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Administration guide

Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces 3.9

Administering Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces 3.9

Robert Kratky

Fabrice Flore-Thébault

Red Hat Developer Group Documentation Team


Information for administrators operating Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces.

Chapter 1. Preparing the installation

To prepare a OpenShift Dev Spaces installation, learn about the OpenShift Dev Spaces ecosystem and deployment constraints:

1.1. Supported platforms

OpenShift Dev Spaces runs on OpenShift 4.11–4.13 on the following CPU architectures:

  • AMD64 and Intel 64 (x86_64)
  • IBM Power (ppc64le) and IBM Z (s390x)

Additional resources

1.2. Installing the dsc management tool

You can install dsc, the Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces command-line management tool, on Microsoft Windows, Apple MacOS, and Linux. With dsc, you can perform operations the OpenShift Dev Spaces server such as starting, stopping, updating, and deleting the server.



  1. Download the archive from https://developers.redhat.com/products/openshift-dev-spaces/download to a directory such as $HOME.
  2. Run tar xvzf on the archive to extract the /dsc directory.
  3. Add the extracted /dsc/bin subdirectory to $PATH.


  • Run dsc to view information about it.

    $ dsc

Additional resources

1.3. Architecture

Figure 1.1. High-level OpenShift Dev Spaces architecture with the Dev Workspace operator

devspaces interacting with devworkspace

OpenShift Dev Spaces runs on three groups of components:

OpenShift Dev Spaces server components
Manage User project and workspaces. The main component is the User dashboard, from which users control their workspaces.
Dev Workspace operator
Creates and controls the necessary OpenShift objects to run User workspaces. Including Pods, Services, and PersistentVolumes.
User workspaces
Container-based development environments, the IDE included.

The role of these OpenShift features is central:

Dev Workspace Custom Resources
Valid OpenShift objects representing the User workspaces and manipulated by OpenShift Dev Spaces. It is the communication channel for the three groups of components.
OpenShift role-based access control (RBAC)
Controls access to all resources.

1.3.1. Server components

The OpenShift Dev Spaces server components ensure multi-tenancy and workspaces management.

Figure 1.2. OpenShift Dev Spaces server components interacting with the Dev Workspace operator

devspaces deployments interacting with devworkspace Dev Spaces operator

The OpenShift Dev Spaces operator ensure full lifecycle management of the OpenShift Dev Spaces server components. It introduces:

CheCluster custom resource definition (CRD)
Defines the CheCluster OpenShift object.
OpenShift Dev Spaces controller
Creates and controls the necessary OpenShift objects to run a OpenShift Dev Spaces instance, such as pods, services, and persistent volumes.
CheCluster custom resource (CR)

On a cluster with the OpenShift Dev Spaces operator, it is possible to create a CheCluster custom resource (CR). The OpenShift Dev Spaces operator ensures the full lifecycle management of the OpenShift Dev Spaces server components on this OpenShift Dev Spaces instance: Dev Workspace operator

The Dev Workspace operator extends OpenShift to provide Dev Workspace support. It introduces:

Dev Workspace custom resource definition
Defines the Dev Workspace OpenShift object from the Devfile v2 specification.
Dev Workspace controller
Creates and controls the necessary OpenShift objects to run a Dev Workspace, such as pods, services, and persistent volumes.
Dev Workspace custom resource
On a cluster with the Dev Workspace operator, it is possible to create Dev Workspace custom resources (CR). A Dev Workspace CR is a OpenShift representation of a Devfile. It defines a User workspaces in a OpenShift cluster.

Additional resources Gateway

The OpenShift Dev Spaces gateway has following roles:

  • Routing requests. It uses Traefik.
  • Authenticating users with OpenID Connect (OIDC). It uses OpenShift OAuth2 proxy.
  • Applying OpenShift Role based access control (RBAC) policies to control access to any OpenShift Dev Spaces resource. It uses `kube-rbac-proxy`.

The OpenShift Dev Spaces operator manages it as the che-gateway Deployment.

It controls access to:

Figure 1.3. OpenShift Dev Spaces gateway interactions with other components

OpenShift Dev Spaces gateway interactions with other components User dashboard

The user dashboard is the landing page of Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces. OpenShift Dev Spaces users browse the user dashboard to access and manage their workspaces. It is a React application. The OpenShift Dev Spaces deployment starts it in the devspaces-dashboard Deployment.

It needs access to:

Figure 1.4. User dashboard interactions with other components

User dashboard interactions with other components

When the user requests the user dashboard to start a workspace, the user dashboard executes this sequence of actions:

  1. Collects the devfile from the Section, “Devfile registries”, when the user is creating a workspace from a code sample.
  2. Sends the repository URL to Section, “Dev Spaces server” and expects a devfile in return, when the user is creating a workspace from a remote devfile.
  3. Reads the devfile describing the workspace.
  4. Collects the additional metadata from the Section, “Plug-in registry”.
  5. Converts the information into a Dev Workspace Custom Resource.
  6. Creates the Dev Workspace Custom Resource in the user project using the OpenShift API.
  7. Watches the Dev Workspace Custom Resource status.
  8. Redirects the user to the running workspace IDE. Devfile registries

Additional resources

The OpenShift Dev Spaces devfile registries are services providing a list of sample devfiles to create ready-to-use workspaces. The Section, “User dashboard” displays the samples list on the DashboardCreate Workspace page. Each sample includes a Devfile v2. The OpenShift Dev Spaces deployment starts one devfile registry instance in the devfile-registry deployment.

Figure 1.5. Devfile registries interactions with other components

devspaces devfile registry interactions Dev Spaces server

The OpenShift Dev Spaces server main functions are:

  • Creating user namespaces.
  • Provisioning user namespaces with required secrets and config maps.
  • Integrating with Git services providers, to fetch and validate devfiles and authentication.

The OpenShift Dev Spaces server is a Java web service exposing an HTTP REST API and needs access to:

  • Git service providers
  • OpenShift API

Figure 1.6. OpenShift Dev Spaces server interactions with other components

OpenShift Dev Spaces server interactions with other components Plug-in registry

Each OpenShift Dev Spaces workspace starts with a specific editor and set of associated extensions. The OpenShift Dev Spaces plugin registry provides the list of available editors and editor extensions. A Devfile v2 describes each editor or extension.

The Section, “User dashboard” is reading the content of the registry.

Figure 1.7. Plugin registries interactions with other components

Plugin registries interactions with other components

1.3.2. User workspaces

Figure 1.8. User workspaces interactions with other components

User workspaces interactions with other components

User workspaces are web IDEs running in containers.

A User workspace is a web application. It consists of microservices running in containers providing all the services of a modern IDE running in your browser:

  • Editor
  • Language auto-completion
  • Language server
  • Debugging tools
  • Plug-ins
  • Application runtimes

A workspace is one OpenShift Deployment containing the workspace containers and enabled plugins, plus related OpenShift components:

  • Containers
  • ConfigMaps
  • Services
  • Endpoints
  • Ingresses or Routes
  • Secrets
  • Persistent Volumes (PV)

A OpenShift Dev Spaces workspace contains the source code of the projects, persisted in a OpenShift Persistent Volume (PV). Microservices have read-write access to this shared directory.

Use the devfile v2 format to specify the tools and runtime applications of a OpenShift Dev Spaces workspace.

The following diagram shows one running OpenShift Dev Spaces workspace and its components.

Figure 1.9. OpenShift Dev Spaces workspace components

workspace components with dw

In the diagram, there is one running workspaces.

1.4. Calculating Dev Spaces resource requirements

The OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator, Dev Workspace Controller, and user workspaces consist of a set of pods. The pods contribute to the resource consumption in CPU and memory limits and requests.


The following link to an example devfile is a pointer to material from the upstream community. This material represents the very latest available content and the most recent best practices. These tips have not yet been vetted by Red Hat’s QE department, and they have not yet been proven by a wide user group. Please, use this information cautiously. It is best used for educational and 'developmental' purposes rather than 'production' purposes.


  1. Identify the workspace resource requirements which depend on the devfile that is used for defining the development environment. This includes identifying the workspace components explicitly specified in the components section of the devfile.

    • Here is an example devfile with the following components:

      Example 1.1. tools

      The tools component of the devfile defines the following requests and limits:

          memoryLimit: 6G
          memoryRequest: 512M
          cpuRequest: 1000m
          cpuLimit: 4000m

      Example 1.2. postgresql

      The postgresql component does not define any requests and limits and therefore falls back on the defaults for the dedicated container:

          memoryLimit: 128M
          memoryRequest: 64M
          cpuRequest: 10m
          cpuLimit: 1000m
    • During the workspace startup, an internal che-gateway container is implicitly provisioned with the following requests and limits:

          memoryLimit: 256M
          memoryRequest: 64M
          cpuRequest: 50m
          cpuLimit: 500m
  2. Calculate the sums of the resources required for each workspace. If you intend to use multiple devfiles, repeat this calculation for every expected devfile.

    Example 1.3. Workspace requirements for the example devfile in the previous step

    PurposePodContainer nameMemory limitMemory requestCPU limitCPU request

    Developer tools



    6 GiB

    512 MiB

    4000 m

    1000 m




    128 MiB

    64 MiB

    1000 m

    10 m

    OpenShift Dev Spaces gateway



    256 MiB

    64 MiB

    500 m

    50 m


    6.4 GiB

    640 MiB

    5500 m

    1060 m

  3. Multiply the resources calculated per workspace by the number of workspaces that you expect all of your users to run simultaneously.
  4. Calculate the sums of the requirements for the OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator, Operands, and Dev Workspace Controller.

    Table 1.1. Default requirements for the OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator, Operands, and Dev Workspace Controller
    PurposePod nameContainer namesMemory limitMemory requestCPU limitCPU request

    OpenShift Dev Spaces operator



    256 MiB

    64 MiB

    500 m

    100 m

    OpenShift Dev Spaces Server



    1 GiB

    512 MiB

    1000 m

    100 m

    OpenShift Dev Spaces Dashboard



    256 MiB

    32 MiB

    500 m

    100 m

    OpenShift Dev Spaces Gateway



    4 GiB

    128 MiB

    1000 m

    100 m

    OpenShift Dev Spaces Gateway



    256 MiB

    64 MiB

    500 m

    50 m

    OpenShift Dev Spaces Gateway



    512 MiB

    64 MiB

    500 m

    100 m

    OpenShift Dev Spaces Gateway



    512 MiB

    64 MiB

    500 m

    100 m

    Devfile registry



    256 MiB

    32 MiB

    500 m

    100 m

    Plugin registry



    256 MiB

    32 MiB

    500 m

    100 m

    Dev Workspace Controller Manager



    1 GiB

    100 MiB

    1000 m

    250 m

    Dev Workspace Controller Manager







    Dev Workspace webhook server



    300 MiB

    20 MiB

    200 m

    100 m

    Dev Workspace Operator Catalog




    50 MiB


    10 m

    Dev Workspace Webhook Server



    300 MiB

    20 MiB

    200 m

    100 m

    Dev Workspace Webhook Server








    9 GiB

    1.2 GiB



Chapter 2. Installing Dev Spaces

This section contains instructions to install Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces.

You can deploy only one instance of OpenShift Dev Spaces per cluster.

2.1. Installing Dev Spaces on OpenShift using CLI

You can install OpenShift Dev Spaces on OpenShift.



  1. Optional: If you previously deployed OpenShift Dev Spaces on this OpenShift cluster, ensure that the previous OpenShift Dev Spaces instance is removed:

    $ dsc server:delete
  2. Create the OpenShift Dev Spaces instance:

    $ dsc server:deploy --platform openshift

Verification steps

  1. Verify the OpenShift Dev Spaces instance status:

    $ dsc server:status
  2. Navigate to the OpenShift Dev Spaces cluster instance:

    $ dsc dashboard:open

2.2. Installing Dev Spaces on OpenShift using the web console

If you have trouble installing OpenShift Dev Spaces on the command line, you can install it through the OpenShift web console.



  1. In the Administrator view of the OpenShift web console, go to OperatorsOperatorHub and search for Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces.
  2. Install the Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator.


    The Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator depends on the Dev Workspace Operator. If you install the Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator manually to a non-default namespace, ensure that the Dev Workspace Operator is also installed in the same namespace. This is required as the Operator Lifecycle Manager will attempt to install the Dev Workspace Operator as a dependency within the Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator namespace, potentially resulting in two conflicting installations of the Dev Workspace Operator if the latter is installed in a different namespace.

  3. Create the openshift-devspaces project in OpenShift as follows:

    oc create namespace openshift-devspaces
  4. Go to OperatorsInstalled OperatorsRed Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces instance SpecificationCreate CheClusterYAML view.
  5. In the YAML view, replace namespace: openshift-operators with namespace: openshift-devspaces.
  6. Select Create.



  1. In Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces instance Specification, go to devspaces, landing on the Details tab.

  1. Under Message, check that there is None, which means no errors.
  2. Under Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces URL, wait until the URL of the OpenShift Dev Spaces instance appears, and then open the URL to check the OpenShift Dev Spaces dashboard.
  3. In the Resources tab, view the resources for the OpenShift Dev Spaces deployment and their status.

2.3. Installing Dev Spaces in a restricted environment

On an OpenShift cluster operating in a restricted network, public resources are not available.

However, deploying OpenShift Dev Spaces and running workspaces requires the following public resources:

  • Operator catalog
  • Container images
  • Sample projects

To make these resources available, you can replace them with their copy in a registry accessible by the OpenShift cluster.



  1. Download and execute the mirroring script to install a custom Operator catalog and mirror the related images: prepare-restricted-environment.sh.

    $ bash prepare-restricted-environment.sh \
      --devworkspace_operator_index registry.redhat.io/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.13\
      --devworkspace_operator_version "v0.21.0" \
      --prod_operator_index "registry.redhat.io/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.13" \
      --prod_operator_package_name "devspaces" \
      --prod_operator_bundle_name "devspacesoperator" \
      --prod_operator_version "v3.9.0" \
      --my_registry "<my_registry>" 1
    The private Docker registry where the images will be mirrored
  2. Install OpenShift Dev Spaces with the configuration set in the che-operator-cr-patch.yaml during the previous step:

    $ dsc server:deploy \
      --platform=openshift \
      --olm-channel stable \
      --catalog-source-name=devspaces-disconnected-install \
      --catalog-source-namespace=openshift-marketplace \
      --skip-devworkspace-operator \
  3. Allow incoming traffic from the OpenShift Dev Spaces namespace to all Pods in the user projects. See: Section 3.7.1, “Configuring network policies”.

2.3.1. Setting up an Ansible sample

Follow these steps to use an Ansible sample in restricted environments.


  • Microsoft Visual Studio Code - Open Source IDE
  • A 64-bit x86 system.


  1. Mirror the following images:

  2. Configure the cluster proxy to allow access to the following domains:


Support for the following IDE and CPU architectures is planned for a future release:

  • IDE

  • CPU architectures

    • IBM Power (ppc64le)
    • IBM Z (s390x)

2.4. Finding the fully qualified domain name (FQDN)

You can get the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of your organization’s instance of OpenShift Dev Spaces on the command line or in the OpenShift web console.


You can find the FQDN for your organization’s OpenShift Dev Spaces instance in the Administrator view of the OpenShift web console as follows. Go to OperatorsOperatorHubInstalled OperatorsRed Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces instance SpecificationdevspacesRed Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces URL.



  1. Run the following command:

    $ dsc server:status
  2. Copy the Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces URL without the trailing /dashboard/.

