14.2. 月次レポートの取得
14.2.1. RHEL の場合
RHEL の月次レポートを取得するには、次のコマンドを実行します。
scp -r username@controller_host:$METRICS_UTILITY_SHIP_PATH/data/<YYYY>/<MM>/ /local/directory/
生成されたレポートには、デフォルトの名前 CCSP-<YEAR>-<MONTH>.xlsx が付けられ、指定した送信先パスに保存されます。
14.2.2. OpenShift Container Platform の場合 (Ansible Automation Platform Operator を使用)
次の Playbook を使用して、OpenShift Container Platform 上の Ansible Automation Platform の月次消費レポートを取得します。
- name: Copy directory from Kubernetes PVC to local machine hosts: localhost vars: report_dir_path: "/mnt/metrics/reports/{{ year }}/{{ month }}/" tasks: - name: Create a temporary pod to access PVC data kubernetes.core.k8s: definition: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: temp-pod namespace: "{{ namespace_name }}" spec: containers: - name: busybox image: busybox command: ["/bin/sh"] args: ["-c", "sleep 3600"] # Keeps the container alive for 1 hour volumeMounts: - name: "{{ pvc }}" mountPath: "/mnt/metrics" volumes: - name: "{{ pvc }}" persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: automationcontroller-metrics-utility restartPolicy: Never register: pod_creation - name: Wait for both initContainer and main container to be ready kubernetes.core.k8s_info: kind: Pod namespace: "{{ namespace_name }}" name: temp-pod register: pod_status until: > pod_status.resources[0].status.containerStatuses[0].ready retries: 30 delay: 10 - name: Create a tarball of the directory of the report in the container kubernetes.core.k8s_exec: namespace: "{{ namespace_name }}" pod: temp-pod container: busybox command: tar czf /tmp/metrics.tar.gz -C "{{ report_dir_path }}" . register: tarball_creation - name: Copy the report tarball from the container to the local machine kubernetes.core.k8s_cp: namespace: "{{ namespace_name }}" pod: temp-pod container: busybox state: from_pod remote_path: /tmp/metrics.tar.gz local_path: "{{ local_dir }}/metrics.tar.gz" when: tarball_creation is succeeded - name: Ensure the local directory exists ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ local_dir }}" state: directory - name: Extract the report tarball on the local machine ansible.builtin.unarchive: src: "{{ local_dir }}/metrics.tar.gz" dest: "{{ local_dir }}" remote_src: yes extra_opts: "--strip-components=1" when: tarball_creation is succeeded - name: Delete the temporary pod kubernetes.core.k8s: api_version: v1 kind: Pod namespace: "{{ namespace_name }}" name: temp-pod state: absent