user5@ipa.test']"
        "uid": "user6",
        "cn": "user 6",
        "krbpasswordexpiration": "2020-12-17 15:51:53",
        "mail": "['user5@ipa.test']"
    The IPA-EPN command was successful
  9. You can add EPN to any monitoring system and invoke it with the --from-nbdays and --to-nbdays options to determine how many users passwords are going to expire within a specific time frame:

    # ipa-epn --from-nbdays 8 --to-nbdays 12

    If you invoke the EPN tool with the --from-nbdays and --to-nbdays options, it is automatically executed in dry-run mode.


  • Run the EPN tool and verify an email notification is sent.

Additional resources

  • The ipa-epn man page on your system.
  • The epn.conf man page on your system.

8.4. Enabling the ipa-epn.timer to send an email to all users whose passwords are expiring

Follow this procedure to use ipa-epn.timer to run the Expiring Password Notification (EPN) tool to send emails to users whose passwords are expiring. The ipa-epn.timer parses the epn.conf file and sends an email to users whose passwords are expiring within the defined future date ranges configured in that file.



  • Start the ipa-epn.timer:

    systemctl start ipa-epn.timer

Once you start the timer, by default, the EPN tool is run every day at 1 a.m.

Additional resources

  • The ipa-epn man page on your system.

8.5. Modifying the Expiring Password Notification email template

Follow this procedure to customize the Expiring Password Notification (EPN) email message template.


  • The ipa-client-epn package is installed.


  1. Open the EPN message template:

    # vi /etc/ipa/epn/expire_msg.template
  2. Update the template text as required.

    Hi {{ fullname }},
    Your password will expire on {{ expiration }}.
    Please change it as soon as possible.

    You can use the following variables in the template.

    • User ID: uid
    • Full name: fullname
    • First name: first
    • Last name: last
    • Password expiration date: expiration
  3. Save the message template file.


  • Run the EPN tool and verify the email notification contains the updated text.

Additional resources

  • See the ipa-epn man page on your system.

Chapter 9. Granting sudo access to an IdM user on an IdM client

Learn more about granting sudo access to users in Identity Management.

9.1. Sudo access on an IdM client

System administrators can grant sudo access to allow non-root users to execute administrative commands that are normally reserved for the root user. Consequently, when users need to perform an administrative command normally reserved for the root user, they precede that command with sudo. After entering their password, the command is executed as if they were the root user. To execute a sudo command as another user or group, such as a database service account, you can configure a RunAs alias for a sudo rule.

If a Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 host is enrolled as an Identity Management (IdM) client, you can specify sudo rules defining which IdM users can perform which commands on the host in the following ways:

  • Locally in the /etc/sudoers file
  • Centrally in IdM

You can create a central sudo rule for an IdM client using the command line (CLI) and the IdM Web UI.

In RHEL 8.4 and later, you can also configure password-less authentication for sudo using the Generic Security Service Application Programming Interface (GSSAPI), the native way for UNIX-based operating systems to access and authenticate Kerberos services. You can use the Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) to invoke GSSAPI authentication via the SSSD service, allowing users to authenticate to the sudo command with a valid Kerberos ticket.

Additional resources

9.2. Granting sudo access to an IdM user on an IdM client using the CLI

In Identity Management (IdM), you can grant sudo access for a specific command to an IdM user account on a specific IdM host. First, add a sudo command and then create a sudo rule for one or more commands.

For example, complete this procedure to create the idm_user_reboot sudo rule to grant the idm_user account the permission to run the /usr/sbin/reboot command on the idmclient machine.


  • You are logged in as IdM administrator.
  • You have created a user account for idm_user in IdM and unlocked the account by creating a password for the user. For details on adding a new IdM user using the CLI, see Adding users using the command line.
  • No local idm_user account is present on the idmclient host. The idm_user user is not listed in the local /etc/passwd file.


  1. Retrieve a Kerberos ticket as the IdM admin.

    [root@idmclient ~]# kinit admin
  2. Add the /usr/sbin/reboot command to the IdM database of sudo commands:

    [root@idmclient ~]# ipa sudocmd-add /usr/sbin/reboot
    Added Sudo Command "/usr/sbin/reboot"
      Sudo Command: /usr/sbin/reboot
  3. Create a sudo rule named idm_user_reboot:

    [root@idmclient ~]# ipa sudorule-add idm_user_reboot
    Added Sudo Rule "idm_user_reboot"
      Rule name: idm_user_reboot
      Enabled: TRUE
  4. Add the /usr/sbin/reboot command to the idm_user_reboot rule:

    [root@idmclient ~]# ipa sudorule-add-allow-command idm_user_reboot --sudocmds '/usr/sbin/reboot'
      Rule name: idm_user_reboot
      Enabled: TRUE
      Sudo Allow Commands: /usr/sbin/reboot
    Number of members added 1
  5. Apply the idm_user_reboot rule to the IdM idmclient host:

    [root@idmclient ~]# ipa sudorule-add-host idm_user_reboot --hosts
    Rule name: idm_user_reboot
    Enabled: TRUE
    Sudo Allow Commands: /usr/sbin/reboot
    Number of members added 1
  6. Add the idm_user account to the idm_user_reboot rule:

    [root@idmclient ~]# ipa sudorule-add-user idm_user_reboot --users idm_user
    Rule name: idm_user_reboot
    Enabled: TRUE
    Users: idm_user
    Sudo Allow Commands: /usr/sbin/reboot
    Number of members added 1
  7. Optional: Define the validity of the idm_user_reboot rule:

    1. To define the time at which a sudo rule starts to be valid, use the ipa sudorule-mod sudo_rule_name command with the --setattr sudonotbefore=DATE option. The DATE value must follow the yyyymmddHHMMSSZ format, with seconds specified explicitly. For example, to set the start of the validity of the idm_user_reboot rule to 31 December 2025 12:34:00, enter:

      [root@idmclient ~]# ipa sudorule-mod idm_user_reboot --setattr sudonotbefore=20251231123400Z
    2. To define the time at which a sudo rule stops being valid, use the --setattr sudonotafter=DATE option. For example, to set the end of the idm_user_reboot rule validity to 31 December 2026 12:34:00, enter:

      [root@idmclient ~]# ipa sudorule-mod idm_user_reboot --setattr sudonotafter=20261231123400Z

Propagating the changes from the server to the client can take a few minutes.


  1. Log in to the idmclient host as the idm_user account.
  2. Display which sudo rules the idm_user account is allowed to perform.

    [idm_user@idmclient ~]$ sudo -l
    Matching Defaults entries for idm_user on idmclient:
        !visiblepw, always_set_home, match_group_by_gid, always_query_group_plugin,
    User idm_user may run the following commands on idmclient:
        (root) /usr/sbin/reboot
  3. Reboot the machine using sudo. Enter the password for idm_user when prompted:

    [idm_user@idmclient ~]$ sudo /usr/sbin/reboot
    [sudo] password for idm_user:

9.3. Granting sudo access to an AD user on an IdM client using the CLI

Identity Management (IdM) system administrators can use IdM user groups to set access permissions, host-based access control, sudo rules, and other controls on IdM users. IdM user groups grant and restrict access to IdM domain resources.

You can add both Active Directory (AD) users and AD groups to IdM user groups. To do that:

  1. Add the AD users or groups to a non-POSIX external IdM group.
  2. Add the non-POSIX external IdM group to an IdM POSIX group.

You can then manage the privileges of the AD users by managing the privileges of the POSIX group. For example, you can grant sudo access for a specific command to an IdM POSIX user group on a specific IdM host.


It is also possible to add AD user groups as members to IdM external groups. This might make it easier to define policies for Windows users, by keeping the user and group management within the single AD realm.


Do not use ID overrides of AD users for SUDO rules in IdM. ID overrides of AD users represent only POSIX attributes of AD users, not AD users themselves.

You can add ID overrides as group members. However, you can only use this functionality to manage IdM resources in the IdM API. The possibility to add ID overrides as group members is not extended to POSIX environments and you therefore cannot use it for membership in sudo or host-based access control (HBAC) rules.

Follow this procedure to create the ad_users_reboot sudo rule to grant the AD user the permission to run the /usr/sbin/reboot command on the idmclient IdM host, which is normally reserved for the root user. is a member of the ad_users_external non-POSIX group, which is, in turn, a member of the ad_users POSIX group.


  • You have obtained the IdM admin Kerberos ticket-granting ticket (TGT).
  • A cross-forest trust exists between the IdM domain and the AD domain.
  • No local administrator account is present on the idmclient host: the administrator user is not listed in the local /etc/passwd file.


  1. Create the ad_users group that contains the ad_users_external group with the administrator@ad-domain member:

    1. Optional: Create or select a corresponding group in the AD domain to use to manage AD users in the IdM realm. You can use multiple AD groups and add them to different groups on the IdM side.
    2. Create the ad_users_external group and indicate that it contains members from outside the IdM domain by adding the --external option:

      [root@ipaserver ~]# ipa group-add --desc='AD users external map' ad_users_external --external
      Added group "ad_users_external"
        Group name: ad_users_external
        Description: AD users external map

      Ensure that the external group that you specify here is an AD security group with a global or universal group scope as defined in the Active Directory security groups document. For example, the Domain users or Domain admins AD security groups cannot be used because their group scope is domain local.

    3. Create the ad_users group:

      [root@ipaserver ~]# ipa group-add --desc='AD users' ad_users
      Added group "ad_users"
        Group name: ad_users
        Description: AD users
        GID: 129600004
    4. Add the AD user to ad_users_external as an external member:

      [root@ipaserver ~]# ipa group-add-member ad_users_external --external ""
       [member user]:
       [member group]:
        Group name: ad_users_external
        Description: AD users external map
        External member: S-1-5-21-3655990580-1375374850-1633065477-513
      Number of members added 1

      The AD user must be identified by a fully-qualified name, such as DOMAIN\user_name or user_name@DOMAIN. The AD identity is then mapped to the AD SID for the user. The same applies to adding AD groups.

    5. Add ad_users_external to ad_users as a member:

      [root@ipaserver ~]# ipa group-add-member ad_users --groups ad_users_external
        Group name: ad_users
        Description: AD users
        GID: 129600004
        Member groups: ad_users_external
      Number of members added 1
  2. Grant the members of ad_users the permission to run /usr/sbin/reboot on the idmclient host:

    1. Add the /usr/sbin/reboot command to the IdM database of sudo commands:

      [root@idmclient ~]# ipa sudocmd-add /usr/sbin/reboot
      Added Sudo Command "/usr/sbin/reboot"
        Sudo Command: /usr/sbin/reboot
    2. Create a sudo rule named ad_users_reboot:

      [root@idmclient ~]# ipa sudorule-add ad_users_reboot
      Added Sudo Rule "ad_users_reboot"
        Rule name: ad_users_reboot
        Enabled: True
    3. Add the /usr/sbin/reboot command to the ad_users_reboot rule:

      [root@idmclient ~]# ipa sudorule-add-allow-command ad_users_reboot --sudocmds '/usr/sbin/reboot'
        Rule name: ad_users_reboot
        Enabled: True
        Sudo Allow Commands: /usr/sbin/reboot
      Number of members added 1
    4. Apply the ad_users_reboot rule to the IdM idmclient host:

      [root@idmclient ~]# ipa sudorule-add-host ad_users_reboot --hosts
      Rule name: ad_users_reboot
      Enabled: True
      Sudo Allow Commands: /usr/sbin/reboot
      Number of members added 1
    5. Add the ad_users group to the ad_users_reboot rule:

      [root@idmclient ~]# ipa sudorule-add-user ad_users_reboot --groups ad_users
      Rule name: ad_users_reboot
      Enabled: TRUE
      User Groups: ad_users
      Sudo Allow Commands: /usr/sbin/reboot
      Number of members added 1

Propagating the changes from the server to the client can take a few minutes.


  1. Log in to the idmclient host as, an indirect member of the ad_users group:

    $ ssh
  2. Optional: Display the sudo commands that is allowed to execute:

    [ ~]$ sudo -l
    Matching Defaults entries for on idmclient:
        !visiblepw, always_set_home, match_group_by_gid, always_query_group_plugin,
    User may run the following commands on idmclient:
        (root) /usr/sbin/reboot
  3. Reboot the machine using sudo. Enter the password for when prompted:

    [ ~]$ sudo /usr/sbin/reboot
    [sudo] password for

9.4. Granting sudo access to an IdM user on an IdM client using the IdM Web UI

In Identity Management (IdM), you can grant sudo access for a specific command to an IdM user account on a specific IdM host. First, add a sudo command and then create a sudo rule for one or more commands.

Complete this procedure to create the idm_user_reboot sudo rule to grant the idm_user account the permission to run the /usr/sbin/reboot command on the idmclient machine.


  • You are logged in as IdM administrator.
  • You have created a user account for idm_user in IdM and unlocked the account by creating a password for the user. For details on adding a new IdM user using the command line, see Adding users using the command line.
  • No local idm_user account is present on the idmclient host. The idm_user user is not listed in the local /etc/passwd file.


  1. Add the /usr/sbin/reboot command to the IdM database of sudo commands:

    1. Navigate to PolicySudoSudo Commands.
    2. Click Add in the upper right corner to open the Add sudo command dialog box.
    3. Enter the command you want the user to be able to perform using sudo: /usr/sbin/reboot.

      Figure 9.1. Adding IdM sudo command

      A screenshot of a pop-up window labeled "Add sudo command." There is a required field labeled "Sudo command" with contents "/usr/sbin/reboot". A "Description" field is empty. The lower-right of the window has four buttons: "Add" - "Add and Add Another" - "Add and Edit" - "Cancel".
    4. Click Add.
  2. Use the new sudo command entry to create a sudo rule to allow idm_user to reboot the idmclient machine:

    1. Navigate to PolicySudoSudo rules.
    2. Click Add in the upper right corner to open the Add sudo rule dialog box.
    3. Enter the name of the sudo rule: idm_user_reboot.
    4. Click Add and Edit.
    5. Specify the user:

      1. In the Who section, check the Specified Users and Groups radio button.
      2. In the User category the rule applies to subsection, click Add to open the Add users into sudo rule "idm_user_reboot" dialog box.
      3. In the Add users into sudo rule "idm_user_reboot" dialog box in the Available column, check the idm_user checkbox, and move it to the Prospective column.
      4. Click Add.
    6. Specify the host:

      1. In the Access this host section, check the Specified Hosts and Groups radio button.
      2. In the Host category this rule applies to subsection, click Add to open the Add hosts into sudo rule "idm_user_reboot" dialog box.
      3. In the Add hosts into sudo rule "idm_user_reboot" dialog box in the Available column, check the checkbox, and move it to the Prospective column.
      4. Click Add.
    7. Specify the commands:

      1. In the Command category the rule applies to subsection of the Run Commands section, check the Specified Commands and Groups radio button.
      2. In the Sudo Allow Commands subsection, click Add to open the Add allow sudo commands into sudo rule "idm_user_reboot" dialog box.
      3. In the Add allow sudo commands into sudo rule "idm_user_reboot" dialog box in the Available column, check the /usr/sbin/reboot checkbox, and move it to the Prospective column.
      4. Click Add to return to the idm_sudo_reboot page.

      Figure 9.2. Adding IdM sudo rule

      A screenshot of an overview of the sudo rule that was added. There is a "Who" section with a table of users the rule applies to. There is an "Access this host" section with a table of hosts that the rule applies to. There is a "Run Commands" section with a table of commands that pertain to the rule.
    8. Click Save in the top left corner.