Chapter 3. Configuring Dev Spaces

This section describes configuration methods and options for Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces.

3.1. Understanding the CheCluster Custom Resource

A default deployment of OpenShift Dev Spaces consists of a CheCluster Custom Resource parameterized by the Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator.

The CheCluster Custom Resource is a Kubernetes object. You can configure it by editing the CheCluster Custom Resource YAML file. This file contains sections to configure each component: devWorkspace, cheServer, pluginRegistry, devfileRegistry, dashboard and imagePuller.

The Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator translates the CheCluster Custom Resource into a config map usable by each component of the OpenShift Dev Spaces installation.

The OpenShift platform applies the configuration to each component, and creates the necessary Pods. When OpenShift detects changes in the configuration of a component, it restarts the Pods accordingly.

Example 3.1. Configuring the main properties of the OpenShift Dev Spaces server component

  1. Apply the CheCluster Custom Resource YAML file with suitable modifications in the cheServer component section.
  2. The Operator generates the che ConfigMap.
  3. OpenShift detects changes in the ConfigMap and triggers a restart of the OpenShift Dev Spaces Pod.

3.1.1. Using dsc to configure the CheCluster Custom Resource during installation

To deploy OpenShift Dev Spaces with a suitable configuration, edit the CheCluster Custom Resource YAML file during the installation of OpenShift Dev Spaces. Otherwise, the OpenShift Dev Spaces deployment uses the default configuration parameterized by the Operator.



  • Create a che-operator-cr-patch.yaml YAML file that contains the subset of the CheCluster Custom Resource to configure:

          <property_to_configure>: <value>
  • Deploy OpenShift Dev Spaces and apply the changes described in che-operator-cr-patch.yaml file:

    $ dsc server:deploy \
    --che-operator-cr-patch-yaml=che-operator-cr-patch.yaml \
    --platform <chosen_platform>


  1. Verify the value of the configured property:

    $ oc get configmap che -o jsonpath='{.data.<configured_property>}' \
    -n openshift-devspaces

3.1.2. Using the CLI to configure the CheCluster Custom Resource

To configure a running instance of OpenShift Dev Spaces, edit the CheCluster Custom Resource YAML file.


  • An instance of OpenShift Dev Spaces on OpenShift.
  • An active oc session with administrative permissions to the destination OpenShift cluster. See Getting started with the CLI.


  1. Edit the CheCluster Custom Resource on the cluster:

    $ oc edit checluster/devspaces -n openshift-devspaces
  2. Save and close the file to apply the changes.


  1. Verify the value of the configured property:

    $ oc get configmap che -o jsonpath='{.data.<configured_property>}' \
    -n openshift-devspaces

3.1.3. CheCluster Custom Resource fields reference

This section describes all fields available to customize the CheCluster Custom Resource.

Example 3.2. A minimal CheCluster Custom Resource example.

apiVersion: org.eclipse.che/v2
kind: CheCluster
  name: devspaces
  namespace: openshift-devspaces
  components: {}
  devEnvironments: {}
  networking: {}
Table 3.1. Development environment configuration options.


Container build configuration.



Default components applied to DevWorkspaces. These default components are meant to be used when a Devfile, that does not contain any components.



The default editor to workspace create with. It could be a plugin ID or a URI. The plugin ID must have publisher/plugin/version format. The URI must start from http:// or https://.



User’s default namespace.

{ "autoProvision": true, "template": "<username>-che"}


Default plug-ins applied to DevWorkspaces.



DeploymentStrategy defines the deployment strategy to use to replace existing workspace pods with new ones. The available deployment stragies are Recreate and RollingUpdate. With the Recreate deployment strategy, the existing workspace pod is killed before the new one is created. With the RollingUpdate deployment strategy, a new workspace pod is created and the existing workspace pod is deleted only when the new workspace pod is in a ready state. If not specified, the default Recreate deployment strategy is used.



Disables the container build capabilities. When set to false (the default value), the devEnvironments.security.containerSecurityContext field is ignored, and the following container SecurityContext is applied: \n containerSecurityContext: allowPrivilegeEscalation: true capabilities: add: - SETGID - SETUID



GatewayContainer configuration.



ImagePullPolicy defines the imagePullPolicy used for containers in a DevWorkspace.



The maximum number of running workspaces per user. The value, -1, allows users to run an unlimited number of workspaces.



Total number of workspaces, both stopped and running, that a user can keep. The value, -1, allows users to keep an unlimited number of workspaces.



The node selector limits the nodes that can run the workspace pods.



PersistUserHome defines configuration options for persisting the user home directory in workspaces.



Pod scheduler for the workspace pods. If not specified, the pod scheduler is set to the default scheduler on the cluster.



Project clone container configuration.



Idle timeout for workspaces in seconds. This timeout is the duration after which a workspace will be idled if there is no activity. To disable workspace idling due to inactivity, set this value to -1.



Run timeout for workspaces in seconds. This timeout is the maximum duration a workspace runs. To disable workspace run timeout, set this value to -1.



Workspace security configuration.



ServiceAccount to use by the DevWorkspace operator when starting the workspaces.



List of ServiceAccount tokens that will be mounted into workspace pods as projected volumes.



StartTimeoutSeconds determines the maximum duration (in seconds) that a workspace can take to start before it is automatically failed. If not specified, the default value of 300 seconds (5 minutes) is used.



Workspaces persistent storage.

{ "pvcStrategy": "per-user"}


The pod tolerations of the workspace pods limit where the workspace pods can run.



Trusted certificate settings.



User configuration.

Table 3.2. defaultNamespace options.


Indicates if is allowed to automatically create a user namespace. If it set to false, then user namespace must be pre-created by a cluster administrator.



If you don’t create the user namespaces in advance, this field defines the Kubernetes namespace created when you start your first workspace. You can use <username> and <userid> placeholders, such as che-workspace-<username>.


Table 3.3. defaultPlugins options.


The editor ID to specify default plug-ins for.



Default plug-in URIs for the specified editor.

Table 3.4. gatewayContainer options.


List of environment variables to set in the container.



Container image. Omit it or leave it empty to use the default container image provided by the Operator.



Image pull policy. Default value is Always for nightly, next or latest images, and IfNotPresent in other cases.



Container name.



Compute resources required by this container.

Table 3.5. storage options.


PVC settings when using the per-user PVC strategy.



PVC settings when using the per-workspace PVC strategy.



Persistent volume claim strategy for the OpenShift Dev Spaces server. The supported strategies are: per-user (all workspaces PVCs in one volume), per-workspace (each workspace is given its own individual PVC) and ephemeral (non-persistent storage where local changes will be lost when the workspace is stopped.)


Table 3.6. per-user PVC strategy options.


Persistent Volume Claim size. To update the claim size, the storage class that provisions it must support resizing.



Storage class for the Persistent Volume Claim. When omitted or left blank, a default storage class is used.

Table 3.7. per-workspace PVC strategy options.


Persistent Volume Claim size. To update the claim size, the storage class that provisions it must support resizing.



Storage class for the Persistent Volume Claim. When omitted or left blank, a default storage class is used.

Table 3.8. trustedCerts options.


The ConfigMap contains certificates to propagate to the OpenShift Dev Spaces components and to provide a particular configuration for Git. See the following page: https://www.eclipse.org/che/docs/stable/administration-guide/deploying-che-with-support-for-git-repositories-with-self-signed-certificates/ The ConfigMap must have a app.kubernetes.io/part-of=che.eclipse.org label.

Table 3.9. containerBuildConfiguration options.


OpenShift security context constraint to build containers.


Table 3.10. OpenShift Dev Spaces components configuration.


General configuration settings related to the OpenShift Dev Spaces server.

{ "debug": false, "logLevel": "INFO"}


Configuration settings related to the dashboard used by the OpenShift Dev Spaces installation.



DevWorkspace Operator configuration.



Configuration settings related to the devfile registry used by the OpenShift Dev Spaces installation.



Kubernetes Image Puller configuration.



OpenShift Dev Spaces server metrics configuration.

{ "enable": true}


Configuration settings related to the plug-in registry used by the OpenShift Dev Spaces installation.

Table 3.11. General configuration settings related to the OpenShift Dev Spaces server component.


Additional ClusterRoles assigned to OpenShift Dev Spaces ServiceAccount. Each role must have a app.kubernetes.io/part-of=che.eclipse.org label. The defaults roles are: - <devspaces-namespace>-cheworkspaces-clusterrole - <devspaces-namespace>-cheworkspaces-namespaces-clusterrole - <devspaces-namespace>-cheworkspaces-devworkspace-clusterrole where the <devspaces-namespace> is the namespace where the CheCluster CR is created. The OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator must already have all permissions in these ClusterRoles to grant them.



Enables the debug mode for OpenShift Dev Spaces server.



Deployment override options.



A map of additional environment variables applied in the generated che ConfigMap to be used by the OpenShift Dev Spaces server in addition to the values already generated from other fields of the CheCluster custom resource (CR). If the extraProperties field contains a property normally generated in che ConfigMap from other CR fields, the value defined in the extraProperties is used instead.



The log level for the OpenShift Dev Spaces server: INFO or DEBUG.



Proxy server settings for Kubernetes cluster. No additional configuration is required for OpenShift cluster. By specifying these settings for the OpenShift cluster, you override the OpenShift proxy configuration.

Table 3.12. proxy options.


The secret name that contains user and password for a proxy server. The secret must have a app.kubernetes.io/part-of=che.eclipse.org label.



A list of hosts that can be reached directly, bypassing the proxy. Specify wild card domain use the following form .<DOMAIN>, for example: - localhost - my.host.com - Use only when a proxy configuration is required. The Operator respects OpenShift cluster-wide proxy configuration, defining nonProxyHosts in a custom resource leads to merging non-proxy hosts lists from the cluster proxy configuration, and the ones defined in the custom resources. See the following page: https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.4/networking/enable-cluster-wide-proxy.html.



Proxy server port.



URL (protocol+hostname) of the proxy server. Use only when a proxy configuration is required. The Operator respects OpenShift cluster-wide proxy configuration, defining url in a custom resource leads to overriding the cluster proxy configuration. See the following page: https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.4/networking/enable-cluster-wide-proxy.html.

Table 3.13. Configuration settings related to the Plug-in registry component used by the OpenShift Dev Spaces installation.


Deployment override options.



Disables internal plug-in registry.



External plugin registries.



Open VSX registry URL. If omitted an embedded instance will be used.

Table 3.14. externalPluginRegistries options.


Public URL of the plug-in registry.

Table 3.15. Configuration settings related to the Devfile registry component used by the OpenShift Dev Spaces installation.


Deployment override options.



Disables internal devfile registry.



External devfile registries serving sample ready-to-use devfiles.

Table 3.16. externalDevfileRegistries options.


The public UR of the devfile registry that serves sample ready-to-use devfiles.

Table 3.17. Configuration settings related to the Dashboard component used by the OpenShift Dev Spaces installation.


Dashboard branding resources.



Deployment override options.



Dashboard header message.

Table 3.18. headerMessage options.


Instructs dashboard to show the message.



Warning message displayed on the user dashboard.

Table 3.19. Kubernetes Image Puller component configuration.


Install and configure the community supported Kubernetes Image Puller Operator. When you set the value to true without providing any specs, it creates a default Kubernetes Image Puller object managed by the Operator. When you set the value to false, the Kubernetes Image Puller object is deleted, and the Operator uninstalled, regardless of whether a spec is provided. If you leave the spec.images field empty, a set of recommended workspace-related images is automatically detected and pre-pulled after installation. Note that while this Operator and its behavior is community-supported, its payload may be commercially-supported for pulling commercially-supported images.



A Kubernetes Image Puller spec to configure the image puller in the CheCluster.

Table 3.20. OpenShift Dev Spaces server metrics component configuration.


Enables metrics for the OpenShift Dev Spaces server endpoint.


Table 3.21. Configuration settings that allows users to work with remote Git repositories.


Enables users to work with repositories hosted on Azure DevOps Service (dev.azure.com).



Enables users to work with repositories hosted on Bitbucket (bitbucket.org or self-hosted).



Enables users to work with repositories hosted on GitHub (github.com or GitHub Enterprise).



Enables users to work with repositories hosted on GitLab (gitlab.com or self-hosted).

Table 3.22. github options.


Disables subdomain isolation. Deprecated in favor of che.eclipse.org/scm-github-disable-subdomain-isolation annotation. See the following page for details: https://www.eclipse.org/che/docs/stable/administration-guide/configuring-oauth-2-for-github/.



GitHub server endpoint URL. Deprecated in favor of che.eclipse.org/scm-server-endpoint annotation. See the following page for details: https://www.eclipse.org/che/docs/stable/administration-guide/configuring-oauth-2-for-github/.



Kubernetes secret, that contains Base64-encoded GitHub OAuth Client id and GitHub OAuth Client secret. See the following page for details: https://www.eclipse.org/che/docs/stable/administration-guide/configuring-oauth-2-for-github/.

Table 3.23. gitlab options.


GitLab server endpoint URL. Deprecated in favor of che.eclipse.org/scm-server-endpoint annotation. See the following page: https://www.eclipse.org/che/docs/stable/administration-guide/configuring-oauth-2-for-gitlab/.



Kubernetes secret, that contains Base64-encoded GitHub Application id and GitLab Application Client secret. See the following page: https://www.eclipse.org/che/docs/stable/administration-guide/configuring-oauth-2-for-gitlab/.

Table 3.24. bitbucket options.


Bitbucket server endpoint URL. Deprecated in favor of che.eclipse.org/scm-server-endpoint annotation. See the following page: https://www.eclipse.org/che/docs/stable/administration-guide/configuring-oauth-1-for-a-bitbucket-server/.



Kubernetes secret, that contains Base64-encoded Bitbucket OAuth 1.0 or OAuth 2.0 data. See the following pages for details: https://www.eclipse.org/che/docs/stable/administration-guide/configuring-oauth-1-for-a-bitbucket-server/ and https://www.eclipse.org/che/docs/stable/administration-guide/configuring-oauth-2-for-the-bitbucket-cloud/.

Table 3.25. azure options.


Kubernetes secret, that contains Base64-encoded Azure DevOps Service Application ID and Client Secret. See the following page: https://www.eclipse.org/che/docs/stable/administration-guide/configuring-oauth-2-for-microsoft-azure-devops-services

Table 3.26. Networking, OpenShift Dev Spaces authentication and TLS configuration.


Defines annotations which will be set for an Ingress (a route for OpenShift platform). The defaults for kubernetes platforms are: kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "nginx" nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-read-timeout: "3600", nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-connect-timeout: "3600", nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "true"



Authentication settings.

{ "gateway": { "configLabels": { "app": "che", "component": "che-gateway-config" } }}


For an OpenShift cluster, the Operator uses the domain to generate a hostname for the route. The generated hostname follows this pattern: che-<devspaces-namespace>.<domain>. The <devspaces-namespace> is the namespace where the CheCluster CRD is created. In conjunction with labels, it creates a route served by a non-default Ingress controller. For a Kubernetes cluster, it contains a global ingress domain. There are no default values: you must specify them.



The public hostname of the installed OpenShift Dev Spaces server.



IngressClassName is the name of an IngressClass cluster resource. If a class name is defined in both the IngressClassName field and the kubernetes.io/ingress.class annotation, IngressClassName field takes precedence.



Defines labels which will be set for an Ingress (a route for OpenShift platform).



