
4.2. Executing a PMML model using Decision Server

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You can execute PMML models that have been deployed to Decision Server by sending the ApplyPmmlModelCommand command to the configured Decision Server. When you use this command, a PMMLRequestData object is sent to the Decision Server and a PMML4Result result object is received as a reply. You can send PMML requests to Decision Server through the Decision Server REST API from a configured Java class or directly from a REST client.



  1. In your client application, add the following dependencies to the relevant classpath of your Java project:

    <!-- Required for the PMML compiler -->
    <!-- Required for the KIE public API -->
    <!-- Required for the Decision Server Java client API -->
    <!-- Required if not using classpath KIE container -->

    The <version> is the Maven artifact version for Red Hat Decision Manager currently used in your project (for example, 7.18.0.Final-redhat-00002).


    Instead of specifying a Red Hat Decision Manager <version> for individual dependencies, consider adding the Red Hat Business Automation bill of materials (BOM) dependency to your project pom.xml file. The Red Hat Business Automation BOM applies to both Red Hat Decision Manager and Red Hat Process Automation Manager. When you add the BOM files, the correct versions of transitive dependencies from the provided Maven repositories are included in the project.

    Example BOM dependency:


    For more information about the Red Hat Business Automation BOM, see What is the mapping between RHDM product and maven library version?.

  2. Create a KIE container from classpath or ReleaseId:

    KieServices kieServices = KieServices.Factory.get();
    ReleaseId releaseId = kieServices.newReleaseId( "org.acme", "my-kjar", "1.0.0" );
    KieContainer kieContainer = kieServices.newKieContainer( releaseId );

    Alternative option:

    KieServices kieServices = KieServices.Factory.get();
    KieContainer kieContainer = kieServices.getKieClasspathContainer();
  3. Create a class for sending requests to Decision Server and receiving responses:

    public class ApplyScorecardModel {
      private static final ReleaseId releaseId =
              new ReleaseId("org.acme","my-kjar","1.0.0");
      private static final String containerId = "SampleModelContainer";
      private static KieCommands commandFactory;
      private static ClassLoader kjarClassLoader; 1
      private RuleServicesClient serviceClient; 2
      // Attributes specific to your class instance
      private String rankedFirstCode;
      private Double score;
      // Initialization of non-final static attributes
      static {
        commandFactory = KieServices.Factory.get().getCommands();
        // Specifications for kjarClassLoader, if used
        KieMavenRepository kmp = KieMavenRepository.getMavenRepository();
        File artifactFile = kmp.resolveArtifact(releaseId).getFile();
        if (artifactFile != null) {
          URL urls[] = new URL[1];
          try {
            urls[0] = artifactFile.toURI().toURL();
            classLoader = new KieURLClassLoader(urls,PMML4Result.class.getClassLoader());
          } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            logger.error("Error getting classLoader for "+containerId);
        } else {
          logger.warn("Did not find the artifact file for "+releaseId.toString());
      public ApplyScorecardModel(KieServicesConfiguration kieConfig) {
        KieServicesClient clientFactory = KieServicesFactory.newKieServicesClient(kieConfig);
        serviceClient = clientFactory.getServicesClient(RuleServicesClient.class);
      // Getters and setters
      // Method for executing the PMML model on KIE Server
      public void applyModel(String occupation, int age) {
        PMMLRequestData input = new PMMLRequestData("1234","SampleModelName"); 3
        input.addRequestParam(new ParameterInfo("1234","occupation",String.class,occupation));
        input.addRequestParam(new ParameterInfo("1234","age",Integer.class,age));
        CommandFactoryServiceImpl cf = (CommandFactoryServiceImpl)commandFactory;
        ApplyPmmlModelCommand command = (ApplyPmmlModelCommand) cf.newApplyPmmlModel(request); 4
        ServiceResponse<ExecutionResults> results =
            ruleClient.executeCommandsWithResults(CONTAINER_ID, command); 5
        if (results != null) {  6
          PMML4Result resultHolder = (PMML4Result)results.getResult().getValue("results");
          if (resultHolder != null && "OK".equals(resultHolder.getResultCode())) {
            this.score = resultHolder.getResultValue("ScoreCard","score",Double.class).get();
            Map<String,Object> rankingMap =
            if (rankingMap != null && !rankingMap.isEmpty()) {
              this.rankedFirstCode = rankingMap.keySet().iterator().next();
    Defines the class loader if you did not include the KJAR in your client project dependencies
    Identifies the service client as defined in the configuration settings, including Decision Server REST API access credentials
    Initializes a PMMLRequestData object
    Creates an instance of the ApplyPmmlModelCommand
    Sends the command using the service client
    Retrieves the results of the executed PMML model
  4. Execute the class instance to send the PMML invocation request to Decision Server.

