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Managing replication in Identity Management

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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9

Preparing and verifying replication environments

Red Hat Customer Content Services


In a Red Hat Identity Management (IdM) environment, replication enables failover and load-balancing. You can configure, verify, and stop replication between servers using the command-line, the Web UI, and Ansible Playbooks.

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Chapter 1. Managing replication topology

This chapter describes how to manage replication between servers in an Identity Management (IdM) domain.

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1.1. Explaining replication agreements, topology suffixes and topology segments

When you create a replica, Identity Management (IdM) creates a replication agreement between the initial server and the replica. The data that is replicated is then stored in topology suffixes and when two replicas have a replication agreement between their suffixes, the suffixes form a topology segment. These concepts are explained in more detail in the following sections:

1.1.1. Replication agreements between IdM replicas

When an administrator creates a replica based on an existing server, Identity Management (IdM) creates a replication agreement between the initial server and the replica. The replication agreement ensures that the data and configuration is continuously replicated between the two servers.

IdM uses multiple read/write replica replication. In this configuration, all replicas joined in a replication agreement receive and provide updates, and are therefore considered suppliers and consumers. Replication agreements are always bilateral.

Figure 1.1. Server and replica agreements

An image of two servers with two sets of replication agreements between them: a data replication agreement that pertains to their Directory Server database and a certificate replication agreement that pertains to their Certificate System data

IdM uses two types of replication agreements:

Domain replication agreements
These agreements replicate the identity information.
Certificate replication agreements
These agreements replicate the certificate information.

Both replication channels are independent. Two servers can have one or both types of replication agreements configured between them. For example, when server A and server B have only domain replication agreement configured, only identity information is replicated between them, not the certificate information.

1.1.2. Topology suffixes

Topology suffixes store the data that is replicated. IdM supports two types of topology suffixes: domain and ca. Each suffix represents a separate server, a separate replication topology.

When a replication agreement is configured, it joins two topology suffixes of the same type on two different servers.

The domain suffix: dc=example,dc=com

The domain suffix contains all domain-related data.

When two replicas have a replication agreement between their domain suffixes, they share directory data, such as users, groups, and policies.

The ca suffix: o=ipaca

The ca suffix contains data for the Certificate System component. It is only present on servers with a certificate authority (CA) installed.

When two replicas have a replication agreement between their ca suffixes, they share certificate data.

Figure 1.2. Topology suffixes

topology suffix

An initial topology replication agreement is set up between two servers by the ipa-replica-install script when installing a new replica.

Example 1.1. Viewing topology suffixes

The ipa topologysuffix-find command displays a list of topology suffixes:

$ ipa topologysuffix-find
2 topology suffixes matched
  Suffix name: ca
  Managed LDAP suffix DN: o=ipaca

  Suffix name: domain
  Managed LDAP suffix DN: dc=example,dc=com
Number of entries returned 2

1.1.3. Topology segments

When two replicas have a replication agreement between their suffixes, the suffixes form a topology segment. Each topology segment consists of a left node and a right node. The nodes represent the servers joined in the replication agreement.

Topology segments in IdM are always bidirectional. Each segment represents two replication agreements: from server A to server B, and from server B to server A. The data is therefore replicated in both directions.

Figure 1.3. Topology segments

topology segment

Example 1.2. Viewing topology segments

The ipa topologysegment-find command shows the current topology segments configured for the domain or CA suffixes. For example, for the domain suffix:

$ ipa topologysegment-find
Suffix name: domain
1 segment matched
  Segment name:
  Left node:
  Right node:
  Connectivity: both
Number of entries returned 1

In this example, domain-related data is only replicated between two servers: and

To display details for a particular segment only, use the ipa topologysegment-show command:

$ ipa topologysegment-show
Suffix name: domain
Segment name:
  Segment name:
  Left node:
  Right node:
  Connectivity: both

1.2. Using the topology graph to manage replication topology

The topology graph in the web UI shows the relationships between the servers in the domain. Using the Web UI, you can manipulate and transform the representation of the topology.