The new rule is enabled by default.


Propagating the changes from the server to the client can take a few minutes.


  1. Log in to idmclient as idm_user.
  2. Reboot the machine using sudo. Enter the password for idm_user when prompted:

    $ sudo /usr/sbin/reboot
    [sudo] password for idm_user:

If the sudo rule is configured correctly, the machine reboots.

9.5. Creating a sudo rule on the CLI that runs a command as a service account on an IdM client

In IdM, you can configure a sudo rule with a RunAs alias to run a sudo command as another user or group. For example, you might have an IdM client that hosts a database application, and you need to run commands as the local service account that corresponds to that application.

Use this example to create a sudo rule on the command line called run_third-party-app_report to allow the idm_user account to run the /opt/third-party-app/bin/report command as the thirdpartyapp service account on the idmclient host.


  • You are logged in as IdM administrator.
  • You have created a user account for idm_user in IdM and unlocked the account by creating a password for the user. For details on adding a new IdM user using the CLI, see Adding users using the command line.
  • No local idm_user account is present on the idmclient host. The idm_user user is not listed in the local /etc/passwd file.
  • You have a custom application named third-party-app installed on the idmclient host.
  • The report command for the third-party-app application is installed in the /opt/third-party-app/bin/report directory.
  • You have created a local service account named thirdpartyapp to execute commands for the third-party-app application.


  1. Retrieve a Kerberos ticket as the IdM admin.

    [root@idmclient ~]# kinit admin
  2. Add the /opt/third-party-app/bin/report command to the IdM database of sudo commands:

    [root@idmclient ~]# ipa sudocmd-add /opt/third-party-app/bin/report
    Added Sudo Command "/opt/third-party-app/bin/report"
      Sudo Command: /opt/third-party-app/bin/report
  3. Create a sudo rule named run_third-party-app_report:

    [root@idmclient ~]# ipa sudorule-add run_third-party-app_report
    Added Sudo Rule "run_third-party-app_report"
      Rule name: run_third-party-app_report
      Enabled: TRUE
  4. Use the --users=<user> option to specify the RunAs user for the sudorule-add-runasuser command:

    [root@idmclient ~]# ipa sudorule-add-runasuser run_third-party-app_report --users=thirdpartyapp
      Rule name: run_third-party-app_report
      Enabled: TRUE
      RunAs External User: thirdpartyapp
    Number of members added 1

    The user (or group specified with the --groups=* option) can be external to IdM, such as a local service account or an Active Directory user. Do not add a % prefix for group names.

  5. Add the /opt/third-party-app/bin/report command to the run_third-party-app_report rule:

    [root@idmclient ~]# ipa sudorule-add-allow-command run_third-party-app_report --sudocmds '/opt/third-party-app/bin/report'
    Rule name: run_third-party-app_report
    Enabled: TRUE
    Sudo Allow Commands: /opt/third-party-app/bin/report
    RunAs External User: thirdpartyapp
    Number of members added 1
  6. Apply the run_third-party-app_report rule to the IdM idmclient host:

    [root@idmclient ~]# ipa sudorule-add-host run_third-party-app_report --hosts
    Rule name: run_third-party-app_report
    Enabled: TRUE
    Sudo Allow Commands: /opt/third-party-app/bin/report
    RunAs External User: thirdpartyapp
    Number of members added 1
  7. Add the idm_user account to the run_third-party-app_report rule:

    [root@idmclient ~]# ipa sudorule-add-user run_third-party-app_report --users idm_user
    Rule name: run_third-party-app_report
    Enabled: TRUE
    Users: idm_user
    Sudo Allow Commands: /opt/third-party-app/bin/report
    RunAs External User: thirdpartyapp
    Number of members added 1

Propagating the changes from the server to the client can take a few minutes.


  1. Log in to the idmclient host as the idm_user account.
  2. Test the new sudo rule:

    1. Display which sudo rules the idm_user account is allowed to perform.

      [idm_user@idmclient ~]$ sudo -l
      Matching Defaults entries for on idmclient:
          !visiblepw, always_set_home, match_group_by_gid, always_query_group_plugin,
      User may run the following commands on idmclient:
          (thirdpartyapp) /opt/third-party-app/bin/report
    2. Run the report command as the thirdpartyapp service account.

      [idm_user@idmclient ~]$ sudo -u thirdpartyapp /opt/third-party-app/bin/report
      [sudo] password for
      Executing report...
      Report successful.

9.6. Creating a sudo rule in the IdM WebUI that runs a command as a service account on an IdM client

In IdM, you can configure a sudo rule with a RunAs alias to run a sudo command as another user or group. For example, you might have an IdM client that hosts a database application, and you need to run commands as the local service account that corresponds to that application.

Use this example to create a sudo rule in the IdM WebUI called run_third-party-app_report to allow the idm_user account to run the /opt/third-party-app/bin/report command as the thirdpartyapp service account on the idmclient host.


  • You are logged in as IdM administrator.
  • You have created a user account for idm_user in IdM and unlocked the account by creating a password for the user. For details on adding a new IdM user using the CLI, see Adding users using the command line.
  • No local idm_user account is present on the idmclient host. The idm_user user is not listed in the local /etc/passwd file.
  • You have a custom application named third-party-app installed on the idmclient host.
  • The report command for the third-party-app application is installed in the /opt/third-party-app/bin/report directory.
  • You have created a local service account named thirdpartyapp to execute commands for the third-party-app application.


  1. Add the /opt/third-party-app/bin/report command to the IdM database of sudo commands:

    1. Navigate to PolicySudoSudo Commands.
    2. Click Add in the upper right corner to open the Add sudo command dialog box.
    3. Enter the command: /opt/third-party-app/bin/report.

      A screenshot of a pop-up window labeled "Add sudo command." There is a required field labeled "Sudo command" with contents "/opt/third-party-app/bin/report". A "Description" field is empty. The lower-right of the window has four buttons: "Add" - "Add and Add Another" - "Add and Edit" - "Cancel".
    4. Click Add.
  2. Use the new sudo command entry to create the new sudo rule:

    1. Navigate to PolicySudoSudo rules.
    2. Click Add in the upper right corner to open the Add sudo rule dialog box.
    3. Enter the name of the sudo rule: run_third-party-app_report.

      A screenshot of a pop-up window labeled "Add sudo rule." There is a required field labeled "Rule name" with contents "run_third-party-app_report". The lower-right of the window has four buttons: "Add" - "Add and Add Another" - "Add and Edit" - "Cancel".
    4. Click Add and Edit.
    5. Specify the user:

      1. In the Who section, check the Specified Users and Groups radio button.
      2. In the User category the rule applies to subsection, click Add to open the Add users into sudo rule "run_third-party-app_report" dialog box.
      3. In the Add users into sudo rule "run_third-party-app_report" dialog box in the Available column, check the idm_user checkbox, and move it to the Prospective column.

        A screenshot of a pop-up window labeled "Add users into sudo rule." You can select users from an Available list on the left and move them to a Prospective column on the right. The lower-right of the window has two buttons: "Add" - "Cancel".
      4. Click Add.
    6. Specify the host:

      1. In the Access this host section, check the Specified Hosts and Groups radio button.
      2. In the Host category this rule applies to subsection, click Add to open the Add hosts into sudo rule "run_third-party-app_report" dialog box.
      3. In the Add hosts into sudo rule "run_third-party-app_report" dialog box in the Available column, check the checkbox, and move it to the Prospective column.

        A screenshot of a pop-up window labeled "Add hosts into sudo rule." You can select hosts from an Available list on the left and move them to a Prospective column on the right. The lower-right of the window has two buttons: "Add" - "Cancel".
      4. Click Add.
    7. Specify the commands:

      1. In the Command category the rule applies to subsection of the Run Commands section, check the Specified Commands and Groups radio button.
      2. In the Sudo Allow Commands subsection, click Add to open the Add allow sudo commands into sudo rule "run_third-party-app_report" dialog box.
      3. In the Add allow sudo commands into sudo rule "run_third-party-app_report" dialog box in the Available column, check the /opt/third-party-app/bin/report checkbox, and move it to the Prospective column.

        A screenshot of a pop-up window labeled "Add allow sudo commands into sudo rule." You can select sudo commands from an Available list on the left and move them to a Prospective column on the right. The lower-right of the window has two buttons: "Add" - "Cancel".
      4. Click Add to return to the run_third-party-app_report page.
    8. Specify the RunAs user:

      1. In the As Whom section, check the Specified Users and Groups radio button.
      2. In the RunAs Users subsection, click Add to open the Add RunAs users into sudo rule "run_third-party-app_report" dialog box.
      3. In the Add RunAs users into sudo rule "run_third-party-app_report" dialog box, enter the thirdpartyapp service account in the External box and move it to the Prospective column.

        A screenshot of a dialog box where you can specify the "thirdpartyapp" service account as an external user.
      4. Click Add to return to the run_third-party-app_report page.
    9. Click Save in the top left corner.

The new rule is enabled by default.

Figure 9.3. Details of the sudo rule

A screenshot of an overview of the sudo rule that was added. The "Who" section has an entry for "idm_user." The "Access this host" section has "" The "Run Commands" section has the "/opt/third-party-app/bin/report" command. The "As Whom" section lists the "thirdpartyapp" account.

Propagating the changes from the server to the client can take a few minutes.


  1. Log in to the idmclient host as the idm_user account.
  2. Test the new sudo rule:

    1. Display which sudo rules the idm_user account is allowed to perform.

      [idm_user@idmclient ~]$ sudo -l
      Matching Defaults entries for on idmclient:
          !visiblepw, always_set_home, match_group_by_gid, always_query_group_plugin,
      User may run the following commands on idmclient:
          (thirdpartyapp) /opt/third-party-app/bin/report
    2. Run the report command as the thirdpartyapp service account.

      [idm_user@idmclient ~]$ sudo -u thirdpartyapp /opt/third-party-app/bin/report
      [sudo] password for
      Executing report...
      Report successful.

9.7. Enabling GSSAPI authentication for sudo on an IdM client

Enable Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSSAPI) authentication on an IdM client for the sudo and sudo -i commands via the PAM module. With this configuration, IdM users can authenticate to the sudo command with their Kerberos ticket.


  • You have created a sudo rule for an IdM user that applies to an IdM host. For this example, you have created the idm_user_reboot sudo rule to grant the idm_user account the permission to run the /usr/sbin/reboot command on the idmclient host.
  • The idmclient host is running RHEL 8.4 or later.
  • You need root privileges to modify the /etc/sssd/sssd.conf file and PAM files in the /etc/pam.d/ directory.


  1. Open the /etc/sssd/sssd.conf configuration file.
  2. Add the following entry to the [domain/<domain_name>] section.

    pam_gssapi_services = sudo, sudo-i
  3. Save and close the /etc/sssd/sssd.conf file.
  4. Restart the SSSD service to load the configuration changes.

    [root@idmclient ~]# systemctl restart sssd
  5. On RHEL 8.8 or later:

    1. Optional: Determine if you have selected the sssd authselect profile:

      # authselect current
      Profile ID: sssd
    2. If the sssd authselect profile is selected, enable GSSAPI authentication:

      # authselect enable-feature with-gssapi
    3. If the sssd authselect profile is not selected, select it and enable GSSAPI authentication:

      # authselect select sssd with-gssapi
  6. On RHEL 8.7 or earlier:

    1. Open the /etc/pam.d/sudo PAM configuration file.
    2. Add the following entry as the first line of the auth section in the /etc/pam.d/sudo file.

      auth sufficient
      auth       include      system-auth
      account    include      system-auth
      password   include      system-auth
      session    include      system-auth
    3. Save and close the /etc/pam.d/sudo file.


  1. Log into the host as the idm_user account.

    [root@idm-client ~]# ssh -l localhost's password:
  2. Verify that you have a ticket-granting ticket as the idm_user account.

    [idmuser@idmclient ~]$ klist
    Ticket cache: KCM:1366201107
    Default principal: idm_user@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM
    Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
    01/08/2021 09:11:48  01/08/2021 19:11:48  krbtgt/IDM.EXAMPLE.COM@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM
    	renew until 01/15/2021 09:11:44
  3. Optional: If you do not have Kerberos credentials for the idm_user account, delete your current Kerberos credentials and request the correct ones.

    [idm_user@idmclient ~]$ kdestroy -A
    [idm_user@idmclient ~]$ kinit idm_user@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM
    Password for
  4. Reboot the machine using sudo, without specifying a password.

    [idm_user@idmclient ~]$ sudo /usr/sbin/reboot

Additional resources

9.8. Enabling GSSAPI authentication and enforcing Kerberos authentication indicators for sudo on an IdM client

Enable Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSSAPI) authentication on an IdM client for the sudo and sudo -i commands via the PAM module. Additionally, only users who have logged in with a smart card will authenticate to those commands with their Kerberos ticket.


You can use this procedure as a template to configure GSSAPI authentication with SSSD for other PAM-aware services, and further restrict access to only those users that have a specific authentication indicator attached to their Kerberos ticket.


  • You have created a sudo rule for an IdM user that applies to an IdM host. For this example, you have created the idm_user_reboot sudo rule to grant the idm_user account the permission to run the /usr/sbin/reboot command on the idmclient host.
  • You have configured smart card authentication for the idmclient host.
  • The idmclient host is running RHEL 8.4 or later.
  • You need root privileges to modify the /etc/sssd/sssd.conf file and PAM files in the /etc/pam.d/ directory.


  1. Open the /etc/sssd/sssd.conf configuration file.
  2. Add the following entries to the [domain/<domain_name>] section.

    pam_gssapi_services = sudo, sudo-i
    pam_gssapi_indicators_map = sudo:pkinit, sudo-i:pkinit
  3. Save and close the /etc/sssd/sssd.conf file.
  4. Restart the SSSD service to load the configuration changes.

    [root@idmclient ~]# systemctl restart sssd
  5. On RHEL 8.8 or later:

    1. Determine if you have selected the sssd authselect profile:

      # authselect current
      Profile ID: sssd
    2. Optional: Select the sssd authselect profile:

      # authselect select sssd
    3. Enable GSSAPI authentication:

      # authselect enable-feature with-gssapi
    4. Configure the system to authenticate only users with smart cards:

      # authselect with-smartcard-required
  6. On RHEL 8.7 or earlier:

    1. Open the /etc/pam.d/sudo PAM configuration file.
    2. Add the following entry as the first line of the auth section in the /etc/pam.d/sudo file.

      auth sufficient
      auth       include      system-auth
      account    include      system-auth
      password   include      system-auth
      session    include      system-auth
    3. Save and close the /etc/pam.d/sudo file.
    4. Open the /etc/pam.d/sudo-i PAM configuration file.
    5. Add the following entry as the first line of the auth section in the /etc/pam.d/sudo-i file.

      auth sufficient
      auth       include      sudo
      account    include      sudo
      password   include      sudo
      session    optional force revoke
      session    include      sudo
    6. Save and close the /etc/pam.d/sudo-i file.


  1. Log into the host as the idm_user account and authenticate with a smart card.

    [root@idmclient ~]# ssh -l localhost
    PIN for smart_card
  2. Verify that you have a ticket-granting ticket as the smart card user.

    [idm_user@idmclient ~]$ klist
    Ticket cache: KEYRING:persistent:1358900015:krb_cache_TObtNMd
    Default principal: idm_user@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM
    Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
    02/15/2021 16:29:48  02/16/2021 02:29:48  krbtgt/IDM.EXAMPLE.COM@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM
    	renew until 02/22/2021 16:29:44
  3. Display which sudo rules the idm_user account is allowed to perform.

