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Using AMQ Streams on RHEL
For use with AMQ Streams 1.6 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Chapter 1. Overview of AMQ Streams
Red Hat AMQ Streams is a massively-scalable, distributed, and high-performance data streaming platform based on the Apache ZooKeeper and Apache Kafka projects.
The main components comprise:
- Kafka Broker
Messaging broker responsible for delivering records from producing clients to consuming clients.
Apache ZooKeeper is a core dependency for Kafka, providing a cluster coordination service for highly reliable distributed coordination.
- Kafka Streams API
- API for writing stream processor applications.
- Producer and Consumer APIs
- Java-based APIs for producing and consuming messages to and from Kafka brokers.
- Kafka Bridge
- AMQ Streams Kafka Bridge provides a RESTful interface that allows HTTP-based clients to interact with a Kafka cluster.
- Kafka Connect
- A toolkit for streaming data between Kafka brokers and other systems using Connector plugins.
- Kafka MirrorMaker
- Replicates data between two Kafka clusters, within or across data centers.
- Kafka Exporter
- An exporter used in the extraction of Kafka metrics data for monitoring.
A cluster of Kafka brokers is the hub connecting all these components. The broker uses Apache ZooKeeper for storing configuration data and for cluster coordination. Before running Apache Kafka, an Apache ZooKeeper cluster has to be ready.
Figure 1.1. AMQ Streams architecture
1.1. Kafka capabilities
The underlying data stream-processing capabilities and component architecture of Kafka can deliver:
- Microservices and other applications to share data with extremely high throughput and low latency
- Message ordering guarantees
- Message rewind/replay from data storage to reconstruct an application state
- Message compaction to remove old records when using a key-value log
- Horizontal scalability in a cluster configuration
- Replication of data to control fault tolerance
- Retention of high volumes of data for immediate access
1.2. Kafka use cases
Kafka’s capabilities make it suitable for:
- Event-driven architectures
- Event sourcing to capture changes to the state of an application as a log of events
- Message brokering
- Website activity tracking
- Operational monitoring through metrics
- Log collection and aggregation
- Commit logs for distributed systems
- Stream processing so that applications can respond to data in real time
1.3. Supported Configurations
In order to be running in a supported configuration, AMQ Streams must be running in one of the following JVM versions and on one of the supported operating systems.
Java Virtual Machine | Version |
OpenJDK | 1.8, 11 |
OracleJDK | 1.8 |
IBM JDK | 1.8 |
Operating System | Architecture | Version |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux | x86_64 | 7.x, 8.x |
1.4. Document conventions
In this document, replaceable text is styled in monospace
, with italics, uppercase, and hyphens.
For example, in the following code, you will want to replace BOOTSTRAP-ADDRESS
with your own address and topic name:
bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server BOOTSTRAP-ADDRESS --topic TOPIC-NAME --from-beginning
Chapter 2. Getting started
2.1. AMQ Streams distribution
AMQ Streams is distributed as single ZIP file. This ZIP file contains AMQ Streams components:
- Apache ZooKeeper
- Apache Kafka
- Apache Kafka Connect
- Apache Kafka MirrorMaker
- Kafka Bridge
- Kafka Exporter
2.2. Downloading an AMQ Streams Archive
An archived distribution of AMQ Streams is available for download from the Red Hat website. You can download a copy of the distribution by following the steps below.
- Download the latest version of the Red Hat AMQ Streams archive from the Customer Portal.
2.3. Installing AMQ Streams
Follow this procedure to install the latest version of AMQ Streams on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
For instructions on upgrading an existing cluster to AMQ Streams 1.6, see AMQ Streams and Kafka upgrades.
- Download the installation archive.
- Review the Section 1.3, “Supported Configurations”
Add new
user and group.sudo groupadd kafka sudo useradd -g kafka kafka sudo passwd kafka
Create directory
.sudo mkdir /opt/kafka
Create a temporary directory and extract the contents of the AMQ Streams ZIP file.
mkdir /tmp/kafka unzip amq-streams_y.y-x.x.x.zip -d /tmp/kafka
Move the extracted contents into
directory and delete the temporary directory.sudo mv /tmp/kafka/kafka_y.y-x.x.x/* /opt/kafka/ rm -r /tmp/kafka
Change the ownership of the
directory to thekafka
user.sudo chown -R kafka:kafka /opt/kafka
Create directory
for storing ZooKeeper data and set its ownership to thekafka
user.sudo mkdir /var/lib/zookeeper sudo chown -R kafka:kafka /var/lib/zookeeper
Create directory
for storing Kafka data and set its ownership to thekafka
user.sudo mkdir /var/lib/kafka sudo chown -R kafka:kafka /var/lib/kafka
2.4. Data storage considerations
An efficient data storage infrastructure is essential to the optimal performance of AMQ Streams.
AMQ Streams requires block storage and works well with cloud-based block storage solutions, such as Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS). The use of file storage is not recommended.
Choose local storage when possible. If local storage is not available, you can use a Storage Area Network (SAN) accessed by a protocol such as Fibre Channel or iSCSI.
2.4.1. Apache Kafka and ZooKeeper storage support
Use separate disks for Apache Kafka and ZooKeeper.
Kafka supports JBOD (Just a Bunch of Disks) storage, a data storage configuration of multiple disks or volumes. JBOD provides increased data storage for Kafka brokers. It can also improve performance.
Solid-state drives (SSDs), though not essential, can improve the performance of Kafka in large clusters where data is sent to and received from multiple topics asynchronously. SSDs are particularly effective with ZooKeeper, which requires fast, low latency data access.
You do not need to provision replicated storage because Kafka and ZooKeeper both have built-in data replication.
2.4.2. File systems
It is recommended that you configure your storage system to use the XFS file system. AMQ Streams is also compatible with the ext4 file system, but this might require additional configuration for best results.
Additional resources
- For more information about XFS, see The XFS File System.
2.5. Running a single node AMQ Streams cluster
This procedure shows how to run a basic AMQ Streams cluster consisting of a single Apache ZooKeeper node and a single Apache Kafka node, both running on the same host. The default configuration files are used for ZooKeeper and Kafka.
A single node AMQ Streams cluster does not provide reliability and high availability and is suitable only for development purposes.
- AMQ Streams is installed on the host
Running the cluster
Edit the ZooKeeper configuration file
. Set thedataDir
option to/var/lib/zookeeper/
Edit the Kafka configuration file
. Set thelog.dirs
option to/var/lib/kafka/
Switch to the
user:su - kafka
Start ZooKeeper:
/opt/kafka/bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh -daemon /opt/kafka/config/zookeeper.properties
Check that ZooKeeper is running:
jcmd | grep zookeeper
number org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain /opt/kafka/config/zookeeper.properties
Start Kafka:
/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-server-start.sh -daemon /opt/kafka/config/server.properties
Check that Kafka is running:
jcmd | grep kafka
number kafka.Kafka /opt/kafka/config/server.properties
Additional resources
- For more information about installing AMQ Streams, see Section 2.3, “Installing AMQ Streams”.
- For more information about configuring AMQ Streams, see Section 2.8, “Configuring AMQ Streams”.
2.6. Using the cluster
This procedure describes how to start the Kafka console producer and consumer clients and use them to send and receive several messages.
A new topic is automatically created in step one. Topic auto-creation is controlled using the auto.create.topics.enable
configuration property (set to true
by default). Alternatively, you can configure and create topics before using the cluster. For more information, see Topics.
Start the Kafka console producer and configure it to send messages to a new topic:
/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list <bootstrap-address> --topic <topic-name>
For example:
/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic my-topic
Enter several messages into the console. Press Enter to send each individual message to your new topic:
>message 1 >message 2 >message 3 >message 4
When Kafka creates a new topic automatically, you might receive a warning that the topic does not exist:
WARN Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 39 : {4-3-16-topic1=LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE} (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)
The warning should not reappear after you send further messages.
In a new terminal window, start the Kafka console consumer and configure it to read messages from the beginning of your new topic.
/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server <bootstrap-address> --topic <topic-name> --from-beginning
For example:
/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic my-topic --from-beginning
The incoming messages display in the consumer console.
- Switch to the producer console and send additional messages. Check that they display in the consumer console.
- Stop the Kafka console producer and then the consumer by pressing Ctrl+C.
2.7. Stopping the AMQ Streams services
You can stop the Kafka and ZooKeeper services by running a script. All connections to the Kafka and ZooKeeper services will be terminated.
- AMQ Streams is installed on the host
- ZooKeeper and Kafka are up and running
Stop the Kafka broker.
su - kafka /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-server-stop.sh
Confirm that the Kafka broker is stopped.
jcmd | grep kafka
Stop ZooKeeper.
su - kafka /opt/kafka/bin/zookeeper-server-stop.sh
2.8. Configuring AMQ Streams
- AMQ Streams is downloaded and installed on the host
Open ZooKeeper and Kafka broker configuration files in a text editor. The configuration files are located at :
- ZooKeeper
- Kafka
Edit the configuration options. The configuration files are in the Java properties format. Every configuration option should be on separate line in the following format:
<option> = <value>
Lines starting with
will be treated as comments and will be ignored by AMQ Streams components.# This is a comment
Values can be split into multiple lines by using
directly before the newline / carriage return.sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required \ username="bob" \ password="bobs-password";
- Save the changes
- Restart the ZooKeeper or Kafka broker
- Repeat this procedure on all the nodes of the cluster.
Chapter 3. Configuring ZooKeeper
Kafka uses ZooKeeper to store configuration data and for cluster coordination. It is strongly recommended to run a cluster of replicated ZooKeeper instances.
3.1. Basic configuration
The most important ZooKeeper configuration options are:
- ZooKeeper’s basic time unit in milliseconds. It is used for heartbeats and session timeouts. For example, minimum session timeout will be two ticks.
The directory where ZooKeeper stores its transaction logs and snapshots of its in-memory database. This should be set to the
directory that was created during installation. clientPort
Port number where clients can connect. Defaults to
An example ZooKeeper configuration file named config/zookeeper.properties
is located in the AMQ Streams installation directory. It is recommended to place the dataDir
directory on a separate disk device to minimize the latency in ZooKeeper.
ZooKeeper configuration file should be located in /opt/kafka/config/zookeeper.properties
. A basic example of the configuration file can be found below. The configuration file has to be readable by the kafka
tickTime=2000 dataDir=/var/lib/zookeeper/ clientPort=2181
3.2. ZooKeeper cluster configuration
For reliable ZooKeeper service, you should deploy ZooKeeper in a cluster. Hence, for production use cases, you must run a cluster of replicated ZooKeeper instances. ZooKeeper clusters are also referred to as ensembles.
ZooKeeper clusters usually consist of an odd number of nodes. ZooKeeper requires that a majority of the nodes in the cluster are up and running. For example:
- In a cluster with three nodes, at least two of the nodes must be up and running. This means it can tolerate one node being down.
- In a cluster consisting of five nodes, at least three nodes must be available. This means it can tolerate two nodes being down.
- In a cluster consisting of seven nodes, at least four nodes must be available. This means it can tolerate three nodes being down.
Having more nodes in the ZooKeeper cluster delivers better resiliency and reliability of the whole cluster.
ZooKeeper can run in clusters with an even number of nodes. The additional node, however, does not increase the resiliency of the cluster. A cluster with four nodes requires at least three nodes to be available and can tolerate only one node being down. Therefore it has exactly the same resiliency as a cluster with only three nodes.
Ideally, the different ZooKeeper nodes should be located in different data centers or network segments. Increasing the number of ZooKeeper nodes increases the workload spent on cluster synchronization. For most Kafka use cases, a ZooKeeper cluster with 3, 5 or 7 nodes should be sufficient.
A ZooKeeper cluster with 3 nodes can tolerate only 1 unavailable node. This means that if a cluster node crashes while you are doing maintenance on another node your ZooKeeper cluster will be unavailable.
Replicated ZooKeeper configuration supports all configuration options supported by the standalone configuration. Additional options are added for the clustering configuration:
Amount of time to allow followers to connect and sync to the cluster leader. The time is specified as a number of ticks (see the
option for more details). syncLimit
Amount of time for which followers can be behind the leader. The time is specified as a number of ticks (see the
option for more details). reconfigEnabled
- Enables or disables dynamic reconfiguration. Must be enabled in order to add or remove servers to a ZooKeeper cluster.
- Enables or disables standalone mode, where ZooKeeper runs with only one server.
In addition to the options above, every configuration file should contain a list of servers which should be members of the ZooKeeper cluster. The server records should be specified in the format server.id=hostname:port1:port2
, where:
- The ID of the ZooKeeper cluster node.
- The hostname or IP address where the node listens for connections.
- The port number used for intra-cluster communication.
- The port number used for leader election.
The following is an example configuration file of a ZooKeeper cluster with three nodes:
timeTick=2000 dataDir=/var/lib/zookeeper/ initLimit=5 syncLimit=2 reconfigEnabled=true standaloneEnabled=false server.1=; server.2=; server.3=;
In ZooKeeper 3.5.7, the four letter word commands must be added to the allow list before they can be used. For more information, see the ZooKeeper documentation.
Each node in the ZooKeeper cluster must be assigned a unique ID
. Each node’s ID
must be configured in a myid
file and stored in the dataDir
folder, like /var/lib/zookeeper/
. The myid
files should contain only a single line with the written ID
as text. The ID
can be any integer from 1 to 255. You must manually create this file on each cluster node. Using this file, each ZooKeeper instance will use the configuration from the corresponding server.
line in the configuration file to configure its listeners. It will also use all other server.
lines to identify other cluster members.
In the above example, there are three nodes, so each one will have a different myid
with values 1
, 2
, and 3
3.3. Running multi-node ZooKeeper cluster
This procedure will show you how to configure and run ZooKeeper as a multi-node cluster.
In ZooKeeper 3.5.7, the four letter word commands must be added to the allow list before they can be used. For more information, see the ZooKeeper documentation.
- AMQ Streams is installed on all hosts which will be used as ZooKeeper cluster nodes.
Running the cluster
Create the
file in/var/lib/zookeeper/
. Enter ID1
for the first ZooKeeper node,2
for the second ZooKeeper node, and so on.su - kafka echo "<NodeID>" > /var/lib/zookeeper/myid
For example:
su - kafka echo "1" > /var/lib/zookeeper/myid
Edit the ZooKeeper
configuration file for the following:-
Set the option
. -
Configure the
options. -
Configure the
options. Add a list of all ZooKeeper nodes. The list should include also the current node.
Example configuration for a node of ZooKeeper cluster with five members
timeTick=2000 dataDir=/var/lib/zookeeper/ initLimit=5 syncLimit=2 reconfigEnabled=true standaloneEnabled=false server.1=; server.2=; server.3=; server.4=; server.5=;
Set the option
Start ZooKeeper with the default configuration file.
su - kafka /opt/kafka/bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh -daemon /opt/kafka/config/zookeeper.properties
Verify that ZooKeeper is running.
jcmd | grep zookeeper
- Repeat this procedure on all the nodes of the cluster.
Once all nodes of the clusters are up and running, verify that all nodes are members of the cluster by sending a
command to each of the nodes usingncat
utility.Use ncat stat to check the node status
echo stat | ncat localhost 2181
In the output you should see information that the node is either
.Example output from the
commandZooKeeper version: 3.4.13-2d71af4dbe22557fda74f9a9b4309b15a7487f03, built on 06/29/2018 00:39 GMT Clients: /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:59726[0](queued=0,recved=1,sent=0) Latency min/avg/max: 0/0/0 Received: 2 Sent: 1 Connections: 1 Outstanding: 0 Zxid: 0x200000000 Mode: follower Node count: 4
Additional resources
- For more information about installing AMQ Streams, see Section 2.3, “Installing AMQ Streams”.
- For more information about configuring AMQ Streams, see Section 2.8, “Configuring AMQ Streams”.
3.4. Authentication
By default, ZooKeeper does not use any form of authentication and allows anonymous connections. However, it supports Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) which can be used to set up authentication using Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL). ZooKeeper supports authentication using the DIGEST-MD5 SASL mechanism with locally stored credentials.
3.4.1. Authentication with SASL
JAAS is configured using a separate configuration file. It is recommended to place the JAAS configuration file in the same directory as the ZooKeeper configuration (/opt/kafka/config/
). The recommended file name is zookeeper-jaas.conf
. When using a ZooKeeper cluster with multiple nodes, the JAAS configuration file has to be created on all cluster nodes.
JAAS is configured using contexts. Separate parts such as the server and client are always configured with a separate context. The context is a configuration option and has the following format:
ContextName { param1 param2; };
SASL Authentication is configured separately for server-to-server communication (communication between ZooKeeper instances) and client-to-server communication (communication between Kafka and ZooKeeper). Server-to-server authentication is relevant only for ZooKeeper clusters with multiple nodes.
Server-to-Server authentication
For server-to-server authentication, the JAAS configuration file contains two parts:
- The server configuration
- The client configuration
When using DIGEST-MD5 SASL mechanism, the QuorumServer
context is used to configure the authentication server. It must contain all the usernames to be allowed to connect together with their passwords in an unencrypted form. The second context, QuorumLearner
, has to be configured for the client which is built into ZooKeeper. It also contains the password in an unencrypted form. An example of the JAAS configuration file for DIGEST-MD5 mechanism can be found below:
QuorumServer { org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.DigestLoginModule required user_zookeeper="123456"; }; QuorumLearner { org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.DigestLoginModule required username="zookeeper" password="123456"; };
In addition to the JAAS configuration file, you must enable the server-to-server authentication in the regular ZooKeeper configuration file by specifying the following options:
quorum.auth.enableSasl=true quorum.auth.learnerRequireSasl=true quorum.auth.serverRequireSasl=true quorum.auth.learner.loginContext=QuorumLearner quorum.auth.server.loginContext=QuorumServer quorum.cnxn.threads.size=20
environment variable to pass the JAAS configuration file to the ZooKeeper server as a Java property:
su - kafka export KAFKA_OPTS="-Djava.security.auth.login.config=/opt/kafka/config/zookeeper-jaas.conf"; /opt/kafka/bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh -daemon /opt/kafka/config/zookeeper.properties
For more information about server-to-server authentication, see ZooKeeper wiki.
Client-to-Server authentication
Client-to-server authentication is configured in the same JAAS file as the server-to-server authentication. However, unlike the server-to-server authentication, it contains only the server configuration. The client part of the configuration has to be done in the client. For information on how to configure a Kafka broker to connect to ZooKeeper using authentication, see the Kafka installation section.
Add the Server context to the JAAS configuration file to configure client-to-server authentication. For DIGEST-MD5 mechanism it configures all usernames and passwords:
Server { org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.DigestLoginModule required user_super="123456" user_kafka="123456" user_someoneelse="123456"; };
After configuring the JAAS context, enable the client-to-server authentication in the ZooKeeper configuration file by adding the following line:
requireClientAuthScheme=sasl authProvider.1=org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.SASLAuthenticationProvider authProvider.2=org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.SASLAuthenticationProvider authProvider.3=org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.SASLAuthenticationProvider
You must add the authProvider.<ID>
property for every server that is part of the ZooKeeper cluster.
environment variable to pass the JAAS configuration file to the ZooKeeper server as a Java property:
su - kafka export KAFKA_OPTS="-Djava.security.auth.login.config=/opt/kafka/config/zookeeper-jaas.conf"; /opt/kafka/bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh -daemon /opt/kafka/config/zookeeper.properties
For more information about configuring ZooKeeper authentication in Kafka brokers, see Section 4.6, “ZooKeeper authentication”.
3.4.2. Enabling Server-to-server authentication using DIGEST-MD5
This procedure describes how to enable authentication using the SASL DIGEST-MD5 mechanism between the nodes of the ZooKeeper cluster.
- AMQ Streams is installed on the host
- ZooKeeper cluster is configured with multiple nodes.
Enabling SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication
On all ZooKeeper nodes, create or edit the
JAAS configuration file and add the following contexts:QuorumServer { org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.DigestLoginModule required user_<Username>="<Password>"; }; QuorumLearner { org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.DigestLoginModule required username="<Username>" password="<Password>"; };
The username and password must be the same in both JAAS contexts. For example:
QuorumServer { org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.DigestLoginModule required user_zookeeper="123456"; }; QuorumLearner { org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.DigestLoginModule required username="zookeeper" password="123456"; };
On all ZooKeeper nodes, edit the
ZooKeeper configuration file and set the following options:quorum.auth.enableSasl=true quorum.auth.learnerRequireSasl=true quorum.auth.serverRequireSasl=true quorum.auth.learner.loginContext=QuorumLearner quorum.auth.server.loginContext=QuorumServer quorum.cnxn.threads.size=20
Restart all ZooKeeper nodes one by one. To pass the JAAS configuration to ZooKeeper, use the
environment variable.su - kafka export KAFKA_OPTS="-Djava.security.auth.login.config=/opt/kafka/config/zookeeper-jaas.conf"; /opt/kafka/bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh -daemon /opt/kafka/config/zookeeper.properties
Additional resources
- For more information about installing AMQ Streams, see Section 2.3, “Installing AMQ Streams”.
- For more information about configuring AMQ Streams, see Section 2.8, “Configuring AMQ Streams”.
- For more information about running a ZooKeeper cluster, see Section 3.3, “Running multi-node ZooKeeper cluster”.
3.4.3. Enabling Client-to-server authentication using DIGEST-MD5
This procedure describes how to enable authentication using the SASL DIGEST-MD5 mechanism between ZooKeeper clients and ZooKeeper.
- AMQ Streams is installed on the host
- ZooKeeper cluster is configured and running.
Enabling SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication
On all ZooKeeper nodes, create or edit the
JAAS configuration file and add the following context:Server { org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.DigestLoginModule required user_super="<SuperUserPassword>" user<Username1>_="<Password1>" user<USername2>_="<Password2>"; };
automatically has administrator priviledges. The file can contain multiple users, but only one additional user is required by the Kafka brokers. The recommended name for the Kafka user iskafka
.The following example shows the
context for client-to-server authentication:Server { org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.DigestLoginModule required user_super="123456" user_kafka="123456"; };
On all ZooKeeper nodes, edit the
ZooKeeper configuration file and set the following options:requireClientAuthScheme=sasl authProvider.<IdOfBroker1>=org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.SASLAuthenticationProvider authProvider.<IdOfBroker2>=org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.SASLAuthenticationProvider authProvider.<IdOfBroker3>=org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.SASLAuthenticationProvider
property has to be added for every node which is part of the ZooKeeper cluster. An example three-node ZooKeeper cluster configuration must look like the following:requireClientAuthScheme=sasl authProvider.1=org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.SASLAuthenticationProvider authProvider.2=org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.SASLAuthenticationProvider authProvider.3=org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.SASLAuthenticationProvider
Restart all ZooKeeper nodes one by one. To pass the JAAS configuration to ZooKeeper, use the
environment variable.su - kafka export KAFKA_OPTS="-Djava.security.auth.login.config=/opt/kafka/config/zookeeper-jaas.conf"; /opt/kafka/bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh -daemon /opt/kafka/config/zookeeper.properties
Additional resources
- For more information about installing AMQ Streams, see Section 2.3, “Installing AMQ Streams”.
- For more information about configuring AMQ Streams, see Section 2.8, “Configuring AMQ Streams”.
- For more information about running a ZooKeeper cluster, see Section 3.3, “Running multi-node ZooKeeper cluster”.
3.5. Authorization
ZooKeeper supports access control lists (ACLs) to protect data stored inside it. Kafka brokers can automatically configure the ACL rights for all ZooKeeper records they create so no other ZooKeeper user can modify them.
For more information about enabling ZooKeeper ACLs in Kafka brokers, see Section 4.8, “ZooKeeper authorization”.
3.6. TLS
ZooKeeper supports TLS for encryption or authentication.
3.7. Additional configuration options
You can set the following additional ZooKeeper configuration options based on your use case:
- The maximum number of concurrent client connections to a single member of the ZooKeeper cluster.
Number of snapshots of ZooKeeper’s in-memory database which will be retained. Default value is
. autopurge.purgeInterval
The time interval in hours for purging snapshots. The default value is
and this option is disabled.
All available configuration options can be found in the ZooKeeper documentation.
3.8. Logging
ZooKeeper is using log4j as their logging infrastructure. Logging configuration is by default read from the log4j.properties
configuration file which should be placed either in the /opt/kafka/config/
directory or in the classpath. The location and name of the configuration file can be changed using the Java property log4j.configuration
which can be passed to ZooKeeper using the KAFKA_LOG4J_OPTS
environment variable:
su - kafka export KAFKA_LOG4J_OPTS="-Dlog4j.configuration=file:/my/path/to/log4j.properties"; /opt/kafka/bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh -daemon /opt/kafka/config/zookeeper.properties
For more information about Log4j configurations, see Log4j documentation.
Chapter 4. Configuring Kafka
Kafka uses a properties file to store static configuration. The recommended location for the configuration file is /opt/kafka/config/server.properties
. The configuration file has to be readable by the kafka
AMQ Streams ships an example configuration file that highlights various basic and advanced features of the product. It can be found under config/server.properties
in the AMQ Streams installation directory.
This chapter explains the most important configuration options. For a complete list of supported Kafka broker configuration options, see Appendix A, Broker configuration parameters.
4.1. ZooKeeper
Kafka brokers need ZooKeeper to store some parts of their configuration as well as to coordinate the cluster (for example to decide which node is a leader for which partition). Connection details for the ZooKeeper cluster are stored in the configuration file. The field zookeeper.connect
contains a comma-separated list of hostnames and ports of members of the zookeeper cluster.
For example:
Kafka will use these addresses to connect to the ZooKeeper cluster. With this configuration, all Kafka znodes
will be created directly in the root of ZooKeeper database. Therefore, such a ZooKeeper cluster could be used only for a single Kafka cluster. To configure multiple Kafka clusters to use single ZooKeeper cluster, specify a base (prefix) path at the end of the ZooKeeper connection string in the Kafka configuration file:
4.2. Listeners
Kafka brokers can be configured to use multiple listeners. Each listener can be used to listen on a different port or network interface and can have different configuration. Listeners are configured in the listeners
property in the configuration file. The listeners
property contains a list of listeners with each listener configured as <listenerName>://<hostname>:_<port>_
. When the hostname value is empty, Kafka will use java.net.InetAddress.getCanonicalHostName()
as hostname. The following example shows how multiple listeners might be configured:
When a Kafka client wants to connect to a Kafka cluster, it first connects to a bootstrap server. The bootstrap server is one of the cluster nodes. It will provide the client with a list of all other brokers which are part of the cluster and the client will connect to them individually. By default the bootstrap server will provide the client with a list of nodes based on the listeners
Advertised listeners
It is possible to give the client a different set of addresses than given in the listeners property. It is useful in situations when additional network infrastructure, such as a proxy, is between the client and the broker, or when an external DNS name should be used instead of an IP address. Here, the broker allows defining the advertised addresses of the listeners in the advertised.listeners configuration property. This property has the same format as the listeners property. The following example shows how to configure advertised listeners:
listeners=INT1://:9092,INT2://:9093 advertised.listeners=INT1://my-broker-1.my-domain.com:1234,INT2://my-broker-1.my-domain.com:1234:9093
The names of the listeners have to match the names of the listeners from the listeners
Inter-broker listeners
When the cluster has replicated topics, the brokers responsible for such topics need to communicate with each other in order to replicate the messages in those topics. When multiple listeners are configured, the configuration field inter.broker.listener.name
can be used to specify the name of the listener which should be used for replication between brokers. For example:
4.3. Commit logs
Apache Kafka stores all records it receives from producers in commit logs. The commit logs contain the actual data, in the form of records, that Kafka needs to deliver. These are not the application log files which record what the broker is doing.
Log directories
You can configure log directories using the log.dirs
property file to store commit logs in one or multiple log directories. It should be set to /var/lib/kafka
directory created during installation:
For performance reasons, you can configure log.dirs to multiple directories and place each of them on a different physical device to improve disk I/O performance. For example:
4.4. Broker ID
Broker ID is a unique identifier for each broker in the cluster. You can assign an integer greater than or equal to 0 as broker ID. The broker ID is used to identify the brokers after restarts or crashes and it is therefore important that the id is stable and does not change over time. The broker ID is configured in the broker properties file:
4.5. Running a multi-node Kafka cluster
This procedure describes how to configure and run Kafka as a multi-node cluster.
- AMQ Streams is installed on all hosts which will be used as Kafka brokers.
- A ZooKeeper cluster is configured and running.
Running the cluster
For each Kafka broker in your AMQ Streams cluster:
Edit the
Kafka configuration file as follows:-
Set the
field to0
for the first broker,1
for the second broker, and so on. -
Configure the details for connecting to ZooKeeper in the
option. - Configure the Kafka listeners.
Set the directories where the commit logs should be stored in the
directory.Here we see an example configuration for a Kafka broker:
broker.id=0 zookeeper.connect=zoo1.my-domain.com:2181,zoo2.my-domain.com:2181,zoo3.my-domain.com:2181 listeners=REPLICATION://:9091,PLAINTEXT://:9092 inter.broker.listener.name=REPLICATION log.dirs=/var/lib/kafka
In a typical installation where each Kafka broker is running on identical hardware, only the
configuration property will differ between each broker config.
Set the
Start the Kafka broker with the default configuration file.
su - kafka /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-server-start.sh -daemon /opt/kafka/config/server.properties
Verify that the Kafka broker is running.
jcmd | grep Kafka
Verifying the brokers
Once all nodes of the clusters are up and running, verify that all nodes are members of the Kafka cluster by sending a dump
command to one of the ZooKeeper nodes using the ncat
utility. The command prints all Kafka brokers registered in ZooKeeper.
Use ncat stat to check the node status.
echo dump | ncat zoo1.my-domain.com 2181
The output should contain all Kafka brokers you just configured and started.
Example output from the
command for Kafka cluster with 3 nodes:SessionTracker dump: org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.LearnerSessionTracker@28848ab9 ephemeral nodes dump: Sessions with Ephemerals (3): 0x20000015dd00000: /brokers/ids/1 0x10000015dc70000: /controller /brokers/ids/0 0x10000015dc70001: /brokers/ids/2
Additional resources
- For more information about installing AMQ Streams, see Section 2.3, “Installing AMQ Streams”.
- For more information about configuring AMQ Streams, see Section 2.8, “Configuring AMQ Streams”.
- For more information about running a ZooKeeper cluster, see Section 3.3, “Running multi-node ZooKeeper cluster”.
- For a complete list of supported Kafka broker configuration options, see Appendix A, Broker configuration parameters.
4.6. ZooKeeper authentication
By default, connections between ZooKeeper and Kafka are not authenticated. However, Kafka and ZooKeeper support Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) which can be used to set up authentication using Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL). ZooKeeper supports authentication using the DIGEST-MD5 SASL mechanism with locally stored credentials.
4.6.1. JAAS Configuration
SASL authentication for ZooKeeper connections has to be configured in the JAAS configuration file. By default, Kafka will use the JAAS context named Client
for connecting to ZooKeeper. The Client
context should be configured in the /opt/kafka/config/jass.conf
file. The context has to enable the PLAIN
SASL authentication, as in the following example:
Client { org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username="kafka" password="123456"; };
4.6.2. Enabling ZooKeeper authentication
This procedure describes how to enable authentication using the SASL DIGEST-MD5 mechanism when connecting to ZooKeeper.
- Client-to-server authentication is enabled in ZooKeeper
Enabling SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication
On all Kafka broker nodes, create or edit the
JAAS configuration file and add the following context:Client { org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username="<Username>" password="<Password>"; };
The username and password should be the same as configured in ZooKeeper.
Following example shows the
context:Client { org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username="kafka" password="123456"; };
Restart all Kafka broker nodes one by one. To pass the JAAS configuration to Kafka brokers, use the
environment variable.su - kafka export KAFKA_OPTS="-Djava.security.auth.login.config=/opt/kafka/config/jaas.conf"; /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-server-start.sh -daemon /opt/kafka/config/server.properties
Additional resources
- For more information about configuring client-to-server authentication in ZooKeeper, see Section 3.4, “Authentication”.
4.7. Authorization
Authorization in Kafka brokers is implemented using authorizer plugins.
In this section we describe how to use the AclAuthorizer
plugin provided with Kafka.
Alternatively, you can use your own authorization plugins. For example, if you are using OAuth 2.0 token-based authentication, you can use OAuth 2.0 authorization.
4.7.1. Simple ACL authorizer
Authorizer plugins, including AclAuthorizer
, are enabled through the authorizer.class.name
A fully-qualified name is required for the chosen authorizer. For AclAuthorizer
, the fully-qualified name is kafka.security.auth.SimpleAclAuthorizer
. ACL rules
uses ACL rules to manage access to Kafka brokers.
ACL rules are defined in the format:
Principal P is allowed / denied operation O on Kafka resource R from host H
For example, a rule might be set so that user:
John can view the topic comments from host
Host is the IP address of the machine that John is connecting from.
In most cases, the user is a producer or consumer application:
Consumer01 can write to the consumer group accounts from host
If ACL rules are not present
If ACL rules are not present for a given resource, all actions are denied. This behavior can be changed by setting the property allow.everyone.if.no.acl.found
to true
in the Kafka configuration file /opt/kafka/config/server.properties
. Principals
A principal represents the identity of a user. The format of the ID depends on the authentication mechanism used by clients to connect to Kafka:
when connected without authentication. User:<username>
when connected using simple authentication mechanisms, such as PLAIN or SCRAM.For example
when connected using TLS client authentication.For example
User:<Kerberos username>
when connected using Kerberos.
The DistinguishedName is the distinguished name from the client certificate.
The Kerberos username is the primary part of the Kerberos principal, which is used by default when connecting using Kerberos. You can use the sasl.kerberos.principal.to.local.rules
property to configure how the Kafka principal is built from the Kerberos principal. Authentication of users
To use authorization, you need to have authentication enabled and used by your clients. Otherwise, all connections will have the principal User:ANONYMOUS
For more information on methods of authentication, see Encryption and authentication. Super users
Super users are allowed to take all actions regardless of the ACL rules.