The name of the secret used to set up Ingress TLS termination. If the field is an empty string, the default cluster certificate is used. The secret must have a app.kubernetes.io/part-of=che.eclipse.org label.

Table 3.27. auth options.


Gateway settings.

{ "configLabels": { "app": "che", "component": "che-gateway-config" }}


Public URL of the Identity Provider server.



Identity token to be passed to upstream. There are two types of tokens supported: id_token and access_token. Default value is id_token. This field is specific to OpenShift Dev Spaces installations made for Kubernetes only and ignored for OpenShift.



Inactivity timeout for tokens to set in the OpenShift OAuthClient resource used to set up identity federation on the OpenShift side. 0 means tokens for this client never time out.



Access token max age for tokens to set in the OpenShift OAuthClient resource used to set up identity federation on the OpenShift side. 0 means no expiration.



Name of the OpenShift OAuthClient resource used to set up identity federation on the OpenShift side.



Access Token Scope. This field is specific to OpenShift Dev Spaces installations made for Kubernetes only and ignored for OpenShift.



Name of the secret set in the OpenShift OAuthClient resource used to set up identity federation on the OpenShift side.

Table 3.28. gateway options.


Gateway configuration labels.

{ "app": "che", "component": "che-gateway-config"}


Deployment override options. Since gateway deployment consists of several containers, they must be distinguished in the configuration by their names: - gateway - configbump - oauth-proxy - kube-rbac-proxy

Table 3.29. Configuration of an alternative registry that stores OpenShift Dev Spaces images.


An optional hostname or URL of an alternative container registry to pull images from. This value overrides the container registry hostname defined in all the default container images involved in a OpenShift Dev Spaces deployment. This is particularly useful for installing OpenShift Dev Spaces in a restricted environment.



An optional repository name of an alternative registry to pull images from. This value overrides the container registry organization defined in all the default container images involved in a OpenShift Dev Spaces deployment. This is particularly useful for installing OpenShift Dev Spaces in a restricted environment.

Table 3.30. deployment options.


List of containers belonging to the pod.



Security options the pod should run with.

Table 3.31. containers options.


List of environment variables to set in the container.



Container image. Omit it or leave it empty to use the default container image provided by the Operator.



Image pull policy. Default value is Always for nightly, next or latest images, and IfNotPresent in other cases.



Container name.



Compute resources required by this container.

Table 3.32. containers options.


Describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.



Describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.

Table 3.33. request options.


CPU, in cores. (500m = .5 cores) If the value is not specified, then the default value is set depending on the component. If value is 0, then no value is set for the component.



Memory, in bytes. (500Gi = 500GiB = 500 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) If the value is not specified, then the default value is set depending on the component. If value is 0, then no value is set for the component.

Table 3.34. limits options.


CPU, in cores. (500m = .5 cores) If the value is not specified, then the default value is set depending on the component. If value is 0, then no value is set for the component.



Memory, in bytes. (500Gi = 500GiB = 500 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) If the value is not specified, then the default value is set depending on the component. If value is 0, then no value is set for the component.

Table 3.35. securityContext options.


A special supplemental group that applies to all containers in a pod. The default value is 1724.



The UID to run the entrypoint of the container process. The default value is 1724.

Table 3.36. CheCluster Custom Resource status defines the observed state of OpenShift Dev Spaces installation


Specifies the current phase of the OpenShift Dev Spaces deployment.



Public URL of the OpenShift Dev Spaces server.



Currently installed OpenShift Dev Spaces version.



The public URL of the internal devfile registry.



Specifies the current phase of the gateway deployment.



A human readable message indicating details about why the OpenShift Dev Spaces deployment is in the current phase.



The public URL of the internal plug-in registry.



A brief CamelCase message indicating details about why the OpenShift Dev Spaces deployment is in the current phase.



The resolved workspace base domain. This is either the copy of the explicitly defined property of the same name in the spec or, if it is undefined in the spec and we’re running on OpenShift, the automatically resolved basedomain for routes.


3.2. Configuring projects

For each user, OpenShift Dev Spaces isolates workspaces in a project. OpenShift Dev Spaces identifies the user project by the presence of labels and annotations. When starting a workspace, if the required project doesn’t exist, OpenShift Dev Spaces creates the project using a template name.

You can modify OpenShift Dev Spaces behavior by:

3.2.1. Configuring project name

You can configure the project name template that OpenShift Dev Spaces uses to create the required project when starting a workspace.

A valid project name template follows these conventions:

  • The <username> or <userid> placeholder is mandatory.
  • Usernames and IDs cannot contain invalid characters. If the formatting of a username or ID is incompatible with the naming conventions for OpenShift objects, OpenShift Dev Spaces changes the username or ID to a valid name by replacing incompatible characters with the - symbol.
  • OpenShift Dev Spaces evaluates the <userid> placeholder into a 14 character long string, and adds a random six character long suffix to prevent IDs from colliding. The result is stored in the user preferences for reuse.
  • Kubernetes limits the length of a project name to 63 characters.
  • OpenShift limits the length further to 49 characters.


  • Configure the CheCluster Custom Resource. See Section 3.1.2, “Using the CLI to configure the CheCluster Custom Resource”.

            template: <workspace_namespace_template_>

    Example 3.3. User workspaces project name template examples

    User workspaces project name templateResulting project example

    <username>-devspaces (default)






3.2.2. Provisioning projects in advance

You can provision workspaces projects in advance, rather than relying on automatic provisioning. Repeat the procedure for each user.


  • Create the <project_name> project for <username> user with the following labels and annotations:

    kind: Namespace
    apiVersion: v1
      name: <project_name> 1
        app.kubernetes.io/part-of: che.eclipse.org
        app.kubernetes.io/component: workspaces-namespace
        che.eclipse.org/username: <username>
    Use a project name of your choosing.

3.3. Configuring server components

3.3.1. Mounting a Secret or a ConfigMap as a file or an environment variable into a Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces container

Secrets are OpenShift objects that store sensitive data such as:

  • usernames
  • passwords
  • authentication tokens

in an encrypted form.

Users can mount a OpenShift Secret that contains sensitive data or a ConfigMap that contains configuration in a OpenShift Dev Spaces managed containers as:

  • a file
  • an environment variable

The mounting process uses the standard OpenShift mounting mechanism, but it requires additional annotations and labeling. Mounting a Secret or a ConfigMap as a file into a OpenShift Dev Spaces container


  • A running instance of Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces.


  1. Create a new OpenShift Secret or a ConfigMap in the OpenShift project where a OpenShift Dev Spaces is deployed. The labels of the object that is about to be created must match the set of labels:

    • app.kubernetes.io/part-of: che.eclipse.org
    • app.kubernetes.io/component: <DEPLOYMENT_NAME>-<OBJECT_KIND>
    • The <DEPLOYMENT_NAME> corresponds to the one following deployments:

      • keycloak
      • devfile-registry
      • plugin-registry
      • devspaces


    • <OBJECT_KIND> is either:

      • secret


      • configmap

Example 3.4. Example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: custom-settings
    app.kubernetes.io/part-of: che.eclipse.org
    app.kubernetes.io/component: devspaces-secret


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: custom-settings
    app.kubernetes.io/part-of: che.eclipse.org
    app.kubernetes.io/component: devspaces-configmap

Annotations must indicate that the given object is mounted as a file.

  1. Configure the annotation values:

    • che.eclipse.org/mount-as: file - To indicate that a object is mounted as a file.
    • che.eclipse.org/mount-path: <TARGET_PATH> - To provide a required mount path.

Example 3.5. Example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: custom-data
    che.eclipse.org/mount-as: file
    che.eclipse.org/mount-path: /data


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: custom-data
    che.eclipse.org/mount-as: file
    che.eclipse.org/mount-path: /data

The OpenShift object can contain several items whose names must match the desired file name mounted into the container.

Example 3.6. Example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: custom-data
    app.kubernetes.io/part-of: che.eclipse.org
    app.kubernetes.io/component: devspaces-secret
    che.eclipse.org/mount-as: file
    che.eclipse.org/mount-path: /data
  ca.crt: <base64 encoded data content here>


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: custom-data
    app.kubernetes.io/part-of: che.eclipse.org
    app.kubernetes.io/component: devspaces-configmap
    che.eclipse.org/mount-as: file
    che.eclipse.org/mount-path: /data
  ca.crt: <data content here>

This results in a file named ca.crt being mounted at the /data path of OpenShift Dev Spaces container.


To make the changes in a OpenShift Dev Spaces container visible, recreate the object entirely. Mounting a Secret or a ConfigMap as an environment variable into a OpenShift Dev Spaces container


  • A running instance of Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces.


  1. Create a new OpenShift Secret or a ConfigMap in the OpenShift project where a OpenShift Dev Spaces is deployed. The labels of the object that is about to be created must match the set of labels:

    • app.kubernetes.io/part-of: che.eclipse.org
    • app.kubernetes.io/component: <DEPLOYMENT_NAME>-<OBJECT_KIND>
    • The <DEPLOYMENT_NAME> corresponds to the one following deployments:

      • keycloak
      • devfile-registry
      • plugin-registry
      • devspaces


    • <OBJECT_KIND> is either:

      • secret


      • configmap

Example 3.7. Example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: custom-settings
    app.kubernetes.io/part-of: che.eclipse.org
    app.kubernetes.io/component: devspaces-secret


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: custom-settings
    app.kubernetes.io/part-of: che.eclipse.org
    app.kubernetes.io/component: devspaces-configmap

Annotations must indicate that the given object is mounted as a environment variable.

  1. Configure the annotation values:

    • che.eclipse.org/mount-as: env - to indicate that a object is mounted as an environment variable
    • che.eclipse.org/env-name: <FOO_ENV> - to provide an environment variable name, which is required to mount a object key value

Example 3.8. Example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: custom-settings
    che.eclipse.org/env-name: FOO_ENV
    che.eclipse.org/mount-as: env
  mykey: myvalue


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: custom-settings
    che.eclipse.org/env-name: FOO_ENV
    che.eclipse.org/mount-as: env
  mykey: myvalue

This results in two environment variables:

  • myvalue

being provisioned into a OpenShift Dev Spaces container.

If the object provides more than one data item, the environment variable name must be provided for each of the data keys as follows:

Example 3.9. Example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: custom-settings
    che.eclipse.org/mount-as: env
    che.eclipse.org/mykey_env-name: FOO_ENV
    che.eclipse.org/otherkey_env-name: OTHER_ENV
  mykey: __<base64 encoded data content here>__
  otherkey: __<base64 encoded data content here>__


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: custom-settings
    che.eclipse.org/mount-as: env
    che.eclipse.org/mykey_env-name: FOO_ENV
    che.eclipse.org/otherkey_env-name: OTHER_ENV
  mykey: __<data content here>__
  otherkey: __<data content here>__

This results in two environment variables:


being provisioned into a OpenShift Dev Spaces container.


The maximum length of annotation names in a OpenShift object is 63 characters, where 9 characters are reserved for a prefix that ends with /. This acts as a restriction for the maximum length of the key that can be used for the object.


To make the changes in a OpenShift Dev Spaces container visible, recreate the object entirely.

3.3.2. Advanced configuration options for Dev Spaces server

The following section describes advanced deployment and configuration methods for the OpenShift Dev Spaces server component. Understanding OpenShift Dev Spaces server advanced configuration

The following section describes the OpenShift Dev Spaces server component advanced configuration method for a deployment.

Advanced configuration is necessary to:

  • Add environment variables not automatically generated by the Operator from the standard CheCluster Custom Resource fields.
  • Override the properties automatically generated by the Operator from the standard CheCluster Custom Resource fields.

The customCheProperties field, part of the CheCluster Custom Resource server settings, contains a map of additional environment variables to apply to the OpenShift Dev Spaces server component.

Example 3.10. Override the default memory limit for workspaces


Previous versions of the OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator had a ConfigMap named custom to fulfill this role. If the OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator finds a configMap with the name custom, it adds the data it contains into the customCheProperties field, redeploys OpenShift Dev Spaces, and deletes the custom configMap.

3.4. Configuring workspaces globally

This section describes how an administrator can configure workspaces globally.

3.4.1. Limiting the number of workspaces that a user can keep

By default, users can keep an unlimited number of workspaces in the dashboard, but you can limit this number to reduce demand on the cluster.

This configuration is part of the CheCluster Custom Resource:

    maxNumberOfWorkspacesPerUser: <kept_workspaces_limit>1
Sets the maximum number of workspaces per user. The default value, -1, allows users to keep an unlimited number of workspaces. Use a positive integer to set the maximum number of workspaces per user.


  1. Get the name of the OpenShift Dev Spaces namespace. The default is openshift-devspaces.

    $ oc get checluster --all-namespaces \
  2. Configure the maxNumberOfWorkspacesPerUser:

    $ oc patch checluster/devspaces -n openshift-devspaces \1
    --type='merge' -p \
    '{"spec":{"devEnvironments":{"maxNumberOfWorkspacesPerUser": <kept_workspaces_limit>}}}'2
    The OpenShift Dev Spaces namespace that you got in step 1.
    Your choice of the <kept_workspaces_limit> value.

3.4.2. Enabling users to run multiple workspaces simultaneously

By default, a user can run only one workspace at a time. You can enable users to run multiple workspaces simultaneously.


If using the default storage method, users might experience problems when concurrently running workspaces if pods are distributed across nodes in a multi-node cluster. Switching from the per-user common storage strategy to the per-workspace storage strategy or using the ephemeral storage type can avoid or solve those problems.

This configuration is part of the CheCluster Custom Resource:

    maxNumberOfRunningWorkspacesPerUser: <running_workspaces_limit>1
Sets the maximum number of simultaneously running workspaces per user. The -1 value enables users to run an unlimited number of workspaces. The default value is 1.


  1. Get the name of the OpenShift Dev Spaces namespace. The default is openshift-devspaces.

    $ oc get checluster --all-namespaces \
  2. Configure the maxNumberOfRunningWorkspacesPerUser:

    $ oc patch checluster/devspaces -n openshift-devspaces \1
    --type='merge' -p \
    '{"spec":{"devEnvironments":{"maxNumberOfRunningWorkspacesPerUser": <running_workspaces_limit>}}}'2
    The OpenShift Dev Spaces namespace that you got in step 1.
    Your choice of the <running_workspaces_limit> value.

3.4.3. Git with self-signed certificates

You can configure OpenShift Dev Spaces to support operations on Git providers that use self-signed certificates.



  1. Create a new ConfigMap with details about the Git server:

    $ oc create configmap che-git-self-signed-cert \
      --from-file=ca.crt=<path_to_certificate> \  1
      --from-literal=githost=<git_server_url> -n openshift-devspaces  2
    Path to the self-signed certificate.
    Optional parameter to specify the Git server URL e.g. https://git.example.com:8443. When omitted, the self-signed certificate is used for all repositories over HTTPS.
    • Certificate files are typically stored as Base64 ASCII files, such as. .pem, .crt, .ca-bundle. All ConfigMaps that hold certificate files should use the Base64 ASCII certificate rather than the binary data certificate.
    • A certificate chain of trust is required. If the ca.crt is signed by a certificate authority (CA), the CA certificate must be included in the ca.crt file.
  2. Add the required labels to the ConfigMap:

    $ oc label configmap che-git-self-signed-cert \
      app.kubernetes.io/part-of=che.eclipse.org -n openshift-devspaces
  3. Configure OpenShift Dev Spaces operand to use self-signed certificates for Git repositories. See Section 3.1.2, “Using the CLI to configure the CheCluster Custom Resource”.

          gitTrustedCertsConfigMapName: che-git-self-signed-cert

Verification steps

  • Create and start a new workspace. Every container used by the workspace mounts a special volume that contains a file with the self-signed certificate. The container’s /etc/gitconfig file contains information about the Git server host (its URL) and the path to the certificate in the http section (see Git documentation about git-config).