Accessing the topology graph

To access the topology graph:

  1. Select IPA ServerTopologyTopology Graph.
  2. If you make any changes to the topology that are not immediately reflected in the graph, click Refresh.

Interpreting the topology graph

Servers joined in a domain replication agreement are connected by an orange arrow. Servers joined in a CA replication agreement are connected by a blue arrow.

Topology graph example: recommended topology

The recommended topology example below shows one of the possible recommended topologies for four servers: each server is connected to at least two other servers, and more than one server is a CA server.

Figure 1.4. Recommended topology example

mng top rec
Topology graph example: discouraged topology

In the discouraged topology example below, server1 is a single point of failure. All the other servers have replication agreements with this server, but not with any of the other servers. Therefore, if server1 fails, all the other servers will become isolated.

Avoid creating topologies like this.

Figure 1.5. Discouraged topology example: Single Point of Failure

mng top single

Customizing the topology view

You can move individual topology nodes by dragging the mouse:

Figure 1.6. Moving topology graph nodes

customize graph 1

You can zoom in and zoom out the topology graph using the mouse wheel:

Figure 1.7. Zooming the topology graph

customize graph 2

You can move the canvas of the topology graph by holding the left mouse button:

Figure 1.8. Moving the topology graph canvas

customize graph 3

1.3. Setting up replication between two servers using the Web UI

Using the Web interface of Identity Management (IdM) you can choose two servers and create new replication agreement between them.


  • You have the IdM administrator credentials.


  1. In the topology graph, hover your mouse over one of the server nodes.

    Figure 1.9. Domain or CA options

    mng top domain ca
  2. Click on the domain or the ca part of the circle depending on what type of topology segment you want to create.
  3. A new arrow representing the new replication agreement appears under your mouse pointer. Move your mouse to the other server node, and click on it.

    Figure 1.10. Creating a new segment

    mng top drag
  4. In the Add topology segment window, click Add to confirm the properties of the new segment.

The new topology segment between the two servers joins them in a replication agreement. The topology graph now shows the updated replication topology:

Figure 1.11. New segment created

mng top three

1.4. Stopping replication between two servers using the Web UI

Using the web interface of Identity Management (IdM) you can remove a replication agreement from servers.


  • You have the IdM administrator credentials.


  1. Click on an arrow representing the replication agreement you want to remove. This highlights the arrow.

    Figure 1.12. Topology segment highlighted

    mng top highlight
  2. Click Delete.
  3. In the Confirmation window, click OK.

IdM removes the topology segment between the two servers, which deletes their replication agreement. The topology graph now shows the updated replication topology:

Figure 1.13. Topology segment deleted

mng top delete segment

1.5. Setting up replication between two servers using the CLI

You can configure replication agreements between two servers using the ipa topologysegment-add command.


  • You have the IdM administrator credentials.


  1. Use the ipa topologysegment-add command to create a topology segment for the two servers. When prompted, provide:

    • the required topology suffix: domain or ca
    • the left node and the right node, representing the two servers
    • optionally, a custom name for the segment

      For example:

      $ ipa topologysegment-add
      Suffix name: domain
      Left node:
      Right node:
      Segment name []: new_segment
      Added segment "new_segment"
        Segment name: new_segment
        Left node:
        Right node:
        Connectivity: both

      Adding the new segment joins the servers in a replication agreement.

  2. Optional. Use the ipa topologysegment-show command to verify that the new segment is configured.

    $ ipa topologysegment-show
    Suffix name: domain
    Segment name: new_segment
      Segment name: new_segment
      Left node:
      Right node:
      Connectivity: both

1.6. Stopping replication between two servers using the CLI

You can terminate replication agreements from command line using the ipa topology segment-del command.


  • You have the IdM administrator credentials.


  1. To stop replication, you must delete the corresponding replication segment between the servers. To do that, you need to know the segment name.