    [idm_user@idmclient ~]$ sudo -l
    Matching Defaults entries for idmuser on idmclient:
        !visiblepw, always_set_home, match_group_by_gid, always_query_group_plugin,
    User idm_user may run the following commands on idmclient:
        (root) /usr/sbin/reboot
  4. Reboot the machine using sudo, without specifying a password.

    [idm_user@idmclient ~]$ sudo /usr/sbin/reboot

9.9. SSSD options controlling GSSAPI authentication for PAM services

You can use the following options for the /etc/sssd/sssd.conf configuration file to adjust the GSSAPI configuration within the SSSD service.

GSSAPI authentication with SSSD is disabled by default. You can use this option to specify a comma-separated list of PAM services that are allowed to try GSSAPI authentication using the PAM module. To explicitly disable GSSAPI authentication, set this option to -.

This option only applies to Identity Management (IdM) domains. Use this option to list Kerberos authentication indicators that are required to grant PAM access to a service. Pairs must be in the format <PAM_service>:_<required_authentication_indicator>_.

Valid authentication indicators are:

  • otp for two-factor authentication
  • radius for RADIUS authentication
  • pkinit for PKINIT, smart card, or certificate authentication
  • hardened for hardened passwords
This option is enabled and set to true by default. If this option is enabled, the SSSD service requires that the user name matches the Kerberos credentials. If false, the PAM module authenticates every user that is able to obtain the required service ticket.


The following options enable Kerberos authentication for the sudo and sudo-i services, requires that sudo users authenticated with a one-time password, and user names must match the Kerberos principal. Because these settings are in the [pam] section, they apply to all domains:

pam_gssapi_services = sudo, sudo-i
pam_gssapi_indicators_map = sudo:otp
pam_gssapi_check_upn = true

You can also set these options in individual [domain] sections to overwrite any global values in the [pam] section. The following options apply different GSSAPI settings to each domain:

For the domain
  • Enable GSSAPI authentication for the sudo and sudo -i services.
  • Require certificate or smart card authentication authenticators for the sudo command.
  • Require one-time password authentication authenticators for the sudo -i command.
  • Enforce matching user names and Kerberos principals.
For the domain
  • Enable GSSAPI authentication only for the sudo service.
  • Do not enforce matching user names and principals.
pam_gssapi_services = sudo, sudo-i
pam_gssapi_indicators_map = sudo:pkinit, sudo-i:otp
pam_gssapi_check_upn = true

pam_gssapi_services = sudo
pam_gssapi_check_upn = false

9.10. Troubleshooting GSSAPI authentication for sudo

If you are unable to authenticate to the sudo service with a Kerberos ticket from IdM, use the following scenarios to troubleshoot your configuration.



  • If you see the following error, the Kerberos service might not able to resolve the correct realm for the service ticket based on the host name:

    Server not found in Kerberos database

    In this situation, add the hostname directly to [domain_realm] section in the /etc/krb5.conf Kerberos configuration file:

    [idm-user@idm-client ~]$ cat /etc/krb5.conf
    [domain_realm] = EXAMPLE.COM = EXAMPLE.COM = EXAMPLE.COM
  • If you see the following error, you do not have any Kerberos credentials:

    No Kerberos credentials available

    In this situation, retrieve Kerberos credentials with the kinit utility or authenticate with SSSD:

    [idm-user@idm-client ~]$ kinit idm-user@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM
    Password for
  • If you see either of the following errors in the /var/log/sssd/sssd_pam.log log file, the Kerberos credentials do not match the username of the user currently logged in:

    User with UPN [<UPN>] was not found.
    UPN [<UPN>] does not match target user [<username>].

    In this situation, verify that you authenticated with SSSD, or consider disabling the pam_gssapi_check_upn option in the /etc/sssd/sssd.conf file:

    [idm-user@idm-client ~]$ cat /etc/sssd/sssd.conf
    pam_gssapi_check_upn = false
  • For additional troubleshooting, you can enable debugging output for the PAM module.

    • Add the debug option at the end of all entries in PAM files, such as /etc/pam.d/sudo and /etc/pam.d/sudo-i:

      [root@idm-client ~]# cat /etc/pam.d/sudo
      auth       sufficient   debug
      auth       include      system-auth
      account    include      system-auth
      password   include      system-auth
      session    include      system-auth
      [root@idm-client ~]# cat /etc/pam.d/sudo-i
      auth       sufficient   debug
      auth       include      sudo
      account    include      sudo
      password   include      sudo
      session    optional force revoke
      session    include      sudo
    • Try to authenticate with the module and review the console output. In this example, the user did not have any Kerberos credentials.

      [idm-user@idm-client ~]$ sudo ls -l /etc/sssd/sssd.conf
      pam_sss_gss: Initializing GSSAPI authentication with SSSD
      pam_sss_gss: Switching euid from 0 to 1366201107
      pam_sss_gss: Trying to establish security context
      pam_sss_gss: SSSD User name:
      pam_sss_gss: User domain:
      pam_sss_gss: User principal:
      pam_sss_gss: Target name:
      pam_sss_gss: Using ccache: KCM:
      pam_sss_gss: Acquiring credentials, principal name will be derived
      pam_sss_gss: Unable to read credentials from [KCM:] [maj:0xd0000, min:0x96c73ac3]
      pam_sss_gss: GSSAPI: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more information
      pam_sss_gss: GSSAPI: No credentials cache found
      pam_sss_gss: Switching euid from 1366200907 to 0
      pam_sss_gss: System error [5]: Input/output error

9.11. Using an Ansible playbook to ensure sudo access for an IdM user on an IdM client

In Identity Management (IdM), you can ensure sudo access to a specific command is granted to an IdM user account on a specific IdM host.

Complete this procedure to ensure a sudo rule named idm_user_reboot exists. The rule grants idm_user the permission to run the /usr/sbin/reboot command on the idmclient machine.



  1. Create an inventory file, for example inventory.file, and define ipaservers in it:

  2. Add one or more sudo commands:

    1. Create an ensure-reboot-sudocmd-is-present.yml Ansible playbook that ensures the presence of the /usr/sbin/reboot command in the IdM database of sudo commands. To simplify this step, you can copy and modify the example in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/sudocmd/ensure-sudocmd-is-present.yml file:

      - name: Playbook to manage sudo command
        hosts: ipaserver
        - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
        # Ensure sudo command is present
        - ipasudocmd:
            ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
            name: /usr/sbin/reboot
            state: present
    2. Run the playbook:

      $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i path_to_inventory_directory/inventory.file path_to_playbooks_directory/ensure-reboot-sudocmd-is-present.yml
  3. Create a sudo rule that references the commands:

    1. Create an ensure-sudorule-for-idmuser-on-idmclient-is-present.yml Ansible playbook that uses the sudo command entry to ensure the presence of a sudo rule. The sudo rule allows idm_user to reboot the idmclient machine. To simplify this step, you can copy and modify the example in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/sudorule/ensure-sudorule-is-present.yml file:

      - name: Tests
        hosts: ipaserver
        - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
        # Ensure a sudorule is present granting idm_user the permission to run /usr/sbin/reboot on idmclient
        - ipasudorule:
            ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
            name: idm_user_reboot
            description: A test sudo rule.
            allow_sudocmd: /usr/sbin/reboot
            user: idm_user
            state: present
    2. Run the playbook:

      $ ansible-playbook -v -i path_to_inventory_directory/inventory.file path_to_playbooks_directory/ensure-sudorule-for-idmuser-on-idmclient-is-present.yml


Test that the sudo rule whose presence you have ensured on the IdM server works on idmclient by verifying that idm_user can reboot idmclient using sudo. Note that it can take a few minutes for the changes made on the server to take effect on the client.

  1. Log in to idmclient as idm_user.
  2. Reboot the machine using sudo. Enter the password for idm_user when prompted:

    $ sudo /usr/sbin/reboot
    [sudo] password for idm_user:

If sudo is configured correctly, the machine reboots.

Additional resources

  • See the,, and files in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/ directory.

Chapter 10. Using ldapmodify to manage IdM users externally

As an IdM administrators you can use the ipa commands to manage your directory content. Alternatively, you can use the ldapmodify command to achieve similar goals. You can use this command interactively and provide all the data directly in the command line. You also can provide data in the file in the LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) to ldapmodify command.

10.1. Templates for managing IdM user accounts externally

The following templates can be used for various user management operations in IdM. The templates show which attributes you must modify using ldapmodify to achieve the following goals:

  • Adding a new stage user
  • Modifying a user’s attribute
  • Enabling a user
  • Disabling a user
  • Preserving a user

The templates are formatted in the LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF). LDIF is a standard plain text data interchange format for representing LDAP directory content and update requests.

Using the templates, you can configure the LDAP provider of your provisioning system to manage IdM user accounts.

For detailed example procedures, see the following sections:

Templates for adding a new stage user

  • A template for adding a user with UID and GID assigned automatically. The distinguished name (DN) of the created entry must start with uid=user_login:

    dn: uid=user_login,cn=staged users,cn=accounts,cn=provisioning,dc=idm,dc=example,dc=com
    changetype: add
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: inetorgperson
    uid: user_login
    sn: surname
    givenName: first_name
    cn: full_name
  • A template for adding a user with UID and GID assigned statically:

    dn: uid=user_login,cn=staged users,cn=accounts,cn=provisioning,dc=idm,dc=example,dc=com
    changetype: add
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: person
    objectClass: inetorgperson
    objectClass: organizationalperson
    objectClass: posixaccount
    uid: user_login
    uidNumber: UID_number
    gidNumber: GID_number
    sn: surname
    givenName: first_name
    cn: full_name
    homeDirectory: /home/user_login

    You are not required to specify any IdM object classes when adding stage users. IdM adds these classes automatically after the users are activated.

Templates for modifying existing users

  • Modifying a user’s attribute:

    dn: distinguished_name
    changetype: modify
    replace: attribute_to_modify
    attribute_to_modify: new_value
  • Disabling a user:

    dn: distinguished_name
    changetype: modify
    replace: nsAccountLock
    nsAccountLock: TRUE
  • Enabling a user:

    dn: distinguished_name
    changetype: modify
    replace: nsAccountLock
    nsAccountLock: FALSE

    Updating the nssAccountLock attribute has no effect on stage and preserved users. Even though the update operation completes successfully, the attribute value remains nssAccountLock: TRUE.

  • Preserving a user:

    dn: distinguished_name
    changetype: modrdn
    newrdn: uid=user_login
    deleteoldrdn: 0
    newsuperior: cn=deleted users,cn=accounts,cn=provisioning,dc=idm,dc=example,dc=com

Before modifying a user, obtain the user’s distinguished name (DN) by searching using the user’s login. In the following example, the user_allowed_to_modify_user_entries user is a user allowed to modify user and group information, for example activator or IdM administrator. The password in the example is this user’s password:

# ldapsearch -LLL -x -D "uid=user_allowed_to_modify_user_entries,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=idm,dc=example,dc=com" -w "Secret123" -H ldap:// -b "cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=idm,dc=example,dc=com" uid=test_user
dn: uid=test_user,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=idm,dc=example,dc=com
memberOf: cn=ipausers,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=idm,dc=example,dc=com

10.2. Templates for managing IdM group accounts externally

The following templates can be used for various user group management operations in IdM. The templates show which attributes you must modify using ldapmodify to achieve the following aims:

  • Creating a new group
  • Deleting an existing group
  • Adding a member to a group
  • Removing a member from a group

The templates are formatted in the LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF). LDIF is a standard plain text data interchange format for representing LDAP directory content and update requests.

Using the templates, you can configure the LDAP provider of your provisioning system to manage IdM group accounts.

Creating a new group

dn: cn=group_name,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=idm,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: add
objectClass: top
objectClass: ipaobject
objectClass: ipausergroup
objectClass: groupofnames
objectClass: nestedgroup
objectClass: posixgroup
uid: group_name
cn: group_name
gidNumber: GID_number

Modifying groups

  • Deleting an existing group:

    dn: group_distinguished_name
    changetype: delete
  • Adding a member to a group:

    dn: group_distinguished_name
    changetype: modify
    add: member
    member: uid=user_login,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=idm,dc=example,dc=com

    Do not add stage or preserved users to groups. Even though the update operation completes successfully, the users will not be updated as members of the group. Only active users can belong to groups.

  • Removing a member from a group:

    dn: distinguished_name
    changetype: modify
    delete: member
    member: uid=user_login,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=idm,dc=example,dc=com

Before modifying a group, obtain the group’s distinguished name (DN) by searching using the group’s name.

# ldapsearch -YGSSAPI -H ldap:// -b "cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=idm,dc=example,dc=com" "cn=group_name"
dn: cn=group_name,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=idm,dc=example,dc=com
ipaNTSecurityIdentifier: S-1-5-21-1650388524-2605035987-2578146103-11017
cn: testgroup
objectClass: top
objectClass: groupofnames
objectClass: nestedgroup
objectClass: ipausergroup
objectClass: ipaobject
objectClass: posixgroup
objectClass: ipantgroupattrs
ipaUniqueID: 569bf864-9d45-11ea-bea3-525400f6f085
gidNumber: 1997010017

10.3. Using ldapmodify command interactively

You can modify Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) entries in the interactive mode.


  1. In a command line, enter the LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) statement after the ldapmodify command.

    Example 10.1. Changing the telephone number for a testuser

    # ldapmodify -Y GSSAPI -H ldap://
    dn: uid=testuser,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com
    changetype: modify
    replace: telephoneNumber
    telephonenumber: 88888888

    Note that you need to obtain a Kerberos ticket for using -Y option.

  2. Press Ctlr+D to exit the interactive mode.
  3. Alternatively, provide an LDIF file after ldapmodify command:

    Example 10.2. The ldapmodify command reads modification data from an LDIF file

    # ldapmodify -Y GSSAPI -H ldap:// -f ~/example.ldif

Additional resources

  • For more information about how to use the ldapmodify command see ldapmodify(1) man page on your system.
  • For more information about the LDIF structure, see ldif(5) man page on your system.

10.4. Preserving an IdM user with ldapmodify

Follow this procedure to use ldapmodify to preserve an IdM user; that is, how to deactivate a user account after the employee has left the company.


  • You can authenticate as an IdM user with a role to preserve users.


  1. Log in as an IdM user with a role to preserve users:

    $ kinit admin
  2. Enter the ldapmodify command and specify the Generic Security Services API (GSSAPI) as the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) mechanism to be used for authentication:

    # ldapmodify -Y GSSAPI
    SASL/GSSAPI authentication started
    SASL username: admin@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM
    SASL SSF: 256
    SASL data security layer installed.
  3. Enter the dn of the user you want to preserve:

    dn: uid=user1,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=idm,dc=example,dc=com
  4. Enter modrdn as the type of change you want to perform:

    changetype: modrdn
  5. Specify the newrdn for the user:

    newrdn: uid=user1
  6. Indicate that you want to preserve the user:

    deleteoldrdn: 0
  7. Specify the new superior DN:

    newsuperior: cn=deleted users,cn=accounts,cn=provisioning,dc=idm,dc=example,dc=com

    Preserving a user moves the entry to a new location in the directory information tree (DIT). For this reason, you must specify the DN of the new parent entry as the new superior DN.

  8. Press Enter again to confirm that this is the end of the entry:

    modifying rdn of entry "uid=user1,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=idm,dc=example,dc=com"
  9. Exit the connection using Ctrl + C.