    Example 3.11. Contents of an /etc/gitconfig file

    [http ""]
    sslCAInfo = /etc/config/che-git-tls-creds/certificate

3.4.4. Configuring workspaces nodeSelector

This section describes how to configure nodeSelector for Pods of OpenShift Dev Spaces workspaces.


OpenShift Dev Spaces uses the CHE_WORKSPACE_POD_NODE__SELECTOR environment variable to configure nodeSelector. This variable can contain a set of comma-separated key=value pairs to form the nodeSelector rule, or NULL to disable it.


nodeSelector must be configured during OpenShift Dev Spaces installation. This prevents existing workspaces from failing to run due to volumes affinity conflict caused by existing workspace PVC and Pod being scheduled in different zones.

To avoid Pods and PVCs to be scheduled in different zones on large, multizone clusters, create an additional StorageClass object (pay attention to the allowedTopologies field), which will coordinate the PVC creation process.

Pass the name of this newly created StorageClass to OpenShift Dev Spaces through the CHE_INFRA_KUBERNETES_PVC_STORAGE__CLASS__NAME environment variable. A default empty value of this variable instructs OpenShift Dev Spaces to use the cluster’s default StorageClass.

3.4.5. Open VSX registry URL

To search and install extensions, the Microsoft Visual Studio Code - Open Source editor uses an embedded Open VSX registry instance. You can also configure OpenShift Dev Spaces to use another Open VSX registry instance rather than the embedded one.


  • Set the URL of your Open VSX registry instance in the CheCluster Custom Resource spec.components.pluginRegistry.openVSXURL field.

    # [...]
           openVSXURL: <your_open_vsx_registy>
    # [...]

3.5. Caching images for faster workspace start

To improve the start time performance of OpenShift Dev Spaces workspaces, use the Image Puller, a OpenShift Dev Spaces-agnostic component that can be used to pre-pull images for OpenShift clusters. The Image Puller is an additional OpenShift deployment which creates a DaemonSet that can be configured to pre-pull relevant OpenShift Dev Spaces workspace images on each node. These images would already be available when a OpenShift Dev Spaces workspace starts, therefore improving the workspace start time.

The Image Puller provides the following parameters for configuration.

Table 3.37. Image Puller parameters


DaemonSets health checks interval in hours



The memory request for each cached image while the puller is running. See Section 3.5.2, “Defining the memory settings”.



The memory limit for each cached image while the puller is running. See Section 3.5.2, “Defining the memory settings”.



The processor request for each cached image while the puller is running

.05 or 50 millicores


The processor limit for each cached image while the puller is running

.2 or 200 millicores


Name of DaemonSet to create



Name of the Deployment to create



OpenShift project containing DaemonSet to create



Semicolon-separated list of images to pull, in the format <name1>=<image1>;<name2>=<image2>. See Section 3.5.1, “Defining the list of images”.



Node selector to apply to the pods created by the DaemonSet



Affinity applied to pods created by the DaemonSet



List of image pull secrets, in the format pullsecret1;…​ to add to pods created by the DaemonSet. Those secrets need to be in the image puller’s namespace and a cluster administrator must create them.


3.5.1. Defining the list of images

The Image Puller can pre-pull most images, including scratch images such as che-machine-exec. However, images that mount volumes in the Dockerfile, such as traefik, are not supported for pre-pulling on OpenShift 3.11.


  1. Gather a list of relevant container images to pull by navigating to the https://<openshift_dev_spaces_fqdn>/plugin-registry/v3/external_images.txt URL.
  2. Determine images from the list for pre-pulling. For faster workspace startup times, consider pulling workspace related images such as universal-developer-image, che-code`, and che-gateway.

3.5.2. Defining the memory settings

Define the memory requests and limits parameters to ensure pulled containers and the platform have enough memory to run.


  1. To define the minimal value for CACHING_MEMORY_REQUEST or CACHING_MEMORY_LIMIT, consider the necessary amount of memory required to run each of the container images to pull.
  2. To define the maximal value for CACHING_MEMORY_REQUEST or CACHING_MEMORY_LIMIT, consider the total memory allocated to the DaemonSet Pods in the cluster:

    (memory limit) * (number of images) * (number of nodes in the cluster)

    Pulling 5 images on 20 nodes, with a container memory limit of 20Mi requires 2000Mi of memory.

3.5.3. Installing Image Puller on OpenShift using the web console

You can install the community supported Kubernetes Image Puller Operator on OpenShift using the OpenShift web console.



  1. Install the community supported Kubernetes Image Puller Operator. See Installing from OperatorHub using the web console.
  2. Create a kubernetes-image-puller KubernetesImagePuller operand from the community supported Kubernetes Image Puller Operator. See Creating applications from installed Operators.

3.5.4. Installing Image Puller on OpenShift using CLI

You can install the Kubernetes Image Puller on OpenShift by using OpenShift oc management tool.



  1. Clone the Image Puller repository and get in the directory containing the OpenShift templates:

    $ git clone https://github.com/che-incubator/kubernetes-image-puller
    $ cd kubernetes-image-puller/deploy/openshift
  2. Configure the app.yaml, configmap.yaml and serviceaccount.yaml OpenShift templates using following parameters:

    Table 3.38. Image Puller OpenShift templates parameters in app.yaml


    The value of DEPLOYMENT_NAME in the ConfigMap



    Image used for the kubernetes-image-puller deployment



    The image tag to pull



    The name of the ServiceAccount created and used by the deployment


    Table 3.39. Image Puller OpenShift templates parameters in configmap.yaml


    The value of CACHING_CPU_LIMIT in the ConfigMap



    The value of CACHING_CPU_REQUEST in the ConfigMap



    The value of CACHING_INTERVAL_HOURS in the ConfigMap



    The value of CACHING_MEMORY_LIMIT in the ConfigMap



    The value of CACHING_MEMORY_REQUEST in the ConfigMap



    The value of DAEMONSET_NAME in the ConfigMap



    The value of DEPLOYMENT_NAME in the ConfigMap



    The value of IMAGES in the ConfigMap



    The value of NAMESPACE in the ConfigMap



    The value of NODE_SELECTOR in the ConfigMap


    Table 3.40. Image Puller OpenShift templates parameters in serviceaccount.yaml


    The name of the ServiceAccount created and used by the deployment


  3. Create an OpenShift project to host the Image Puller:

    $ oc new-project <k8s-image-puller>
  4. Process and apply the templates to install the puller:

    $ oc process -f serviceaccount.yaml | oc apply -f -
    $ oc process -f configmap.yaml | oc apply -f -
    $ oc process -f app.yaml | oc apply -f -

Verification steps

  1. Verify the existence of a <kubernetes-image-puller> deployment and a <kubernetes-image-puller> DaemonSet. The DaemonSet needs to have a Pod for each node in the cluster:

    $ oc get deployment,daemonset,pod --namespace <k8s-image-puller>
  2. Verify the values of the <kubernetes-image-puller> ConfigMap.

    $ oc get configmap <kubernetes-image-puller> --output yaml

3.6. Configuring observability

To configure OpenShift Dev Spaces observability features, see:

3.6.1. The Woopra telemetry plugin

The Woopra Telemetry Plugin is a plugin built to send telemetry from a Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces installation to Segment and Woopra. This plugin is used by Eclipse Che hosted by Red Hat, but any Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces deployment can take advantage of this plugin. There are no dependencies other than a valid Woopra domain and Segment Write key. The devfile v2 for the plugin, plugin.yaml, has four environment variables that can be passed to the plugin:

  • WOOPRA_DOMAIN - The Woopra domain to send events to.
  • SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY - The write key to send events to Segment and Woopra.
  • WOOPRA_DOMAIN_ENDPOINT - If you prefer not to pass in the Woopra domain directly, the plugin will get it from a supplied HTTP endpoint that returns the Woopra Domain.
  • SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY_ENDPOINT - If you prefer not to pass in the Segment write key directly, the plugin will get it from a supplied HTTP endpoint that returns the Segment write key.

To enable the Woopra plugin on the Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces installation:


  • Deploy the plugin.yaml devfile v2 file to an HTTP server with the environment variables set correctly.

    1. Configure the CheCluster Custom Resource. See Section 3.1.2, “Using the CLI to configure the CheCluster Custom Resource”.

          - editor: eclipse/che-theia/next     1
            plugins:                           2
            - 'https://your-web-server/plugin.yaml'
      The editorId to set the telemetry plugin for.
      The URL to the telemetry plugin’s devfile v2 definition.

3.6.2. Creating a telemetry plugin

This section shows how to create an AnalyticsManager class that extends AbstractAnalyticsManager and implements the following methods:

  • isEnabled() - determines whether the telemetry backend is functioning correctly. This can mean always returning true, or have more complex checks, for example, returning false when a connection property is missing.
  • destroy() - cleanup method that is run before shutting down the telemetry backend. This method sends the WORKSPACE_STOPPED event.
  • onActivity() - notifies that some activity is still happening for a given user. This is mainly used to send WORKSPACE_INACTIVE events.
  • onEvent() - submits telemetry events to the telemetry server, such as WORKSPACE_USED or WORKSPACE_STARTED.
  • increaseDuration() - increases the duration of a current event rather than sending many events in a small frame of time.

The following sections cover:

  • Creating a telemetry server to echo events to standard output.
  • Extending the OpenShift Dev Spaces telemetry client and implementing a user’s custom backend.
  • Creating a plugin.yaml file representing a Dev Workspace plugin for the custom backend.
  • Specifying of a location of a custom plugin to OpenShift Dev Spaces by setting the workspacesDefaultPlugins attribute from the CheCluster custom resource. Getting started

This document describes the steps required to extend the OpenShift Dev Spaces telemetry system to communicate with to a custom backend:

  1. Creating a server process that receives events
  2. Extending OpenShift Dev Spaces libraries to create a backend that sends events to the server
  3. Packaging the telemetry backend in a container and deploying it to an image registry
  4. Adding a plugin for your backend and instructing OpenShift Dev Spaces to load the plugin in your Dev Workspaces

A finished example of the telemetry backend is available here.

Creating a server that receives events

For demonstration purposes, this example shows how to create a server that receives events from our telemetry plugin and writes them to standard output.

For production use cases, consider integrating with a third-party telemetry system (for example, Segment, Woopra) rather than creating your own telemetry server. In this case, use your provider’s APIs to send events from your custom backend to their system.

The following Go code starts a server on port 8080 and writes events to standard output:

Example 3.12. main.go

package main

import (


var logger *zap.SugaredLogger

func event(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	switch req.Method {
	case "GET":
		logger.Info("GET /event")
	case "POST":
		logger.Info("POST /event")
	body, err := req.GetBody()
	if err != nil {
		logger.With("err", err).Info("error getting body")
	responseBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(body)
	if err != nil {
		logger.With("error", err).Info("error reading response body")
	logger.With("body", string(responseBody)).Info("got event")

func activity(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	switch req.Method {
	case "GET":
		logger.Info("GET /activity, doing nothing")
	case "POST":
		logger.Info("POST /activity")
		body, err := req.GetBody()
		if err != nil {
			logger.With("error", err).Info("error getting body")
		responseBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(body)
		if err != nil {
			logger.With("error", err).Info("error reading response body")
		logger.With("body", string(responseBody)).Info("got activity")

func main() {

	log, _ := zap.NewProduction()
	logger = log.Sugar()

	http.HandleFunc("/event", event)
	http.HandleFunc("/activity", activity)
	logger.Info("Added Handlers")

	logger.Info("Starting to serve")
	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

Create a container image based on this code and expose it as a deployment in OpenShift in the openshift-devspaces project. The code for the example telemetry server is available at telemetry-server-example. To deploy the telemetry server, clone the repository and build the container:

$ git clone https://github.com/che-incubator/telemetry-server-example
$ cd telemetry-server-example
$ podman build -t registry/organization/telemetry-server-example:latest .
$ podman push registry/organization/telemetry-server-example:latest

Both manifest_with_ingress.yaml and manifest_with_route contain definitions for a Deployment and Service. The former also defines a Kubernetes Ingress, while the latter defines an OpenShift Route.

In the manifest file, replace the image and host fields to match the image you pushed, and the public hostname of your OpenShift cluster. Then run:

$ kubectl apply -f manifest_with_[ingress|route].yaml -n openshift-devspaces Creating the back-end project

For fast feedback when developing, it is recommended to do development inside a Dev Workspace. This way, you can run the application in a cluster and receive events from the front-end telemetry plugin.

  1. Maven Quarkus project scaffolding:

    mvn io.quarkus:quarkus-maven-plugin:2.7.1.Final:create \
        -DprojectGroupId=mygroup -DprojectArtifactId=devworkspace-telemetry-example-plugin \
  2. Remove the files under src/main/java/mygroup and src/test/java/mygroup.
  3. Consult the GitHub packages for the latest version and Maven coordinates of backend-base.
  4. Add the following dependencies to your pom.xml:

    Example 3.13. pom.xml

    <!-- Required -->
        <version>LATEST VERSION FROM PREVIOUS STEP</version>
    <!-- Used to make http requests to the telemetry server -->
  5. Create a personal access token with read:packages permissions to download the org.eclipse.che.incubator.workspace-telemetry:backend-base dependency from GitHub packages.
  6. Add your GitHub username, personal access token and che-incubator repository details in your ~/.m2/settings.xml file:

    Example 3.14. settings.xml

    <settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"
             <username>YOUR GITHUB USERNAME</username>
             <password>YOUR GITHUB TOKEN</password>
    </settings> Creating a concrete implementation of AnalyticsManager and adding specialized logic

Create two files in your project under src/main/java/mygroup:

  • MainConfiguration.java - contains configuration provided to AnalyticsManager.
  • AnalyticsManager.java - contains logic specific to the telemetry system.

Example 3.15. MainConfiguration.java

package org.my.group;

import java.util.Optional;

import javax.enterprise.context.Dependent;
import javax.enterprise.inject.Alternative;

import org.eclipse.che.incubator.workspace.telemetry.base.BaseConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.config.inject.ConfigProperty;

public class MainConfiguration extends BaseConfiguration {
    @ConfigProperty(name = "welcome.message")      1
    Optional<String> welcomeMessage;               2
A MicroProfile configuration annotation is used to inject the welcome.message configuration.

For more details on how to set configuration properties specific to your backend, see the Quarkus Configuration Reference Guide.