    If you do not know the name, use the ipa topologysegment-find command to display all segments, and locate the required segment in the output. When prompted, provide the required topology suffix: domain or ca. For example:

    $ ipa topologysegment-find
    Suffix name: domain
    8 segments matched
      Segment name: new_segment
      Left node:
      Right node:
      Connectivity: both
    Number of entries returned 8
  2. Use the ipa topologysegment-del command to remove the topology segment joining the two servers.

    $ ipa topologysegment-del
    Suffix name: domain
    Segment name: new_segment
    Deleted segment "new_segment"

    Deleting the segment removes the replication agreement.

  3. Optional. Use the ipa topologysegment-find command to verify that the segment is no longer listed.

    $ ipa topologysegment-find
    Suffix name: domain
    7 segments matched
      Segment name:
      Left node:
      Right node:
      Connectivity: both
    Number of entries returned 7

1.7. Removing server from topology using the Web UI

You can use Identity Management (IdM) web interface to remove a server from the topology.


  • You have the IdM administrator credentials.
  • The server you want to remove is not the only server connecting other servers with the rest of the topology; this would cause the other servers to become isolated, which is not allowed.
  • The server you want to remove is not your last CA or DNS server.

Removing a server is an irreversible action. If you remove a server, the only way to introduce it back into the topology is to install a new replica on the machine.


To remove a server from the topology without uninstalling the server components from the machine:

  1. Select IPA ServerTopologyIPA Servers.
  2. Click on the name of the server you want to delete.

    Figure 1.14. Selecting a server

    mng top delete
  3. Click Delete Server.

1.8. Removing server from topology using the CLI

You can use the command line interface to remove a server from the topology.


  • You have the IdM administrator credentials.
  • The server you want to remove is not the only server connecting other servers with the rest of the topology; this would cause the other servers to become isolated, which is not allowed
  • The server you want to remove is not your last CA or DNS server.

Removing a server is an irreversible action. If you remove a server, the only way to introduce it back into the topology is to install a new replica on the machine.


To remove

  1. On another server, run the ipa server-del command to remove The command removes all topology segments pointing to the server:

    [user@server2 ~]$ ipa server-del
    Server name:
    Removing from replication topology, please wait...
    Deleted IPA server ""
  2. Optional: on, run the ipa server-install --uninstall command to uninstall the server components from the machine.

    [root@server1 ~]# ipa server-install --uninstall

1.9. Viewing server roles on an IdM server using the Web UI

Based on the services installed on an IdM server, it can perform various server roles. For example:

  • CA server
  • DNS server
  • Key recovery authority (KRA) server.

For a complete list of the supported server roles, see IPA ServerTopologyServer Roles.

  • Role status absent means that no server in the topology is performing the role.
  • Role status enabled means that one or more servers in the topology are performing the role.

Figure 1.15. Server roles in the web UI

server role absent

1.10. Viewing server roles on an IdM server using the CLI

Based on the services installed on an IdM server, it can perform various server roles. For example:

  • CA server
  • DNS server
  • Key recovery authority (KRA) server.

You can view which servers perform which roles in the topology using the following commands.

  • The ipa config-show command displays all CA servers and the current CA renewal server:
$ ipa config-show
  IPA masters:,,
  IPA CA servers:,
  IPA CA renewal master:
  • The ipa server-show command displays a list of roles enabled on a particular server. For example, for a list of roles enabled on
$ ipa server-show
Server name:
  Enabled server roles: CA server, DNS server, KRA server
  • The ipa server-find --servrole searches for all servers with a particular server role enabled. For example, to search for all CA servers:
$ ipa server-find --servrole "CA server"
2 IPA servers matched
  Server name:

  Server name:
Number of entries returned 2

1.11. Promoting a replica to a CA renewal server and CRL publisher server

If your IdM deployment uses an embedded certificate authority (CA), one of the IdM CA servers acts as the CA renewal server, a server that manages the renewal of CA subsystem certificates. One of the IdM CA servers also acts as the IdM CRL publisher server, a server that generates certificate revocation lists. By default, the CA renewal server and CRL publisher server roles are installed on the first server on which the system administrator installed the CA role using the ipa-server-install or ipa-ca-install command.