  • Verify that the user has been preserved by listing all preserved users:

    $ ipa user-find --preserved=true
    1 user matched
      User login: user1
      First name: First 1
      Last name: Last 1
      Home directory: /home/user1
      Login shell: /bin/sh
      Principal name: user1@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM
      Principal alias: user1@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM
      Email address:
      UID: 1997010003
      GID: 1997010003
      Account disabled: True
      Preserved user: True
    Number of entries returned 1

Chapter 11. Searching IdM entries using the ldapsearch command

You can use the ipa find command to search through the Identity Management entries. For more information about ipa command see Structure of IPA commands section.

This section introduces the basics of an alternative search option using ldapsearch command line command through the Identity Management entries.

11.1. Using the ldapsearch command

The ldapsearch command has the following format:

# ldapsearch [-x | -Y mechanism] [options] [search_filter] [list_of_attributes]
  • To configure the authentication method, specify the -x option to use simple binds or the -Y option to set the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) mechanism. Note that you need to obtain a Kerberos ticket if you are using the -Y GSSAPI option.
  • The options are the ldapsearch command options described in a table below.
  • The search_filter is an LDAP search filter.
  • The list_of_attributes is a list of the attributes that the search results return.

For example, you want to search all the entries of a base LDAP tree for the user name user01:

# ldapsearch -x -H ldap:// -s sub "(uid=user01)"
  • The -x option tells the ldapsearch command to authenticate with the simple bind. Note that if you do not provide the Distinguish Name (DN) with the -D option, the authentication is anonymous.
  • The -H option connects you to the ldap://
  • The -s sub option tells the ldapsearch command to search all the entries, starting from the base DN, for the user with the name user01. The "(uid=user01)" is a filter.

Note that if you do not provide the starting point for the search with the -b option, the command searches in the default tree. It is specified in the BASE parameter of the etc/openldap/ldap.conf file.

Table 11.1. The ldapsearch command options


The starting point for the search. If your search parameters contain an asterisk (*) or other character, that the command line can interpret into a code, you must wrap the value in single or double quotation marks. For example, -b cn=user,ou=Product Development,dc=example,dc=com.


The Distinguished Name (DN) with which you want to authenticate.


An LDAP URL to connect to the server. The -H option replaces the -h and -p options.


The time limit in seconds to wait for a search request to complete.

-s scope

The scope of the search. You can choose one of the following for the scope:

  • base searches only the entry from the -b option or defined by the LDAP_BASEDN environment variable.
  • one searches only the children of the entry from the -b option.
  • sub a subtree search from the -b option starting point.


Requests for the password.


Disables the default SASL connection to allow simple binds.

-Y SASL_mechanism

Sets the SASL mechanism for the authentication.

-z number

The maximum number of entries in the search result.

Note, you must specify one of the authentication mechanisms with the -x or -Y option with the ldapsearch command.

Additional resources

  • For details on how to use ldapsearch, see ldapsearch(1) man page on your system.

11.2. Using the ldapsearch filters

The ldapsearch filters allow you to narrow down the search results.

For example, you want the search result to contain all the entries with a common names set to example:


In this case, the equal sign (=) is the operator, and example is the value.

Table 11.2. The ldapsearch filter operators
Search typeOperatorDescription



Returns the entries with the exact match to the value. For example, cn=example.


=string* string

Returns all entries with the substring match. For example, cn=exa*l. The asterisk (*) indicates zero (0) or more characters.

Greater than or equal to


Returns all entries with attributes that are greater than or equal to the value. For example, uidNumber >= 5000.

Less than or equal to


Returns all entries with attributes that are less than or equal to the value. For example, uidNumber <= 5000.



Returns all entries with one or more attributes. For example, cn=*.



Returns all entries with the similar to the value attributes. For example, l~=san fransico can return l=san francisco.

You can use boolean operators to combine multiple filters to the ldapsearch command.

Table 11.3. The ldapsearch filter boolean operators
Search typeOperatorDescription



Returns all entries where all statements in the filters are true. For example, (&(filter)(filter)(filter)…​).



Returns all entries where at least one statement in the filters is true. For example, (|(filter)(filter)(filter)…​).



Returns all entries where the statement in the filter is not true. For example, (!(filter)).

Chapter 12. Configuring IdM for external provisioning of users

As a system administrator, you can configure Identity Management (IdM) to support the provisioning of users by an external solution for managing identities.

Rather than use the ipa utility, the administrator of the external provisioning system can access the IdM LDAP using the ldapmodify utility. The administrator can add individual stage users from the CLI using ldapmodify or using an LDIF file.

The assumption is that you, as an IdM administrator, fully trust your external provisioning system to only add validated users. However, at the same time you do not want to assign the administrators of the external provisioning system the IdM role of User Administrator to enable them to add new active users directly.

You can configure a script to automatically move the staged users created by the external provisioning system to active users automatically.

This chapter contains these sections:

  1. Preparing Identity Management (IdM) to use an external provisioning system to add stage users to IdM.
  2. Creating a script to move the users added by the external provisioning system from stage to active users.
  3. Using an external provisioning system to add an IdM stage user. You can do that in two ways:

12.1. Preparing IdM accounts for automatic activation of stage user accounts

This procedure shows how to configure two IdM user accounts to be used by an external provisioning system. By adding the accounts to a group with an appropriate password policy, you enable the external provisioning system to manage user provisioning in IdM. In the following, the user account to be used by the external system to add stage users is named provisionator. The user account to be used to automatically activate the stage users is named activator.


  • The host on which you perform the procedure is enrolled into IdM.


  1. Log in as IdM administrator:

    $ kinit admin
  2. Create a user named provisionator with the privileges to add stage users.

    1. Add the provisionator user account:
    $ ipa user-add provisionator --first=provisioning --last=account --password
    1. Grant the provisionator user the required privileges.

      1. Create a custom role, System Provisioning, to manage adding stage users:

        $ ipa role-add --desc "Responsible for provisioning stage users" "System Provisioning"
      2. Add the Stage User Provisioning privilege to the role. This privilege provides the ability to add stage users:

        $ ipa role-add-privilege "System Provisioning" --privileges="Stage User Provisioning"
      3. Add the provisionator user to the role:

        $ ipa role-add-member --users=provisionator "System Provisioning"
      4. Verify that the provisionator exists in IdM:
      $ ipa user-find provisionator --all --raw
      1 user matched
        dn: uid=provisionator,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=idm,dc=example,dc=com
        uid: provisionator
  3. Create a user, activator, with the privileges to manage user accounts.

    1. Add the activator user account:

      $ ipa user-add activator --first=activation --last=account --password
    2. Grant the activator user the required privileges by adding the user to the default User Administrator role:

      $ ipa role-add-member --users=activator "User Administrator"
  4. Create a user group for application accounts:

    $ ipa group-add application-accounts
  5. Update the password policy for the group. The following policy prevents password expiration and lockout for the account but compensates the potential risks by requiring complex passwords:

    $ ipa pwpolicy-add application-accounts --maxlife=10000 --minlife=0 --history=0 --minclasses=4 --minlength=8 --priority=1 --maxfail=0 --failinterval=1 --lockouttime=0
  6. Optional: Verify that the password policy exists in IdM:

    $ ipa pwpolicy-show application-accounts
      Group: application-accounts
      Max lifetime (days): 10000
      Min lifetime (hours): 0
      History size: 0
  7. Add the provisioning and activation accounts to the group for application accounts:

    $ ipa group-add-member application-accounts --users={provisionator,activator}
  8. Change the passwords for the user accounts:

    $ kpasswd provisionator
    $ kpasswd activator

    Changing the passwords is necessary because new IdM users passwords expire immediately.

12.2. Configuring automatic activation of IdM stage user accounts

This procedure shows how to create a script for activating stage users. The system runs the script automatically at specified time intervals. This ensures that new user accounts are automatically activated and available for use shortly after they are created.


The procedure assumes that the owner of the external provisioning system has already validated the users and that they do not require additional validation on the IdM side before the script adds them to IdM.

It is sufficient to enable the activation process on only one of your IdM servers.



  1. Generate a keytab file for the activation account:

    # ipa-getkeytab -s -p "activator" -k /etc/krb5.ipa-activation.keytab

    If you want to enable the activation process on more than one IdM server, generate the keytab file on one server only. Then copy the keytab file to the other servers.

  2. Create a script, /usr/local/sbin/ipa-activate-all, with the following contents to activate all users:

    kinit -k -i activator
    ipa stageuser-find --all --raw | grep "  uid:" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | while read uid; do ipa stageuser-activate ${uid}; done
  3. Edit the permissions and ownership of the ipa-activate-all script to make it executable:

    # chmod 755 /usr/local/sbin/ipa-activate-all
    # chown root:root /usr/local/sbin/ipa-activate-all
  4. Create a systemd unit file, /etc/systemd/system/ipa-activate-all.service, with the following contents:

    Description=Scan IdM every minute for any stage users that must be activated
  5. Create a systemd timer, /etc/systemd/system/ipa-activate-all.timer, with the following contents:

    Description=Scan IdM every minute for any stage users that must be activated
  6. Reload the new configuration:

    # systemctl daemon-reload
  7. Enable ipa-activate-all.timer:

    # systemctl enable ipa-activate-all.timer
  8. Start ipa-activate-all.timer:

    # systemctl start ipa-activate-all.timer
  9. Optional: Verify that the ipa-activate-all.timer daemon is running:

    # systemctl status ipa-activate-all.timer
    ● ipa-activate-all.timer - Scan IdM every minute for any stage users that must be activated
       Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ipa-activate-all.timer; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
       Active: active (waiting) since Wed 2020-06-10 16:34:55 CEST; 15s ago
      Trigger: Wed 2020-06-10 16:35:55 CEST; 44s left
    Jun 10 16:34:55 systemd[1]: Started Scan IdM every minute for any stage users that must be activated.

12.3. Adding an IdM stage user defined in an LDIF file

Follow this procedure to access IdM LDAP and use an LDIF file to add stage users. While the example below shows adding one single user, multiple users can be added in one file in bulk mode.


  • IdM administrator has created the provisionator account and a password for it. For details, see Preparing IdM accounts for automatic activation of stage user accounts.
  • You as the external administrator know the password of the provisionator account.
  • You can SSH to the IdM server from your LDAP server.
  • You are able to supply the minimal set of attributes that an IdM stage user must have to allow the correct processing of the user life cycle, namely:

    • The distinguished name (dn)
    • The common name (cn)
    • The last name (sn)
    • The uid


  1. On the external server, create an LDIF file that contains information about the new user:

    dn: uid=stageidmuser,cn=staged users,cn=accounts,cn=provisioning,dc=idm,dc=example,dc=com
    changetype: add
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: inetorgperson
    uid: stageidmuser
    sn: surname
    givenName: first_name
    cn: full_name
  2. Transfer the LDIF file from the external server to the IdM server:

    $ scp add-stageidmuser.ldif
    add-stageidmuser.ldif                                                                                          100%  364   217.6KB/s   00:00
  3. Use the SSH protocol to connect to the IdM server as provisionator:

    $ ssh
    [provisionator@server ~]$
  4. On the IdM server, obtain the Kerberos ticket-granting ticket (TGT) for the provisionator account:

    [provisionator@server ~]$ kinit provisionator
  5. Enter the ldapadd command with the -f option and the name of the LDIF file. Specify the name of the IdM server and the port number:

    ~]$ ldapadd -h -p 389 -f  add-stageidmuser.ldif
    SASL/GSSAPI authentication started
    SASL username: provisionator@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM
    SASL SSF: 256
    SASL data security layer installed.
    adding the entry "uid=stageidmuser,cn=staged users,cn=accounts,cn=provisioning,dc=idm,dc=example,dc=com"

12.4. Adding an IdM stage user directly from the CLI using ldapmodify

Follow this procedure to access access Identity Management (IdM) LDAP and use the ldapmodify utility to add a stage user.


  • The IdM administrator has created the provisionator account and a password for it. For details, see Preparing IdM accounts for automatic activation of stage user accounts.
  • You as the external administrator know the password of the provisionator account.
  • You can SSH to the IdM server from your LDAP server.
  • You are able to supply the minimal set of attributes that an IdM stage user must have to allow the correct processing of the user life cycle, namely:

    • The distinguished name (dn)
    • The common name (cn)
    • The last name (sn)
    • The uid


  1. Use the SSH protocol to connect to the IdM server using your IdM identity and credentials:

    $ ssh
    [provisionator@server ~]$
  2. Obtain the TGT of the provisionator account, an IdM user with a role to add new stage users:

    $ kinit provisionator
  3. Enter the ldapmodify command and specify Generic Security Services API (GSSAPI) as the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) mechanism to use for authentication. Specify the name of the IdM server and the port:

    # ldapmodify -h -p 389 -Y GSSAPI
    SASL/GSSAPI authentication started
    SASL username: provisionator@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM
    SASL SSF: 56
    SASL data security layer installed.
  4. Enter the dn of the user you are adding:

    dn: uid=stageuser,cn=staged users,cn=accounts,cn=provisioning,dc=idm,dc=example,dc=com
  5. Enter add as the type of change you are performing:

    changetype: add
  6. Specify the LDAP object class categories required to allow the correct processing of the user life cycle:

    objectClass: top
    objectClass: inetorgperson

    You can specify additional object classes.

  7. Enter the uid of the user:

    uid: stageuser
  8. Enter the cn of the user:

    cn: Babs Jensen
  9. Enter the last name of the user:

    sn: Jensen
  10. Press Enter again to confirm that this is the end of the entry:

    adding new entry "uid=stageuser,cn=staged users,cn=accounts,cn=provisioning,dc=idm,dc=example,dc=com"
  11. Exit the connection using Ctrl + C.


Verify the contents of the stage entry to make sure your provisioning system added all required POSIX attributes and the stage entry is ready to be activated.

  • To display the new stage user’s LDAP attributes, enter the ipa stageuser-show --all --raw command:

    $ ipa stageuser-show stageuser --all --raw
      dn: uid=stageuser,cn=staged users,cn=accounts,cn=provisioning,dc=idm,dc=example,dc=com
      uid: stageuser
      sn: Jensen
      cn: Babs Jensen
      has_password: FALSE
      has_keytab: FALSE
      nsaccountlock: TRUE
      objectClass: top
      objectClass: inetorgperson
      objectClass: organizationalPerson
      objectClass: person
    1. Note that the user is explicitly disabled by the nsaccountlock attribute.

12.5. Additional resources

Chapter 13. Managing Kerberos principal aliases for users, hosts, and services

When you create a new user, host, or service, a Kerberos principal in the following format is automatically added:

  • user_name@REALM
  • host/host_name@REALM
  • service_name/host_name@REALM

Administrators can enable users, hosts, or services to authenticate against Kerberos applications using an alias. This is beneficial in the following scenarios:

  • The user name changed and the user wants to log in using both the previous and new user name.
  • The user needs to log in using the email address even if the IdM Kerberos realm differs from the email domain.

Note that if you rename a user, the object keeps the aliases and the previous canonical principal name.

13.1. Adding a Kerberos principal alias

You can associate alias names with existing Kerberos principals in an Identity Management (IdM) environment. This enhances security and simplifies authentication processes within the IdM domain.


  • To add the alias name useralias to the account user, enter:

    # ipa user-add-principal <user> <useralias>
    Added new aliases to user "user"
             User login: user
        Principal alias: user@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM, useralias@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM

    To add an alias to a host or service, use the ipa host-add-principal or ipa service-add-principal command respectively instead.

