

17.5. Additional Resources

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Additional information concerning TCP wrappers and xinetd is available from system documentation and on the Internet.

17.5.1. Installed Documentation

The bundled documentation on your system is a good place to start looking for additional TCP Wrappers, xinetd, and access control configuration options.
  • /usr/share/doc/tcp_wrappers-<version>/ — This directory contains a README file that discusses how TCP wrappers work and the various hostname and host address spoofing risks that exist.
  • /usr/share/doc/xinetd-<version>/ — This directory contains a README file that discusses aspects of access control and a sample.conf file with various ideas for modifying service-specific configuration files in the /etc/xinetd.d/ directory.
  • TCP wrappers and xinetd related man pages — There are a number of man pages for the various applications and configuration files involved with TCP wrappers and xinetd. The following lists some of the more important man pages.
    Server Applications
    • man xinetd — The man page for the xinetd super service daemon.
    Configuration Files
    • man 5 hosts_access — The man page for the TCP wrappers hosts access control files.
    • man hosts_options — The man page for the TCP wrappers options fields.
    • man xinetd.conf — The man page listing xinetd configuration options.
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