Example 3.16. AnalyticsManager.java

package org.my.group;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.enterprise.context.Dependent;
import javax.enterprise.inject.Alternative;
import javax.inject.Inject;

import org.eclipse.che.incubator.workspace.telemetry.base.AbstractAnalyticsManager;
import org.eclipse.che.incubator.workspace.telemetry.base.AnalyticsEvent;
import org.eclipse.che.incubator.workspace.telemetry.finder.DevWorkspaceFinder;
import org.eclipse.che.incubator.workspace.telemetry.finder.UsernameFinder;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.rest.client.inject.RestClient;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;

public class AnalyticsManager extends AbstractAnalyticsManager {

    private static final Logger LOG = getLogger(AbstractAnalyticsManager.class);

    public AnalyticsManager(MainConfiguration mainConfiguration, DevWorkspaceFinder devworkspaceFinder, UsernameFinder usernameFinder) {
        super(mainConfiguration, devworkspaceFinder, usernameFinder);

        mainConfiguration.welcomeMessage.ifPresentOrElse(     1
            (str) -> LOG.info("The welcome message is: {}", str),
            () -> LOG.info("No welcome message provided")

    public boolean isEnabled() {
        return true;

    public void destroy() {}

    public void onEvent(AnalyticsEvent event, String ownerId, String ip, String userAgent, String resolution, Map<String, Object> properties) {
        LOG.info("The received event is: {}", event);         2

    public void increaseDuration(AnalyticsEvent event, Map<String, Object> properties) { }

    public void onActivity() {}
Log the welcome message if it was provided.
Log the event received from the front-end plugin.

Since org.my.group.AnalyticsManager and org.my.group.MainConfiguration are alternative beans, specify them using the quarkus.arc.selected-alternatives property in src/main/resources/application.properties.

Example 3.17. application.properties

quarkus.arc.selected-alternatives=MainConfiguration,AnalyticsManager Running the application within a Dev Workspace
  1. Set the DEVWORKSPACE_TELEMETRY_BACKEND_PORT environment variable in the Dev Workspace. Here, the value is set to 4167.

              value: '4167'
  2. Restart the Dev Workspace from the Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces dashboard.
  3. Run the following command within a Dev Workspace’s terminal window to start the application. Use the --settings flag to specify path to the location of the settings.xml file that contains the GitHub access token.

    $ mvn --settings=settings.xml quarkus:dev -Dquarkus.http.port=${DEVWORKSPACE_TELEMETRY_BACKEND_PORT}

    The application now receives telemetry events through port 4167 from the front-end plugin.

Verification steps

  1. Verify that the following output is logged:

    INFO  [org.ecl.che.inc.AnalyticsManager] (Quarkus Main Thread) No welcome message provided
    INFO  [io.quarkus] (Quarkus Main Thread) devworkspace-telemetry-example-plugin 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT on JVM (powered by Quarkus 2.7.2.Final) started in 0.323s. Listening on: http://localhost:4167
    INFO  [io.quarkus] (Quarkus Main Thread) Profile dev activated. Live Coding activated.
    INFO  [io.quarkus] (Quarkus Main Thread) Installed features: [cdi, kubernetes-client, rest-client, rest-client-jackson, resteasy, resteasy-jsonb, smallrye-context-propagation, smallrye-openapi, swagger-ui, vertx]
  2. To verify that the onEvent() method of AnalyticsManager receives events from the front-end plugin, press the l key to disable Quarkus live coding and edit any file within the IDE. The following output should be logged:

    INFO  [io.qua.dep.dev.RuntimeUpdatesProcessor] (Aesh InputStream Reader) Live reload disabled
    INFO  [org.ecl.che.inc.AnalyticsManager] (executor-thread-2) The received event is: Edit Workspace File in Che Implementing isEnabled()

For the purposes of the example, this method always returns true whenever it is called.

Example 3.18. AnalyticsManager.java

public boolean isEnabled() {
    return true;

It is possible to put more complex logic in isEnabled(). For example, the hosted OpenShift Dev Spaces Woopra backend checks that a configuration property exists before determining if the backend is enabled. Implementing onEvent()

onEvent() sends the event received by the backend to the telemetry system. For the example application, it sends an HTTP POST payload to the /event endpoint from the telemetry server. Sending a POST request to the example telemetry server

For the following example, the telemetry server application is deployed to OpenShift at the following URL: http://little-telemetry-server-che.apps-crc.testing, where apps-crc.testing is the ingress domain name of the OpenShift cluster.

  1. Set up the RESTEasy REST Client by creating TelemetryService.java

    Example 3.19. TelemetryService.java

    package org.my.group;
    import java.util.Map;
    import javax.ws.rs.Consumes;
    import javax.ws.rs.POST;
    import javax.ws.rs.Path;
    import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
    import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
    import org.eclipse.microprofile.rest.client.inject.RegisterRestClient;
    public interface TelemetryService {
        @Path("/event") 1
        Response sendEvent(Map<String, Object> payload);
    The endpoint to make the POST request to.
  2. Specify the base URL for TelemetryService in the src/main/resources/application.properties file:

    Example 3.20. application.properties

  3. Inject TelemetryService into AnalyticsManager and send a POST request in onEvent()

    Example 3.21. AnalyticsManager.java

    public class AnalyticsManager extends AbstractAnalyticsManager {
        TelemetryService telemetryService;
    public void onEvent(AnalyticsEvent event, String ownerId, String ip, String userAgent, String resolution, Map<String, Object> properties) {
        Map<String, Object> payload = new HashMap<String, Object>(properties);
        payload.put("event", event);

    This sends an HTTP request to the telemetry server and automatically delays identical events for a small period of time. The default duration is 1500 milliseconds. Implementing increaseDuration()

Many telemetry systems recognize event duration. The AbstractAnalyticsManager merges similar events that happen in the same frame of time into one event. This implementation of increaseDuration() is a no-op. This method uses the APIs of the user’s telemetry provider to alter the event or event properties to reflect the increased duration of an event.

Example 3.22. AnalyticsManager.java

public void increaseDuration(AnalyticsEvent event, Map<String, Object> properties) {} Implementing onActivity()

Set an inactive timeout limit, and use onActivity() to send a WORKSPACE_INACTIVE event if the last event time is longer than the timeout.

Example 3.23. AnalyticsManager.java

public class AnalyticsManager extends AbstractAnalyticsManager {


    private long inactiveTimeLimit = 60000 * 3;


    public void onActivity() {
        if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastEventTime >= inactiveTimeLimit) {
            onEvent(WORKSPACE_INACTIVE, lastOwnerId, lastIp, lastUserAgent, lastResolution, commonProperties);
    } Implementing destroy()

When destroy() is called, send a WORKSPACE_STOPPED event and shutdown any resources such as connection pools.

Example 3.24. AnalyticsManager.java

public void destroy() {
    onEvent(WORKSPACE_STOPPED, lastOwnerId, lastIp, lastUserAgent, lastResolution, commonProperties);

Running mvn quarkus:dev as described in Section, “Running the application within a Dev Workspace” and terminating the application with Ctrl+C sends a WORKSPACE_STOPPED event to the server. Packaging the Quarkus application

See the Quarkus documentation for the best instructions to package the application in a container. Build and push the container to a container registry of your choice. Sample Dockerfile for building a Quarkus image running with JVM

Example 3.25. Dockerfile.jvm

FROM registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/openjdk-11:1.11


COPY --chown=185 target/quarkus-app/lib/ /deployments/lib/
COPY --chown=185 target/quarkus-app/*.jar /deployments/
COPY --chown=185 target/quarkus-app/app/ /deployments/app/
COPY --chown=185 target/quarkus-app/quarkus/ /deployments/quarkus/

USER 185

ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-Dquarkus.http.host=", "-Djava.util.logging.manager=org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager", "-Dquarkus.http.port=${DEVWORKSPACE_TELEMETRY_BACKEND_PORT}", "-jar", "/deployments/quarkus-run.jar"]

To build the image, run:

mvn package && \
podman build -f src/main/docker/Dockerfile.jvm -t image:tag . Sample Dockerfile for building a Quarkus native image

Example 3.26. Dockerfile.native

FROM registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal:8.5
WORKDIR /work/
RUN chown 1001 /work \
    && chmod "g+rwX" /work \
    && chown 1001:root /work
COPY --chown=1001:root target/*-runner /work/application

USER 1001

CMD ["./application", "-Dquarkus.http.host=", "-Dquarkus.http.port=$DEVWORKSPACE_TELEMETRY_BACKEND_PORT}"]

To build the image, run:

mvn package -Pnative -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true && \
podman build -f src/main/docker/Dockerfile.native -t image:tag . Creating a plugin.yaml for your plugin

Create a plugin.yaml devfile v2 file representing a Dev Workspace plugin that runs your custom backend in a Dev Workspace Pod. For more information about devfile v2, see Devfile v2 documentation

Example 3.27. plugin.yaml

schemaVersion: 2.1.0
  name: devworkspace-telemetry-backend-plugin
  version: 0.0.1
  description: A Demo telemetry backend
  displayName: Devworkspace Telemetry Backend
  - name: devworkspace-telemetry-backend-plugin
          value: '4167'
      image: YOUR IMAGE            1
        - name: WELCOME_MESSAGE    2
          value: 'hello world!'
Specify the container image built from Section, “Packaging the Quarkus application”.
Set the value for the welcome.message optional configuration property from Example 4.

Typically, the user deploys this file to a corporate web server. This guide demonstrates how to create an Apache web server on OpenShift and host the plugin there.

Create a ConfigMap object that references the new plugin.yaml file.

$ oc create configmap --from-file=plugin.yaml -n openshift-devspaces telemetry-plugin-yaml

Create a deployment, a service, and a route to expose the web server. The deployment references this ConfigMap object and places it in the /var/www/html directory.

Example 3.28. manifest.yaml

kind: Deployment
apiVersion: apps/v1
  name: apache
  replicas: 1
      app: apache
        app: apache
        - name: plugin-yaml
            name: telemetry-plugin-yaml
            defaultMode: 420
        - name: apache
          image: 'registry.redhat.io/rhscl/httpd-24-rhel7:latest'
            - containerPort: 8080
              protocol: TCP
          resources: {}
            - name: plugin-yaml
              mountPath: /var/www/html
    type: RollingUpdate
      maxUnavailable: 25%
      maxSurge: 25%
  revisionHistoryLimit: 10
  progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: apache
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 8080
      targetPort: 8080
    app: apache
  type: ClusterIP
kind: Route
apiVersion: route.openshift.io/v1
  name: apache
  host: apache-che.apps-crc.testing
    kind: Service
    name: apache
    weight: 100
    targetPort: 8080
  wildcardPolicy: None
$ oc apply -f manifest.yaml

Verification steps

  • After the deployment has started, confirm that plugin.yaml is available in the web server:

    $ curl apache-che.apps-crc.testing/plugin.yaml Specifying the telemetry plugin in a Dev Workspace
  1. Add the following to the components field of an existing Dev Workspace:

      - name: telemetry-plugin
          uri: http://apache-che.apps-crc.testing/plugin.yaml
  2. Start the Dev Workspace from the OpenShift Dev Spaces dashboard.

Verification steps

  1. Verify that the telemetry plugin container is running in the Dev Workspace pod. Here, this is verified by checking the Workspace view within the editor.

    Dev Workspace telemetry plugin
  2. Edit files within the editor and observe their events in the example telemetry server’s logs. Applying the telemetry plugin for all Dev Workspaces

Set the telemetry plugin as a default plugin. Default plugins are applied on Dev Workspace startup for new and existing Dev Workspaces.

Verification steps

  1. Start a new or existing Dev Workspace from the Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces dashboard.
  2. Verify that the telemetry plugin is working by following the verification steps for Section, “Specifying the telemetry plugin in a Dev Workspace”. Configuring server logging

It is possible to fine-tune the log levels of individual loggers available in the OpenShift Dev Spaces server.

The log level of the whole OpenShift Dev Spaces server is configured globally using the cheLogLevel configuration property of the Operator. See Section 3.1.3, “CheCluster Custom Resource fields reference”. To set the global log level in installations not managed by the Operator, specify the CHE_LOG_LEVEL environment variable in the che ConfigMap.

It is possible to configure the log levels of the individual loggers in the OpenShift Dev Spaces server using the CHE_LOGGER_CONFIG environment variable. Configuring log levels


  • Configure the CheCluster Custom Resource. See Section 3.1.2, “Using the CLI to configure the CheCluster Custom Resource”.

            CHE_LOGGER_CONFIG: "<key1=value1,key2=value2>" 1
    Comma-separated list of key-value pairs, where keys are the names of the loggers as seen in the OpenShift Dev Spaces server log output and values are the required log levels.

    Example 3.29. Configuring debug mode for the WorkspaceManager

            CHE_LOGGER_CONFIG: "org.eclipse.che.api.workspace.server.WorkspaceManager=DEBUG" Logger naming

The names of the loggers follow the class names of the internal server classes that use those loggers. Logging HTTP traffic

Procedure Collecting logs using dsc

An installation of Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces consists of several containers running in the OpenShift cluster. While it is possible to manually collect logs from each running container, dsc provides commands which automate the process.

Following commands are available to collect Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces logs from the OpenShift cluster using the dsc tool:

dsc server:logs

Collects existing Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces server logs and stores them in a directory on the local machine. By default, logs are downloaded to a temporary directory on the machine. However, this can be overwritten by specifying the -d parameter. For example, to download OpenShift Dev Spaces logs to the /home/user/che-logs/ directory, use the command

dsc server:logs -d /home/user/che-logs/

When run, dsc server:logs prints a message in the console specifying the directory that will store the log files:

Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces logs will be available in '/tmp/chectl-logs/1648575098344'

If Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces is installed in a non-default project, dsc server:logs requires the -n <NAMESPACE> paremeter, where <NAMESPACE> is the OpenShift project in which Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces was installed. For example, to get logs from OpenShift Dev Spaces in the my-namespace project, use the command

dsc server:logs -n my-namespace
dsc server:deploy
Logs are automatically collected during the OpenShift Dev Spaces installation when installed using dsc. As with dsc server:logs, the directory logs are stored in can be specified using the -d parameter.

Additional resources

3.6.3. Monitoring the Dev Workspace Operator

You can configure the OpenShift in-cluster monitoring stack to scrape metrics exposed by the Dev Workspace Operator. Collecting Dev Workspace Operator metrics

To use the in-cluster Prometheus instance to collect, store, and query metrics about the Dev Workspace Operator:


  • Your organization’s instance of OpenShift Dev Spaces is installed and running in Red Hat OpenShift.
  • An active oc session with administrative permissions to the destination OpenShift cluster. See Getting started with the CLI.
  • The devworkspace-controller-metrics Service is exposing metrics on port 8443. This is preconfigured by default.


  1. Create the ServiceMonitor for detecting the Dev Workspace Operator metrics Service.

    Example 3.30. ServiceMonitor

    apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1
    kind: ServiceMonitor
      name: devworkspace-controller
      namespace: openshift-devspaces 1
        - bearerTokenFile: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token
          interval: 10s 2
          port: metrics
          scheme: https
            insecureSkipVerify: true
          - openshift-operators
          app.kubernetes.io/name: devworkspace-controller
    The OpenShift Dev Spaces namespace. The default is openshift-devspaces.
    The rate at which a target is scraped.
  2. Allow the in-cluster Prometheus instance to detect the ServiceMonitor in the OpenShift Dev Spaces namespace. The default OpenShift Dev Spaces namespace is openshift-devspaces.

    $ oc label namespace openshift-devspaces openshift.io/cluster-monitoring=true


  1. For a fresh installation of OpenShift Dev Spaces, generate metrics by creating a OpenShift Dev Spaces workspace from the Dashboard.
  2. In the Administrator view of the OpenShift web console, go to ObserveMetrics.
  3. Run a PromQL query to confirm that the metrics are available. For example, enter devworkspace_started_total and click Run queries.

    For more metrics, see Section, “Dev Workspace-specific metrics”.


