2.84.9. hammer user ssh-keys
ユーザーの SSH キーを操作します。
Usage: hammer user ssh-keys [OPTIONS] SUBCOMMAND [ARG] ... Parameters: SUBCOMMAND Subcommand [ARG] ... Subcommand arguments Subcommands: add Add an SSH key for a user delete, destroy Delete an SSH key for a user info, show Show an SSH key from a user list, index List all SSH keys for a user Options: -h, --help Print help hammer user ssh-keys add
ユーザーの SSH キーを追加します。
Usage: hammer user ssh-keys add [OPTIONS] Options: --key KEY Public SSH key --key-file KEY_FILE Path to a SSH public key --location LOCATION_NAME Set the current location context for the request --location-id LOCATION_ID Set the current location context for the request --location-title LOCATION_TITLE Set the current location context for the request --name NAME --organization ORGANIZATION_NAME Set the current organization context for the request --organization-id ORGANIZATION_ID Set the current organization context for the request --organization-title ORGANIZATION_TITLE Set the current organization context for the request --user USER_LOGIN User's login to search by --user-id USER_ID ID of the user -h, --help Print help