Super users are defined in the Kafka configuration file using the property super.users
For example:
super.users=User:admin,User:operator Replica broker authentication
When authorization is enabled, it is applied to all listeners and all connections. This includes the inter-broker connections used for replication of data between brokers. If enabling authorization, therefore, ensure that you use authentication for inter-broker connections and give the users used by the brokers sufficient rights. For example, if authentication between brokers uses the kafka-broker
user, then super user configuration must include the username super.users=User:kafka-broker
. Supported resources
You can apply Kafka ACLs to these types of resource:
- Topics
- Consumer groups
- The cluster
- TransactionId
- DelegationToken Supported operations
authorizes operations on resources.
Fields with X
in the following table mark the supported operations for each resource.
Topics | Consumer Groups | Cluster | |
Read | X | X | |
Write | X | ||
Create | X | ||
Delete | X | ||
Alter | X | ||
Describe | X | X | X |
ClusterAction | X | ||
All | X | X | X | ACL management options
ACL rules are managed using the bin/kafka-acls.sh
utility, which is provided as part of the Kafka distribution package.
Use kafka-acls.sh
parameter options to add, list and remove ACL rules, and perform other functions.
The parameters require a double-hyphen convention, such as --add
Option | Type | Description | Default |
| Action | Add ACL rule. | |
| Action | Remove ACL rule. | |
| Action | List ACL rules. | |
| Action | Fully-qualified class name of the authorizer. |
| Configuration | Key/value pairs passed to the authorizer for initialization.
For | |
| Resource | Host/port pairs to connect to the Kafka cluster. |
Use this option or the |
| Resource |
Configuration property file to pass to the Admin Client, which is used in conjunction with the | |
| Resource | Specifies a cluster as an ACL resource. | |
| Resource | Specifies a topic name as an ACL resource.
An asterisk (
A single command can specify multiple | |
| Resource | Specifies a consumer group name as an ACL resource.
A single command can specify multiple | |
| Resource | Specifies a transactional ID as an ACL resource. Transactional delivery means that all messages sent by a producer to multiple partitions must be successfully delivered or none of them.
An asterisk ( | |
| Resource | Specifies a delegation token as an ACL resource.
An asterisk ( | |
| Configuration |
Specifies a type of resource pattern for the
Use |
| Principal | Principal added to an allow ACL rule.
A single command can specify multiple | |
| Principal | Principal added to a deny ACL rule.
A single command can specify multiple | |
| Principal |
Principal name used with the
A single command can specify multiple | |
| Host |
IP address that allows access to the principals listed in Hostnames or CIDR ranges are not supported. |
If |
| Host |
IP address that denies access to the principals listed in Hostnames or CIDR ranges are not supported. |
if |
| Operation | Allows or denies an operation.
A single command can specify multipleMultiple | All |
| Shortcut | A shortcut to allow or deny all operations needed by a message producer (WRITE and DESCRIBE on topic, CREATE on cluster). | |
| Shortcut | A shortcut to allow or deny all operations needed by a message consumer (READ and DESCRIBE on topic, READ on consumer group). | |
| Shortcut |
A shortcut to enable idempotence when used with the Idepmotence is enabled automatically if the producer is authorized to send messages based on a specific transactional ID. | |
| Shortcut | A shortcut to accept all queries and do not prompt. |
4.7.2. Enabling authorization
This procedure describes how to enable the AclAuthorizer
plugin for authorization in Kafka brokers.
- AMQ Streams is installed on all hosts used as Kafka brokers.
Edit the
Kafka configuration file to use theAclAuthorizer
- (Re)start the Kafka brokers.
Additional resources
- For more information about configuring AMQ Streams, see Section 2.8, “Configuring AMQ Streams”.
- For more information about running a Kafka cluster, see Section 4.5, “Running a multi-node Kafka cluster”.
4.7.3. Adding ACL rules
uses Access Control Lists (ACLs), which define a set of rules describing what users can and cannot do.
This procedure describes how to add ACL rules when using the AclAuthorizer
plugin in Kafka brokers.
Rules are added using the kafka-acls.sh
utility and stored in ZooKeeper.
- AMQ Streams is installed on all hosts used as Kafka brokers.
- Authorization is enabled in Kafka brokers.
with the--add
access to read frommyTopic
using theMyConsumerGroup
consumer group.bin/kafka-acls.sh --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=zoo1.my-domain.com:2181 --add --operation Read --topic myTopic --allow-principal User:user1 --allow-principal User:user2 bin/kafka-acls.sh --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=zoo1.my-domain.com:2181 --add --operation Describe --topic myTopic --allow-principal User:user1 --allow-principal User:user2 bin/kafka-acls.sh --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=zoo1.my-domain.com:2181 --add --operation Read --operation Describe --group MyConsumerGroup --allow-principal User:user1 --allow-principal User:user2
access to readmyTopic
from IP address host127.0.0.1
.bin/kafka-acls.sh --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=zoo1.my-domain.com:2181 --add --operation Describe --operation Read --topic myTopic --group MyConsumerGroup --deny-principal User:user1 --deny-host
as the consumer ofmyTopic
.bin/kafka-acls.sh --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=zoo1.my-domain.com:2181 --add --consumer --topic myTopic --group MyConsumerGroup --allow-principal User:user1
Additional resources
For a list of all
options, see Section 4.7.1, “Simple ACL authorizer”.
4.7.4. Listing ACL rules
This procedure describes how to list existing ACL rules when using the AclAuthorizer
plugin in Kafka brokers.
Rules are listed using the kafka-acls.sh
- AMQ Streams is installed on all hosts used as Kafka brokers.
- Authorization is enabled in Kafka brokers
- ACLs have been added.
with the--list
option.For example:
$ bin/kafka-acls.sh --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=zoo1.my-domain.com:2181 --list --topic myTopic Current ACLs for resource `Topic:myTopic`: User:user1 has Allow permission for operations: Read from hosts: * User:user2 has Allow permission for operations: Read from hosts: * User:user2 has Deny permission for operations: Read from hosts: User:user1 has Allow permission for operations: Describe from hosts: * User:user2 has Allow permission for operations: Describe from hosts: * User:user2 has Deny permission for operations: Describe from hosts:
Additional resources
For a list of all
options, see Section 4.7.1, “Simple ACL authorizer”.
4.7.5. Removing ACL rules
This procedure describes how to remove ACL rules when using the AclAuthorizer
plugin in Kafka brokers.
Rules are removed using the kafka-acls.sh
- AMQ Streams is installed on all hosts used as Kafka brokers.
- Authorization is enabled in Kafka brokers.
- ACLs have been added.
with the--remove
Remove the ACL allowing Allow
access to read frommyTopic
using theMyConsumerGroup
consumer group.bin/kafka-acls.sh --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=zoo1.my-domain.com:2181 --remove --operation Read --topic myTopic --allow-principal User:user1 --allow-principal User:user2 bin/kafka-acls.sh --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=zoo1.my-domain.com:2181 --remove --operation Describe --topic myTopic --allow-principal User:user1 --allow-principal User:user2 bin/kafka-acls.sh --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=zoo1.my-domain.com:2181 --remove --operation Read --operation Describe --group MyConsumerGroup --allow-principal User:user1 --allow-principal User:user2
Remove the ACL adding
as the consumer ofmyTopic
.bin/kafka-acls.sh --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=zoo1.my-domain.com:2181 --remove --consumer --topic myTopic --group MyConsumerGroup --allow-principal User:user1
Remove the ACL denying
access to readmyTopic
from IP address host127.0.0.1
.bin/kafka-acls.sh --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=zoo1.my-domain.com:2181 --remove --operation Describe --operation Read --topic myTopic --group MyConsumerGroup --deny-principal User:user1 --deny-host
Additional resources
For a list of all
options, see Section 4.7.1, “Simple ACL authorizer”. - For more information about enabling authorization, see Section 4.7.2, “Enabling authorization”.
4.8. ZooKeeper authorization
When authentication is enabled between Kafka and ZooKeeper, you can use ZooKeeper Access Control List (ACL) rules to automatically control access to Kafka’s metadata stored in ZooKeeper.
4.8.1. ACL Configuration
Enforcement of ZooKeeper ACL rules is controlled by the zookeeper.set.acl
property in the config/server.properties
Kafka configuration file.
The property is disabled by default and enabled by setting to true
If ACL rules are enabled, when a znode
is created in ZooKeeper only the Kafka user who created it can modify or delete it. All other users have read-only access.
Kafka sets ACL rules only for newly created ZooKeeper znodes
. If the ACLs are only enabled after the first start of the cluster, the zookeeper-security-migration.sh
tool can set ACLs on all existing znodes
Confidentiality of data in ZooKeeper
Data stored in ZooKeeper includes:
- Topic names and their configuration
- Salted and hashed user credentials when SASL SCRAM authentication is used.
But ZooKeeper does not store any records sent and received using Kafka. The data stored in ZooKeeper is assumed to be non-confidential.
If the data is to be regarded as confidential (for example because topic names contain customer IDs), the only option available for protection is isolating ZooKeeper on the network level and allowing access only to Kafka brokers.
4.8.2. Enabling ZooKeeper ACLs for a new Kafka cluster
This procedure describes how to enable ZooKeeper ACLs in Kafka configuration for a new Kafka cluster. Use this procedure only before the first start of the Kafka cluster. For enabling ZooKeeper ACLs in a cluster that is already running, see Section 4.8.3, “Enabling ZooKeeper ACLs in an existing Kafka cluster”.
- AMQ Streams is installed on all hosts which will be used as Kafka brokers.
- ZooKeeper cluster is configured and running.
- Client-to-server authentication is enabled in ZooKeeper.
- ZooKeeper authentication is enabled in the Kafka brokers.
- Kafka brokers have not yet been started.
Edit the
Kafka configuration file to set thezookeeper.set.acl
field totrue
on all cluster nodes.zookeeper.set.acl=true
- Start the Kafka brokers.
4.8.3. Enabling ZooKeeper ACLs in an existing Kafka cluster
This procedure describes how to enable ZooKeeper ACLs in Kafka configuration for a Kafka cluster that is running. Use the zookeeper-security-migration.sh
tool to set ZooKeeper ACLs on all existing znodes
. The zookeeper-security-migration.sh
is available as part of AMQ Streams, and can be found in the bin
- Kafka cluster is configured and running.
Enabling the ZooKeeper ACLs
Edit the
Kafka configuration file to set thezookeeper.set.acl
field totrue
on all cluster nodes.zookeeper.set.acl=true
- Restart all Kafka brokers one by one.
Set the ACLs on all existing ZooKeeper
using thezookeeper-security-migration.sh
tool.su - kafka cd /opt/kafka KAFKA_OPTS="-Djava.security.auth.login.config=./config/jaas.conf"; ./bin/zookeeper-security-migration.sh --zookeeper.acl=secure --zookeeper.connect=<ZooKeeperURL> exit
For example:
su - kafka cd /opt/kafka KAFKA_OPTS="-Djava.security.auth.login.config=./config/jaas.conf"; ./bin/zookeeper-security-migration.sh --zookeeper.acl=secure --zookeeper.connect=zoo1.my-domain.com:2181 exit
4.9. Encryption and authentication
AMQ Streams supports encryption and authentication, which is configured as part of the listener configuration.
4.9.1. Listener configuration
Encryption and authentication in Kafka brokers is configured per listener. For more information about Kafka listener configuration, see Section 4.2, “Listeners”.
Each listener in the Kafka broker is configured with its own security protocol. The configuration property listener.security.protocol.map
defines which listener uses which security protocol. It maps each listener name to its security protocol. Supported security protocols are:
- Listener without any encryption or authentication.
- Listener using TLS encryption and, optionally, authentication using TLS client certificates.
- Listener without encryption but with SASL-based authentication.
- Listener with TLS-based encryption and SASL-based authentication.
Given the following listeners
the listener.security.protocol.map
might look like this:
This would configure the listener INT1
to use unencrypted connections with SASL authentication, the listener INT2
to use encrypted connections with SASL authentication and the REPLICATION
interface to use TLS encryption (possibly with TLS client authentication). The same security protocol can be used multiple times. The following example is also a valid configuration:
Such a configuration would use TLS encryption and TLS authentication for all interfaces. The following chapters will explain in more detail how to configure TLS and SASL.
4.9.2. TLS Encryption
Kafka supports TLS for encrypting communication with Kafka clients.
In order to use TLS encryption and server authentication, a keystore containing private and public keys has to be provided. This is usually done using a file in the Java Keystore (JKS) format. A path to this file is set in the ssl.keystore.location
property. The ssl.keystore.password
property should be used to set the password protecting the keystore. For example:
ssl.keystore.location=/path/to/keystore/server-1.jks ssl.keystore.password=123456
In some cases, an additional password is used to protect the private key. Any such password can be set using the ssl.key.password
Kafka is able to use keys signed by certification authorities as well as self-signed keys. Using keys signed by certification authorities should always be the preferred method. In order to allow clients to verify the identity of the Kafka broker they are connecting to, the certificate should always contain the advertised hostname(s) as its Common Name (CN) or in the Subject Alternative Names (SAN).
It is possible to use different SSL configurations for different listeners. All options starting with ssl.
can be prefixed with listener.name.<NameOfTheListener>.
, where the name of the listener has to be always in lower case. This will override the default SSL configuration for that specific listener. The following example shows how to use different SSL configurations for different listeners:
listeners=INT1://:9092,INT2://:9093,REPLICATION://:9094 listener.security.protocol.map=INT1:SSL,INT2:SSL,REPLICATION:SSL # Default configuration - will be used for listeners INT1 and INT2 ssl.keystore.location=/path/to/keystore/server-1.jks ssl.keystore.password=123456 # Different configuration for listener REPLICATION listener.name.replication.ssl.keystore.location=/path/to/keystore/server-1.jks listener.name.replication.ssl.keystore.password=123456
Additional TLS configuration options
In addition to the main TLS configuration options described above, Kafka supports many options for fine-tuning the TLS configuration. For example, to enable or disable TLS / SSL protocols or cipher suites:
- List of enabled cipher suites. Each cipher suite is a combination of authentication, encryption, MAC and key exchange algorithms used for the TLS connection. By default, all available cipher suites are enabled.
List of enabled TLS / SSL protocols. Defaults to
For a complete list of supported Kafka broker configuration options, see Appendix A, Broker configuration parameters.
4.9.3. Enabling TLS encryption
This procedure describes how to enable encryption in Kafka brokers.
- AMQ Streams is installed on all hosts which will be used as Kafka brokers.
- Generate TLS certificates for all Kafka brokers in your cluster. The certificates should have their advertised and bootstrap addresses in their Common Name or Subject Alternative Name.
Edit the
Kafka configuration file on all cluster nodes for the following:-
Change the
field to specify theSSL
protocol for the listener where you want to use TLS encryption. -
Set the
option to the path to the JKS keystore with the broker certificate. Set the
option to the password you used to protect the keystore.For example:
listeners=UNENCRYPTED://:9092,ENCRYPTED://:9093,REPLICATION://:9094 listener.security.protocol.map=UNENCRYPTED:PLAINTEXT,ENCRYPTED:SSL,REPLICATION:PLAINTEXT ssl.keystore.location=/path/to/keystore/server-1.jks ssl.keystore.password=123456
Change the
- (Re)start the Kafka brokers
Additional resources
- For more information about configuring AMQ Streams, see Section 2.8, “Configuring AMQ Streams”.
- For more information about running a Kafka cluster, see Section 4.5, “Running a multi-node Kafka cluster”.
For more information about configuring TLS encryption in clients, see:
4.9.4. Authentication
For authentication, you can use:
- TLS client authentication based on X.509 certificates on encrypted connections
- A supported Kafka SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer) mechanism
- OAuth 2.0 token based authentication TLS client authentication
TLS client authentication can be used only on connections which are already using TLS encryption. To use TLS client authentication, a truststore with public keys can be provided to the broker. These keys can be used to authenticate clients connecting to the broker. The truststore should be provided in Java Keystore (JKS) format and should contain public keys of the certification authorities. All clients with public and private keys signed by one of the certification authorities included in the truststore will be authenticated. The location of the truststore is set using field ssl.truststore.location
. In case the truststore is password protected, the password should be set in the ssl.truststore.password
property. For example:
ssl.truststore.location=/path/to/keystore/server-1.jks ssl.truststore.password=123456
Once the truststore is configured, TLS client authentication has to be enabled using the ssl.client.auth
property. This property can be set to one of three different values:
- TLS client authentication is switched off. (Default value)
- TLS client authentication is optional. Clients will be asked to authenticate using TLS client certificate but they can choose not to.
- Clients are required to authenticate using TLS client certificate.
When a client authenticates using TLS client authentication, the authenticated principal name is the distinguished name from the authenticated client certificate. For example, a user with a certificate which has a distinguished name CN=someuser
will be authenticated with the following principal CN=someuser,OU=Unknown,O=Unknown,L=Unknown,ST=Unknown,C=Unknown
. When TLS client authentication is not used and SASL is disabled, the principal name will be ANONYMOUS
. SASL authentication
SASL authentication is configured using Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS). JAAS is also used for authentication of connections between Kafka and ZooKeeper. JAAS uses its own configuration file. The recommended location for this file is /opt/kafka/config/jaas.conf
. The file has to be readable by the kafka
user. When running Kafka, the location of this file is specified using Java system property java.security.auth.login.config
. This property has to be passed to Kafka when starting the broker nodes:
KAFKA_OPTS="-Djava.security.auth.login.config=/path/to/my/jaas.config"; bin/kafka-server-start.sh
SASL authentication is supported both through plain unencrypted connections as well as through TLS connections. SASL can be enabled individually for each listener. To enable it, the security protocol in listener.security.protocol.map
has to be either SASL_PLAINTEXT
SASL authentication in Kafka supports several different mechanisms:
- Implements authentication based on username and passwords. Usernames and passwords are stored locally in Kafka configuration.
- Implements authentication using Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism (SCRAM). SCRAM credentials are stored centrally in ZooKeeper. SCRAM can be used in situations where ZooKeeper cluster nodes are running isolated in a private network.
- Implements authentication against a Kerberos server.
mechanism sends the username and password over the network in an unencrypted format. It should be therefore only be used in combination with TLS encryption.
The SASL mechanisms are configured via the JAAS configuration file. Kafka uses the JAAS context named KafkaServer
. After they are configured in JAAS, the SASL mechanisms have to be enabled in the Kafka configuration. This is done using the sasl.enabled.mechanisms
property. This property contains a comma-separated list of enabled mechanisms:
In case the listener used for inter-broker communication is using SASL, the property sasl.mechanism.inter.broker.protocol
has to be used to specify the SASL mechanism which it should use. For example:
The username and password which will be used for the inter-broker communication has to be specified in the KafkaServer
JAAS context using the field username
and password
To use the PLAIN mechanism, the usernames and password which are allowed to connect are specified directly in the JAAS context. The following example shows the context configured for SASL PLAIN authentication. The example configures three different users:
KafkaServer { org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required user_admin="123456" user_user1="123456" user_user2="123456"; };
The JAAS configuration file with the user database should be kept in sync on all Kafka brokers.
When SASL PLAIN is also used for inter-broker authentication, the username
and password
properties should be included in the JAAS context:
KafkaServer { org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username="admin" password="123456" user_admin="123456" user_user1="123456" user_user2="123456"; };
SCRAM authentication in Kafka consists of two mechanisms: SCRAM-SHA-256
and SCRAM-SHA-512
. These mechanisms differ only in the hashing algorithm used - SHA-256 versus stronger SHA-512. To enable SCRAM authentication, the JAAS configuration file has to include the following configuration:
KafkaServer { org.apache.kafka.common.security.scram.ScramLoginModule required; };
When enabling SASL authentication in the Kafka configuration file, both SCRAM mechanisms can be listed. However, only one of them can be chosen for the inter-broker communication. For example:
sasl.enabled.mechanisms=SCRAM-SHA-256,SCRAM-SHA-512 sasl.mechanism.inter.broker.protocol=SCRAM-SHA-512
User credentials for the SCRAM mechanism are stored in ZooKeeper. The kafka-configs.sh
tool can be used to manage them. For example, run the following command to add user user1 with password 123456:
bin/kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --alter --add-config 'SCRAM-SHA-256=[password=123456],SCRAM-SHA-512=[password=123456]' --entity-type users --entity-name user1
To delete a user credential use:
bin/kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --alter --delete-config 'SCRAM-SHA-512' --entity-type users --entity-name user1
The SASL mechanism used for authentication using Kerberos is called GSSAPI
. To configure Kerberos SASL authentication, the following configuration should be added to the JAAS configuration file:
KafkaServer { com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required useKeyTab=true storeKey=true keyTab="/etc/security/keytabs/kafka_server.keytab" principal="kafka/kafka1.hostname.com@EXAMPLE.COM"; };
The domain name in the Kerberos principal has to be always in upper case.
In addition to the JAAS configuration, the Kerberos service name needs to be specified in the sasl.kerberos.service.name
property in the Kafka configuration:
sasl.enabled.mechanisms=GSSAPI sasl.mechanism.inter.broker.protocol=GSSAPI sasl.kerberos.service.name=kafka
Multiple SASL mechanisms
Kafka can use multiple SASL mechanisms at the same time. The different JAAS configurations can be all added to the same context:
KafkaServer { org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required user_admin="123456" user_user1="123456" user_user2="123456"; com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required useKeyTab=true storeKey=true keyTab="/etc/security/keytabs/kafka_server.keytab" principal="kafka/kafka1.hostname.com@EXAMPLE.COM"; org.apache.kafka.common.security.scram.ScramLoginModule required; };
When multiple mechanisms are enabled, clients will be able to choose the mechanism which they want to use.
4.9.5. Enabling TLS client authentication
This procedure describes how to enable TLS client authentication in Kafka brokers.
- Prepare a JKS truststore containing the public key of the certification authority used to sign the user certificates.
Edit the
Kafka configuration file on all cluster nodes for the following:-
Set the
option to the path to the JKS truststore with the certification authority of the user certificates. -
Set the
option to the password you used to protect the truststore. Set the
option torequired
.For example:
ssl.truststore.location=/path/to/truststore.jks ssl.truststore.password=123456 ssl.client.auth=required
Set the
- (Re)start the Kafka brokers
Additional resources
- For more information about configuring AMQ Streams, see Section 2.8, “Configuring AMQ Streams”.
- For more information about running a Kafka cluster, see Section 4.5, “Running a multi-node Kafka cluster”.
For more information about configuring TLS encryption in clients, see:
4.9.6. Enabling SASL PLAIN authentication
This procedure describes how to enable SASL PLAIN authentication in Kafka brokers.
- AMQ Streams is installed on all hosts which will be used as Kafka brokers.
Edit or create the
JAAS configuration file. This file should contain all your users and their passwords. Make sure this file is the same on all Kafka brokers.For example:
KafkaServer { org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required user_admin="123456" user_user1="123456" user_user2="123456"; };
Edit the
Kafka configuration file on all cluster nodes for the following:-
Change the
field to specify theSASL_PLAINTEXT
protocol for the listener where you want to use SASL PLAIN authentication. Set the
option toPLAIN
.For example:
Change the
(Re)start the Kafka brokers using the KAFKA_OPTS environment variable to pass the JAAS configuration to Kafka brokers.
su - kafka export KAFKA_OPTS="-Djava.security.auth.login.config=/opt/kafka/config/jaas.conf"; /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-server-start.sh -daemon /opt/kafka/config/server.properties
Additional resources
- For more information about configuring AMQ Streams, see Section 2.8, “Configuring AMQ Streams”.
- For more information about running a Kafka cluster, see Section 4.5, “Running a multi-node Kafka cluster”.
For more information about configuring SASL PLAIN authentication in clients, see:
4.9.7. Enabling SASL SCRAM authentication
This procedure describes how to enable SASL SCRAM authentication in Kafka brokers.
- AMQ Streams is installed on all hosts which will be used as Kafka brokers.
Edit or create the
JAAS configuration file. Enable theScramLoginModule
for theKafkaServer
context. Make sure this file is the same on all Kafka brokers.For example:
KafkaServer { org.apache.kafka.common.security.scram.ScramLoginModule required; };
Edit the
Kafka configuration file on all cluster nodes for the following:-
Change the
field to specify theSASL_PLAINTEXT
protocol for the listener where you want to use SASL SCRAM authentication. Set the
option toSCRAM-SHA-256
.For example:
listeners=INSECURE://:9092,AUTHENTICATED://:9093,REPLICATION://:9094 listener.security.protocol.map=INSECURE:PLAINTEXT,AUTHENTICATED:SASL_PLAINTEXT,REPLICATION:PLAINTEXT sasl.enabled.mechanisms=SCRAM-SHA-512
Change the
(Re)start the Kafka brokers using the KAFKA_OPTS environment variable to pass the JAAS configuration to Kafka brokers.
su - kafka export KAFKA_OPTS="-Djava.security.auth.login.config=/opt/kafka/config/jaas.conf"; /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-server-start.sh -daemon /opt/kafka/config/server.properties
Additional resources
- For more information about configuring AMQ Streams, see Section 2.8, “Configuring AMQ Streams”.
- For more information about running a Kafka cluster, see Section 4.5, “Running a multi-node Kafka cluster”.
- For more information about adding SASL SCRAM users, see Section 4.9.8, “Adding SASL SCRAM users”.
- For more information about deleting SASL SCRAM users, see Section 4.9.9, “Deleting SASL SCRAM users”.
For more information about configuring SASL SCRAM authentication in clients, see:
4.9.8. Adding SASL SCRAM users
This procedure describes how to add new users for authentication using SASL SCRAM.
Use the
tool to add new SASL SCRAM users.bin/kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server <BrokerAddress> --alter --add-config 'SCRAM-SHA-512=[password=<Password>]' --entity-type users --entity-name <Username>
For example:
bin/kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --alter --add-config 'SCRAM-SHA-512=[password=123456]' --entity-type users --entity-name user1
Additional resources
For more information about configuring SASL SCRAM authentication in clients, see:
4.9.9. Deleting SASL SCRAM users
This procedure describes how to remove users when using SASL SCRAM authentication.
Use the
tool to delete SASL SCRAM users.bin/kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server <BrokerAddress> --alter --delete-config 'SCRAM-SHA-512' --entity-type users --entity-name <Username>
For example:
bin/kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --alter --delete-config 'SCRAM-SHA-512' --entity-type users --entity-name user1
Additional resources
For more information about configuring SASL SCRAM authentication in clients, see:
4.10. Using OAuth 2.0 token-based authentication
AMQ Streams supports the use of OAuth 2.0 authentication using the SASL OAUTHBEARER mechanism.
OAuth 2.0 enables standardized token based authentication and authorization between applications, using a central authorization server to issue tokens that grant limited access to resources.
You can configure OAuth 2.0 authentication, then OAuth 2.0 authorization. OAuth 2.0 authentication can also be used in conjunction with ACL-based Kafka authorization regardless of the authorization server used. Using OAuth 2.0 token-based authentication, application clients can access resources on application servers (called resource servers) without exposing account credentials.
The application client passes an access token as a means of authenticating, which application servers can also use to determine the level of access to grant. The authorization server handles the granting of access and inquiries about access.
In the context of AMQ Streams:
- Kafka brokers act as OAuth 2.0 resource servers
- Kafka clients act as OAuth 2.0 application clients
Kafka clients authenticate to Kafka brokers. The brokers and clients communicate with the OAuth 2.0 authorization server, as necessary, to obtain or validate access tokens.
For a deployment of AMQ Streams, OAuth 2.0 integration provides:
- Server-side OAuth 2.0 support for Kafka brokers
- Client-side OAuth 2.0 support for Kafka Mirror Maker, Kafka Connect and the Kafka Bridge
Additional resources
4.10.1. OAuth 2.0 authentication mechanism
The Kafka SASL OAUTHBEARER mechanism is used to establish authenticated sessions with a Kafka broker.
A Kafka client initiates a session with the Kafka broker using the SASL OAUTHBEARER mechanism for credentials exchange, where credentials take the form of an access token.
Kafka brokers and clients need to be configured to use OAuth 2.0. Configuring OAuth 2.0 with properties or variables
You can configure OAuth 2.0 settings using Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) properties or environment variables.
JAAS properties are configured in the
configuration file, and passed as key-values pairs of thelistener.name.LISTENER-NAME.oauthbearer.sasl.jaas.config
property. If using environment variables, you still need the
property in theserver.properties
file, but you can omit the other JAAS properties.You can use capitalized or upper-case environment variable naming conventions.
The Kafka OAuth 2.0 library uses properties that start with oauth.
to configure authentication, and properties that start with strimzi.
to configure OAuth 2.0 authorization.
4.10.2. OAuth 2.0 Kafka broker configuration
Kafka broker configuration for OAuth 2.0 involves:
- Creating the OAuth 2.0 client in the authorization server
- Configuring OAuth 2.0 authentication in the Kafka cluster
In relation to the authorization server, Kafka brokers and Kafka clients are both regarded as OAuth 2.0 clients. OAuth 2.0 client configuration on an authorization server
To configure a Kafka broker to validate the token received during session initiation, the recommended approach is to create a OAuth 2.0 client definition in an authorization server, configured as confidential, with the following client credentials enabled:
Client ID of
(for example) - Client ID and secret as the authentication mechanism
You only need to use a client ID and secret when using a non-public introspection endpoint of the authorization server. The credentials are not typically required when using public authorization server endpoints, as with fast local JWT token validation. OAuth 2.0 authentication configuration in the Kafka cluster
To use OAuth 2.0 authentication in the Kafka cluster, you enable a listener configuration for your Kafka cluster in the Kafka server.properties
file. A minimum configuration is required. You can also configure a TLS listener, where TLS is used for inter-broker communication.
You can configure the broker for token validation by the authorization server using the:
- JWKS endpoint in combination with signed JWT-formatted access tokens
- Introspection endpoint
The minimum configuration shown here applies a global listener configuration. This means that inter-broker communication goes through the same listener as application clients.
To enable OAuth 2.0 configuration for a specific listener, you specify listener.name.LISTENER-NAME.sasl.enabled.mechanisms
instead of sasl.enabled.mechanisms
, which is shown in the listener configuration examples below. LISTENER-NAME is the name of the listener (case insensitive). In the example below, we name the listener CLIENT
, so the property name will be listener.name.client.sasl.enabled.mechanisms
Minimum listener configuration for OAuth 2.0 authentication using a JWKS endpoint
sasl.enabled.mechanisms=OAUTHBEARER 1 listeners=CLIENT:// 2 listener.security.protocol.map=CLIENT:SASL_PLAINTEXT 3 listener.name.client.sasl.enabled.mechanisms=OAUTHBEARER 4 sasl.mechanism.inter.broker.protocol=OAUTHBEARER 5 inter.broker.listener.name=CLIENT 6 listener.name.client.oauthbearer.sasl.server.callback.handler.class=io.strimzi.kafka.oauth.server.JaasServerOauthValidatorCallbackHandler 7 listener.name.client.oauthbearer.sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common.security.oauthbearer.OAuthBearerLoginModule required \ 8 oauth.valid.issuer.uri="https://AUTH-SERVER-ADDRESS" \ 9 oauth.jwks.endpoint.uri="https://AUTH-SERVER-ADDRESS/jwks" \ 10 oauth.username.claim="preferred_username" \ 11 oauth.client.id="kafka-broker" \ 12 oauth.client.secret="kafka-secret" \ 13 oauth.token.endpoint.uri="https://AUTH-SERVER-ADDRESS/token" ; 14 listener.name.client.oauthbearer.sasl.login.callback.handler.class=io.strimzi.kafka.oauth.client.JaasClientOauthLoginCallbackHandler 15 listener.name.client.oauthbearer.connections.max.reauth.ms=3600000 16
- 1
- Enables the OAUTHBEARER as SASL mechanism for credentials exchange over SASL.
- 2
- Configures a listener for client applications to connect to. The system
is used as an advertised hostname, which clients must resolve in order to reconnect. The listener is namedCLIENT
in this example. - 3
- Specifies the channel protocol for the listener.
is used for an unencrypted connection (no TLS), but there is risk of eavesdropping and interception at the TCP connection layer. - 4
- Specifies OAUTHBEARER as SASL for the CLIENT listener. The client name (
) is usually specified in uppercase in thelisteners
property, and in lowercase forlistener.name
properties (listener.name.client
). and in lowercase when part of alistener.name.client.*
property. - 5
- Specifies OAUTHBEARER as SASL for inter-broker communication.
- 6
- Specifies the listener for inter-broker communication. The specification is required for the configuration to be valid.
- 7
- Configures OAuth 2.0 authentication on the client listener.
- 8
- Configures authentication settings for client and inter-broker communication. The
, andauth.token.endpoint.uri
properties relate to inter-broker configuration. - 9
- A valid issuer URI. Only access tokens issued by this issuer will be accepted. For example, https://AUTH-SERVER-ADDRESS/auth/realms/REALM-NAME.
- 10
- The JWKS endpoint URL. For example, https://AUTH-SERVER-ADDRESS/auth/realms/REALM-NAME/protocol/openid-connect/certs.
- 11
- The token claim (or key) that contains the actual user name in the token. The user name is the principal used to identify the user. The value will depend on the authentication flow and the authorization server used.
- 12
- Client ID of the Kafka broker, which is the same for all brokers. This is the client registered with the authorization server as
. - 13
- Secret for the Kafka broker, which is the same for all brokers.
- 14
- The OAuth 2.0 token endpoint URL to your authorization server. For production, always use HTTPs. For example, https://AUTH-SERVER-ADDRESS/auth/realms/REALM-NAME/protocol/openid-connect/token.
- 15
- Enables (and is only required for) OAuth 2.0 authentication for inter-broker communication.
