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Chapter 2. What is deployed with AMQ Streams
Apache Kafka components are provided for deployment to OpenShift with the AMQ Streams distribution. The Kafka components are generally run as clusters for availability.
A typical deployment incorporating Kafka components might include:
- Kafka cluster of broker nodes
- ZooKeeper cluster of replicated ZooKeeper instances
- Kafka Connect cluster for external data connections
- Kafka MirrorMaker cluster to mirror the Kafka cluster in a secondary cluster
- Kafka Exporter to extract additional Kafka metrics data for monitoring
- Kafka Bridge to make HTTP-based requests to the Kafka cluster
Not all of these components are mandatory, though you need Kafka and ZooKeeper as a minimum. Some components can be deployed without Kafka, such as MirrorMaker or Kafka Connect.
2.1. Order of deployment
The required order of deployment to an OpenShift cluster is as follows:
- Deploy the Cluster operator to manage your Kafka cluster
- Deploy the Kafka cluster with the ZooKeeper cluster, and include the Topic Operator and User Operator in the deployment
Optionally deploy:
- The Topic Operator and User Operator standalone if you did not deploy them with the Kafka cluster
- Kafka Connect
- Kafka MirrorMaker
- Kafka Bridge
- Components for the monitoring of metrics
2.2. Additional deployment configuration options
The deployment procedures in this guide describe a deployment using the example installation YAML files provided with AMQ Streams. The procedures highlight any important configuration considerations, but they do not describe all the configuration options available.
You can use custom resources to refine your deployment.
You may wish to review the configuration options available for Kafka components before you deploy AMQ Streams. For more information on the configuration through custom resources, see Deployment configuration in the Using AMQ Streams on OpenShift guide.
2.2.1. Securing Kafka
On deployment, the Cluster Operator automatically sets up TLS certificates for data encryption and authentication within your cluster.
AMQ Streams provides additional configuration options for encryption, authentication and authorization, which are described in the Using AMQ Streams on OpenShift guide:
- Secure data exchange between the Kafka cluster and clients by configuration of Kafka resources.
- Configure your deployment to use an authorization server to provide OAuth 2.0 authentication and OAuth 2.0 authorization.
- Secure Kafka using your own certificates.
2.2.2. Monitoring your deployment
AMQ Streams supports additional deployment options to monitor your deployment.
- Extract metrics and monitor Kafka components by deploying Prometheus and Grafana with your Kafka cluster.
- Extract additional metrics, particularly related to monitoring consumer lag, by deploying Kafka Exporter with your Kafka cluster.
- Track messages end-to-end by setting up distributed tracing, as described in the Using AMQ Streams on OpenShift guide.