    Alternatively, you can use JMS and REST interfaces to send the ApplyPmmlModelCommand command to Decision Server. For REST requests, you use the ApplyPmmlModelCommand command as a POST request to http://SERVER:PORT/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/instances/{containerId} in JAXB or JSON request format.


    XStream request format is currently not supported for PMML model execution in Decision Server, but will be supported in a future release.

    Example POST endpoint


    Example JSON request body

      "commands": [ {
          "apply-pmml-model-command": {
            "outIdentifier": null,
            "packageName": null,
            "hasMining": false,
            "requestData": {
              "correlationId": "123",
              "modelName": "SimpleScorecard",
              "source": null,
              "requestParams": [
                  "correlationId": "123",
                  "name": "param1",
                  "type": "java.lang.Double",
                  "value": "10.0"
                  "correlationId": "123",
                  "name": "param2",
                  "type": "java.lang.Double",
                  "value": "15.0"

    Example curl request with endpoint and body

    curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/instances/SampleModelContainer" -H "accept: application/json" -H "content-type: application/json" -d "{ \"commands\": [ { \"apply-pmml-model-command\": { \"outIdentifier\": null, \"packageName\": null, \"hasMining\": false, \"requestData\": { \"correlationId\": \"123\", \"modelName\": \"SimpleScorecard\", \"source\": null, \"requestParams\": [ { \"correlationId\": \"123\", \"name\": \"param1\", \"type\": \"java.lang.Double\", \"value\": \"10.0\" }, { \"correlationId\": \"123\", \"name\": \"param2\", \"type\": \"java.lang.Double\", \"value\": \"15.0\" } ] } } } ]}"

    Example JSON response

      "results" : [ {
        "value" : {"org.kie.api.pmml.DoubleFieldOutput":{
      "value" : 40.8,
      "correlationId" : "123",
      "segmentationId" : null,
      "segmentId" : null,
      "name" : "OverallScore",
      "displayValue" : "OverallScore",
      "weight" : 1.0
        "key" : "OverallScore"
      }, {
        "value" : {"org.kie.api.pmml.PMML4Result":{
      "resultVariables" : {
        "OverallScore" : {
          "value" : 40.8,
          "correlationId" : "123",
          "segmentationId" : null,
          "segmentId" : null,
          "name" : "OverallScore",
          "displayValue" : "OverallScore",
          "weight" : 1.0
        "ScoreCard" : {
          "modelName" : "SimpleScorecard",
          "score" : 40.8,
          "holder" : {
            "modelName" : "SimpleScorecard",
            "correlationId" : "123",
            "voverallScore" : null,
            "moverallScore" : true,
            "vparam1" : 10.0,
            "mparam1" : false,
            "vparam2" : 15.0,
            "mparam2" : false
          "enableRC" : true,
          "pointsBelow" : true,
          "ranking" : {
            "reasonCh1" : 5.0,
            "reasonCh2" : -6.0
      "correlationId" : "123",
      "segmentationId" : null,
      "segmentId" : null,
      "segmentIndex" : 0,
      "resultCode" : "OK",
      "resultObjectName" : null
        "key" : "results"
      } ],
      "facts" : [ ]

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