4.2. Backing up the undercloud
To back up the undercloud node, you must log in as the root user on the undercloud node. As a precaution, you must back up the database to ensure that you can restore it.
- You have created and exported the backup directory. For more information, see Creating and exporting the backup directory.
- You have performed prerequisite tasks before backing up the undercloud. For more information, see Performing prerequisite tasks before backing up the undercloud.
- You have installed and configured ReaR on the undercloud node. For more information, see Install and Configure ReaR.
Locate the database password.
[root@undercloud stack]# PASSWORD=$(/bin/hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml mysql::server::root_password)
Back up the databases:
# podman exec mysql bash -c "mysql -uroot -p$PASSWORD -s -N -e \"SELECT CONCAT('\\\"SHOW GRANTS FOR ''',user,'''@''',host,''';\\\"') FROM mysql.user where (length(user) > 0 and user NOT LIKE 'root')\" | xargs -n1 mysql -uroot -p$PASSWORD -s -N -e | sed 's/$/;/' " > openstack-backup-mysql-grants.sql
# podman exec mysql bash -c "mysql -uroot -p$PASSWORD -s -N -e \"select distinct table_schema from information_schema.tables where engine='innodb' and table_schema != 'mysql';\" | xargs mysqldump -uroot -p$PASSWORD --single-transaction --databases" > openstack-backup-mysql.sql
Stop the
database service:[root@undercloud stack]# systemctl stop tripleo_mysql
Create the backup:
[root@undercloud stack]# rear -d -v mkbackup
You can find the backup ISO file that you create with ReaR on the backup node in the