To troubleshoot missing metrics, view the Prometheus container logs for possible RBAC-related errors:

  1. Get the name of the Prometheus pod:

    $ oc get pods -l app.kubernetes.io/name=prometheus -n openshift-monitoring -o=jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}'
  2. Print the last 20 lines of the Prometheus container logs from the Prometheus pod from the previous step:

    $ oc logs --tail=20 <prometheus_pod_name> -c prometheus -n openshift-monitoring Dev Workspace-specific metrics

The following tables describe the Dev Workspace-specific metrics exposed by the devworkspace-controller-metrics Service.

Table 3.41. Metrics



Number of Dev Workspace starting events.

source, routingclass



Number of Dev Workspaces successfully entering the Running phase.

source, routingclass



Number of failed Dev Workspaces.

source, reason



Total time taken to start a Dev Workspace, in seconds.

source, routingclass

Table 3.42. Labels


The controller.devfile.io/devworkspace-source label of the Dev Workspace.



The spec.routingclass of the Dev Workspace.



The workspace startup failure reason.


Table 3.43. Startup failure reasons


Startup failure due to an invalid devfile used to create a Dev Workspace.


Startup failure due to the following errors: CreateContainerError, RunContainerError, FailedScheduling, FailedMount.


Unknown failure reason. Viewing Dev Workspace Operator metrics from an OpenShift web console dashboard

After configuring the in-cluster Prometheus instance to collect Dev Workspace Operator metrics, you can view the metrics on a custom dashboard in the Administrator perspective of the OpenShift web console.



  • Create a ConfigMap for the dashboard definition in the openshift-config-managed project and apply the necessary label.

    1. $ oc create configmap grafana-dashboard-dwo \
        --from-literal=dwo-dashboard.json="$(curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/devfile/devworkspace-operator/main/docs/grafana/openshift-console-dashboard.json)" \
        -n openshift-config-managed

      The previous command contains a link to material from the upstream community. This material represents the very latest available content and the most recent best practices. These tips have not yet been vetted by Red Hat’s QE department, and they have not yet been proven by a wide user group. Please, use this information cautiously.

    2. $ oc label configmap grafana-dashboard-dwo console.openshift.io/dashboard=true -n openshift-config-managed

      The dashboard definition is based on Grafana 6.x dashboards. Not all Grafana 6.x dashboard features are supported in the OpenShift web console.

Verification steps

  1. In the Administrator view of the OpenShift web console, go to ObserveDashboards.
  2. Go to DashboardChe Server JVM and verify that the dashboard panels contain data. Dashboard for the Dev Workspace Operator

The OpenShift web console custom dashboard is based on Grafana 6.x and displays the following metrics from the Dev Workspace Operator.


Not all features for Grafana 6.x dashboards are supported as an OpenShift web console dashboard. Dev Workspace metrics

The Dev Workspace-specific metrics are displayed in the Dev Workspace Metrics panel.

Figure 3.1. The Dev Workspace Metrics panel

Grafana dashboard panels that contain metrics related to `DevWorkspace startup
Average workspace start time
The average workspace startup duration.
Workspace starts
The number of successful and failed workspace startups.
Dev Workspace successes and failures
A comparison between successful and failed Dev Workspace startups.
Dev Workspace failure rate
The ratio between the number of failed workspace startups and the number of total workspace startups.
Dev Workspace startup failure reasons

A pie chart that displays the distribution of workspace startup failures:

  • BadRequest
  • InfrastructureFailure
  • Unknown Operator metrics

The Operator-specific metrics are displayed in the Operator Metrics panel.

Figure 3.2. The Operator Metrics panel

Grafana dashboard panels that contain Operator metrics
Webhooks in flight
A comparison between the number of different webhook requests.
Work queue depth
The number of reconcile requests that are in the work queue.
Memory usage for the Dev Workspace controller and the Dev Workspace webhook server.
Average reconcile counts per second (DWO)
The average per-second number of reconcile counts for the Dev Workspace controller.

3.6.4. Monitoring Dev Spaces Server

You can configure OpenShift Dev Spaces to expose JVM metrics such as JVM memory and class loading for OpenShift Dev Spaces Server. Enabling and exposing OpenShift Dev Spaces Server metrics

OpenShift Dev Spaces exposes the JVM metrics on port 8087 of the che-host Service. You can configure this behaviour.

Procedure Collecting OpenShift Dev Spaces Server metrics with Prometheus

To use the in-cluster Prometheus instance to collect, store, and query JVM metrics for OpenShift Dev Spaces Server:



  1. Create the ServiceMonitor for detecting the OpenShift Dev Spaces JVM metrics Service.

    Example 3.31. ServiceMonitor

    apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1
    kind: ServiceMonitor
      name: che-host
      namespace: openshift-devspaces 1
        - interval: 10s 2
          port: metrics
          scheme: http
          - openshift-devspaces 3
          app.kubernetes.io/name: devspaces
    1 3
    The OpenShift Dev Spaces namespace. The default is openshift-devspaces.
    The rate at which a target is scraped.
  2. Create a Role and RoleBinding to allow Prometheus to view the metrics.

    Example 3.32. Role

    kind: Role
    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
      name: prometheus-k8s
      namespace: openshift-devspaces 1
      - verbs:
          - get
          - list
          - watch
          - ''
          - services
          - endpoints
          - pods
    The OpenShift Dev Spaces namespace. The default is openshift-devspaces.

    Example 3.33. RoleBinding

    kind: RoleBinding
    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
      name: view-devspaces-openshift-monitoring-prometheus-k8s
      namespace: openshift-devspaces 1
      - kind: ServiceAccount
        name: prometheus-k8s
        namespace: openshift-monitoring
      apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: Role
      name: prometheus-k8s
    The OpenShift Dev Spaces namespace. The default is openshift-devspaces.
  3. Allow the in-cluster Prometheus instance to detect the ServiceMonitor in the OpenShift Dev Spaces namespace. The default OpenShift Dev Spaces namespace is openshift-devspaces.

    $ oc label namespace openshift-devspaces openshift.io/cluster-monitoring=true


  1. In the Administrator view of the OpenShift web console, go to ObserveMetrics.
  2. Run a PromQL query to confirm that the metrics are available. For example, enter process_uptime_seconds{job="che-host"} and click Run queries.

To troubleshoot missing metrics, view the Prometheus container logs for possible RBAC-related errors:

  1. Get the name of the Prometheus pod:

    $ oc get pods -l app.kubernetes.io/name=prometheus -n openshift-monitoring -o=jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}'
  2. Print the last 20 lines of the Prometheus container logs from the Prometheus pod from the previous step:

    $ oc logs --tail=20 <prometheus_pod_name> -c prometheus -n openshift-monitoring Viewing OpenShift Dev Spaces Server from an OpenShift web console dashboard

After configuring the in-cluster Prometheus instance to collect OpenShift Dev Spaces Server JVM metrics, you can view the metrics on a custom dashboard in the Administrator perspective of the OpenShift web console.



  • Create a ConfigMap for the dashboard definition in the openshift-config-managed project and apply the necessary label.

    1. $ oc create configmap grafana-dashboard-devspaces-server \
        --from-literal=devspaces-server-dashboard.json="$(curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eclipse-che/che-server/main/docs/grafana/openshift-console-dashboard.json)" \
        -n openshift-config-managed

      The previous command contains a link to material from the upstream community. This material represents the very latest available content and the most recent best practices. These tips have not yet been vetted by Red Hat’s QE department, and they have not yet been proven by a wide user group. Please, use this information cautiously.

    2. $ oc label configmap grafana-dashboard-devspaces-server console.openshift.io/dashboard=true -n openshift-config-managed

      The dashboard definition is based on Grafana 6.x dashboards. Not all Grafana 6.x dashboard features are supported in the OpenShift web console.

Verification steps

  1. In the Administrator view of the OpenShift web console, go to ObserveDashboards.
  2. Go to DashboardDev Workspace Operator and verify that the dashboard panels contain data.

    Figure 3.3. Quick Facts

    The *JVM quick facts* panel

    Figure 3.4. JVM Memory

    The *JVM Memory* panel

    Figure 3.5. JVM Misc

    The *JVM Misc* panel

    Figure 3.6. JVM Memory Pools (heap)

    The *JVM Memory Pools (heap)* panel

    Figure 3.7. JVM Memory Pools (Non-Heap)

    The *JVM Memory Pools (non-heap)* panel

    Figure 3.8. Garbage Collection

    The *JVM garbage collection* panel

    Figure 3.9. Class loading

    The *JVM class loading* panel

    Figure 3.10. Buffer Pools

    The *JVM buffer pools* panel

3.7. Configuring networking

3.7.1. Configuring network policies

By default, all Pods in a OpenShift cluster can communicate with each other even if they are in different namespaces. In the context of OpenShift Dev Spaces, this makes it possible for a workspace Pod in one user project to send traffic to another workspace Pod in a different user project.

For security, multitenant isolation could be configured by using NetworkPolicy objects to restrict all incoming communication to Pods in a user project. However, Pods in the OpenShift Dev Spaces project must be able to communicate with Pods in user projects.


  • The OpenShift cluster has network restrictions such as multitenant isolation.


  • Apply the allow-from-openshift-devspaces NetworkPolicy to each user project. The allow-from-openshift-devspaces NetworkPolicy allows incoming traffic from the OpenShift Dev Spaces namespace to all Pods in the user project.

    Example 3.34. allow-from-openshift-devspaces.yaml

    apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
    kind: NetworkPolicy
        name: allow-from-openshift-devspaces
        - from:
            - namespaceSelector:
                    kubernetes.io/metadata.name: openshift-devspaces   1
        podSelector: {}   2
        - Ingress
    The OpenShift Dev Spaces namespace. The default is openshift-devspaces.
    The empty podSelector selects all Pods in the project.

3.7.2. Configuring Dev Spaces hostname

This procedure describes how to configure OpenShift Dev Spaces to use custom hostname.


  • An active oc session with administrative permissions to the destination OpenShift cluster. See Getting started with the CLI.
  • The certificate and the private key files are generated.

To generate the pair of a private key and certificate, the same certification authority (CA) must be used as for other OpenShift Dev Spaces hosts.


Ask a DNS provider to point the custom hostname to the cluster ingress.


  1. Pre-create a project for OpenShift Dev Spaces:

    $ oc create project openshift-devspaces
  2. Create a TLS secret:

    $ oc create secret TLS <tls_secret_name> \ 1
    --key <key_file> \ 2
    --cert <cert_file> \ 3
    -n openshift-devspaces
    The TLS secret name
    A file with the private key
    A file with the certificate
  3. Add the required labels to the secret:

    $ oc label secret <tls_secret_name> \ 1
    app.kubernetes.io/part-of=che.eclipse.org -n openshift-devspaces
    The TLS secret name
  4. Configure the CheCluster Custom Resource. See Section 3.1.2, “Using the CLI to configure the CheCluster Custom Resource”.

        hostname: <hostname>     1
        tlsSecretName: <secret>  2
    Custom Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces server hostname
    The TLS secret name
  5. If OpenShift Dev Spaces has been already deployed, wait until the rollout of all OpenShift Dev Spaces components finishes.

3.7.3. Importing untrusted TLS certificates to Dev Spaces

OpenShift Dev Spaces components communications with external services are encrypted with TLS. They require TLS certificates signed by trusted Certificate Authorities (CA). Therefore, you must import into OpenShift Dev Spaces all untrusted CA chains in use by an external service such as:

  • A proxy
  • An identity provider (OIDC)
  • A source code repositories provider (Git)

OpenShift Dev Spaces uses labeled config maps in OpenShift Dev Spaces project as sources for TLS certificates. The config maps can have an arbitrary amount of keys with a random amount of certificates each.


When an OpenShift cluster contains cluster-wide trusted CA certificates added through the cluster-wide-proxy configuration, OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator detects them and automatically injects them into a config map with the config.openshift.io/inject-trusted-cabundle="true" label. Based on this annotation, OpenShift automatically injects the cluster-wide trusted CA certificates inside the ca-bundle.crt key of the config map.


  • An active oc session with administrative permissions to the destination OpenShift cluster. See Getting started with the CLI.
  • The openshift-devspaces project exists.
  • For each CA chain to import: the root CA and intermediate certificates, in PEM format, in a ca-cert-for-devspaces-<count>.pem file.


  1. Concatenate all CA chains PEM files to import, into the custom-ca-certificates.pem file, and remove the return character that is incompatible with the Java truststore.

    $ cat ca-cert-for-{prod-id-short}-*.pem | tr -d '\r' > custom-ca-certificates.pem
  2. Create the custom-ca-certificates config map with the required TLS certificates:

    $ oc create configmap custom-ca-certificates \
        --from-file=custom-ca-certificates.pem \
  3. Label the custom-ca-certificates config map:

    $ oc label configmap custom-ca-certificates \
        app.kubernetes.io/component=ca-bundle \
        app.kubernetes.io/part-of=che.eclipse.org \
  4. Deploy OpenShift Dev Spaces if it hasn’t been deployed before. Otherwise, wait until the rollout of OpenShift Dev Spaces components finishes.
  5. Restart running workspaces for the changes to take effect.

Verification steps

  1. Verify that the config map contains your custom CA certificates. This command returns your custom CA certificates in PEM format:

    $ oc get configmap \
        --namespace=openshift-devspaces \
        --output='jsonpath={.items[0:].data.custom-ca-certificates\.pem}' \
  2. Verify OpenShift Dev Spaces pod contains a volume mounting the ca-certs-merged config map:

    $ oc get pod \
        --selector=app.kubernetes.io/component=devspaces \
        --output='jsonpath={.items[0].spec.volumes[0:].configMap.name}' \
        --namespace=openshift-devspaces \
        | grep ca-certs-merged
  3. Verify the OpenShift Dev Spaces server container has your custom CA certificates. This command returns your custom CA certificates in PEM format:

    $ oc exec -t deploy/devspaces \
        --namespace=openshift-devspaces \
        -- cat /public-certs/custom-ca-certificates.pem
  4. Verify in the OpenShift Dev Spaces server logs that the imported certificates count is not null:

    $ oc logs deploy/devspaces --namespace=openshift-devspaces \
        | grep custom-ca-certificates.pem
  5. List the SHA256 fingerprints of your certificates:

    $ for certificate in ca-cert*.pem ;
      do openssl x509 -in $certificate -digest -sha256 -fingerprint -noout | cut -d= -f2;
  6. Verify that OpenShift Dev Spaces server Java truststore contains certificates with the same fingerprint:

    $ oc exec -t deploy/devspaces --namespace=openshift-devspaces -- \
        keytool -list -keystore /home/user/cacerts \
        | grep --after-context=1 custom-ca-certificates.pem
  7. Start a workspace, get the project name in which it has been created: <workspace_namespace>, and wait for the workspace to be started.
  8. Verify that the che-trusted-ca-certs config map contains your custom CA certificates. This command returns your custom CA certificates in PEM format:

    $ oc get configmap che-trusted-ca-certs \
        --namespace=<workspace_namespace> \
  9. Verify that the workspace pod mounts the che-trusted-ca-certs config map:

    $ oc get pod \
        --namespace=<workspace_namespace> \
        --selector='controller.devfile.io/devworkspace_name=<workspace_name>' \
        --output='jsonpath={.items[0:].spec.volumes[0:].configMap.name}' \
        | grep che-trusted-ca-certs
  10. Verify that the universal-developer-image container (or the container defined in the workspace devfile) mounts the che-trusted-ca-certs volume:

    $ oc get pod \
        --namespace=<workspace_namespace> \
        --selector='controller.devfile.io/devworkspace_name=<workspace_name>' \
        --output='jsonpath={.items[0:].spec.containers[0:]}' \
        | jq 'select (.volumeMounts[].name == "che-trusted-ca-certs") | .name'
  11. Get the workspace pod name <workspace_pod_name>:

    $ oc get pod \
        --namespace=<workspace_namespace> \
        --selector='controller.devfile.io/devworkspace_name=<workspace_name>' \
        --output='jsonpath={.items[0:].metadata.name}' \
  12. Verify that the workspace container has your custom CA certificates. This command returns your custom CA certificates in PEM format:

    $ oc exec <workspace_pod_name> \
        --namespace=<workspace_namespace> \
        -- cat /public-certs/custom-ca-certificates.custom-ca-certificates.pem

3.7.4. Adding labels and annotations Configuring OpenShift Route to work with Router Sharding

You can configure labels, annotations, and domains for OpenShift Route to work with Router Sharding.