- 16
- (Optional) Enforces session expiry when token expires, and also activates the Kafka re-authentication mechanism. If the specified value is less than the time left for the access token to expire, then the client will have to re-authenticate before the actual token expiry. By default, the session does not expire when the access token expires, and the client does not attempt re-authentication.
TLS listener configuration for OAuth 2.0 authentication
sasl.enabled.mechanisms= listeners=REPLICATION://kafka:9091,CLIENT://kafka:9092 1 listener.security.protocol.map=REPLICATION:SSL,CLIENT:SASL_PLAINTEXT 2 listener.name.client.sasl.enabled.mechanisms=OAUTHBEARER inter.broker.listener.name=REPLICATION listener.name.replication.ssl.keystore.password=KEYSTORE-PASSWORD 3 listener.name.replication.ssl.truststore.password=TRUSTSTORE-PASSWORD listener.name.replication.ssl.keystore.type=JKS listener.name.replication.ssl.truststore.type=JKS listener.name.replication.ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm=HTTPS 4 listener.name.replication.ssl.secure.random.implementation=SHA1PRNG 5 listener.name.replication.ssl.keystore.location=PATH-TO-KEYSTORE 6 listener.name.replication.ssl.truststore.location=PATH-TO-TRUSTSTORE 7 listener.name.replication.ssl.client.auth=required 8 listener.name.client.oauthbearer.sasl.server.callback.handler.class=io.strimzi.kafka.oauth.server.JaasServerOauthValidatorCallbackHandler listener.name.client.oauthbearer.sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common.security.oauthbearer.OAuthBearerLoginModule required \ oauth.valid.issuer.uri="https://AUTH-SERVER-ADDRESS" \ oauth.jwks.endpoint.uri="https://AUTH-SERVER-ADDRESS/jwks" \ oauth.username.claim="preferred_username" ; 9
- 1
- Separate configurations are required for inter-broker communication and client applications.
- 2
- Configures the REPLICATION listener to use TLS, and the CLIENT listener to use SASL over an unencrypted channel. The client could use an encrypted channel (
) in a production environment. - 3
- The
properties define the TLS configuration. - 4
- Random number generator implementation. If not set, the Java platform SDK default is used.
- 5
- Hostname verification. If set to an empty string, the hostname verification is turned off. If not set, the default value is HTTPS, which enforces hostname verification for server certificates.
- 6
- Path to the keystore for the listener.
- 7
- Path to the truststore for the listener.
- 8
- Specifies that clients of the REPLICATION listener have to authenticate with a client certificate when establishing a TLS connection (used for inter-broker connectivity).
- 9
- Configures the CLIENT listener for OAuth 2.0. Connectivity with the authorization server should use secure HTTPS connections. Fast local JWT token validation configuration
Fast local JWT token validation checks a JWT token signature locally.
The local check ensures that a token:
Conforms to type by containing a (typ) claim value of
for an access token - Is valid (not expired)
Has an issuer that matches a
You specify a valid issuer URI when you configure the listener, so that any tokens not issued by the authorization server are rejected.
The authorization server does not need to be contacted during fast local JWT token validation. You activate fast local JWT token validation by specifying a JWKs endpoint URI exposed by the OAuth 2.0 authorization server. The endpoint contains the public keys used to validate signed JWT tokens, which are sent as credentials by Kafka clients.
All communication with the authorization server should be performed using HTTPS.
For a TLS listener, you can configure a certificate truststore and point to the truststore file.
Example properties for fast local JWT token validation
listener.name.client.oauthbearer.sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common.security.oauthbearer.OAuthBearerLoginModule required \ oauth.valid.issuer.uri="https://AUTH-SERVER-ADDRESS" \ 1 oauth.jwks.endpoint.uri="https://AUTH-SERVER-ADDRESS/jwks" \ 2 oauth.jwks.refresh.seconds="300" \ 3 oauth.jwks.refresh.min.pause.seconds="1" \ 4 oauth.jwks.expiry.seconds="360" \ 5 oauth.username.claim="preferred_username" \ 6 oauth.ssl.truststore.location="PATH-TO-TRUSTSTORE-P12-FILE" \ 7 oauth.ssl.truststore.password="TRUSTSTORE-PASSWORD" \ 8 oauth.ssl.truststore.type="PKCS12" ; 9
- 1
- A valid issuer URI. Only access tokens issued by this issuer will be accepted. For example, https://AUTH-SERVER-ADDRESS/auth/realms/REALM-NAME.
- 2
- The JWKS endpoint URL. For example, https://AUTH-SERVER-ADDRESS/auth/realms/REALM-NAME/protocol/openid-connect/certs.
- 3
- The period between endpoint refreshes (default 300).
- 4
- The minimum pause in seconds between consecutive attempts to refresh JWKS public keys. When an unknown signing key is encountered, the JWKS keys refresh is scheduled outside the regular periodic schedule with at least the specified pause since the last refresh attempt. The refreshing of keys follows the rule of exponential backoff, retrying on unsuccessful refreshes with ever increasing pause, until it reaches
. The default value is 1. - 5
- The duration the JWKs certificates are considered valid before they expire. Default is
seconds. If you specify a longer time, consider the risk of allowing access to revoked certificates. - 6
- The token claim (or key) that contains the actual user name in the token. The user name is the principal used to identify the user. The value will depend on the authentication flow and the authorization server used.
- 7
- The location of the truststore used in the TLS configuration.
- 8
- Password to access the truststore.
- 9
- The truststore type in PKCS #12 format. OAuth 2.0 introspection endpoint configuration
Token validation using an OAuth 2.0 introspection endpoint treats a received access token as opaque. The Kafka broker sends an access token to the introspection endpoint, which responds with the token information necessary for validation. Importantly, it returns up-to-date information if the specific access token is valid, and also information about when the token expires.
To configure OAuth 2.0 introspection-based validation, you specify an introspection endpoint URI rather than the JWKs endpoint URI specified for fast local JWT token validation. Depending on the authorization server, you typically have to specify a client ID and client secret, because the introspection endpoint is usually protected.
Example properties for an introspection endpoint
listener.name.client.oauthbearer.sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common.security.oauthbearer.OAuthBearerLoginModule required \ oauth.introspection.endpoint.uri="https://AUTH-SERVER-ADDRESS/introspection" \ 1 oauth.client.id="kafka-broker" \ 2 oauth.client.secret="kafka-broker-secret" \ 3 oauth.ssl.truststore.location="PATH-TO-TRUSTSTORE-P12-FILE" \ 4 oauth.ssl.truststore.password="TRUSTSTORE-PASSWORD" \ 5 oauth.ssl.truststore.type="PKCS12" \ 6 oauth.username.claim="preferred_username" ; 7
- 1
- The OAuth 2.0 introspection endpoint URI. For example, https://AUTH-SERVER-ADDRESS/auth/realms/REALM-NAME/protocol/openid-connect/token/introspect.
- 2
- Client ID of the Kafka broker.
- 3
- Secret for the Kafka broker.
- 4
- The location of the truststore used in the TLS configuration.
- 5
- Password to access the truststore.
- 6
- The truststore type in PKCS #12 format.
- 7
- The token claim (or key) that contains the actual user name in the token. The user name is the principal used to identify the user. The value of
depends on the authorization server used.
4.10.3. Session re-authentication for Kafka brokers
The Kafka SASL OAUTHBEARER mechanism, which is used for OAuth 2.0 authentication in AMQ Streams, supports a Kafka feature called the re-authentication mechanism.
When the re-authentication mechanism is enabled through a listener configuration, the broker’s authenticated session expires when the access token expires. The client must then re-authenticate to the existing session by sending a new, valid access token to the broker, without dropping the connection.
If token validation is successful, a new client session is started using the existing connection. If the client fails to re-authenticate, the broker will close the connection if further attempts are made to send or receive messages. Java clients that use Kafka client library 2.2 or later automatically re-authenticate if the re-authentication mechanism is enabled on the broker.
You enable session re-authentication for a Kafka broker in the Kafka server.properties
file. Set the connections.max.reauth.ms
property for a TLS listener with OAUTHBEARER enabled as the SASL mechanism.
You can specify session re-authentication per listener. For example:
Session re-authentication is supported for both types of token validation (fast local JWT and introspection endpoint). For an example configuration, see Section, “Configuring OAuth 2.0 support for Kafka brokers”.
For more information about the re-authentication mechanism, which was added in Kafka version 2.2, see KIP-368.
4.10.4. OAuth 2.0 Kafka client configuration
A Kafka client is configured with either:
- The Credentials required to obtain a valid access token from an authorization server (client ID and Secret)
- A valid long-lived access token or refresh token, obtained using tools provided by an authorization server
Credentials are never sent to the Kafka broker. The only information ever sent to the Kafka broker is an access token. When a client obtains an access token, no further communication with the authorization server is needed.
The simplest mechanism is authentication with a client ID and Secret. Using a long-lived access token, or a long-lived refresh token, adds more complexity because there is additional dependency on authorization server tools.
If you are using long-lived access tokens, you may need to configure the client in the authorization server to increase the maximum lifetime of the token.
If the Kafka client is not configured with an access token directly, the client exchanges credentials for an access token during Kafka session initiation by contacting the authorization server. The Kafka client exchanges either:
- Client ID and Secret
- Client ID, refresh token, and (optionally) a Secret
4.10.5. OAuth 2.0 client authentication flow
In this section, we explain and visualize the communication flow between Kafka client, Kafka broker, and authorization server during Kafka session initiation. The flow depends on the client and server configuration.
When a Kafka client sends an access token as credentials to a Kafka broker, the token needs to be validated.
Depending on the authorization server used, and the configuration options available, you may prefer to use:
- Fast local token validation based on JWT signature checking and local token introspection, without contacting the authorization server
- An OAuth 2.0 introspection endpoint provided by the authorization server
Using fast local token validation requires the authorization server to provide a JWKS endpoint with public certificates that are used to validate signatures on the tokens.
Another option is to use an OAuth 2.0 introspection endpoint on the authorization server. Each time a new Kafka broker connection is established, the broker passes the access token received from the client to the authorization server, and checks the response to confirm whether or not the token is valid.
Kafka client credentials can also be configured for:
- Direct local access using a previously generated long-lived access token
- Contact with the authorization server for a new access token to be issued
An authorization server might only allow the use of opaque access tokens, which means that local token validation is not possible. Example client authentication flows
Here you can see the communication flows, for different configurations of Kafka clients and brokers, during Kafka session authentication.
- Client using client ID and secret, with broker delegating validation to authorization server
- Client using client ID and secret, with broker performing fast local token validation
- Client using long-lived access token, with broker delegating validation to authorization server
- Client using long-lived access token, with broker performing fast local validation
Client using client ID and secret, with broker delegating validation to authorization server
- Kafka client requests access token from authorization server, using client ID and secret, and optionally a refresh token.
- Authorization server generates a new access token.
- Kafka client authenticates with the Kafka broker using the SASL OAUTHBEARER mechanism to pass the access token.
- Kafka broker validates the access token by calling a token introspection endpoint on authorization server, using its own client ID and secret.
- Kafka client session is established if the token is valid.
Client using client ID and secret, with broker performing fast local token validation
- Kafka client authenticates with authorization server from the token endpoint, using a client ID and secret, and optionally a refresh token.
- Authorization server generates a new access token.
- Kafka client authenticates with the Kafka broker using the SASL OAUTHBEARER mechanism to pass the access token.
- Kafka broker validates the access token locally using a JWT token signature check, and local token introspection.
Client using long-lived access token, with broker delegating validation to authorization server
- Kafka client authenticates with the Kafka broker using the SASL OAUTHBEARER mechanism to pass the long-lived access token.
- Kafka broker validates the access token by calling a token introspection endpoint on authorization server, using its own client ID and secret.
- Kafka client session is established if the token is valid.
Client using long-lived access token, with broker performing fast local validation
- Kafka client authenticates with the Kafka broker using the SASL OAUTHBEARER mechanism to pass the long-lived access token.
- Kafka broker validates the access token locally using JWT token signature check, and local token introspection.
Fast local JWT token signature validation is suitable only for short-lived tokens as there is no check with the authorization server if a token has been revoked. Token expiration is written into the token, but revocation can happen at any time, so cannot be accounted for without contacting the authorization server. Any issued token would be considered valid until it expires.
4.10.6. Configuring OAuth 2.0 authentication
OAuth 2.0 is used for interaction between Kafka clients and AMQ Streams components.
In order to use OAuth 2.0 for AMQ Streams, you must: Configuring Red Hat Single Sign-On as an OAuth 2.0 authorization server
This procedure describes how to deploy Red Hat Single Sign-On as an authorization server and configure it for integration with AMQ Streams.
The authorization server provides a central point for authentication and authorization, and management of users, clients, and permissions. Red Hat Single Sign-On has a concept of realms where a realm represents a separate set of users, clients, permissions, and other configuration. You can use a default master realm, or create a new one. Each realm exposes its own OAuth 2.0 endpoints, which means that application clients and application servers all need to use the same realm.
To use OAuth 2.0 with AMQ Streams, you need a deployment of an authorization server to be able to create and manage authentication realms.
If you already have Red Hat Single Sign-On deployed, you can skip the deployment step and use your current deployment.
Before you begin
You will need to be familiar with using Red Hat Single Sign-On.
For installation and administration instructions, see:
- AMQ Streams and Kafka are running
For the Red Hat Single Sign-On deployment:
Install Red Hat Single Sign-On.
You can install from a ZIP file or by using an RPM.
Log in to the Red Hat Single Sign-On Admin Console to create the OAuth 2.0 policies for AMQ Streams.
Login details are provided when you deploy Red Hat Single Sign-On.
Create and enable a realm.
You can use an existing master realm.
- Adjust the session and token timeouts for the realm, if required.
Create a client called
. From the
tab, set:-
Access Type to
Standard Flow Enabled to
to disable web login for this client -
Service Accounts Enabled to
to allow this client to authenticate in its own name
Access Type to
- Click Save before continuing.
- From the tab, take a note of the secret for using in your AMQ Streams Kafka cluster configuration.
Repeat the client creation steps for any application client that will connect to your Kafka brokers.
Create a definition for each new client.
You will use the names as client IDs in your configuration.
What to do next
After deploying and configuring the authorization server, configure the Kafka brokers to use OAuth 2.0. Configuring OAuth 2.0 support for Kafka brokers
This procedure describes how to configure Kafka brokers so that the broker listeners are enabled to use OAuth 2.0 authentication using an authorization server.
We advise use of OAuth 2.0 over an encrypted interface through configuration of TLS listeners. Plain listeners are not recommended.
Configure the Kafka brokers using properties that support your chosen authorization server, and the type of authorization you are implementing.
Before you start
For more information on the configuration and authentication of Kafka broker listeners, see:
For a description of the properties used in the listener configuration, see:
- AMQ Streams and Kafka are running
- An OAuth 2.0 authorization server is deployed
Configure the Kafka broker listener configuration in the
file.For example:
sasl.enabled.mechanisms=OAUTHBEARER listeners=CLIENT:// listener.security.protocol.map=CLIENT:SASL_PLAINTEXT listener.name.client.sasl.enabled.mechanisms=OAUTHBEARER sasl.mechanism.inter.broker.protocol=OAUTHBEARER inter.broker.listener.name=CLIENT listener.name.client.oauthbearer.sasl.server.callback.handler.class=io.strimzi.kafka.oauth.server.JaasServerOauthValidatorCallbackHandler listener.name.client.oauthbearer.sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common.security.oauthbearer.OAuthBearerLoginModule required ; listener.name.client.oauthbearer.sasl.login.callback.handler.class=io.strimzi.kafka.oauth.client.JaasClientOauthLoginCallbackHandler
Configure broker connection settings as part of the
.The examples here show connection configuration options.
Example 1: Local token validation using a JWKS endpoint configuration
listener.name.client.oauthbearer.sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common.security.oauthbearer.OAuthBearerLoginModule required \ oauth.valid.issuer.uri="https://AUTH-SERVER-ADDRESS/auth/realms/REALM-NAME" \ oauth.jwks.endpoint.uri="https://AUTH-SERVER-ADDRESS/auth/realms/REALM-NAME/protocol/openid-connect/certs" \ oauth.jwks.refresh.seconds="300" \ oauth.jwks.refresh.min.pause.seconds="1" \ oauth.jwks.expiry.seconds="360" \ oauth.username.claim="preferred_username" \ oauth.ssl.truststore.location="PATH-TO-TRUSTSTORE-P12-FILE" \ oauth.ssl.truststore.password="TRUSTSTORE-PASSWORD" \ oauth.ssl.truststore.type="PKCS12" ; listener.name.client.oauthbearer.connections.max.reauth.ms=3600000
Example 2: Delegating token validation to the authorization server through the OAuth 2.0 introspection endpoint
listener.name.client.oauthbearer.sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common.security.oauthbearer.OAuthBearerLoginModule required \ oauth.introspection.endpoint.uri="https://AUTH-SERVER-ADDRESS/auth/realms/REALM-NAME/protocol/openid-connect/introspection" \ # ...
If required, configure access to the authorization server.
This step is normally required for a production environment, unless a technology like service mesh is used to configure secure channels outside containers.
Provide a custom truststore for connecting to a secured authorization server. SSL is always required for access to the authorization server.
Set properties to configure the truststore.
For example:
listener.name.client.oauthbearer.sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common.security.oauthbearer.OAuthBearerLoginModule required \ # ... oauth.client.id="kafka-broker" \ oauth.client.secret="kafka-broker-secret" \ oauth.ssl.truststore.location="PATH-TO-TRUSTSTORE-P12-FILE" \ oauth.ssl.truststore.password="TRUSTSTORE-PASSWORD" \ oauth.ssl.truststore.type="PKCS12" ;
If the certificate hostname does not match the access URL hostname, you can turn off certificate hostname validation:
The check ensures that client connection to the authorization server is authentic. You may wish to turn off the validation in a non-production environment.
Configure additional properties according to your chosen authentication flow.
listener.name.client.oauthbearer.sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common.security.oauthbearer.OAuthBearerLoginModule required \ # ... oauth.token.endpoint.uri="https://AUTH-SERVER-ADDRESS/auth/realms/REALM-NAME/protocol/openid-connect/token" \ 1 oauth.valid.issuer.uri="https://https://AUTH-SERVER-ADDRESS/auth/REALM-NAME" \ 2 oauth.client.id="kafka-broker" \ 3 oauth.client.secret="kafka-broker-secret" \ 4 oauth.refresh.token="REFRESH-TOKEN-FOR-KAFKA-BROKERS" \ 5 oauth.access.token="ACCESS-TOKEN-FOR-KAFKA-BROKERS" ; 6
- 1
- The OAuth 2.0 token endpoint URL to your authorization server. For production, always use HTTPs. Required when
is used, or an OAuth 2.0 enabled listener is used for inter-broker communication. - 2
- A valid issuer URI. Only access tokens issued by this issuer will be accepted. (Always required.)
- 3
- The configured client ID of the Kafka broker, which is the same for all brokers. This is the client registered with the authorization server as
. Required when an introspection endpoint is used for token validation, or whenKeycloakRBACAuthorizer
is used. - 4
- The configured secret for the Kafka broker, which is the same for all brokers. When the broker must authenticate to the authorization server, either a client secret, access token or a refresh token has to be specified.
- 5
- (Optional) A long-lived refresh token for Kafka brokers.
- 6
- (Optional) A long-lived access token for Kafka brokers.
Depending on how you apply OAuth 2.0 authentication, and the type of authorization server being used, add additional configuration settings:
listener.name.client.oauthbearer.sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common.security.oauthbearer.OAuthBearerLoginModule required \ # ... oauth.check.issuer=false \ 1 oauth.fallback.username.claim="CLIENT-ID" \ 2 oauth.fallback.username.prefix="CLIENT-ACCOUNT" \ 3 oauth.valid.token.type="bearer" \ 4 oauth.userinfo.endpoint.uri="https://AUTH-SERVER-ADDRESS/auth/realms/REALM-NAME/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo" ; 5
- 1
- If your authorization server does not provide an
claim, it is not possible to perform an issuer check. In this situation, setoauth.check.issuer
and do not specify aoauth.valid.issuer.uri
. Default istrue
. - 2
- An authorization server may not provide a single attribute to identify both regular users and clients. When a client authenticates in its own name, the server might provide a client ID. When a user authenticates using a username and password, to obtain a refresh token or an access token, the server might provide a username attribute in addition to a client ID. Use this fallback option to specify the username claim (attribute) to use if a primary user ID attribute is not available.
- 3
- In situations where
is applicable, it may also be necessary to prevent name collisions between the values of the username claim, and those of the fallback username claim. Consider a situation where a client calledproducer
exists, but also a regular user calledproducer
exists. In order to differentiate between the two, you can use this property to add a prefix to the user ID of the client. - 4
- (Only applicable when using
) Depending on the authorization server you are using, the introspection endpoint may or may not return the token type attribute, or it may contain different values. You can specify a valid token type value that the response from the introspection endpoint has to contain. - 5
- (Only applicable when using
) The authorization server may be configured or implemented in such a way to not provide any identifiable information in an introspection endpoint response. In order to obtain the user ID, you can configure the URI of theuserinfo
endpoint as a fallback. Theoauth.fallback.username.claim
, andoauth.fallback.username.prefix
settings are applied to the response of theuserinfo
What to do next Configuring Kafka Java clients to use OAuth 2.0
This procedure describes how to configure Kafka producer and consumer APIs to use OAuth 2.0 for interaction with Kafka brokers.
Add a client callback plugin to your pom.xml file, and configure the system properties.
- AMQ Streams and Kafka are running
- An OAuth 2.0 authorization server is deployed and configured for OAuth access to Kafka brokers
- Kafka brokers are configured for OAuth 2.0
Add the client library with OAuth 2.0 support to the
file for the Kafka client:<dependency> <groupId>io.strimzi</groupId> <artifactId>kafka-oauth-client</artifactId> <version>0.6.1.redhat-00003</version> </dependency>
Configure the system properties for the callback:
For example:
System.setProperty(ClientConfig.OAUTH_TOKEN_ENDPOINT_URI, “https://AUTH-SERVER-ADDRESS/auth/realms/REALM-NAME/protocol/openid-connect/token”); 1 System.setProperty(ClientConfig.OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, "CLIENT-NAME"); 2 System.setProperty(ClientConfig.OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET, "CLIENT_SECRET"); 3 System.setProperty(ClientConfig.OAUTH_SCOPE, "SCOPE-VALUE") 4
- 1
- URI of the authorization server token endpoint.
- 2
- Client ID, which is the name used when creating the client in the authorization server.
- 3
- Client secret created when creating the client in the authorization server.
- 4
- (Optional) The
for requesting the token from the token endpoint. An authorization server may require a client to specify the scope.
Enable the SASL OAUTHBEARER mechanism on a TLS encrypted connection in the Kafka client configuration:
For example:
props.put("sasl.jaas.config", "org.apache.kafka.common.security.oauthbearer.OAuthBearerLoginModule required;"); props.put("security.protocol", "SASL_SSL"); 1 props.put("sasl.mechanism", "OAUTHBEARER"); props.put("sasl.login.callback.handler.class", "io.strimzi.kafka.oauth.client.JaasClientOauthLoginCallbackHandler");
- 1
- Here we use
for use over TLS connections. UseSASL_PLAINTEXT
over unencrypted connections.
- Verify that the Kafka client can access the Kafka brokers.
4.11. Using OAuth 2.0 token-based authorization
AMQ Streams supports the use of OAuth 2.0 token-based authorization through Red Hat Single Sign-On Authorization Services, which allows you to manage security policies and permissions centrally.
Security policies and permissions defined in Red Hat Single Sign-On are used to grant access to resources on Kafka brokers. Users and clients are matched against policies that permit access to perform specific actions on Kafka brokers.
Kafka allows all users full access to brokers by default, and also provides the AclAuthorizer
plugin to configure authorization based on Access Control Lists (ACLs).
ZooKeeper stores ACL rules that grant or deny access to resources based on username. However, OAuth 2.0 token-based authorization with Red Hat Single Sign-On offers far greater flexibility on how you wish to implement access control to Kafka brokers. In addition, you can configure your Kafka brokers to use OAuth 2.0 authorization and ACLs.
Additional resources
4.11.1. OAuth 2.0 authorization mechanism
OAuth 2.0 authorization in AMQ Streams uses Red Hat Single Sign-On server Authorization Services REST endpoints to extend token-based authentication with Red Hat Single Sign-On by applying defined security policies on a particular user, and providing a list of permissions granted on different resources for that user. Policies use roles and groups to match permissions to users. OAuth 2.0 authorization enforces permissions locally based on the received list of grants for the user from Red Hat Single Sign-On Authorization Services. Kafka broker custom authorizer
A Red Hat Single Sign-On authorizer (KeycloakRBACAuthorizer
) is provided with AMQ Streams. To be able to use the Red Hat Single Sign-On REST endpoints for Authorization Services provided by Red Hat Single Sign-On, you configure a custom authorizer on the Kafka broker.
The authorizer fetches a list of granted permissions from the authorization server as needed, and enforces authorization locally on the Kafka Broker, making rapid authorization decisions for each client request.
4.11.2. Configuring OAuth 2.0 authorization support
This procedure describes how to configure Kafka brokers to use OAuth 2.0 authorization using Red Hat Single Sign-On Authorization Services.
Before you begin
Consider the access you require or want to limit for certain users. You can use a combination of Red Hat Single Sign-On groups, roles, clients, and users to configure access in Red Hat Single Sign-On.
Typically, groups are used to match users based on organizational departments or geographical locations. And roles are used to match users based on their function.
With Red Hat Single Sign-On, you can store users and groups in LDAP, whereas clients and roles cannot be stored this way. Storage and access to user data may be a factor in how you choose to configure authorization policies.
Super users always have unconstrained access to a Kafka broker regardless of the authorization implemented on the Kafka broker.
- AMQ Streams must be configured to use OAuth 2.0 with Red Hat Single Sign-On for token-based authentication. You use the same Red Hat Single Sign-On server endpoint when you set up authorization.
- You need to understand how to manage policies and permissions for Red Hat Single Sign-On Authorization Services, as described in the Red Hat Single Sign-On documentation.
- Access the Red Hat Single Sign-On Admin Console or use the Red Hat Single Sign-On Admin CLI to enable Authorization Services for the Kafka broker client you created when setting up OAuth 2.0 authentication.
- Use Authorization Services to define resources, authorization scopes, policies, and permissions for the client.
- Bind the permissions to users and clients by assigning them roles and groups.
Configure the Kafka brokers to use Red Hat Single Sign-On authorization.
Add the following to the Kafka
configuration file to install the authorizer in Kafka:authorizer.class.name=io.strimzi.kafka.oauth.server.authorizer.KeycloakRBACAuthorizer principal.builder.class=io.strimzi.kafka.oauth.server.authorizer.JwtKafkaPrincipalBuilder
Add configuration for the Kafka brokers to access the authorization server and Authorization Services.
Here we show example configuration added as additional properties to
, but you can also define them as environment variables using capitalized or upper-case naming conventions.strimzi.authorization.token.endpoint.uri="https://AUTH-SERVER-ADDRESS/auth/realms/REALM-NAME/protocol/openid-connect/token" 1 strimzi.authorization.client.id="kafka" 2
(Optional) Add configuration for specific Kafka clusters.
For example:
strimzi.authorization.kafka.cluster.name="kafka-cluster" 1
- 1
- The name of a specific Kafka cluster. Names are used to target permissions, making it possible to manage multiple clusters within the same Red Hat Single Sign-On realm. The default value is
(Optional) Delegate to simple authorization.
For example:
strimzi.authorization.delegate.to.kafka.acl="false" 1
- 1
- Delegate authorization to Kafka
if access is denied by Red Hat Single Sign-On Authorization Services policies. The default isfalse
(Optional) Add configuration for TLS connection to the authorization server.
For example:
strimzi.authorization.ssl.truststore.location=<path-to-truststore> 1 strimzi.authorization.ssl.truststore.password=<my-truststore-password> 2 strimzi.authorization.ssl.truststore.type=JKS 3 strimzi.authorization.ssl.secure.random.implementation=SHA1PRNG 4 strimzi.authorization.ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm=HTTPS 5
- 1
- The path to the truststore that contain the certificates.
- 2
- The password for the truststore.
- 3
- The truststore type. If not set, the default Java keystore type is used.
- 4
- Random number generator implementation. If not set, the Java platform SDK default is used.
- 5
- Hostname verification. If set to an empty string, the hostname verification is turned off. If not set, the default value is
, which enforces hostname verification for server certificates.
(Optional) Configure the refresh of grants from the authorization server. The grants refresh job works by enumerating the active tokens and requesting the latest grants for each.
For example:
strimzi.authorization.grants.refresh.period.seconds="120" 1 strimzi.authorization.grants.refresh.pool.size="10" 2
- 1
- Specifies how often the list of grants from the authorization server is refreshed (once per minute by default). To turn grants refresh off for debugging purposes, set to
. - 2
- Specifies the size of the thread pool (the degree of parallelism) used by the grants refresh job. The default value is
- Verify the configured permissions by accessing Kafka brokers as clients or users with specific roles, making sure they have the necessary access, or do not have the access they are not supposed to have.
4.12. Using OPA policy-based authorization
Open Policy Agent (OPA) is an open-source policy engine. You can integrate OPA with AMQ Streams to act as a policy-based authorization mechanism for permitting client operations on Kafka brokers.
When a request is made from a client, OPA will evaluate the request against policies defined for Kafka access, then allow or deny the request.
Red Hat does not support the OPA server.
Additional resources
4.12.1. Defining OPA policies
Before integrating OPA with AMQ Streams, consider how you will define policies to provide fine-grained access controls.
You can define access control for Kafka clusters, consumer groups and topics. For instance, you can define an authorization policy that allows write access from a producer client to a specific broker topic.
For this, the policy might specify the:
- User principal and host address associated with the producer client
- Operations allowed for the client
Resource type (
) and resource name the policy applies to
Allow and deny decisions are written into the policy, and a response is provided based on the request and client identification data provided.
In our example the producer client would have to satisfy the policy to be allowed to write to the topic.
4.12.2. Connecting to the OPA
To enable Kafka to access the OPA policy engine to query access control policies, , you configure a custom OPA authorizer plugin (kafka-authorizer-opa-VERSION.jar
) in your Kafka server.properties
When a request is made by a client, the OPA policy engine is queried by the plugin using a specified URL address and a REST endpoint, which must be the name of the defined policy.
The plugin provides the details of the client request — user principal, operation, and resource — in JSON format to be checked against the policy. The details will include the unique identity of the client; for example, taking the distinguished name from the client certificate if TLS authentication is used.
OPA uses the data to provide a response — either true or false — to the plugin to allow or deny the request.
4.12.3. Configuring OPA authorization support
This procedure describes how to configure Kafka brokers to use OPA authorization.
Before you begin
Consider the access you require or want to limit for certain users. You can use a combination of users and Kafka resources to define OPA policies.
It is possible to set up OPA to load user information from an LDAP data source.
Super users always have unconstrained access to a Kafka broker regardless of the authorization implemented on the Kafka broker.
- An OPA server must be available for connection.
- OPA authorizer plugin for Kafka
Write the OPA policies required for authorizing client requests to perform operations on the Kafka brokers.
Now configure the Kafka brokers to use OPA.
Install the OPA authorizer plugin for Kafka.
Make sure that the plugin files are included in the Kafka classpath.
Add the following to the Kafka
configuration file to enable the OPA plugin:authorizer.class.name: com.bisnode.kafka.authorization.OpaAuthorizer
Add further configuration to
for the Kafka brokers to access the OPA policy engine and policies.For example:
opa.authorizer.url=https://OPA-ADDRESS/allow 1 opa.authorizer.allow.on.error=false 2 opa.authorizer.cache.initial.capacity=50000 3 opa.authorizer.cache.maximum.size=50000 4 opa.authorizer.cache.expire.after.seconds=600000 5 super.users=User:alice;User:bob 6
- 1
- (Required) The OAuth 2.0 token endpoint URL for the policy the authorizer plugin will query. In this example, the policy is called
. - 2
- Flag to specify whether a client is allowed or denied access by default if the authorizer plugin fails to connect with the OPA policy engine.
- 3
- Initial capacity in bytes of the local cache. The cache is used so that the plugin does not have to query the OPA policy engine for every request.
- 4
- Maximum capacity in bytes of the local cache.
- 5
- Time in milliseconds that the local cache is refreshed by reloading from the OPA policy engine.
- 6
- A list of user principals treated as super users, so that they are always allowed without querying the Open Policy Agent policy.
Refer to the Open Policy Agent website for information on authentication and authorization options.
- Verify the configured permissions by accessing Kafka brokers using clients that have and do not have the correct authorization.
4.13. Logging
Kafka brokers use Log4j as their logging infrastructure. By default, the logging configuration is read from the log4j.properties
configuration file, which should be placed either in the /opt/kafka/config/
directory or on the classpath. The location and name of the configuration file can be changed using the Java property log4j.configuration
, which can be passed to Kafka by using the KAFKA_LOG4J_OPTS
environment variable:
su - kafka export KAFKA_LOG4J_OPTS="-Dlog4j.configuration=file:/my/path/to/log4j.config"; /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-server-start.sh /opt/kafka/config/server.properties
For more information about Log4j configurations, see the Log4j manual.
4.13.1. Dynamically change logging levels for Kafka broker loggers
Kafka broker logging is provided by multiple broker loggers in each broker. You can dynamically change the logging level for broker loggers without having to restart the broker. Increasing the level of detail returned in logs—by changing from INFO
, for example—is useful for investigating performance issues in a Kafka cluster.
Broker loggers can also be dynamically reset to their default logging levels.
