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Chapter 8. Applying patches with kernel live patching

You can use the Red Hat Enterprise Linux kernel live patching solution to patch a running kernel without rebooting or restarting any processes.

With this solution, system administrators:

  • Can immediately apply critical security patches to the kernel.
  • Do not have to wait for long-running tasks to complete, for users to log off, or for scheduled downtime.
  • Control the system’s uptime more and do not sacrifice security or stability.

By using the kernel live patching, you can reduce the number of reboots required for security patches. However, note that you cannot address all critical or important CVEs. For more details about the scope of live patching, see the Red Hat Knowledgebase solution Is live kernel patch (kpatch) supported in Red Hat Enterprise Linux?.


Some incompatibilities exist between kernel live patching and other kernel subcomponents. Read the Limitations of kpatch carefully before using kernel live patching.


For details about the support cadence of kernel live patching updates, see:

8.1. Limitations of kpatch

  • By using the kpatch feature, you can apply simple security and bug fix updates that do not require an immediate system reboot.
  • You must not use the SystemTap or kprobe tool during or after loading a patch. The patch might not take effect until the probes are removed.

8.2. Support for third-party live patching

The kpatch utility is the only kernel live patching utility supported by Red Hat with the RPM modules provided by Red Hat repositories. Red Hat does not support live patches provided by a third party.

For more information about third-party software support policies, see As a customer how does Red Hat support me when I use third party components?

8.3. Access to kernel live patches

A kernel module (kmod) implements kernel live patching capability and is provided as an RPM package.

All customers have access to kernel live patches, which are delivered through the usual channels. However, customers who do not subscribe to an extended support offering will lose access to new patches for the current minor release once the next minor release becomes available. For example, customers with standard subscriptions will only be able to live patch RHEL 9.1 kernel until the RHEL 9.2 kernel is released.

The components of kernel live patching are as follows:

Kernel patch module

  • The delivery mechanism for kernel live patches.
  • A kernel module built specifically for the kernel being patched.
  • The patch module contains the code of the required fixes for the kernel.
  • Patch modules register with the livepatch kernel subsystem and specify the original functions to replace, along with pointers to the replacement functions. Kernel patch modules are delivered as RPMs.
  • The naming convention is kpatch_<kernel version>_<kpatch version>_<kpatch release>. The "kernel version" part of the name has dots replaced with underscores.
The kpatch utility
A command-line utility for managing patch modules.
The kpatch service
A systemd service required by This target loads the kernel patch module at boot time.
The kpatch-dnf package
A DNF plugin delivered in the form of an RPM package. This plugin manages automatic subscription to kernel live patches.

8.4. The process of live patching kernels

The kpatch kernel patching solution uses the livepatch kernel subsystem to redirect outdated functions to updated ones. Applying a live kernel patch to a system triggers the following processes:

  1. The kernel patch module is copied to the /var/lib/kpatch/ directory and registered for re-application to the kernel by systemd on next boot.
  2. The kpatch module loads into the running kernel and the new functions are registered to the ftrace mechanism with a pointer to the location in memory of the new code.

When the kernel accesses the patched function, the ftrace mechanism redirects it, bypassing the original functions and leading the kernel to the patched version of the function.

Figure 8.1. How kernel live patching works

rhel kpatch overview

8.5. Subscribing the currently installed kernels to the live patching stream

A kernel patch module is delivered in an RPM package, specific to the version of the kernel being patched. Each RPM package will be cumulatively updated over time.

The following procedure explains how to subscribe to all future cumulative live patching updates for a given kernel. Because live patches are cumulative, you cannot select which individual patches are deployed for a given kernel.


Red Hat does not support any third party live patches applied to a Red Hat supported system.


  • You have root permissions.


  1. Optional: Check your kernel version:

    # uname -r
  2. Search for a live patching package that corresponds to the version of your kernel:

    # dnf search $(uname -r)
  3. Install the live patching package:

    # dnf install "kpatch-patch = $(uname -r)"

    The command above installs and applies the latest cumulative live patches for that specific kernel only.

    If the version of a live patching package is 1-1 or higher, the package will contain a patch module. In that case the kernel will be automatically patched during the installation of the live patching package.

    The kernel patch module is also installed into the /var/lib/kpatch/ directory to be loaded by the systemd system and service manager during the future reboots.


    An empty live patching package will be installed when there are no live patches available for a given kernel. An empty live patching package will have a kpatch_version-kpatch_release of 0-0, for example kpatch-patch-5_14_0-1-0-0.x86_64.rpm. The installation of the empty RPM subscribes the system to all future live patches for the given kernel.