    If you use an alias name to authenticate, use the -C option with the kinit command:

    # kinit -C <useralias>
    Password for <user>@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM:

13.2. Removing a Kerberos principal alias

You can remove alias names associated with Kerberos principals in their Identity Management (IdM) environment.


  • To remove the alias useralias from the account user, enter:

    # ipa user-remove-principal <user> <useralias>
    Removed aliases from user "user"
      User login: user
      Principal alias: user@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM

    To remove an alias from a host or service, use the ipa host-remove-principal or ipa service-remove-principal command respectively instead.

    Note that you cannot remove the canonical principal name:

    # ipa user-show <user>
      User login: user
      Principal name: user@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM
    # ipa user-remove-principal user user
    ipa: ERROR: invalid 'krbprincipalname': at least one value equal to the canonical principal name must be present

13.3. Adding a Kerberos enterprise principal alias

You can associate enterprise principal alias names with existing Kerberos enterprise principals in an Identity Management (IdM) environment. Enterprise principal aliases can use any domain suffix except for user principal name (UPN) suffixes, NetBIOS names, or domain names of trusted Active Directory forest domains.


When adding or removing enterprise principal aliases, escape the @ symbol using two backslashes (\\). Otherwise, the shell interprets the @ symbol as part of the Kerberos realm name and leads to the following error:

ipa: ERROR: The realm for the principal does not match the realm for this IPA server


  • To add the enterprise principal alias to the user account:

    # ipa user-add-principal <user> <user\\>
    Added new aliases to user "user"
             User login: user
        Principal alias: user@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM, user\

    To add an enterprise alias to a host or service, use the ipa host-add-principal or ipa service-add-principal command respectively instead.

    If you use an enterprise principal name to authenticate, use the -E option with the kinit command:

    # kinit -E <>
    Password for user\

13.4. Removing a Kerberos enterprise principal alias

You can remove enterprise principal alias names associated with Kerberos enterprise principals in their Identity Management (IdM) environment.


When adding or removing enterprise principal aliases, escape the @ symbol using two backslashes (\\). Otherwise, the shell interprets the @ symbol as part of the Kerberos realm name and leads to the following error:

ipa: ERROR: The realm for the principal does not match the realm for this IPA server


  • To remove the enterprise principal alias from the account user, enter:

    # ipa user-remove-principal <user> <user\\>
    Removed aliases from user "user"
      User login: user
      Principal alias: user@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM

    To remove an alias from a host or service, use the ipa host-remove-principal or ipa service-remove-principal command respectively instead.

Chapter 14. Strengthening Kerberos security with PAC information

You can use Identity Management (IdM) with Privilege Attribute Certificate (PAC) information by default since RHEL 8.5. Also, you can enable Security Identifiers (SIDs) in IdM deployments that were installed before RHEL 8.5.

14.1. Privilege Attribute Certificate (PAC) use in IdM

To increase security, RHEL Identity Management (IdM) now issues Kerberos tickets with Privilege Attribute Certificate (PAC) information by default in new deployments. A PAC has rich information about a Kerberos principal, including its Security Identifier (SID), group memberships, and home directory information.

SIDs, which Microsoft Active Directory (AD) uses by default, are globally unique identifiers that are never reused. SIDs express multiple namespaces: each domain has a SID, which is a prefix in the SID of each object.

Starting from RHEL 8.5, when you install an IdM server or replica, the installation script generates SIDs for users and groups by default. This allows IdM to work with PAC data. If you installed IdM before RHEL 8.5, and you have not configured a trust with an AD domain, you may not have generated SIDs for your IdM objects. For more information about generating SIDs for your IdM objects, see Enabling Security Identifiers (SIDs) in IdM.

By evaluating PAC information in Kerberos tickets, you can control resource access with much greater detail. For example, the Administrator account in one domain has a uniquely different SID than the Administrator account in any other domain. In an IdM environment with a trust to an AD domain, you can set access controls based on globally unique SIDs rather than simple user names or UIDs that might repeat in different locations, such as every Linux root account having a UID of 0.

14.2. Enabling Security Identifiers (SIDs) in IdM

If you installed IdM before RHEL 8.5, and you have not configured a trust with an AD domain, you might not have generated Security Identifiers (SIDs) for your IdM objects. This is because, before, the only way to generate SIDs was to run the ipa-adtrust-install command to add the Trust Controller role to an IdM server.

As of RHEL 8.6, Kerberos in IdM requires that your IdM objects have SIDs, which are necessary for security based on Privilege Access Certificate (PAC) information.


  • You installed IdM before RHEL 8.5.
  • You have not run the ipa-sidgen task, which is part of configuring a trust with an Active Directory domain.
  • You can authenticate as the IdM admin account.


  • Enable SID usage and trigger the SIDgen task to generate SIDs for existing users and groups. This task might be resource-intensive:

    [root@server ~]# ipa config-mod --enable-sid --add-sids


  • Verify that the IdM admin user account entry has an ipantsecurityidentifier attribute with a SID that ends with -500, the SID reserved for the domain administrator:

    [root@server ~]# ipa user-show admin --all | grep ipantsecurityidentifier
      ipantsecurityidentifier: S-1-5-21-2633809701-976279387-419745629-500

Chapter 15. Managing Kerberos ticket policies

Kerberos ticket policies in Identity Management (IdM) set restrictions on Kerberos ticket access, duration, and renewal. You can configure Kerberos ticket policies for the Key Distribution Center (KDC) running on your IdM server.

The following concepts and operations are performed when managing Kerberos ticket policies:

15.1. The role of the IdM KDC

Identity Management’s authentication mechanisms use the Kerberos infrastructure established by the Key Distribution Center (KDC). The KDC is the trusted authority that stores credential information and ensures the authenticity of data originating from entities within the IdM network.

Each IdM user, service, and host acts as a Kerberos client and is identified by a unique Kerberos principal:

  • For users: identifier@REALM, such as admin@EXAMPLE.COM
  • For services: service/fully-qualified-hostname@REALM, such as http/
  • For hosts: host/fully-qualified-hostname@REALM, such as host/

The following image is a simplification of the communication between a Kerberos client, the KDC, and a Kerberized application that the client wants to communicate with.

Kerberos KDC flow of communication
  1. A Kerberos client identifies itself to the KDC by authenticating as a Kerberos principal. For example, an IdM user performs kinit username and provides their password.
  2. The KDC checks for the principal in its database, authenticates the client, and evaluates Kerberos ticket policies to determine whether to grant the request.
  3. The KDC issues the client a ticket-granting ticket (TGT) with a lifecycle and authentication indicators according to the appropriate ticket policy.
  4. With the TGT, the client requests a service ticket from the KDC to communicate with a Kerberized service on a target host.
  5. The KDC checks if the client’s TGT is still valid, and evaluates the service ticket request against ticket policies.
  6. The KDC issues the client a service ticket.
  7. With the service ticket, the client can initiate encrypted communication with the service on the target host.

15.2. IdM Kerberos ticket policy types

IdM Kerberos ticket policies implement the following ticket policy types:

Connection policy

To protect Kerberized services with different levels of security, you can define connection policies to enforce rules based on which pre-authentication mechanism a client used to retrieve a ticket-granting ticket (TGT).

For example, you can require smart card authentication to connect to, and require two-factor authentication to access the testservice application on

To enforce connection policies, associate authentication indicators with services. Only clients that have the required authentication indicators in their service ticket requests are able to access those services. For more information, see Kerberos authentication indicators.

Ticket lifecycle policy

Each Kerberos ticket has a lifetime and a potential renewal age: you can renew a ticket before it reaches its maximum lifetime, but not after it exceeds its maximum renewal age.

The default global ticket lifetime is one day (86400 seconds) and the default global maximum renewal age is one week (604800 seconds). To adjust these global values, see Configuring the global ticket lifecycle policy.

You can also define your own ticket lifecycle policies:

15.3. Kerberos authentication indicators

The Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) attaches authentication indicators to a ticket-granting ticket (TGT) based on which pre-authentication mechanism the client used to prove its identity:

two-factor authentication (password + One-Time Password)
RADIUS authentication (commonly for 802.1x authentication)
PKINIT, smart card, or certificate authentication
hardened passwords (SPAKE or FAST)[1]

The KDC then attaches the authentication indicators from the TGT to any service ticket requests that stem from it. The KDC enforces policies such as service access control, maximum ticket lifetime, and maximum renewable age based on the authentication indicators.

Authentication indicators and IdM services

If you associate a service or a host with an authentication indicator, only clients that used the corresponding authentication mechanism to obtain a TGT will be able to access it. The KDC, not the application or service, checks for authentication indicators in service ticket requests, and grants or denies requests based on Kerberos connection policies.

For example, to require two-factor authentication to connect to a Virtual Private Network (VPN), associate the otp authentication indicator with that service. Only users who used a One-Time password to obtain their initial TGT from the KDC will be able to log in to the VPN:

Figure 15.1. Example of a VPN service requiring the otp authentication indicator

auth indicators

If a service or a host has no authentication indicators assigned to it, it will accept tickets authenticated by any mechanism.

[1] A hardened password is protected against brute-force password dictionary attacks by using Single-Party Public-Key Authenticated Key Exchange (SPAKE) pre-authentication and/or Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling (FAST) armoring.

15.4. Enforcing authentication indicators for an IdM service

The authentication mechanisms supported by Identity Management (IdM) vary in their authentication strength. For example, obtaining the initial Kerberos ticket-granting ticket (TGT) using a one-time password (OTP) in combination with a standard password is considered more secure than authentication using only a standard password.

By associating authentication indicators with a particular IdM service, you can, as an IdM administrator, configure the service so that only users who used those specific pre-authentication mechanisms to obtain their initial ticket-granting ticket (TGT) will be able to access the service.

In this way, you can configure different IdM services so that:

  • Only users who used a stronger authentication method to obtain their initial TGT, such as a one-time password (OTP), can access services critical to security, such as a VPN.
  • Users who used simpler authentication methods to obtain their initial TGT, such as a password, can only access non-critical services, such as local logins.

Figure 15.2. Example of authenticating using different technologies

auth indicators

This procedure describes creating an IdM service and configuring it to require particular Kerberos authentication indicators from incoming service ticket requests.

15.4.1. Creating an IdM service entry and its Kerberos keytab

Adding an IdM service entry to IdM for a service running on an IdM host creates a corresponding Kerberos principal, and allows the service to request an SSL certificate, a Kerberos keytab, or both.

The following procedure describes creating an IdM service entry and generating an associated Kerberos keytab for encrypting communication with that service.


  • Your service can store a Kerberos principal, an SSL certificate, or both.


  1. Add an IdM service with the ipa service-add command to create a Kerberos principal associated with it. For example, to create the IdM service entry for the testservice application that runs on host

    [root@client ~]# ipa service-add testservice/
    Modified service "testservice/"
      Principal name: testservice/
      Principal alias: testservice/
      Managed by:
  2. Generate and store a Kerberos keytab for the service on the client.

    [root@client ~]# ipa-getkeytab -k /etc/testservice.keytab -p testservice/
    Keytab successfully retrieved and stored in: /etc/testservice.keytab


  1. Display information about an IdM service with the ipa service-show command.

    [root@server ~]# ipa service-show testservice/
      Principal name: testservice/
      Principal alias: testservice/
      Keytab: True
      Managed by:
  2. Display the contents of the service’s Kerberos keytab with the klist command.

    [root@server etc]# klist -ekt /etc/testservice.keytab
    Keytab name: FILE:/etc/testservice.keytab
    KVNO Timestamp           Principal
    ---- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
       2 04/01/2020 17:52:55 testservice/ (aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96)
       2 04/01/2020 17:52:55 testservice/ (aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96)
       2 04/01/2020 17:52:55 testservice/ (camellia128-cts-cmac)
       2 04/01/2020 17:52:55 testservice/ (camellia256-cts-cmac)

15.4.2. Associating authentication indicators with an IdM service using IdM CLI

As an Identity Management (IdM) administrator, you can configure a host or a service to require that a service ticket presented by the client application contains a specific authentication indicator. For example, you can ensure that only users who used a valid IdM two-factor authentication token with their password when obtaining a Kerberos ticket-granting ticket (TGT) will be able to access that host or service.

Follow this procedure to configure a service to require particular Kerberos authentication indicators from incoming service ticket requests.



Do not assign authentication indicators to internal IdM services. The following IdM services cannot perform the interactive authentication steps required by PKINIT and multi-factor authentication methods:



  • Use the ipa service-mod command to specify one or more required authentication indicators for a service, identified with the --auth-ind argument.

    Authentication method--auth-ind value

    Two-factor authentication


    RADIUS authentication


    PKINIT, smart card, or certificate authentication


    Hardened passwords (SPAKE or FAST)


    For example, to require that a user was authenticated with smart card or OTP authentication to retrieve a service ticket for the testservice principal on host

    [root@server ~]# ipa service-mod testservice/ --auth-ind otp --auth-ind pkinit
    Modified service "testservice/"
      Principal name: testservice/
      Principal alias: testservice/
      Authentication Indicators: otp, pkinit
      Managed by:

To remove all authentication indicators from a service, provide an empty list of indicators:

[root@server ~]# ipa service-mod testservice/ --auth-ind ''
Modified service "testservice/"
  Principal name: testservice/
  Principal alias: testservice/
  Managed by:


  • Display information about an IdM service, including the authentication indicators it requires, with the ipa service-show command.

    [root@server ~]# ipa service-show testservice/
      Principal name: testservice/
      Principal alias: testservice/
      Authentication Indicators: otp, pkinit
      Keytab: True
      Managed by:

15.4.3. Associating authentication indicators with an IdM service using IdM Web UI

As an Identity Management (IdM) administrator, you can configure a host or a service to require a service ticket presented by the client application to contain a specific authentication indicator. For example, you can ensure that only users who used a valid IdM two-factor authentication token with their password when obtaining a Kerberos ticket-granting ticket (TGT) will be able to access that host or service.

Follow this procedure to use the IdM Web UI to configure a host or service to require particular Kerberos authentication indicators from incoming ticket requests.


  • You have logged in to the IdM Web UI as an administrative user.


  1. Select IdentityHosts or IdentityServices.
  2. Click the name of the required host or service.
  3. Under Authentication indicators, select the required authentication method.

    • For example, selecting OTP ensures that only users who used a valid IdM two-factor authentication token with their password when obtaining a Kerberos TGT will be able to access the host or service.
    • If you select both OTP and RADIUS, then both users that used a valid IdM two-factor authentication token with their password when obtaining a Kerberos TGT and users that used the RADIUS server for obtaining their Kerberos TGT will be allowed access.
  4. Click Save at the top of the page.

15.4.4. Retrieving a Kerberos service ticket for an IdM service

The following procedure describes retrieving a Kerberos service ticket for an IdM service. You can use this procedure to test Kerberos ticket policies, such as enforcing that certain Kerberos authentication indicators are present in a ticket-granting ticket (TGT).



  • Use the kvno command with the -S option to retrieve a service ticket, and specify the name of the IdM service and the fully-qualified domain name of the host that manages it.

    [root@server ~]# kvno -S testservice
    testservice/ kvno = 1

If you need to access an IdM service and your current ticket-granting ticket (TGT) does not possess the required Kerberos authentication indicators associated with it, clear your current Kerberos credentials cache with the kdestroy command and retrieve a new TGT:

[root@server ~]# kdestroy

For example, if you initially retrieved a TGT by authenticating with a password, and you need to access an IdM service that has the pkinit authentication indicator associated with it, destroy your current credentials cache and re-authenticate with a smart card. See Kerberos authentication indicators.


