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Chapter 2. Installing and Running the CLI

2.1. Installing the CLI

You can install the CLI on Linux, Windows, or macOS operating systems.


  • Java Development Kit (JDK) installed. MTA supports the following JDKs:

    • OpenJDK 11
    • Oracle JDK 11
  • 8 GB RAM
  • macOS installation: the value of maxproc must be 2048 or greater.


  1. Navigate to the MTA Download page and download the Migration Toolkit CLI file.
  2. Extract the .zip file to a directory of your choice.


    If you are installing on a Windows operating system:

    1. Extract the .zip file to a folder named LC_PSN to avoid a Path too long error. Alternatively, extract the file with 7-Zip to a folder of any name you choose.
    2. If a Confirm file replace window is displayed during extraction, click Yes to all.

    When you encounter <MTA_HOME> in this guide, replace it with the actual path to your MTA installation.

2.2. Running the CLI

You can run MTA against your application.


  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the <MTA_HOME>/bin/ directory.
  2. Execute the windup-cli script, or windup-cli.bat for Windows, and specify the appropriate arguments:

    $ ./windup-cli --input /path/to/jee-example-app-1.0.0.ear \
        --output /path/to/output --source weblogic --target eap:6 \
        --packages com.acme org.apache
    • --input: The application to be evaluated.
    • --output: The output directory for the generated reports.
    • --source: The source technology for the application migration.
    • --target: The target technology for the application migration.
    • --packages: The packages to be evaluated. This argument is highly recommended to improve performance.
  3. Access the report.

2.2.1. MTA command examples

Running MTA on an application archive

The following command analyzes the com.acme and org.apache packages of the jee-example-app-1.0.0.ear example EAR archive for migrating from JBoss EAP 5 to JBoss EAP 7:

$ <MTA_HOME>/bin/windup-cli \
    --input /path/to/jee-example-app-1.0.0.ear \
    --output /path/to/report-output/ --source eap:5 --target eap:7 \
    --packages com.acme org.apache
Running MTA on source code

The following command analyzes the org.jboss.seam packages of the seam-booking-5.2 example source code for migrating to JBoss EAP 6.

$ <MTA_HOME>/bin/windup-cli --sourceMode --input /path/to/seam-booking-5.2/ \
    --output /path/to/report-output/ --target eap:6 --packages org.jboss.seam
Running cloud-readiness rules

The following command analyzes the com.acme and org.apache packages of the jee-example-app-1.0.0.ear example EAR archive for migrating to JBoss EAP 7. It also evaluates for cloud readiness:

$ <MTA_HOME>/bin/windup-cli --input /path/to/jee-example-app-1.0.0.ear \
    --output /path/to/report-output/ \
    --target eap:7 --target cloud-readiness --packages com.acme org.apache
Overriding MTA properties

To override the default Fernflower decompiler, pass the -Dwindup.decompiler argument on the command line. For example, to use the Procyon decompiler, use the following syntax:

$ <MTA_HOME>/bin/windup-cli -Dwindup.decompiler=procyon \
    --target <TARGET_TECHNOLOGY> --packages <PACKAGE_1> <PACKAGE_2>

2.2.2. MTA CLI Bash completion

The MTA CLI provides an option to enable Bash completion for Linux systems, allowing the MTA command-line arguments to be auto completed by pressing the Tab key when entering the commands. For instance, when Bash completion is enabled, entering the following displays a list of available arguments.

$ <MTA_HOME>/bin/windup-cli [TAB]
Enabling Bash completion

To enable Bash completion for the current shell, execute the following command:

$ source <MTA_HOME>/bash-completion/windup-cli
Enabling persistent Bash completion

The following commands allow Bash completion to persist across restarts:

  • To enable Bash completion for a specific user across system restarts, include the following line in that user’s ~/.bashrc file.

    source <MTA_HOME>/bash-completion/windup-cli
  • To enable Bash completion for all users across system restarts, copy the Migration Toolkit for Applications CLI Bash completion file to the /etc/bash_completion.d/ directory as the root user.

    # cp <MTA_HOME>/bash-completion/windup-cli /etc/bash_completion.d/

2.2.3. Accessing MTA help

To see the complete list of available arguments for the windup-cli command, open a terminal, navigate to the <MTA_HOME> directory, and execute the following command:

$ <MTA_HOME>/bin/windup-cli --help

2.2.4. Using OpenRewrite recipes


OpenRewrite recipe support is provided as Technology Preview only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs), might not be functionally complete, and Red Hat does not recommend to use them for production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

See Technology Preview features support scope on the Red Hat Customer Portal for information about the support scope for Technology Preview features.