  • Configure the CheCluster Custom Resource. See Section 3.1.2, “Using the CLI to configure the CheCluster Custom Resource”.

        labels: <labels> 1
        domain: <domain> 2
        annotations: <annotations> 3
    An unstructured key value map of labels that the target ingress controller uses to filter the set of Routes to service.
    The DNS name serviced by the target ingress controller.
    An unstructured key value map stored with a resource.

3.8. Configuring storage


OpenShift Dev Spaces does not support the Network File System (NFS) protocol.

3.8.1. Configuring storage classes

To configure OpenShift Dev Spaces to use a configured infrastructure storage, install OpenShift Dev Spaces using storage classes. This is especially useful when you want to bind a persistent volume provided by a non-default provisioner.

OpenShift Dev Spaces has one component that requires persistent volumes to store data:

  • A OpenShift Dev Spaces workspace. OpenShift Dev Spaces workspaces store source code using volumes, for example /projects volume.

OpenShift Dev Spaces workspaces source code is stored in the persistent volume only if a workspace is not ephemeral.

Persistent volume claims facts:

  • OpenShift Dev Spaces does not create persistent volumes in the infrastructure.
  • OpenShift Dev Spaces uses persistent volume claims (PVC) to mount persistent volumes.
  • The Section, “Dev Workspace operator” creates persistent volume claims.

    Define a storage class name in the OpenShift Dev Spaces configuration to use the storage classes feature in the OpenShift Dev Spaces PVC.


Use CheCluster Custom Resource definition to define storage classes:

  1. Define storage class names: configure the CheCluster Custom Resource, and install OpenShift Dev Spaces. See Section 3.1.1, “Using dsc to configure the CheCluster Custom Resource during installation”.

            claimSize: <claim_size> 1
            storageClass: <storage_class_name> 2
            claimSize: <claim_size> 3
            storageClass: <storage_class_name> 4
          pvcStrategy: <pvc_strategy> 5
    1 3
    Persistent Volume Claim size.
    2 4
    Storage class for the Persistent Volume Claim. When omitted or left blank, a default storage class is used.
    Persistent volume claim strategy. The supported strategies are: per-user (all workspaces Persistent Volume Claims in one volume), per-workspace (each workspace is given its own individual Persistent Volume Claim) and ephemeral (non-persistent storage where local changes will be lost when the workspace is stopped.)

3.8.2. Configuring the storage strategy

OpenShift Dev Spaces can be configured to provide persistent or non-persistent storage to workspaces by selecting a storage strategy. The selected storage strategy will be applied to all newly created workspaces by default. Users can opt for a non-default storage strategy for their workspace in their devfile or through the URL parameter.

Available storage strategies:

  • per-user: Use a single PVC for all workspaces created by a user.
  • per-workspace: Each workspace is given its own PVC.
  • ephemeral: Non-persistent storage; any local changes will be lost when the workspace is stopped.

The default storage strategy used in OpenShift Dev Spaces is per-user.


  1. Set the pvcStrategy field in the Che Cluster Custom Resource to per-user, per-workspace or ephemeral.
        pvcStrategy: 'per-user' 1
The available storage strategies are per-user, per-workspace and ephemeral.

3.8.3. Configuring storage sizes

You can configure the persistent volume claim (PVC) size using the per-user or per-workspace storage strategies. You must specify the PVC sizes in the CheCluster Custom Resource in the format of a Kubernetes resource quantity. For more details on the available storage strategies, see this page.

Default persistent volume claim sizes:

  • per-user: 10Gi
  • per-workspace: 5Gi


  1. Set the appropriate claimSize field for the desired storage strategy in the Che Cluster Custom Resource.
        pvcStrategy: '<strategy_name>'  1
        perUserStrategyPvcConfig: 2
          claimSize: <resource_quantity> 3
        perWorkspaceStrategyPvcConfig:  4
          claimSize: <resource_quantity> 5
Select the storage strategy: per-user or per-workspace or ephemeral. Note: the ephemeral storage strategy does not use persistent storage, therefore you cannot configure its storage size or other PVC-related attributes.
2 4
Specify a claim size on the next line or omit the next line to set the default claim size value. The specified claim size is only used when you select this storage strategy.
3 5
The claim size must be specified as a Kubernetes resource quantity. The available quantity units include: Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi and Ki.

3.9. Configuring dashboard

3.9.1. Configuring getting started samples

This procedure describes how to configure OpenShift Dev Spaces Dashboard to display custom samples.



  1. Create a JSON file with the samples configuration. The file must contain an array of objects, where each object represents a sample.

    cat > my-samples.json <<EOF
        "displayName": "<display_name>", 1
        "description": "<description>", 2
        "tags": <tags>, 3
        "url": "<url>", 4
        "icon": {
          "base64data": "<base64data>", 5
          "mediatype": "<mediatype>" 6
    The display name of the sample.
    The description of the sample.
    The JSON array of tags, for example, ["java", "spring"].
    The URL to the repository containing the devfile.
    The base64-encoded data of the icon.
    The media type of the icon. For example, image/png.
  2. Create a ConfigMap with the samples configuration:

    oc create configmap getting-started-samples --from-file=my-samples.json -n openshift-devspaces
  3. Add the required labels to the ConfigMap:

    oc label configmap getting-started-samples app.kubernetes.io/part-of=che.eclipse.org app.kubernetes.io/component=getting-started-samples -n openshift-devspaces
  4. Refresh the OpenShift Dev Spaces Dashboard page to see the new samples.

3.10. Managing identities and authorizations

This section describes different aspects of managing identities and authorizations of Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces.

3.10.1. Configuring OAuth for Git providers

You can configure OAuth between OpenShift Dev Spaces and Git providers, enabling users to work with remote Git repositories: Configuring OAuth 2.0 for GitHub

To enable users to work with a remote Git repository that is hosted on GitHub:

  1. Set up the GitHub OAuth App (OAuth 2.0).
  2. Apply the GitHub OAuth App Secret. Setting up the GitHub OAuth App

Set up a GitHub OAuth App using OAuth 2.0.


  • You are logged in to GitHub.
  • base64 is installed in the operating system you are using.


  1. Go to https://github.com/settings/applications/new.
  2. Enter the following values:

    1. Application name: <application name>
    2. Homepage URL: https://<openshift_dev_spaces_fqdn>/
    3. Authorization callback URL: https://<openshift_dev_spaces_fqdn>/api/oauth/callback
  3. Click Register application.
  4. Click Generate new client secret.
  5. Copy the GitHub OAuth Client ID and encode it to Base64 for use when applying the GitHub OAuth App Secret:

    $ echo -n '<github_oauth_client_id>' | base64
  6. Copy the GitHub OAuth Client Secret and encode it to Base64 for use when applying the GitHub OAuth App Secret:

    $ echo -n '<github_oauth_client_secret>' | base64 Applying the GitHub OAuth App Secret

Prepare and apply the GitHub OAuth App Secret.


  • Setting up the GitHub OAuth App is completed.
  • The Base64-encoded values, which were generated when setting up the GitHub OAuth App, are prepared:

    • GitHub OAuth Client ID
    • GitHub OAuth Client Secret
  • An active oc session with administrative permissions to the destination OpenShift cluster. See Getting started with the CLI.


  1. Prepare the Secret:

    kind: Secret
    apiVersion: v1
      name: github-oauth-config
      namespace: openshift-devspaces 1
        app.kubernetes.io/part-of: che.eclipse.org
        app.kubernetes.io/component: oauth-scm-configuration
        che.eclipse.org/oauth-scm-server: github
        che.eclipse.org/scm-server-endpoint: <github_server_url> 2
        che.eclipse.org/scm-github-disable-subdomain-isolation: "<true_or_false>" 3
    type: Opaque
      id: <Base64_GitHub_OAuth_Client_ID> 4
      secret: <Base64_GitHub_OAuth_Client_Secret> 5
    The OpenShift Dev Spaces namespace. The default is openshift-devspaces.
    This depends on the GitHub product your organization is using: When hosting repositories on GitHub.com or GitHub Enterprise Cloud, omit this line or enter the default https://github.com. When hosting repositories on GitHub Enterprise Server, enter the GitHub Enterprise Server URL.
    This line is only added for GitHub Enterprise Server. To disable subdomain isolation, set this to "true". To enable subdomain isolation, set this to "false".
    The Base64-encoded GitHub OAuth Client ID.
    The Base64-encoded GitHub OAuth Client Secret.
  2. Apply the Secret:

    $ oc apply -f - <<EOF
  3. Verify in the output that the Secret is created. Configuring OAuth 2.0 for GitLab

To enable users to work with a remote Git repository that is hosted using a GitLab instance:

  1. Set up the GitLab authorized application (OAuth 2.0).
  2. Apply the GitLab authorized application Secret. Setting up the GitLab authorized application

Set up a GitLab authorized application using OAuth 2.0.


  • You are logged in to GitLab.
  • base64 is installed in the operating system you are using.


  1. Click your avatar and go to Edit profileApplications.
  2. Enter OpenShift Dev Spaces as the Name.
  3. Enter https://<openshift_dev_spaces_fqdn>/api/oauth/callback as the Redirect URI.
  4. Check the Confidential and Expire access tokens checkboxes.
  5. Under Scopes, check the api, write_repository, and openid checkboxes.
  6. Click Save application.
  7. Copy the GitLab Application ID and encode it to Base64 for use when applying the GitLab-authorized application Secret:

    $ echo -n '<gitlab_application_id>' | base64
  8. Copy the GitLab Client Secret and encode it to Base64 for use when applying the GitLab-authorized application Secret:

    $ echo -n '<gitlab_client_secret>' | base64 Applying the GitLab-authorized application Secret

Prepare and apply the GitLab-authorized application Secret.


  • Setting up the GitLab authorized application is completed.
  • The Base64-encoded values, which were generated when setting up the GitLab authorized application, are prepared:

    • GitLab Application ID
    • GitLab Client Secret
  • An active oc session with administrative permissions to the destination OpenShift cluster. See Getting started with the CLI.


  1. Prepare the Secret:

    kind: Secret
    apiVersion: v1
      name: gitlab-oauth-config
      namespace: openshift-devspaces 1
        app.kubernetes.io/part-of: che.eclipse.org
        app.kubernetes.io/component: oauth-scm-configuration
        che.eclipse.org/oauth-scm-server: gitlab
        che.eclipse.org/scm-server-endpoint: <gitlab_server_url> 2
    type: Opaque
      id: <Base64_GitLab_Application_ID> 3
      secret: <Base64_GitLab_Client_Secret> 4
    The OpenShift Dev Spaces namespace. The default is openshift-devspaces.
    The GitLab server URL. Use https://gitlab.com for the SAAS version.
    The Base64-encoded GitLab Application ID.
    The Base64-encoded GitLab Client Secret.
  2. Apply the Secret:

    $ oc apply -f - <<EOF
  3. Verify in the output that the Secret is created. Configuring OAuth 2.0 for a Bitbucket Server

You can use OAuth 2.0 to enable users to work with a remote Git repository that is hosted on a Bitbucket Server:

  1. Set up an OAuth 2.0 application link on the Bitbucket Server.
  2. Apply an application link Secret for the Bitbucket Server. Configuring OAuth 2.0 for the Bitbucket Cloud

You can enable users to work with a remote Git repository that is hosted in the Bitbucket Cloud:

  1. Set up an OAuth consumer (OAuth 2.0) in the Bitbucket Cloud.
  2. Apply an OAuth consumer Secret for the Bitbucket Cloud. Setting up an OAuth consumer in the Bitbucket Cloud

Set up an OAuth consumer for OAuth 2.0 in the Bitbucket Cloud.


  • You are logged in to the Bitbucket Cloud.
  • base64 is installed in the operating system you are using.


  1. Click your avatar and go to the All workspaces page.
  2. Select a workspace and click it.
  3. Go to SettingsOAuth consumersAdd consumer.
  4. Enter OpenShift Dev Spaces as the Name.
  5. Enter https://<openshift_dev_spaces_fqdn>/api/oauth/callback as the Callback URL.
  6. Under Permissions, check all of the Account and Repositories checkboxes, and click Save.
  7. Expand the added consumer and then copy the Key value and encode it to Base64 for use when applying the Bitbucket OAuth consumer Secret:

    $ echo -n '<bitbucket_oauth_consumer_key>' | base64
  8. Copy the Secret value and encode it to Base64 for use when applying the Bitbucket OAuth consumer Secret:

    $ echo -n '<bitbucket_oauth_consumer_secret>' | base64 Applying an OAuth consumer Secret for the Bitbucket Cloud

Prepare and apply an OAuth consumer Secret for the Bitbucket Cloud.


  • The OAuth consumer is set up in the Bitbucket Cloud.
  • The Base64-encoded values, which were generated when setting up the Bitbucket OAuth consumer, are prepared:

    • Bitbucket OAuth consumer Key
    • Bitbucket OAuth consumer Secret
  • An active oc session with administrative permissions to the destination OpenShift cluster. See Getting started with the CLI.


  1. Prepare the Secret:

    kind: Secret
    apiVersion: v1
      name: bitbucket-oauth-config
      namespace: openshift-devspaces 1
        app.kubernetes.io/part-of: che.eclipse.org
        app.kubernetes.io/component: oauth-scm-configuration
        che.eclipse.org/oauth-scm-server: bitbucket
    type: Opaque
      id: <Base64_Bitbucket_Oauth_Consumer_Key> 2
      secret: <Base64_Bitbucket_Oauth_Consumer_Secret> 3
    The OpenShift Dev Spaces namespace. The default is openshift-devspaces.
    The Base64-encoded Bitbucket OAuth consumer Key.
    The Base64-encoded Bitbucket OAuth consumer Secret.
  2. Apply the Secret:

    $ oc apply -f - <<EOF
  3. Verify in the output that the Secret is created. Configuring OAuth 1.0 for a Bitbucket Server

To enable users to work with a remote Git repository that is hosted on a Bitbucket Server:

  1. Set up an application link (OAuth 1.0) on the Bitbucket Server.
  2. Apply an application link Secret for the Bitbucket Server. Configuring OAuth 2.0 for Microsoft Azure DevOps Services

To enable users to work with a remote Git repository that is hosted on Microsoft Azure Repos:

  1. Set up the Microsoft Azure DevOps Services OAuth App (OAuth 2.0).
  2. Apply the Microsoft Azure DevOps Services OAuth App Secret. Setting up the Microsoft Azure DevOps Services OAuth App

Set up a Microsoft Azure DevOps Services OAuth App using OAuth 2.0.