  • Use the klist command to verify that the service ticket is in the default Kerberos credentials cache.

    [root@server etc]# klist_
    Ticket cache: KCM:1000
    Default principal: admin@EXAMPLE.COM
    Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
    04/01/2020 12:52:42  04/02/2020 12:52:39  krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM
    04/01/2020 12:54:07 04/02/2020 12:52:39 testservice/

15.4.5. Additional resources

15.5. Configuring the global ticket lifecycle policy

The global ticket policy applies to all service tickets and to users that do not have any per-user ticket policies defined.

The following procedure describes adjusting the maximum ticket lifetime and maximum ticket renewal age for the global Kerberos ticket policy using the ipa krbtpolicy-mod command.

While using the ipa krbtpolicy-mod command, specify at least one of the following arguments:

  • --maxlife for the maximum ticket lifetime in seconds
  • --maxrenew for the maximum renewable age in seconds


  1. To modify the global ticket policy:

    [root@server ~]# ipa krbtpolicy-mod --maxlife=$((8*60*60)) --maxrenew=$((24*60*60))
      Max life: 28800
      Max renew: 86400

    In this example, the maximum lifetime is set to eight hours (8 * 60 minutes * 60 seconds) and the maximum renewal age is set to one day (24 * 60 minutes * 60 seconds).

  2. Optional: To reset the global Kerberos ticket policy to the default installation values:

    [root@server ~]# ipa krbtpolicy-reset
      Max life: 86400
      Max renew: 604800


  • Display the global ticket policy:

    [root@server ~]# ipa krbtpolicy-show
      Max life: 28800
      Max renew: 86640

15.6. Configuring global ticket policies per authentication indicator

Follow this procedure to adjust the global maximum ticket lifetime and maximum renewable age for each authentication indicator. These settings apply to users that do not have per-user ticket policies defined.

Use the ipa krbtpolicy-mod command to specify the global maximum lifetime or maximum renewable age for Kerberos tickets depending on the authentication indicators attached to them.


  • For example, to set the global two-factor ticket lifetime and renewal age values to one week, and the global smart card ticket lifetime and renewal age values to two weeks:

    [root@server ~]# ipa krbtpolicy-mod --otp-maxlife=604800 --otp-maxrenew=604800 --pkinit-maxlife=172800 --pkinit-maxrenew=172800


  • Display the global ticket policy:

    [root@server ~]# ipa krbtpolicy-show
      Max life: 86400
      OTP max life: 604800
      PKINIT max life: 172800
      Max renew: 604800
      OTP max renew: 604800
      PKINIT max renew: 172800

    Notice that the OTP and PKINIT values are different from the global default Max life and Max renew values.

15.7. Configuring the default ticket policy for a user

You can define a unique Kerberos ticket policy that only applies to a single user. These per-user settings override the global ticket policy, for all authentication indicators.

Use the ipa krbtpolicy-mod username command, and specify at least one of the following arguments:

  • --maxlife for the maximum ticket lifetime in seconds
  • --maxrenew for the maximum renewable age in seconds


  1. For example, to set the IdM admin user’s maximum ticket lifetime to two days and maximum renewal age to two weeks:

    [root@server ~]# ipa krbtpolicy-mod admin --maxlife=172800 --maxrenew=1209600
      Max life: 172800
      Max renew: 1209600
  2. Optional: To reset the ticket policy for a user:

    [root@server ~]# ipa krbtpolicy-reset admin


  • Display the effective Kerberos ticket policy that applies to a user:

    [root@server ~]# ipa krbtpolicy-show admin
      Max life: 172800
      Max renew: 1209600

15.8. Configuring individual authentication indicator ticket policies for a user

As an administrator, you can define Kerberos ticket policies for a user that differ per authentication indicator. For example, you can configure a policy to allow the IdM admin user to renew a ticket for two days if it was obtained with OTP authentication, and a week if it was obtained with smart card authentication.

These per-authentication indicator settings will override the user’s default ticket policy, the global default ticket policy, and any global authentication indicator ticket policy.

Use the ipa krbtpolicy-mod username command to set custom maximum lifetime and maximum renewable age values for a user’s Kerberos tickets depending on the authentication indicators attached to them.


  1. For example, to allow the IdM admin user to renew a Kerberos ticket for two days if it was obtained with One-Time Password authentication, set the --otp-maxrenew option:

    [root@server ~]# ipa krbtpolicy-mod admin --otp-maxrenew=$((2*24*60*60))
      OTP max renew: 172800
  2. Optional: To reset the ticket policy for a user:

    [root@server ~]# ipa krbtpolicy-reset username


  • Display the effective Kerberos ticket policy that applies to a user:

    [root@server ~]# ipa krbtpolicy-show admin
      Max life: 28800
      Max renew: 86640

15.9. Authentication indicator options for the krbtpolicy-mod command

Specify values for authentication indicators with the following arguments.

Table 15.1. Authentication indicator options for the krbtpolicy-mod command
Authentication indicatorArgument for maximum lifetimeArgument for maximum renewal age













Chapter 16. Kerberos PKINIT authentication in IdM

Public Key Cryptography for Initial Authentication in Kerberos (PKINIT) is a preauthentication mechanism for Kerberos. The Identity Management (IdM) server includes a mechanism for Kerberos PKINIT authentication.

16.1. Default PKINIT configuration

The default PKINIT configuration on your IdM servers depends on the certificate authority (CA) configuration.

Table 16.1. Default PKINIT configuration in IdM
CA configurationPKINIT configuration

Without a CA, no external PKINIT certificate provided

Local PKINIT: IdM only uses PKINIT for internal purposes on servers.

Without a CA, external PKINIT certificate provided to IdM

IdM configures PKINIT by using the external Kerberos key distribution center (KDC) certificate and CA certificate.

With an Integrated CA

IdM configures PKINIT by using the certificate signed by the IdM CA.

16.2. Displaying the current PKINIT configuration

IdM provides multiple commands you can use to query the PKINIT configuration in your domain.


  • To determine the PKINIT status in your domain, use the ipa pkinit-status command:

    $ ipa pkinit-status
      Server name:
      PKINIT status: enabled
      [...output truncated...]
      Server name:
      PKINIT status: disabled
      [...output truncated...]

    The command displays the PKINIT configuration status as enabled or disabled:

    • enabled: PKINIT is configured using a certificate signed by the integrated IdM CA or an external PKINIT certificate.
    • disabled: IdM only uses PKINIT for internal purposes on IdM servers.
  • To list the IdM servers with active Kerberos key distribution centers (KDCs) that support PKINIT for IdM clients, use the ipa config-show command on any server:

    $ ipa config-show
      Maximum username length: 32
      Home directory base: /home
      Default shell: /bin/sh
      Default users group: ipausers
      [...output truncated...]
      IPA masters capable of PKINIT:
      [...output truncated...]

16.3. Configuring PKINIT in IdM

If your IdM servers are running with PKINIT disabled, use these steps to enable it. For example, a server is running with PKINIT disabled if you passed the --no-pkinit option with the ipa-server-install or ipa-replica-install utilities.


  • Ensure that all IdM servers with a certificate authority (CA) installed are running on the same domain level.


  1. Check if PKINIT is enabled on the server:

    # kinit admin
    Password for admin@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM:
    # ipa pkinit-status
    1 server matched
    Server name:
    PKINIT status:enabled
    Number of entries returned 1

    If PKINIT is disabled, you will see the following output:

    # ipa pkinit-status --server
    0 servers matched
    Number of entries returned 0

    You can also use the command to find all the servers where PKINIT is enabled if you omit the --server <server_fqdn> parameter.

  2. If you are using IdM without CA:

    1. On the IdM server, install the CA certificate that signed the Kerberos key distribution center (KDC) certificate:

      # ipa-cacert-manage install -t CT,C,C ca.pem
    2. To update all IPA hosts, repeat the ipa-certupdate command on all replicas and clients:

      # ipa-certupdate
    3. Check if the CA certificate has already been added using the ipa-cacert-manage list command. For example:

      # ipa-cacert-manage list
      CN=CA,O=Example Organization
      The ipa-cacert-manage command was successful
    4. Use the ipa-server-certinstall utility to install an external KDC certificate. The KDC certificate must meet the following conditions:

      • It is issued with the common name CN=fully_qualified_domain_name,certificate_subject_base.
      • It includes the Kerberos principal krbtgt/REALM_NAME@REALM_NAME.
      • It contains the Object Identifier (OID) for KDC authentication:

        # ipa-server-certinstall --kdc kdc.pem kdc.key
        # systemctl restart krb5kdc.service
    5. See your PKINIT status:

      # ipa pkinit-status
        Server name:
        PKINIT status: enabled
        [...output truncated...]
        Server name:
        PKINIT status: disabled
        [...output truncated...]
  3. If you are using IdM with a CA certificate, enable PKINIT as follows:

    # ipa-pkinit-manage enable
      Configuring Kerberos KDC (krb5kdc)
      [1/1]: installing X509 Certificate for PKINIT
      Done configuring Kerberos KDC (krb5kdc).
      The ipa-pkinit-manage command was successful

    If you are using an IdM CA, the command requests a PKINIT KDC certificate from the CA.

Additional resources

  • ipa-server-certinstall(1) man page on your system

16.4. Additional resources

Chapter 17. Maintaining IdM Kerberos keytab files

Learn more about what Kerberos keytab files are and how Identity Management (IdM) uses them to allow services to authenticate securely with Kerberos.

You can use this information to understand why you should protect these sensitive files, and to troubleshoot communication issues between IdM services.

For more information, see the following topics:

17.1. How Identity Management uses Kerberos keytab files

A Kerberos keytab is a file containing Kerberos principals and their corresponding encryption keys. Hosts, services, users, and scripts can use keytabs to authenticate to the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) securely, without requiring human interaction.

Every IdM service on an IdM server has a unique Kerberos principal stored in the Kerberos database. For example, if IdM servers and provide DNS services, IdM creates 2 unique DNS Kerberos principals to identify these services, which follow the naming convention <service>/

  • DNS/
  • DNS/

IdM creates a keytab on the server for each of these services to store a local copy of the Kerberos keys, along with their Key Version Numbers (KVNO). For example, the default keytab file /etc/krb5.keytab stores the host principal, which represents that machine in the Kerberos realm and is used for login authentication. The KDC generates encryption keys for the different encryption algorithms it supports, such as aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 and aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96.

You can display the contents of a keytab file with the klist command:

[root@idmserver ~]# klist -ekt /etc/krb5.keytab
Keytab name: FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab
KVNO Timestamp           Principal
---- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
   2 02/24/2022 20:28:09 host/ (aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96)
   2 02/24/2022 20:28:09 host/ (aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96)
   2 02/24/2022 20:28:09 host/ (camellia128-cts-cmac)
   2 02/24/2022 20:28:09 host/ (camellia256-cts-cmac)

17.2. Verifying that Kerberos keytab files are in sync with the IdM database

When you change a Kerberos password, IdM automatically generates a new corresponding Kerberos key and increments its Key Version Number (KVNO). If a Kerberos keytab is not updated with the new key and KVNO, any services that depend on that keytab to retrieve a valid key might not be able to authenticate to the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC).

If one of your IdM services cannot communicate with another service, use the following procedure to verify that your Kerberos keytab files are in sync with the keys stored in the IdM database. If they are out of sync, retrieve a Kerberos keytab with an updated key and KVNO. This example compares and retrieves an updated DNS principal for an IdM server.


  • You must authenticate as the IdM admin account to retrieve keytab files
  • You must authenticate as the root account to modify keytab files owned by other users


  1. Display the KVNO of the principals in the keytab you are verifying. In the following example, the /etc/named.keytab file has the key for the DNS/ principal with a KVNO of 2.

    [root@server1 ~]# klist -ekt /etc/named.keytab
    Keytab name: FILE:/etc/named.keytab
    KVNO Timestamp           Principal
    ---- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
       2 11/26/2021 13:51:11 DNS/ (aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96)
       2 11/26/2021 13:51:11 DNS/ (aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96)
       2 11/26/2021 13:51:11 DNS/ (camellia128-cts-cmac)
       2 11/26/2021 13:51:11 DNS/ (camellia256-cts-cmac)
  2. Display the KVNO of the principal stored in the IdM database. In this example, the KVNO of the key in the IdM database does not match the KVNO in the keytab.

    [root@server1 ~]# kvno DNS/
    DNS/ kvno = 3
  3. Authenticate as the IdM admin account.

    [root@server1 ~]# kinit admin
    Password for admin@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM:
  4. Retrieve an updated Kerberos key for the principal and store it in its keytab. Perform this step as the root user so you can modify the /etc/named.keytab file, which is owned by the named user.

    [root@server1 ~]# ipa-getkeytab -s -p DNS/ -k /etc/named.keytab


  1. Display the updated KVNO of the principal in the keytab.

    [root@server1 ~]# klist -ekt /etc/named.keytab
    Keytab name: FILE:/etc/named.keytab
    KVNO Timestamp           Principal
    ---- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
       4 08/17/2022 14:42:11 DNS/ (aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96)
       4 08/17/2022 14:42:11 DNS/ (aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96)
       4 08/17/2022 14:42:11 DNS/ (camellia128-cts-cmac)
       4 08/17/2022 14:42:11 DNS/ (camellia256-cts-cmac)
  2. Display the KVNO of the principal stored in the IdM database and ensure it matches the KVNO from the keytab.

    [root@server1 ~]# kvno DNS/
    DNS/ kvno = 4

17.3. List of IdM Kerberos keytab files and their contents

The following table displays the location, contents, and purpose of the IdM Kerberos keytab files.

Table 17.1. Table
Keytab locationContentsPurpose


host principal

Verifying user credentials when logging in, used by NFS if there is no nfs principal


ldap principal

Authenticating users to the IdM database, securely replicating database contents between IdM replicas


HTTP principal

Authenticating to the Apache server


DNS principal

Securely updating DNS records


ipa-dnskeysyncd principal

Keeping OpenDNSSEC synchronized with LDAP


dogtag principal

Communicating with the Certificate Authority (CA)


cifs and host principals

Communicating with the Samba service


Active Directory (AD) domain controller (DCs) principals in the form HOSTNAME$@AD-DOMAIN.COM

Communicating with AD DCs through an IdM-AD Trust

17.4. Viewing the encryption type of your IdM master key

As an Identity Management (IdM) administrator, you can view the encryption type of your IdM master key, which is the key that the IdM Kerberos Distribution Center (KDC) uses to encrypt all other principals when storing them at rest. Knowing the encryption type helps you determine your deployment’s compatibility with FIPS standards.

As of RHEL 8.7, the encryption type is aes256-cts-hmac-sha384-192. This encryption type is compatible with the default RHEL 9 FIPS cryptographic policy aiming to comply with FIPS 140-3.

The encryption types used on previous RHEL versions are not compatible with RHEL 9 systems that adhere to FIPS 140-3 standards. To make RHEL 9 systems compatible with a RHEL 8 FIPS 140-2 deployment, see the AD Domain Users unable to login in to the FIPS-compliant environment KCS solution.


  • You have root access to any of the RHEL 8 replicas in the IdM deployment.


  • On the replica, view the encryption type on the command line:

    # kadmin.local getprinc K/M | grep -E '^Key:'
    Key: vno 1, aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96

    The aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 key in the output indicates that the IdM deployment was installed on a server that was running RHEL 8.6 or earlier. The presence of a aes256-cts-hmac-sha384-192 key in the output would indicate that the IdM deployment was installed on a server that was running RHEL 8.7 or later.