  • Verify that all installed kernels have been patched:

    # kpatch list
    Loaded patch modules:
    kpatch_5_14_0_1_0_1 [enabled]
    Installed patch modules:
    kpatch_5_14_0_1_0_1 (5.14.0-1.el9.x86_64)

    The output shows that the kernel patch module has been loaded into the kernel that is now patched with the latest fixes from the kpatch-patch-5_14_0-1-0-1.el9.x86_64.rpm package.


    Entering the kpatch list command does not return an empty live patching package. Use the rpm -qa | grep kpatch command instead.

    # rpm -qa | grep kpatch

Additional resources

8.6. Automatically subscribing any future kernel to the live patching stream

You can use the kpatch-dnf DNF plugin to subscribe your system to fixes delivered by the kernel patch module, also known as kernel live patches. The plugin enables automatic subscription for any kernel the system currently uses, and also for kernels to-be-installed in the future.


  • You have root permissions.


  1. Optional: Check all installed kernels and the kernel you are currently running:

    # dnf list installed | grep kernel
    Updating Subscription Management repositories.
    Installed Packages
    kernel-core.x86_64            5.14.0-1.el9              @beaker-BaseOS
    kernel-core.x86_64            5.14.0-2.el9              @@commandline
    # uname -r
  2. Install the kpatch-dnf plugin:

    # dnf install kpatch-dnf
  3. Enable automatic subscription to kernel live patches:

    # dnf kpatch auto
    Updating Subscription Management repositories.
    Last metadata expiration check: 1:38:21 ago on Fri 17 Sep 2021 07:29:53 AM EDT.
    Dependencies resolved.
     Package                             Architecture
     kpatch-patch-5_14_0-1               x86_64
     kpatch-patch-5_14_0-2               x86_64
    Transaction Summary
    Install  2 Packages

    This command subscribes all currently installed kernels to receiving kernel live patches. The command also installs and applies the latest cumulative live patches, if any, for all installed kernels.

    When you update the kernel, live patches are installed automatically during the new kernel installation process.

    The kernel patch module is also installed into the /var/lib/kpatch/ directory to be loaded by the systemd system and service manager during future reboots.


    An empty live patching package will be installed when there are no live patches available for a given kernel. An empty live patching package will have a kpatch_version-kpatch_release of 0-0, for example kpatch-patch-5_14_0-1-0-0.el9.x86_64.rpm. The installation of the empty RPM subscribes the system to all future live patches for the given kernel.


  • Verify that all installed kernels are patched:

    # kpatch list
    Loaded patch modules:
    kpatch_5_14_0_2_0_1 [enabled]
    Installed patch modules:
    kpatch_5_14_0_1_0_1 (5.14.0-1.el9.x86_64)
    kpatch_5_14_0_2_0_1 (5.14.0-2.el9.x86_64)

    The output shows that both the kernel you are running, and the other installed kernel have been patched with fixes from kpatch-patch-5_14_0-1-0-1.el9.x86_64.rpm and kpatch-patch-5_14_0-2-0-1.el9.x86_64.rpm packages respectively.


    Entering the kpatch list command does not return an empty live patching package. Use the rpm -qa | grep kpatch command instead.

    # rpm -qa | grep kpatch

Additional resources

  • kpatch(1) and dnf-kpatch(8) manual pages

8.7. Disabling automatic subscription to the live patching stream

When you subscribe your system to fixes delivered by the kernel patch module, your subscription is automatic. You can disable this feature, to disable automatic installation of kpatch-patch packages.


  • You have root permissions.


  1. Optional: Check all installed kernels and the kernel you are currently running:

    # dnf list installed | grep kernel
    Updating Subscription Management repositories.
    Installed Packages
    kernel-core.x86_64            5.14.0-1.el9              @beaker-BaseOS
    kernel-core.x86_64            5.14.0-2.el9              @@commandline
    # uname -r
  2. Disable automatic subscription to kernel live patches:

    # dnf kpatch manual
    Updating Subscription Management repositories.


  • You can check for the successful outcome:

    # yum kpatch status
    Updating Subscription Management repositories.
    Last metadata expiration check: 0:30:41 ago on Tue Jun 14 15:59:26 2022.
    Kpatch update setting: manual

Additional resources

  • kpatch(1) and dnf-kpatch(8) manual pages

8.8. Updating kernel patch modules

The kernel patch modules are delivered and applied through RPM packages. The process of updating a cumulative kernel patch module is similar to updating any other RPM package.



