Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 8.0
8.0.0 Release Notes
Information about this release of JBoss Developer Studio
8.0.1 Release Notes
Information about this release of JBoss Developer Studio
8.0.2 Release Notes
Information about this release of JBoss Developer Studio
Install Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio
Information for users installing JBoss Developer Studio
Update Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio
Information for users updating JBoss Developer Studio
Supported Configurations & Components
Information about supported configurations for JBoss Developer Studio and details about components included in each release.
Start Developing
Tutorial for first time users
Configuring the IDE
Prepare the IDE for Working Offline
Instructions for preparing the JBoss Central project wizards and JBoss Central Software/Update tab for continuing use when working offline
Configure the IDE for use with JBoss EAP and JBoss Web Framework Kit
Instructions for configuring the IDE to use available JBoss EAP instances and the JBoss EAP and JBoss Web Framework Kit maven repositories
Developing for Enterprise
Deploy Applications to a Local Server
Instructions for configuring a local server for use with the IDE and subsequently deploying applications to it from the IDE
Developing for the Web
Create Your First Mobile Web Application
Instructions for creating a new basic Mobile Web application, deploying it to a local server, and testing it with BrowserSim
Generate a HTML5 Web Application Using the Mobile Web Palette
Instructions for generating a new HTML5 application using the Mobile Web Palette and testing it with BrowserSim
Developing for Mobile
Create Your First Hybrid Mobile Application
Instructions for creating and customizing a new basic Hybrid Mobile application and testing it with CordovaSim
Developing for the Cloud with OpenShift 2
Create Your First OpenShift Online Application
Instructions for creating a new basic OpenShift Online application
Develop an Existing OpenShift Application
Instructions for importing an existing OpenShift application into the IDE and republishing it after changes
Custom Publish Your OpenShift Application
Instructions for customizing how an OpenShift application is published
Debug an OpenShift Java Application
Instructions for configuring an OpenShift Java application for debugging and connecting the IDE debugger
Configure SSH Keys for OpenShift
Instructions for configuring SSH Keys for use with your OpenShift account and the IDE