  • You have the IdM administrator credentials.

1.12. Demoting or promoting hidden replicas


After a replica has been installed, you can configure whether the replica is hidden or visible.

For details about hidden replicas, see The hidden replica mode.

If the replica is a CA renewal server, move the service to another replica before making this replica hidden.

For details, see


  • To hide the replica, enter:

    # ipa server-state --state=hidden

    Alternatively, you can make the replica visible with the following command:

    # ipa server-state --state=enabled

    To view a list of all the hidden replicas in your topology, enter:

    # ipa config-show

    If all of your replicas are enabled, the command output does not mention hidden replicas

Chapter 2. Preparing your environment for managing IdM using Ansible playbooks

As a system administrator managing Identity Management (IdM), when working with Red Hat Ansible Engine, it is good practice to do the following:

  • Create a subdirectory dedicated to Ansible playbooks in your home directory, for example ~/MyPlaybooks.
  • Copy and adapt sample Ansible playbooks from the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/* and /usr/share/doc/rhel-system-roles/* directories and subdirectories into your ~/MyPlaybooks directory.
  • Include your inventory file in your ~/MyPlaybooks directory.

Using this practice, you can find all your playbooks in one place and you can run your playbooks without invoking root privileges.


You only need root privileges on the managed nodes to execute the ipaserver, ipareplica, ipaclient and ipabackup ansible-freeipa roles. These roles require privileged access to directories and the dnf software package manager.

Follow this procedure to create the ~/MyPlaybooks directory and configure it so that you can use it to store and run Ansible playbooks.


  • You have installed an IdM server on your managed nodes, and
  • You have configured DNS and networking so you can log in to the managed nodes, and, directly from the control node.
  • You know the IdM admin password.


  1. Create a directory for your Ansible configuration and playbooks in your home directory:

    $ mkdir ~/MyPlaybooks/
  2. Change into the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory:

    $ cd ~/MyPlaybooks
  3. Create the ~/MyPlaybooks/ansible.cfg file with the following content:

    inventory = /home/your_username/MyPlaybooks/inventory
  4. Create the ~/MyPlaybooks/inventory file with the following content:


    This configuration defines two host groups, eu and us, for hosts in these locations. Additionally, this configuration defines the ipaserver host group, which contains all hosts from the eu and us groups.

  5. [Optional] Create an SSH public and private key. To simplify access in your test environment, do not set a password on the private key:

    $ ssh-keygen
  6. Copy the SSH public key to the IdM admin account on each managed node:

    $ ssh-copy-id
    $ ssh-copy-id

    These commands require that you enter the IdM admin password.

Chapter 3. Using Ansible to manage the replication topology in IdM

You can maintain multiple Identity Management (IdM) servers and let them replicate each other for redundancy purposes to mitigate or prevent server loss. For example, if one server fails, the other servers keep providing services to the domain. You can also recover the lost server by creating a new replica based on one of the remaining servers.

Data stored on an IdM server is replicated based on replication agreements: when two servers have a replication agreement configured, they share their data. The data that is replicated is stored in the topology suffixes. When two replicas have a replication agreement between their suffixes, the suffixes form a topology segment.

This chapter describes how to use Red Hat Ansible Engine to manage IdM replication agreements, topology segments, and topology suffixes. The chapter contains the following sections:

3.1. Using Ansible to ensure a replication agreement exists in IdM

Data stored on an Identity Management (IdM) server is replicated based on replication agreements: when two servers have a replication agreement configured, they share their data. Replication agreements are always bilateral: the data is replicated from the first replica to the other one as well as from the other replica to the first one.

Follow this procedure to use an Ansible playbook to ensure that a replication agreement of the domain type exists between and


  • Ensure that you understand the recommendations for designing your IdM topology listed in Guidelines for connecting IdM replicas in a topology.
  • You know the IdM admin password.
  • You have configured your Ansible control node to meet the following requirements:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.14 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package on the Ansible controller.
    • The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
    • The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your ipaadmin_password.
  • The target node, that is the node on which the ansible-freeipa module is executed, is part of the IdM domain as an IdM client, server or replica.


