第1章 Introduction to undercloud and control plane back up and restore
The Undercloud and Control Plane Back Up and Restore procedure provides steps for backing up the state of the Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16.0 undercloud and overcloud Controller nodes, hereinafter referred to as control plane nodes, before updates and upgrades. Use the procedure to restore the undercloud and the overcloud control plane nodes to their previous state if an error occurs during an update or upgrade.
1.1. Background
The Undercloud and Control Plane Back Up and Restore procedure uses the open source Relax and Recover (ReaR) disaster recovery solution, written in Bash. ReaR creates a bootable image consisting of the latest state of an undercloud or a Control Plane node. ReaR also enables a system administrator to select files for backup.
ReaR supports numerous boot media formats, including:
The examples in this document were tested using the ISO
boot format.
ReaR can transport the boot images using multiple protocols, including:
For the purposes of backing up and restoring the Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16.0 undercloud and overcloud Control Plane nodes, the examples in this document were tested using NFS.