Switch to the
user:su - kafka
List all the broker loggers for a broker by using the
tool:/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server BOOTSTRAP-ADDRESS --describe --entity-type broker-loggers --entity-name BROKER-ID
For example, for broker
:/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --entity-type broker-loggers --entity-name 0
This returns the logging level for each logger:
. For example:#... kafka.controller.ControllerChannelManager=INFO sensitive=false synonyms={} kafka.log.TimeIndex=INFO sensitive=false synonyms={}
Change the logging level for one or more broker loggers. Use the
options and specify each logger and its level as a comma-separated list in double quotes./opt/kafka/bin/kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server BOOTSTRAP-ADDRESS --alter --add-config "LOGGER-ONE=NEW-LEVEL,LOGGER-TWO=NEW-LEVEL" --entity-type broker-loggers --entity-name BROKER-ID
For example, for broker
:/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --alter --add-config "kafka.controller.ControllerChannelManager=WARN,kafka.log.TimeIndex=WARN" --entity-type broker-loggers --entity-name 0
If successful this returns:
Completed updating config for broker: 0.
Resetting a broker logger
You can reset one or more broker loggers to their default logging levels by using the kafka-configs.sh
tool. Use the --alter
and --delete-config
options and specify each broker logger as a comma-separated list in double quotes:
/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --alter --delete-config "LOGGER-ONE,LOGGER-TWO" --entity-type broker-loggers --entity-name BROKER-ID
Additional resources
- Updating Broker Configs in the Apache Kafka documentation.
Chapter 5. Topics
Messages in Kafka are always sent to or received from a topic. This chapter describes how to configure and manage Kafka topics.
5.1. Partitions and replicas
Messages in Kafka are always sent to or received from a topic. A topic is always split into one or more partitions. Partitions act as shards. That means that every message sent by a producer is always written only into a single partition. Thanks to the sharding of messages into different partitions, topics are easy to scale horizontally.
Each partition can have one or more replicas, which will be stored on different brokers in the cluster. When creating a topic you can configure the number of replicas using the replication factor. Replication factor defines the number of copies which will be held within the cluster. One of the replicas for given partition will be elected as a leader. The leader replica will be used by the producers to send new messages and by the consumers to consume messages. The other replicas will be follower replicas. The followers replicate the leader.
If the leader fails, one of the followers will automatically become the new leader. Each server acts as a leader for some of its partitions and a follower for others so the load is well balanced within the cluster.
The replication factor determines the number of replicas including the leader and the followers. For example, if you set the replication factor to 3
, then there will one leader and two follower replicas.
5.2. Message retention
The message retention policy defines how long the messages will be stored on the Kafka brokers. It can be defined based on time, partition size or both.
For example, you can define that the messages should be kept:
- For 7 days
- Until the parition has 1GB of messages. Once the limit is reached, the oldest messages will be removed.
- For 7 days or until the 1GB limit has been reached. Whatever limit comes first will be used.
Kafka brokers store messages in log segments. The messages which are past their retention policy will be deleted only when a new log segment is created. New log segments are created when the previous log segment exceeds the configured log segment size. Additionally, users can request new segments to be created periodically.
Additionally, Kafka brokers support a compacting policy.
For a topic with the compacted policy, the broker will always keep only the last message for each key. The older messages with the same key will be removed from the partition. Because compacting is a periodically executed action, it does not happen immediately when the new message with the same key are sent to the partition. Instead it might take some time until the older messages are removed.
For more information about the message retention configuration options, see Section 5.5, “Topic configuration”.
5.3. Topic auto-creation
When a producer or consumer tries to send messages to or receive messages from a topic that does not exist, Kafka will, by default, automatically create that topic. This behavior is controlled by the auto.create.topics.enable
configuration property which is set to true
by default.
To disable it, set auto.create.topics.enable
to false
in the Kafka broker configuration file:
5.4. Topic deletion
Kafka offers the possibility to disable deletion of topics. This is configured through the delete.topic.enable
property, which is set to true
by default (that is, deleting topics is possible). When this property is set to false
it will be not possible to delete topics and all attempts to delete topic will return success but the topic will not be deleted.
5.5. Topic configuration
Auto-created topics will use the default topic configuration which can be specified in the broker properties file. However, when creating topics manually, their configuration can be specified at creation time. It is also possible to change a topic’s configuration after it has been created. The main topic configuration options for manually created topics are:
Configures the retention policy to
. Thedelete
policy will delete old records. Thecompact
policy will enable log compaction. The default value isdelete
. For more information about log compaction, see Kafka website. compression.type
Specifies the compression which is used for stored messages. Valid values are
(no compression) andproducer
(retain the compression codec used by the producer). The default value isproducer
. max.message.bytes
The maximum size of a batch of messages allowed by the Kafka broker, in bytes. The default value is
. min.insync.replicas
The minimum number of replicas which must be in sync for a write to be considered successful. The default value is
. retention.ms
Maximum number of milliseconds for which log segments will be retained. Log segments older than this value will be deleted. The default value is
(7 days). retention.bytes
The maximum number of bytes a partition will retain. Once the partition size grows over this limit, the oldest log segments will be deleted. Value of
indicates no limit. The default value is-1
. segment.bytes
The maximum file size of a single commit log segment file in bytes. When the segment reaches its size, a new segment will be started. The default value is
bytes (1 gibibyte).
For list of all supported topic configuration options, see Appendix B, Topic configuration parameters.
The defaults for auto-created topics can be specified in the Kafka broker configuration using similar options:
above. compression.type
above. message.max.bytes
above. min.insync.replicas
above. log.retention.ms
above. log.retention.bytes
above. log.segment.bytes
above. default.replication.factor
Default replication factor for automatically created topics. Default value is
. num.partitions
Default number of partitions for automatically created topics. Default value is
For list of all supported Kafka broker configuration options, see Appendix A, Broker configuration parameters.
5.6. Internal topics
Internal topics are created and used internally by the Kafka brokers and clients. Kafka has several internal topics. These are used to store consumer offsets (__consumer_offsets
) or transaction state (__transaction_state
). These topics can be configured using dedicated Kafka broker configuration options starting with prefix offsets.topic.
and transaction.state.log.
. The most important configuration options are:
Number of replicas for
topic. The default value is3
. offsets.topic.num.partitions
Number of partitions for
topic. The default value is50
. transaction.state.log.replication.factor
Number of replicas for
topic. The default value is3
. transaction.state.log.num.partitions
Number of partitions for
topic. The default value is50
. transaction.state.log.min.isr
Minimum number of replicas that must acknowledge a write to
topic to be considered successful. If this minimum cannot be met, then the producer will fail with an exception. The default value is2
5.7. Creating a topic
The kafka-topics.sh
tool can be used to manage topics. kafka-topics.sh
is part of the AMQ Streams distribution and can be found in the bin
- AMQ Streams cluster is installed and running
Creating a topic
Create a topic using the
utility and specify the following:-
Host and port of the Kafka broker in the
option. -
The new topic to be created in the
option. -
Topic name in the
option. -
The number of partitions in the
option. Topic replication factor in the
option.You can also override some of the default topic configuration options using the option
. This option can be used multiple times to override different options.bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server <BrokerAddress> --create --topic <TopicName> --partitions <NumberOfPartitions> --replication-factor <ReplicationFactor> --config <Option1>=<Value1> --config <Option2>=<Value2>
Example of the command to create a topic named
bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --create --topic mytopic --partitions 50 --replication-factor 3 --config cleanup.policy=compact --config min.insync.replicas=2
Host and port of the Kafka broker in the
Verify that the topic exists using
.bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server <BrokerAddress> --describe --topic <TopicName>
Example of the command to describe a topic named
bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --topic mytopic
Additional resources
- For more information about topic configuration, see Section 5.5, “Topic configuration”.
- For list of all supported topic configuration options, see Appendix B, Topic configuration parameters.
5.8. Listing and describing topics
The kafka-topics.sh
tool can be used to list and describe topics. kafka-topics.sh
is part of the AMQ Streams distribution and can be found in the bin
- AMQ Streams cluster is installed and running
Describing a topic
Describe a topic using the
utility and specify the following:-
Host and port of the Kafka broker in the
option. -
Use the
option to specify that you want to describe a topic. -
Topic name must be specified in the
option. When the
option is omitted, it will describe all available topics.bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server <BrokerAddress> --describe --topic <TopicName>
Example of the command to describe a topic named
bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --topic mytopic
The describe command will list all partitions and replicas which belong to this topic. It will also list all topic configuration options.
Host and port of the Kafka broker in the
Additional resources
- For more information about topic configuration, see Section 5.5, “Topic configuration”.
- For more information about creating topics, see Section 5.7, “Creating a topic”.
5.9. Modifying a topic configuration
The kafka-configs.sh
tool can be used to modify topic configurations. kafka-configs.sh
is part of the AMQ Streams distribution and can be found in the bin
- AMQ Streams cluster is installed and running
Modify topic configuration
Use the
tool to get the current configuration.-
Specify the host and port of the Kafka broker in the
option. -
Set the
to the name of your topic. Use
option to get the current configuration.bin/kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server <BrokerAddress> --entity-type topics --entity-name <TopicName> --describe
Example of the command to get configuration of a topic named
bin/kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --entity-type topics --entity-name mytopic --describe
Specify the host and port of the Kafka broker in the
Use the
tool to change the configuration.-
Specify the host and port of the Kafka broker in the
option. -
Set the
to the name of your topic. -
option to modify the current configuration. Specify the options you want to add or change in the option
.bin/kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server <BrokerAddress> --entity-type topics --entity-name <TopicName> --alter --add-config <Option>=<Value>
Example of the command to change configuration of a topic named
bin/kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --entity-type topics --entity-name mytopic --alter --add-config min.insync.replicas=1
Specify the host and port of the Kafka broker in the
Use the
tool to delete an existing configuration option.-
Specify the host and port of the Kafka broker in the
option. -
Set the
to the name of your topic. -
option to remove existing configuration option. Specify the options you want to remove in the option
.bin/kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server <BrokerAddress> --entity-type topics --entity-name <TopicName> --alter --delete-config <Option>
Example of the command to change configuration of a topic named
bin/kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --entity-type topics --entity-name mytopic --alter --delete-config min.insync.replicas
Specify the host and port of the Kafka broker in the
Additional resources
- For more information about topic configuration, see Section 5.5, “Topic configuration”.
- For more information about creating topics, see Section 5.7, “Creating a topic”.
- For list of all supported topic configuration options, see Appendix B, Topic configuration parameters.
5.10. Deleting a topic
The kafka-topics.sh
tool can be used to manage topics. kafka-topics.sh
is part of the AMQ Streams distribution and can be found in the bin
- AMQ Streams cluster is installed and running
Deleting a topic
Delete a topic using the
Host and port of the Kafka broker in the
option. -
Use the
option to specify that an existing topic should be deleted. Topic name must be specified in the
option.bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server <BrokerAddress> --delete --topic <TopicName>
Example of the command to create a topic named
bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --delete --topic mytopic
Host and port of the Kafka broker in the
Verify that the topic was deleted using
.bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server <BrokerAddress> --list
Example of the command to list all topics
bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --list
Additional resources
- For more information about creating topics, see Section 5.7, “Creating a topic”.
Chapter 6. Tuning client configuration
Use configuration properties to optimize the performance of Kafka producers and consumers.
A minimum set of configuration properties is required, but you can add or adjust properties to change how producers and consumers interact with Kafka. For example, for producers you can tune latency and throughput of messages so that clients can respond to data in real time. Or you can change the configuration to provide stronger message durability guarantees.
You might start by analyzing client metrics to gauge where to make your initial configurations, then make incremental changes and further comparisons until you have the configuration you need.
6.1. Kafka producer configuration tuning
Use a basic producer configuration with optional properties that are tailored to specific use cases.
Adjusting your configuration to maximize throughput might increase latency or vice versa. You will need to experiment and tune your producer configuration to get the balance you need.
6.1.1. Basic producer configuration
Connection and serializer properties are required for every producer. Generally, it is good practice to add a client id for tracking, and use compression on the producer to reduce batch sizes in requests.
In a basic producer configuration:
- The order of messages in a partition is not guaranteed.
- The acknowledgment of messages reaching the broker does not guarantee durability.
# ... bootstrap.servers=localhost:9092 1 key.serializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer 2 value.serializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer 3 client.id=my-client 4 compression.type=gzip 5 # ...
- 1
- (Required) Tells the producer to connect to a Kafka cluster using a host:port bootstrap server address for a Kafka broker. The producer uses the address to discover and connect to all brokers in the cluster. Use a comma-separated list to specify two or three addresses in case a server is down, but it’s not necessary to provide a list of all the brokers in the cluster.
- 2
- (Required) Serializer to transform the key of each message to bytes prior to them being sent to a broker.
- 3
- (Required) Serializer to transform the value of each message to bytes prior to them being sent to a broker.
- 4
- (Optional) The logical name for the client, which is used in logs and metrics to identify the source of a request.
- 5
- (Optional) The codec for compressing messages, which are sent and might be stored in compressed format and then decompressed when reaching a consumer. Compression is useful for improving throughput and reducing the load on storage, but might not be suitable for low latency applications where the cost of compression or decompression could be prohibitive.
6.1.2. Data durability
You can apply greater data durability, to minimize the likelihood that messages are lost, using message delivery acknowledgments.
# ...
acks=all 1
# ...
- 1
- Specifying
forces a partition leader to replicate messages to a certain number of followers before acknowledging that the message request was successfully received. Because of the additional checks,acks=all
increases the latency between the producer sending a message and receiving acknowledgment.
The number of brokers which need to have appended the messages to their logs before the acknowledgment is sent to the producer is determined by the topic’s min.insync.replicas
configuration. A typical starting point is to have a topic replication factor of 3, with two in-sync replicas on other brokers. In this configuration, the producer can continue unaffected if a single broker is unavailable. If a second broker becomes unavailable, the producer won’t receive acknowledgments and won’t be able to produce more messages.
Topic configuration to support acks=all
# ...
min.insync.replicas=2 1
# ...
- 1
- Use
in-sync replicas. The default is1
If the system fails, there is a risk of unsent data in the buffer being lost.
6.1.3. Ordered delivery
Idempotent producers avoid duplicates as messages are delivered exactly once. IDs and sequence numbers are assigned to messages to ensure the order of delivery, even in the event of failure. If you are using acks=all
for data consistency, enabling idempotency makes sense for ordered delivery.
Ordered delivery with idempotency
# ... enable.idempotence=true 1 max.in.flight.requests.per.connection=5 2 acks=all 3 retries=2147483647 4 # ...
- 1
- Set to
to enable the idempotent producer. - 2
- With idempotent delivery the number of in-flight requests may be greater than 1 while still providing the message ordering guarantee. The default is 5 in-flight requests.
- 3
- Set
. - 4
- Set the number of attempts to resend a failed message request.
If you are not using acks=all
and idempotency because of the performance cost, set the number of in-flight (unacknowledged) requests to 1 to preserve ordering. Otherwise, a situation is possible where Message-A fails only to succeed after Message-B was already written to the broker.
Ordered delivery without idempotency
# ... enable.idempotence=false 1 max.in.flight.requests.per.connection=1 2 retries=2147483647 # ...
6.1.4. Reliability guarantees
Idempotence is useful for exactly once writes to a single partition. Transactions, when used with idempotence, allow exactly once writes across multiple partitions.
Transactions guarantee that messages using the same transactional ID are produced once, and either all are successfully written to the respective logs or none of them are.
# ... enable.idempotence=true max.in.flight.requests.per.connection=5 acks=all retries=2147483647 transactional.id=UNIQUE-ID 1 transaction.timeout.ms=900000 2 # ...
The choice of transactional.id
is important in order that the transactional guarantee is maintained. Each transactional id should be used for a unique set of topic partitions. For example, this can be achieved using an external mapping of topic partition names to transactional ids, or by computing the transactional id from the topic partition names using a function that avoids collisions.
6.1.5. Optimizing throughput and latency
Usually, the requirement of a system is to satisfy a particular throughput target for a proportion of messages within a given latency. For example, targeting 500,000 messages per second with 95% of messages being acknowledged within 2 seconds.
It’s likely that the messaging semantics (message ordering and durability) of your producer are defined by the requirements for your application. For instance, it’s possible that you don’t have the option of using acks=0
or acks=1
without breaking some important property or guarantee provided by your application.
Broker restarts have a significant impact on high percentile statistics. For example, over a long period the 99th percentile latency is dominated by behavior around broker restarts. This is worth considering when designing benchmarks or comparing performance numbers from benchmarking with performance numbers seen in production.
Depending on your objective, Kafka offers a number of configuration parameters and techniques for tuning producer performance for throughput and latency.
- Message batching (
) -
Message batching delays sending messages in the hope that more messages destined for the same broker will be sent, allowing them to be batched into a single produce request. Batching is a compromise between higher latency in return for higher throughput. Time-based batching is configured using
, and size-based batching is configured usingbatch.size
. - Compression (
) -
Message compression adds latency in the producer (CPU time spent compressing the messages), but makes requests (and potentially disk writes) smaller, which can increase throughput. Whether compression is worthwhile, and the best compression to use, will depend on the messages being sent. Compression happens on the thread which calls
, so if the latency of this method matters for your application you should consider using more threads. - Pipelining (
) - Pipelining means sending more requests before the response to a previous request has been received. In general more pipelining means better throughput, up to a threshold at which other effects, such as worse batching, start to counteract the effect on throughput.
Lowering latency
When your application calls KafkaProducer.send()
the messages are:
- Processed by any interceptors
- Serialized
- Assigned to a partition
- Compressed
- Added to a batch of messages in a per-partition queue
At which point the send()
method returns. So the time send()
is blocked is determined by:
- The time spent in the interceptors, serializers and partitioner
- The compression algorithm used
- The time spent waiting for a buffer to use for compression
Batches will remain in the queue until one of the following occurs:
The batch is full (according to
) -
The delay introduced by
has passed - The sender is about to send message batches for other partitions to the same broker, and it is possible to add this batch too
- The producer is being flushed or closed
Look at the configuration for batching and buffering to mitigate the impact of send()
blocking on latency.
# ... linger.ms=100 1 batch.size=16384 2 buffer.memory=33554432 3 # ...
- 1
- The
property adds a delay in milliseconds so that larger batches of messages are accumulated and sent in a request. The default is0'.
- 2
- If a maximum
in bytes is used, a request is sent when the maximum is reached, or messages have been queued for longer thanlinger.ms
(whichever comes sooner). Adding the delay allows batches to accumulate messages up to the batch size. - 3
- The buffer size must be at least as big as the batch size, and be able to accommodate buffering, compression and in-flight requests.
Increasing throughput
Improve throughput of your message requests by adjusting the maximum time to wait before a message is delivered and completes a send request.
You can also direct messages to a specified partition by writing a custom partitioner to replace the default.
# ... delivery.timeout.ms=120000 1 partitioner.class=my-custom-partitioner 2 # ...
6.2. Kafka consumer configuration tuning
Use a basic consumer configuration with optional properties that are tailored to specific use cases.
When tuning your consumers your primary concern will be ensuring that they cope efficiently with the amount of data ingested. As with the producer tuning, be prepared to make incremental changes until the consumers operate as expected.
6.2.1. Basic consumer configuration
Connection and deserializer properties are required for every consumer. Generally, it is good practice to add a client id for tracking.
In a consumer configuration, irrespective of any subsequent configuration:
- The consumer fetches from a given offset and consumes the messages in order, unless the offset is changed to skip or re-read messages.
- The broker does not know if the consumer processed the responses, even when committing offsets to Kafka, because the offsets might be sent to a different broker in the cluster.
# ... bootstrap.servers=localhost:9092 1 key.deserializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer 2 value.deserializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer 3 client.id=my-client 4 group.id=my-group-id 5 # ...
- 1
- (Required) Tells the consumer to connect to a Kafka cluster using a host:port bootstrap server address for a Kafka broker. The consumer uses the address to discover and connect to all brokers in the cluster. Use a comma-separated list to specify two or three addresses in case a server is down, but it is not necessary to provide a list of all the brokers in the cluster. If you are using a loadbalancer service to expose the Kafka cluster, you only need the address for the service because the availability is handled by the loadbalancer.
- 2
- (Required) Deserializer to transform the bytes fetched from the Kafka broker into message keys.
- 3
- (Required) Deserializer to transform the bytes fetched from the Kafka broker into message values.
- 4
- (Optional) The logical name for the client, which is used in logs and metrics to identify the source of a request. The id can also be used to throttle consumers based on processing time quotas.
- 5
- (Conditional) A group id is required for a consumer to be able to join a consumer group.
Consumer groups are used to share a typically large data stream generated by multiple producers from a given topic. Consumers are grouped using a group.id
, allowing messages to be spread across the members.
6.2.2. Scaling data consumption using consumer groups
Consumer groups share a typically large data stream generated by one or multiple producers from a given topic. Consumers with the same group.id
property are in the same group. One of the consumers in the group is elected leader and decides how the partitions are assigned to the consumers in the group. Each partition can only be assigned to a single consumer.
If you do not already have as many consumers as partitions, you can scale data consumption by adding more consumer instances with the same group.id
. Adding more consumers to a group than there are partitions will not help throughput, but it does mean that there are consumers on standby should one stop functioning. If you can meet throughput goals with fewer consumers, you save on resources.
Consumers within the same consumer group send offset commits and heartbeats to the same broker. So the greater the number of consumers in the group, the higher the request load on the broker.
# ...
group.id=my-group-id 1
# ...
- 1
- Add a consumer to a consumer group using a group id.
6.2.3. Message ordering guarantees
Kafka brokers receive fetch requests from consumers that ask the broker to send messages from a list of topics, partitions and offset positions.
A consumer observes messages in a single partition in the same order that they were committed to the broker, which means that Kafka only provides ordering guarantees for messages in a single partition. Conversely, if a consumer is consuming messages from multiple partitions, the order of messages in different partitions as observed by the consumer does not necessarily reflect the order in which they were sent.
If you want a strict ordering of messages from one topic, use one partition per consumer.
6.2.4. Optimizing throughput and latency
Control the number of messages returned when your client application calls KafkaConsumer.poll()
Use the fetch.max.wait.ms
and fetch.min.bytes
properties to increase the minimum amount of data fetched by the consumer from the Kafka broker. Time-based batching is configured using fetch.max.wait.ms
, and size-based batching is configured using fetch.min.bytes
If CPU utilization in the consumer or broker is high, it might be because there are too many requests from the consumer. You can adjust fetch.max.wait.ms
and fetch.min.bytes
properties higher so that there are fewer requests and messages are delivered in bigger batches. By adjusting higher, throughput is improved with some cost to latency. You can also adjust higher if the amount of data being produced is low.
For example, if you set fetch.max.wait.ms
to 500ms and fetch.min.bytes
to 16384 bytes, when Kafka receives a fetch request from the consumer it will respond when the first of either threshold is reached.
Conversely, you can adjust the fetch.max.wait.ms
and fetch.min.bytes
properties lower to improve end-to-end latency.
# ... fetch.max.wait.ms=500 1 fetch.min.bytes=16384 2 # ...
- 1
- The maximum time in milliseconds the broker will wait before completing fetch requests. The default is
milliseconds. - 2
- If a minimum batch size in bytes is used, a request is sent when the minimum is reached, or messages have been queued for longer than
(whichever comes sooner). Adding the delay allows batches to accumulate messages up to the batch size.
Lowering latency by increasing the fetch request size
Use the fetch.max.bytes
and max.partition.fetch.bytes
properties to increase the maximum amount of data fetched by the consumer from the Kafka broker.
The fetch.max.bytes
property sets a maximum limit in bytes on the amount of data fetched from the broker at one time.
The max.partition.fetch.bytes
sets a maximum limit in bytes on how much data is returned for each partition, which must always be larger than the number of bytes set in the broker or topic configuration for max.message.bytes
The maximum amount of memory a client can consume is calculated approximately as:
NUMBER-OF-BROKERS * fetch.max.bytes and NUMBER-OF-PARTITIONS * max.partition.fetch.bytes
If memory usage can accommodate it, you can increase the values of these two properties. By allowing more data in each request, latency is improved as there are fewer fetch requests.
# ... fetch.max.bytes=52428800 1 max.partition.fetch.bytes=1048576 2 # ...
6.2.5. Avoiding data loss or duplication when committing offsets
The Kafka auto-commit mechanism allows a consumer to commit the offsets of messages automatically. If enabled, the consumer will commit offsets received from polling the broker at 5000ms intervals.
The auto-commit mechanism is convenient, but it introduces a risk of data loss and duplication. If a consumer has fetched and transformed a number of messages, but the system crashes with processed messages in the consumer buffer when performing an auto-commit, that data is lost. If the system crashes after processing the messages, but before performing the auto-commit, the data is duplicated on another consumer instance after rebalancing.
Auto-committing can avoid data loss only when all messages are processed before the next poll to the broker, or the consumer closes.
To minimize the likelihood of data loss or duplication, you can set enable.auto.commit
to false
and develop your client application to have more control over committing offsets. Or you can use auto.commit.interval.ms
to decrease the intervals between commits.
# ...
enable.auto.commit=false 1
# ...
- 1
- Auto commit is set to false to provide more control over committing offsets.
By setting to enable.auto.commit
to false
, you can commit offsets after all processing has been performed and the message has been consumed. For example, you can set up your application to call the Kafka commitSync
and commitAsync
commit APIs.
The commitSync
API commits the offsets in a message batch returned from polling. You call the API when you are finished processing all the messages in the batch. If you use the commitSync
API, the application will not poll for new messages until the last offset in the batch is committed. If this negatively affects throughput, you can commit less frequently, or you can use the commitAsync
API. The commitAsync
API does not wait for the broker to respond to a commit request, but risks creating more duplicates when rebalancing. A common approach is to combine both commit APIs in an application, with the commitSync
API used just before shutting the consumer down or rebalancing to make sure the final commit is successful. Controlling transactional messages
Consider using transactional ids and enabling idempotence (enable.idempotence=true
) on the producer side to guarantee exactly-once delivery. On the consumer side, you can then use the isolation.level
property to control how transactional messages are read by the consumer.
The isolation.level
property has two valid values:
Use read_committed
to ensure that only transactional messages that have been committed are read by the consumer. However, this will cause an increase in end-to-end latency, because the consumer will not be able to return a message until the brokers have written the transaction markers that record the result of the transaction (committed or aborted).
# ...
isolation.level=read_committed 1
# ...
- 1
- Set to
so that only committed messages are read by the consumer.
6.2.6. Recovering from failure to avoid data loss
Use the session.timeout.ms
and heartbeat.interval.ms
properties to configure the time taken to check and recover from consumer failure within a consumer group.
The session.timeout.ms
property specifies the maximum amount of time in milliseconds a consumer within a consumer group can be out of contact with a broker before being considered inactive and a rebalancing is triggered between the active consumers in the group. When the group rebalances, the partitions are reassigned to the members of the group.
The heartbeat.interval.ms
property specifies the interval in milliseconds between heartbeat checks to the consumer group coordinator to indicate that the consumer is active and connected. The heartbeat interval must be lower, usually by a third, than the session timeout interval.
If you set the session.timeout.ms
property lower, failing consumers are detected earlier, and rebalancing can take place quicker. However, take care not to set the timeout so low that the broker fails to receive a heartbeat in time and triggers an unnecessary rebalance.
Decreasing the heartbeat interval reduces the chance of accidental rebalancing, but more frequent heartbeats increases the overhead on broker resources.
6.2.7. Managing offset policy
Use the auto.offset.reset
property to control how a consumer behaves when no offsets have been committed, or a committed offset is no longer valid or deleted.
Suppose you deploy a consumer application for the first time, and it reads messages from an existing topic. Because this is the first time the group.id
is used, the __consumer_offsets
topic does not contain any offset information for this application. The new application can start processing all existing messages from the start of the log or only new messages. The default reset value is latest
, which starts at the end of the partition, and consequently means some messages are missed. To avoid data loss, but increase the amount of processing, set auto.offset.reset
to earliest
to start at the beginning of the partition.
Also consider using the earliest
option to avoid messages being lost when the offsets retention period (offsets.retention.minutes
) configured for a broker has ended. If a consumer group or standalone consumer is inactive and commits no offsets during the retention period, previously committed offsets are deleted from __consumer_offsets
# ... heartbeat.interval.ms=3000 1 session.timeout.ms=10000 2 auto.offset.reset=earliest 3 # ...
- 1
- Adjust the heartbeat interval lower according to anticipated rebalances.
- 2
- If no heartbeats are received by the Kafka broker before the timeout duration expires, the consumer is removed from the consumer group and a rebalance is initiated. If the broker configuration has a
, the session timeout value must be within that range. - 3
- Set to
to return to the start of a partition and avoid data loss if offsets were not committed.
If the amount of data returned in a single fetch request is large, a timeout might occur before the consumer has processed it. In this case, you can lower max.partition.fetch.bytes
or increase session.timeout.ms
6.2.8. Minimizing the impact of rebalances
The rebalancing of a partition between active consumers in a group is the time it takes for:
- Consumers to commit their offsets
- The new consumer group to be formed
- The group leader to assign partitions to group members
- The consumers in the group to receive their assignments and start fetching
Clearly, the process increases the downtime of a service, particularly when it happens repeatedly during a rolling restart of a consumer group cluster.
In this situation, you can use the concept of static membership to reduce the number of rebalances. Rebalancing assigns topic partitions evenly among consumer group members. Static membership uses persistence so that a consumer instance is recognized during a restart after a session timeout.
The consumer group coordinator can identify a new consumer instance using a unique id that is specified using the group.instance.id
property. During a restart, the consumer is assigned a new member id, but as a static member it continues with the same instance id, and the same assignment of topic partitions is made.
If the consumer application does not make a call to poll at least every max.poll.interval.ms
milliseconds, the consumer is considered to be failed, causing a rebalance. If the application cannot process all the records returned from poll in time, you can avoid a rebalance by using the max.poll.interval.ms
property to specify the interval in milliseconds between polls for new messages from a consumer. Or you can use the max.poll.records
property to set a maximum limit on the number of records returned from the consumer buffer, allowing your application to process fewer records within the max.poll.interval.ms
# ... group.instance.id=UNIQUE-ID 1 max.poll.interval.ms=300000 2 max.poll.records=500 3 # ...
Chapter 7. Scaling Clusters
7.1. Scaling Kafka clusters
7.1.1. Adding brokers to a cluster
The primary way of increasing throughput for a topic is to increase the number of partitions for that topic. That works because the partitions allow the load for that topic to be shared between the brokers in the cluster. When the brokers are all constrained by some resource (typically I/O), then using more partitions will not yield an increase in throughput. Instead, you must add brokers to the cluster.
When you add an extra broker to the cluster, AMQ Streams does not assign any partitions to it automatically. You have to decide which partitions to move from the existing brokers to the new broker.
Once the partitions have been redistributed between all brokers, each broker should have a lower resource utilization.
7.1.2. Removing brokers from the cluster
Before you remove a broker from a cluster, you must ensure that it is not assigned to any partitions. You should decide which remaining brokers will be responsible for each of the partitions on the broker being decommissioned. Once the broker has no assigned partitions, you can stop it.
7.2. Reassignment of partitions
The kafka-reassign-partitions.sh
utility is used to reassign partitions to different brokers.
It has three different modes:
- Takes a set of topics and brokers and generates a reassignment JSON file which will result in the partitions of those topics being assigned to those brokers. It is an easy way to generate a reassignment JSON file, but it operates on whole topics, so its use is not always appropriate.
- Takes a reassignment JSON file and applies it to the partitions and brokers in the cluster. Brokers which are gaining partitions will become followers of the partition leader. For a given partition, once the new broker has caught up and joined the ISR the old broker will stop being a follower and will delete its replica.
Using the same reassignment JSON file as the
checks whether all of the partitions in the file have been moved to their intended brokers. If the reassignment is complete it will also remove any throttles which are in effect. Unless removed, throttles will continue to affect the cluster even after the reassignment has finished.
It is only possible to have one reassignment running in the cluster at any given time, and it is not possible to cancel a running reassignment. If you need to cancel a reassignment you have to wait for it to complete and then perform another reassignment to revert the effects of the first one. The kafka-reassign-partitions.sh
will print the reassignment JSON for this reversion as part of its output. Very large reassignments should be broken down into a number of smaller reassignments in case there is a need to stop in-progress reassignment.
7.2.1. Reassignment JSON file
The reassignment JSON file has a specific structure:
"version": 1,
"partitions": [
Where <PartitionObjects> is a comma-separated list of objects like:
{ "topic": <TopicName>, "partition": <Partition>, "replicas": [ <AssignedBrokerIds> ], "log_dirs": [<LogDirs>] }
The "log_dirs"
property is optional and is used to move the partition to a specific log directory.
The following is an example reassignment JSON file that assigns topic topic-a
, partition 4
to brokers 2
, 4
and 7
, and topic topic-b
partition 2
to brokers 1
, 5
and 7
{ "version": 1, "partitions": [ { "topic": "topic-a", "partition": 4, "replicas": [2,4,7] }, { "topic": "topic-b", "partition": 2, "replicas": [1,5,7] } ] }
Partitions not included in the JSON are not changed.
7.2.2. Generating reassignment JSON files
The easiest way to assign all the partitions for a given set of topics to a given set of brokers is to generate a reassignment JSON file using the kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --generate
, command.
bin/kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --zookeeper <ZooKeeper> --topics-to-move-json-file <TopicsFile> --broker-list <BrokerList> --generate
The <TopicsFile>
is a JSON file which lists the topics to move. It has the following structure:
"version": 1,
"topics": [
where <TopicObjects> is a comma-separated list of objects like:
"topic": <TopicName>
For example to move all the partitions of topic-a
and topic-b
to brokers 4
and 7
bin/kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topics-to-move-json-file topics-to-be-moved.json --broker-list 4,7 --generate
where topics-to-be-moved.json
has contents:
{ "version": 1, "topics": [ { "topic": "topic-a"}, { "topic": "topic-b"} ] }
7.2.3. Creating reassignment JSON files manually
You can manually create the reassignment JSON file if you want to move specific partitions.