  1. Visit https://app.vsaex.visualstudio.com/app/register/.
  2. Enter the following values:

    1. Company name: OpenShift Dev Spaces
    2. Application name: OpenShift Dev Spaces
    3. Application website: https://<openshift_dev_spaces_fqdn>/
    4. Authorization callback URL: https://<openshift_dev_spaces_fqdn>/api/oauth/callback
  3. In Select Authorized scopes, select Code (read and write).
  4. Click Create application.
  5. Copy the App ID and encode it to Base64 for use when applying the Microsoft Azure DevOps Services OAuth App Secret:

    $ echo -n '<microsoft_azure_devops_services_oauth_app_id>' | base64
  6. Click Show to display the Client Secret.
  7. Copy the Client Secret and encode it to Base64 for use when applying the Microsoft Azure DevOps Services OAuth App Secret:

    $ echo -n '<microsoft_azure_devops_services_oauth_client_secret>' | base64 -w 0 Applying the Microsoft Azure DevOps Services OAuth App Secret

Prepare and apply the Microsoft Azure DevOps Services Secret.


  • Setting up the Microsoft Azure DevOps Services OAuth App is completed.
  • The Base64-encoded values, which were generated when setting up the Microsoft Azure DevOps Services OAuth App, are prepared:

    • App ID
    • Client Secret
  • An active oc session with administrative permissions to the destination OpenShift cluster. See Getting started with the CLI.


  1. Prepare the Secret:

    kind: Secret
    apiVersion: v1
      name: azure-devops-oauth-config
      namespace: openshift-devspaces1
        app.kubernetes.io/part-of: che.eclipse.org
        app.kubernetes.io/component: oauth-scm-configuration
        che.eclipse.org/oauth-scm-server: azure-devops
    type: Opaque
      id: <Base64_Microsoft_Azure_DevOps_Services_OAuth_App_ID>2
      secret: <Base64_Microsoft_Azure_DevOps_Services_OAuth_Client_Secret>3
    The OpenShift Dev Spaces namespace. The default is openshift-devspaces.
    The Base64-encoded Microsoft Azure DevOps Services OAuth App ID.
    The Base64-encoded Microsoft Azure DevOps Services OAuth Client Secret.
  2. Apply the Secret:

    $ oc apply -f - <<EOF
  3. Verify in the output that the Secret is created.
  4. Wait for the rollout of the OpenShift Dev Spaces server components to be completed.

3.10.2. Configuring cluster roles for Dev Spaces users

You can grant OpenShift Dev Spaces users more cluster permissions by adding cluster roles to those users.



  1. Define the user roles name:

    $ USER_ROLES=<name> 1
    Unique resource name.
  2. Find out the namespace where the OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator is deployed:

    $ OPERATOR_NAMESPACE=$(oc get pods -l app.kubernetes.io/component=devspaces-operator -o jsonpath={".items[0].metadata.namespace"} --all-namespaces)
  3. Create needed roles:

    $ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    kind: ClusterRole
    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
      name: ${USER_ROLES}
        app.kubernetes.io/part-of: che.eclipse.org
      - verbs:
          - <verbs> 1
          - <apiGroups> 2
          - <resources> 3
    As <verbs>, list all Verbs that apply to all ResourceKinds and AttributeRestrictions contained in this rule. You can use * to represent all verbs.
    As <apiGroups>, name the APIGroups that contain the resources.
    As <resources>, list all resources that this rule applies to. You can use * to represent all verbs.
  4. Delegate the roles to the OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator:

    $ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    kind: ClusterRoleBinding
    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
      name: ${USER_ROLES}
        app.kubernetes.io/part-of: che.eclipse.org
      - kind: ServiceAccount
        name: devspaces-operator
        namespace: ${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}
      apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: ${USER_ROLES}
  5. Configure the OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator to delegate the roles to the che service account:

    $ kubectl patch checluster devspaces \
      --patch '{"spec": {"components": {"cheServer": {"clusterRoles": ["'${USER_ROLES}'"]}}}}' \
      --type=merge -n openshift-devspaces
  6. Configure the OpenShift Dev Spaces server to delegate the roles to a user:

    $ kubectl patch checluster devspaces \
      --patch '{"spec": {"devEnvironments": {"user": {"clusterRoles": ["'${USER_ROLES}'"]}}}}' \
      --type=merge -n openshift-devspaces
  7. Wait for the rollout of the OpenShift Dev Spaces server components to be completed.
  8. Ask the user to log out and log in to have the new roles applied.

3.10.3. Removing user data in compliance with the GDPR

You can remove a user’s data on OpenShift Container Platform in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that enforces the right of individuals to have their personal data erased. The process for other Kubernetes infrastructures might vary. Follow the user management best practices of the provider you are using for the Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces installation.


Removing user data as follows is irreversible! All removed data is deleted and unrecoverable!



  1. List all the users in the OpenShift cluster using the following command:

    $ oc get users
  2. Delete the user entry:

If the user has any associated resources (such as projects, roles, or service accounts), you need to delete those first before deleting the user.

$ oc delete user <username>

Chapter 4. Managing IDE extensions

IDEs use extensions or plugins to extend their functionality, and the mechanism for managing extensions differs between IDEs.

4.1. Extensions for Microsoft Visual Studio Code - Open Source

To manage extensions, this IDE uses one of these Open VSX registry instances:

  • The embedded instance of the Open VSX registry that runs in the plugin-registry pod of OpenShift Dev Spaces to support air-gapped, offline, and proxy-restricted environments. The embedded Open VSX registry contains only a subset of the extensions published on open-vsx.org. This subset is customizable.
  • The public open-vsx.org registry that is accessed over the internet.
  • A standalone Open VSX registry instance that is deployed on a network accessible from OpenShift Dev Spaces workspace pods.

The default is the embedded instance of the Open VSX registry.

4.1.1. Selecting an Open VSX registry instance

The default is the embedded instance of the Open VSX registry.

If the default Open VSX registry instance is not what you need, you can select one of the following instances:

  • The Open VSX registry instance at https://open-vsx.org that requires access to the internet.
  • A standalone Open VSX registry instance that is deployed on a network accessible from OpenShift Dev Spaces workspace pods.


  • Edit the openVSXURL value in the CheCluster custom resource:

          openVSXURL: "<url_of_an_open_vsx_registry_instance>" 1
    For example: openVSXURL: "https://open-vsx.org".
    • To select the embedded Open VSX registry instance in the plugin-registry pod, use openVSXURL: ''. You can customize the list of included extensions.
    • You can also point openVSXURL at the URL of a standalone Open VSX registry instance if its URL is accessible from within your organization’s cluster and not blocked by a proxy.

4.1.2. Adding or removing extensions in the embedded Open VSX registry instance

You can add or remove extensions in the embedded Open VSX registry instance. This results in a custom build of the Open VSX registry that can be used in your organization’s workspaces.


To get the latest security fixes after a OpenShift Dev Spaces update, rebuild your container based on the latest tag or SHA.


  1. Get the publisher and extension names of each chosen extension:

    1. Find the extension on the Open VSX registry website and copy the URL of the extension’s listing page.
    2. Extract the <publisher> and <extension> names from the copied URL:


      If the extension is only available from Microsoft Visual Studio Marketplace, but not Open VSX, you can ask the extension publisher to also publish it on open-vsx.org according to these instructions, potentially using this GitHub action.

      If the extension publisher is unavailable or unwilling to publish the extension to open-vsx.org, and if there is no Open VSX equivalent of the extension, consider reporting an issue to the Open VSX team.

  2. Download or fork and clone the plugin registry repository.
  3. Checkout the branch that corresponds to your OpenShift Dev Spaces version:

    git checkout devspaces-$PRODUCT_VERSION-rhel-8
  4. For each extension that you need to add or remove, edit the openvsx-sync.json file:

    • To add extensions, add the publisher and extension names to the openvsx-sync.json file.
    • To remove extensions, remove the publisher and extension names from the openvsx-sync.json file.
    • Use the following JSON syntax:

              "id": "<publisher>.<extension>"
      • The latest extension version on open-vsx.org is the default. Alternatively, you can add "version": "<extension_version>" on a new line to specify a version.
      • If you have a closed-source extension or an extension developed only for internal use in your organization, you can add the extension directly from a .vsix file by using a URL accessible to your custom plugin registry container:

                "id": "<publisher>.<extension>",
                "download": "<url_to_download_vsix_file>",
                "version": "<extension_version>"
      • Read the Terms of Use for the Microsoft Visual Studio Marketplace before using its resources.
  5. Build the plugin registry container image and publish it to a container registry like quay.io:

    1. $ ./build.sh -o <username> -r quay.io -t custom
    2. $ podman push quay.io/<username/plugin_registry:custom>
  6. Edit the CheCluster custom resource in your organization’s cluster to point to the image (for example, on quay.io) and save the changes:

              - image: quay.io/<username/plugin_registry:custom>
          openVSXURL: ''


  1. Check that the plugin-registry pod has restarted and is running.
  2. Restart the workspace and check the available extensions in the Extensions view of the workspace IDE.

Chapter 5. Using the Dev Spaces server API

To manage OpenShift Dev Spaces server workloads, use the Swagger web user interface to navigate OpenShift Dev Spaces server API.


  • Navigate to the Swagger API web user interface: https://<openshift_dev_spaces_fqdn>/swagger.

Additional resources

Chapter 6. Upgrading Dev Spaces

This chapter describes how to upgrade from CodeReady Workspaces 3.1 to OpenShift Dev Spaces 3.9.

6.1. Upgrading the chectl management tool

This section describes how to upgrade the dsc management tool.

6.2. Specifying the update approval strategy

The Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator supports two upgrade strategies:

The Operator installs new updates when they become available.
New updates need to be manually approved before installation begins.

You can specify the update approval strategy for the Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator by using the OpenShift web console.


  • An OpenShift web console session by a cluster administrator. See Accessing the web console.
  • An instance of OpenShift Dev Spaces that was installed by using Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog.


  1. In the OpenShift web console, navigate to OperatorsInstalled Operators.
  2. Click Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces in the list of installed Operators.
  3. Navigate to the Subscription tab.
  4. Configure the Update approval strategy to Automatic or Manual.

6.3. Upgrading Dev Spaces using the OpenShift web console

You can manually approve an upgrade from an earlier minor version using the Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator from the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog in the OpenShift web console.



Verification steps

  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Dev Spaces instance.
  2. The 3.9 version number is visible at the bottom of the page.

6.4. Upgrading Dev Spaces using the CLI management tool

This section describes how to upgrade from the previous minor version using the CLI management tool.


  • An administrative account on OpenShift.
  • A running instance of a previous minor version of CodeReady Workspaces, installed using the CLI management tool on the same instance of OpenShift, in the openshift-devspaces OpenShift project.
  • dsc for OpenShift Dev Spaces version 3.9. See: Section 1.2, “Installing the dsc management tool”.


  1. Save and push changes back to the Git repositories for all running CodeReady Workspaces 3.1 workspaces.
  2. Shut down all workspaces in the CodeReady Workspaces 3.1 instance.
  3. Upgrade OpenShift Dev Spaces:

    $ dsc server:update -n openshift-devspaces

    For slow systems or internet connections, add the --k8spodwaittimeout=1800000 flag option to extend the Pod timeout period to 1800000 ms or longer.

Verification steps

  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Dev Spaces instance.
  2. The 3.9 version number is visible at the bottom of the page.

6.5. Upgrading Dev Spaces in a restricted environment

This section describes how to upgrade Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces and perform minor version updates by using the CLI management tool in a restricted environment.



  1. Download and execute the mirroring script to install a custom Operator catalog and mirror the related images: prepare-restricted-environment.sh.

    $ bash prepare-restricted-environment.sh \
      --devworkspace_operator_index registry.redhat.io/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.13\
      --devworkspace_operator_version "v0.21.0" \
      --prod_operator_index "registry.redhat.io/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.13" \
      --prod_operator_package_name "devspaces" \
      --prod_operator_bundle_name "devspacesoperator" \
      --prod_operator_version "v3.9.0" \
      --my_registry "<my_registry>" 1
    The private Docker registry where the images will be mirrored
  2. In all running workspaces in the CodeReady Workspaces 3.1 instance, save and push changes back to the Git repositories.
  3. Stop all workspaces in the CodeReady Workspaces 3.1 instance.
  4. Run the following command:

    $ dsc server:update --che-operator-image="$TAG" -n openshift-devspaces --k8spodwaittimeout=1800000

Verification steps

  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Dev Spaces instance.
  2. The 3.9 version number is visible at the bottom of the page.

6.6. Repairing the Dev Workspace Operator on OpenShift

Under certain conditions, such as OLM restart or cluster upgrade, the Dev Spaces Operator for OpenShift Dev Spaces might automatically install the Dev Workspace Operator even when it is already present on the cluster. In that case, you can repair the Dev Workspace Operator on OpenShift as follows:


  • An active oc session as a cluster administrator to the destination OpenShift cluster. See Getting started with the CLI.
  • On the Installed Operators page of the OpenShift web console, you see multiple entries for the Dev Workspace Operator or one entry that is stuck in a loop of Replacing and Pending.


  1. Delete the devworkspace-controller namespace that contains the failing pod.
  2. Update DevWorkspace and DevWorkspaceTemplate Custom Resource Definitions (CRD) by setting the conversion strategy to None and removing the entire webhook section:

        strategy: None

    You can find and edit the DevWorkspace and DevWorkspaceTemplate CRDs in the Administrator perspective of the OpenShift web console by searching for DevWorkspace in AdministrationCustomResourceDefinitions.


    The DevWorkspaceOperatorConfig and DevWorkspaceRouting CRDs have the conversion strategy set to None by default.

  3. Remove the Dev Workspace Operator subscription:

    $ oc delete sub devworkspace-operator \
    -n openshift-operators 1
    openshift-operators or an OpenShift project where the Dev Workspace Operator is installed.
  4. Get the Dev Workspace Operator CSVs in the <devworkspace_operator.vX.Y.Z> format:

    $ oc get csv | grep devworkspace
  5. Remove each Dev Workspace Operator CSV:

    $ oc delete csv <devworkspace_operator.vX.Y.Z> \
    -n openshift-operators 1
    openshift-operators or an OpenShift project where the Dev Workspace Operator is installed.
  6. Re-create the Dev Workspace Operator subscription:

    $ cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
    apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
    kind: Subscription
      name: devworkspace-operator
      namespace: openshift-operators
      channel: fast
      name: devworkspace-operator
      source: redhat-operators
      sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
      installPlanApproval: Automatic 1
      startingCSV: devworkspace-operator.v0.21.0
    Automatic or Manual.

    For installPlanApproval: Manual, in the Administrator perspective of the OpenShift web console, go to OperatorsInstalled Operators and select the following for the Dev Workspace Operator: Upgrade availablePreview InstallPlanApprove.

  7. In the Administrator perspective of the OpenShift web console, go to OperatorsInstalled Operators and verify the Succeeded status of the Dev Workspace Operator.

Chapter 7. Uninstalling Dev Spaces


Uninstalling OpenShift Dev Spaces removes all OpenShift Dev Spaces-related user data!

Use oc to uninstall the OpenShift Dev Spaces instance.


  • Remove the OpenShift Dev Spaces instance:

    $ dsc server:delete

The --delete-namespace option removes the OpenShift Dev Spaces namespace.

The --delete-all option removes the Dev Workspace Operator and the related resources.

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