Chapter 8. Node.js Integration
Node.js is an open source event driven runtime that can be integrated with Data Virtualization.
8.1. Prerequisites
- Have Node.js installed. The npm pagckage pg is also required. Use "
- Your Data Virtualization installation should already be setup for ODBC access. This allows the optional compatibility with Node.js for PostGIS/PostgreSQL to be used.
8.2. Usage
For example if you have VDB called "northwind" deployed on your Data Virtualization server, and it has table called "customers" and you are using default configuration such as
user = 'user' password = 'user' host = port = 35432
Simple Access Example
const { Client } = require('pg') const client = new Client({ user: 'user', host: 'localhost', database: 'northwind', password: 'secretpassword', port: 35432, }) client.connect() client.query('SELECT CustomerID, ContactName, ContactTitle FROM Customers', (err, res) => { console.log(err, res) client.end() })
you do not have to programmatically specify the connection information in the code as it can be obtained from environment variables and other mechanisms - see https://node-postgres.com
For more information please refer to: https://npmjs.org/package/pg