7.3. Reassignment throttles
Reassigning partitions can be a slow process because it can require moving lots of data between brokers. To avoid this having a detrimental impact on clients it is possible to throttle the reassignment. Using a throttle can mean the reassignment takes longer. If the throttle is too low then the newly assigned brokers will not be able to keep up with records being published and the reassignment will never complete. If the throttle is too high then clients will be impacted. For example, for producers, this could manifest as higher than normal latency waiting for acknowledgement. For consumers, this could manifest as a drop in throughput caused by higher latency between polls.
7.4. Scaling up a Kafka cluster
This procedure describes how to increase the number of brokers in a Kafka cluster.
- An existing Kafka cluster.
- A new machine with the AMQ broker installed.
- A reassignment JSON file of how partitions should be reassigned to brokers in the enlarged cluster.
Create a configuration file for the new broker using the same settings as for the other brokers in your cluster, except for
which should be a number that is not already used by any of the other brokers. Start the new Kafka broker passing the configuration file you created in the previous step as the argument to the
script:su - kafka /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-server-start.sh -daemon /opt/kafka/config/server.properties
Verify that the Kafka broker is running.
jcmd | grep Kafka
- Repeat the above steps for each new broker.
Execute the partition reassignment using the
command line tool.kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --zookeeper <ZooKeeperHostAndPort> --reassignment-json-file <ReassignmentJsonFile> --execute
If you are going to throttle replication you can also pass the
option with an inter-broker throttled rate in bytes per second. For example:kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --zookeeper zookeeper1:2181 --reassignment-json-file reassignment.json --throttle 5000000 --execute
This command will print out two reassignment JSON objects. The first records the current assignment for the partitions being moved. You should save this to a file in case you need to revert the reassignment later on. The second JSON object is the target reassignment you have passed in your reassignment JSON file.
If you need to change the throttle during reassignment you can use the same command line with a different throttled rate. For example:
kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --zookeeper zookeeper1:2181 --reassignment-json-file reassignment.json --throttle 10000000 --execute
Periodically verify whether the reassignment has completed using the
command line tool. This is the same command as the previous step but with the--verify
option instead of the--execute
option.kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --zookeeper <ZooKeeperHostAndPort> --reassignment-json-file <ReassignmentJsonFile> --verify
For example:
kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --zookeeper zookeeper1:2181 --reassignment-json-file reassignment.json --verify
The reassignment has finished when the
command reports each of the partitions being moved as completed successfully. This final--verify
will also have the effect of removing any reassignment throttles. You can now delete the revert file if you saved the JSON for reverting the assignment to their original brokers.
7.5. Scaling down a Kafka cluster
Additional resources
This procedure describes how to decrease the number of brokers in a Kafka cluster.
- An existing Kafka cluster.
- A reassignment JSON file of how partitions should be reassigned to brokers in the cluster once the broker(s) have been removed.
Execute the partition reassignment using the
command line tool.kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --zookeeper <ZooKeeperHostAndPort> --reassignment-json-file <ReassignmentJsonFile> --execute
If you are going to throttle replication you can also pass the
option with an inter-broker throttled rate in bytes per second. For example:kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --zookeeper zookeeper1:2181 --reassignment-json-file reassignment.json --throttle 5000000 --execute
This command will print out two reassignment JSON objects. The first records the current assignment for the partitions being moved. You should save this to a file in case you need to revert the reassignment later on. The second JSON object is the target reassignment you have passed in your reassignment JSON file.
If you need to change the throttle during reassignment you can use the same command line with a different throttled rate. For example:
kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --zookeeper zookeeper1:2181 --reassignment-json-file reassignment.json --throttle 10000000 --execute
Periodically verify whether the reassignment has completed using the
command line tool. This is the same command as the previous step but with the--verify
option instead of the--execute
option.kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --zookeeper <ZooKeeperHostAndPort> --reassignment-json-file <ReassignmentJsonFile> --verify
For example:
kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --zookeeper zookeeper1:2181 --reassignment-json-file reassignment.json --verify
The reassignment has finished when the
command reports each of the partitions being moved as completed successfully. This final--verify
will also have the effect of removing any reassignment throttles. You can now delete the revert file if you saved the JSON for reverting the assignment to their original brokers. Once all the partition reassignments have finished, the broker being removed should not have responsibility for any of the partitions in the cluster. You can verify this by checking each of the directories given in the broker’s
configuration parameters. If any of the log directories on the broker contains a directory that does not match the extended regular expression\.[a-z0-9]-delete$
then the broker still has live partitions and it should not be stopped.You can check this by executing the command:
ls -l <LogDir> | grep -E '^d' | grep -vE '[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-z0-9]+-delete$'
If the above command prints any output then the broker still has live partitions. In this case, either the reassignment has not finished, or the reassignment JSON file was incorrect.
Once you have confirmed that the broker has no live partitions you can stop it.
su - kafka /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-server-stop.sh
Confirm that the Kafka broker is stopped.
jcmd | grep kafka
7.6. Scaling up a ZooKeeper cluster
This procedure describes how to add servers (nodes) to a ZooKeeper cluster. The dynamic reconfiguration feature of ZooKeeper maintains a stable ZooKeeper cluster during the scale up process.
Dynamic reconfiguration is enabled in the ZooKeeper configuration file (
). - ZooKeeper authentication is enabled and you can access the new server using the authentication mechanism.
Perform the following steps for each ZooKeeper server, one at a time:
- Add a server to the ZooKeeper cluster as described in Section 3.3, “Running multi-node ZooKeeper cluster” and then start ZooKeeper.
- Note the IP address and configured access ports of the new server.
Start a
session for the server. Run the following command from a machine that has access to the cluster (this might be one of the ZooKeeper nodes or your local machine, if it has access).su - kafka /opt/kafka/bin/zookeeper-shell.sh <ip-address>:<zk-port>
In the shell session, with the ZooKeeper node running, enter the following line to add the new server to the quorum as a voting member:
reconfig -add server.<positive-id> = <address1>:<port1>:<port2>[:role];[<client-port-address>:]<client-port>
For example:
reconfig -add server.4=;
is the new server ID4
.For the two ports,
2888 is for communication between ZooKeeper servers, and<port2>
3888 is for leader election.The new configuration propagates to the other servers in the ZooKeeper cluster; the new server is now a full member of the quorum.
- Repeat steps 1-4 for the other servers that you want to add.
Additional resources
7.7. Scaling down a ZooKeeper cluster
This procedure describes how to remove servers (nodes) from a ZooKeeper cluster. The dynamic reconfiguration feature of ZooKeeper maintains a stable ZooKeeper cluster during the scale down process.
Dynamic reconfiguration is enabled in the ZooKeeper configuration file (
). - ZooKeeper authentication is enabled and you can access the new server using the authentication mechanism.
Perform the following steps for each ZooKeeper server, one at a time:
Log in to the
on one of the servers that will be retained after the scale down (for example, server 1).NoteAccess the server using the authentication mechanism configured for the ZooKeeper cluster.
Remove a server, for example server 5.
reconfig -remove 5
- Deactivate the server that you removed.
- Repeat steps 1-3 to reduce the cluster size.
Additional resources
- Section 7.6, “Scaling up a ZooKeeper cluster”
- Removing servers in the ZooKeeper documentation
Chapter 8. Monitoring your cluster using JMX
ZooKeeper, the Kafka broker, Kafka Connect, and the Kafka clients all expose management information using Java Management Extensions (JMX). Most management information is in the form of metrics that are useful for monitoring the condition and performance of your Kafka cluster. Like other Java applications, Kafka provides this management information through managed beans or MBeans.
JMX works at the level of the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). To obtain management information, external tools can connect to the JVM that is running ZooKeeper, the Kafka broker, and so on. By default, only tools on the same machine and running as the same user as the JVM are able to connect.
Management information for ZooKeeper is not documented here. You can view ZooKeeper metrics in JConsole. For more information, see Monitoring using JConsole.
8.1. JMX configuration options
You configure JMX using JVM system properties. The scripts provided with AMQ Streams (bin/kafka-server-start.sh
and bin/connect-distributed.sh
, and so on) use the KAFKA_JMX_OPTS
environment variable to set these system properties. The system properties for configuring JMX are the same, even though Kafka producer, consumer, and streams applications typically start the JVM in different ways.
8.2. Disabling the JMX agent
You can prevent local JMX tools from connecting to the JVM (for example, for compliance reasons) by disabling the JMX agent for an AMQ Streams component. The following procedure explains how to disable the JMX agent for a Kafka broker.
Use the
environment variable to setcom.sun.management.jmxremote
.export KAFKA_JMX_OPTS=-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote=false bin/kafka-server-start.sh
- Start the JVM.
8.3. Connecting to the JVM from a different machine
You can connect to the JVM from a different machine by configuring the port that the JMX agent listens on. This is insecure because it allows JMX tools to connect from anywhere, with no authentication.
Use the
environment variable to set-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=<port>
. For<port>
, enter the name of the port on which you want the Kafka broker to listen for JMX connections.export KAFKA_JMX_OPTS="-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote=true -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=<port> -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false" bin/kafka-server-start.sh
- Start the JVM.
It is recommended that you configure authentication and SSL to ensure that the remote JMX connection is secure. For more information about the system properties needed to do this, see the JMX documentation.
8.4. Monitoring using JConsole
The JConsole tool is distributed with the Java Development Kit (JDK). You can use JConsole to connect to a local or remote JVM and discover and display management information from Java applications. If using JConsole to connect to a local JVM, the names of the JVM processes corresponding to the different components of AMQ Streams.
AMQ Streams component | JVM process |
ZooKeeper |
Kafka broker |
Kafka Connect standalone |
Kafka Connect distributed |
A Kafka producer, consumer, or Streams application |
The name of the class containing the |
When using JConsole to connect to a remote JVM, use the appropriate host name and JMX port.
Many other tools and monitoring products can be used to fetch the metrics using JMX and provide monitoring and alerting based on those metrics. Refer to the product documentation for those tools.
8.5. Important Kafka broker metrics
Kafka provides many MBeans for monitoring the performance of the brokers in your Kafka cluster. These apply to an individual broker rather than the entire cluster.
The following tables present a selection of these broker-level MBeans organized into server, network, logging, and controller metrics.
8.5.1. Kafka server metrics
The following table shows a selection of metrics that report information about the Kafka server.
Metric | MBean | Description | Expected value |
Messages in per second |
| The rate at which individual messages are consumed by the broker. | Approximately the same as the other brokers in the cluster. |
Bytes in per second |
| The rate at which data sent from producers is consumed by the broker. | Approximately the same as the other brokers in the cluster. |
Replication bytes in per second |
| The rate at which data sent from other brokers is consumed by the follower broker. | N/A |
Bytes out per second |
| The rate at which data is fetched and read from the broker by consumers. | N/A |
Replication bytes out per second |
| The rate at which data is sent from the broker to other brokers. This metric is useful to monitor if the broker is a leader for a group of partitions. | N/A |
Under-replicated partitions |
| The number of partitions that have not been fully replicated in the follower replicas. | Zero |
Under minimum ISR partition count |
| The number of partitions under the minimum In-Sync Replica (ISR) count. The ISR count indicates the set of replicas that are up-to-date with the leader. | Zero |
Partition count |
| The number of partitions in the broker. | Approximately even when compared with the other brokers. |
Leader count |
| The number of replicas for which this broker is the leader. | Approximately the same as the other brokers in the cluster. |
ISR shrinks per second |
| The rate at which the number of ISRs in the broker decreases | Zero |
ISR expands per second |
| The rate at which the number of ISRs in the broker increases. | Zero |
Maximum lag |
| The maximum lag between the time that messages are received by the leader replica and by the follower replicas. | Proportional to the maximum batch size of a produce request. |
Requests in producer purgatory |
| The number of send requests in the producer purgatory. | N/A |
Requests in fetch purgatory |
| The number of fetch requests in the fetch purgatory. | N/A |
Request handler average idle percent |
| Indicates the percentage of time that the request handler (IO) threads are not in use. | A lower value indicates that the workload of the broker is high. |
Request (Requests exempt from throttling) |
| The number of requests that are exempt from throttling. | N/A |
ZooKeeper request latency in milliseconds |
| The latency for ZooKeeper requests from the broker, in milliseconds. | N/A |
ZooKeeper session state |
| The status of the broker’s connection to ZooKeeper. | CONNECTED |
8.5.2. Kafka network metrics
The following table shows a selection of metrics that report information about requests.
Metric | MBean | Description | Expected value |
Requests per second |
The total number of requests made for the request type per second. The | N/A |
Request bytes (request size in bytes) |
The size of requests, in bytes, made for the request type identified by the | N/A |
Temporary memory size in bytes |
| The amount of temporary memory used for converting message formats and decompressing messages. | N/A |
Message conversions time |
| Time, in milliseconds, spent on converting message formats. | N/A |
Total request time in milliseconds |
| Total time, in milliseconds, spent processing requests. | N/A |
Request queue time in milliseconds |
The time, in milliseconds, that a request currently spends in the queue for the request type given in the | N/A |
Local time (leader local processing time) in milliseconds |
| The time taken, in milliseconds, for the leader to process the request. | N/A |
Remote time (leader remote processing time) in milliseconds |
The length of time, in milliseconds, that the request waits for the follower. Separate MBeans for all available request types are listed under the | N/A |
Response queue time in milliseconds |
| The length of time, in milliseconds, that the request waits in the response queue. | N/A |
Response send time in milliseconds |
| The time taken, in milliseconds, to send the response. | N/A |
Network processor average idle percent |
| The average percentage of time that the network processors are idle. | Between zero and one. |
8.5.3. Kafka log metrics
The following table shows a selection of metrics that report information about logging.
Metric | MBean | Description | Expected Value |
Log flush rate and time in milliseconds |
| The rate at which log data is written to disk, in milliseconds. | N/A |
Offline log directory count |
| The number of offline log directories (for example, after a hardware failure). | Zero |
8.5.4. Kafka controller metrics
The following table shows a selection of metrics that report information about the controller of the cluster.
Metric | MBean | Description | Expected Value |
Active controller count |
| The number of brokers designated as controllers. | One indicates that the broker is the controller for the cluster. |
Leader election rate and time in milliseconds |
| The rate at which new leader replicas are elected. | Zero |
8.5.5. Yammer metrics
Metrics that express a rate or unit of time are provided as Yammer metrics. The class name of an MBean that uses Yammer metrics is prefixed with com.yammer.metrics
Yammer rate metrics have the following attributes for monitoring requests:
- Count
- EventType (Bytes)
- FifteenMinuteRate
- RateUnit (Seconds)
- MeanRate
- OneMinuteRate
- FiveMinuteRate
Yammer time metrics have the following attributes for monitoring requests:
- Max
- Min
- Mean
- StdDev
- 75/95/98/99/99.9th Percentile
8.6. Producer MBeans
The following MBeans will exist in Kafka producer applications, including Kafka Streams applications and Kafka Connect with source connectors.
8.6.1. MBeans matching kafka.producer:type=producer-metrics,client-id=*
These are metrics at the producer level.
Attribute | Description |
batch-size-avg | The average number of bytes sent per partition per-request. |
batch-size-max | The max number of bytes sent per partition per-request. |
batch-split-rate | The average number of batch splits per second. |
batch-split-total | The total number of batch splits. |
buffer-available-bytes | The total amount of buffer memory that is not being used (either unallocated or in the free list). |
buffer-total-bytes | The maximum amount of buffer memory the client can use (whether or not it is currently used). |
bufferpool-wait-time | The fraction of time an appender waits for space allocation. |
compression-rate-avg | The average compression rate of record batches. |
connection-close-rate | Connections closed per second in the window. |
connection-count | The current number of active connections. |
connection-creation-rate | New connections established per second in the window. |
failed-authentication-rate | Connections that failed authentication. |
incoming-byte-rate | Bytes/second read off all sockets. |
io-ratio | The fraction of time the I/O thread spent doing I/O. |
io-time-ns-avg | The average length of time for I/O per select call in nanoseconds. |
io-wait-ratio | The fraction of time the I/O thread spent waiting. |
io-wait-time-ns-avg | The average length of time the I/O thread spent waiting for a socket ready for reads or writes in nanoseconds. |
metadata-age | The age in seconds of the current producer metadata being used. |
network-io-rate | The average number of network operations (reads or writes) on all connections per second. |
outgoing-byte-rate | The average number of outgoing bytes sent per second to all servers. |
produce-throttle-time-avg | The average time in ms a request was throttled by a broker. |
produce-throttle-time-max | The maximum time in ms a request was throttled by a broker. |
record-error-rate | The average per-second number of record sends that resulted in errors. |
record-error-total | The total number of record sends that resulted in errors. |
record-queue-time-avg | The average time in ms record batches spent in the send buffer. |
record-queue-time-max | The maximum time in ms record batches spent in the send buffer. |
record-retry-rate | The average per-second number of retried record sends. |
record-retry-total | The total number of retried record sends. |
record-send-rate | The average number of records sent per second. |
record-send-total | The total number of records sent. |
record-size-avg | The average record size. |
record-size-max | The maximum record size. |
records-per-request-avg | The average number of records per request. |
request-latency-avg | The average request latency in ms. |
request-latency-max | The maximum request latency in ms. |
request-rate | The average number of requests sent per second. |
request-size-avg | The average size of all requests in the window. |
request-size-max | The maximum size of any request sent in the window. |
requests-in-flight | The current number of in-flight requests awaiting a response. |
response-rate | Responses received sent per second. |
select-rate | Number of times the I/O layer checked for new I/O to perform per second. |
successful-authentication-rate | Connections that were successfully authenticated using SASL or SSL. |
waiting-threads | The number of user threads blocked waiting for buffer memory to enqueue their records. |
8.6.2. MBeans matching kafka.producer:type=producer-metrics,client-id=*,node-id=*
These are metrics at the producer level about connection to each broker.
Attribute | Description |
incoming-byte-rate | The average number of responses received per second for a node. |
outgoing-byte-rate | The average number of outgoing bytes sent per second for a node. |
request-latency-avg | The average request latency in ms for a node. |
request-latency-max | The maximum request latency in ms for a node. |
request-rate | The average number of requests sent per second for a node. |
request-size-avg | The average size of all requests in the window for a node. |
request-size-max | The maximum size of any request sent in the window for a node. |
response-rate | Responses received sent per second for a node. |
8.6.3. MBeans matching kafka.producer:type=producer-topic-metrics,client-id=*,topic=*
These are metrics at the topic level about topics the producer is sending messages to.
Attribute | Description |
byte-rate | The average number of bytes sent per second for a topic. |
byte-total | The total number of bytes sent for a topic. |
compression-rate | The average compression rate of record batches for a topic. |
record-error-rate | The average per-second number of record sends that resulted in errors for a topic. |
record-error-total | The total number of record sends that resulted in errors for a topic. |
record-retry-rate | The average per-second number of retried record sends for a topic. |
record-retry-total | The total number of retried record sends for a topic. |
record-send-rate | The average number of records sent per second for a topic. |
record-send-total | The total number of records sent for a topic. |
8.7. Consumer MBeans
The following MBeans will exist in Kafka consumer applications, including Kafka Streams applications and Kafka Connect with sink connectors.
8.7.1. MBeans matching kafka.consumer:type=consumer-metrics,client-id=*
These are metrics at the consumer level.
Attribute | Description |
connection-close-rate | Connections closed per second in the window. |
connection-count | The current number of active connections. |
connection-creation-rate | New connections established per second in the window. |
failed-authentication-rate | Connections that failed authentication. |
incoming-byte-rate | Bytes/second read off all sockets. |
io-ratio | The fraction of time the I/O thread spent doing I/O. |
io-time-ns-avg | The average length of time for I/O per select call in nanoseconds. |
io-wait-ratio | The fraction of time the I/O thread spent waiting. |
io-wait-time-ns-avg | The average length of time the I/O thread spent waiting for a socket ready for reads or writes in nanoseconds. |
network-io-rate | The average number of network operations (reads or writes) on all connections per second. |
outgoing-byte-rate | The average number of outgoing bytes sent per second to all servers. |
request-rate | The average number of requests sent per second. |
request-size-avg | The average size of all requests in the window. |
request-size-max | The maximum size of any request sent in the window. |
response-rate | Responses received sent per second. |
select-rate | Number of times the I/O layer checked for new I/O to perform per second. |
successful-authentication-rate | Connections that were successfully authenticated using SASL or SSL. |
8.7.2. MBeans matching kafka.consumer:type=consumer-metrics,client-id=*,node-id=*
These are metrics at the consumer level about connection to each broker.
Attribute | Description |
incoming-byte-rate | The average number of responses received per second for a node. |
outgoing-byte-rate | The average number of outgoing bytes sent per second for a node. |
request-latency-avg | The average request latency in ms for a node. |
request-latency-max | The maximum request latency in ms for a node. |
request-rate | The average number of requests sent per second for a node. |
request-size-avg | The average size of all requests in the window for a node. |
request-size-max | The maximum size of any request sent in the window for a node. |
response-rate | Responses received sent per second for a node. |
8.7.3. MBeans matching kafka.consumer:type=consumer-coordinator-metrics,client-id=*
These are metrics at the consumer level about the consumer group.
Attribute | Description |
assigned-partitions | The number of partitions currently assigned to this consumer. |
commit-latency-avg | The average time taken for a commit request. |
commit-latency-max | The max time taken for a commit request. |
commit-rate | The number of commit calls per second. |
heartbeat-rate | The average number of heartbeats per second. |
heartbeat-response-time-max | The max time taken to receive a response to a heartbeat request. |
join-rate | The number of group joins per second. |
join-time-avg | The average time taken for a group rejoin. |
join-time-max | The max time taken for a group rejoin. |
last-heartbeat-seconds-ago | The number of seconds since the last controller heartbeat. |
sync-rate | The number of group syncs per second. |
sync-time-avg | The average time taken for a group sync. |
sync-time-max | The max time taken for a group sync. |
8.7.4. MBeans matching kafka.consumer:type=consumer-fetch-manager-metrics,client-id=*
These are metrics at the consumer level about the consumer's fetcher.
Attribute | Description |
bytes-consumed-rate | The average number of bytes consumed per second. |
bytes-consumed-total | The total number of bytes consumed. |
fetch-latency-avg | The average time taken for a fetch request. |
fetch-latency-max | The max time taken for any fetch request. |
fetch-rate | The number of fetch requests per second. |
fetch-size-avg | The average number of bytes fetched per request. |
fetch-size-max | The maximum number of bytes fetched per request. |
fetch-throttle-time-avg | The average throttle time in ms. |
fetch-throttle-time-max | The maximum throttle time in ms. |
fetch-total | The total number of fetch requests. |
records-consumed-rate | The average number of records consumed per second. |
records-consumed-total | The total number of records consumed. |
records-lag-max | The maximum lag in terms of number of records for any partition in this window. |
records-lead-min | The minimum lead in terms of number of records for any partition in this window. |
records-per-request-avg | The average number of records in each request. |
8.7.5. MBeans matching kafka.consumer:type=consumer-fetch-manager-metrics,client-id=*,topic=*
These are metrics at the topic level about the consumer's fetcher.
Attribute | Description |
bytes-consumed-rate | The average number of bytes consumed per second for a topic. |
bytes-consumed-total | The total number of bytes consumed for a topic. |
fetch-size-avg | The average number of bytes fetched per request for a topic. |
fetch-size-max | The maximum number of bytes fetched per request for a topic. |
records-consumed-rate | The average number of records consumed per second for a topic. |
records-consumed-total | The total number of records consumed for a topic. |
records-per-request-avg | The average number of records in each request for a topic. |
8.7.6. MBeans matching kafka.consumer:type=consumer-fetch-manager-metrics,client-id=*,topic=*,partition=*
These are metrics at the partition level about the consumer's fetcher.
Attribute | Description |
preferred-read-replica | The current read replica for the partition, or -1 if reading from leader. |
records-lag | The latest lag of the partition. |
records-lag-avg | The average lag of the partition. |
records-lag-max | The max lag of the partition. |
records-lead | The latest lead of the partition. |
records-lead-avg | The average lead of the partition. |
records-lead-min | The min lead of the partition. |
8.8. Kafka Connect MBeans
8.8.1. MBeans matching kafka.connect:type=connect-metrics,client-id=*
These are metrics at the connect level.
Attribute | Description |
connection-close-rate | Connections closed per second in the window. |
connection-count | The current number of active connections. |
connection-creation-rate | New connections established per second in the window. |
failed-authentication-rate | Connections that failed authentication. |
incoming-byte-rate | Bytes/second read off all sockets. |
io-ratio | The fraction of time the I/O thread spent doing I/O. |
io-time-ns-avg | The average length of time for I/O per select call in nanoseconds. |
io-wait-ratio | The fraction of time the I/O thread spent waiting. |
io-wait-time-ns-avg | The average length of time the I/O thread spent waiting for a socket ready for reads or writes in nanoseconds. |
network-io-rate | The average number of network operations (reads or writes) on all connections per second. |
outgoing-byte-rate | The average number of outgoing bytes sent per second to all servers. |
request-rate | The average number of requests sent per second. |
request-size-avg | The average size of all requests in the window. |
request-size-max | The maximum size of any request sent in the window. |
response-rate | Responses received sent per second. |
select-rate | Number of times the I/O layer checked for new I/O to perform per second. |
successful-authentication-rate | Connections that were successfully authenticated using SASL or SSL. |
8.8.2. MBeans matching kafka.connect:type=connect-metrics,client-id=*,node-id=*
These are metrics at the connect level about connection to each broker.
Attribute | Description |
incoming-byte-rate | The average number of responses received per second for a node. |
outgoing-byte-rate | The average number of outgoing bytes sent per second for a node. |
request-latency-avg | The average request latency in ms for a node. |
request-latency-max | The maximum request latency in ms for a node. |
request-rate | The average number of requests sent per second for a node. |
request-size-avg | The average size of all requests in the window for a node. |
request-size-max | The maximum size of any request sent in the window for a node. |
response-rate | Responses received sent per second for a node. |
8.8.3. MBeans matching kafka.connect:type=connect-worker-metrics
These are metrics at the connect level.
Attribute | Description |
connector-count | The number of connectors run in this worker. |
connector-startup-attempts-total | The total number of connector startups that this worker has attempted. |
connector-startup-failure-percentage | The average percentage of this worker’s connectors starts that failed. |
connector-startup-failure-total | The total number of connector starts that failed. |
connector-startup-success-percentage | The average percentage of this worker’s connectors starts that succeeded. |
connector-startup-success-total | The total number of connector starts that succeeded. |
task-count | The number of tasks run in this worker. |
task-startup-attempts-total | The total number of task startups that this worker has attempted. |
task-startup-failure-percentage | The average percentage of this worker’s tasks starts that failed. |
task-startup-failure-total | The total number of task starts that failed. |
task-startup-success-percentage | The average percentage of this worker’s tasks starts that succeeded. |
task-startup-success-total | The total number of task starts that succeeded. |
8.8.4. MBeans matching kafka.connect:type=connect-worker-rebalance-metrics
Attribute | Description |
completed-rebalances-total | The total number of rebalances completed by this worker. |
connect-protocol | The Connect protocol used by this cluster. |
epoch | The epoch or generation number of this worker. |
leader-name | The name of the group leader. |
rebalance-avg-time-ms | The average time in milliseconds spent by this worker to rebalance. |
rebalance-max-time-ms | The maximum time in milliseconds spent by this worker to rebalance. |
rebalancing | Whether this worker is currently rebalancing. |
time-since-last-rebalance-ms | The time in milliseconds since this worker completed the most recent rebalance. |
8.8.5. MBeans matching kafka.connect:type=connector-metrics,connector=*
Attribute | Description |
connector-class | The name of the connector class. |
connector-type | The type of the connector. One of 'source' or 'sink'. |
connector-version | The version of the connector class, as reported by the connector. |
status | The status of the connector. One of 'unassigned', 'running', 'paused', 'failed', or 'destroyed'. |
8.8.6. MBeans matching kafka.connect:type=connector-task-metrics,connector=*,task=*
Attribute | Description |
batch-size-avg | The average size of the batches processed by the connector. |
batch-size-max | The maximum size of the batches processed by the connector. |
offset-commit-avg-time-ms | The average time in milliseconds taken by this task to commit offsets. |
offset-commit-failure-percentage | The average percentage of this task’s offset commit attempts that failed. |
offset-commit-max-time-ms | The maximum time in milliseconds taken by this task to commit offsets. |
offset-commit-success-percentage | The average percentage of this task’s offset commit attempts that succeeded. |
pause-ratio | The fraction of time this task has spent in the pause state. |
running-ratio | The fraction of time this task has spent in the running state. |
status | The status of the connector task. One of 'unassigned', 'running', 'paused', 'failed', or 'destroyed'. |
8.8.7. MBeans matching kafka.connect:type=sink-task-metrics,connector=*,task=*
Attribute | Description |
offset-commit-completion-rate | The average per-second number of offset commit completions that were completed successfully. |
offset-commit-completion-total | The total number of offset commit completions that were completed successfully. |
offset-commit-seq-no | The current sequence number for offset commits. |
offset-commit-skip-rate | The average per-second number of offset commit completions that were received too late and skipped/ignored. |
offset-commit-skip-total | The total number of offset commit completions that were received too late and skipped/ignored. |
partition-count | The number of topic partitions assigned to this task belonging to the named sink connector in this worker. |
put-batch-avg-time-ms | The average time taken by this task to put a batch of sinks records. |
put-batch-max-time-ms | The maximum time taken by this task to put a batch of sinks records. |
sink-record-active-count | The number of records that have been read from Kafka but not yet completely committed/flushed/acknowledged by the sink task. |
sink-record-active-count-avg | The average number of records that have been read from Kafka but not yet completely committed/flushed/acknowledged by the sink task. |
sink-record-active-count-max | The maximum number of records that have been read from Kafka but not yet completely committed/flushed/acknowledged by the sink task. |
sink-record-lag-max | The maximum lag in terms of number of records that the sink task is behind the consumer’s position for any topic partitions. |
sink-record-read-rate | The average per-second number of records read from Kafka for this task belonging to the named sink connector in this worker. This is before transformations are applied. |
sink-record-read-total | The total number of records read from Kafka by this task belonging to the named sink connector in this worker, since the task was last restarted. |
sink-record-send-rate | The average per-second number of records output from the transformations and sent/put to this task belonging to the named sink connector in this worker. This is after transformations are applied and excludes any records filtered out by the transformations. |
sink-record-send-total | The total number of records output from the transformations and sent/put to this task belonging to the named sink connector in this worker, since the task was last restarted. |
8.8.8. MBeans matching kafka.connect:type=source-task-metrics,connector=*,task=*
Attribute | Description |
poll-batch-avg-time-ms | The average time in milliseconds taken by this task to poll for a batch of source records. |
poll-batch-max-time-ms | The maximum time in milliseconds taken by this task to poll for a batch of source records. |
source-record-active-count | The number of records that have been produced by this task but not yet completely written to Kafka. |
source-record-active-count-avg | The average number of records that have been produced by this task but not yet completely written to Kafka. |
source-record-active-count-max | The maximum number of records that have been produced by this task but not yet completely written to Kafka. |
source-record-poll-rate | The average per-second number of records produced/polled (before transformation) by this task belonging to the named source connector in this worker. |
source-record-poll-total | The total number of records produced/polled (before transformation) by this task belonging to the named source connector in this worker. |
source-record-write-rate | The average per-second number of records output from the transformations and written to Kafka for this task belonging to the named source connector in this worker. This is after transformations are applied and excludes any records filtered out by the transformations. |
source-record-write-total | The number of records output from the transformations and written to Kafka for this task belonging to the named source connector in this worker, since the task was last restarted. |
8.8.9. MBeans matching kafka.connect:type=task-error-metrics,connector=*,task=*
Attribute | Description |
deadletterqueue-produce-failures | The number of failed writes to the dead letter queue. |
deadletterqueue-produce-requests | The number of attempted writes to the dead letter queue. |
last-error-timestamp | The epoch timestamp when this task last encountered an error. |
total-errors-logged | The number of errors that were logged. |
total-record-errors | The number of record processing errors in this task. |
total-record-failures | The number of record processing failures in this task. |
total-records-skipped | The number of records skipped due to errors. |
total-retries | The number of operations retried. |
8.9. Kafka Streams MBeans
8.9.1. MBeans matching kafka.streams:type=stream-metrics,client-id=*
These metrics are collected when the metrics.recording.level
configuration parameter is info
or debug
Attribute | Description |
commit-latency-avg | The average execution time in ms for committing, across all running tasks of this thread. |
commit-latency-max | The maximum execution time in ms for committing across all running tasks of this thread. |
commit-rate | The average number of commits per second. |
commit-total | The total number of commit calls across all tasks. |
poll-latency-avg | The average execution time in ms for polling, across all running tasks of this thread. |
poll-latency-max | The maximum execution time in ms for polling across all running tasks of this thread. |
poll-rate | The average number of polls per second. |
poll-total | The total number of poll calls across all tasks. |
process-latency-avg | The average execution time in ms for processing, across all running tasks of this thread. |
process-latency-max | The maximum execution time in ms for processing across all running tasks of this thread. |
process-rate | The average number of process calls per second. |
process-total | The total number of process calls across all tasks. |
punctuate-latency-avg | The average execution time in ms for punctuating, across all running tasks of this thread. |
punctuate-latency-max | The maximum execution time in ms for punctuating across all running tasks of this thread. |
punctuate-rate | The average number of punctuates per second. |
punctuate-total | The total number of punctuate calls across all tasks. |
skipped-records-rate | The average number of skipped records per second. |
skipped-records-total | The total number of skipped records. |
task-closed-rate | The average number of tasks closed per second. |
task-closed-total | The total number of tasks closed. |
task-created-rate | The average number of newly created tasks per second. |
task-created-total | The total number of tasks created. |
8.9.2. MBeans matching kafka.streams:type=stream-task-metrics,client-id=*,task-id=*
Task metrics.