  1. Navigate to your ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory:

    $ cd ~/MyPlaybooks/
  2. Copy the add-topologysegment.yml Ansible playbook file located in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/topology/ directory:

    $ cp /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/topology/add-topologysegment.yml add-topologysegment-copy.yml
  3. Open the add-topologysegment-copy.yml file for editing.
  4. Adapt the file by setting the following variables in the ipatopologysegment task section:

    • Set the ipaadmin_password variable to the password of the IdM admin.
    • Set the suffix variable to either domain or ca, depending on what type of segment you want to add.
    • Set the left variable to the name of the IdM server that you want to be the left node of the replication agreement.
    • Set the right variable to the name of the IdM server that you want to be the right node of the replication agreement.
    • Ensure that the state variable is set to present.

    This is the modified Ansible playbook file for the current example:

    - name: Playbook to handle topologysegment
      hosts: ipaserver
      - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
    - name: Add topology segment
          ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
          suffix: domain
          state: present
  5. Save the file.
  6. Run the Ansible playbook. Specify the playbook file, the file storing the password protecting the secret.yml file, and the inventory file:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i inventory add-topologysegment-copy.yml

Additional resources

3.2. Using Ansible to ensure replication agreements exist between multiple IdM replicas

Data stored on an Identity Management (IdM) server is replicated based on replication agreements: when two servers have a replication agreement configured, they share their data. Replication agreements are always bilateral: the data is replicated from the first replica to the other one as well as from the other replica to the first one.

Follow this procedure to ensure replication agreements exist between multiple pairs of replicas in IdM.


  • Ensure that you understand the recommendations for designing your IdM topology listed in Connecting the replicas in a topology.
  • You know the IdM admin password.
  • You have configured your Ansible control node to meet the following requirements:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.14 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package on the Ansible controller.
    • The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
    • The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your ipaadmin_password.
  • The target node, that is the node on which the ansible-freeipa module is executed, is part of the IdM domain as an IdM client, server or replica.


  1. Navigate to your ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory:

    $ cd ~/MyPlaybooks/
  2. Copy the add-topologysegments.yml Ansible playbook file located in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/topology/ directory:

    $ cp /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/topology/add-topologysegments.yml add-topologysegments-copy.yml
  3. Open the add-topologysegments-copy.yml file for editing.
  4. Adapt the file by setting the following variables in the vars section:

    • Set the ipaadmin_password variable to the password of the IdM admin.
    • For every topology segment, add a line in the ipatopology_segments section and set the following variables:

      • Set the suffix variable to either domain or ca, depending on what type of segment you want to add.
      • Set the left variable to the name of the IdM server that you want to be the left node of the replication agreement.
      • Set the right variable to the name of the IdM server that you want to be the right node of the replication agreement.
  5. In the tasks section of the add-topologysegments-copy.yml file, ensure that the state variable is set to present.

    This is the modified Ansible playbook file for the current example:

    - name: Add topology segments
      hosts: ipaserver
      gather_facts: false
        ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
        - {suffix: domain, left: , right: }
        - {suffix: domain, left: , right: }
        - {suffix: domain, left: , right: }
        - {suffix: domain+ca, left: , right: }
      - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
      - name: Add topology segment
          ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
          suffix: "{{ item.suffix }}"
          name: "{{ | default(omit) }}"
          left: "{{ item.left }}"
          right: "{{ item.right }}"
          state: present
          #state: absent
          #state: checked
          #state: reinitialized
        loop: "{{ ipatopology_segments | default([]) }}"
  6. Save the file.
  7. Run the Ansible playbook. Specify the playbook file, the file storing the password protecting the secret.yml file, and the inventory file:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i inventory add-topologysegments-copy.yml

Additional resources

3.3. Using Ansible to check if a replication agreement exists between two replicas

Data stored on an Identity Management (IdM) server is replicated based on replication agreements: when two servers have a replication agreement configured, they share their data. Replication agreements are always bilateral: the data is replicated from the first replica to the other one as well as from the other replica to the first one.

