3.17. Cloud-Init를 사용하여 가상 머신 시작

이 Ruby 예제에서는 Cloud-Init 툴을 사용하여 루트 암호 및 네트워크 구성을 설정하여 가상 머신을 시작합니다.

# Find the virtual machine:
vms_service = connection.system_service.vms_service
vm = vms_service.list(search: 'name=myvm')[0]

# Find the service that manages the virtual machine:
vm_service = vms_service.vm_service(vm.id)

# Create a cloud-init script to execute in the
# deployed virtual machine. The script must be correctly
# formatted and indented because it uses YAML.
my_script = "
  - content: |
      Hello, world!
    path: /tmp/greeting.txt
    permissions: '0644'

# Start the virtual machine, enabling cloud-init and providing the
# password for the root user and the network configuration:
  use_cloud_init: true,
  vm: {
    initialization: {
      user_name: 'root',
      root_password: 'redhat123',
      host_name: 'myvm.example.com',
      nic_configurations: [
          name: 'eth0',
          on_boot: true,
          boot_protocol: OvirtSDK4::BootProtocol::STATIC,
          ip: {
            version: OvirtSDK4::IpVersion::V4,
            address: '',
            netmask: '',
            gateway: ''
      dns_servers: '',
      dns_search: 'example.com',
      custom_script: my_script

자세한 내용은 http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/ovirt-engine-sdk/OvirtSDK4/VmService:start 을 참조하십시오.

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