These metrics are collected when the metrics.recording.level
configuration parameter is debug
Attribute | Description |
commit-latency-avg | The average commit time in ns for this task. |
commit-latency-max | The maximum commit time in ns for this task. |
commit-rate | The average number of commit calls per second. |
commit-total | The total number of commit calls. |
8.9.3. MBeans matching kafka.streams:type=stream-processor-node-metrics,client-id=*,task-id=*,processor-node-id=*
Processor node metrics.
These metrics are collected when the metrics.recording.level
configuration parameter is debug
Attribute | Description |
create-latency-avg | The average create execution time in ns. |
create-latency-max | The maximum create execution time in ns. |
create-rate | The average number of create operations per second. |
create-total | The total number of create operations called. |
destroy-latency-avg | The average destroy execution time in ns. |
destroy-latency-max | The maximum destroy execution time in ns. |
destroy-rate | The average number of destroy operations per second. |
destroy-total | The total number of destroy operations called. |
forward-rate | The average rate of records being forwarded downstream, from source nodes only, per second. |
forward-total | The total number of of records being forwarded downstream, from source nodes only. |
process-latency-avg | The average process execution time in ns. |
process-latency-max | The maximum process execution time in ns. |
process-rate | The average number of process operations per second. |
process-total | The total number of process operations called. |
punctuate-latency-avg | The average punctuate execution time in ns. |
punctuate-latency-max | The maximum punctuate execution time in ns. |
punctuate-rate | The average number of punctuate operations per second. |
punctuate-total | The total number of punctuate operations called. |
8.9.4. MBeans matching kafka.streams:type=stream-[store-scope]-metrics,client-id=*,task-id=*,[store-scope]-id=*
State store metrics.
These metrics are collected when the metrics.recording.level
configuration parameter is debug
Attribute | Description |
all-latency-avg | The average all operation execution time in ns. |
all-latency-max | The maximum all operation execution time in ns. |
all-rate | The average all operation rate for this store. |
all-total | The total number of all operation calls for this store. |
delete-latency-avg | The average delete execution time in ns. |
delete-latency-max | The maximum delete execution time in ns. |
delete-rate | The average delete rate for this store. |
delete-total | The total number of delete calls for this store. |
flush-latency-avg | The average flush execution time in ns. |
flush-latency-max | The maximum flush execution time in ns. |
flush-rate | The average flush rate for this store. |
flush-total | The total number of flush calls for this store. |
get-latency-avg | The average get execution time in ns. |
get-latency-max | The maximum get execution time in ns. |
get-rate | The average get rate for this store. |
get-total | The total number of get calls for this store. |
put-all-latency-avg | The average put-all execution time in ns. |
put-all-latency-max | The maximum put-all execution time in ns. |
put-all-rate | The average put-all rate for this store. |
put-all-total | The total number of put-all calls for this store. |
put-if-absent-latency-avg | The average put-if-absent execution time in ns. |
put-if-absent-latency-max | The maximum put-if-absent execution time in ns. |
put-if-absent-rate | The average put-if-absent rate for this store. |
put-if-absent-total | The total number of put-if-absent calls for this store. |
put-latency-avg | The average put execution time in ns. |
put-latency-max | The maximum put execution time in ns. |
put-rate | The average put rate for this store. |
put-total | The total number of put calls for this store. |
range-latency-avg | The average range execution time in ns. |
range-latency-max | The maximum range execution time in ns. |
range-rate | The average range rate for this store. |
range-total | The total number of range calls for this store. |
restore-latency-avg | The average restore execution time in ns. |
restore-latency-max | The maximum restore execution time in ns. |
restore-rate | The average restore rate for this store. |
restore-total | The total number of restore calls for this store. |
8.9.5. MBeans matching kafka.streams:type=stream-record-cache-metrics,client-id=*,task-id=*,record-cache-id=*
Record cache metrics.
These metrics are collected when the metrics.recording.level
configuration parameter is debug
Attribute | Description |
hitRatio-avg | The average cache hit ratio defined as the ratio of cache read hits over the total cache read requests. |
hitRatio-max | The maximum cache hit ratio. |
hitRatio-min | The mininum cache hit ratio. |
Chapter 9. Kafka Connect
Kafka Connect is a tool for streaming data between Apache Kafka and external systems. It provides a framework for moving large amounts of data while maintaining scalability and reliability. Kafka Connect is typically used to integrate Kafka with database, storage, and messaging systems that are external to your Kafka cluster.
Kafka Connect uses connector plug-ins that implement connectivity for different types of external systems. There are two types of connector plug-ins: sink and source. Sink connectors stream data from Kafka to external systems. Source connectors stream data from external systems into Kafka.
Kafka Connect can run in standalone or distributed modes.
- Standalone mode
- In standalone mode, Kafka Connect runs on a single node with user-defined configuration read from a properties file.
- Distributed mode
- In distributed mode, Kafka Connect runs across one or more worker nodes and the workloads are distributed among them. You manage connectors and their configuration using an HTTP REST interface.
9.1. Kafka Connect in standalone mode
In standalone mode, Kafka Connect runs as a single process, on a single node. You manage the configuration of standalone mode using properties files.
9.1.1. Configuring Kafka Connect in standalone mode
To configure Kafka Connect in standalone mode, edit the config/connect-standalone.properties
configuration file. The following options are the most important.
A list of Kafka broker addresses used as bootstrap connections to Kafka. For example,
. key.converter
The class used to convert message keys to and from Kafka format. For example,
. value.converter
The class used to convert message payloads to and from Kafka format. For example,
. offset.storage.file.filename
- Specifies the file in which the offset data is stored.
An example configuration file is provided in the installation directory at config/connect-standalone.properties
. For a complete list of all supported Kafka Connect configuration options, see [kafka-connect-configuration-parameters-str].
Connector plug-ins open client connections to the Kafka brokers using the bootstrap address. To configure these connections, use the standard Kafka producer and consumer configuration options prefixed by producer.
or consumer.
For more information on configuring Kafka producers and consumers, see:
9.1.2. Configuring connectors in Kafka Connect in standalone mode
You can configure connector plug-ins for Kafka Connect in standalone mode using properties files. Most configuration options are specific to each connector. The following options apply to all connectors:
- The name of the connector, which must be unique within the current Kafka Connect instance.
The class of the connector plug-in. For example,
. tasks.max
- The maximum number of tasks that the specified connector can use. Tasks enable the connector to perform work in parallel. The connector might create fewer tasks than specified.
The class used to convert message keys to and from Kafka format. This overrides the default value set by the Kafka Connect configuration. For example,
. value.converter
The class used to convert message payloads to and from Kafka format. This overrides the default value set by the Kafka Connect configuration. For example,
Additionally, you must set at least one of the following options for sink connectors:
- A comma-separated list of topics used as input.
- A Java regular expression of topics used as input.
For all other options, see the documentation for the available connectors.
AMQ Streams includes example connector configuration files – see config/connect-file-sink.properties
and config/connect-file-source.properties
in the AMQ Streams installation directory.
9.1.3. Running Kafka Connect in standalone mode
This procedure describes how to configure and run Kafka Connect in standalone mode.
- An installed and running AMQ Streams} cluster.
Edit the
Kafka Connect configuration file and setbootstrap.server
to point to your Kafka brokers. For example:bootstrap.servers=kafka0.my-domain.com:9092,kafka1.my-domain.com:9092,kafka2.my-domain.com:9092
Start Kafka Connect with the configuration file and specify one or more connector configurations.
su - kafka /opt/kafka/bin/connect-standalone.sh /opt/kafka/config/connect-standalone.properties connector1.properties [connector2.properties ...]
Verify that Kafka Connect is running.
jcmd | grep ConnectStandalone
Additional resources
- For more information on installing AMQ Streams, see Section 2.3, “Installing AMQ Streams”.
- For more information on configuring AMQ Streams, see Section 2.8, “Configuring AMQ Streams”.
- For a complete list of supported Kafka Connect configuration options, see Appendix F, Kafka Connect configuration parameters.
9.2. Kafka Connect in distributed mode
In distributed mode, Kafka Connect runs across one or more worker nodes and the workloads are distributed among them. You manage connector plug-ins and their configuration using the HTTP REST interface.
9.2.1. Configuring Kafka Connect in distributed mode
To configure Kafka Connect in distributed mode, edit the config/connect-distributed.properties
configuration file. The following options are the most important.
A list of Kafka broker addresses used as bootstrap connections to Kafka. For example,
. key.converter
The class used to convert message keys to and from Kafka format. For example,
. value.converter
The class used to convert message payloads to and from Kafka format. For example,
. group.id
The name of the distributed Kafka Connect cluster. This must be unique and must not conflict with another consumer group ID. The default value is
. config.storage.topic
The Kafka topic used to store connector configurations. The default value is
. offset.storage.topic
The Kafka topic used to store offsets. The default value is
. status.storage.topic
The Kafka topic used for worker node statuses. The default value is
AMQ Streams includes an example configuration file for Kafka Connect in distributed mode – see config/connect-distributed.properties
in the AMQ Streams installation directory.
For a complete list of all supported Kafka Connect configuration options, see Appendix F, Kafka Connect configuration parameters.
Connector plug-ins open client connections to the Kafka brokers using the bootstrap address. To configure these connections, use the standard Kafka producer and consumer configuration options prefixed by producer.
or consumer.
For more information on configuring Kafka producers and consumers, see:
9.2.2. Configuring connectors in distributed Kafka Connect
HTTP REST Interface
Connectors for distributed Kafka Connect are configured using HTTP REST interface. The REST interface listens on port 8083 by default. It supports following endpoints:
GET /connectors
- Return a list of existing connectors.
POST /connectors
- Create a connector. The request body has to be a JSON object with the connector configuration.
GET /connectors/<name>
- Get information about a specific connector.
GET /connectors/<name>/config
- Get configuration of a specific connector.
PUT /connectors/<name>/config
- Update the configuration of a specific connector.
GET /connectors/<name>/status
- Get the status of a specific connector.
PUT /connectors/<name>/pause
- Pause the connector and all its tasks. The connector will stop processing any messages.
PUT /connectors/<name>/resume
- Resume a paused connector.
POST /connectors/<name>/restart
- Restart a connector in case it has failed.
DELETE /connectors/<name>
- Delete a connector.
GET /connector-plugins
- Get a list of all supported connector plugins.
Connector configuration
Most configuration options are connector specific and included in the documentation for the connectors. The following fields are common for all connectors.
- Name of the connector. Must be unique within a given Kafka Connect instance.
Class of the connector plugin. For example
. tasks.max
- The maximum number of tasks used by this connector. Tasks are used by the connector to parallelise its work. Connetors may create fewer tasks than specified.
Class used to convert message keys to and from Kafka format. This overrides the default value set by the Kafka Connect configuration. For example,
. value.converter
Class used to convert message payloads to and from Kafka format. This overrides the default value set by the Kafka Connect configuration. For example,
Additionally, one of the following options must be set for sink connectors:
- A comma-separated list of topics used as input.
- A Java regular expression of topics used as input.
For all other options, see the documentation for the specific connector.
AMQ Streams includes example connector configuration files. They can be found in config/connect-file-sink.properties
and config/connect-file-source.properties
in the AMQ Streams installation directory.
9.2.3. Running distributed Kafka Connect
This procedure describes how to configure and run Kafka Connect in distributed mode.
- An installed and running AMQ Streams cluster.
Running the cluster
Edit the
Kafka Connect configuration file on all Kafka Connect worker nodes.-
Set the
option to point to your Kafka brokers. -
Set the
option. -
Set the
option. -
Set the
option. Set the
option.For example:
bootstrap.servers=kafka0.my-domain.com:9092,kafka1.my-domain.com:9092,kafka2.my-domain.com:9092 group.id=my-group-id config.storage.topic=my-group-id-configs offset.storage.topic=my-group-id-offsets status.storage.topic=my-group-id-status
Set the
Start the Kafka Connect workers with the
configuration file on all Kafka Connect nodes.su - kafka /opt/kafka/bin/connect-distributed.sh /opt/kafka/config/connect-distributed.properties
Verify that Kafka Connect is running.
jcmd | grep ConnectDistributed
Additional resources
- For more information about installing AMQ Streams, see Section 2.3, “Installing AMQ Streams”.
- For more information about configuring AMQ Streams, see Section 2.8, “Configuring AMQ Streams”.
- For a complete list of supported Kafka Connect configuration options, see Appendix F, Kafka Connect configuration parameters.
9.2.4. Creating connectors
This procedure describes how to use the Kafka Connect REST API to create a connector plug-in for use with Kafka Connect in distributed mode.
- A Kafka Connect installation running in distributed mode.
Prepare a JSON payload with the connector configuration. For example:
{ "name": "my-connector", "config": { "connector.class": "org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSinkConnector", "tasks.max": "1", "topics": "my-topic-1,my-topic-2", "file": "/tmp/output-file.txt" } }
Send a POST request to
to create the connector. The following example usescurl
:curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @sink-connector.json http://connect0.my-domain.com:8083/connectors
Verify that the connector was deployed by sending a GET request to
. The following example usescurl
:curl http://connect0.my-domain.com:8083/connectors
9.2.5. Deleting connectors
This procedure describes how to use the Kafka Connect REST API to delete a connector plug-in from Kafka Connect in distributed mode.
- A Kafka Connect installation running in distributed mode.
Deleting connectors
Verify that the connector exists by sending a
request to<KafkaConnectAddress>:8083/connectors/<ConnectorName>
. The following example usescurl
:curl http://connect0.my-domain.com:8083/connectors
To delete the connector, send a
request to<KafkaConnectAddress>:8083/connectors
. The following example usescurl
:curl -X DELETE http://connect0.my-domain.com:8083/connectors/my-connector
Verify that the connector was deleted by sending a GET request to
. The following example usescurl
:curl http://connect0.my-domain.com:8083/connectors
9.3. Connector plug-ins
The following connector plug-ins are included with AMQ Streams.
Reads data from Kafka topics and writes the data to a file.
Reads data from a file and sends the data to Kafka topics.
You can add more connector plug-ins if needed. Kafka Connect searches for and runs additional connector plug-ins at startup. To define the path that kafka Connect searches for plug-ins, set the plugin.path configuration
The plugin.path
configuration option can contain a comma-separated list of paths.
When running Kafka Connect in distributed mode, plug-ins must be made available on all worker nodes.
9.4. Adding connector plugins
This procedure shows you how to add additional connector plug-ins.
- An installed and running AMQ Streams cluster.
Create the
directory.su - kafka mkdir /opt/kafka/connector-plugins
Edit the
Kafka Connect configuration file, and set theplugin.path
option to/opt/kafka/connector-plugins
. For example:plugin.path=/opt/kafka/connector-plugins
Copy your connector plug-ins to
. - Start or restart the Kafka Connect workers.
Additional resources
- For more information on installing AMQ Streams, see Section 2.3, “Installing AMQ Streams”.
- For more information on configuring AMQ Streams, see Section 2.8, “Configuring AMQ Streams”.
- For more information on running Kafka Connect in standalone mode, see Section 9.1.3, “Running Kafka Connect in standalone mode”.
- For more information on running Kafka Connect in distributed mode, see Section 9.2.3, “Running distributed Kafka Connect”.
- For a complete list of supported Kafka Connect configuration options, see Appendix F, Kafka Connect configuration parameters.
Chapter 10. Using AMQ Streams with MirrorMaker 2.0
MirrorMaker 2.0 is used to replicate data between two or more active Kafka clusters, within or across data centers.
Data replication across clusters supports scenarios that require:
- Recovery of data in the event of a system failure
- Aggregation of data for analysis
- Restriction of data access to a specific cluster
- Provision of data at a specific location to improve latency
MirrorMaker 2.0 has features not supported by the previous version of MirrorMaker. However, you can configure MirrorMaker 2.0 to be used in legacy mode.
Additional resources
10.1. MirrorMaker 2.0 data replication
MirrorMaker 2.0 consumes messages from a source Kafka cluster and writes them to a target Kafka cluster.
MirrorMaker 2.0 uses:
- Source cluster configuration to consume data from the source cluster
- Target cluster configuration to output data to the target cluster
MirrorMaker 2.0 is based on the Kafka Connect framework, connectors managing the transfer of data between clusters. A MirrorMaker 2.0 MirrorSourceConnector
replicates topics from a source cluster to a target cluster.
The process of mirroring data from one cluster to another cluster is asynchronous. The recommended pattern is for messages to be produced locally alongside the source Kafka cluster, then consumed remotely close to the target Kafka cluster.
MirrorMaker 2.0 can be used with more than one source cluster.
Figure 10.1. Replication across two clusters
10.2. Cluster configuration
You can use MirrorMaker 2.0 in active/passive or active/active cluster configurations.
- In an active/active configuration, both clusters are active and provide the same data simultaneously, which is useful if you want to make the same data available locally in different geographical locations.
- In an active/passive configuration, the data from an active cluster is replicated in a passive cluster, which remains on standby, for example, for data recovery in the event of system failure.
The expectation is that producers and consumers connect to active clusters only.
A MirrorMaker 2.0 cluster is required at each target destination.
10.2.1. Bidirectional replication (active/active)
The MirrorMaker 2.0 architecture supports bidirectional replication in an active/active cluster configuration.
Each cluster replicates the data of the other cluster using the concept of source and remote topics. As the same topics are stored in each cluster, remote topics are automatically renamed by MirrorMaker 2.0 to represent the source cluster. The name of the originating cluster is prepended to the name of the topic.
Figure 10.2. Topic renaming
By flagging the originating cluster, topics are not replicated back to that cluster.
The concept of replication through remote topics is useful when configuring an architecture that requires data aggregation. Consumers can subscribe to source and remote topics within the same cluster, without the need for a separate aggregation cluster.
10.2.2. Unidirectional replication (active/passive)
The MirrorMaker 2.0 architecture supports unidirectional replication in an active/passive cluster configuration.
You can use an active/passive cluster configuration to make backups or migrate data to another cluster. In this situation, you might not want automatic renaming of remote topics.
You can override automatic renaming by adding IdentityReplicationPolicy
to the source connector configuration of the KafkaMirrorMaker2
resource. With this configuration applied, topics retain their original names.
10.2.3. Topic configuration synchronization
Topic configuration is automatically synchronized between source and target clusters. By synchronizing configuration properties, the need for rebalancing is reduced.
10.2.4. Data integrity
MirrorMaker 2.0 monitors source topics and propagates any configuration changes to remote topics, checking for and creating missing partitions. Only MirrorMaker 2.0 can write to remote topics.
10.2.5. Offset tracking
MirrorMaker 2.0 tracks offsets for consumer groups using internal topics.
- The offset sync topic maps the source and target offsets for replicated topic partitions from record metadata
- The checkpoint topic maps the last committed offset in the source and target cluster for replicated topic partitions in each consumer group
Offsets for the checkpoint topic are tracked at predetermined intervals through configuration. Both topics enable replication to be fully restored from the correct offset position on failover.
MirrorMaker 2.0 uses its MirrorCheckpointConnector
to emit checkpoints for offset tracking.
10.2.6. Connectivity checks
A heartbeat internal topic checks connectivity between clusters.
The heartbeat topic is replicated from the source cluster.
Target clusters use the topic to check:
- The connector managing connectivity between clusters is running
- The source cluster is available
MirrorMaker 2.0 uses its MirrorHeartbeatConnector
to emit heartbeats that perform these checks.
10.3. ACL rules synchronization
If AclAuthorizer
is being used, ACL rules that manage access to brokers also apply to remote topics. Users that can read a source topic can read its remote equivalent.
OAuth 2.0 authorization does not support access to remote topics in this way.
10.4. Synchronizing data between Kafka clusters using MirrorMaker 2.0
Use MirrorMaker 2.0 to synchronize data between Kafka clusters through configuration.
The previous version of MirrorMaker continues to be supported, by running MirrorMaker 2.0 in legacy mode.
The configuration must specify:
- Each Kafka cluster
- Connection information for each cluster, including TLS authentication
The replication flow and direction
- Cluster to cluster
- Topic to topic
- Replication rules
- Committed offset tracking intervals
This procedure describes how to implement MirrorMaker 2.0 by creating the configuration in a properties file, then passing the properties when using the MirrorMaker script file to set up the connections.
MirrorMaker 2.0 uses Kafka Connect to make the connections to transfer data between clusters. Kafka provides MirrorMaker sink and source connectors for data replication. If you wish to use the connectors instead of the MirrorMaker script, the connectors must be configured in the Kafka Connect cluster. For more information, refer to the Apache Kafka documentation.
Before you begin
A sample configuration properties file is provided in ./config/connect-mirror-maker.properties
- You need AMQ Streams installed on the hosts of each Kafka cluster node you are replicating.
Open the sample properties file in a text editor, or create a new one, and edit the file to include connection information and the replication flows for each Kafka cluster.
The following example shows a configuration to connect two clusters, cluster-1 and cluster-2, bidirectionally. Cluster names are configurable through the
property.clusters=cluster-1,cluster-2 1 cluster-1.bootstrap.servers=<my-cluster>-kafka-bootstrap-<my-project>:443 2 cluster-1.security.protocol=SSL 3 cluster-1.ssl.truststore.password=<my-truststore-password> cluster-1.ssl.truststore.location=<path-to-truststore>/truststore.cluster-1.jks cluster-1.ssl.keystore.password=<my-keystore-password> cluster-1.ssl.keystore.location=<path-to-keystore>/user.cluster-1.p12 cluster-2.bootstrap.servers=<my-cluster>-kafka-bootstrap-<my-project>:443 4 cluster-2.security.protocol=SSL 5 cluster-2.ssl.truststore.password=<my-truststore-password> cluster-2.ssl.truststore.location=<path-to-truststore>/truststore.cluster-2.jks cluster-2.ssl.keystore.password=<my-keystore-password> cluster-2.ssl.keystore.location=<path-to-keystore>/user.cluster-2.p12 cluster-1->cluster-2.enabled=true 6 cluster-1->cluster-2.topics=.* 7 cluster-2->cluster-1.enabled=true 8 cluster-2->cluster-1B->C.topics=.* 9 replication.policy.separator=- 10 sync.topic.acls.enabled=false 11 refresh.topics.interval.seconds=60 12 refresh.groups.interval.seconds=60 13
- 1
- Each Kafka cluster is identified with its alias.
- 2
- Connection information for cluster-1, using the bootstrap address and port 443. Both clusters use port 443 to connect to Kafka using OpenShift Routes.
- 3
- The
properties define TLS configuration for cluster-1. - 4
- Connection information for cluster-2.
- 5
- The
properties define the TLS configuration for cluster-2. - 6
- Replication flow enabled from the cluster-1 cluster to the cluster-2 cluster.
- 7
- Replicates all topics from the cluster-1 cluster to the cluster-2 cluster.
- 8
- Replication flow enabled from the cluster-2 cluster to the cluster-1 cluster.
- 9
- Replicates specific topics from the cluster-2 cluster to the cluster-1 cluster.
- 10
- Defines the separator used for the renaming of remote topics.
- 11
- When enabled, ACLs are applied to synchronized topics. The default is
. - 12
- The period between checks for new topics to synchronize.
- 13
- The period between checks for new consumer groups to synchronize.
(Option) If required, add a policy that overrides the automatic renaming of remote topics. Instead of prepending the name with the name of the source cluster, the topic retains its original name.
This optional setting is used for active/passive backups and data migration.
Start ZooKeeper and Kafka in the target clusters:
su - kafka /opt/kafka/bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh -daemon /opt/kafka/config/zookeeper.properties
/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-server-start.sh -daemon /opt/kafka/config/server.properties
Start MirrorMaker with the cluster connection configuration and replication policies you defined in your properties file:
/opt/kafka/bin/connect-mirror-maker.sh /config/connect-mirror-maker.properties
MirrorMaker sets up connections between the clusters.
For each target cluster, verify that the topics are being replicated:
/bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server <BrokerAddress> --list
10.5. Using MirrorMaker 2.0 in legacy mode
This procedure describes how to configure MirrorMaker 2.0 to use it in legacy mode. Legacy mode supports the previous version of MirrorMaker.
The MirrorMaker script /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-mirror-maker.sh
can run MirrorMaker 2.0 in legacy mode.
You need the properties files you currently use with the legacy version of MirrorMaker.
Edit the MirrorMaker
files to turn off MirrorMaker 2.0 features.For example:
replication.policy.class=org.apache.kafka.mirror.LegacyReplicationPolicy 1 refresh.topics.enabled=false 2 refresh.groups.enabled=false emit.checkpoints.enabled=false emit.heartbeats.enabled=false sync.topic.configs.enabled=false sync.topic.acls.enabled=false
Save the changes and restart MirrorMaker with the properties files you used with the previous version of MirrorMaker:
su - kafka /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-mirror-maker.sh \ --consumer.config /opt/kafka/config/consumer.properties \ --producer.config /opt/kafka/config/producer.properties \ --num.streams=2
properties provide the configuration for the source cluster and theproducer
properties provide the target cluster configuration.MirrorMaker sets up connections between the clusters.
Start ZooKeeper and Kafka in the target cluster:
su - kafka /opt/kafka/bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh -daemon /opt/kafka/config/zookeeper.properties
su - kafka /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-server-start.sh -daemon /opt/kafka/config/server.properties
For the target cluster, verify that the topics are being replicated:
/bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server <BrokerAddress> --list
Chapter 11. Kafka clients
The kafka-clients
JAR file contains the Kafka Producer and Consumer APIs together with the Kafka AdminClient API.
- The Producer API allows applications to send data to a Kafka broker.
- The Consumer API allows applications to consume data from a Kafka broker.
- The AdminClient API provides functionality for managing Kafka clusters, including topics, brokers, and other components.
11.1. Adding Kafka clients as a dependency to your Maven project
This procedure shows you how to add the AMQ Streams Java clients as a dependency to your Maven project.
A Maven project with an existing
Add the Red Hat Maven repository to the
section of yourpom.xml
file.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd"> <!-- ... --> <repositories> <repository> <id>redhat-maven</id> <url>https://maven.repository.redhat.com/ga/</url> </repository> </repositories> <!-- ... --> </project>
Add the clients to the
section of yourpom.xml
file.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd"> <!-- ... --> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.kafka</groupId> <artifactId>kafka-clients</artifactId> <version>2.6.0.redhat-00004</version> </dependency> </dependencies> <!-- ... --> </project>
- Build your Maven project.
Chapter 12. Kafka Streams API overview
The Kafka Streams API allows applications to receive data from one or more input streams, execute complex operations like mapping, filtering or joining, and write the results into one or more output streams. It is part of the kafka-streams
JAR package that is available in the Red Hat Maven repository.
12.1. Adding the Kafka Streams API as a dependency to your Maven project
This procedure shows you how to add the AMQ Streams Java clients as a dependency to your Maven project.
A Maven project with an existing
Add the Red Hat Maven repository to the
section of yourpom.xml
file.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd"> <!-- ... --> <repositories> <repository> <id>redhat-maven</id> <url>https://maven.repository.redhat.com/ga/</url> </repository> </repositories> <!-- ... --> </project>
to the<dependencies>
section of yourpom.xml
file.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd"> <!-- ... --> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.kafka</groupId> <artifactId>kafka-streams</artifactId> <version>2.6.0.redhat-00004</version> </dependency> </dependencies> <!-- ... --> </project>
- Build your Maven project.
Chapter 13. Kafka Bridge
This chapter provides an overview of the AMQ Streams Kafka Bridge on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and helps you get started using its REST API to interact with AMQ Streams. To try out the Kafka Bridge in your local environment, see the Section 13.2, “Kafka Bridge quickstart” later in this chapter.
Additional resources
- To view the API documentation, including example requests and responses, see the Kafka Bridge API reference.
- To configure the Kafka Bridge for distributed tracing, see Section 16.4, “Enabling tracing for the Kafka Bridge”.
13.1. Kafka Bridge overview
The Kafka Bridge provides a RESTful interface that allows HTTP-based clients to interact with a Kafka cluster. It offers the advantages of a web API connection to AMQ Streams, without the need for client applications to interpret the Kafka protocol.
The API has two main resources--consumers
and topics
--that are exposed and made accessible through endpoints to interact with consumers and producers in your Kafka cluster. The resources relate only to the Kafka Bridge, not the consumers and producers connected directly to Kafka.
HTTP requests
The Kafka Bridge supports HTTP requests to a Kafka cluster, with methods to:
- Send messages to a topic.
- Retrieve messages from topics.
- Retrieve a list of partitions for a topic.
- Create and delete consumers.
- Subscribe consumers to topics, so that they start receiving messages from those topics.
- Retrieve a list of topics that a consumer is subscribed to.
- Unsubscribe consumers from topics.
- Assign partitions to consumers.
- Commit a list of consumer offsets.
- Seek on a partition, so that a consumer starts receiving messages from the first or last offset position, or a given offset position.
The methods provide JSON responses and HTTP response code error handling. Messages can be sent in JSON or binary formats.
Clients can produce and consume messages without the requirement to use the native Kafka protocol.
Similar to an AMQ Streams installation, you can download the Kafka Bridge files for installation on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. See Section 13.1.5, “Downloading a Kafka Bridge archive”.
For more information on configuring the host and port for the KafkaBridge
resource, see Section 13.1.6, “Configuring Kafka Bridge properties”.
13.1.1. Authentication and encryption
Authentication and encryption between HTTP clients and the Kafka Bridge is not yet supported. This means that requests sent from clients to the Kafka Bridge are:
- Not encrypted, and must use HTTP rather than HTTPS
- Sent without authentication
You can configure TLS or SASL-based authentication between the Kafka Bridge and your Kafka cluster.
You configure the Kafka Bridge for authentication through its properties file.
13.1.2. Requests to the Kafka Bridge
Specify data formats and HTTP headers to ensure valid requests are submitted to the Kafka Bridge.
API request and response bodies are always encoded as JSON. Content Type headers
A Content-Type
header must be submitted for all requests. The only exception is when the POST
request body is empty, where adding a Content-Type
header will cause the request to fail.
Consumer operations (/consumers
endpoints) and producer operations (/topics
endpoints) require different Content-Type
Content-Type headers for consumer operations
Regardless of the embedded data format, POST
requests for consumer operations must provide the following Content-Type
header if the request body contains data:
Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json
Content-Type headers for producer operations
When performing producer operations, POST
requests must provide Content-Type
headers specifying the embedded data format of the messages produced. This can be either json
or binary
Embedded data format | Content-Type header |
Binary |
The embedded data format is set per consumer, as described in the next section.
The Content-Type
must not be set if the POST
request has an empty body. An empty body can be used to create a consumer with the default values. Embedded data format
The embedded data format is the format of the Kafka messages that are transmitted, over HTTP, from a producer to a consumer using the Kafka Bridge. Two embedded data formats are supported: JSON or binary.
When creating a consumer using the /consumers/groupid
endpoint, the POST
request body must specify an embedded data format of either JSON or binary. This is specified in the format
field in the request body, for example:
"name": "my-consumer",
"format": "binary", 1
- 1
- A binary embedded data format.
If an embedded data format for the consumer is not specified, then a binary format is set.
The embedded data format specified when creating a consumer must match the data format of the Kafka messages it will consume.
If you choose to specify a binary embedded data format, subsequent producer requests must provide the binary data in the request body as Base64-encoded strings. For example, when sending messages by making POST
requests to the /topics/topicname
endpoint, the value
must be encoded in Base64:
{ "records": [ { "key": "my-key", "value": "ZWR3YXJkdGhldGhyZWVsZWdnZWRjYXQ=" }, ] }
Producer requests must also provide a Content-Type
header that corresponds to the embedded data format, for example, Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.binary.v2+json
. Message format
When sending messages using the /topics
endpoint, you enter the message payload in the request body, in the records
The records
parameter can contain any of these optional fields:
Example POST
request to /topics
curl -X POST \
http://localhost:8080/topics/my-topic \
-H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json' \
-d '{
"records": [
"key": "my-key",
"value": "sales-lead-0001"
"partition": 2
"headers": [
"key": "key1",
"value": "QXBhY2hlIEthZmthIGlzIHRoZSBib21iIQ==" 1
- 1
- The header value in binary format and encoded as Base64. Accept headers
After creating a consumer, all subsequent GET requests must provide an Accept
header in the following format:
Accept: application/vnd.kafka.embedded-data-format.v2+json
The embedded-data-format is either json
or binary
For example, when retrieving records for a subscribed consumer using an embedded data format of JSON, include this Accept header:
Accept: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json
13.1.3. Configuring loggers for the Kafka Bridge
The AMQ Streams Kafka bridge allows you to set a different log level for each operation that is defined by the related OpenAPI specification.
Each operation has a corresponding API endpoint through which the bridge receives requests from HTTP clients. You can change the log level on each endpoint to produce more or less fine-grained logging information about the incoming and outgoing HTTP requests.
Loggers are defined in the log4j.properties
file, which has the following default configuration for healthy
and ready
log4j.logger.http.openapi.operation.healthy=WARN, out log4j.additivity.http.openapi.operation.healthy=false log4j.logger.http.openapi.operation.ready=WARN, out log4j.additivity.http.openapi.operation.ready=false
The log level of all other operations is set to INFO
by default. Loggers are formatted as follows:
Where <operation-id>
is the identifier of the specific operation. Following is the list of operations defined by the OpenAPI specification:
13.1.4. Kafka Bridge API resources
For the full list of REST API endpoints and descriptions, including example requests and responses, see the Kafka Bridge API reference.
13.1.5. Downloading a Kafka Bridge archive
A zipped distribution of the AMQ Streams Kafka Bridge is available for download from the Red Hat website.
- Download the latest version of the Red Hat AMQ Streams Kafka Bridge archive from the Customer Portal.
13.1.6. Configuring Kafka Bridge properties
This procedure describes how to configure the Kafka and HTTP connection properties used by the AMQ Streams Kafka Bridge.