Chapter 18. Using the KDC Proxy in IdM

Some administrators might choose to make the default Kerberos ports inaccessible in their deployment. To allow users, hosts, and services to obtain Kerberos credentials, you can use the HTTPS service as a proxy that communicates with Kerberos via the HTTPS port 443.

In Identity Management (IdM), the Kerberos Key Distribution Center Proxy (KKDCP) provides this functionality.

On an IdM server, KKDCP is enabled by default and available at On an IdM client, you must change its Kerberos configuration to access the KKDCP.

18.1. Configuring an IdM client to use KKDCP

As an Identity Management (IdM) system administrator, you can configure an IdM client to use the Kerberos Key Distribution Center Proxy (KKDCP) on an IdM server. This is useful if the default Kerberos ports are not accessible on the IdM server and the HTTPS port 443 is the only way of accessing the Kerberos service.


  • You have root access to the IdM client.


  1. Open the /etc/krb5.conf file for editing.
  2. In the [realms] section, enter the URL of the KKDCP for the kdc, admin_server, and kpasswd_server options:

      kdc =
      admin_server =
      kpasswd_server =
      default_domain =

    For redundancy, you can add the parameters kdc, admin_server, and kpasswd_server multiple times to indicate different KKDCP servers.

  3. Restart the sssd service to make the changes take effect:

    ~]# systemctl restart sssd

18.2. Verifying that KKDCP is enabled on an IdM server

On an Identity Management (IdM) server, the Kerberos Key Distribution Center Proxy (KKDCP) is automatically enabled each time the Apache web server starts if the attribute and value pair ipaConfigString=kdcProxyEnabled exists in the directory. In this situation, the symbolic link /etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa-kdc-proxy.conf is created.

You can verify if the KKDCP is enabled on the IdM server, even as an unprivileged user.


  • Check that the symbolic link exists:
$ ls -l /etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa-kdc-proxy.conf
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 36 Jun 21  2020 /etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa-kdc-proxy.conf -> /etc/ipa/kdcproxy/ipa-kdc-proxy.conf

The output confirms that KKDCP is enabled.

18.3. Disabling KKDCP on an IdM server

As an Identity Management (IdM) system administrator, you can disable the Kerberos Key Distribution Center Proxy (KKDCP) on an IdM server.


  • You have root access to the IdM server.


  1. Remove the ipaConfigString=kdcProxyEnabled attribute and value pair from the directory:

    # ipa-ldap-updater /usr/share/ipa/kdcproxy-disable.uldif
    Update complete
    The ipa-ldap-updater command was successful
  2. Restart the httpd service:

    # systemctl restart httpd.service

KKDCP is now disabled on the current IdM server.


  • Verify that the symbolic link does not exist:

    $ ls -l /etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa-kdc-proxy.conf
    ls: cannot access '/etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa-kdc-proxy.conf': No such file or directory

18.4. Re-enabling KKDCP on an IdM server

On an IdM server, the Kerberos Key Distribution Center Proxy (KKDCP) is enabled by default and available at

If KKDCP has been disabled on a server, you can re-enable it.


  • You have root access to the IdM server.


  1. Add the ipaConfigString=kdcProxyEnabled attribute and value pair to the directory:

    # ipa-ldap-updater /usr/share/ipa/kdcproxy-enable.uldif
    Update complete
    The ipa-ldap-updater command was successful
  2. Restart the httpd service:

    # systemctl restart httpd.service

KKDCP is now enabled on the current IdM server.


  • Verify that the symbolic link exists:

    $ ls -l /etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa-kdc-proxy.conf
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 36 Jun 21  2020 /etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa-kdc-proxy.conf -> /etc/ipa/kdcproxy/ipa-kdc-proxy.conf

18.5. Configuring the KKDCP server I

With the following configuration, you can enable TCP to be used as the transport protocol between the IdM KKDCP and the Active Directory (AD) realm, where multiple Kerberos servers are used.


  • You have root access.


  1. Set the use_dns parameter in the [global] section of the /etc/ipa/kdcproxy/kdcproxy.conf file to false.

    use_dns = false
  2. Put the proxied realm information into the /etc/ipa/kdcproxy/kdcproxy.conf file. For example, for the [AD.EXAMPLE.COM] realm with proxy list the realm configuration parameters as follows:

    kerberos = kerberos+tcp:// kerberos+tcp://
    kpasswd = kpasswd+tcp:// kpasswd+tcp://

    The realm configuration parameters must list multiple servers separated by a space, as opposed to /etc/krb5.conf and kdc.conf, in which certain options may be specified multiple times.

  3. Restart Identity Management (IdM) services:

    # ipactl restart

Additional resources

18.6. Configuring the KKDCP server II

The following server configuration relies on the DNS service records to find Active Directory (AD) servers to communicate with.


  • You have root access.


  1. In the /etc/ipa/kdcproxy/kdcproxy.conf file, the [global] section, set the use_dns parameter to true.

    configs = mit
    use_dns = true

    The configs parameter allows you to load other configuration modules. In this case, the configuration is read from the MIT libkrb5 library.

  2. Optional: In case you do not want to use DNS service records, add explicit AD servers to the [realms] section of the /etc/krb5.conf file. If the realm with proxy is, for example, AD.EXAMPLE.COM, you add:

        kdc =
        kpasswd_server =
  3. Restart Identity Management (IdM) services:

    # ipactl restart

Additional resources

Chapter 19. Managing self-service rules in IdM using the CLI

Learn about self-service rules in Identity Management (IdM) and how to create and edit self-service access rules on the command line (CLI).

19.1. Self-service access control in IdM

Self-service access control rules define which operations an Identity Management (IdM) entity can perform on its IdM Directory Server entry: for example, IdM users have the ability to update their own passwords.

This method of control allows an authenticated IdM entity to edit specific attributes within its LDAP entry, but does not allow add or delete operations on the entire entry.


Be careful when working with self-service access control rules: configuring access control rules improperly can inadvertently elevate an entity’s privileges.

19.2. Creating self-service rules using the CLI

Follow this procedure to create self-service access rules in IdM using the command line (CLI).



  • To add a self-service rule, use the ipa selfservice-add command and specify the following two options:

    sets the read and write permissions the Access Control Instruction (ACI) grants.
    sets the complete list of attributes to which this ACI grants permission.

For example, to create a self-service rule allowing users to modify their own name details:

$ ipa selfservice-add "Users can manage their own name details" --permissions=write --attrs=givenname --attrs=displayname --attrs=title --attrs=initials
Added selfservice "Users can manage their own name details"
    Self-service name: Users can manage their own name details
    Permissions: write
    Attributes: givenname, displayname, title, initials

19.3. Editing self-service rules using the CLI

Follow this procedure to edit self-service access rules in IdM using the command line (CLI).



  1. Optional: Display existing self-service rules with the ipa selfservice-find command.
  2. Optional: Display details for the self-service rule you want to modify with the ipa selfservice-show command.
  3. Use the ipa selfservice-mod command to edit a self-service rule.

For example:

$ ipa selfservice-mod "Users can manage their own name details" --attrs=givenname --attrs=displayname --attrs=title --attrs=initials --attrs=surname
Modified selfservice "Users can manage their own name details"
Self-service name: Users can manage their own name details
Permissions: write
Attributes: givenname, displayname, title, initials

Using the ipa selfservice-mod command overwrites the previously defined permissions and attributes, so always include the complete list of existing permissions and attributes along with any new ones you want to define.


  • Use the ipa selfservice-show command to display the self-service rule you edited.
$ ipa selfservice-show "Users can manage their own name details"
Self-service name: Users can manage their own name details
Permissions: write
Attributes: givenname, displayname, title, initials

19.4. Deleting self-service rules using the CLI

Follow this procedure to delete self-service access rules in IdM using the command line (CLI).



  • Use the ipa selfservice-del command to delete a self-service rule.

For example:

$ ipa selfservice-del "Users can manage their own name details"
Deleted selfservice "Users can manage their own name details"


  • Use the ipa selfservice-find command to display all self-service rules. The rule you just deleted should be missing.

Chapter 20. Managing self-service rules using the IdM Web UI

Learn about self-service rules in Identity Management (IdM) and how to create and edit self-service access rules in the web interface (IdM Web UI).

20.1. Self-service access control in IdM

Self-service access control rules define which operations an Identity Management (IdM) entity can perform on its IdM Directory Server entry: for example, IdM users have the ability to update their own passwords.

This method of control allows an authenticated IdM entity to edit specific attributes within its LDAP entry, but does not allow add or delete operations on the entire entry.


Be careful when working with self-service access control rules: configuring access control rules improperly can inadvertently elevate an entity’s privileges.

20.2. Creating self-service rules using the IdM Web UI

Follow this procedure to create self-service access rules in IdM using the web interface (IdM Web UI).



  1. Open the Role-Based Access Control submenu in the IPA Server tab and select Self Service Permissions.
  2. Click Add at the upper-right of the list of the self-service access rules:

    Adding a self-service rule

  3. The Add Self Service Permission window opens. Enter the name of the new self-service rule in the Self-service name field. Spaces are allowed:

    Form for adding a self-service rule

  4. Select the check boxes next to the attributes you want users to be able to edit.
  5. Optional: If an attribute you want to provide access to is not listed, you can add a listing for it:

    1. Click the Add button.
    2. Enter the attribute name in the Attribute text field of the following Add Custom Attribute window.
    3. Click the OK button to add the attribute
    4. Verify that the new attribute is selected
  6. Click the Add button at the bottom of the form to save the new self-service rule.
    Alternatively, you can save and continue editing the self-service rule by clicking the Add and Edit button, or save and add further rules by clicking the Add and Add another button.

20.3. Editing self-service rules using the IdM Web UI

Follow this procedure to edit self-service access rules in IdM using the web interface (IdM Web UI).



  1. Open the Role-Based Access Control submenu in the IPA Server tab and select Self Service Permissions.
  2. Click on the name of the self-service rule you want to modify.

    Editing an existing self-service rule

  3. The edit page only allows you to edit the list of attributes to you want to add or remove to the self-service rule. Select or deselect the appropriate check boxes.
  4. Click the Save button to save your changes to the self-service rule.

20.4. Deleting self-service rules using the IdM Web UI

Follow this procedure to delete self-service access rules in IdM using the web interface (IdM Web UI).



  1. Open the Role-Based Access Control submenu in the IPA Server tab and select Self Service Permissions.
  2. Select the check box next to the rule you want to delete, then click on the Delete button on the right of the list.

    Deleting a self-service rule

  3. A dialog opens, click on Delete to confirm.

Chapter 21. Using Ansible playbooks to manage self-service rules in IdM

This section introduces self-service rules in Identity Management (IdM) and describes how to create and edit self-service access rules using Ansible playbooks. Self-service access control rules allow an IdM entity to perform specified operations on its IdM Directory Server entry.

21.1. Self-service access control in IdM

Self-service access control rules define which operations an Identity Management (IdM) entity can perform on its IdM Directory Server entry: for example, IdM users have the ability to update their own passwords.

This method of control allows an authenticated IdM entity to edit specific attributes within its LDAP entry, but does not allow add or delete operations on the entire entry.


Be careful when working with self-service access control rules: configuring access control rules improperly can inadvertently elevate an entity’s privileges.

21.2. Using Ansible to ensure that a self-service rule is present

The following procedure describes how to use an Ansible playbook to define self-service rules and ensure their presence on an Identity Management (IdM) server. In this example, the new Users can manage their own name details rule grants users the ability to change their own givenname, displayname, title and initials attributes. This allows them to, for example, change their display name or initials if they want to.


  • On the control node:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.13 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package.
    • The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
    • The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your ipaadmin_password.
  • The target node, that is the node on which the ansible-freeipa module is executed, is part of the IdM domain as an IdM client, server or replica.


  1. Navigate to the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory:

    $ cd ~/MyPlaybooks/
  2. Make a copy of the selfservice-present.yml file located in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/selfservice/ directory:

    $ cp /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/selfservice/selfservice-present.yml selfservice-present-copy.yml
  3. Open the selfservice-present-copy.yml Ansible playbook file for editing.
  4. Adapt the file by setting the following variables in the ipaselfservice task section:

    • Set the ipaadmin_password variable to the password of the IdM administrator.
    • Set the name variable to the name of the new self-service rule.
    • Set the permission variable to a comma-separated list of permissions to grant: read and write.
    • Set the attribute variable to a list of attributes that users can manage themselves: givenname, displayname, title, and initials.

    This is the modified Ansible playbook file for the current example:

    - name: Self-service present
      hosts: ipaserver
      - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
      - name: Ensure self-service rule "Users can manage their own name details" is present
          ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
          name: "Users can manage their own name details"
          permission: read, write
          - givenname
          - displayname
          - title
          - initials
  5. Save the file.
  6. Run the Ansible playbook. Specify the playbook file, the file storing the password protecting the secret.yml file, and the inventory file:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i inventory selfservice-present-copy.yml

Additional resources

  • Self-service access control in IdM
  • The file in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/ directory
  • The /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/selfservice directory

21.3. Using Ansible to ensure that a self-service rule is absent

The following procedure describes how to use an Ansible playbook to ensure a specified self-service rule is absent from your IdM configuration. The example below describes how to make sure the Users can manage their own name details self-service rule does not exist in IdM. This will ensure that users cannot, for example, change their own display name or initials.


  • On the control node:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.13 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package.
    • The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
    • The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your ipaadmin_password.
  • The target node, that is the node on which the ansible-freeipa module is executed, is part of the IdM domain as an IdM client, server or replica.


  1. Navigate to the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory:

    $ cd ~/MyPlaybooks/
  2. Make a copy of the selfservice-absent.yml file located in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/selfservice/ directory:

    $ cp /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/selfservice/selfservice-absent.yml selfservice-absent-copy.yml
  3. Open the selfservice-absent-copy.yml Ansible playbook file for editing.
  4. Adapt the file by setting the following variables in the ipaselfservice task section:

    • Set the ipaadmin_password variable to the password of the IdM administrator.
    • Set the name variable to the name of the self-service rule.
    • Set the state variable to absent.

    This is the modified Ansible playbook file for the current example:

    - name: Self-service absent
      hosts: ipaserver
      - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
      - name: Ensure self-service rule "Users can manage their own name details" is absent
          ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
          name: "Users can manage their own name details"
          state: absent
  5. Save the file.
  6. Run the Ansible playbook. Specify the playbook file, the file storing the password protecting the secret.yml file, and the inventory file:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i inventory selfservice-absent-copy.yml

Additional resources

  • Self-service access control in IdM
  • The file in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/ directory
  • Sample playbooks in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/selfservice directory

21.4. Using Ansible to ensure that a self-service rule has specific attributes

The following procedure describes how to use an Ansible playbook to ensure that an already existing self-service rule has specific settings. In the example, you ensure the Users can manage their own name details self-service rule also has the surname member attribute.


  • On the control node:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.13 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package.
    • The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
    • The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your ipaadmin_password.
  • The target node, that is the node on which the ansible-freeipa module is executed, is part of the IdM domain as an IdM client, server or replica.
  • The Users can manage their own name details self-service rule exists in IdM.


