Chapter 3. Starting a process instance from Business Central
After a project has been deployed to the Process Server, you can start a new process instance from Business Central. You can start a new process instances in Business Central in two ways:
- A project with a process definition has been deployed in Business Central.
3.1. Starting a process instance from the process definitions page
A process instance can be started from the Manage Process Definitions page. This is useful for environments where you are working with several projects or process definitions at the same time.
Click Menu
Manage Process Definitions. - Select the process definition for which you want to start a new process instance from the list. The details page of the definition opens.
- Click the New Process Instance button in the upper-right corner to start a new process instance.
- Provide any required information for the process instance.
- Click Submit to create the process instance.
View the new process instance in the Manage Process Instances list under Menu
Manage Process Instances.
3.2. Starting a process instance from the process instances page
You can create new process instances or view the list of all the running process instances in the Manage Process Instances list under Menu
Click Menu
Manage Process Instances. - Click the New Process Instance button in the upper-right corner and select the process definition for which you want to start a new process instance from the drop-down list.
- Provide any information required to start a new process instance.
Click Start to create the process instance.
The new process instance appears in the Manage Process Instances list.
After a process has been started, you can view the list of process instances running in your project in the Manage Process Instances page by clicking Menu