You can refactor the source code of Java applications by using OpenRewrite recipes with the MTA CLI.

For example, the OpenRewrite recipe org.jboss.windup.JavaxToJakarta renames imported javax packages to their jakarta equivalents.


  1. Run windup-cli, specifying the recipe name, the path to the configuration file, and the application:

    $ ./windup-cli --openrewrite --input </path/to/source/project> \
      "-Drewrite.configLocation=<path/to/rewrite.yaml>"  \
      "-DactiveRecipes=<recipe_name>" --goal dryRun
    • "-DactiveRecipes=<recipe name>": Specify the OpenRewrite recipe, for example, org.jboss.windup.JavaxToJakarta.
    • --input: Specify the application to be refactored. The application must be the top of the source code project containing a Maven Project Object Model (POM) XML file, pom.xml.
    • -Drewrite.configLocation=<path/to/rewrite.yaml> : The location of the rewrite.yaml configuration file to use. The shipped rewrite.yaml configuration files are located in your <MTA_HOME>/rules/openrewrite subfolder, for example," -Drewrite.configLocation=<MTA_HOME>/rules/openrewrite/jakarta/javax/imports/rewrite.yaml".
    • "-DactiveRecipes=<recipe name>": Specify the OpenRewrite recipe, for example, org.jboss.windup.JavaxToJakarta.

      You can include more than one recipe by specifying each in the activeRecipes parameter. For example, to include the recipes org.jboss.windup.JavaxInjectToJakartaInject and org.jboss.windup.JavaxEjbToJakartaEjb", enter the following for "-DactiveRecipes=<recipe name>":

        "-DactiveRecipes=org.jboss.windup.JavaxInjectToJakartaInject, \
    • --goal: Optional: The OpenRewrite Maven goal to run.

      • dryRun : The script returns a list of proposed changes. Ignore the "Run 'mvn rewrite:run' to apply the recipes" message.
      • run: The script applies the changes.
  2. Run windup-cli with --goal run to apply the recipe:

    $ ./windup-cli --openrewrite --input </path/to/source/project> \
      "-Drewrite.configLocation=<path/to/rewrite.yaml>"  \
      "-DactiveRecipes=<recipe_name>" --goal run Available OpenRewrite recipes

Table 2.1. Available OpenRewrite recipes
Migration pathPurposerewrite.configLocationactiveRecipes

Java EE to Jakarta EE

Replace import of javax packages with equivalent jakarta packages

Replace javax artifacts, declared within pom.xml files, with the jakarta equivalents

<MTR_HOME>/rules/openrewrite/jakarta \ /javax/imports/rewrite.yml


Java EE to Jakarta EE

Rename bootstrapping files

<MTR_HOME>/rules/openrewrite/jakarta \ /javax/bootstrapping/rewrite.yml

org.jboss.windup.jakarta.javax. \ BootstrappingFiles

Java EE to Jakarta EE

Transform persistence.xml configuration

<MTR_HOME>/rules/openrewrite/jakarta \ /javax/xml/rewrite.yml

org.jboss.windup.javax-jakarta. \ PersistenceXML

Spring Boot to Quarkus

Replace spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto property within files matching application*.properties

<MTR_HOME>/rules/openrewrite/quarkus \ /springboot/properties/rewrite.yml


2.3. Accessing reports

When you run the Migration Toolkit for Applications, a report is generated in the <OUTPUT_REPORT_DIRECTORY> that you specify using the --output argument in the command line.

The output directory contains the following files and subdirectories:

├── index.html          // Landing page for the report
├── <EXPORT_FILE>.csv   // Optional export of data in CSV format
├── archives/           // Archives extracted from the application
├── mavenized/          // Optional Maven project structure
├── reports/            // Generated HTML reports
├── stats/              // Performance statistics


  1. Obtain the path of the index.html file of your report from the output that appears after you run MTA:

    Report created: <OUTPUT_REPORT_DIRECTORY>/index.html
                  Access it at this URL: file:///<OUTPUT_REPORT_DIRECTORY>/index.html
  2. Open the index.html file by using a browser.

    The generated report is displayed.

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