Follow this procedure to verify that replication agreements exist between multiple pairs of replicas in IdM.


  • Ensure that you understand the recommendations for designing your Identity Management (IdM) topology listed in Connecting the replicas in a topology.
  • You know the IdM admin password.
  • You have configured your Ansible control node to meet the following requirements:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.14 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package on the Ansible controller.
    • The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
    • The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your ipaadmin_password.
  • The target node, that is the node on which the ansible-freeipa module is executed, is part of the IdM domain as an IdM client, server or replica.


  1. Navigate to your ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory:

    $ cd ~/MyPlaybooks/
  2. Copy the check-topologysegments.yml Ansible playbook file located in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/topology/ directory:

    $ cp /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/topology/check-topologysegments.yml check-topologysegments-copy.yml
  3. Open the check-topologysegments-copy.yml file for editing.
  4. Adapt the file by setting the following variables in the vars section:

    • Set the ipaadmin_password variable to the password of the IdM admin.
    • For every topology segment, add a line in the ipatopology_segments section and set the following variables:

      • Set the suffix variable to either domain or ca, depending on the type of segment you are adding.
      • Set the left variable to the name of the IdM server that you want to be the left node of the replication agreement.
      • Set the right variable to the name of the IdM server that you want to be the right node of the replication agreement.
  5. In the tasks section of the check-topologysegments-copy.yml file, ensure that the state variable is set to present.

    This is the modified Ansible playbook file for the current example:

    - name: Add topology segments
      hosts: ipaserver
      gather_facts: false
        ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
        - {suffix: domain, left:, right: }
        - {suffix: domain, left: , right: }
        - {suffix: domain, left: , right: }
        - {suffix: domain+ca, left: , right: }
      - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
      - name: Check topology segment
          ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
          suffix: "{{ item.suffix }}"
          name: "{{ | default(omit) }}"
          left: "{{ item.left }}"
          right: "{{ item.right }}"
          state: checked
        loop: "{{ ipatopology_segments | default([]) }}"
  6. Save the file.
  7. Run the Ansible playbook. Specify the playbook file, the file storing the password protecting the secret.yml file, and the inventory file:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i inventory check-topologysegments-copy.yml

Additional resources

3.4. Using Ansible to verify that a topology suffix exists in IdM

In the context of replication agreements in Identity Management (IdM), topology suffixes store the data that is replicated. IdM supports two types of topology suffixes: domain and ca. Each suffix represents a separate back end, a separate replication topology. When a replication agreement is configured, it joins two topology suffixes of the same type on two different servers.

The domain suffix contains all domain-related data, such as users, groups, and policies. The ca suffix contains data for the Certificate System component. It is only present on servers with a certificate authority (CA) installed.

Follow this procedure to use an Ansible playbook to ensure that a topology suffix exists in IdM. The example describes how to ensure that the domain suffix exists in IdM.


  • You know the IdM admin password.
  • You have configured your Ansible control node to meet the following requirements:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.14 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package on the Ansible controller.
    • The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
    • The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your ipaadmin_password.
  • The target node, that is the node on which the ansible-freeipa module is executed, is part of the IdM domain as an IdM client, server or replica.


  1. Navigate to your ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory:

    $ cd ~/MyPlaybooks/
  2. Copy the verify-topologysuffix.yml Ansible playbook file located in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/topology/ directory:

    $ cp /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/topology/ verify-topologysuffix.yml verify-topologysuffix-copy.yml
  3. Open the verify-topologysuffix-copy.yml Ansible playbook file for editing.
  4. Adapt the file by setting the following variables in the ipatopologysuffix section:

    • Set the ipaadmin_password variable to the password of the IdM admin.
    • Set the suffix variable to domain. If you are verifying the presence of the ca suffix, set the variable to ca.
    • Ensure that the state variable is set to verified. No other option is possible.

