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6.12. Registering the Overcloud

The Overcloud provides a method to register nodes to either the Red Hat Content Delivery Network, a Red Hat Satellite 5 server, or a Red Hat Satellite 6 server. You can either achieve this through environment files or the command line.

Method 1 - Command Line

The deployment command (openstack overcloud deploy) uses a set of options to define your registration details. The table in Section 7.1, “Setting Overcloud Parameters” contains these options and their descriptions. Include these options when running the deployment command in Chapter 7, Creating the Overcloud. For example:
# openstack overcloud deploy --templates --rhel-reg --reg-method satellite --reg-sat-url http://example.satellite.com  --reg-org MyOrg --reg-activation-key MyKey --reg-force [...]

Method 2 - Environment File

Copy the registration files from the Heat template collection:
$ cp -r /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/extraconfig/pre_deploy/rhel-registration ~/templates/.
Edit the ~/templates/rhel-registration/environment-rhel-registration.yaml and modify the following values to suit your registration method and details.
Choose the registration method. Either portal, satellite, or disable.
The type of unit to register. Leave blank to register as a system
Automatically attach compatible subscriptions to this system. Set to true to enable.
The service level to use for auto attachment.
Use this parameter to set a release version for auto attachment. Leave blank to use the default from Red Hat Subscription Manager.
The subscription pool ID to use. Use this if not auto-attaching subscriptions.
The base URL of the Satellite server to register Overcloud nodes. Use the Satellite's HTTP URL and not the HTTPS URL for this parameter. For example, use http://satellite.example.com and not https://satellite.example.com. The Overcloud creation process uses this URL to determine whether the server is a Red Hat Satellite 5 or Red Hat Satellite 6 server. If a Red Hat Satellite 6 server, the Overcloud obtains the katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm file, registers with subscription-manager, and installs katello-agent. If a Red Hat Satellite 5 server, the Overcloud obtains the RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT file and registers with rhnreg_ks.
The hostname of the subscription service to use. The default is for Customer Portal Subscription Management, subscription.rhn.redhat.com. If this option is not used, the system is registered with Customer Portal Subscription Management. The subscription server URL uses the form of https://hostname:port/prefix.
Gives the hostname of the content delivery server to use to receive updates. The default is https://cdn.redhat.com. Since Satellite 6 hosts its own content, the URL must be used for systems registered with Satellite 6. The base URL for content uses the form of https://hostname:port/prefix.
The organization to use for registration.
The environment to use within the chosen organization.
A comma-separated list of repositories to enable. See Section 2.5, “Repository Requirements” for repositories to enable.
The activation key to use for registration.
rhel_reg_user, rhel_reg_password
The username and password for registration. If possible, use activation keys for registration.
The machine name. Leave this as blank to use the hostname of the node.
Set to true to force your registration options. For example, when re-registering nodes.
The repository containing Red Hat Satellite 6's management tools, such as katello-agent. For example, rhel-7-server-satellite-tools-6.1-rpms.
The deployment command (openstack overcloud deploy) in Chapter 7, Creating the Overcloud uses the -e option to add environment files. Add both ~/templates/rhel-registration/environment-rhel-registration.yaml and ~/templates/rhel-registration/rhel-registration-resource-registry.yaml. For example:
$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates [...] -e /home/stack/templates/rhel-registration/environment-rhel-registration.yaml -e /home/stack/templates/rhel-registration/rhel-registration-resource-registry.yaml


Registration is set as the OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfig Heat resource. This means you can only use this resource for registration. See Section 6.14, “Customizing Overcloud Pre-Configuration” for more information.
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