You configure the Kafka Bridge, as any other Kafka client, using appropriate prefixes for Kafka-related properties.
for general configuration that applies to producers and consumers, such as server connection and security. -
for consumer-specific configuration passed only to the consumer. -
for producer-specific configuration passed only to the producer.
As well as enabling HTTP access to a Kafka cluster, HTTP properties provide the capability to enable and define access control for the Kafka Bridge through Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). CORS is a HTTP mechanism that allows browser access to selected resources from more than one origin. To configure CORS, you define a list of allowed resource origins and HTTP methods to access them. Additional HTTP headers in requests describe the origins that are permitted access to the Kafka cluster.
Edit the
file provided with the AMQ Streams Kafka Bridge installation archive.Use the properties file to specify Kafka and HTTP-related properties, and to enable distributed tracing.
Configure standard Kafka-related properties, including properties specific to the Kafka consumers and producers.
to define the host/port connections to the Kafka cluster -
to provide acknowledgments to the HTTP client kafka.consumer.auto.offset.reset
to determine how to manage reset of the offset in KafkaFor more information on configuration of Kafka properties, see the Apache Kafka website
Configure HTTP-related properties to enable HTTP access to the Kafka cluster.
For example:
http.enabled=true http.host= http.port=8080 1 http.cors.enabled=true 2 http.cors.allowedOrigins=https://strimzi.io 3 http.cors.allowedMethods=GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,OPTIONS,PATCH 4
Enable or disable distributed tracing.
Remove code comments from the property to enable distributed tracing
Additional resources
13.1.7. Installing the Kafka Bridge
Follow this procedure to install the AMQ Streams Kafka Bridge on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
- If you have not already done so, unzip the AMQ Streams Kafka Bridge installation archive to any directory.
Run the Kafka Bridge script using the configuration properties as a parameter:
For example:
./bin/kafka_bridge_run.sh --config-file=_path_/configfile.properties
Check to see that the installation was successful in the log.
HTTP-Kafka Bridge started and listening on port 8080 HTTP-Kafka Bridge bootstrap servers localhost:9092
13.2. Kafka Bridge quickstart
Use this quickstart to try out the AMQ Streams Kafka Bridge on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. You will learn how to:
- Install the Kafka Bridge
- Produce messages to topics and partitions in your Kafka cluster
- Create a Kafka Bridge consumer
- Perform basic consumer operations, such as subscribing the consumer to topics and retrieving the messages that you produced
In this quickstart, HTTP requests are formatted as curl commands that you can copy and paste to your terminal.
Ensure you have the prerequisites and then follow the tasks in the order provided in this chapter.
About data formats
In this quickstart, you will produce and consume messages in JSON format, not binary. For more information on the data formats and HTTP headers used in the example requests, see Section 13.1.1, “Authentication and encryption”.
Prerequisites for the quickstart
13.2.1. Deploying the Kafka Bridge locally
Deploy an instance of the AMQ Streams Kafka Bridge to the host. Use the application.properties
file provided with the installation archive to apply the default configuration settings.
Open the
file and check that the defaultHTTP related settings
are defined:http.enabled=true http.host= http.port=8080
This configures the Kafka Bridge to listen for requests on port 8080.
Run the Kafka Bridge script using the configuration properties as a parameter:
./bin/kafka_bridge_run.sh --config-file=<path>/application.properties
What to do next
13.2.2. Producing messages to topics and partitions
Produce messages to a topic in JSON format by using the topics endpoint.
You can specify destination partitions for messages in the request body, as shown below. The partitions endpoint provides an alternative method for specifying a single destination partition for all messages as a path parameter.
Create a Kafka topic using the
utility:bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --create --topic bridge-quickstart-topic --partitions 3 --replication-factor 1 --config retention.ms=7200000 --config segment.bytes=1073741824
Specify three partitions.
Verify that the topic was created:
bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --topic bridge-quickstart-topic
Using the Kafka Bridge, produce three messages to the topic you created:
curl -X POST \ http://localhost:8080/topics/bridge-quickstart-topic \ -H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json' \ -d '{ "records": [ { "key": "my-key", "value": "sales-lead-0001" }, { "value": "sales-lead-0002", "partition": 2 }, { "value": "sales-lead-0003" } ] }'
is sent to a partition based on the hash of the key. -
is sent directly to partition 2. -
is sent to a partition in thebridge-quickstart-topic
topic using a round-robin method.
If the request is successful, the Kafka Bridge returns an
array, along with a200
(OK) code and acontent-type
header ofapplication/vnd.kafka.v2+json
. For each message, theoffsets
array describes:- The partition that the message was sent to
The current message offset of the partition
Example response
#... { "offsets":[ { "partition":0, "offset":0 }, { "partition":2, "offset":0 }, { "partition":0, "offset":1 } ] }
What to do next
After producing messages to topics and partitions, create a Kafka Bridge consumer.
Additional resources
- POST /topics/{topicname} in the API reference documentation.
- POST /topics/{topicname}/partitions/{partitionid} in the API reference documentation.
13.2.3. Creating a Kafka Bridge consumer
Before you can perform any consumer operations on the Kafka cluster, you must first create a consumer by using the consumers endpoint. The consumer is referred to as a Kafka Bridge consumer.
Create a Kafka Bridge consumer in a new consumer group named
:curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/consumers/bridge-quickstart-consumer-group \ -H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json' \ -d '{ "name": "bridge-quickstart-consumer", "auto.offset.reset": "earliest", "format": "json", "enable.auto.commit": false, "fetch.min.bytes": 512, "consumer.request.timeout.ms": 30000 }'
The consumer is named
and the embedded data format is set asjson
. The consumer will not commit offsets to the log automatically because the
setting isfalse
. You will commit the offsets manually later in this quickstart.NoteThe Kafka Bridge generates a random consumer name if you do not specify a consumer name in the request body.
If the request is successful, the Kafka Bridge returns the consumer ID (
) and base URL (base_uri
) in the response body, along with a200
(OK) code.Example response
#... { "instance_id": "bridge-quickstart-consumer", "base_uri":"http://<bridge-name>-bridge-service:8080/consumers/bridge-quickstart-consumer-group/instances/bridge-quickstart-consumer" }
The consumer is named
Copy the base URL (
) to use in the other consumer operations in this quickstart.
What to do next
Now that you have created a Kafka Bridge consumer, you can subscribe it to topics.
Additional resources
- POST /consumers/{groupid} in the API reference documentation.
13.2.4. Subscribing a Kafka Bridge consumer to topics
Subscribe the Kafka Bridge consumer to one or more topics by using the subscription endpoint. Once subscribed, the consumer starts receiving all messages that are produced to the topic.
Subscribe the consumer to the
topic that you created earlier, in Producing messages to topics and partitions:curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/consumers/bridge-quickstart-consumer-group/instances/bridge-quickstart-consumer/subscription \ -H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json' \ -d '{ "topics": [ "bridge-quickstart-topic" ] }'
array can contain a single topic (as shown above) or multiple topics. If you want to subscribe the consumer to multiple topics that match a regular expression, you can use thetopic_pattern
string instead of thetopics
array.If the request is successful, the Kafka Bridge returns a
204 No Content
code only.
What to do next
After subscribing a Kafka Bridge consumer to topics, you can retrieve messages from the consumer.
Additional resources
- POST /consumers/{groupid}/instances/{name}/subscription in the API reference documentation.
13.2.5. Retrieving the latest messages from a Kafka Bridge consumer
Retrieve the latest messages from the Kafka Bridge consumer by requesting data from the records endpoint. In production, HTTP clients can call this endpoint repeatedly (in a loop).
- Produce additional messages to the Kafka Bridge consumer, as described in Producing messages to topics and partitions.
Submit a
request to therecords
endpoint:curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/consumers/bridge-quickstart-consumer-group/instances/bridge-quickstart-consumer/records \ -H 'accept: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json'
After creating and subscribing to a Kafka Bridge consumer, a first GET request will return an empty response because the poll operation triggers a rebalancing process to assign partitions.
Repeat step two to retrieve messages from the Kafka Bridge consumer.
The Kafka Bridge returns an array of messages — describing the topic name, key, value, partition, and offset — in the response body, along with a
(OK) code. Messages are retrieved from the latest offset by default.HTTP/1.1 200 OK content-type: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json #... [ { "topic":"bridge-quickstart-topic", "key":"my-key", "value":"sales-lead-0001", "partition":0, "offset":0 }, { "topic":"bridge-quickstart-topic", "key":null, "value":"sales-lead-0003", "partition":0, "offset":1 }, #...
NoteIf an empty response is returned, produce more records to the consumer as described in Producing messages to topics and partitions, and then try retrieving messages again.
What to do next
After retrieving messages from a Kafka Bridge consumer, try committing offsets to the log.
Additional resources
- GET /consumers/{groupid}/instances/{name}/records in the API reference documentation.
13.2.6. Commiting offsets to the log
Use the offsets endpoint to manually commit offsets to the log for all messages received by the Kafka Bridge consumer. This is required because the Kafka Bridge consumer that you created earlier, in Creating a Kafka Bridge consumer, was configured with the enable.auto.commit
setting as false
Commit offsets to the log for the
:curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/consumers/bridge-quickstart-consumer-group/instances/bridge-quickstart-consumer/offsets
Because no request body is submitted, offsets are committed for all the records that have been received by the consumer. Alternatively, the request body can contain an array (OffsetCommitSeekList) that specifies the topics and partitions that you want to commit offsets for.
If the request is successful, the Kafka Bridge returns a
204 No Content
code only.
What to do next
After committing offsets to the log, try out the endpoints for seeking to offsets.
Additional resources
- POST /consumers/{groupid}/instances/{name}/offsets in the API reference documentation.
13.2.7. Seeking to offsets for a partition
Use the positions endpoints to configure the Kafka Bridge consumer to retrieve messages for a partition from a specific offset, and then from the latest offset. This is referred to in Apache Kafka as a seek operation.
Seek to a specific offset for partition 0 of the
topic:curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/consumers/bridge-quickstart-consumer-group/instances/bridge-quickstart-consumer/positions \ -H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json' \ -d '{ "offsets": [ { "topic": "bridge-quickstart-topic", "partition": 0, "offset": 2 } ] }'
If the request is successful, the Kafka Bridge returns a
204 No Content
code only.Submit a
request to therecords
endpoint:curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/consumers/bridge-quickstart-consumer-group/instances/bridge-quickstart-consumer/records \ -H 'accept: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json'
The Kafka Bridge returns messages from the offset that you seeked to.
Restore the default message retrieval behavior by seeking to the last offset for the same partition. This time, use the positions/end endpoint.
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/consumers/bridge-quickstart-consumer-group/instances/bridge-quickstart-consumer/positions/end \ -H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json' \ -d '{ "partitions": [ { "topic": "bridge-quickstart-topic", "partition": 0 } ] }'
If the request is successful, the Kafka Bridge returns another
204 No Content
You can also use the positions/beginning endpoint to seek to the first offset for one or more partitions.
What to do next
In this quickstart, you have used the AMQ Streams Kafka Bridge to perform several common operations on a Kafka cluster. You can now delete the Kafka Bridge consumer that you created earlier.
Additional resources
- POST /consumers/{groupid}/instances/{name}/positions in the API reference documentation.
- POST /consumers/{groupid}/instances/{name}/positions/beginning in the API reference documentation.
- POST /consumers/{groupid}/instances/{name}/positions/end in the API reference documentation.
13.2.8. Deleting a Kafka Bridge consumer
Finally, delete the Kafa Bridge consumer that you used throughout this quickstart.
Delete the Kafka Bridge consumer by sending a
request to the instances endpoint.curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/consumers/bridge-quickstart-consumer-group/instances/bridge-quickstart-consumer
If the request is successful, the Kafka Bridge returns a
204 No Content
code only.
Additional resources
- DELETE /consumers/{groupid}/instances/{name} in the API reference documentation.
Chapter 14. Using Kerberos (GSSAPI) authentication
AMQ Streams supports the use of the Kerberos (GSSAPI) authentication protocol for secure single sign-on access to your Kafka cluster. GSSAPI is an API wrapper for Kerberos functionality, insulating applications from underlying implementation changes.
Kerberos is a network authentication system that allows clients and servers to authenticate to each other by using symmetric encryption and a trusted third party, the Kerberos Key Distribution Centre (KDC).
14.1. Setting up AMQ Streams to use Kerberos (GSSAPI) authentication
This procedure shows how to configure AMQ Streams so that Kafka clients can access Kafka and ZooKeeper using Kerberos (GSSAPI) authentication.
The procedure assumes that a Kerberos krb5 resource server has been set up on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux host.
The procedure shows, with examples, how to configure:
- Service principals
- Kafka brokers to use the Kerberos login
- ZooKeeper to use Kerberos login
- Producer and consumer clients to access Kafka using Kerberos authentication
The instructions describe Kerberos set up for a single ZooKeeper and Kafka installation on a single host, with additional configuration for a producer and consumer client.
To be able to configure Kafka and ZooKeeper to authenticate and authorize Kerberos credentials, you will need:
- Access to a Kerberos server
- A Kerberos client on each Kafka broker host
For more information on the steps to set up a Kerberos server, and clients on broker hosts, see the example Kerberos on RHEL set up configuration.
How you deploy Kerberos depends on your operating system. Red Hat recommends using Identity Management (IdM) when setting up Kerberos on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Users of an Oracle or IBM JDK must install a Java Cryptography Extension (JCE).
Add service principals for authentication
From your Kerberos server, create service principals (users) for ZooKeeper, Kafka brokers, and Kafka producer and consumer clients.
Service principals must take the form SERVICE-NAME/FULLY-QUALIFIED-HOST-NAME@DOMAIN-REALM.
Create the service principals, and keytabs that store the principal keys, through the Kerberos KDC.
For example:
The ZooKeeper service principal must have the same hostname as the
configuration in the Kafkaconfig/server.properties
If the hostname is not the same, localhost is used and authentication will fail.
Create a directory on the host and add the keytab files:
For example:
/opt/kafka/krb5/zookeeper-node1.keytab /opt/kafka/krb5/kafka-node1.keytab /opt/kafka/krb5/kafka-producer1.keytab /opt/kafka/krb5/kafka-consumer1.keytab
Ensure the
user can access the directory:chown kafka:kafka -R /opt/kafka/krb5
Configure ZooKeeper to use a Kerberos Login
Configure ZooKeeper to use the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) for authentication using the user principals and keytabs previously created for zookeeper
Create or modify the
file to support ZooKeeper client and server operations:Client { com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required debug=true useKeyTab=true 1 storeKey=true 2 useTicketCache=false 3 keyTab="/opt/kafka/krb5/zookeeper-node1.keytab" 4 principal="zookeeper/node1.example.redhat.com@EXAMPLE.REDHAT.COM"; 5 }; Server { com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required debug=true useKeyTab=true storeKey=true useTicketCache=false keyTab="/opt/kafka/krb5/zookeeper-node1.keytab" principal="zookeeper/node1.example.redhat.com@EXAMPLE.REDHAT.COM"; }; QuorumServer { com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required debug=true useKeyTab=true storeKey=true keyTab="/opt/kafka/krb5/zookeeper-node1.keytab" principal="zookeeper/node1.example.redhat.com@EXAMPLE.REDHAT.COM"; }; QuorumLearner { com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required debug=true useKeyTab=true storeKey=true keyTab="/opt/kafka/krb5/zookeeper-node1.keytab" principal="zookeeper/node1.example.redhat.com@EXAMPLE.REDHAT.COM"; };
- 1
- Set to
to get the principal key from the keytab. - 2
- Set to
to store the principal key. - 3
- Set to
to obtain the Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) from the ticket cache. - 4
- The
property points to the location of the keytab file copied from the Kerberos KDC. The location and file must be readable by thekafka
user. - 5
- The
property is configured to match the fully-qualified principal name created on the KDC host, which follows the formatSERVICE-NAME/FULLY-QUALIFIED-HOST-NAME@DOMAIN-NAME
to use the updated JAAS configuration:# ... requireClientAuthScheme=sasl jaasLoginRenew=3600000 1 kerberos.removeHostFromPrincipal=false 2 kerberos.removeRealmFromPrincipal=false 3 quorum.auth.enableSasl=true 4 quorum.auth.learnerRequireSasl=true 5 quorum.auth.serverRequireSasl=true quorum.auth.learner.loginContext=QuorumLearner 6 quorum.auth.server.loginContext=QuorumServer quorum.auth.kerberos.servicePrincipal=zookeeper/_HOST 7 quorum.cnxn.threads.size=20
- 1
- Controls the frequency for login renewal in milliseconds, which can be adjusted to suit ticket renewal intervals. Default is one hour.
- 2
- Dictates whether the hostname is used as part of the login principal name. If using a single keytab for all nodes in the cluster, this is set to
. However, it is recommended to generate a separate keytab and fully-qualified principal for each broker host for troubleshooting. - 3
- Controls whether the realm name is stripped from the principal name for Kerberos negotiations. It is recommended that this setting is set as
. - 4
- Enables SASL authentication mechanisms for the ZooKeeper server and client.
- 5
- The
properties controls whether SASL authentication is required for quorum events, such as master elections. - 6
- The
properties identify the name of the login context in the JAAS configuration used for authentication configuration of the specified component. The loginContext names correspond to the names of the relevant sections in theopt/kafka/config/jaas.conf
file. - 7
- Controls the naming convention to be used to form the principal name used for identification. The placeholder
is automatically resolved to the hostnames defined by theserver.1
properties at runtime.
Start ZooKeeper with JVM parameters to specify the Kerberos login configuration:
su - kafka export EXTRA_ARGS="-Djava.security.krb5.conf=/etc/krb5.conf -Djava.security.auth.login.config=/opt/kafka/config/jaas.conf"; /opt/kafka/bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh -daemon /opt/kafka/config/zookeeper.properties
If you are not using the default service name (
), add the name using the-Dzookeeper.sasl.client.username=NAME
parameter.NoteIf you are using the
location, you do not need to specify-Djava.security.krb5.conf=/etc/krb5.conf
when starting ZooKeeper, Kafka, or the Kafka producer and consumer.
Configure the Kafka broker server to use a Kerberos login
Configure Kafka to use the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) for authentication using the user principals and keytabs previously created for kafka
Modify the
file with the following elements:KafkaServer { com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required useKeyTab=true storeKey=true keyTab="/opt/kafka/krb5/kafka-node1.keytab" principal="kafka/node1.example.redhat.com@EXAMPLE.REDHAT.COM"; }; KafkaClient { com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required debug=true useKeyTab=true storeKey=true useTicketCache=false keyTab="/opt/kafka/krb5/kafka-node1.keytab" principal="kafka/node1.example.redhat.com@EXAMPLE.REDHAT.COM"; };
Configure each broker in the Kafka cluster by modifying the listener configuration in the
file so the listeners use the SASL/GSSAPI login.Add the SASL protocol to the map of security protocols for the listener, and remove any unwanted protocols.
For example:
# ... broker.id=0 # ... listeners=SECURE://:9092,REPLICATION://:9094 1 inter.broker.listener.name=REPLICATION # ... listener.security.protocol.map=SECURE:SASL_PLAINTEXT,REPLICATION:SASL_PLAINTEXT 2 # .. sasl.enabled.mechanisms=GSSAPI 3 sasl.mechanism.inter.broker.protocol=GSSAPI 4 sasl.kerberos.service.name=kafka 5 ...
- 1
- Two listeners are configured: a secure listener for general-purpose communications with clients (supporting TLS for communications), and a replication listener for inter-broker communications.
- 2
- For TLS-enabled listeners, the protocol name is SASL_PLAINTEXT. For non-TLS-enabled connectors, the protocol name is SASL_PLAINTEXT. If SSL is not required, you can remove the
properties. - 3
- SASL mechanism for Kerberos authentication is
. - 4
- Kerberos authentication for inter-broker communication.
- 5
- The name of the service used for authentication requests is specified to distinguish it from other services that may also be using the same Kerberos configuration.
Start the Kafka broker, with JVM parameters to specify the Kerberos login configuration:
su - kafka export KAFKA_OPTS="-Djava.security.krb5.conf=/etc/krb5.conf -Djava.security.auth.login.config=/opt/kafka/config/jaas.conf"; /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-server-start.sh -daemon /opt/kafka/config/server.properties
If the broker and ZooKeeper cluster were previously configured and working with a non-Kerberos-based authentication system, it is possible to start the ZooKeeper and broker cluster and check for configuration errors in the logs.
After starting the broker and Zookeeper instances, the cluster is now configured for Kerberos authentication.
Configure Kafka producer and consumer clients to use Kerberos authentication
Configure Kafka producer and consumer clients to use the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) for authentication using the user principals and keytabs previously created for producer1
and consumer1
Add the Kerberos configuration to the producer or consumer configuration file.
For example:
# ... sasl.mechanism=GSSAPI 1 security.protocol=SASL_PLAINTEXT 2 sasl.kerberos.service.name=kafka 3 sasl.jaas.config=com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required \ 4 useKeyTab=true \ useTicketCache=false \ storeKey=true \ keyTab="/opt/kafka/krb5/producer1.keytab" \ principal="producer1/node1.example.redhat.com@EXAMPLE.REDHAT.COM"; # ...
# ... sasl.mechanism=GSSAPI security.protocol=SASL_PLAINTEXT sasl.kerberos.service.name=kafka sasl.jaas.config=com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required \ useKeyTab=true \ useTicketCache=false \ storeKey=true \ keyTab="/opt/kafka/krb5/consumer1.keytab" \ principal="consumer1/node1.example.redhat.com@EXAMPLE.REDHAT.COM"; # ...
Run the clients to verify that you can send and receive messages from the Kafka brokers.
Producer client:
export KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS="-Djava.security.krb5.conf=/etc/krb5.conf -Dsun.security.krb5.debug=true"; /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --producer.config /opt/kafka/config/producer.properties --topic topic1 --bootstrap-server node1.example.redhat.com:9094
Consumer client:
export KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS="-Djava.security.krb5.conf=/etc/krb5.conf -Dsun.security.krb5.debug=true"; /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --consumer.config /opt/kafka/config/consumer.properties --topic topic1 --bootstrap-server node1.example.redhat.com:9094
Additional resources
- Kerberos man pages: krb5.conf(5), kinit(1), klist(1), and kdestroy(1)
- Example Kerberos server on RHEL set up configuration
- Example client application to authenticate with a Kafka cluster using Kerberos tickets
Chapter 15. Cruise Control for cluster rebalancing
Cruise Control for cluster rebalancing is a Technology Preview only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service-level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend implementing any Technology Preview features in production environments. This Technology Preview feature provides early access to upcoming product innovations, enabling you to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process. For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.
You can deploy Cruise Control to your AMQ Streams cluster and use it to rebalance the load across the Kafka brokers.
Cruise Control is an open source system for automating Kafka operations, such as monitoring cluster workload, rebalancing a cluster based on predefined constraints, and detecting and fixing anomalies. It consists of four components (Load Monitor, Analyzer, Anomaly Detector, and Executor) and a REST API.
When AMQ Streams and Cruise Control are both deployed to Red Hat Enterprise Linux, you can access Cruise Control features through the Cruise Control REST API. The following features are supported:
- Configuring optimization goals and capacity limits
Using the
endpoint to:- Generate optimization proposals, as dry runs, based on the configured optimization goals or user-provided goals supplied as request parameters
- Initiate an optimization proposal to rebalance the Kafka cluster
Checking the progress of an active rebalance operation using the
endpoint -
Stopping an active rebalance operation using the
All other Cruise Control features are not currently supported, including anomaly detection, notifications, write-your-own goals, and changing the topic replication factor. The web UI component (Cruise Control Frontend) is not supported.
Cruise Control for AMQ Streams on Red Hat Enterprise Linux is provided as a separate zipped distribution. For more information, see Section 15.2, “Downloading a Cruise Control archive”.
15.1. Why use Cruise Control?
Cruise Control reduces the time and effort involved in running an efficient Kafka cluster, with a more evenly balanced workload across the brokers.
A typical cluster can become unevenly loaded over time. Partitions that handle large amounts of message traffic might be unevenly distributed across the available brokers. To rebalance the cluster, administrators must monitor the load on brokers and manually reassign busy partitions to brokers with spare capacity.
Cruise Control automates this cluster rebalancing process. It constructs a workload model of resource utilization, based on CPU, disk, and network load. Using a set of configurable optimization goals, you can instruct Cruise Control to generate dry run optimization proposals for more balanced partition assignments.
After you have reviewed a dry run optimization proposal, you can instruct Cruise Control to initiate a cluster rebalance based on that proposal, or generate a new proposal.
When a cluster rebalancing operation is complete, the brokers are used more effectively and the load on the Kafka cluster is more evenly balanced.
15.2. Downloading a Cruise Control archive
A zipped distribution of Cruise Control for AMQ Streams on Red Hat Enterprise Linux is available for download from the Red Hat Customer Portal.
- Download the latest version of the Red Hat AMQ Streams Cruise Control archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal.
Create the
directory:sudo mkdir /opt/cruise-control
Extract the contents of the Cruise Control ZIP file to the new directory:
unzip amq-streams-y.y.y-cruise-control-bin.zip -d /opt/cruise-control
Change the ownership of the
directory to thekafka
user:sudo chown -R kafka:kafka /opt/cruise-control
15.3. Deploying the Cruise Control Metrics Reporter
Before starting Cruise Control, you must configure the Kafka brokers to use the provided Cruise Control Metrics Reporter.
When loaded at runtime, the Metrics Reporter sends metrics to the __CruiseControlMetrics
topic, one of three auto-created topics. Cruise Control uses these metrics to create and update the workload model and to calculate optimization proposals.
You are logged in to Red Hat Enterprise Linux as the
user. - Kafka and ZooKeeper are running.
- Section 15.2, “Downloading a Cruise Control archive”.
For each broker in the Kafka cluster and one at a time:
Stop the Kafka broker:
Copy the Cruise Control Metrics Reporter
file to the Kafka libraries directory:cp /opt/cruise-control/libs/cruise-control-metrics-reporter-y.y.yyy.redhat-0000x.jar /opt/kafka/libs
In the Kafka configuration file (
) configure the Cruise Control Metrics Reporter:Add the
class to themetric.reporters
configuration option. Do not remove any existing Metrics Reporters.metric.reporters=com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.metricsreporter.CruiseControlMetricsReporter
Add the following configuration options and values to the Kafka configuration file:
cruise.control.metrics.topic.auto.create=true cruise.control.metrics.topic.num.partitions=1 cruise.control.metrics.topic.replication.factor=1
These options enable the Cruise Control Metrics Reporter to create the
topic with a log cleanup policy ofDELETE
. For more information, see Auto-created topics and Log cleanup policy for Cruise Control Metrics topic.
Configure SSL, if required.
In the Kafka configuration file (
) configure SSL between the Cruise Control Metrics Reporter and the Kafka broker by setting the relevant client configuration properties.The Metrics Reporter accepts all standard producer-specific configuration properties with the
prefix. For example:cruise.control.metrics.reporter.ssl.truststore.password
.In the Cruise Control properties file (
) configure SSL between the Kafka broker and the Cruise Control server by setting the relevant client configuration properties.Cruise Control inherits SSL client property options from Kafka and uses those properties for all Cruise Control server clients.
Restart the Kafka broker:
- Repeat steps 1-5 for the remaining brokers.
15.4. Configuring and starting Cruise Control
Configure the properties used by Cruise Control and then start the Cruise Control server using the cruise-control-start.sh
script. The server is hosted on a single machine for the whole Kafka cluster.
Three topics are auto-created when Cruise Control starts. For more information, see Auto-created topics.
You are logged in to Red Hat Enterprise Linux as the
user. - Section 15.2, “Downloading a Cruise Control archive”
- Section 15.3, “Deploying the Cruise Control Metrics Reporter”
Edit the Cruise Control properties file (
). Configure the properties shown in the following example configuration:
# The Kafka cluster to control. bootstrap.servers=localhost:9092 1 # The replication factor of Kafka metric sample store topic sample.store.topic.replication.factor=2 2 # The configuration for the BrokerCapacityConfigFileResolver (supports JBOD, non-JBOD, and heterogeneous CPU core capacities) #capacity.config.file=config/capacity.json #capacity.config.file=config/capacityCores.json capacity.config.file=config/capacityJBOD.json 3 # The list of goals to optimize the Kafka cluster for with pre-computed proposals default.goals={List of default optimization goals} 4 # The list of supported goals goals={list of master optimization goals} 5 # The list of supported hard goals hard.goals={List of hard goals} 6 # How often should the cached proposal be expired and recalculated if necessary proposal.expiration.ms=60000 7 # The zookeeper connect of the Kafka cluster zookeeper.connect=localhost:2181 8
- 1
- Host and port numbers of the Kafka broker (always port 9092).
- 2
- Replication factor of the Kafka metric sample store topic. If you are evaluating Cruise Control in a single-node Kafka and ZooKeeper cluster, set this property to 1. For production use, set this property to 2 or more.
- 3
- The configuration file that sets the maximum capacity limits for broker resources. Use the file that applies to your Kafka deployment configuration. For more information, see Capacity configuration.
- 4
- Comma-separated list of default optimization goals, using fully-qualified domain names (FQDNs). Fifteen of the master optimization goals (see 5) are already set as default optimization goals; you can add or remove goals if desired. For more information, see Section 15.5, “Optimization goals overview”.
- 5
- Comma-separated list of master optimization goals, using FQDNs. To completely exclude goals from being used to generate optimization proposals, remove them from the list. For more information, see Section 15.5, “Optimization goals overview”.
- 6
- Comma-separated list of hard goals, using FQDNs. Six of the master optimization goals are already set as hard goals; you can add or remove goals if desired. For more information, see Section 15.5, “Optimization goals overview”.
- 7
- The interval, in milliseconds, for refreshing the cached optimization proposal that is generated from the default optimization goals. For more information, see Section 15.6, “Optimization proposals overview”.
- 8
- Host and port numbers of the ZooKeeper connection (always port 2181).
Start the Cruise Control server. The server starts on port 9092 by default; optionally, specify a different port.
cd /opt/cruise-control/ ./bin/cruise-control-start.sh config/cruisecontrol.properties PORT
To verify that Cruise Control is running, send a GET request to the
endpoint of the Cruise Control server:curl 'http://HOST:PORT/kafkacruisecontrol/state'
Auto-created topics
The following table shows the three topics that are automatically created when Cruise Control starts. These topics are required for Cruise Control to work properly and must not be deleted or changed.
Auto-created topic | Created by | Function |
| Cruise Control Metrics Reporter | Stores the raw metrics from the Metrics Reporter in each Kafka broker. |
| Cruise Control | Stores the derived metrics for each partition. These are created by the Metric Sample Aggregator. |
| Cruise Control | Stores the metrics samples used to create the Cluster Workload Model. |
To ensure that log compaction is disabled in the auto-created topics, make sure that you configure the Cruise Control Metrics Reporter as described in Section 15.3, “Deploying the Cruise Control Metrics Reporter”. Log compaction can remove records that are needed by Cruise Control and prevent it from working properly.
Additional resources
15.5. Optimization goals overview
To rebalance a Kafka cluster, Cruise Control uses optimization goals to generate optimization proposals. Optimization goals are constraints on workload redistribution and resource utilization across a Kafka cluster.
AMQ Streams on Red Hat Enterprise Linux supports all the optimization goals developed in the Cruise Control project. The supported goals, in the default descending order of priority, are as follows:
- Rack-awareness
- Replica capacity
- Capacity: Disk capacity, Network inbound capacity, Network outbound capacity
- CPU capacity
- Replica distribution
- Potential network output
- Resource distribution: Disk utilization distribution, Network inbound utilization distribution, Network outbound utilization distribution
- Leader bytes-in rate distribution
- Topic replica distribution
- CPU usage distribution
- Leader replica distribution
- Preferred leader election
- Kafka Assigner disk usage distribution
- Intra-broker disk capacity
- Intra-broker disk usage
For more information on each optimization goal, see Goals in the Cruise Control Wiki.
Goals configuration in the Cruise Control properties file
You configure optimization goals in the cruisecontrol.properties
file in the cruise-control/config/
directory. There are configurations for hard optimization goals that must be satisfied, as well as master and default optimization goals.
Optional, user-provided optimization goals are set at runtime as parameters in requests to the /rebalance
Optimization goals are subject to any capacity limits on broker resources.
The following sections describe each goal configuration in more detail.
Master optimization goals
The master optimization goals are available to all users. Goals that are not listed in the master optimization goals are not available for use in Cruise Control operations.
The following master optimization goals are preset in the cruisecontrol.properties
file, in the goals
property, in descending priority order:
RackAwareGoal; ReplicaCapacityGoal; DiskCapacityGoal; NetworkInboundCapacityGoal; NetworkOutboundCapacityGoal; ReplicaDistributionGoal; PotentialNwOutGoal; DiskUsageDistributionGoal; NetworkInboundUsageDistributionGoal; NetworkOutboundUsageDistributionGoal; CpuUsageDistributionGoal; TopicReplicaDistributionGoal; LeaderReplicaDistributionGoal; LeaderBytesInDistributionGoal; PreferredLeaderElectionGoal
For simplicity, we recommend that you do not change the preset master optimization goals, unless you need to completely exclude one or more goals from being used to generate optimization proposals. The priority order of the master optimization goals can be modified, if desired, in the configuration for default optimization goals.
If you need to modify the preset master optimization goals, specify a list of goals, in descending priority order, in the goals
property. Use fully-qualified domain names as shown in the cruisecontrol.properties
You must specify at least one master goal, or Cruise Control will crash.
If you change the preset master optimization goals, you must ensure that the configured hard.goals
are a subset of the master optimization goals that you configured. Otherwise, errors will occur when generating optimization proposals.
Hard goals and soft goals
Hard goals are goals that must be satisfied in optimization proposals. Goals that are not configured as hard goals are known as soft goals. You can think of soft goals as best effort goals: they do not need to be satisfied in optimization proposals, but are included in optimization calculations.
