1.6. 컨테이너화된 Ansible Automation Platform 설치
Ansible Automation Platform은 인벤토리 파일을 사용하여 제어됩니다. 인벤토리 파일은 사용 및 생성된 호스트 및 구성 요소 변수, 설치를 사용자 지정하는 데 필요한 기타 정보를 정의합니다.
쉽게 시작할 수 있도록 복사 및 수정할 수 있는 예제 인벤토리 파일이 제공됩니다.
인벤토리 파일에 지정된 기본 데이터베이스 선택이 없습니다. 인벤토리 파일의 지침에 따라 내부적으로 제공된 postgres를 적절히 선택하거나 외부에서 관리 및 지원되는 데이터베이스 옵션을 제공해야 합니다.
< > 자리 표시자를 특정 변수로 교체하고 요구 사항과 관련된 모든 행의 주석을 제거하여 인벤토리 파일을 편집합니다.
# This is the AAP installer inventory file # Please consult the docs if you're unsure what to add # For all optional variables please consult the included README.md # This section is for your AAP Controller host(s) # ------------------------------------------------- [automationcontroller] fqdn_of_your_rhel_host ansible_connection=local # This section is for your AAP Automation Hub host(s) # ----------------------------------------------------- [automationhub] fqdn_of_your_rhel_host ansible_connection=local # This section is for your AAP EDA Controller host(s) # ----------------------------------------------------- [automationeda] fqdn_of_your_rhel_host ansible_connection=local # This section is for your AAP Execution host(s) # ------------------------------------------------ #[execution_nodes] #fqdn_of_your_rhel_host # This section is for the AAP database(s) # ----------------------------------------- # Uncomment the lines below and amend appropriately if you want AAP to install and manage the postgres databases # Leave commented out if you intend to use your own external database and just set appropriate _pg_hosts vars # see mandatory sections under each AAP component #[database] #fqdn_of_your_rhel_host ansible_connection=local [all:vars] # Common variables needed for installation # ---------------------------------------- postgresql_admin_username=postgres postgresql_admin_password=<set your own> # If using the online (non-bundled) installer, you need to set RHN registry credentials registry_username=<your RHN username> registry_password=<your RHN password> # If using the bundled installer, you need to alter defaults by using: #bundle_install=true # The bundle directory must include /bundle in the path #bundle_dir=<full path to the bundle directory> # To add more decision environment images you need to set the de_extra_images variable #de_extra_images=[{'name': 'Custom decision environment', 'image': '<registry>/<namespace>/<image>:<tag>'}] # To add more execution environment images you need to set the ee_extra_images variable #ee_extra_images=[{'name': 'Custom execution environment', 'image': '<registry>/<namespace>/<image>:<tag>'}] # To use custom TLS CA certificate/key you need to set these variables #ca_tls_cert=<full path to your TLS CA certificate file> #ca_tls_key=<full path to your TLS CA key file> # AAP Database - optional # -------------------------- # To use custom TLS certificate/key you need to set these variables #postgresql_tls_cert=<full path to your TLS certificate file> #postgresql_tls_key=<full path to your TLS key file> # AAP Controller - mandatory # -------------------------- controller_admin_password=<set your own> controller_pg_host=fqdn_of_your_rhel_host controller_pg_password=<set your own> # AAP Controller - optional # ------------------------- # To use the postinstall feature you need to set these variables #controller_postinstall=true #controller_license_file=<full path to your manifest .zip file> #controller_postinstall_dir=<full path to your config-as-code directory> # When using config-as-code in a git repository #controller_postinstall_repo_url=<url to your config-as-code git repository> #controller_postinstall_repo_ref=main # To use custom TLS certificate/key you need to set these variables #controller_tls_cert=<full path to your TLS certificate file> #controller_tls_key=<full path to your TLS key file> # AAP Automation Hub - mandatory # ------------------------------ hub_admin_password=<set your own> hub_pg_host=fqdn_of_your_rhel_host hub_pg_password=<set your own> # AAP Automation Hub - optional # ----------------------------- # To use the postinstall feature you need to set these variables #hub_postinstall=true #hub_postinstall_dir=<full path to your config-as-code directory> # When using config-as-code in a git repository #hub_postinstall_repo_url=<url to your config-as-code git repository> #hub_postinstall_repo_ref=main # To customize the number of worker containers #hub_workers=2 # To use the collection signing feature you need to set these variables #hub_collection_signing=true #hub_collection_signing_key=<full path to your gpg key file> # To use the container signing feature you need to set these variables #hub_container_signing=true #hub_container_signing_key=<full path to your gpg key file> # To use custom TLS certificate/key you need to set these variables #hub_tls_cert=<full path to your TLS certificate file> #hub_tls_key=<full path to your TLS key file> # AAP EDA Controller - mandatory # ------------------------------ eda_admin_password=<set your own> eda_pg_host=fqdn_of_your_rhel_host eda_pg_password=<set your own> # AAP EDA Controller - optional # ----------------------------- # When using an external controller node unmanaged by the installer. #controller_main_url=https://fqdn_of_your_rhel_host # To customize the number of default/activation worker containers #eda_workers=2 #eda_activation_workers=2 # To use custom TLS certificate/key you need to set these variables #eda_tls_cert=<full path to your TLS certificate file> #eda_tls_key=<full path to your TLS key file> # AAP Execution Nodes - optional # ----------------------------- #receptor_port=27199 #receptor_protocol=tcp # To use custom TLS certificate/key you need to set these variables #receptor_tls_cert=<full path to your TLS certificate file> #receptor_tls_key=<full path to your TLS key file> # To use custom RSA key pair you need to set these variables #receptor_signing_private_key=<full path to your RSA private key file> #receptor_signing_public_key=<full path to your RSA public key file>
다음 명령을 사용하여 컨테이너화된 Ansible Automation Platform을 설치합니다.
ansible-playbook -i inventory ansible.containerized_installer.install
If your privilege escalation requires a password to be entered, append *-K* to the command line. You will then be prompted for the *BECOME* password.
증가된 상세 정보 표시(-vvvv)를 사용하여 설치 프로세스의 세부 정보를 확인할 수 있습니다.
이렇게 하면 설치 시간이 크게 증가할 수 있으므로 필요에 따라 사용하거나 Red Hat 지원에 의해 요청되는 경우에만 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.