

How to Set Up SSO with Kerberos

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Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.0

For Use with Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.0

Red Hat Customer Content Services


The intent of this guide is to explore the topic of single sign-on (SSO) with Kerberos within Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.0 as well as provide a practical guide for setting up SSO with Kerberos in JBoss EAP. Essentially this guide is providing a deeper dive into what SSO with Kerberos is as well as how to set up and configure it within JBoss EAP. Before reading this guide, users should read through the Security Architecture document for Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.0 and have a solid understanding of the SSO and Kerberos information presented in that document. This document also makes use of the JBoss EAP CLI interface for performing configuration changes. For more information on using the CLI for both standalone JBoss EAP instances as well as JBoss EAP domains, please consult the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Management CLI Guide. When completing this document, readers should have a solid, working understanding of SSO and Kerberos, how it relates to JBoss EAP, and how to configure it.

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