Cruise Control will calculate optimization proposals that satisfy all the hard goals and as many soft goals as possible (in their priority order). An optimization proposal that does not satisfy all the hard goals is rejected by the Analyzer and is not sent to the user.
For example, you might have a soft goal to distribute a topic’s replicas evenly across the cluster (the topic replica distribution goal). Cruise Control will ignore this goal if doing so enables all the configured hard goals to be met.
The following master optimization goals are preset as hard goals in the cruisecontrol.properties
file, in the hard.goals
RackAwareGoal; ReplicaCapacityGoal; DiskCapacityGoal; NetworkInboundCapacityGoal; NetworkOutboundCapacityGoal; CpuCapacityGoal
To change the hard goals, edit the hard.goals
property and specify the desired goals, using their fully-qualified domain names.
Increasing the number of hard goals reduces the likelihood that Cruise Control will calculate and generate valid optimization proposals.
Default optimization goals
Cruise Control uses the default optimization goals list to generate the cached optimization proposal. For more information, see Section 15.6, “Optimization proposals overview”.
You can override the default optimization goals at runtime by setting user-provided optimization goals.
The following default optimization goals are preset in the cruisecontrol.properties
file, in the default.goals
property, in descending priority order:
RackAwareGoal; ReplicaCapacityGoal; DiskCapacityGoal; NetworkInboundCapacityGoal; NetworkOutboundCapacityGoal; CpuCapacityGoal; ReplicaDistributionGoal; PotentialNwOutGoal; DiskUsageDistributionGoal; NetworkInboundUsageDistributionGoal; NetworkOutboundUsageDistributionGoal; CpuUsageDistributionGoal; TopicReplicaDistributionGoal; LeaderReplicaDistributionGoal; LeaderBytesInDistributionGoal
You must specify at least one default goal, or Cruise Control will crash.
To modify the default optimization goals, specify a list of goals, in descending priority order, in the default.goals
property. Default goals must be a subset of the master optimization goals; use fully-qualified domain names.
User-provided optimization goals
User-provided optimization goals narrow down the configured default goals for a particular optimization proposal. You can set them, as required, as parameters in HTTP requests to the /rebalance
endpoint. For more information, see Section 15.9, “Generating optimization proposals”.
User-provided optimization goals can generate optimization proposals for different scenarios. For example, you might want to optimize leader replica distribution across the Kafka cluster without considering disk capacity or disk utilization. So, you send a request to the /rebalance
endpoint containing a single goal for leader replica distribution.
User-provided optimization goals must:
- Include all configured hard goals, or an error occurs
- Be a subset of the master optimization goals
To ignore the configured hard goals in an optimization proposal, add the skip_hard_goals_check=true
parameter to the request.
Additional resources
- Section 15.8, “Cruise Control configuration”
- Configurations in the Cruise Control Wiki.
15.6. Optimization proposals overview
An optimization proposal is a summary of proposed changes that, if applied, will produce a more balanced Kafka cluster, with partition workloads distributed more evenly among the brokers. Each optimization proposal is based on the set of optimization goals that was used to generate it, subject to any configured capacity limits on broker resources.
When you make a POST request to the /rebalance
endpoint, an optimization proposal is returned in response. Use the information in the proposal to decide whether to initiate a cluster rebalance based on the proposal. Alternatively, you can change the optimization goals and then generate another proposal.
By default, optimization proposals are generated as dry runs that must be initiated separately. There is no limit to the number of optimization proposals that can be generated.
Cached optimization proposal
Cruise Control maintains a cached optimization proposal based on the configured default optimization goals. Generated from the workload model, the cached optimization proposal is updated every 15 minutes to reflect the current state of the Kafka cluster.
The most recent cached optimization proposal is returned when the following goal configurations are used:
- The default optimization goals
- User-provided optimization goals that can be met by the current cached proposal
To change the cached optimization proposal refresh interval, edit the proposal.expiration.ms
setting in the cruisecontrol.properties
file. Consider a shorter interval for fast changing clusters, although this increases the load on the Cruise Control server.
Contents of optimization proposals
The following table describes the properties contained in an optimization proposal.
Property | Description |
Performance impact during rebalance operation: Relatively high.
Performance impact during rebalance operation: Variable. The larger the number of MBs, the longer the cluster rebalance will take to complete. |
Performance impact during rebalance operation: Relatively high, but less than
Performance impact during rebalance operation: Variable. The larger the number, the longer the cluster rebalance will take to complete. Moving a large amount of data between disks on the same broker has less impact than between separate brokers (see |
| The number of topics excluded from the calculation of partition replica/leader movements in the optimization proposal. You can exclude topics in one of the following ways:
In the
In a POST request to the Topics that match the regular expression are listed in the response and will be excluded from the cluster rebalance. |
Performance impact during rebalance operation: Relatively low. |
| Measurements of the overall balance of a Kafka Cluster.
Cruise Control assigns a
The |
15.7. Rebalance performance tuning overview
You can adjust several performance tuning options for cluster rebalances. These options control how partition replica and leadership movements in a rebalance are executed, as well as the bandwidth that is allocated to a rebalance operation.
Partition reassignment commands
Optimization proposals are composed of separate partition reassignment commands. When you initiate a proposal, the Cruise Control server applies these commands to the Kafka cluster.
A partition reassignment command consists of either of the following types of operations:
Partition movement: Involves transferring the partition replica and its data to a new location. Partition movements can take one of two forms:
- Inter-broker movement: The partition replica is moved to a log directory on a different broker.
- Intra-broker movement: The partition replica is moved to a different log directory on the same broker.
- Leadership movement: Involves switching the leader of the partition’s replicas.
Cruise Control issues partition reassignment commands to the Kafka cluster in batches. The performance of the cluster during the rebalance is affected by the number of each type of movement contained in each batch.
To configure partition reassignment commands, see Rebalance tuning options.
Replica movement strategies
Cluster rebalance performance is also influenced by the replica movement strategy that is applied to the batches of partition reassignment commands. By default, Cruise Control uses the BaseReplicaMovementStrategy
, which applies the commands in the order in which they were generated. However, if there are some very large partition reassignments early in the proposal, this strategy can slow down the application of the other reassignments.
Cruise Control provides three alternative replica movement strategies that can be applied to optimization proposals:
: Order reassignments in ascending size. -
: Order reassignments in descending size. -
: Prioritize reassignments for replicas of partitions which have no out-of-sync replicas.
These strategies can be configured as a sequence. The first strategy attempts to compare two partition reassignments using its internal logic. If the reassignments are equivalent, then it passes them to the next strategy in the sequence to decide the order, and so on.
To configure replica movement strategies, see Rebalance tuning options.
Rebalance tuning options
Cruise Control provides several configuration options for tuning rebalance parameters. These options are set in the following ways:
As properties, in the default Cruise Control configuration, in the
file -
As parameters in POST requests to the
The relevant configurations for both methods are summarized in the following table.
Property and request parameter configurations | Description | Default Value |
| The maximum number of inter-broker partition movements in each partition reassignment batch | 5 |
| ||
| The maximum number of intra-broker partition movements in each partition reassignment batch | 2 |
| ||
| The maximum number of partition leadership changes in each partition reassignment batch | 1000 |
| ||
| The bandwidth (in bytes per second) to assign to partition reassignment | Null (no limit) |
| ||
The list of strategies (in priority order) used to determine the order in which partition reassignment commands are executed for generated proposals. There are three strategies:
For the property, use a comma-separated list of the fully qualified names of the strategy classes (add For the parameter, use a comma-separated list of the class names of the replica movement strategies. |
Changing the default settings affects the length of time that the rebalance takes to complete, as well as the load placed on the Kafka cluster during the rebalance. Using lower values reduces the load but increases the amount of time taken, and vice versa.
Additional resources
- Configurations in the Cruise Control Wiki.
- REST APIs in the Cruise Control Wiki.
15.8. Cruise Control configuration
The config/cruisecontrol.properties
file contains the configuration for Cruise Control. The file consists of properties in one of the following types:
- String
- Number
- Boolean
You can specify and configure all the properties listed in the Configurations section of the Cruise Control Wiki.
Capacity configuration
Cruise Control uses capacity limits to determine if certain resource-based optimization goals are being broken. An attempted optimization fails if one or more of these resource-based goals is set as a hard goal and then broken. This prevents the optimization from being used to generate an optimization proposal.
You specify capacity limits for Kafka broker resources in one of the following three .json
files in cruise-control/config
: For use in JBOD Kafka deployments (the default file). -
: For use in non-JBOD Kafka deployments where each broker has the same number of CPU cores. -
: For use in non-JBOD Kafka deployments where each broker has varying numbers of CPU cores.
Set the file in the capacity.config.file
property in cruisecontrol.properties
. The selected file will be used for broker capacity resolution. For example:
Capacity limits can be set for the following broker resources in the described units:
: Disk storage in MB -
: CPU utilization as a percentage (0-100) or as a number of cores -
: Inbound network throughput in KB per second -
: Outbound network throughput in KB per second
To apply the same capacity limits to every broker monitored by Cruise Control, set capacity limits for broker ID -1
. To set different capacity limits for individual brokers, specify each broker ID and its capacity configuration.
Example capacity limits configuration
{ "brokerCapacities":[ { "brokerId": "-1", "capacity": { "DISK": "100000", "CPU": "100", "NW_IN": "10000", "NW_OUT": "10000" }, "doc": "This is the default capacity. Capacity unit used for disk is in MB, cpu is in percentage, network throughput is in KB." }, { "brokerId": "0", "capacity": { "DISK": "500000", "CPU": "100", "NW_IN": "50000", "NW_OUT": "50000" }, "doc": "This overrides the capacity for broker 0." } ] }
For more information, see Populating the Capacity Configuration File in the Cruise Control Wiki.
Log cleanup policy for Cruise Control Metrics topic
It is important that the auto-created __CruiseControlMetrics
topic (see auto-created topics) has a log cleanup policy of DELETE
rather than COMPACT
. Otherwise, records that are needed by Cruise Control might be removed.
As described in Section 15.3, “Deploying the Cruise Control Metrics Reporter”, setting the following options in the Kafka configuration file ensures that the COMPACT
log cleanup policy is correctly set:
If topic auto-creation is disabled in the Cruise Control Metrics Reporter (cruise.control.metrics.topic.auto.create=false
), but enabled in the Kafka cluster, then the __CruiseControlMetrics
topic is still automatically created by the broker. In this case, you must change the log cleanup policy of the __CruiseControlMetrics
topic to DELETE
using the kafka-configs.sh
Get the current configuration of the
topic:bin/kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server <BrokerAddress> --entity-type topics --entity-name __CruiseControlMetrics --describe
Change the log cleanup policy in the topic configuration:
bin/kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server <BrokerAddress> --entity-type topics --entity-name __CruiseControlMetrics --alter --add-config cleanup.policy=delete
If topic auto-creation is disabled in both the Cruise Control Metrics Reporter and the Kafka cluster, you must create the __CruiseControlMetrics
topic manually and then configure it to use the DELETE
log cleanup policy using the kafka-configs.sh
For more information, see Section 5.9, “Modifying a topic configuration”.
Logging configuration
Cruise Control uses log4j1
for all server logging. To change the default configuration, edit the log4j.properties
file in /opt/cruise-control/config/log4j.properties
You must restart the Cruise Control server before the changes take effect.
15.9. Generating optimization proposals
When you make a POST request to the /rebalance
endpoint, Cruise Control generates an optimization proposal to rebalance the Kafka cluster, based on the provided optimization goals.
The optimization proposal is generated as a dry run, unless the dryrun
parameter is supplied and set to false
You can then analyze the information in the dry run optimization proposal and decide whether to initiate it.
Following are the key parameters that you can include in requests to the /rebalance
endpoint. For information about all the available parameters, see REST APIs in the Cruise Control Wiki.
type: boolean, default: true
Informs Cruise Control whether you want to generate an optimization proposal only (true
), or generate an optimization proposal and perform a cluster rebalance (false
type: regex
A regular expression that matches the topics to exclude from the calculation of the optimization proposal.
type: list of strings, default: the configured default.goals
List of user-provided optimization goals to use to prepare the optimization proposal. If goals are not supplied, the configured default.goals
list in the cruisecontrol.properties
file is used.
type: boolean, default: false
By default, Cruise Control checks that the user-provided optimization goals (in the goals
parameter) contain all the configured hard goals (in hard.goals
). A request fails if you supply goals that are not a subset of the configured hard.goals
Set skip_hard_goals_check
to true
if you want to generate an optimization proposal with user-provided optimization goals that do not include all the configured hard.goals
type: boolean, default: false
Controls the type of response returned by the Cruise Control server. If not supplied, or set to false
, then Cruise Control returns text formatted for display on the command line. If you want to extract elements of the returned information programmatically, set json=true
. This will return JSON formatted text that can be piped to tools such as jq
, or parsed in scripts and programs.
type: boolean, default: false
Controls the level of detail in responses that are returned by the Cruise Control server.
- Kafka and ZooKeeper are running
- Cruise Control is running
To generate an optimization proposal formatted for the console, send a POST request to the
endpoint.To use the configured
:curl -v -X POST 'cruise-control-server:9090/kafkacruisecontrol/rebalance'
The cached optimization proposal is immediately returned.
is returned, Cruise Control has not yet recorded enough metrics data to generate an optimization proposal. Wait a few minutes and then resend the request.To specify user-provided optimization goals instead of the configured
, supply one or more goals in thegoals
parameter:curl -v -X POST 'cruise-control-server:9090/kafkacruisecontrol/rebalance?goals=RackAwareGoal,ReplicaCapacityGoal'
If it satisfies the supplied goals, the cached optimization proposal is immediately returned. Otherwise, a new optimization proposal is generated using the supplied goals; this takes longer to calculate. You can enforce this behavior by adding the
parameter to the request.To specify user-provided optimization goals that do not include all the configured hard goals, add the
parameter to the request:curl -v -X POST 'cruise-control-server:9090/kafkacruisecontrol/rebalance?goals=RackAwareGoal,ReplicaCapacityGoal,ReplicaDistributionGoal&skip_hard_goal_check=true'
Review the optimization proposal contained in the response. The properties describe the pending cluster rebalance operation.
The proposal contains a high level summary of the proposed optimization, followed by summaries for each default optimization goal, and the expected cluster state after the proposal has executed.
Pay particular attention to the following information:
Cluster load after rebalance
summary. If it meets your requirements, you should assess the impact of the proposed changes using the high level summary. -
n inter-broker replica (y MB) moves
indicates how much data will be moved across the network between brokers. The higher the value, the greater the potential performance impact on the Kafka cluster during the rebalance. -
n intra-broker replica (y MB) moves
indicates how much data will be moved within the brokers themselves (between disks). The higher the value, the greater the potential performance impact on individual brokers (although less than that ofn inter-broker replica (y MB) moves
). - The number of leadership moves. This has a negligible impact on the performance of the cluster during the rebalance.
Asynchronous responses
The Cruise Control REST API endpoints timeout after 10 seconds by default, although proposal generation continues on the server. A timeout might occur if the most recent cached optimization proposal is not ready, or if user-provided optimization goals were specified with ignore_proposal_cache=true
To allow you to retrieve the optimization proposal at a later time, take note of the request’s unique identifier, which is given in the header of responses from the /rebalance
To obtain the response using curl
, specify the verbose (-v
) option:
curl -v -X POST 'cruise-control-server:9090/kafkacruisecontrol/rebalance'
Here is an example header:
* Connected to cruise-control-server (::1) port 9090 (#0)
> POST /kafkacruisecontrol/rebalance HTTP/1.1
> Host: cc-host:9090
> User-Agent: curl/7.70.0
> Accept: /
* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Mon, 01 Jun 2020 15:19:26 GMT
< Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=node01wk6vjzjj12go13m81o7no5p7h9.node0; Path=/
< Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
< User-Task-ID: 274b8095-d739-4840-85b9-f4cfaaf5c201
< Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8
< Cruise-Control-Version: 2.0.103.redhat-00002
< Cruise-Control-Commit_Id: 58975c9d5d0a78dd33cd67d4bcb497c9fd42ae7c
< Content-Length: 12368
< Server: Jetty(9.4.26.v20200117-redhat-00001)
If an optimization proposal is not ready within the timeout, you can re-submit the POST request, this time including the User-Task-ID
of the original request in the header:
curl -v -X POST -H 'User-Task-ID: 274b8095-d739-4840-85b9-f4cfaaf5c201' 'cruise-control-server:9090/kafkacruisecontrol/rebalance'
What to do next
15.10. Initiating a cluster rebalance
If you are satisfied with an optimization proposal, you can instruct Cruise Control to initiate the cluster rebalance and begin reassigning partitions, as summarized in the proposal.
Leave as little time as possible between generating an optimization proposal and initiating the cluster rebalance. If some time has passed since you generated the original optimization proposal, the cluster state might have changed. Therefore, the cluster rebalance that is initiated might be different to the one you reviewed. If in doubt, first generate a new optimization proposal.
Only one cluster rebalance, with a status of "Active", can be in progress at a time.
- You have generated an optimization proposal from Cruise Control.
To execute the most recently generated optimization proposal, send a POST request to the
endpoint, with thedryrun=false
parameter:curl -X POST 'cruise-control-server:9090/kafkacruisecontrol/rebalance?dryrun=false'
Cruise Control initiates the cluster rebalance and returns the optimization proposal.
- Check the changes that are summarized in the optimization proposal. If the changes are not what you expect, you can stop the rebalance.
Check the progress of the cluster rebalance using the
endpoint. The cluster rebalance in progress has a status of "Active".To view all cluster rebalance tasks executed on the Cruise Control server:
curl 'cruise-control-server:9090/kafkacruisecontrol/user_tasks' USER TASK ID CLIENT ADDRESS START TIME STATUS REQUEST URL c459316f-9eb5-482f-9d2d-97b5a4cd294d 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 2020-06-01_16:10:29 UTC Active POST /kafkacruisecontrol/rebalance?dryrun=false 445e2fc3-6531-4243-b0a6-36ef7c5059b4 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 2020-06-01_14:21:26 UTC Completed GET /kafkacruisecontrol/state?json=true 05c37737-16d1-4e33-8e2b-800dee9f1b01 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 2020-06-01_14:36:11 UTC Completed GET /kafkacruisecontrol/state?json=true aebae987-985d-4871-8cfb-6134ecd504ab 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 2020-06-01_16:10:04 UTC
To view the status of a particular cluster rebalance task, supply the
parameter and the task ID:curl 'cruise-control-server:9090/kafkacruisecontrol/user_tasks?user_task_ids=c459316f-9eb5-482f-9d2d-97b5a4cd294d'
15.11. Stopping an active cluster rebalance
You can stop the cluster rebalance that is currently in progress.
This instructs Cruise Control to finish the current batch of partition reassignments and then stop the rebalance. When the rebalance has stopped, completed partition reassignments have already been applied; therefore, the state of the Kafka cluster is different when compared to before the start of the rebalance operation. If further rebalancing is required, you should generate a new optimization proposal.
The performance of the Kafka cluster in the intermediate (stopped) state might be worse than in the initial state.
- A cluster rebalance is in progress (indicated by a status of "Active").
Send a POST request to the
endpoint:curl -X POST 'cruise-control-server:9090/kafkacruisecontrol/stop_proposal_execution'
Additional resources
Chapter 16. Distributed tracing
Distributed tracing allows you to track the progress of transactions between applications in a distributed system. In a microservices architecture, tracing tracks the progress of transactions between services. Trace data is useful for monitoring application performance and investigating issues with target systems and end-user applications.
In AMQ Streams on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, tracing facilitates the end-to-end tracking of messages: from source systems to Kafka, and then from Kafka to target systems and applications. Tracing complements the available JMX metrics.
How AMQ Streams supports tracing
Support for tracing is provided for the following clients and components.
Kafka clients:
- Kafka producers and consumers
- Kafka Streams API applications
Kafka components:
- Kafka Connect
- Kafka Bridge
- MirrorMaker
- MirrorMaker 2.0
To enable tracing, you perform four high-level tasks:
- Enable a Jaeger tracer.
Enable the Interceptors:
- For Kafka clients, you instrument your application code using the OpenTracing Apache Kafka Client Instrumentation library (included with AMQ Streams).
- For Kafka components, you set configuration properties for each component.
- Set tracing environment variables.
- Deploy the client or component.
When instrumented, clients generate trace data. For example, when producing messages or writing offsets to the log.
Traces are sampled according to a sampling strategy and then visualized in the Jaeger user interface.
Tracing is not supported for Kafka brokers.
Setting up tracing for applications and systems beyond AMQ Streams is outside the scope of this chapter. To learn more about this subject, search for "inject and extract" in the OpenTracing documentation.
Outline of procedures
To set up tracing for AMQ Streams, follow these procedures in order:
Set up tracing for clients:
Set up tracing for MirrorMaker, MirrorMaker 2.0, and Kafka Connect:
- Enable tracing for the Kafka Bridge
- The Jaeger backend components are deployed to the host operating system. For deployment instructions, see the Jaeger deployment documentation.
16.1. Overview of OpenTracing and Jaeger
AMQ Streams uses the OpenTracing and Jaeger projects.
OpenTracing is an API specification that is independent from the tracing or monitoring system.
- The OpenTracing APIs are used to instrument application code
- Instrumented applications generate traces for individual transactions across the distributed system
- Traces are composed of spans that define specific units of work over time
Jaeger is a tracing system for microservices-based distributed systems.
- Jaeger implements the OpenTracing APIs and provides client libraries for instrumentation
- The Jaeger user interface allows you to query, filter, and analyze trace data
Additional resources
16.2. Setting up tracing for Kafka clients
Initialize a Jaeger tracer to instrument your client applications for distributed tracing.
16.2.1. Initializing a Jaeger tracer for Kafka clients
Configure and initialize a Jaeger tracer using a set of tracing environment variables.
In each client application:
Add Maven dependencies for Jaeger to the
file for the client application:<dependency> <groupId>io.jaegertracing</groupId> <artifactId>jaeger-client</artifactId> <version>1.1.0.redhat-00002</version> </dependency>
- Define the configuration of the Jaeger tracer using the tracing environment variables.
Create the Jaeger tracer from the environment variables that you defined in step two:
Tracer tracer = Configuration.fromEnv().getTracer();
NoteFor alternative ways to initialize a Jaeger tracer, see the Java OpenTracing library documentation.
Register the Jaeger tracer as a global tracer:
A Jaeger tracer is now initialized for the client application to use.
16.2.2. Instrumenting producers and consumers for tracing
Use a Decorator pattern or Interceptors to instrument your Java producer and consumer application code for tracing.
In the application code of each producer and consumer application:
Add a Maven dependency for OpenTracing to the producer or consumer’s
file.<dependency> <groupId>io.opentracing.contrib</groupId> <artifactId>opentracing-kafka-client</artifactId> <version>0.1.12.redhat-00001</version> </dependency>
Instrument your client application code using either a Decorator pattern or Interceptors.
To use a Decorator pattern:
// Create an instance of the KafkaProducer: KafkaProducer<Integer, String> producer = new KafkaProducer<>(senderProps); // Create an instance of the TracingKafkaProducer: TracingKafkaProducer<Integer, String> tracingProducer = new TracingKafkaProducer<>(producer, tracer); // Send: tracingProducer.send(...); // Create an instance of the KafkaConsumer: KafkaConsumer<Integer, String> consumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(consumerProps); // Create an instance of the TracingKafkaConsumer: TracingKafkaConsumer<Integer, String> tracingConsumer = new TracingKafkaConsumer<>(consumer, tracer); // Subscribe: tracingConsumer.subscribe(Collections.singletonList("messages")); // Get messages: ConsumerRecords<Integer, String> records = tracingConsumer.poll(1000); // Retrieve SpanContext from polled record (consumer side): ConsumerRecord<Integer, String> record = ... SpanContext spanContext = TracingKafkaUtils.extractSpanContext(record.headers(), tracer);
To use Interceptors:
// Register the tracer with GlobalTracer: GlobalTracer.register(tracer); // Add the TracingProducerInterceptor to the sender properties: senderProps.put(ProducerConfig.INTERCEPTOR_CLASSES_CONFIG, TracingProducerInterceptor.class.getName()); // Create an instance of the KafkaProducer: KafkaProducer<Integer, String> producer = new KafkaProducer<>(senderProps); // Send: producer.send(...); // Add the TracingConsumerInterceptor to the consumer properties: consumerProps.put(ConsumerConfig.INTERCEPTOR_CLASSES_CONFIG, TracingConsumerInterceptor.class.getName()); // Create an instance of the KafkaConsumer: KafkaConsumer<Integer, String> consumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(consumerProps); // Subscribe: consumer.subscribe(Collections.singletonList("messages")); // Get messages: ConsumerRecords<Integer, String> records = consumer.poll(1000); // Retrieve the SpanContext from a polled message (consumer side): ConsumerRecord<Integer, String> record = ... SpanContext spanContext = TracingKafkaUtils.extractSpanContext(record.headers(), tracer);
Custom span names in a Decorator pattern
A span is a logical unit of work in Jaeger, with an operation name, start time, and duration.
To use a Decorator pattern to instrument your producer and consumer applications, define custom span names by passing a BiFunction
object as an additional argument when creating the TracingKafkaProducer
and TracingKafkaConsumer
objects. The OpenTracing Apache Kafka Client Instrumentation library includes several built-in span names.
Example: Using custom span names to instrument client application code in a Decorator pattern
// Create a BiFunction for the KafkaProducer that operates on (String operationName, ProducerRecord consumerRecord) and returns a String to be used as the name: BiFunction<String, ProducerRecord, String> producerSpanNameProvider = (operationName, producerRecord) -> "CUSTOM_PRODUCER_NAME"; // Create an instance of the KafkaProducer: KafkaProducer<Integer, String> producer = new KafkaProducer<>(senderProps); // Create an instance of the TracingKafkaProducer TracingKafkaProducer<Integer, String> tracingProducer = new TracingKafkaProducer<>(producer, tracer, producerSpanNameProvider); // Spans created by the tracingProducer will now have "CUSTOM_PRODUCER_NAME" as the span name. // Create a BiFunction for the KafkaConsumer that operates on (String operationName, ConsumerRecord consumerRecord) and returns a String to be used as the name: BiFunction<String, ConsumerRecord, String> consumerSpanNameProvider = (operationName, consumerRecord) -> operationName.toUpperCase(); // Create an instance of the KafkaConsumer: KafkaConsumer<Integer, String> consumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(consumerProps); // Create an instance of the TracingKafkaConsumer, passing in the consumerSpanNameProvider BiFunction: TracingKafkaConsumer<Integer, String> tracingConsumer = new TracingKafkaConsumer<>(consumer, tracer, consumerSpanNameProvider); // Spans created by the tracingConsumer will have the operation name as the span name, in upper-case. // "receive" -> "RECEIVE"
Built-in span names
When defining custom span names, you can use the following BiFunctions
in the ClientSpanNameProvider
class. If no spanNameProvider
are used.
BiFunction | Description |
Returns the |
Returns a String concatenation of |
Returns the name of the topic that the message was sent to or retrieved from in the format |
Returns a String concatenation of |
Returns the operation name and the topic name: |
Returns a String concatenation of |
16.2.3. Instrumenting Kafka Streams applications for tracing
Instrument Kafka Streams applications for distributed tracing using a supplier interface. This enables the Interceptors in the application.
In each Kafka Streams application:
Add the
dependency to the Kafka Streams application’spom.xml
file.<dependency> <groupId>io.opentracing.contrib</groupId> <artifactId>opentracing-kafka-streams</artifactId> <version>0.1.12.redhat-00001</version> </dependency>
Create an instance of the
supplier interface:KafkaClientSupplier supplier = new TracingKafkaClientSupplier(tracer);
Provide the supplier interface to
:KafkaStreams streams = new KafkaStreams(builder.build(), new StreamsConfig(config), supplier); streams.start();
16.3. Setting up tracing for MirrorMaker and Kafka Connect
This section describes how to configure MirrorMaker, MirrorMaker 2.0, and Kafka Connect for distributed tracing.
You must enable a Jaeger tracer for each component.
16.3.1. Enabling tracing for MirrorMaker
Enable distributed tracing for MirrorMaker by passing the Interceptor properties as consumer and producer configuration parameters.
Messages are traced from the source cluster to the target cluster. The trace data records messages entering and leaving the MirrorMaker component.
- Configure and enable a Jaeger tracer.
Edit the
file.Add the following Interceptor property:
Edit the
file.Add the following Interceptor property:
Start MirrorMaker with the consumer and producer configuration files as parameters:
su - kafka /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-mirror-maker.sh --consumer.config /opt/kafka/config/consumer.properties --producer.config /opt/kafka/config/producer.properties --num.streams=2
16.3.2. Enabling tracing for MirrorMaker 2.0
Enable distributed tracing for MirrorMaker 2.0 by defining the Interceptor properties in the MirrorMaker 2.0 properties file.
Messages are traced between Kafka clusters. The trace data records messages entering and leaving the MirrorMaker 2.0 component.
- Configure and enable a Jaeger tracer.
Edit the MirrorMaker 2.0 configuration properties file,
, and add the following properties:header.converter=org.apache.kafka.connect.converters.ByteArrayConverter 1 consumer.interceptor.classes=io.opentracing.contrib.kafka.TracingConsumerInterceptor 2 producer.interceptor.classes=io.opentracing.contrib.kafka.TracingProducerInterceptor
- Start MirrorMaker 2.0 using the instructions in Section 10.4, “Synchronizing data between Kafka clusters using MirrorMaker 2.0”.
Additional resources
16.3.3. Enabling tracing for Kafka Connect
Enable distributed tracing for Kafka Connect using configuration properties.
Only messages produced and consumed by Kafka Connect itself are traced. To trace messages sent between Kafka Connect and external systems, you must configure tracing in the connectors for those systems.
- Configure and enable a Jaeger tracer.
Edit the relevant Kafka Connect configuration file.
If you are running Kafka Connect in standalone mode, edit the
file. -
If you are running Kafka Connect in distributed mode, edit the
If you are running Kafka Connect in standalone mode, edit the
Add the following properties to the configuration file:
producer.interceptor.classes=io.opentracing.contrib.kafka.TracingProducerInterceptor consumer.interceptor.classes=io.opentracing.contrib.kafka.TracingConsumerInterceptor
- Save the configuration file.
- Set tracing environment variables and then run Kafka Connect in standalone or distributed mode.
The Interceptors in Kafka Connect’s internal consumers and producers are now enabled.
16.4. Enabling tracing for the Kafka Bridge
Enable distributed tracing for the Kafka Bridge by editing the Kafka Bridge configuration file. You can then deploy a Kafka Bridge instance that is configured for distributed tracing to the host operating system.
Traces are generated when:
- The Kafka Bridge sends messages to HTTP clients and consumes messages from HTTP clients
- HTTP clients send HTTP requests to send and receive messages through the Kafka Bridge
To have end-to-end tracing, you must configure tracing in your HTTP clients.
Edit the
file in the Kafka Bridge installation directory.Remove the code comments from the following line:
- Save the configuration file.
Run the
script using the configuration properties as a parameter:cd kafka-bridge-0.xy.x.redhat-0000x ./bin/kafka_bridge_run.sh --config-file=config/application.properties
The Interceptors in the Kafka Bridge’s internal consumers and producers are now enabled.
Additional resources
16.5. Environment variables for tracing
Use these environment variables when configuring a Jaeger tracer for Kafka clients and components.
The tracing environment variables are part of the Jaeger project and are subject to change. For the latest environment variables, see the Jaeger documentation.
Property | Required | Description |
| Yes | The name of the Jaeger tracer service. |
| No |
The hostname for communicating with the |
| No |
The port used for communicating with the |
| No |
The |
| No | The authentication token to send to the endpoint as a bearer token. |
| No | The username to send to the endpoint if using basic authentication. |
| No | The password to send to the endpoint if using basic authentication. |
| No |
A comma-separated list of formats to use for propagating the trace context. Defaults to the standard Jaeger format. Valid values are |
| No | Indicates whether the reporter should also log the spans. |
| No | The reporter’s maximum queue size. |
| No | The reporter’s flush interval, in ms. Defines how frequently the Jaeger reporter flushes span batches. |
| No | The sampling strategy to use for client traces:
To sample all traces, use the Constant sampling strategy with a parameter of 1. For more information, see the Jaeger documentation. |
| No | The sampler parameter (number). |
| No | The hostname and port to use if a Remote sampling strategy is selected. |
| No | A comma-separated list of tracer-level tags that are added to all reported spans.
The value can also refer to an environment variable using the format |
Chapter 17. Kafka Exporter
Kafka Exporter is an open source project to enhance monitoring of Apache Kafka brokers and clients.
Kafka Exporter is provided with AMQ Streams for deployment with a Kafka cluster to extract additional metrics data from Kafka brokers related to offsets, consumer groups, consumer lag, and topics.
The metrics data is used, for example, to help identify slow consumers.
Lag data is exposed as Prometheus metrics, which can then be presented in Grafana for analysis.
If you are already using Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring of built-in Kafka metrics, you can configure Prometheus to also scrape the Kafka Exporter Prometheus endpoint.
Additional resources
Kafka exposes metrics through JMX, which can then be exported as Prometheus metrics.
17.1. Consumer lag
Consumer lag indicates the difference in the rate of production and consumption of messages. Specifically, consumer lag for a given consumer group indicates the delay between the last message in the partition and the message being currently picked up by that consumer. The lag reflects the position of the consumer offset in relation to the end of the partition log.
This difference is sometimes referred to as the delta between the producer offset and consumer offset, the read and write positions in the Kafka broker topic partitions.
Suppose a topic streams 100 messages a second. A lag of 1000 messages between the producer offset (the topic partition head) and the last offset the consumer has read means a 10-second delay.
The importance of monitoring consumer lag
For applications that rely on the processing of (near) real-time data, it is critica