    This is the modified Ansible playbook file for the current example:

    - name: Playbook to handle topologysuffix
      hosts: ipaserver
      - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
      - name: Verify topology suffix
          ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
          suffix: domain
          state: verified
  5. Save the file.
  6. Run the Ansible playbook. Specify the playbook file, the file storing the password protecting the secret.yml file, and the inventory file:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i inventory verify-topologysuffix-copy.yml

Additional resources

3.5. Using Ansible to reinitialize an IdM replica

If a replica has been offline for a long period of time or its database has been corrupted, you can reinitialize it. reinitialization refreshes the replica with an updated set of data. reinitialization can, for example, be used if an authoritative restore from backup is required.


In contrast to replication updates, during which replicas only send changed entries to each other, reinitialization refreshes the whole database.

The local host on which you run the command is the reinitialized replica. To specify the replica from which the data is obtained, use the direction option.

Follow this procedure to use an Ansible playbook to reinitialize the domain data on from


  • You know the IdM admin password.
  • You have configured your Ansible control node to meet the following requirements:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.14 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package on the Ansible controller.
    • The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
    • The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your ipaadmin_password.
  • The target node, that is the node on which the ansible-freeipa module is executed, is part of the IdM domain as an IdM client, server or replica.


  1. Navigate to your ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory:

    $ cd ~/MyPlaybooks/
  2. Copy the reinitialize-topologysegment.yml Ansible playbook file located in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/topology/ directory:

    $ cp /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/topology/reinitialize-topologysegment.yml reinitialize-topologysegment-copy.yml
  3. Open the reinitialize-topologysegment-copy.yml file for editing.
  4. Adapt the file by setting the following variables in the ipatopologysegment section:

    • Set the ipaadmin_password variable to the password of the IdM admin.
    • Set the suffix variable to domain. If you are reinitializing the ca data, set the variable to ca.
    • Set the left variable to the left node of the replication agreement.
    • Set the right variable to the right node of the replication agreement.
    • Set the direction variable to the direction of the reinitializing data. The left-to-right direction means that data flows from the left node to the right node.
    • Ensure that the state variable is set to reinitialized.

      This is the modified Ansible playbook file for the current example:

      - name: Playbook to handle topologysegment
        hosts: ipaserver
        - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
        - name: Reinitialize topology segment
            ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
            suffix: domain
            direction: left-to-right
            state: reinitialized
  5. Save the file.
  6. Run the Ansible playbook. Specify the playbook file, the file storing the password protecting the secret.yml file, and the inventory file:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i inventory reinitialize-topologysegment-copy.yml

Additional resources

3.6. Using Ansible to ensure a replication agreement is absent in IdM

Data stored on an Identity Management (IdM) server is replicated based on replication agreements: when two servers have a replication agreement configured, they share their data. Replication agreements are always bilateral: the data is replicated from the first replica to the other one as well as from the other replica to the first one.

Follow this procedure to ensure a replication agreement between two replicas does not exist in IdM. The example describes how to ensure a replication agreement of the domain type does not exist between the and IdM servers.


  • Ensure that you understand the recommendations for designing your IdM topology listed in Connecting the replicas in a topology
  • You know the IdM admin password.
  • You have configured your Ansible control node to meet the following requirements:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.14 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package on the Ansible controller.
    • The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
    • The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your ipaadmin_password.
  • The target node, that is the node on which the ansible-freeipa module is executed, is part of the IdM domain as an IdM client, server or replica.


  1. Navigate to your ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory:

    $ cd ~/MyPlaybooks/
  2. Copy the delete-topologysegment.yml Ansible playbook file located in the /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/topology/ directory:

    $ cp /usr/share/doc/ansible-freeipa/playbooks/topology/delete-topologysegment.yml delete-topologysegment-copy.yml
  3. Open the delete-topologysegment-copy.yml file for editing.
  4. Adapt the file by setting the following variables in the ipatopologysegment task section:

    • Set the ipaadmin_password variable to the password of the IdM admin.
    • Set the suffix variable to domain. Alternatively, if you are ensuring that the ca data are not replicated between the left and right nodes, set the variable to ca.
    • Set the left variable to the name of the IdM server that is the left node of the replication agreement.
    • Set the right variable to the name of the IdM server that is the right node of the replication agreement.
    • Ensure that the state variable is set to absent.