  1. Navigate to the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory:

    $ cd ~/MyPlaybooks/
  2. Make a copy of the selfservice-member-present.yml file located in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/selfservice/ directory:

    $ cp /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/selfservice/selfservice-member-present.yml selfservice-member-present-copy.yml
  3. Open the selfservice-member-present-copy.yml Ansible playbook file for editing.
  4. Adapt the file by setting the following variables in the ipaselfservice task section:

    • Set the ipaadmin_password variable to the password of the IdM administrator.
    • Set the name variable to the name of the self-service rule to modify.
    • Set the attribute variable to surname.
    • Set the action variable to member.

    This is the modified Ansible playbook file for the current example:

    - name: Self-service member present
      hosts: ipaserver
      - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
      - name: Ensure selfservice "Users can manage their own name details" member attribute surname is present
          ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
          name: "Users can manage their own name details"
          - surname
          action: member
  5. Save the file.
  6. Run the Ansible playbook. Specify the playbook file, the file storing the password protecting the secret.yml file, and the inventory file:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i inventory selfservice-member-present-copy.yml

Additional resources

  • Self-service access control in IdM
  • The file available in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/ directory
  • The sample playbooks in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/selfservice directory

21.5. Using Ansible to ensure that a self-service rule does not have specific attributes

The following procedure describes how to use an Ansible playbook to ensure that a self-service rule does not have specific settings. You can use this playbook to make sure a self-service rule does not grant undesired access. In the example, you ensure the Users can manage their own name details self-service rule does not have the givenname and surname member attributes.


  • On the control node:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.13 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package.
    • The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
    • The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your ipaadmin_password.
  • The target node, that is the node on which the ansible-freeipa module is executed, is part of the IdM domain as an IdM client, server or replica.
  • The Users can manage their own name details self-service rule exists in IdM.


  1. Navigate to the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory:

    $ cd ~/MyPlaybooks/
  2. Make a copy of the selfservice-member-absent.yml file located in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/selfservice/ directory:

    $ cp /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/selfservice/selfservice-member-absent.yml selfservice-member-absent-copy.yml
  3. Open the selfservice-member-absent-copy.yml Ansible playbook file for editing.
  4. Adapt the file by setting the following variables in the ipaselfservice task section:

    • Set the ipaadmin_password variable to the password of the IdM administrator.
    • Set the name variable to the name of the self-service rule you want to modify.
    • Set the attribute variable to givenname and surname.
    • Set the action variable to member.
    • Set the state variable to absent.

    This is the modified Ansible playbook file for the current example:

    - name: Self-service member absent
      hosts: ipaserver
      - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
      - name: Ensure selfservice "Users can manage their own name details" member attributes givenname and surname are absent
          ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
          name: "Users can manage their own name details"
          - givenname
          - surname
          action: member
          state: absent
  5. Save the file.
  6. Run the Ansible playbook. Specify the playbook file, the file storing the password protecting the secret.yml file, and the inventory file:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i inventory selfservice-member-absent-copy.yml

Additional resources

  • Self-service access control in IdM
  • The file in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/ directory
  • The sample playbooks in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/selfservice directory

Chapter 22. Managing user groups in IdM CLI

This chapter introduces user groups management using the IdM CLI.

A user group is a set of users with common privileges, password policies, and other characteristics.

A user group in Identity Management (IdM) can include:

  • IdM users
  • other IdM user groups
  • external users, which are users that exist outside of IdM

22.1. The different group types in IdM

IdM supports the following types of groups:

POSIX groups (the default)

POSIX groups support Linux POSIX attributes for their members. Note that groups that interact with Active Directory cannot use POSIX attributes.

POSIX attributes identify users as separate entities. Examples of POSIX attributes relevant to users include uidNumber, a user number (UID), and gidNumber, a group number (GID).

Non-POSIX groups

Non-POSIX groups do not support POSIX attributes. For example, these groups do not have a GID defined.

All members of this type of group must belong to the IdM domain.

External groups

Use external groups to add group members that exist in an identity store outside of the IdM domain, such as:

  • A local system
  • An Active Directory domain
  • A directory service

External groups do not support POSIX attributes. For example, these groups do not have a GID defined.

Table 22.1. User groups created by default
Group nameDefault group members


All IdM users


Users with administrative privileges, including the default admin user


This is a legacy group that no longer has any special privileges

trust admins

Users with privileges to manage the Active Directory trusts

When you add a user to a user group, the user gains the privileges and policies associated with the group. For example, to grant administrative privileges to a user, add the user to the admins group.


Do not delete the admins group. As admins is a pre-defined group required by IdM, this operation causes problems with certain commands.

In addition, IdM creates user private groups by default whenever a new user is created in IdM. For more information about private groups, see Adding users without a private group.

22.2. Direct and indirect group members

User group attributes in IdM apply to both direct and indirect members: when group B is a member of group A, all users in group B are considered indirect members of group A.

For example, in the following diagram:

  • User 1 and User 2 are direct members of group A.
  • User 3, User 4, and User 5 are indirect members of group A.

Figure 22.1. Direct and Indirect Group Membership

A chart with Group A (with 2 users) and Group B (with 3 users). Group B is nested inside Group A so Group A contains a total of 5 users.

If you set a password policy for user group A, the policy also applies to all users in user group B.

22.3. Adding a user group using IdM CLI

Follow this procedure to add a user group using the IdM CLI.



  • Add a user group by using the ipa group-add group_name command. For example, to create group_a:

    $ ipa group-add group_a
    Added group "group_a"
      Group name: group_a
      GID: 1133400009

    By default, ipa group-add adds a POSIX user group. To specify a different group type, add options to ipa group-add:

    You can specify a custom GID when adding a user group by using the --gid=custom_GID option. If you do this, be careful to avoid ID conflicts. If you do not specify a custom GID, IdM automatically assigns a GID from the available ID range.

22.4. Searching for user groups using IdM CLI

Follow this procedure to search for existing user groups using the IdM CLI.


  • Display all user groups by using the ipa group-find command. To specify a group type, add options to ipa group-find:

    • Display all POSIX groups using the ipa group-find --posix command.
    • Display all non-POSIX groups using the ipa group-find --nonposix command.
    • Display all external groups using the ipa group-find --external command.

      For more information about different group types, see The different group types in IdM.

22.5. Deleting a user group using IdM CLI

Follow this procedure to delete a user group using IdM CLI. Note that deleting a group does not delete the group members from IdM.



  • Delete a user group by using the ipa group-del group_name command. For example, to delete group_a:

    $ ipa group-del group_a
    Deleted group "group_a"

22.6. Adding a member to a user group using IdM CLI

You can add both users and user groups as members of a user group. For more information, see The different group types in IdM and Direct and indirect group members. Follow this procedure to add a member to a user group by using the IdM CLI.



  • Add a member to a user group by using the ipa group-add-member command.

    Specify the type of member using these options:

    • --users adds an IdM user
    • --external adds a user that exists outside the IdM domain, in the format of DOMAIN\user_name or user_name@domain
    • --groups adds an IdM user group

    For example, to add group_b as a member of group_a:

    $ ipa group-add-member group_a --groups=group_b
    Group name: group_a
    GID: 1133400009
    Member users: user_a
    Member groups: group_b
    Indirect Member users: user_b
    Number of members added 1

    Members of group_b are now indirect members of group_a.


When adding a group as a member of another group, do not create recursive groups. For example, if Group A is a member of Group B, do not add Group B as a member of Group A. Recursive groups can cause unpredictable behavior.


After you add a member to a user group, the update may take some time to spread to all clients in your Identity Management environment. This is because when any given host resolves users, groups and netgroups, the System Security Services Daemon (SSSD) first looks into its cache and performs server lookups only for missing or expired records.

22.7. Adding users without a user private group

By default, IdM creates user private groups (UPGs) whenever a new user is created in IdM. UPGs are a specific group type:

  • The UPG has the same name as the newly created user.
  • The user is the only member of the UPG. The UPG cannot contain any other members.
  • The GID of the private group matches the UID of the user.

However, it is possible to add users without creating a UPG.

22.7.1. Users without a user private group

If a NIS group or another system group already uses the GID that would be assigned to a user private group, it is necessary to avoid creating a UPG.

You can do this in two ways:

In both cases, IdM will require specifying a GID when adding new users, otherwise the operation will fail. This is because IdM requires a GID for the new user, but the default user group ipausers is a non-POSIX group and therefore does not have an associated GID. The GID you specify does not have to correspond to an already existing group.


Specifying the GID does not create a new group. It only sets the GID attribute for the new user, because the attribute is required by IdM.

22.7.2. Adding a user without a user private group when private groups are globally enabled

You can add a user without creating a user private group (UPG) even when UPGs are enabled on the system. This requires manually setting a GID for the new user. For details on why this is needed, see Users without a user private group.


  • To prevent IdM from creating a UPG, add the --noprivate option to the ipa user-add command.

    Note that for the command to succeed, you must specify a custom GID. For example, to add a new user with GID 10000:

    $ ipa user-add jsmith --first=John --last=Smith --noprivate --gid 10000

22.7.3. Disabling user private groups globally for all users

You can disable user private groups (UPGs) globally. This prevents the creation of UPGs for all new users. Existing users are unaffected by this change.


  1. Obtain administrator privileges:

    $ kinit admin
  2. IdM uses the Directory Server Managed Entries Plug-in to manage UPGs. List the instances of the plug-in:

    $ ipa-managed-entries --list
  3. To ensure IdM does not create UPGs, disable the plug-in instance responsible for managing user private groups:

    $ ipa-managed-entries -e "UPG Definition" disable
    Disabling Plugin

    To re-enable the UPG Definition instance later, use the ipa-managed-entries -e "UPG Definition" enable command.

  4. Restart Directory Server to load the new configuration.

    $ sudo systemctl restart

    To add a user after UPGs have been disabled, you need to specify a GID. For more information, see Adding a user when user private groups are globally disabled


  • To check if UPGs are globally disabled, use the disable command again:

    $ ipa-managed-entries -e "UPG Definition" disable
    Plugin already disabled

22.7.4. Adding a user when user private groups are globally disabled

When user private groups (UPGs) are disabled globally, IdM does not assign a GID to a new user automatically. To successfully add a user, you must assign a GID manually or by using an automember rule. For details on why this is required, see Users without a user private group.



  • To make sure adding a new user succeeds when creating UPGs is disabled, choose one of the following:

    • Specify a custom GID when adding a new user. The GID does not have to correspond to an already existing user group.

      For example, when adding a user from the command line, add the --gid option to the ipa user-add command.

    • Use an automember rule to add the user to an existing group with a GID.

22.8. Adding users or groups as member managers to an IdM user group using the IdM CLI

Follow this procedure to add users or groups as member managers to an IdM user group using the IdM CLI. Member managers can add users or groups to IdM user groups but cannot change the attributes of a group.


  • You must be logged in as the administrator. For details, see Using kinit to log in to IdM manually.
  • You must have the name of the user or group you are adding as member managers and the name of the group you want them to manage.


  • Add a user as a member manager to an IdM user group by using the ipa group-add-member-manager command.

    For example, to add the user test as a member manager of group_a:

    $ ipa group-add-member-manager group_a --users=test
    Group name: group_a
    GID: 1133400009
    Membership managed by users: test
    Number of members added 1

    User test can now manage members of group_a.

  • Add a group as a member manager to an IdM user group by using the ipa group-add-member-manager command.

    For example, to add the group group_admins as a member manager of group_a:

    $ ipa group-add-member-manager group_a --groups=group_admins
    Group name: group_a
    GID: 1133400009
    Membership managed by groups: group_admins
    Membership managed by users: test
    Number of members added 1

    Group group_admins can now manage members of group_a.


After you add a member manager to a user group, the update may take some time to spread to all clients in your Identity Management environment.


  • Using the ipa group-show command to verify the user and group were added as member managers.

    $ ipa group-show group_a
    Group name: group_a
    GID: 1133400009
    Membership managed by groups: group_admins
    Membership managed by users: test

Additional resources

  • See ipa group-add-member-manager --help for more details.

22.9. Viewing group members using IdM CLI

Follow this procedure to view members of a group using IdM CLI. You can view both direct and indirect group members. For more information, see Direct and indirect group members.


  • To list members of a group, use the ipa group-show group_name command. For example:

    $ ipa group-show group_a
      Member users: user_a
      Member groups: group_b
      Indirect Member users: user_b

    The list of indirect members does not include external users from trusted Active Directory domains. The Active Directory trust user objects are not visible in the Identity Management interface because they do not exist as LDAP objects within Identity Management.

22.10. Removing a member from a user group using IdM CLI

Follow this procedure to remove a member from a user group using IdM CLI.



  1. Optional: Use the ipa group-show command to confirm that the group includes the member you want to remove.
  2. Remove a member from a user group by using the ipa group-remove-member command.

    Specify members to remove using these options:

    • --users removes an IdM user
    • --external removes a user that exists outside the IdM domain, in the format of DOMAIN\user_name or user_name@domain
    • --groups removes an IdM user group

    For example, to remove user1, user2, and group1 from a group called group_name:

    $ ipa group-remove-member group_name --users=user1 --users=user2 --groups=group1

22.11. Removing users or groups as member managers from an IdM user group using the IdM CLI

Follow this procedure to remove users or groups as member managers from an IdM user group using the IdM CLI. Member managers can remove users or groups from IdM user groups but cannot change the attributes of a group.


  • You must be logged in as the administrator. For details, see Using kinit to log in to IdM manually.
  • You must have the name of the existing member manager user or group you are removing and the name of the group they are managing.


  • Remove a user as a member manager of an IdM user group by using the ipa group-remove-member-manager command.

    For example, to remove the user test as a member manager of group_a:

    $ ipa group-remove-member-manager group_a --users=test
    Group name: group_a
    GID: 1133400009
    Membership managed by groups: group_admins
    Number of members removed 1

    User test can no longer manage members of group_a.

  • Remove a group as a member manager of an IdM user group by using the ipa group-remove-member-manager command.

    For example, to remove the group group_admins as a member manager of group_a:

    $ ipa group-remove-member-manager group_a --groups=group_admins
    Group name: group_a
    GID: 1133400009
    Number of members removed 1

    Group group_admins can no longer manage members of group_a.


After you remove a member manager from a user group, the update may take some time to spread to all clients in your Identity Management environment.


  • Using the ipa group-show command to verify the user and group were removed as member managers.

    $ ipa group-show group_a
    Group name: group_a
    GID: 1133400009

Additional resources

  • See ipa group-remove-member-manager --help for more details.

22.12. Enabling group merging for local and remote groups in IdM

Groups are either centrally managed, provided by a domain such as Identity Management (IdM) or Active Directory (AD), or they are managed on a local system in the etc/group file. In most cases, users rely on a centrally managed store. However, in some cases software still relies on membership in known groups for managing access control.

If you want to manage groups from a domain controller and from the local etc/group file, you can enable group merging. You can configure your nsswitch.conf file to check both the local files and the remote service. If a group appears in both, the list of member users is combined and returned in a single response.

The steps below describe how to enable group merging for a user, idmuser.


  1. Add [SUCCESS=merge] to the /etc/nsswitch.conf file:

    # Allow initgroups to default to the setting for group.
    initgroups: sss [SUCCESS=merge] files
  2. Add the idmuser to IdM:

    # ipa user-add idmuser
    First name: idm
    Last name: user
    Added user "idmuser"
    User login: idmuser
    First name: idm
    Last name: user
    Full name: idm user
    Display name: idm user
    Initials: tu
    Home directory: /home/idmuser
    GECOS: idm user
    Login shell: /bin/sh
    Principal name: idmuser@IPA.TEST
    Principal alias: idmuser@IPA.TEST