Red Hat build of Quarkus 3.15
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Release information
Release Notes for Red Hat build of Quarkus 3.15
For use with Red Hat build of Quarkus 3.15.3 SP1
Red Hat build of Quarkus - component details
Component details for running Red Hat build of Quarkus
Red Hat build of Quarkus - supported configurations
Supported configurations for running Red Hat build of Quarkus
Getting started with Red Hat build of Quarkus
Getting started with Red Hat build of Quarkus
Guide to get started with Red Hat build of Quarkus
Migrating applications to Red Hat build of Quarkus 3.15
Guide to upgrade your Red Hat build of Quarkus application
Using Red Hat build of Quarkus
Configuring your Red Hat build of Quarkus applications by using a properties file
Guide to set up your Red Hat build of Quarkus applications by using a properties file
Configuring your Red Hat build of Quarkus applications by using a YAML file
Guide to set up your Red Hat build of Quarkus applications by using a YAML file
Deploying your Red Hat build of Quarkus applications to OpenShift Container Platform
Guide to deploy your Red Hat build of Quarkus applications to OpenShift container platform
Developing and compiling your Red Hat build of Quarkus applications with Apache Maven
Guide to developing and compiling your Red Hat build of Quarkus applications with Apache Maven
Compiling your Red Hat build of Quarkus applications to native executables
Guide to compiling your Red Hat build of Quarkus applications to native executables
Configuring data sources
Guide to configure data source in your Red Hat build of Quarkus applications
Logging configuration
Guide to configure logging in your Red Hat build of Quarkus applications
Service binding
Guide to configure service binding in your Red Hat build of Quarkus applications
Security for Red Hat build of Quarkus
Security overview
Guide to key functionalities, setup, and testing for developers integrating security into applications
Getting started with security
Guide to getting started with security by using basic authentication and Jakarta Persistence
Security architecture
Guide to the security architecture, featuring built-in authentication mechanisms and high customizability
Basic authentication
Guide to HTTP Basic authentication, a minimal-resource technique, to secure application endpoints
OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication
Guide to Quarkus OpenID Connect (OIDC) to secure applications
OpenID Connect (OIDC) client and token propagation
Guide to configuring OpenID Connect clients and token propagation: token management, filtering, setup
Authorization of web endpoints
Guide to authorize web endpoints by configuration or annotations
Management of security keys and certificates with the TLS Registry
Guide to centralize and simplify security key and certificate management in applications