    This is the modified Ansible playbook file for the current example:

    - name: Playbook to handle topologysegment
      hosts: ipaserver
      - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
    - name: Delete topology segment
          ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
          suffix: domain
          state: absent
  5. Save the file.
  6. Run the Ansible playbook. Specify the playbook file, the file storing the password protecting the secret.yml file, and the inventory file:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i inventory delete-topologysegment-copy.yml

Additional resources

3.7. Additional resources

Chapter 4. Demoting or promoting hidden replicas

After a replica has been installed, you can configure whether the replica is hidden or visible.

For details about hidden replicas, see The hidden replica mode.

If the replica is a CA renewal server, move the service to another replica before making this replica hidden.

For details, see


  • To hide the replica, enter:

    # ipa server-state --state=hidden

    Alternatively, you can make the replica visible with the following command:

    # ipa server-state --state=enabled

    To view a list of all the hidden replicas in your topology, enter:

    # ipa config-show

    If all of your replicas are enabled, the command output does not mention hidden replicas

Chapter 5. Checking IdM replication using Healthcheck

You can test Identity Management (IdM) replication using the Healthcheck tool.

For details, see Healthcheck in IdM.

5.1. Replication healthcheck tests

The Healthcheck tool tests the Identity Management (IdM) topology configuration and searches for replication conflict issues.

To list all tests, run the ipa-healthcheck with the --list-sources option:

# ipa-healthcheck --list-sources

The topology tests are placed under the ipahealthcheck.ipa.topology and ipahealthcheck.ds.replication sources:


This test verifies:

  • Whether topology is not disconnected and there are replication paths between all servers.
  • If servers do not have more than the recommended number of replication agreements.

    If the test fails, the test returns errors, such as connection errors or too many replication agreements.

    If the test succeeds, the test returns the configured domains.


    The test runs the ipa topologysuffix-verify command for both the domain and ca suffixes (assuming the Certificate Authority is configured on this server).

The test searches for entries in LDAP matching (&(!(objectclass=nstombstone))(nsds5ReplConflict=*)).

Run these tests on all IdM servers when trying to check for issues.

For more information on resolving LDAP replication conflicts, see Solving common replication problems.

5.2. Screening replication using Healthcheck

Follow this procedure to run a standalone manual test of an Identity Management (IdM) replication topology and configuration using the Healthcheck tool.

The Healthcheck tool includes many tests, therefore, you can shorten the results with:

  • Replication conflict test: --source=ipahealthcheck.ds.replication
  • Correct topology test: --source=ipahealthcheck.ipa.topology


  • You must perform Healthcheck tests as the root user.


  • To run Healthcheck replication conflict and topology checks, enter:

    # ipa-healthcheck --source=ipahealthcheck.ds.replication --source=ipahealthcheck.ipa.topology

Four different results are possible:

  • SUCCESS — the test passed successfully.

      "source": "ipahealthcheck.ipa.topology",
      "check": "IPATopologyDomainCheck",
      "result": "SUCCESS",
      "kw": {
        "suffix": "domain"
  • WARNING — the test passed but there might be a problem.
  • ERROR — the test failed.

      "source": "ipahealthcheck.ipa.topology",
      "check": "IPATopologyDomainCheck",
      "result": "ERROR",
      "uuid": d6ce3332-92da-423d-9818-e79f49ed321f
      "when": 20191007115449Z
      "duration": 0.005943
      "kw": {
        "msg": "topologysuffix-verify domain failed, server2 is not connected (server2_139664377356472 in MainThread)"
  • CRITICAL — the test failed and it affects the IdM server functionality.

Additional resources

  • See man ipa-healthcheck.

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