  • Update to a new cumulative version for the current kernel:

    # dnf update "kpatch-patch = $(uname -r)"

    The command above automatically installs and applies any updates that are available for the currently running kernel. Including any future released cumulative live patches.

  • Alternatively, update all installed kernel patch modules:

    # dnf update "kpatch-patch"

When the system reboots into the same kernel, the kernel is automatically live patched again by the kpatch.service systemd service.

Additional resources

8.9. Removing the live patching package

Disable the Red Hat Enterprise Linux kernel live patching solution by removing the live patching package.


  • Root permissions
  • The live patching package is installed.


  1. Select the live patching package.

    # dnf list installed | grep kpatch-patch
    kpatch-patch-5_14_0-1.x86_64        0-1.el9        @@commandline

    The example output lists live patching packages that you installed.

  2. Remove the live patching package.

    # dnf remove kpatch-patch-5_14_0-1.x86_64

    When a live patching package is removed, the kernel remains patched until the next reboot, but the kernel patch module is removed from disk. On future reboot, the corresponding kernel will no longer be patched.

  3. Reboot your system.
  4. Verify the live patching package is removed:

    # dnf list installed | grep kpatch-patch

    The command displays no output if the package has been successfully removed.


  1. Verify the kernel live patching solution is disabled:

    # kpatch list
    Loaded patch modules:

    The example output shows that the kernel is not patched and the live patching solution is not active because there are no patch modules that are currently loaded.


Currently, Red Hat does not support reverting live patches without rebooting your system. In case of any issues, contact our support team.

Additional resources

8.10. Uninstalling the kernel patch module

Prevent the Red Hat Enterprise Linux kernel live patching solution from applying a kernel patch module on subsequent boots.


  • Root permissions
  • A live patching package is installed.
  • A kernel patch module is installed and loaded.


  1. Select a kernel patch module:

    # kpatch list
    Loaded patch modules:
    kpatch_5_14_0_1_0_1 [enabled]
    Installed patch modules:
    kpatch_5_14_0_1_0_1 (5.14.0-1.el9.x86_64)
  2. Uninstall the selected kernel patch module.

    # kpatch uninstall kpatch_5_14_0_1_0_1
    uninstalling kpatch_5_14_0_1_0_1 (5.14.0-1.el9.x86_64)
    • Note that the uninstalled kernel patch module is still loaded:

      # kpatch list
      Loaded patch modules:
      kpatch_5_14_0_1_0_1 [enabled]
      Installed patch modules:

      When the selected module is uninstalled, the kernel remains patched until the next reboot, but the kernel patch module is removed from disk.

  3. Reboot your system.


  1. Verify that the kernel patch module is uninstalled:

    # kpatch list
    Loaded patch modules:

    This example output shows no loaded or installed kernel patch modules, therefore the kernel is not patched and the kernel live patching solution is not active.

Additional resources

  • The kpatch(1) manual page

8.11. Disabling kpatch.service

Prevent the Red Hat Enterprise Linux kernel live patching solution from applying all kernel patch modules globally on subsequent boots.


  • Root permissions
  • A live patching package is installed.
  • A kernel patch module is installed and loaded.


  1. Verify kpatch.service is enabled.

    # systemctl is-enabled kpatch.service
  2. Disable kpatch.service:

    # systemctl disable kpatch.service
    Removed /etc/systemd/system/
    • Note that the applied kernel patch module is still loaded:

      # kpatch list
      Loaded patch modules:
      kpatch_5_14_0_1_0_1 [enabled]
      Installed patch modules:
      kpatch_5_14_0_1_0_1 (5.14.0-1.el9.x86_64)
  3. Reboot your system.
  4. Optional: Verify the status of kpatch.service.

    # systemctl status kpatch.service
    ● kpatch.service - "Apply kpatch kernel patches"
       Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/kpatch.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
       Active: inactive (dead)

    The example output testifies that kpatch.service is disabled. Thereby, the kernel live patching solution is not active.

  5. Verify that the kernel patch module has been unloaded.

    # kpatch list
    Loaded patch modules:
    Installed patch modules:
    kpatch_5_14_0_1_0_1 (5.14.0-1.el9.x86_64)

    The example output above shows that a kernel patch module is still installed but the kernel is not patched.


Currently, Red Hat does not support reverting live patches without rebooting your system. In case of any issues, contact our support team.

Additional resources

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